HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1980-05-07 Advertisement1111 %11 %%11 NJ VIC !Ulavii 1-1cralb .... . ... AhN1610 THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING CIOMPANY I rJj pAj. [) ; 11 A/A %IIA% t I t r'lloDA 1 1 1() 1. t A I 7 I A , .( )I -1 V 1,10 ?111 City of Miami Doi-nve the authority pen-,onAly Leon Rici., wi,c) on oath says Oat he i-,; A!;; i.,., till) t, ".., Ii I Ad-,rclutising N,;maqer of t Ill, Miami. Herald and the fli,11�1d daily flowspaj,"r (s,) puld ishod at Miand in (%iif ! %,, ho "it I.aflwd u(n). Of advert. isuriollt- wa.i pubi i -lit'd in said rw%-.,:,p.iper (s) in the Of: Miami Herald April 30, 1980 Page 05B Miami News April 30, 1980 Page 09A r�; AI i i,t f urt !,, -I- st ,t I-! r I I i,lt-. t- I w !;,I i(i Ti;i ii, I I. l; I.A.W-) 11(-WSj),-lj (-:L:-; puH i!di-d at Miami , i ii :..i id D.We 1 1, art I I I lat. the I id I I 7i pt 11,(, n; 11,1 V(! 11 1! FC) V (I pul,Lished in iid lm(lo,- County, "i,)rifLi, -ikh (1, entered as �3(--ond (. I w;.-, I 1,t i 1. ricl f -r a t. n 'C-" M-iji'li , ill :;tiid D,id(` C-inty, Florida, for .1 lk$r* C-, -,;W Vl,,It next- preceding the t'ii-t publication of Lhf, aclv(rj!,J 1711 Sworn to and Sul) C.-ibrd to re, me thif, - 2�--(];.I y (3 F A. I). , .I" 10 t.,,. I Y - U - b1 1 C vAXAAY P1160C STATI CW FLO4104 Al tAW2 � v I S'.. I O,q E P I R1 S J,(, , I y8c hofif)Fr. '04RU CANFRAL INS , ININIRWRITFIR, � tin Funnel h-i Fainily Bible ."yMormonMa • Be First Doctimet . .9 SALT LAKE, CITY — (ltPli — said he returned them along with three witnesses, who were 1 What may be the oldest document iA Mormon Church histor; -- a handwritten copy of the characters i from the untranslated Book of Mor- mon made by church founder Jo- seph Smith — is being examined h� church historians. Historians for the Chun h of Jesus Christ of Latter-da% Suing, displayed the docutent found by it Ut4h State University student he- tween the pages of an old family Bible. They said they were making tests of the ink and paper to verify its age and authenticity. A church handwriting expert said he is almost certain the one - page transcript was written by I Smith in 1828, two years before he founded the church. 'I'll(, oldest known examples of Smith's hand- writing date to 1831. Mark Witham Hofmann, a pre- medical student at Ptah State and 4 collector of rare Mormon books, found the transcript stuck hetween the pages of an old Itihle that once belonged lit Smith's sister, Cather- ine. HOFMANN RECENTLY pur- chased the 16FOR flihle front another collector. He said the transcript was in the Book of Proverbs between two page, that were stuck together with it gunim} black substance. One -Av of the document con- tains %erti(al er,lutims of t haractors thought to hale been copied front golden Mate., that Smith said +were given to hint h.v an angel. Mormons believe the plates contain it written history of people \vtio migrated from the Old World to America centuries hefore Christ. Smith translated the plates into the Book of Mormon, a basic religious text of the church. Mormon hislorian Dean Jessee, a handwriting expert, .,aid Smith al,- parently copied the characters front the plates for Martin liarris, it well-to-do New York farmer who provided financial as,i,tance to the church forinder. H.uris had heen skeptical ahnut the plates ,tnd Sntith gave him the i-opy to take to schul- ars in New York for analvsis. On the back of the sheet Srnith wrote: "These caractors were dilligently copppied b,, my own hand from the plates of gold and given to Martin Harris who took them to New• York Citty but the learned could not translate it because the Lord would not open it to them in fulfilment of the prophecy of lsaih written in the 29th chapter and I lth verse." JESSEE SAID the misspelling of l "caractors" and other words were common in later writings of Smith. Mormons believe the script on I the plates %%as written in "reformed Egyptian," which choliirs cuuid not translate. Smith was aided by it holy translating device he said ++as given to hint by the Angel Moroni. Smith k,;,t tfn, plate:. secret ;:nd �jllll�l le► (�f'I IlUlt•I',tt'�'. ISI AM MIAD, Pakistan — (AP) the translating device to the angel after the hook was completed. But members of the church, swore saw them. Slow Reader Catches Up In School used to bo Pw on-� farthest t)ehrnd in l"Y t,l;(Sa br'C3lISP didn t know hov., to mad. 1 used to r ,td onr:, wnrd at a time and never ( omprohendc�d vdiot read Nov; I turn in papers voth A,; (,n fhr m •et, in,in� s•ii,_lews like ftvanA,idt#,v,s ,indthe Owtrol [7,il;tLe�,nn,tulCe�nlr:r ish��lpmq tho rn ilit, ugh ,i new c( nceot 0 instruction. m,uty s.!Ud- W', have' improved thr,u Rr,aduut or Basic Math shtll�', ati;,faChcm is, fluaran- lei'd under ,t rn 1-1 .�;kc�nrnllmPrlt •t.lreeniont F­wfotwat(an 11 tr +liar• th. - C, ;i r;o) Data Lrarninrl C. r)h r ,: ,,,, I. 'trea ,rlr ,d bt 'I, Control Data Learning Center 446-3613 �. �rsA Master charge, Visa honored. l Control Data Learning Center MH430 2550 Douglas Road, Suite 107, Coral Gables, Florida 33134 i, d Lfih n, n,f•mrx •n, hri�•�., '4•, n':1 this Cc'a:G_"t I_, tliq girt l tJ,i� ! L.'.1�111l Legal Help Mdde Professional legal services from basic counseling at just $17.50 to full court litigation. All fees are quoted in advance. Hours: Mon.-Sat.10-10, Sundays 11-6 No appointment necessary. Master Charge and Visa accepted. THELAViYERS AT Jefftrum .. — --ir —+-- Wednesday, April 30, 1960 THE MIAMI HERALD *aaa d-e THE LUCKY DUCK AND 1 1 THE LAME DUCK 1 It Ia . TWO BEAUTIFUL 11 �:1; LOUNGES arly 1 SERVING GREAT F00 they 1 AND DRINKS FROM I I A.M. TO 5 A.M. !1 DANCE'TIL DAWN AT TH LUCKY DUCK RELAX THE LAW ATMOSPHERE 1 GIANT DRINKS 0 SNACKS 1 1 HAPPY PREINFLATION PRICES M 1 1 U. S.1 AT N.E.179th ST., MIAMI 1 i 1 1 1 Decorate your home or apartment with tips from "Home and Deign" in Sunday's Harald. MN NOTICE TO PUBLIC I REVISED COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE FOR MAY Please oe advised that the City Commission Meetings for the month of May have been changed as follows: Wednesday, May 7, 1980 (1:00 O'clock P.M.) — Special Workshop Session for the purpose of reviewing the New Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Wednesday, May 7, 1980 (3:00 O'clock P.M.) — Planning and Zoning Meeting. Thursday, May 8, 1980 (1:00 O'clock P.M.) — Regular City Commission Meeting. Thursday, May 22, 1980 (1:00 O'clock P.M.) — Regular City Commission Meeting. To be held in the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan Amer- ican Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA I WILL PAINT ANY CAR —ANY COLOR OUR DELUXE PAINT JOB 'FOR ONLY 31"0%511no OVER 12 MILLION SATISFIED CUSTOMERS COAST -TO -COAST Only Earl Scheib o i,n,; all this- • ALL ACRYLIC DIAMOND GLOSS COLORS — WITH G. E. SILICONES -METALWORK ESTIMATED FREE BY THE SPECIAL EARL SCHEIB EST•O-METER -ALL CHROME L WINDOW GLASS PROTECTED -EVERY CAR IS HAND SANDED -SPRAY PAINTED TO A NEW -CAR LUSTER -WHEELS AND DOOR JAMBS INCLUDED • ONE DAY SERVICE —IN BY I OUT BY S 3 YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE AGAINST FADING. IF YOUR CAR FADES I'll REPAINT IT FREE! *3 Al Your Legislature 9 e Battle heats up over property tax control PETE SPIVEY eft T4119hagN sunbu- TALLAHASSEE — The assault On Gov, Bob Graham's property -tax control bill has begun in earnest in the Senate. Sen. Jack Gordon (D Miann Beach) said yesterday at it press conference that Graham's "-truth in Millage Program" (TRIM) wmitd "cripple" local governments. 