HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0335RESOLUTION 110. 8 7- 3 3 5 A RESOLUTION GRANTINC A PETITION FOR A PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT (PAD) ON LOTS 47, 48, 49, AND 50, BLOCK B. MARY & WILLIAM BRICKELL (B-96) AND SUBMERGED LAND LYING SF.'LY OF LOTS 47, 48, 49 & 50, BLOCK B; MARY & WILLIAM BRICKELL (B-96), OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE 6871, AND PLANS ON FILE, SAID PAD TO CONSIST OF 1140 HUNDRED THIRTEEN (213) RESIDENTIAL UNITS IN A PROPOSED TOWER STRUCTURE AND AN EXISTING STRUCTURE. TO BE USED FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES, AND SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF MODIFICATION OF THE REQUIREDTENTS IN SECTION 3(4) (b) OF THE CITY OF P1IAMI CHARTER CHAPTER 10847; ZONED R-5A (HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE DWELLING); SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) DEDICATION OF THE 70' RIGHT-OF-WAY ROAD; 2) FILING OF A COVENANT THAT THE LANDS UNDERWATER WILL NOT BE FILLED; 3) ANY FUTURE MARINA DEVELOPMENT WILL REQUIRE APPROVAL OF THE. URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIE.t BOARD AS A MODIFIED P.A.D.; 4) THE GARAGES IN THE: RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE MAINTAINED UNTIL RIGHT-OF-WAY IMPROVEDIENTS ARE STARTED; 5) PER PLANS ON FILE INCLUDING LAND- SCAPE PLANS, DATED FEBRUARY 14TH, 1980, SHEETS 1-7; 6) PRESERVATION OF THE EXISTING MANSION; AND 7) PRESERVATION OF THE SHORE LIME IN ITS NATURAL STATE. WHEREAS. the Miami Zoning Board. at its meeting* of Anril 7. 1980, Item No. 9 (b). following. an advertised hearing adopted Resolution ZB 62-30 by a 6 to 0 vote recommendinP approval of a Planned Area Develonment (PAD) as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the Citv Commission finds that the applicant meets all of the standards for PADS set forth in the Comnrehensive Zonins* Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Citv Commission finds that the applicant has followed all of the procedures and submitted all of the documents necessary in accordance with the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance: and WHEREAS, the Cite Commission finds that the PAD meets all of the standards for a Conditional Use as outlined in ARTICLE XXI-I of the Comnrehensive Zoning Ordinance: and WHEREAS, the Citv Commission deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of. Miami and its inhabitants to grant the petition for the application of a Planned Area Development (PAD); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE. COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The petition for a Planned Area Development (PAD) on Lots 47, 48, 49, and 50, Block B; MARY & WILLIAM BRICKELL (B-96) and submerged land lying Se'ly of Lots 47, 48, 49 and 50, Block B, MARY & WILLIAM BRICKELL (B-36) being 1643 Brickell Avenue, CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 7 1980 MOWi1oM t. consisting of two hundred thirteen (213) residential units in a proposed tower structure and an existing structure to be used for recreational purposes, and subject to approval of modification of the requirements in Section 3(4) (b) of the City of Miami Charter Chapter 10847; zoned R-5A (High Density Multiple Dwelling), be and the same is hereby granted, subject to the following conditions: 1) dedication of the 70' right-of-way service road; 2) filing of a covenant that the lands underwater will not be filled; 3) any future marina development will require approval of the Urban Develop- ment Review Board as a modified P.A.D.; 4) the garages in the right-of-way to be maintained until right-of-way improvements are l/ started; 5) per plans on file including landscape plans, dated February 14th, 1980, sheets 1-7; 6) preservation of the existing mansion; and 7) preservation of the shore line in its natural state. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of May Maurice A. Ferre M A Y 0 R ATTEST: RAL H G. ONGIE CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: TERRY V. PERCY ASSISTAN CITY ATT RNEY APPRO-VE4) AS TO /FORM ,AND CORRECTNESS: GEORG . KNOX, J . CITY ORNEY \ 1/ Plans�on file r . 1980. --------------------------------------------- lect a Floor Area Ratio of 1.92. -2- 80'33,5 BEFORETHE CITY COI'MISSIOI'I OF THE CITY OF 1,11AP•1I so - CASE NO.: IN RE: LA SANTA 'NARIA APPLICATION FOR A PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT ) �� (1 G43 Bricl:e l l Avenue) S` ) SAVL BRICICELL AVENUE, INC. , ) �� a corporation not for profit under thelaws of the State of ) Florida on its oeni behalf and ) �� on behalf of all others similarly oituated, ) Oa Appellants, ) vs. THE CITY OF I-IIAMI, FLORIDA, ) a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Florida, and SOUTI-IEASE BAI';W'.ND TRUST COMPANY, I`1.A.. AS TRUSTEES, owner of property and applicant, ) and HERCEDES I. FERE'E, owner and applicant, ) and OLYI•kI'IA A:•IP YOPU. DEVELOPMENT, LTD., a � Toronto, Canada conn-lomerate, applicant and developer, and SAIiTA I''1ARIA DEVELOPMENT GROUP, ) a pertnership,.cicveloper and applicant ) ' Appellees ) NOTICE OF APPEAL IIOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Save Brick•:ell Avcn1-- , Inc . , on its own behalf and on behalf of all others similarly situated, Appellants, appeal to the Citcuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for Dade County, Florida, the Resolution of the City Commission of the City of ikiami adopted Iiay 7, 1980, �;rantir.E unto applicant Southeast Bank and Trust Company, PJ .,as trustees-, o•:rner of property an�i applicant, i:Crcedees ill. Yox ee, ornler and ap--lica;lL' j Olyl�pia and lorh Develonmc:zt, L'TD., a Toronto, Canada con lo:ueratc, applicant and develo-cr, , a:t'' Santa Maria Develo;)i.ont ;Troup, a pur, nership, evelopel• and applicant, any or all of them, z "l..L:.::C•. Area onI ofs 474I,, 4, ancI .c•� e (. , 4ji �_l..,LL (L-J ) , arld SUDIae1'�,ecl laI7cl l;y'lr?, SI.E ly Of ;.,c,i.:.; tI 7 , 4r , `:0i;a 'ILLIEI l LLL —3�'), 1;, .3 .,,1;1oci:�, iL%Dric.:e'_1 ?''