HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0245! CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS J h DEPTIDIV Computers orls;tu I10vt torts ACCOUNT CODE Q BID NO. 71. 111...14; DATE'-"...1.0-7" PREPARED BYI112 �? ' _PHONE t' ? t} Z QUANTITY REPRESENTS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR MONTHS ' j raw • i DATE DATE DATE `DATE DATE DATE t AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT ` AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY �.- UNIT' AMT. PRICE BIDS TO BE SECURED FOR /iop 'ri er '.e_.rP,,J:-Ia? ir!o E7r3..tC:�x 'J.er-mi1a1 Azar 'it2i t.1zl C.c. l:J"I i LS "0?-- pity? 7 k r'.tit:'1 (' ??zl.itr» Cor. 6o t 3 Ys DA(-nart letll: of "olnputi:rn Y ;I G; r''!1t1, c:it;.o:,._ GOr=t- , 1.-J_ c att_anr: FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF: zr- its pPQ TIV 0 U r Computers L& Commurdcar-10ns I VT Ll! r O1�� LC W ADVERTISE ON tJ ..y W C�1. U 0 Ir+ `s? BIDS, TO BE RECEIVED ON Ir w TOTAL ESTIMATED COST.*. APPROVED BY:, CONTRACTUAL: $ c h ' 'Q 0 G, ^' INCIDENTAL : $ ';"YJ� ` li; DIRECTOR OF ISSUING- DEPARTMENT TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS: To be filled in by EXPENDITURE CONTROL: FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR" PROJECT INVOLVED' EXPENDITURE; CONTROLLER_ _ PROJECT CODE AD CODE (;011IES To: I'nrchusing (Org.) - City Manager — City Clerk —Expenditure, Control — Issuing DePatment — Otbe► Affected Department WHITE GREEN PINK CANARY BLUE GOLDENROD c uNM No 1043 -REV. 74 Legal ~dv tisemen� ' Bid :30 79_80_16 i E' E Sealed bids will he received by the City Manager and City Clerk of the Ct'v of idia�i,'Iorida no Later than 11 :00 ' o :clot}; A.M. January 18, 1380: r forl f,urnishinc Printer Terminal and Interface_ Units for .th"e 'Department of Computers & 'Communications in accordance with detailed specifications available rzuesehort�ePsupon. fice oing Agent, '`ion3316Fameicaaln,Purchasing.Di tehep:��ne 579-6380. The City, 2lanager ;;as he power' to rejzct all..b ds and reidvertise..`. J.n:: Grassie" City, "ianayer, pPORT,IVE F�LL�VU" AWARD s0F BID Bid No. 7T 80-16 ITEM: 31 Printer/Terminals DEPARTMENT: City Wide :HYPE OF PURCI-1ASE: Single' purchase REASON: To.provide word Processing ;for the various City departments. POTENTIAL'BIDDERS' 5 BIDS RECEIVED:' 2 TABULATION: Bidder .Unit Price, Total Amount Agile Corporation $7,203.00 $223,293.00 Southeastern Computer Products $6,990.00 $216,690.00' . FUNDS: 1979-80 Capital'Equipment Budget CERTIFIED AS TO AVAILABILITY' Or. FUNDS SOURCE f! /•'; i ! <: Department of Finance BID EVALUATION: Following is an analysis of the Invitation o bid: Number of Bid ! -Number of Category 'Invitations. :rlailed Responses' Prior Bidders 1 1 New Bidders 4 1 Minority.Bidders Courtesy Notifications "No Bids" Totals 5 2 "SUPPORTIVE The specifications require that the equipment interface with the City's Burroughs 86800' Computer ���� �� ���� System.. The; bid from Southeastern Computer Products does not meet the, Specifications,'as detailed, in FaLLQW„ the attached analysis from the Department; of Com- puters and, Communications: In order to -utilize -the Southeastern 'Computer 'Products 'equipment;,it would ' cost approximately $10,800.00'to upgr,ade'existng software.; This would increase the,,,total.