1 hen he offered his own proposal to otf- set rising property -tax assessnl.nt, by Increasing the homestead .x• emption to $25,000 on all taxing; sources. "We should lake the increased potential revenue front property as- sessments and give some of that to homeowners in the form of hon.- stead exemptions," Gordon said. Graham wants to tax all pnaperty at 100 per cent of assessed value But he also wants to pressure III, it governments to hold the line on .ir- tual taxes collected by r.yuiring them to reduce millage ralr•, Under TRIM. local goy ern Ill .nt would have to set rnillage sri ;,s to raise no more than the annnuar of revenue front the previous %i-x. plus 5 per cent for grovyth It would take a two-thirds yore of the r,v. erning body to exceed rile 5-pri- centthreshold. Gordon says his proposal would In Tallahassee ... Yesterday. the House passed ;j bill providing new protection for tenants whose apartnu nts are converted to condominium, and to the buyers of con\erted units (1-4131591, to So no I r a. (Story, page SA-) The Senate did not tm•.t The governor took no action. For information on the stale, of legislation, call tall -free have no such limits. other than the rnillage caps in the state constitu- tion. Ife proposes to go along with assessing property it 1t10 per cent hilt would increase, the homestead exemption to $25.000 for cite, cuuntx and special -act taxes. Education taxes not he M. fected, because Florida voters last numtIt approved an ntcrease Io $15MOO in the honustead excntp- tion for school taxes. Neither %could titer. he greater exemptions for commercial and in- dustrial properties under Gordon's proposal Ile would use the extra re%enu. from increased assessments on those properties to holster sag- ging school funds Such a program. though, would hc contr'art to at lead two of the governor's goals. to force go%ern- ments III collect ahout the name amount of taxes from horneowvners. despite inflationary assessment in- creases, and to reduce a local gov- ernnicnt's share of school funding t _ per cent 1lespit. the increased homestead exemption• Graham's lobbyists say. actll,d taxes v+mild eventually in- rn;e.. Anci taxing .oininer«ial jarope;ti.s at full value without r.- ducing ni lag. and then giving the extra money to education would do notlmig to reduce the local burden of school funding. they say-. I situ 342-Ir+217 hetvye.n R a.rn. and 5 pill. weekdays. or call at ether times and leave a recorded nte:;nage. For information on issues and hills of special interest to Dade residents, or to I.crye a message ter any I)ade legislator, call Yfianti nunth.r 579-4090 week- days: the call will he transferred mituniatically to Tallahassee at no) charge. Law Offices COHEN & COHEN, P.A. • PERSONAL INJURY CASES ONLY • • FREE CONSULTATION • ACCIDENTS: Auto., Airplane, Boat, Slio & Fall, Faulty Products Dade Office: 532-1771J� Broward Office: 921-4700 � CW CA rMw NIP NOTICE TO PUBLIC I REVISED COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE FOR MAY Please be advised that the City Cc•rritn>ssiQ& Mo@yW for 0M. Raise in legal Associated Press 'r.m LAHASSFF — The Senate wasi pmye an increase in Florida's legal drh least lA today. one day after the House 10 hilt then shipped that hill to a commll study. 'the Senate hill (SB114) by Sen. Dq West Palm Beach) would boost the Shin age to 19 from the current IS years. But have indicattA the)% might offer amend the minirnuni age to 20 or 21. The (louse voted narrowly yesterd the drinking age to -10 after hearing test 18-year minimum was responsible for in lated traffic accidents among teen-agei procedural move stopped the controver. passing out of the House when the matt( to a committee for another hearing. The Elegant Where Else B Inter ><5so>< s. Di — WednPt;rtau A-- A►sodettd Press ,ushes her amendment to raise the legal drinking age to 20 (drinking age expected gected to ap- king age to at reed to make it tee for further i Childers (I)- num drinking come senator, tents to raisr to increasr none that thr n• alcohol -re. flotce\er, ,i it issue from %vas reterred The House lawmakers had adopted an amendment by Rep. Fran Carlton (D-Orlando) requiring persons to he at least 20 in order to buy or consume alcoholic I,e\ crages in the state. "The No. I killer of young people in this state is not cancer. It is not heart disease. It is alcrrhol-related a(ci- dents." ('arlton said. "Raising the drinking age will help to save the lives of young people who are ding hv the hundreds in alcohol related accidents." (-arlton's amendment was to a hi)) (1113h I) M Rep Tom McPherson (D-Fort Lauderdale) that would make it more difficult for minors to use false identification to huh- liquor. Once the amendment was added, Ilouse Speaker .t, li att Brown ref''rred the hill to the Finance and Tax Committee for Stud\• of the implications it could ha\e on the state's re,enue since it would reduce the nurn- her of people who could buy state -taxed alcoholic he�.- erages. Dinner ce Tway • 233.6191 1980 • The Miami New$ 0 9A House panel eyes revised energy plan Associated Press TAI.LAEIASSEE — The House Energy ('ommittee was to vote today on a revised state energy plan that some lawmakers say would do little or less to cut energy consump- tion. "It does nothing," Rep. John Lewis (D-Jacksonville) told the committee yesterday. fie called the proposal, intended as a substitute for Goy. Boh Graham's ambitious energy package, "totally inade- quate." The hill was drafted after special interests and lawmakers balked at Graham's $78 million plan which relied on tax incentives for conser- vation and penalties for waste. It would provide $1 million for re- search and $2 million for pilot grants to determine whether people will weatherstrip their homes if offered government incentives. it does not specify energy goals or address saving energy in trans- portatation and leaves it up to utilf• tY companies and the Public Service ('ommission to draft their own goals. It would he up to the PSC to see that customers cut energy use. "Even if all this worked, this bill wouldn't make a dent in our energy consumption in 20 *years," Linda Weeks of the citizens' lobby Com- mon Cause said. State energy director Lex Hester said the measure would not meet Graham's goal of cutting energy consumption by 25 per cent in the next decade. 1 urowarn VTTtce: Pz i -q / vv !� e—I NOTICE TO PUBLIC REVISED COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULE FOR MAY Please, be advi,,4,d lhs,t the (,ity ('.