HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0299RESOLUTION NO. 8 0- 2 9 9 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES INCURRED BY JUNTA PATRIOTICA CUBANA IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE MIAMI STADIUM ON SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1980, RELATING TO THE RECENT PERUVIAN EMBASSY CRISIS IN HAVANA, CUBA, AND THE, COLLECTION OF FOOD AND MEDICINE FOR THI'. REFUGEES, WITH ((ff THE REIMBURSEMENT TO TAKE PLACE UPON FUNDS i ����•� BEING MADE AVATLAL'LE FROM THE SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS-SPECIAL COMMUNITY PROGRAMS, �'._�._,r'•.s;.,i' QUALITY OF LIFE: PROGRAM, FEE WATVER ACCOUNT. R):...t./VY" WHEREAS, passage of this resolution will have a signifi- cant positive impact upon the well-being of this community as more fully set forth herein; and WHEREAS, an increase in the virtue of patriotism or love for one's country results from witnessing as well as exercis- ing one's patriotism; and WHEREAS, a greater appreciation for the principles of liberty and freedom will be instilled in the citizens of Miami by participating and sharing in the efforts of a majority of its citizens in their sacrifices and donations of food, clothing and medicine for those persons who have sought asylum in the Peruvian Embassy in Havana; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Reimbursement to the Junta Patriotica Cubana in an amount not to exceed $6,000 for costs and expenses incur- red in connection with the use of the Miami Stadium on April 19, 1980, is hereby approved with funds therefor hereby allocated from the Special Programs and Accounts -Special Community Pro- grams, Quality of Life Program, Fee Waiver Account; said reimbursement to be made upon funds being made available in said Account. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of April, 1980. Mauri np A_ Pprrp M A Y 0 R (37: RALIFi G. ONGIE, CITY CL&n ITEM NO PRE ABED AND APPROVB1': APPKOVED AS �TO )FD Il CORRECTNESS: r� ROBEERT F. CLARK ,EOR E F. KN(Y JR. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY' CIT ATTORNEY 80-299 C17"f OF MtAti!1 'LORlG I��rE:R•c;��tc;: M���1C;2 � ,�1:v1 ......_.,..._..-..» _ ._ ---------- TO: Angela Bellamy naT= 04-18-80 U Assistant to City Manager S""E" Addition of new item to the agenda. �aoM, Joe Carollo RhlrfiAE'NCES City Commi Toner rh �LOSUk GS Please add to the agenda for the next Commission Meeting to be held April 24th a Resolution authorizing reimbursement for ex- penses incurred by the Junta Patriotica Cubana, in connection with the use of the Miami Stadium on Saturday April 19th 1980, relating to the recent Peruvian Fmhassy crisis in Havana Cuba. aISUF)rwl(••n LV� 4r-- DO.. 80-2 99 �1 April 181 1980 Mr. Manuel A. Varona President Junta Patriotica Cubana P. 0. Box 350-492 Riverside Station Miami, Florida 33135 Dear Mr. Varona: I have received your request to waive the rental fees and costs for the use of the Miami Stadium on Saturday, April 19, 1980. The City Commission has established a policy regarding the reduction of rental fees for City facilities in Commission Policy #100-1. This policy authorizes me to grant up to 112 the regularly charged rental fee providing the sponsoring organization meets certain criteria. (1) that no admission is to be charged for the event and (2) that the entire income (after event costs) is donated to a charitable organization. Since your organization meets the criteria established by the City Commission by charging no admission fee, I do hereby grant the reduction in the normal rental fee for use of this facility. Since the normal rental fee is $2,000 per day your organization will be charged $1,000. You will be responsible for all other costs associated with the use of the Miami Stadium. By copy of this letter to Mr. Walter E. Golby, Stadiums Manager of this facility, I am authorizing him to prepare the standard contract with the provision that the rental charge will be $1,000. I am pleased to of fer•the City's support in this endeavor. Sincerely, /'Joseph R. Grassie Vi L � J City Manager r� ,�- Fo��ow cc. Mr. Walter E. Golby Translation of a letter from Manuel A. Varona, President of the Junta Patriotica Cubana, to Mr. Cesar H. Odio, Assistant City