-C, undor t.,c City O 1'ilaI?1 'Oi71Ii OT`d1Tic:ICe. .':;C....ture Ci tI'ie _'esolution is a fi-nal order. Appellants seek. reVi^'., of tho ad,rtinistrativ, action of Al-pellccs pursuant to Rule, 9.030 (c) (1) (c) al:c :;.110, ?loricia i,ules of Appellate rrocedure. .-unt to Section 1G�.250,_'lcrir�'a ;ta�ztcc (1079) an:: If �.(�)^l'O, 1,%:L;ect:lnn OiU . I _ A, eXi�i6r `9- i to ,� i Court shall be by trial de novo. E Steven H. Brotman Counsel for Appellants 1401 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 3 74-8 678 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Notice of Appeal was served by mail this 6th day of ,Tune, 1980 upon the following: George Knox, Jr. City Attorney City of I,Ia�:i 174 East Fla�;ler Street Iliami, Flo. icla 33131 Roehert H. Traurig ureenl�er :'rauri Askew Hoffman Lipo€f Quentel & Volf, P.A. Attorney for r'.1,,plicant 1401 3rickeil Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 Steven H. Brotman Il LrxH /8/T 4 . P z of A. ARTICLE X-1- HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE R-SA DISTQICT (ORD. 7082) , The following regulations shall apply in all It -SA Districts: Section 1.- USE REGULATIONS r No building or stricture, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used aq land or water used in whole or in part, for other than one or more of the following specified uses: (1) Any use permitted in an R-2 District, subject to the USE REGULATIONS specified in said District. (2) Apartment building not exceeding a density of one dwelling unit for each four hundred and fifty (450) square feet of lot area, provided, however, that when a lot is developed for apartment usage in an R-SA District which oh,tts a road that is included in the State Syst m of Primary Highways, a seventy (70) foot wrvicu drive extending for the full length or width of the lot along such road and providing limitod oc(css thereto, shall be dedicated, in order to assure proper traffic circulation to accommodate uportment development, as well as to afford to the general public proper convenience and amenities, except that service drives may be reduced in width or eliminated at the discretion of the Zoning Board, in a District in which the overall street design for the District provides adequate access and traffic circulation without the use of a service drive. (ORD. 7508) (ORD. 8225) (2-A) The following USES, if approved as "CONDITIONAL USES": (ORD. 7357) (a) Docks and piers extending into Biscayne Bay a distance greater than twenty-five (25) feet beyond the fade County Bulkhead Line subject to the limitations and conditions prescribed by Section 23 of ARTICLE IV. (b) Private clubs accessory to a permitted use of an apartment building containing a minimum of two hundred (200) dwelling units. (ORD. 8065) (c) Restaurants operated in conjunction with apartment or office developments subject to the provisions of Article IV, Section 20, (2) and (3). (ORD. 8132) (d) Marine fuel pump as an accessory use, in marinas with more than fifty (50) slips, provided that no advertising signs are permitted and the facility is used exclusively by residents of the site. (A certificate of use lwrmit is required.) (ORD. 8483) (3) Uses accessory to the above uses not involving the conduct of any business, trade, occupation, or profession, unless otherwise slxrcified in this Ordinance. Section 2.- AREA (1) The lot area shall be at least ten tharsand (10,000) square feet with a minimum average width of one hundred (100) feet. (2) A lot which has less width or less rirea than here and above required, which was a platted of record prior to September 25, 1946, the date of Ordinance No. 3179, may be utilized for a multiple -family dwelling if it has an average width of at least forty-five (45) feet and a lot area of at least forty-five hundred (4,500) square feet. If It has an average width of less than forty (40) feet or a lot prep of less than four thousand (4,000) square feet, it may be utilized only for a single-family dwelling. (ORD. 7624) Section 3.