+,+:nnl;,S1011 Meetings for the month of May have been-ehenged as tollowa: , Wednesday, May 7, 1980 (1:00 O'clock P.M,) -- Special Workshop Session for the purpose of reviewing the New Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Wednesday, May 7, 1980 (3:00 O'clock P.M.) -- Planning and Zoning Meeting. Thursday, May 8, 1980 (1:00 O'clock P.M.) — Regular City Commission Meeting. Thursday, May 22, 1980 (1:00 O'clock P.M.) — Regular City Commission Meeting. To be held in the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan Amer. lean Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA p^ + r- United Make V0L11- sur affordable dreams - friendly skies are a' with United s neNv' VOLCre 60 Of- MVI-, y halfway there. You'll save 5W the regrular Coach i United flight '1'uesd ter Thursdays to an continental l-'.S. N9ake \'0LIr res bt.,v your round -trig scwerl days before t Flyd ___ _Allay 7�rtro Lilc !1�irmi ��Icrn(1 T111 111 %Nil NJ i,K141GHI RIDDERfit V,SPAEEIz Two r+ditnr, illy —d• v—)(1on1 1--l' W t,i rt,.,t , 'Id .,nd ,1, •I-huted by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA. MIA!01 1-1 Of?IDA C:13101 • (Af? A ( ODE 3()!t) .350 ?111 City of Miami. M, Before the undersigned authority personally aplc,lrcd Lco�: Rick, who on oath says that he is the Assistant I;W lil' Advt,rtisincl Manager of the Miami Ilerald and I.Aw Miami. NOWs, y daily newspcll,cr (s) published at: Miami i.n Dacia County,: Florida, that: the attached copy of advertisement was pui)l i.shod in said � 1• , c. newspaper (s) i-r1 Lhe issuc, of: 46 Miami Herald April 27, 1980 Page 03B Miami News April 28, 1980 Page 14A Afi i,1nt f.urthwr :,I rites i.Ilat the said THE 11IAT-11 lil'I;?,I,1)jN"liS are nuxsplper:: publish, •d at Miami, in :;n i.d Dade C, ,n1ty, I- for id,-1, and that the said n(?wspapers have li-ro-to-fore l)(',.1, Continuously Published in :,tlicl Dadr c_'ourlty, Plorida, cach day, ,ulcl have entered as second class mail (natter at. ' }ho Ilnst. c'' icr in Mi.al•Ii, in said Dade, County, Plorida, tc,i- a hr,rio d ,4 one yuar next- hrecediny the f i 1. -A publicat ion r)f tho advol Ii :-,evwnt . Sworn to and S u}-) c " ibed t o Wore me tills �_�day of NOTARY MIC STATi Of FLORIDA Al LAK& A. 1). , 1c) - Mr (:OMMISSION EXPIRES AUG 119W K*M RW Ol3dl!RAL 06. UNDERWRITM Nut ly I'ul.:l.ic: (SG:1.1I Oks Jones'Case ud Ru edQuestioning E 99 the new house. At one stage of the cross-exami- nation, Frates was hounding Mcf. fert about the original list of speci- fications for the house. Frates ap- geared to confuse hathfubs and fau- cets. 'YOU'RE TALKING about t%\o different things and -ou know ,t." Meffert said. You're not th:,I naive." Another exchange went like this: Frates — "Are you sure you're not mixing up fixtures with tiles''" Meffert — "1'm not mixing noth- ing tip, Mr. Frates. You are." Frates attackec the builder on his record -keeping. Why had he not filled out standard change order forms and why hadn't he had Jones sign them' After all, he had made notes about many discussions with Jones. Why had he not made a not( - on Jan. 19. the day he had said Jones told him to wait late at his of- fice for defivery of a load of plurn- binefixtures en route from Miami' "I didn't ha%e to %� rite it down." said Meffert. "Ile called. I waited.'' Frates gave. Meffert tos)k, and lit, ga\c back. fhe detcnse, five laki'- yers, had understood Meffert to havr a .short fuse. If so, he Ictt it at home. • 1)1-:POZSGA1' is unaccustomed t.) this kind of think. He is it(( torned. like roost trigl la��yers. to judges W110 come down hard �k iwf; law \ ers and v, ihu s,es .,rgue \): it 1, one another instead of just asking: and answering the yur,tion,. In- Pozsgay objected. "I'd like a recess to gi\r us a chance to consult »ith the %,itness and advise hirn to just ansk,,fer the questions or he'll get its all in irou- blc." dePozsgay %kt1ispereel ;,I tln end of the bench a%yar from Ih witness and jury boxes. Uef'ozsgay said he undcrsto" tf that Frates P:as heing i;,ctical in hi, Manner of 4h1A s-t'Xa nllnallnn. �rhich appeared to he an attempt to confuse the witness, 'I "hat h% itself was no problem for him, he told the judge, bul it ryas going too fill - ESTATE AUCTION FRIDAY, MAY Z, 8:00 P.M. Preview Wed., April 30 i Thurs., May 1 9 A.M.-9 P.M. Fri., May 4, 9 A.M.-9 P.M. - 1. Wayne Taylor, Inc. ,_3848 gird Rood, Miami, Fla. . 446-0152 Judge Scott called a recess and here and see him impugn my chat admonished Meffert not to volun aster," deF'ozsgay said. leer information — just answer the' Prates started to reply, but the question and, if he thought it neces- judge cut him short: sary, explain his answers. 'I've had it. You've covered It. UCPOZSGAY'S temper apparent- You two gentlem have acted like ly had been getting close to it: lien- complete gentlemen until now. I'm its From out of %%-hat sounded like it telling you right now. we're going" routine exchange- hetween lawyers to stop this." ,ind Judge, he attacked Frates. FRATES — "If he gets sensitive The discussion centered on testi- of what he's done ... " ninn. of the pre%io,rs day. I.rates I)ePozsgay — "It's the insinua- had gotten Meffert to admit that tion ... " while ctePozsgay was investigating The judge — "It's over. lt's over. the case he ,pent a night or two as it Personally, I think it's been blown guest in Meffert's homy, where completely out of proportion, but ttit, ,• spent an evening shooting we'll let the jury decide that. I'm pool. The implication w, that the going to take a recess for about one stale -as getting improperly close minute, and I'd like to have you two To the witness, gentlemn shake hands " "1'rrr saying he's a liar and he The lawyers ,hook, dePozsgay knots it, and I'm not going to stand offering his hand first (C "�� W `J U maw NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All interested persons please take notice that a City Commission Workshop will be held on Wednesday, .May 7. 1980 at 1:00 P,M. in the City Commission ChartibeFs>. 'b0 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. Please also be advised that any Planning and Zoning items deferred from the April 10th meeting and still pending shall be taken up on May 7, 1980 at the conclusion of the Special Workshop Session. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Y4A • The Miami News • Monday. April 28. 1980 a Bond sale is sought to aid rent subsidies City commissioners who recently labeled the rental situation in Miami as being near the crisis level have begun to do something about it. The commission hale ordered city administrators to draw up resolu- tions authorizing the sale of $5.4 million In bonds to help finance rental units for low- and moderate - income families. Resolutions authorizing the bond sale were ordered Friday and will be presented to the commission by May 7. Commissioners said the rental scarcity was caused by condomini- um conversions, a drop in construc- tion of rental units and the con- tinued Influx of Cubans and Ilai- tians. Mel Adams, director of Dade's Department of Housing and Urban Development, was urged by Miami Mayor Maurice F'erre to press for federal housing funds in Washing- ton. Most of the bond money would go toward the purchase of $4 mil- Condo bill pushed for House vote tomorrow AnKINN Press TALLAHASSEE — 'rhe House is opening the fourth week of the leg- islative session debating a bill de- signed to ease the trauma suffered by many victims of condominium conversion and to protect buyers of converted apartments. Speaker Hyatt Brown (D-Dayto- na Beach) scheduled the landmark legislation for a full House hearing today and planned a final vote to- morrow. The Senate also was ex- pected to take up the Roth Act this week and send the compromise hill i to Gov. Bob