Manager, City of Miami. April 16, 1980 Dear Mr. Odio: This letter serves to request authorization of the City of Miami for use of the City's stadium, on the evening of Saturday, April 19, beginning at 7:00 PM. The idea is to gather together all cubans in a patriotic act, denouncing the violation of human rights in Cuba, and supporting the declarations made by the Governor of the State of New Jersey requesting that the 10,800 exiles in the Peruvian Embassy be received by the United States of America. The necessary steps will be taken to ensure the proper protection and cooperation of the police. We entreat you to promptly provide us with your authorization, so that we may publicize the convocation to this act, which will provide an outlet for the restlessness of the Cuban exiles in Miami. Sincerely, Manuel A. Varona up DOCK t, �:��-� LJ FOLLOW„ JUNTA PATRIOTICA CUQANA P.O.Box 3SO.492 — Riverside Sta., Miami, Fla. 3313S 16 de aUrt l (le 1980 Sr. Ctsar udio Asstst ant City :.ana ,er 3300 an .Akmerlcan .Lrive ';iami, Florida Estimado ::r. Jdio t La )resente es )ara nedir la autorizaci3n de la cludad de Miami -)ara utilizar el Stadium de la ciudad , comenzando a las 7 de la tarde, en la t lrc:e del t;a'_)ado 1.9 dz Abri1. .;.1 non-vO c;'conv:)c,-tr a=;)<:C)5 1.OS CL'`ilnOS U:1 ac :0 _"a- trlctl.ca (:('. i:r':1 : 1C::! 8 Li V7- Iacl.,�n (1'21 los 0(:.r'-C1109 ;iL.l:a��TlOS en (,upa, v de la!� d cl.a'iacio-i�: i (ic_ I Zstac�o ce ;( :v ers�::vlo:; 1,;, -) ; cl iilados en la eru sea:1 reci:-:i: os (n 1�).i t*rlidos de A'11Lr.ic:i. I-)e '.iar'41'n ins nec,2siarias }.ira comsat• con lei de}'ic,a •)roteccio.n la .)olicita. 2or,ai.os su " ronl to )ara )oiler llacc'r `ublica la cony^,cat.oria a este acto, qu,-: (::- nall-ZiAr.t Ias inqu'ietudes de 13s :.7xiliadoti cubanos en 1.uaii. De usted atent:a ente, JUNTA rt'1RIG f LCA CU:.ANA re�i.ui-ntc DAv s uc i JUNTA PATRIOTICA CUQANA P.O.Box 3S0.492 - Riverside Sta., Miami, Fla. 33135 L de abrL I de 1930 Sr. Cesar Cdio Assistant City :.ana-er 3300 an American ?!rive %Barn!, Florida Estimado >r. 0dio: La -)resente (-s )ara nedir la autorizaci8n de la ciudad de Niami -)ar.a utilizar el Stadium de la ctudad , cumenzando a 1s5 7 cic: la tardc, en la tarc:e (2(:1 s '.)acio 39 d Abril. �1 noti.`✓o c= conv;)C. r' a tUCiOa o:i cul"arI 5 7 u*"i :ict:o `,1- trl-tl.co (:ci 'i ^..^,1: icL;l iz l.i '✓]_'%1ac1.3n CI 10 (�C.r� Cili)S i]1.::;t7:riUS en (;uLa, " de aou`.'a i 1Hti Zstaclo C:e )O -.isllados en eru sears rcciA..ios r:n 1 ).-i (ie ;lln,,L.r.ic:�. >e ''vir'n 1r)s hest ic) i'�ti .::ecesari_ia )ara cont:ar con la •'rotseciiq'in v cc)c)-cr:ici i i (ic- la .)olicita. 3otsair.os su •�ro: to ;ara ,)Oder `iacer nu'blica la corn✓^cc:r_ori.a a e.ste acta, c{'1�_ canal_zar.i las inquietudes de los ::cilia�los cubanos an iavt. De usted atentamente, JUNTA ATRIO ' CA (;I':.1XA ' nue ona re,i.cc ntc DAvsuc r ell, eoN September n , • 1978 Res. 78-601 C Ic CITY OF MIAMI low COMMISSION POLICY SUBJECT: A policy concerning requests for waiver of fees for use of City of Miami facilities and equipment. PURPOSE: To uniformly administer the numerous requests for waiver of fees, to assist the City in conforming to existing laws, to encourage activi- ties which benefit the community, and to ensure that City facilities generate sufficient user revenue to offset the cost of maintaining those facilities and to provide sufficient revenue to amortize the City's capital investment in those facilities. POLICY: It is the policy of the Miami City Commission that all users of City facilities and equipment for which rental fees are normally charged shall pay the currently scheduled rates, except under certain cir- cumstances where a minimum fee shall be charged. The "minimum fee" shall be one-half the regularly scheduled fee, and shall be applicable 1. Where the project, ev,2nt or activity serves a public purpose or will have signi-ficant positive impact upon the cultural and/or economic well being of the City and where either a. No admission is to be charged patrons of the event, project or activity; or b. The entire income (after event costs) is donated to a charitable organization recognized as such by the City Manager or the City Commission. 