- YARDS (1) FRONT YARD: (a) Every lot shall have a front yard not less than twenty (20) feet in depth, except in instances where the lot abuts a service drive as referred to in Section I, (2) above. In such instance the front yard shall be not less than five (5) feet in depth for the first thirty-two (32) feet of building height and at least twenty (20) feet in depth for buildings in excess of thirty-two (32) feet in height, and in no instance shall any point on the building above thirty-two (32) feet be closer to the centerline of the combined right-of-way of the service drive and the contiguous road than one-half 02) the height of said point above grade. (ORD. 7413) l 42 RFV. k)-76 (2) SIDE YARD: (ORD. 7508) (a) Every lot used for a one -family, two-family, or a multiple -family dwelling shall have a side yard on each side, each of which shall have a width of at least fifteen (IS) percent of the width of the lot, provided that no side yori shall be less than nine (9) feet nor required to be greater than eighteen (18) feet in width for a building not exceeding a height of twenty- five (25) feet. (b) On corner lots a side yori at least fifteen (IS) feet in width shall be provided on the side of the lot abutting on the side street for uildin , no' exceeding a height of twenty-five (25) feet. (e) The width of the above -required side yard shall he increased by one (1) foot of every two (2) feet of building height above twenty-five (25) feet. Where a side lot line abuts a street, the side yard required shall by in no rase Il LCY14181 T 14X P. I or 2 A i Section 4w Section S.- Section 6.- Section 7.- Section S.- A 0 greater than twenty (20) feet, but no point on the building shall be closer to the centerline of the side street than one-half 04 the height of said point above grade. (3) REAR YARD. (ORD. 7508) (a) Every lot shall have a rear yard not less than twenty (20) feet in depth plus an additional one (1) foot for each two (2) feet of building height above twenty-five (25) feet. (4) CREDIT FOR ADJACENT PUN -IC OI'LN SPACE: (ORD. 7508) (a) Where a lot abuts a public park, playground, cemetery, or body of water at least one- hurtdred (100) feet in width, or is separated from such public open space only by a public street, the yard required on the side of the lot adjoining the public space for that portion of the building above twenty-five (15) feet in height shall be reduced by an amount equal to the width of the public open space, provided, however, that in no instance shall the required yard area be reduced by more than one-half (12). HEIGHT (ORD, 7508) There shall be no absolute height limits in this District, except as required by ARTICLE IV, Section 37. FLOOR AREA RATIO (ORD. 7689) The floor -area ratio shall not exceed 2.00 except as herein provided: The floor -area ratio may be Increased by 0.02 for every fifty (50) square feet of floor area that the average dwelling unit size is Increased above an average of seven hundred (700) square feet per unit for any one development, but in no instance shall the floor -area ratio exceed 2.20. LOT COVERAGE The lot coverage permitted shall not exceed the following: (ORD. 7508) HEIGHT OF BUILDING 20.0 feet or less 20.1 feet to 30.0 feet 30.1 feet to 40.0 feet 40.1 feet to 50.0 feet 50.1 feet to 60.0 feet 60.1 feet to 70.0 feet 70.1 feet to 80.0 feet 80.1 feet to 90.0 feet 90.1 feet to 100.0 feet 100.1 feet to 110.0 feet 110.1 feet to 120.0 feet 120.1 feet to 130.0 feet 130.1 feet to 140.0 feet 140.1 feet to 150.0 feet (S0.1 feet to 160.0 feet 160.1 feet to 170.0 feet 170.1 feet to 180.0 feet 180.1 feet to 190.0 feet 190.1 feet to 200.0 feet 200.1 feet to 210.0 feet 210.1 feet to 220.0 feet 22Q.I feet to 230.0 feet 230.1 feet to 240.0 feet 240.1 feet to 250.0 feet 250.1 feet to 260.0 feet 260.1 feet to 270.0 feet 270.1 feet to 280.0 feet 280.1 feet to 290.0 feet 290.1 feet to 300.0 feet MINIMUM FLOOR AREA PERCENT OF LOT AREA 30% 28% 26% 24% 23% .22% 21% 20% 19% 18% ,J 7% 16% 15% 14% 14% 14% 13% 12% 12% (ORD. 8136) 11% 11% 10% 10% 9% 9% 9% 8% 8% 8% (1) The minimum floor area for a one -family or two-family dwelling shall be six hundred and fifty (650) square feet per dwelling unit. 43 REV.2-1-73 (2) The minimum floor area for a multiple dwelling shall be five hundred and fifty (550) square feet per dwelling unit for dwelling units not containing more than one (1) bedroom. (1) The minimum floor area for a multiple dwelling shall be six hundred and fifty (650) square feet per dwelling unit for dwelling units containing more than one (1) bedroom. IJSANLF OPEN SPACE (ORD. 7508) (1) For each dwelling unif a minimum of Iwo -hundred (100) square feet of usuh:e open space shall be provided on the site. Fx#ffi/T 4 x P. a 00W ZL CITY OE' MIAMI DEPARTMENT Ut' ADMINISTRATION FOR PLANNING 'K ZONING BOARDS P. 0. BOX 708, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133 - 579-6082 APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE 'THE; ZONING BOARD (Land Fill and Dredge; P.A.D.; Vacation of Street or Alley; waiver of Development of Parkinq; and others as required). _REQUIREMENTS• 1. All documents, reports, studies, exhibits, or other written or graphic materials, if any, to be used by the applicant in support of the application shall be submitted with and be a part of this application. 2. 3. 4. 5. Certified list of owners of real estate within 375' radius from the outside boundaries of the subject parcel. Surveys, sketches, plans, as required (See supplemental require- ment sheets). Fee of follows: 15,975.00 to apply toward cost of processing, as For Vacation of Right -of -Way ......... ..... ......$2.00/running foot of RAI Min. $200.00 For Planned Area Development(PAD)....... 0....... $75./dwelling unit and/or Commercial Development ...$.04/sq.ft.of Floor Area For others(except C/7.oning, Variance, or Conditional Use..................