Graham. The Roth Act, named after the late Land Sales Director James Roth, would give tenants up to a year to move out of rental apart- ments after the units are converted to condominiums. The bill would freeze rents after conversions and give tenants the first opportunity to buy apartments. It also would require developers to guarantee the soundness of build- ings for three years. Also today, the House was ex- pected to approve a Senate -passed bill what .would exempt Florida Pub- lion in land in various parts of the city for construction of 360 public housing units. Money for building the 360 units already is available under a $14 million federal grant. The remaining $1.4 million in bond revenue would help the coun- ty to finance construction of 230 "Section 8" units. Under the federal "Section 8" program, the U.S. government guarantees to pay rent subsidies for 20 to 30 years for families moving into the units. Developers obtain their own financing. City and county housing officials said approximately $12.5 million will be spent by developers to build the 230 "Section 8" units. City officials said the $1.4 million is needed to meet rising interest rates and financing costs. The rent- als will include 45 units for families in Wynwood, 65 units for the elder- ly in Coconut Grove, 75 units for the elderly in Little Havana and 45 units for families in the northwest section of Culmer-Overtown. I TREASURED PHOTO faded, damaged or ripped photo. Photo restore it to it's Oripinal quality �Wl,�Wyl1 N M.nde MJ• a We print►hoto Peelers 34*1136" • c„u. prom yow Negative, Print or Slide. ps,,,mo A,. METRIC LAB ` • C. Gables . e - o• R . �A78S � rrAv r, ttao • Going to the movies? Check The Miami News Neighborhood Movie Clock first. It's got shows, starting time, and ratings — divided by neighborhood. nnG W �. 0 iNOT,CE TO THE PUBLIC All interested persons please take notice that a City Commission Workshop will be held on Wednesday, May 7, 1980 at 1:00 P.M. in the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. Please also be advised that any Planning and Zoning items deferred from the April 10th meeting and still pending shall be taken up on May 7, 1980 at the conclusion of the Special Workshop Session. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DIARIO LAS AMERICAS P.O. NOX S93177, MIAMI, FLORIDA 73159 ADVERTISING ORDER ADVERTISER+■ Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk ADDRESS P.O. Box 330708, Huai, Florida 33133 T SALESMAN I`iW (8) ollwif*ie.: 1980 P=6D65 A LING INSTRUCTIONS Bend bill with affidavit/tearsheets STARTING DAY May 1, 1980 ULUMNS L INVES .l TOTA16"c"ES V $as •o7AL PER ♦n $45.00 TIM 1 SUPLEMENTARY CHARGES 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 13 14 Z Aviso p6blico PRODUCT: TAG LINE: Revisidn junta de Coa11s16n... . V E R I F f NEW AD® REPEAT FROM ®DISPLAY 1:1CLASSIFIED POSITION REQUESTED: INVOICER PAg. 8 - DIARIO LAS AMERICAS Jl1EVES 1 DE MAYO DE in r►r+r Enrique LLacA Los Contribuyente: y el Income Tex Sigulendo nuestra costumbre peri6dics de publicar Interesentes cislones income let eflustrativas toseriamosa eontinusci6e on e g� po que consideramos de mucha utilided a inter0s general. DONACION DE AUTOS A LA GOODWILL Muchas personas estin donando sus carros de uso, gastadores clendo so imcPorte lcumo contribution caritativa de so declaraci6n de impuestos. Joseph E. Puloitvice, press-; dente de la corporation ha declarado que esta tendencia he sido on verdadero "boom" Para Is Institution. "Un': auto vale mas que mucha ropa" dice Pouliot. The Goodwill Industries en Washington, D.C. recibio 70 autos duranle 1979, siendo el promedio usual de 3 a 4 al ado. La institution ingreso en sus areas $25.000 ven- diendo di(hos autos. La Goodwill de Bridgeport, Conn. recibM 38 carros en, 45 dials y vendlo 13 en $2,1400. Los donantes usualmente deducen el valor del carro donado segun el valor especi- licado en el • Blue book" que generalmente es on precto l t Teivl At 66"WaloN "gode aebre eeto gap& labia declar6: "Eme es so confllcto enft el 1R11 e diiesnue. Neseiros itnes Wares lee Talmo de tarns denadem a los efecNs del lecone Tax". SE8 UN BOBBY 0 UN NEGOCiO! EI Dr. Theodore N. Engdahl y so esposa Adellaa co- ■evzaroa ova cria de caballos de carrera en Morgan Bill, California. Et ortodoncista considerabs que emte negocio suplementaria ins Jngresos cusado llegara la here del retiro. Por 11 silos consecativos el negocio per - did dinero y el IRS declar6 que eso no era lei negocio at. so an "hobby" y les rechaz6 $53,060 declarsdos Como plydidas que Is, pareja habia dedueldo de sum declare. clones. El matrimonio me defend16 vivamente dlclendo que ellos no lentan ning6a interim en on hobby, at tampoco el prop6sito era montar a caballo.Ellos buscabas otlllds- des. Buscaron consejos expertos; trabajaban muy duro levantindose todos los dias a las 5 de la madana. Y dedl- cindose despu6s a alimentar y &tender a los 9 caballos que formaban so "stud". Ademis Ilevaban so contabill• dad muy tiara, pero habian tenido may mala suerte. lvcluso algunos "pure s&ngres" murieron y otros se ea. fermaron. Ai Ileger el caso a Is Corte de Impuestos ast& declar6 que el matrimonio no the a meterse to on hobby que Its costaba miles de d6lares y dedicar lanto esfuerzo y Ire. bajo personal sin existir on prop6sito de ganancia. Bajo estos argumentos Is Corte declar6 que existia el prop*• sito de negocio y gananclas y par to tanto las p#rdidas si eras deduribles. DIVIDE NDO NO PROBADO Wendel B. Mozert, padre a hijo, nose ponian de acuer• do en 11 forma de operar el negocio familiar, "Univer• BUY Photo Supply" en Gainesville, Florida. EI padre pi- r dl6 $69.600 por sus mcciones que equivalian a199% de las Bust -an la Avuda del Tres mujeres americanas cuyos maridos o hijoi estos d con el periodista Jack R. Payton. Elias son Birbara Rome) (centro) y Pearl Golacinski(dereeba)las que dijeron que h papa Juan Pablo it sobre la crisis de Irin y que el Santo P1 baclendo todo to posible por ayudar. (Teleloto UP U T at Cnido al Afio MADRID, Abril 39 (EFE).— Petroliber, empress espaliola de hidro- carboros, be firmado on contrato con Is compaitis de petr6leos de Venezuela par Is que ista 6ltima It suml- alstrari medio mill6n de to- neladas de crudo anuales, que, me prolongarin y ampliarin en 0as sucesl- vos. Uns delegacl6n de Petroll- do E8P& wn In RefugWa de lWu MADRID. Abril 30 (EFE1.— Ceres de 19.000 iberoamericonos, de ellos 15.008 argentinos, se en- cuentran acogidos en Es - Palle a Is situacl6n de refu- giados, inform6 el martes on funcionarto del comisfonado de las Naciones Unities par& Ins refugiados. Guy Prim, representante to Espafia del alto coral - her, presidids par Roble Manz Hortade me evtrevista Is patella meman& con el pre• sidente de Venezuela, Herrera Campine. Este hecho adquiere one especial relevancia puesto que es Is primers, vet es muchos meses que el Presi. dente venezolaoo recibe a empresarlos espalioles. La delegacl6n se entrevistd tambibn con los ministros d1 Fomento y Petr6leos. En lam reunlonem se tratj sabre Is posibilidad de a somento del comercio di petr6leo entre Venezuela f Petroliber a intercamblo d0 tecoologia. Las autorldades venezolanas me mostraroe may lateresadas en el pro- yecto de ampliact6n de In re• lineris de Petroliber de Le CoruBa que comprende us cracking catalitico y toque calcioado, con on& inversiba total de 200 mlllones de d618+ res. Petroliber foe Is primers relineria espa8ola (1971) que inici6 Is traosformacl6a de so producel6o &@meet tando Is de derivades 11,90 roe. trassfoimaei6a qv4 Papa e rehenes en )iris, converses t (Isgsierds) Louisa Kennedy an bablado con Ss Sastldad el Are Its be asegarade toe esti Juran sus Cargos Miembros del Gobierno Autoffnomo Vasco BILBAO (Espahs), Abril 30 (EFE).