2. Where the request for the application of a "minimum fee" originates from an agency or instrumentality of the united States 3overnment, the stat(, of Florida, Dade County or any municipality in Da�lt-� County and the event, project or acti- vity is not a part of the normal or routine operations of such agericy or i.nstrum(2ntality. The City Mlanaq­r will hairdlc request: for the application of a minimum fee and is authorized to grant these requests if, in his opinion, they meet the above criteria. Where these requests for fee waivers or application of a minimum fee do not meet the above criteria, the City Commission may grant the application of a minimum fee where there is determined to be a public purpose. It is the policy of the Commission that no waiver of fees will be granted. page 1 of 2 All overtime labor charges, utilities costs, insurance, security de- posits and other costs related to events held in City facilities or in conjunction with City equipment must be paid in full by the user. It is the policy of the City Commission that these charges will not be waived or reduced. This represents a formal statement of a previ- ously unwritten policy. When the City permits the application of a minimum fee to a requesting organization for a project, event or activity that involves the raising of funds, the granting of the minimum fee carries with it the require- ment that a detailed accounting__9f_funds xeceived_and disbursed _must_ be submitted to the City Manager within thirty days of the conclusion_ of such event. This financial accounting must also includa2 a state- ment of how net profits (income after event costs) are distributed and in what amounts. It is also the policy of the City Commission that all organizations granted the minimum fee be required to follow the same application and investigation procedures as all other applicants de- siring to use City facilities. I page 2 of 2 April 18, 1980 Mr. Manuel A. Varona President Junta Patriotica Cubana P. 0. Box 350-492 Riverside Station Miami, Florida 33135 Dear Mr. Varona: I have received your request to waive the rental fees and costs for the use of the Miami Stadium on Saturday, April 19, 1980. The City Commission has established a policy regarding the reduction of rental fees for City facilities in Commission Policy 4100-1. This policy authorizes me to grant up to 112 the regularly charged rental fee providing the sponsoring organization meets certain criteria: (1) that no admission is to be charged for the event and (2) that the entire income (after event costs) is donated to a charitable organization. Since your organization meets the criteria established by the City Commission by charging no admission fee, I do hereby grant the reduction in the normal rental fee for use of this facility. Since the normal rental fee is $2,000 per day your organization will be charged $1,000. You will be responsible for all other costs associated with the use of the Miami Stadium. By copy of this letter to Mr. Walter E. Golby, Stadiums Manager of this facility, I am authorizing him to prepare the standard contract with the provision that the rental charge will be $1,000. I am pleased to offer -the City's support in this endeavor. Sincerely, "SUPPORTIVE / Joseph R. Grassie J DOCUMENTS City Manager FOLLOW cc. Mr. Walter E. Golby Translation of a letter from Manuel A. Varona, President of the Junta Patriotica Cubana, to Mr. Cesar H. Odio, Assistant City Manager, City of Miami. April 16, 1980 Dear Mr. Odio: This letter serves to request authorization of the City of Miami for use of the City's stadium, on the evening of Saturday, April 19, beginning at 7:00 PM. The idea is to gather together all cubans in a patriotic act, denouncing the violation of human rights in Cuba, and supporting the declarations made by the Governor of the State of New Jersey requesting that the 10,800 exiles in the Peruvian Embassy be received by the United States of America. The necessary steps will be taken to ensure the proper protection and cooperation of the police. We entreat you to promptly provide us with your authorization, so that we may publicize the convocation to this act, which will provide an outlet for the restlessness of the Cuban exiles in Miami. Sincerely, Manuel A. Varona sist DO L i._.1' L. JUNTA PATRIOTICA CUBANA P.O.Box 350-492 - Riverside Sta., Miami, Fla. 33135 16 do abr! I de 1980 sr. Ctsar Oclio Assistant City .'