$300.00 Affidavit by the owner of the property, or his attorney, that all facts as represented in the application are true and correct. DATE March 18, 19bO The undersigned, being the owner or representative of the owner, of the property located at 1643 Brickell Avenue AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: Lot(s) 47,4£3, 49 & 50 Block B NIARY & WILLIA:4 BRICKI:LL (B-90) and submerged land lying SUBDIVISION SE'ly of Lots 47,48, 49 & 50, Bloc': B; bLARY & wILLIAM BRICKELL (13-96) do(es) respectfully petition and request A Planned Area DeveloPnient (PAD) on above site, a:-) per ARTICLE XXI-1 of th.� Comprehcn:iive Zoning Ordinance 6£371 and T)lan,s on file, said PAD to con:;i;t of t%;:o hundre(I thirteen (213) re;3identi%il ,snit:_; in -i propose(! tor.:er structure ,ind nn exi:,Lincj structure to be u:;ed for recreational F,urpo: ec, and :�ub-jvct to ai)proval of modification of the in Section 3 (4) (b) of the City of !•liami. Charter Chapter 108-17; ;�oried 1t-5A (IIigh Den ity multiple In:ellinct) . SIGNED ADDRESS PHONE NO. DXµ/a /T B o, / or 3 12 P �� 5 STATE OF FLORIDA) SS. COUNTY OF DADE ) A F F I D A V I T Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared I&M&r 14.116 L*I j- , who being by me first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and says: 1. That he is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by Ordinance 6871 or the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, effecting the real property located in the City of Miami as described and listed on the pages attached to this affidavit and made a part hereof. 2. That all owners which he represents, ifany, have given their full and complete permission for him to act in their behalf for the change or modification of a classifi- cation or regulation of zoning as set out in the accompanying petition. 3. That the pages attached hereto and made a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, phone numbers and legal descriptions for the real property which he is the owner or legal representative. 4. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Ir Further Affiant sayeth not. (SEAL) (Name) Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 1i►- day of k4"V?( I+ 1950 i srarg-of trW?ida W Large My Commission Expires: $01ARY PALIC STATE Of FtORIDA AT UhGJ YYCop A'�I�!o-4 E?S!t;; KaY 4 Iuu i OWNER'S LIST Owner's Name Mailing Addre 1&0 Telephone Number '.A. ,jk?mb t c� K Legal Descriptio : tors may . � ► w ro 1�t 21LU 1 1�� I+n Atiy gRauce�t su 4 a- glib Owner's Name 1ARM&USS ft�, PERU Mailing Address �by IUARLL, Telephone Number Legal Description: OW y 2j,.dWLA A-,� tom, t 06L&" A, a+ANy �MNceu su h -q Owner's Name Mailing Address Telephone Number Legal Description: Owner's Name Mailing Address Telephone Number Legal Description: ' eXN/B/i a ,a 3 oF3 s 9, t, ARTICLE XXI-I- PLAtIt4LD AREA DFVELOPMENT (PAD) (01W. 8057) f "} Section I,- INit NT Within districts now existing or .vhich iaay hereafter be created, it is intended to permit as a Condi- tional Use, an application and art upprovol of site, use and buildinq plans, creation of new Planned Area Developments (P(1U) for flexible comprehensive development purposes where tracts suitable in location and character for the o%vs and structures proposed are to be planned and developed as units. Suitability of such tracts for the plans and development proposed for the PAI) sl)oll be d^termined by the City Commission upon reference t., the comprehensive plan, applicable development plans which have been odopted, and the existing and prospective character of the surrounding development. Regulations for such unified plonninq ued development are intended to accomplish the purposes of zoning and other opphcoble requlation , to an equivalent or greater degree. as in instances in which regulations are intended to contr ul dew loprnent on a lot -by -lot rather than a united basis, to promote economical and efficient land uv•, or, iu,provecd level of amenities, approi)riate and hgrLaogiau5-YAfiejY•—•-� in physical develop lent, creofiv•• desi,;n, and a better urban environriicnt. f lexibility_in_the arrange- ment of structures, odxrn space, <,nd 0,,, podestrion and vehicular circul,_rtion pattern is permitted ins order to encouro,jo tl�e burst utill/otiun of file fond on which the rie•veloprncnt is being c:onsiructed. In view of the SUi)St111)tial public advantage , of planned area development, it is the intent of this Section to promote and encourage devf-h•p ncnt it this form where appropriate in location and character. ..SecfIon 2.- 1)1 f ItJIT IOtJ Of PI. At it 11..d) AM A P! V' i e>i';.1i t 11 For the purposes of this ordinan,•, a planned urea development is: (1) Land under unified control for d,•veloprnent purposes, planned and developed as a whole, in a single development operation or o (,ror{rummed series of development opr•rotions, including lands, buildings, structures, uses and dc•n.ities. (2) According to cornprehensiv and d,•tailecd plans satisfactory to the City Cornmission, which may include plans edetuiling str,•r•ts, utilities, lot or building sites, and the like, and also site plans, floor plans and elevations for all buildings as intended to be located, constructed, used and related to ear It other, and df-toilvd plans for other uses and itnpruvernents on the land as related to the buildings. (3) With approval by the ( itv g ommi . ,ion as to: (a) Conce{,t, 1%es, densil V, locothrn, opon spare reluting to comprehensive and detailed plans. (b) Strccts, utilities, 1.