— Los mlembros del Goblerno aut6nomo vas - co juraron sus cargos con Is misma f6rmu- Is uilllzods por el primerGabinete de esta regl6n septentrional espaflola el slete de octubre de 1936. "Prometo cumplir fiel yleslmente de scuerdocon Is ley, log obligaciones del car• go que asumo al serviclo de Euskadi (pais vasco)," fue el juramento que leyeron en vasco y costellano log treces consejeros del Gobierno vasco. Este gobierno vasco es el primero desde el final de la guerra civil espafiola (1936- 39). El regimen franquista derog6 los regimenes auton6micos existentes en &quells bpoca. El presidente del goblerno auton6mico vasco, Carlos Garaicoechea, declar6 que so Gabinete "be de dirigir este pais en one de lei perlodos mis critices do so bisto- Ma". EI pais vasco es una de las regiones mis ; industriallzadas de Espaha y esti form ado ' per las provincias de Vizcaya, Alays Y Gulpizcoa. Garaicoechea, de 40 arios, dijo que espe raba que este gobierno logre pacificar el pais vasco a impulse el progreso y Is justi- cia. EI Presidente del autogobterno promel16 que suGabinete tendria en cuenta log trite- rios del Parlamento y de todos gas sects• res de opini6n. EI autogoblerno vasco esti integrado per consejeros del "Partido Nationalists Vas- co" (PNV), de orlentaci6n democristiaaa, que trfunf6 en lag elecelones parlameno- Has del pasado nueve de marso. El "PNV", coo 25 escallos de as total de 00 del Parlamegto, es el partido ■ayerlls- rle, debldo a toe Is coalleloa fadoNm- demilsts "Berri Balasses"(11 aoeaioS) /a aeg6 a partlelparon el Parlanh0o. ........................:....................... "del PaisDesa isndustrial Vasco a la Organmizac'ion ETA SAN SEBASTIAN, Espaha, Abril 30 (AFP)—Un in. "burgu6s". Asi sera, si ETA to dice, pero no creo que dustrial de GuipWon (pais vasco espafiol). Juan AI- constituya on dellto", aiadia el industrial, que concluis torts Maiz, desafi6 &I movimlento extremista ETA (1 y dirigtlndose directamente a log terroristas: Libertad) al negarse publicamente ayer a pagar el" im- puesto revolueIons rio" que se le exigia, de 20 mfllones "ETA: seguirb vivfendo como he vlvido siempre. Me de pesetas (1,200,008d6lares). verEis en (el estadlo de) Atocha aplaudiendo a Is Real (Sociedad de San Sebastiin, el equfpo local), me rerbis En una "carte abierta a In ETA" que publicaban to. dos log diaries espaioles, el Industrial expressba: "Me rebels is Idea de toner que pager par& salvar Is vide, de ceder &I miedo absolute de morir. No soy us, Woe ui quiero serlo (... ) pore hay &Igo en ml conciencia, en mf masers de ser, que hace que preflers cualquier toss a ceder a on chast&je que esti destruyendo a mi tierra, a ■1 pueblo y a ml gente". en algin partido de points, vase&, me verels en Sigmas sociedad popular, cenando, feliz con mis &migoa (... ) all pues, no tendrils que buscar mucho pars encestrar- me". "Me despldo de vosotros sin odfo, sin rester, coo el deseo de que soils &]gun dia parte de us pueblo astbdl- co y deoveltis sin miedo vuestros rostros", comclais IS carta. "Slempre bemos dicho que log vascos no somes cobar- des (... ) y come buen vasco, no quiero ser cobarde". Degde el comeiszo de Bate ago, Is ETa relvisdic6 el agregaba Alcorta, quien asimismo dio a la press& la carte en que Is ETA le amenazaba con ejecutarle at no asesinato de tres personas que se babies negade a pa• pagabs el ,impuesto" en el plazo y condlelones exigl- gar el "impoesto revolucioserlo" Segia beenas dam. fseates, el total "recaudado" ea log iltimos eaaire no - sea asceodi6 a uses g00 mlllonea de pesetas (oft milleaes "La islea acusac16n que Is ETA me hate es Is de ser de d6lares). Cmoafia de Indmidadedn de ETA, MADRID, Abril 30 (EFE) — Las dos ramas de ETA it dirigida a cosseguir que triunfe use propoesta de co- Uesen intenci6n de iniclar una campafia de lntimidael6n ricter de ultimatum al gobierno, propsesta toe serfs direct& contra mlembros del Parlamento vasco del presentada es el Parlamento vasco per Easkadike Es. PNV, PSOE y PCE, segin he sabido EFE de Fuentes querre y &poyada per Berri Batasusa, mediante movw- dissas de todo er#dito. 0 J dime" y as podia tomarle a prtstamo. Pero Is firma at to cossigol6 a prtstamo. Es el balan- ce de Is compallia las acclones aparecian listedas come "treasury Dock" propledad de Is firma. Pero on agente del IRS descubrl6 el sombre de Wendell B. Mozart Jr., escrlto es las acclones come doello. Wendell Jr. declar6 que tl no sable c6mo eso habia sucedido ye que las se - closes pertenecian a Is compa8is. El IRS insistl6 que Is firms habia comprado las acclones par& Wendell Jr., gasindole despots on dividendo per =00,N0, por el coal adesdab■ &I IRS $1:1,600 en Income Tax. C6mo so sombre fee escrito en Ion certiffeados de acclones none& foe explicado. Pero Is Corte de impuestos declar6, "que eso no era tan importante Como Is intencl6n de las partes y no hay dodos que 1& intencl6n de Is firma fue el cdmprar las acclones par& ells. Por to Canto Wendell Jr. no recibl6 slogin dividendo y no le debts nada a] IRS. DEDUCCION DE GASTOS EDUCACIONALES Howard Sherman Cooper se uni6 a la firma de conta- dares publicos de so padre al terminar sus estudios de college en Norwich, Conn. Howard no habia pasado el examen del estado y por Io tanto no era on CPA y no podia realizar audilajes complejos y detallados, pero si realizaba otros lrabajos de contabilidad y dabs asesora• mlento fiscal a los clientes de Is firma. Para aplacar a so padre que estaba furioso porque abn no habia pasailo el examen del estado, Howard se matricul6 en cursos tendientes a obtener su master y calificar pars el examen de CPA, pars el coal necesita- be tomar una caase de contabilidad. Cuando calific6, to suspendieron trey veces. Ese aBo 61 dedujo $1,900 por In close de contabilidad y otros 1 cursos tomados. Pero el IRS le rechaz6 Is deducel6n porque los cursos to ealifi- caban pars on nuevo cargo: CPA. Cuando el asunto Ileg6 a consideraci6n de Is Corte de Impuestos tsta fa116 que si bien el curso de contabilidad is callficaba pars on nuevo trabajo, los otros cuatro no; y resolvi6 que Howard podia deducir las cuatro quintas partes de los $1,900. FIRMAS EXTRANJERAS OBLIGADAS A PAGAR Algunas grandes compahias aparentemente no estin pagando los impuestos que le corresponden derivados de sus n6minas en este pais. El IRS ha estado auditando muchas de esas firmas extranjeras y en distintos casos be descubierto fuertes sumas en estado de delincuencia. Una de dachas firmas, cuyo nombre no se ha revelado, acept6 pagar $3.5 millones en impuetos adeudados sola- mente por F.I.C.A. que son Ins contribucines para el Se• .guroSocial. En estos momentos se estin negoclando algonos tra- isdos par& eliminar este "liability,, a las firmas extranjeras que puedan demostrar que ellas pagan a on pain