.ana, ,e r 310',� an AiiierLcan Jji-lve Niami, Finrid,.1 Estimado '-,r. Odio: La -xesent-e- es )ara •:edir la autorizaci.%) .1 de la cLu&id, de Xla,ni -)ara utiltzar el Stadiurn (IE Li ciudad , cj!pie.n.,�ando a jas 7 de la tarde, en la taruc df-I 411)a(io 19 (IC AbrLI. rio-I-vo c--; convoc-x a tocos Io:, cu'c<irik)s a un ac!:O ,:I- i�ticc) do dcniinci-Li a to Cc- los ,Icr-�C'1013 :IUV:I;illos en (:ii' ' ,-i, y de anoyo -i 'Las d':-I 7 S t,,j, Ac Acndo quc Io5 unii!Lwl c n ,el e r u rcct�,,.los (.n I;e riecr:;siirt:is �:ira contar c;--).-i 1ii del-if-'i-- y su )ara ),)der biicer :)U"blica la convoc,-itor-ia 'i ester acto, que, 1--ts inquictudes de los z-!xiliados cubanos en ALuqll. De usted atentamente, JUNTA ATRIOT-LCA CU.AINA " "ue 011a .I r e s c- n t c NAV i uc ldsupplr)V-I%-i-14� DOCIJ'.';!k FOLLUft; r SUBJECT: CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION POLICY September 28,,1973 Res. 78-601 100-1 A policy concerning requests for waiver of fees for use of City of Miami facilities and equipment. PURPOSE: To uniformly administer the numerous requests for waiver of fees, to assist the City in conforming to existing laws, to encourage activi- ties which benefit the community, and to ensure that City facilities generate sufficient user revenue to offset the cost of maintaining those facilities and to provide sufficient revenue to amortize the City's capital investment in those facilities. POLICY: It is the policy of the Miami City Commission that all users of City facilities and equipment for which rental fees are normally charged shall pay the currently scheduled rates, except under certain cir- cumstances where a minimum fee shall be charced. The "minimum fee" shall be one-half the re,ularly scheduled fey, and shall be applicable 1. Where the project, event or activity serves a public purpose or will ha•;e significant positive impact upon the cultural and/or economic well bc:,ing of the City and where either a. No admission is to be charged patrons of the event, project or activity; or b. The entire income (after event costs) is donated to a charitable organization recognized as such by the City Manager or the City Commission. 2. Where the request for the application of a "minimum fee" originates from an agency or instrum-,.�ntality of the United States Government, the State of Florida, Dade County or any municipality in Dad,2 County and the event, project or acti- vity is not a part of the normal or routino operations of such agericy or instrumentality. The City Manag.�r will handle request, for the application of a minimum fee and is authorized to grant these request:; if, in his opinion, they meet the above criteria. Where these reciuests for fee waivers or application of a minimum fee do not meet the above criteria, the City Commission may grant the application of a minimum fee where there is determined to be a public purpose. It is the policy of the Commission that no waiver of fees will be granted. page 1 of 2 i ~ All overtime labor charges, utilities costs, insurance, security de- posits and other costs related to events held in City facilities or in conjunction with City equipment must be paid in full by the user. It is the policy of the City Commission that these charges will not be waived or reduced. This represents a formal statement of a previ- ously unwritten policy. When the City permits the application of a minimum fee to a requesting organization for a project, event or activity that involves the raising of funds, the granting of the minimum fee carries with it the require- ment that a detailed account ing._pf.__funds__rec4aived._and disbursed must be submitted to the City Manager within thirty days of the conclusion_ Of such event. This financial accounting must also include a state- ment'of how net profits (income after event costs) are distributed and — in what amounts. It is also the policy of the City Commission that all organizations granted the minimum fee be required to follow the same application and investigaticri procedures as all other applicants de- siring to use City facilities. F S, 1. page 2 of 2