-)t or hwHIng sites, site plans, olx-,n space urea" and elevations for all �s• buildings us intended to he 1- at,rd, constructed, used in relation to each other, and detailed plans for other ,r%es n,,(! impi-,vcnu•nts no the land as related to the buildings. (c) A program for provision, cp, ration and rnuintenance of such areas, iinproverneots, facilities and services as will h,• for c,,minon use by some or all of the occup.rnts of the i'AD, but will not he provided, oiler-iled or nwintoinecd at general public expense. Section 3.- PLANNI_D AM A I h VF LOPML t 11: '41 1, R1 i 11.1) (1) Planned Area Development nwy hereafter be estublishcd in existing zoning districts, orov_er o_ combined area of several toning districts, or such districts as rnny be determined by th�e City Commission pursuant to a PAD application, where tracts suitable in location and character for the uses and structures proposed are to be pionnecd and dcvelo{x•d us o PAD, according to the requirements and procedures set forth in this Article. In considering a PAD, agnonq the criteria to be used shall be the locution and nature of the PAI. with respect to intended functions and the pattern of development existiny ur proposed in the general plan, or other officially adopted plans, and to public and private faciliti, , and services, existinq or clearly to be available by the time development r,•uches the s!agr M,,ve they will he required. (2) the location of the Planned Areo Development shall he designah•d c.n the zoning map by the designation "PAI)" follow(:,! by th,• pr(.lx,r desicnution of the existing zoning district or districts. Examples urv: PAD-H-I, PA! )-It-!, PAD-C-I. 65.1 REV.2-1-T3 Section 4.- S i Ai JDAI IDS FOI t I1ADr5 In reaching recortit nendations and decisions on the yranting of a Conditional Use PAD, the following standards shall be used: -- - - "(I) LOCATION (a) Relation to major troosportotion facilities The criteria to be consi deed for location of a PAD is its location with respect to local streets, collector streets, mirror arterials or major arterials, other transportation facilities, or the creation thereof, so o•, to provide direct acres% to such districts thereby minimizing the creation or generation of traffic along local and collector streets in residential neighborhoods or other distrr, is outside the PAD. (b) Relation to public utilitir-%, i icilities and services The critorio to he consider-1 in the location of n I'AD in relation to sanitary sewers, water lines, %torrrr and surfoce droinoc�e systertr% and other utilities, systems crud installations is such information a% :rill oll ,v the determination us to whether the extension or enlarge- ment of such sy%teal, in nr uincr, farm, ( home -ter, location, degrov, stole or firming, may result in highor net I; hlic (ol t or earlier incursion of public cost than would development in forms generally 1wrt,,Atod r�ndor existing zoning for the urea. Such PAD districts shall be so locutmi with respr , t to 1,1 r esutry public futilities oS to have• or ceSs to such facilities in the surov degree as .voold fr•velopment 1wrioittr•d kJoder existing zoninq, one{ shall be so loeoted, designed arnl scolc•I that en r ess for puhlic services is equi%alert to, and rtet costs for such s;vrvicus i, not •pcolvi, than, access and net costs for public services for develupownt as perniIte•d under cxisIin,; zoning. A further criteria is the o,,p licunt's uyroernent to (1) provide ar!r,;uate and appropriate facilities, utilities or servi( •, a;,pruved by the City Commission to inert the needs arising out of the PAD, and assr,rr their satisfactory continuinq operation permane-ntly or until appropriate public utilities, hrcilities or services um uvailrjble and oxud, or (2) make provi- sions acceptable to the ('its Cortrnission if required for off -setting any added net public cost or early conutitnrent of {ruhlic funds rnude- necessary by such deveIopmment. I_xpenses involved if, rnakint such determinntions as rmay be required in establishing the foregoing infornwtion Shall !n7 paid by applicants. f inal doterninotion of these matters shall be made by the r 'ity Crrranris%ion. �rr(c) j Physical cl,arocter of the site; relation to Sorrnunding pro;x rty The site shall fie suitable for development in the mnnner o% oliproved under the South (` Florida Iluildinq Cod,- and flw npplicuW,, `,tote, County and City low%. �1 (2) MItAIUM ARLA It is the intent of this Article to e ncuurugr• the ussenihly of Find into larger parcels in order to achieve n better urban envirorirnr•nt. To qua!ify for o Plunned Arco Development application, a tract of land Shull possess out Ie•s, tl.un twee (3) acres. Apphcotion for areas of less than three (3) acres rnoy t;e subrmittud for ip,pruvol, where the area is distingui%hed front the surrounding area by natural or rnun-rna,!e bcrr;ers, such os rivers, canals, other water areas, streets, etc. The approval of un applicution for un areu less Ilion three (3) acres shall Ix based on the area's uniqueness and suitability for a :'binned Arco U)evelopm,-nt by virtue of its historical character, topography, ecoloq;cal, not,oul or other rnu%uml features. (3) USES, DFI` I'll iY, UPI 11 SPAC !. Al JD FLO(M AM..A f2ATIC) Atli) OTHi 1R 12E(;IiLATIUt-IS Within n Planned Area Development, any principol and accessory use, density, o;en space and floor area ratio unit other rec;ul,itinnti is ;wrrnittt-d which is ulreody I-rinith-d in t'u• existing toning district or districts or I'Al) I )isiricis us rruiy 1, r the Cily C•omnussion pursuant to n PAD npplicutiun, in