extronjero por empledos.asignados a sus offeinas en Estados Unidos. PERDIDA FOR ROBO NO DEDUCIBLE Us amigo de 10 ajeno se rob6 $1,500 en herramientas de on taller de meeknica de autos. EI duefio no pudo de• docir so ptrdids por el robo, ya que 01 habia deprecfado el costo de las mismas en anterfores declaraclones y no podia hacerlo de nuevo. BENEFICIOS ADICIONALES EN GRAN BRETAAA Los ejecutivos ingleses pueden recibir beneffelos tales Como autos de I& compaflia, pago de las cuotas del Cole• glo de los hijos y prtstamos a bajo Interts. Como se tra- to de benefielos que no son en efectivo, escapan a los fuertes impuestos britinicos. Pero ahora que el gobler• no Conservador ha rebajado los impuestos se esti estu• diando Is maners de gravarlos. los refuglados, dljo que "bay que concienclar &1 pueblo es• patiol pars que sea solldario con lot refuglados y que Ea• lot no representen on& car• ga pare el pain que lot sco- ge" La eslancia en Espalke de los refuglados foe regulada de forma provisional por on decreto del Ministerio del In. tenor del 16 de mayo del pa• sado afio. shore Islclan ogres f4ft aeries espallolas. ' , Las 500.N0 toaeladas IN serviri.Venezuela a Fetr* her representan el Pi par e+iento de la caste de I%ft disposiel6s de Is emprash espaiol&, poreentoje qua N Iscremeatari en el futara. La refineris de La Coreia, tras la ampliscl6n, es not do lea mejor capacltadas pere procesar crudos petadoeob• teelesdo derivados llgeres. Robot Director de Orq III competitor y director de orquestas de Hollywood Jobs 3PO, as robot de "Star Wart" despots que el robot dlr�Nis Isaegoract6a de Is tempered& en el Symphony Hall, en B a Arthur Fiedler reclentemente muerto,como direetords UPI) rir 0gesmpalla—agregsn las eltsdas luentes-- podria mayoria de lot mlembroadel cftado Parlamento. - —� Se AVibuye ETA un Atentado %BAO (Espaffa) Abril 30 IEFE ) — La organl:a- tfeneuna segunda rams, la politico•mllitar. OWterrorlsta v&scay'ETA•Mflitar" se atribuy6Is res. En el atentado, result6 muerto el guardia civil Notion MNdad del atentado que costa el Jones la vida a on Muffoz Alcalde, asi Como el militante de "ETA" Javier iialo civil y en el que result6 muerto uno de lot afire- Aranots Egulzabal y herldo grave, al repelerel &tents- 00. do, el policia national Hip6lito Ramirez Ramos. 4t rama mtlitar de esta organlzacl6n terrorist& se El atentado se desarrollo en el Interior de an autobis alogy6 el atentado en on eomunicado enviado a los que cubre el trayeeto Fuenterrablo-San Sebaatlin, OW de Intormacl6n de esta cludad vasca."ETA" ctudades de la provincia_vases de Gulpyicoa. Se Comprometen los CanaNeres Andinos a Promover la Justicia Social Internacional MADRID, Abril 30 (AFP)—Los cancilleres de t lot passes del Pacto Andino y 1 de Espalta expresaron aqui ` an preocupoc16n por lot conflictos Actuales en el mundo y so compromiso de contrlbuir a promover Is justicla social International y Is contlanza en las rela. clones entre los pueblos. • 0 latitude a so colega C. ksl& Boston Pops en la `tlalrs ba reemplazado Was Pops. (Teleloto En la declaraci6n con - Junta que suscribleron al ttrmino de la reun6in de 48 horas que sostuvieron en Madrid, los ministros de Re- laciones ratificaron asimis• mo so decisi6n de "promo• ver y garantizar el respeto a lot derechos humanos" Y expresaron "so rechazo y condena al terrorismo, cual- quiera que fuere is justifies- el6n que se invoque". Por otra parte Espafta declar6 "solemnemente so complacencla por Is aproxf- macl6n entre el Pacto Audi - no y la Com unidod Econ6mi- ca Europe&" (CEE) a Iodlc6 que espers aportar so cols- boraci6a &I estrechamiento de Jos vinculos entre Ibero• smErica y Europa Occiden• tal. Durante Is rennf6a de Madrid Jos cancilleres de Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru y Venezuela, que in- tegran el ConseJo Andino, procOdieran junto coo el MI- olstro de Relaciones Exte- rfores de Espafia, miembro observador del Pecto Subre- glonal, a on Intercamblo de pantos de vista sobre "el dificll momento por que atraviesan las relaclones In- terns clo as les", segfin lodl- cal& declaraci611 conjnnt&. no", afirma Is declarsel6n. sus estuerzos ai servicle dew Is psi y Is seguridad y Is dPOIN La declaracl6n Indica que restaurar is contlansa en las "e lot ministros reafirmaron relaciones entre lot "la necesidad de concertar pueblos. La reunl6n se celebr6 "en el ambiente de amistad y loutua conflauzs en que at de- sarrollan rel'ccl` a esaentre tadoa Bspafia Y mlembros del Pacto Audf- EL INGLES QUE UD . NECESITA CURSOS INTENSIVOS DE 5 SEMANAS, SIN GRAMATICA i NI COMPLICACIONES, PARA TRABAJAR Y DESENVOLVERSE CLASES DIARIAS. PROFESORES BILINGUES. LE OARANTIZA1111103 EL APRENDIZAJE A.B.C. 1800 S.W. 1st St. 3er. Pisa 541-4119 SERV/C/OS LEGALES COMPLETOS LLAME A MARIO OUINTERO JR., ESQ PARA CONCERTAR UNA CITA DIVORCIOS • REAL ESTAI ACCIDENTES DE AUTOS... RELACIONES CON EL CONa1JNaOOI ... AoonroNES . CAMaIOs DE HOMBRE ... SEPAMgONES MEOMTE ACUERDO DEMOS LEM . WITOS GRAVES, MANEJM INTOxICAM TRAKO...TESTAMENTOS CORPORACIONES • DAROS PERSONALES • PERSOIiAL B,LINGUE C �VENIENTE SITUIICION MIEMeRO DEL KOMA aM ASSOC. OVl'1U M%M AVISO AL PUBLICO REVISION DEL NORARIO DE SESIONES DE LA COMISION DURANTE EL MES DE MAYO Se &visa por sate medio que las Sesiohes de Is Comisi6n do In Ciudad durante el mes do mayo han sido seholadas como SOA: Mibrcoles, mayo 7, 19W (1:00 P.M.1 Sosi6n Especial de Trabajo can el fin do reviser Is Nueva Orderwm de Regina& de Zonaa MWcobs, mayo 7, 19M (3:00 P.M.) Sesi6n de Planificaci6n y Zonificaci6n. Jueves, mayo 8,198o (1:00 P.M.1 Sesi6n Regular de la Com"n . de is Ciudad. Juevea, mayo 22,198o (1:00 P.M.) Sesi6n Regular de Is ComW6n de Is Ciudad. Toroin lugar an to Cbmara de Seasons de to Comisi6n de is Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. 33133. RALPN lyl CLEERK01E CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA v aar� STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF DADE ) Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Enrique J. Perez, to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Advertising Manager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in DIARIO LAS AMERICAS on the following days$ -Ir?pw) fl/d'o f nnn r4&f# 4W is Signed L c J Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of� 19-L.)_, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Ov a MUM AVISO AL PUBLICO REVISION DEL NORARIO BE SESIONES BE LA COMISION DURANTE EL MES BE MAYO Se avisa por este medio que las Sesiones de la Comisi6n de y Ciudad durante el mes de mayo han sido serialadas Como aipue: Milrcoles, mayo 7, 1980(1:00 P.M.) Sesi6n Especial de Trabojo wn el fin de reviser la Nueva Ordenanza de Regulaci6n de Zones. Mi6rcoles, mayo 7, 1980 13:00 P.M.) Sesi6n de Planificaci6n y Zoniticaci6n. Jueves, mayo 6,198011:00 P.M.) Sesi6n Regular de la Comisi6n de Is Ciudad. Jueves, mayo 22, 1980 i1:00 P.M.) Sesi6n Regular de la ComWM de la Ciudad. TendrAn lugar en la Camara de Sesiones de la Comisi6n de to Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. 