`cost to , $227490..00 as ,compared with the $223,293.00 Agile . Corporation cost. RECO',*ILI.NDATION: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD BE .MADE :TO AGILE CORPORATION. The Department of Computers and..Communications concurs., Purchasing Agent /dl Date 80-245 EVALUATION Page 1 of 4 Bid No. 79-80-16 Printer/Termi'nal and :Interface Uni±t 1 Cost `Breakdown: o31 .Printer/Terminal &, Int`erf.'ac'e Units @ $5,248 each _ $162,688. , o 31 Sheet' Feeders l $1',500 each _ $ 4'6,500.. to Installation @ $1'00 per unit = $ 3,100. o Maintenance for 5 ,Months,@ $55' per, unit per month _ $ 89'525. o Shipping @ $80 per un>it'= $ 2,480. TOTAL ".SUPPORTIVE .SU1 1 O TI E $223,293. QOCU 11vi r �. FOLLOW Bids : Two bids were -received. Vendors quotes were based upon.:quanti- ties ' from 1 to 80. The two vendors; we;re:. " AGILE CORPORATION;:,; and Southeastern'- Computer -Pr oduc"its,, representative, .for the PRINTER° SYSTEMS CORPORATION. The following; table defines respective :ptice.so quoted;by each vendor: Function A'gi1e;Corp" Pr inter::Sy`s. Corp. Printer/Termin'al ,and Interface $ 5,690. $,4,915.: Auto 'Sheet Feeder $ 50,0. , `$..1',�540.�� rtaint'enance - per:unLE" perinonth $ 5-5 55.: InstaalatIon - per -unit $', 10,0. 50:'_ Discounts Warranty 90 Days' 30 'Days,, Credits - Rentals $'' 158 . -O- i 80=.245. 1 /��yf, � ^�naAb�VB^ti'CMAW _ ��� +wMMa lltlkl Page 3 of 4 Bid No. 79-80-16 o Paragraph 3.1.19,' speci"fies Form Length: Forms` maybe set' any length, up',to127' lines. to ara ra h 3.1:19 states: P"rinter'Systems Corporati"on'.s.reply p g p The Qume printers have a six; position: rotary .switch that ;can def-ine form 'lengtlis from 3 - 14 inches;; .(`14, inches ,is equal to 87 lines; 127 lines are egtial` to 21 . in'ch'es'). This is m0: l ani- W cal and, requires the 'operator to set for each form.. - ,._ o-Paragraph 3.1.20 specifies. Top of.Forms: Locafion Maybeset at :any time. — Printer Systems Corporation: No replye Our tests indicate that they do no"t,meet'this requirement. o Paragraph" 3 1.21 spe"cifies Line,Spacing* S"ingle" or ;dciuble, subscriliting.;and`super-subscrpting, who line up":or down. Pr"inter Sys terns. Corpo:ra,tion: Does' not comply. o Paragraph 3.1.22"spe.cifies Spacing: Proportional. Printer,'.Systems Corporati.,on.:. Does not ,comply". Bid Analysis':' Total.' per unit, price from the Agile. CorporaCion,':inc ludng: and 't,tie insta lation, warranty, maintenance, discounts", credits'," single „sheet feeder; is $7122.i Total. pe"r unit price from the Printer Systems Corporation, in- 'discounts, eluding: installation, - warranty, ma m enance,,'.- . credits; and tlie single `sheet feeder, is ;$6':,990. ."An additional $10,000 wyuld'be required far"u,pg`radangxisting software. The dif"f,er`ence be,t,ween the Agile.' Pri'nte.r/Terminal and; Printer Systems Printer/Termi'nal. Is $,132._ Thee per un,it ".price,-ofthe, Agile Pr>inter/Termina'1 is $132, more than the u1iit of,fered,.by- ttie" Printer Systems Corporation. Page 4 of 4 Bid No. 79-80-16 ' Fundin'g: Funding., will be provided. by each department using Che printer/ that have. terminals.:" The,. following is .a list of departments` committed for printer/terminals:: o Police Department o Fire Department 2 1 o' Lab or Reiations o:Computers & Communications 1. o Public Works. 1 o.: Trade & Commerce 1 o Buil'ding &.Vehicl'e M'ai'ntenance. 1 o` Solid Waste 1 1 o;Ptanagement &,Budget o, Stadiums &: Marrnas1 o. Human Resources.' '1 1 o Community Development o 'Management 1. o .Risk -Pur�chasing � o> "Finance ` 2 1, o Wat'son.:Island Project -o,' Tre-as-ury Min�a*gement ,. TOTAL 3`1