whi,n such ;'l,imwo Areo t)eveloprnent is locate!. the disiri- bution of these {omitted Irrincipal nod accessory uses, dunslty, open spout- and floor area ratio, and other regulations or levintions tiwrefrum, shall not he offected by existing zoning regula- tions, but %hull be .suhjer t to irrc approval of the City Commission. Deviations from the permitted prim ipol and n, cussar � rscs, density, oiwn space and floor urea ratio and other regulation%, rimy be! yrunt,,d oporr approvul of a PAD Conditional Use upplication by the City Commission. Criteria to he considered by the ( ity Commission for approval of deviations as 65.2 REV. 2-1-73 i • a •rah N;.,. described uhovo may include hot ore not limited for: (a) private- renewal and redevelopment that creates o fie•tter urban environrncnt through the assomIdy of land, (b) providing of public usable open spare through the ptovision of plaz(is, Ixirks, and wulkwoys, (r) clearance of obsolete, ` blighted of undesirable building rind/or uses, GJ) dedication of wuh•rlrunt public easements at least twenty fe et in width, (e) protection and enhanct-ment of views for the public, especially bayfront or riverfront, (f) prw,etvution of historical structures and/or ureas, (g) provision of terminal facilities for off-street parking of automobiles and service vehicles, and (h) and other public benefits. Section S.- PROCEDURES FOIZ SLCURING APPM)VAL OF A PLAtJNL-D Af2EA Df=Vf_LUt�r1,CPJT (1) PRI APPLICA11011 COIJf imi rJt 1. Before suhmitting an upplo•otion for a planned area development, an applicant may confer with the Planninq Uepart,nent to obfetin information and quidunce fx•fore enL:rinq into binding commitrmenis, or incurring subsf utiial expense in the preparation of plons, surveys and other data; however, no statement or representation made prior to the official review shall be binding on the Zoning Board, the City Commission or other City Departments. ((MD. 8225) (2) APPLICA T l0r i f OR PAD An applicant opplyinq fur PAO shill submit to the Zoninq 13norl on application for Conditional Use PAD. the upplication shall he accompanied by the following doc-tients and information. (ORD. 8225) (a) The vidence of united coiiitrol of the proposeo; PAC) to effect''ute the proposed plan including a statement of all the ownership and heneficiul interest in the trust of land and the proposed development. (b) A survey of tract to Ix- developed showing existing features of the property including stret•ts, alleys, easen,e_•nts, utility lines, existinq land use, general totwgruphy and physical features. H Site development plans cemtnining: (I) the fitle of the project and numv-, of the protessioncil project planner and the deve•loper, (2) scale, dote, north arrow, (3) lot otion and nrr,wgvrnent of all existing and proposed structure-,, (4) prolxned traffic circulut'on pattern within the develop- ment, (5) areaN to be deve-loped for parking, (6) the points of ingress and egress, (7) the relationship of shutting hind uses and zoning olistriA s, (8) proposed lots and blocks, if any, (9) locutions of different uses propostd by cfhvellinq types, open space, recreational frn ilities, cornneercial uses, other permitted uses, and off-street parking, (10) a staterncnt of unticiputed residential or other commercial or industrial uses (when applicol,le), t1w proposed totul gross floor urea, and the p4!rcentages of the rfev('loptment III txt o, i )pied by structures, (I I) where required by law or by the City Commission, on eco! ,;icol survey in ace irrcLuu.e with stomdurds of the Florida i)epurtrnent of fJot,er�tl Rr•soure.cs, (12) prelinrinory drovings of proposed structures and londscupirtg. (d) When a plunnnd urea devr I eI Wien, is to he , oll0turted in shales, a s, liudule of developinent shall be subniitled, I Ili sue- h spate shodl hove- reside•ntiul deirsLly t1wt excreds by more than III'Y, file protxtseel tlemily gel ti r entire llkinneil uten dvvvl,,j,mrnt. '.Vhen o p1mmed urra developnu•111 provide, fmf i ninninn opell spill v, flu• t,.hil �uetl -I ,'nlaove•.! t u•nrtion olx•n spare provided it illy •.fwp..if .Ievrlupnu•nt sheiL'It o i:iinin, n.i, heir fl,e .,are• relationship to the Colin olx•n •.pot e in l" provided in Ili) entire-• devel. lit, if,, (e) When it deems neces ory: 1. the Planning Impartment, /_uninq 1luard or City Commission may require a traffic survey setting out and (tnulyziny tilt- effect thut the PAD will have on truffic in the streets udjocent to and in the vicinity of the• proposed planned area development. 8225) 2. The City Contniission nay require un econuri,ic feusil)ility st. iy. (f) When a PAL) includes provision for eornmon oix•n spuce, or rccrec,tional facilities, a state- ment describing the pruvisi m that is to be made tar the care and tnuintenance of such open space or recreational facilities. Satisfuctory provision shalf be made to assure that non- public ureas and facilities for the common ust of occupants of a PAD, but not in individual ownership of such of upunis, shall be maintained in satisfactory monner without expense to the taxpayers of the City of .loci mi. 65.3 REV. 2.1.74 Such may be provided Iry tIu• incorlxlrotion of an automatic rnerntwi,%hip horne association holdinq title to such non-public areas and fucilitie', and for the purpose of contir,,rnl,sly levying assessments against each individual owner, whether improved or not, for the pur- pose