33133, RAL►N G. ONGIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI 91 Mina Art. Notary Publio t1ti NOTICE TO PUBLIC R_evi=ed Commission Meethofig Schedule"For May Please be advised that the City Commission Meetings for the month of May have been changed as follows: Wednesday, May 7, 1980 t 1:000'clock P.M.) I Special Workshop Session for the purpose of reviewing the New Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Wednesday, May1, 1980 t3:000'clock P.M.). Planning and Zoning Meeting Thursday, May 8, 1980 r 1:000'clock P.M.) - Regular City Commission Meeting, Thursday, May 22, 1980 t 1:000'clock P.M.) - Regular City Commission Meeting. To be held in the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. ot4s RALPH G. ONGIECITY CLERKCITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA -J I�YI1Ii111e rn t'viilq Aye,}�er Miami _-- C —1 t 0 19T3 j'1'j i •n Miami, Dade County Florida r ' CIO STATE OF FLORIDA 1 SS PROOF OFPUBLICATION COUNTY OFDADE { Before the undersigned authority personall} appe:+red EARTH C REEVES, who on o:,th says that he is the Executive Editor of 1-rfE MIA111 "f1AL':S, xeeklc newspaper published at 'Miami, Dade County. Florida; that theat- taehed copy of advertisement was published in said new"spa jwr to the issues of May 1, 1980 Affaint further states that THE MIA%II TI>IES is., new,p,,pf-r published to %liana, Dade County, Florida, and that aid newspaper has heretofore been contrnuo'-tsl% puhh'11 a 11, Saud Dade County, Florida each week and has been Rllfwred as >econd cLtss marl matter at the l 1,w i ; of i, I. ,n Miami Dade County, Florida, for a period of rfiore,ltyan ne %ear r.c'rl I,receedutt; date of publication .,I tt:c a'to(fwd c„)y of advertisement; futher affaint says "at t hoots r ,ther l,,,ni nor promised ao,, firm pc•r1,�u: 1: „rl, ,rc,hun ❑rt} discount, rebate, commission or refund fir K f ,l ,urlrn;, „f .r, (.unit; Ihis, .uherlisentent for pu1)1!L,00& ,n this newspaper � '.ice} Q,• , h J M1i� , �► �'� r Executive Editor f :rrhsrrthed before me on this, the .. day of A.D. 19_$.Q_ r `, 2nd �' NOTARY 4'UBLIC STATE t O--D )RIDA AT LARGE 11y conuntssion expires. NAY UtMMI' ,i ':. r tth, 11K• 'i In Af`Nbt!' nKtl ,f'ai i nt ,iNk, iFIL% 1 / M NOTICE TO THE PUBLICS.., 1,11 interosted pw oons please take notice t a City Commis ion Workshop will be held on Wednesday, tu'..LL. 19so at 1:oo P.N. in the City Commission Chambers, 35M MM r riven Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. Please also be advised that any Planning and Zoning items deferred from the April loth meeting and still pending shall be taken up on May 7, Iwo at the conclusion of the Special Workshop Session. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA �T1�r iam Puhh"he.'1 ',,,,., %irann. Dadc e •uuw:, f ,•.:;da STATE OF FLORIDA i SS COL NTY OF DADS j r =; �t 410-� r t Z3 J PROOF (W PUBLIC.ATION '-- Before the undersigned ;ruthrrrrt} prrsonalic appeared (.AM If C REEk E.S. who on o;ith says that he is the Executive Editor of'1'r1F: NUAA11 TINT'-:S ceekly neKspaper punh-hed at Miami, Dade Counts, Florida, that theat- taehedcopy of advertisement wa puhh.,hed in said newspaper in the issues of April 24, 1980 Affaint further slatrs Ihat THE 111A111'I'l\iF:: is a neN;papor published in Miami. Dade County, Florida, and that the said ne,+spaper hay heretofore been cunUmnwsiy puhi;,fu•d In >;ud Dade ('aunty Florida each week and has been entered as ee on-1 chess marl matter at the t ti Pw'l I Iffu t ;n \ltanu• Dadr County, Florida. for a period of more than one %ear next preceedrnK date of public;+stun of the ,Isla+ hed e'op} of advertlsernent, futher affaint says that he has neither paid nor promised aor flan, person or c-,rporati,u: any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of ecuring Ih,s :ul%e•ru,enwnt Inr puhuc,,;ron in Ihr,. newspaper -L - • Executive Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the_--25th. day of NOTARY PUBLICSTATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE 91y commission expires NOTARY P1)b11e SATE Of eLORIDA AT LASM Mr CiOAAM1 ,10N (*MS AW, 71 1981 1QNND INKI1 ;FNFRAt IN'S UNCIEftWItIrM DIARIO LAS AMERICAS ACCOUNT NO. P.O. BOX 597177, MIAMI, FLORIDA 32159 ADVERTISING ORDER INVOICE MC16 AGENCY (�\\ wifi °2y; 1980 J AOV FOR T18ER SALE$M•� Ral G. angle, City Clerk j ACONESS P.O. box 330708, Mismi, Fla. 33133 PHONE NO. •ILLING INSTRUCTIONS F&TA /AjY 7yG , 1980 CO`U ai INJHES rMN11 NCM[S $,fA s�i��p � N; SUPLEMENTAARYCCHARGES 2 3 1 5 7 a 9 10 11 1 1 1 1 is i PRODUCT: Avino Pdbllco 'V TAG LINE: Workshop Session y� VEpIFv NEW AQLJ REPEAT FROM MOISPLAY CLASSIFIED -] POSITION REQUESTED: Moms P29. 10 - DIARIO LAS AMERICAS op��op o� aeM of ur Detalles de la Operai, FerCARLOS F. LIEBANA e=plosl6n. WASHINGTON, Abrll 26 (EFE) — El folio t#cnico de tree de lot ocho hellc6pteros que participaban en Is pri. mers face de Is operscl6n de rescate de lot rehenes norte• amerleanos en Iris fue Is causa de que el presldente Jimmy Carter cancelars la opersel6n,precla6 elvlernes el Secretarlo de Defense Ha- rold Brown. En una conterencia de prensa celubrada en el Pen. tigono, Brown reve16 que, Begun Jos planes de la opera• cl6n, esta podria haberse lle- vado a eabo con scis helicop. (eros.. ftrown. qt to a los pe. riodistas Ira.. olver de la Casa Blanca adonde esluvo reunido toda la mahana con oW se nose a ee• tt"-'tN C-181 t�ao 111111410110 rb""WW* aam, par• sea eel*, pedleroa demposar delparoa aperaci6n, del portavioses "Nimlts". que ae lamsof parts. vlones "Nimits" , en el mar de Arabia. Los ocho muertos que re• sultaron en este aceldente fueron dejados en Ins logo• res del mismo y Brown espe- clfic6 que Ins Estados Unl- dos bacen ahora esfuerzos dlplomiticos pars recupe• rar lot cadiveres. Los cuatro herldos con quemaduras fueron evs- cuados con el recto de los 90 milltares que participaron on la operscl6n. Se en• cuentran fuera de peligro. Ademis do ocho miseries, bubo Castro heridos —todos bospitalhades y Isere del territorlo Irani— en el Cho• que ocorrldo en Is oscuridad de In noche entre on avi6n de transporte C•136 con one de to$ cinco hellc6pteros que quedaban en serviclo, duo Brown. Le operscl6n, segin uerr6 Brown, fue lanzada a fines de Is tarde del Jueves, bore local del Golfo P#rsico. ocho bellc6pteros y us o6mero no revelado de avfones de transporte asoclados a la operscl6n, debian Ilegar desde el portaviones ',Nl. mitt" a on Punta en el de• sierto que Brown Iocsilz6 a ones 320 hil6metros al nudes• to de Teherin. En este Punta del delterte log hellc6pteros debian set repostodot con carborante. La operscl6a prevl6 on ni• Moro superior de bellc6pte• roe a log que realmente se secesitsban, que ergo sell. Browe duo qoe of lugar de Brown especifie6 mis tar• de, en respuesta a una pre• gunla que participaron en la operaci6n tambien seas apa- ratos de transporte C-130, uno de ellos eargado de com- bustiblepara reaprovisionar a Jos helle6pleros. El Seeretarfo de Defesss morteamericano declar6 on. fiticamente que en todo el curse de Is operact6a log morteamericanos no entra. ran en contacto con ningin elemento de lag fuerzas mill• tares ironies. Brown preclt6 que log hell• c6pteros empieados fueron lot "RH•113", que son graft - des operates capaces de transportar dos docenas de soldados completamente equipadot y aclar6 que esto• ban provistos de Ingeniog de vlsl6n nocturns. El grupo que psrticip6 en la operscl6n la ensay6 con #site en varias ocasloses en territorlo norteameriesso, precls6 Brown quite s9reg6 que el alto maado mllitar se eacuentra share estudlando Is$ causes de lot fallos de Is operacl6s. El Secretarlo de Defensa duo tambi#n que Is decis[6n de desplegar los hombres y el material mililar necesa- ^Para la operaci6n fue to. Ada hace dos semanas, y que el Presidente en persona tomb el lueves la de lanzar la operac:iin horas. Rein j ree" que, ea te• In fperaelds dur6 seas berms. EI Seeretarfo de Defense coaflrm6 asimismo lam moll• cfaa de que 30 Ironies que se encontraban en el interior de on autobis fueron temporal• mente detesldos par lag foerzas norteamerlcauss, que los dejaron en libertad al suspenderse Is operaci6n. Brown duo que, a so Jolc[o, el signUlcado de esta TENEMOS DINERO PARA PRESTAR AL 120A (ANUAL DECRECIENTE) Federal Credit Union Los Viejos Utiles 675 WEST FLAGLER 1 7011, ALE GUSTARSA AUMENTAR SUS ENTRADAS? pUISIEM "MANSE LA VIDA NACIENDO LO ON A U:TED LE OUSTA NACEB? 4DESEARIA UNA CASH ME W Olms b _--hen Ioprado, Pt qw hen ap wddo a gtJiww - - —_ - mislon estasa elan dos Unidos se des bests que consign it cl6s de lot rebeses d bajads. Floalmente, el Be de Defense confirm bits que on amplb t de paisea alladoe bal formados famedfe despots de Ia opera parte de Nortea sabrayindose que de one operscl6a de con medlos militare dos y no de nos ace. tar punitive contra 1. VERSION DE II For NICHOLAS DAA WASHINGTON, (UPI) — El secret Detensa Harold Bra hey que la mist6n mt n lDesW a an jwm Nam"aeoe of Itt femospide debide im de be folio beUt amigaades a Is 11drleroa desperfect cialcos.. Asreg6 que is op me lanz6 porque reps be "el mejor curse cl6a" pars Uberar Monte" a log 53 rebel teemericanos y no d Is PosibWdad de atre m Wtar en el future. Brown reve16 en u man r,ion RescateM.... UMON SOVERTiCA ): Ests. eassart 3 Nbera- elaEw cretarlo 36 tam• agpectro t sido is. tamente el6n por wdrlcs, to trat6 restate s Uwlt&- i6s mUl- rin. iPl DOFF ►brU 26 arlo de wn dllo Iitar pa • aes :or: s fue in. a que .6pteros misma tos me- eracl6n •esenta- de &c- rigid a- 3es nor. escart6 Intento na con- feresela de preasa ofreelda on el Pestigoao que 51 Irades que pasaban en an 6wsdbug cores de In remota Plata en el deslerto fueron deteddos, pero que se les U. berb sang y salvos cuando Be decld16 abortar is misl6n. Brown dlyo que ademis de les ocho uorteamericanos ■sertos en el choque de on av16a de transporte C-130 y me belle6ptero, otros cuatro tripulantes sufrleron gaemaduras. III grupo de rescate, al evacuar Is zona en medio de Is oscuridad nocturna, abindon6 en las arenas del deaferto cuatro helle6pteros que no funclonaban bien y los rectos incendiados de las dos aeronaves que choca- ron. Brown desmintf6 en forma eateg6rica los Informes des - de Irin segfin los cuales W- gonos miembros de Is mi- A16u babrian quedado aisla- dos. Brown revel6 aaimismo, empero, que los cadiveres de los ocho norteamericanos que perdieron Is vida fueron abandonados y "afin no ban Sldo recuperados". Agreg6 que "durante Is retirada se Ileg6 a Is conclu• On de que Is misi6o seria poesta en peUgro sl se hacia as Intents para recupe. rarles. Pero ae estin reall- sando otros esfuerzos, es- Iserzos dlplomiticos, pars recobrarlos". Brown, en Is descripel6n mis detallade de Is frustra- da operac16n de rescate, no descart6 la posibllidad de que vuelvan a utilizarse fuerzas norteamericanas para tratar de liberar a los rehenes. "No vamos a descartar singuna opcl6n, como no to biclmos antes tampoco", di. In. "Que nadle dude de nuestra determinsci6n o del signlfice estos aconte. cimfen ;1ONo descansare- mos bast& que Ins rehenes Sean liberados". Al preguntirsele por que Israel pudo montar un ata- que rel ago en Entebbe bace c� aaos para libe- rar a rehenes israelies pero Estados Unldos fracas6 es una m1s16n similar, Brown respondl6: "Teberin no es Entebbe. No sk cuintos de ustedes ban iolado 500 m1Uas niuti- cas es an heUc6ptero. Es Asa tares dificU. No conozco slegun3 otra naci6n que pu- (PASS Ala Pig. 25 Col.2) ■1a16a frasauda. Ut avl6a C-186 y as Ielle6ptob ebe• tam. g wastes. Retlas Is feerse do sleracles de. jasdo elegays avo je It leg ■genes d4rig. /131 de traasper Fracasada Misi6n de Rescue E1 secretarlo de defessa Harold Brown dUo Was E101, dos Usldos dejaron detris los cadiveres de ockenerlsn nos y los restoo de slate bellc6pteros y el avl6a detraldo al el cboque cuando to wlal6s de reseate fraeas6 Y a ser lap dar detalles sobre el plan de roseate. $619 gas d leg 1010 c6pteros regres6 al portaavlones Malts (TelefoWP1..3 1osat -fir 'te4o quillam f i let at . leilpls" eIssue 1es8 sal � 81 4 W V3 rea dos belle6pteres: ones aterrls6 to el deelorte y I s ■llltares list lbas am el faeros trasbordados a stro belie6ptero, y We INTO dill. eshodes Wcaleas cosodo to. dawls estaba sabre el marde Arabia. Pere us tercer belle6ptero experimestb "mal tunclones hldrialleas" despots de he � ber Ilessdo al punto de re: abostecimlento. En este pusto y coo s6lo clsco bell• e6ptere es estado de fan• closer, el presidente Carter cance16la misl6n. Una vez concelada Is ml- sl6n y cuendo lee tuerzss sortesmericanas se dls• ponies a salir de Iris on avl6n de transports C•130 co• BMW con uno de los hell• c6pteros en la complete os• curidad de la noche y este 61- timo se incendl6 tras one AVISO AL PUBLICO Se de a conocor a todes In personas interesades quo un Workshop do Is City Com- 111WO tends kger es nrhodes, Mayo 7,1990, a Is 1 P.M. on el City Commission Chambers, 3500, Pan A n Drive, Miami, Florida TernbAn tomen note qua tome de Plonsomiento y Zone quo no se trat6 on Is junto do abril 10 y quo todavla esd pendiente sorb tratado el 7 de meyo,1990, al fM del Is Sesi6n Especial del Workshop. e10. ONGIE CIY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA aW 111111 %fe.alu tm►W6n pueft hecarb. Sin compromiso elguno an Is Conferencis GRATIS Ludes 28 de Abril a In 8 p.m. Jueves 1 de Mayo a lag 8 P.M. Conferenciata: Dr. Anthony Romero, Presidente del 1. AM. Suot�,1% INSTITUTO .DESARROLLO MENTAL 757 N.w_ . 27 Ave. spite NM Miami, Pa. 33125 01.70 -`HA TENIDO UN ACCIDENTS? NO PRE-JUZGUE SUS DERECNOS LEGALES CONSULTEN03. NO COBRAMOS HONORARIOS SI NO SE COBRA EL CASO ACCIDENTES DE moin■ ol`i• Automoviles • Camiones • Motocicletes • Autobus • Barcos, Botes etc. • Peatones • En el Trabajo • MoSduras de Animales. NONORARIOL',i 5% de 10 Cobndo (Gaston no incluidos) No CARGOS por consultes, at sad en cama el abogado ira a verle a la casa o el hospital. AjWGADOS ENGEL, ARON W, FRIED r COHN 1461 N.W,17 Ave. Miami, He. 33125 326-1810 553-0818 uncim es BERNARD P. GOLDFARB Leyes de corporaciones y nelocios Pracdca de luicio Davos personales y muertes equivocadas Leyes matrimoniales y familiares 2748 Southwest 87th Avenida . Miami, Florida 2 eaa&u A sur de Coral Way en Galloway Road (S.W. 87 Avenida) �..�.--.�...�✓-�'�„t,,,,.,..�.%�-•.may: ...i-.-� Ve_ r STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF DADE ) Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Enrique J. Perez, to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Advertising Manager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in DIARIO LAS AMERICAS on the following days: ,P rrr; .l 27 1 ()An 300 �0 Signed SW to and subscribed before me this day of k `' 19,�., in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Notary Pub1Sc 7- --