of paying the taxes and maintaining; sur h nun -public areas and facilities, which may include, but not be limited to recreational nrens, off-street parking area, walkways, lighting and cornrnon open rod lunr3scatxNd areas. Such assessments shall be a lien superior to all others includirnl, but not limited to, mrortgaye liens, save and except tax liens. Other methods may to acc,,pt I!,I, if 11,e same lrositively provide for tho proper and continuous payment of taxes on-1 moint,-nan1 e without I'xlense to the taxpayers of the City of Miami. The instrument incorporatirnl % u h provisions shall be approved by the City Attorney as to form and legal suffi, iii-, y lo•fore suhmission to the City Cornrnission, and shall be upon appruvul of the "Conditi-m-il Ilse" for a PAO by the City Conmlission, recorded in the Public Records Of Dude (_'r, 10Y, I luridn. (q) Copies of any restrictive �ovcnorits that are to Ix- rec•ordt•d with respect to property included in the PAD. (3) ACT l0li011PM LIMItJAPY IA'P I.OWt'1 tJI PLAtJ After receivinq the opplicotion, the I'Innninq Board shall suhmit the doe urne'nts to the Planning Department iod tho I Irbun I)cv, lupment Review Board for review, findings and recommendo- tions. The I'lotminl Ue•pnrhl,wit Ind I lrhun I)evelopment Review ISourd skull report their findings and recorruuornlotlon% witi1I11 thin✓ (30) dovs from tilt, d,rte of receivin,l the application. This review shall be con( orred .vit') t1 , criteria ms set rnit in `,a(tion 3 and q !,crcat. Dorinq Pit- review, the Pl,innin,l I)eportn,cnt Illnv request the opplicunt to confer on the PAID concerning ,Ivy surli;osted , hunle, in the oti,linul pnyx,ull, and/or odditionol information neces- sary to rtvir f, cssentinl firnlinys. In tl:e corrrse Of the conferences, aov :t.;rearncnts or disagree- ments txt•.vecn the Plonnin,l I)cpnrtrnent and the opplicont shall he rec'or,lcd in writing and shall become a part of the record. the thirty (30) day time limit set forth ahove shall not be extended for this purpo,;v. (4) PLATTIM" Pi (41)IM rLt t l l S (a) If it is determined by the ( ity ('ornrnission thot the approval of u tentative plat is neces- sary prior to a finch determination on the PAI) application, the City Commission (nay require the same. (h) In all other instarn es, kinds cncompossed by a PAO ii �iy tm• platted or replotted in act ordom c with the pro, vdlires and rellol,Ifions sat forth by this loninq Ordinance and other orclio,imv% Orin nudes II the city of Miami, ,Ind the develop,iwnt plan. (S) PI_At JtdR 1(, I )) !'AI t I ,,11 t It I I' Ji )II 1(,`, Within thirty 00) days oft, r rt•ce•ivinq the ol,pli( ation, t1w I'Innniriq I )vpirtmcnt shall recommend -"I.-, (a) approwil of the opldic-ition u•, s ihrnitted, (b) up{;roval with Intxiifictrtions, (c) disapproval of the proposal. The recornrnendations of the 1'I,ulnin,) Deportment shall include findings of fact and shall set forth the reasons for thr• r, ,:orrunendotion in specific, including but not li•iiite•d to findings of fact and conclusions on the follo-vinr;: (a) as to the suitol,ility of th- tr,ICt for the propxlsed PAD in tern., of its relation to the corripreherisive pkin „r other officially udoptad plans, physicul churcicteristics of the tract, and its relation to tip,- surralndin,) area and existinrl and probahle future development. (b) (is to the Oandord% w, set „,it In'sectpan ((i). (c) as to (1) Its conforrrllty ::I}!; upplicol,le Coninq or other rt'r)a1111�UI1S, or (2) the extent to which the PAD deports from ioninq and other rc,lulations otherwise npplicable to the subject prolwrt✓, in( holm,; I),,t not limited to density, use, floor ureo ratio, olx•n space, and the rensuns why such rn,,dificoti,ms arc necessury or justifwc! i•1 the lxlrticulur case by demonstration that t!la jw!dw pnrpom- of the PAP would tx, rriet to of least nn equivalent or greater degree by sal it nludifiCOtion. (d) (is to the adequacy of evidence on unified crotrol and agreement, Or other instruments. (e) us to the nature and extent of the I, non open spruce in the PAD, the reliability of the proprnuls for moirltencnce (rod conservation of the otr,-n space, 65.4 REV.2-1-73 ___-- ' .�. • a' ---_ _ i ':;14 r in terms of densities, dwelling typx-s, and flour ureti ratio. (f) as to the case of a PAD which prolwsed development over o period of years, the sufficiency of the trans and conditions propxesed to protect and nwintoin the integrity of the PAD which findingshull be mile lifter consultation witlr the City Attorney. (g) as to its conformity with all nppli( oble provisions of this Article. (6) PLAHNIt JC, HOAM) ACT h if I Ai 11 ) I It JI )It JC.S The Planning liogrtl shall within thirty ( 30)(;uys utter receiving the Planning Department's report hold a public hearing on the opi hration. S wh puhlic hearing shall consider all aspects of the Planning Department's findings, :id of the proposed PAI). Within thirty (30) clays after the lost public hearing on such plain, the Planning Board shall prep nre and tr„nsmit to the City Com- mission, spN•rific findings of fat 1 tog#•ther with its recommendations. The Planning Board may recornrnend npprnvtil of thy• PAI , ns proposed, npprovnl r onditoined nr stated rnolllficUtions, or disnpprovnl. (7) ACTiOI' BY Tf 31 Cl e CC)MMI' .1( rtJ The City Commission shall eithi ! grunt the (ipplicotion, with or without motlificotion, or deny such application. If the Conditinrnil t Ise PAI) is grunted, the nreu of land involved shall be desig- nated as o Conditionnl IN,- Plnnm•d Area Development by resolution, and such resolution shall incorporate the development plan, including tiny condition or restriction that may tx• imposed by the City Commission. (8) EF-f LCT ()i- API'ROVAL The plan ns approved together .%ith the conditi,ms tind restrictions imm,owd shall Constitute the Conditional t)se PAI) ,oning of, the land, ant no building lx•nnit sh.rll he issued except in conformity with all provisions of the (jrur'rt of Com!itionol t)se. The teru•s of the grunt of Condi- tional Use Shull be hindinl upon the applicant and any successors in interest during any time period specified as a safeq,,arki in the grc;ntinq of the Conditional tJse. (9) EXPIRAT1(Jt,J ()F TIME LIMITS UI WAiJT (A PAD CO) ,l0ITI(.)rJAL USL If development actions required by the grunt of Conditional Use arc• nct taken within any time lirnits set in the grant of c onditional Ilse, the Planning linord shall review the circumstances and recommend to the City Comrnissiun that (a) revised ;irne limits he set, or (b) that the grant of Conditional I lse he cancelled. ftecornrnendotion under (u) shall include proposcls for appropriate ortion in respect to uny leq-il instruments involved in the ruse. Section 6.- CHAI JCiI.S IH I h Vi 1 (h'Mf [,11 1'I.At P, Changes in plans approved as p,irt of i1w grunt of Conditional Use may be permitted upon application by the Petitioner or his successors in interest, but only Up On a finding that any such change or changes are in accord with all regulations in effect when change is requested and the general intent and pur- pose of the comprehensive plan in effect at the time of the proposed change. Changes other than those indicated above shall be mode only by a new p 0ition for PAD. Section 7.- COtJF LIC TS After public hearing and upon the findings by the Planning Board and Cify Corunrission that the grant of a Conditional Uw PAD in the particular case serves a greater public purpose as to design of the particular plan and its relationship to the stir roundiny area, it is intended that where there are conflicts between the requirements of this Article and other provisions of this Zoning Ordinance, the provisions of this Article shall apply. 65.5 REV.2-1-73 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION GRANTI'M A P1iTITIO?1 FAR A PLAMIFP AREA MVELOPIMilT (PAD) , 011 LOTS 47, 4S 49, A'1T) 50, BLOCK B, MARY F� WILLIAi i BRICKT U, (B-96) A.1ID SUBI`7URP LAM) LYIPI(= ST: " LY OF LnTS 47 48, 49 & 50, BLOCK B; 1tAPY Fc i-TILLIAI- BR.ICKELL (B-96) BEING 1643 BRICKELL AVENUE, AS PER ARTICLF XXI-I OF THE cnz1rR.T"-n,NSIVT', 7,0`IIW ORDI"IAMM', 6,971, A 1n PLANS M! FILF, SAID PAT) Tr (;0"•ISIST OF Tian i'1'N1PR?'n TIIIRTEE''1 (213) RFSIDE"ITIAL VMITS V-1 A PROPnSI-T) TO,-IER STRUCTURE MIT) A"I FXISTI'10 STR1'CTUR)' TO B" USED FOR RECREATIONAL PiJRPnsrs , AND SU13JFC'r' Tn APPROVAL OF ?JODIFICATIO'i 01, SFCTTOi1 3 (4) (h) nr T1 r. CITY 01' "IAI l C1'A)?Tt: n_ CHAPTER. 10847 ; ZO'lFD R-5A (PIG11. DFNISITY PUL'T'Inl,r DI%'ELLING) . J.TH RFAS, the I..iami 7onin, Board, at its neetinn of April 7, 1980, Item No. 9(h) Eollowina an ad%ler.tised hearin?, adonted Resolution ZB 62-80 bw a 6 to 0 vote recommending approval of a Planned Area Development (PAn) as hereinafter 'set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the application Meets all of the standards for PAPS set forth in the Comnrehensive Zoning Ordinance;.and t;HEREAS, The City Commission finds that the aonli.cant has followed all of the Procedures and submitted .all of the documents necessary in accordance with the Comlirehensive Zoning Ordinance; and NHERRAS, the City Commission finds that the PAP meets all of the standards for a Conditional Ilse as outlined in ARTI('U".. v"I-I of: the City Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and VIIH REAS , the City Commission deems it advisable in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its inhabitants to grant the petition for the application of a Planned Area Development (PAD); NOW, THE-RE'FORE, BF IT RESOLVED BY THE COT'T.ISSION OP TIM CITY OF M.IAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Petition for a Planned Area DeveloomenL (PAD) on Lots 47, 48, /+9, and 50, Kock B; ,VARY `: i1ILLIA?4 B1.T.CIrF1,I. 03-96) , and submerged land lying SE' ly of Lots 47, 48, 49 and 50,' Block B, 1L1RY & ?IILLIAM BRICKT'LL (11-36) , bein� 1643 Brickell Avenue, otil BI r O 'P. / of Z consisting of two hundred thirteen (213) residential units in a proposed tower structure and an existing; structure to be used for recreational nurnoses, and subject to annroval of r+odification of the requirements in Section 3 (4) (b) of. the City of �"iarii Charter Chapter 10847; zoned R-SA (i1 11 Density Vultinle Dwelling), be and the same is hereby granted. PASSED MID ADOPTED this da�i of 1090. M—A Y O R. ATTEST: RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERf; PREPARED *7D APPROVED BY: 1-6 MIRRY V. ASSIST,:_,_ C '.Y A'iT0}:.;EY APPROVE TO Fn:"' A-,) (;ORRFCT'?I;SS : G1,0, C CITY A' t'1l �19/ r D • A ez of � A nlf the upon 4 l. ,rltlel of P1IIn rtrlif 1Y,4en., 075-77, 11 (:gYQL11111olf 'If flu, Fi(it•i(Ia ('imptpl' ;3Sf), '(1"t'nRtbrn till, till, P-10111111si1- to J;aldl. 111111 "IVY so th;N ,' : ('II('t)111'IIgL. •tcllt %%.itll tilt, t11111y with "'I'll( of hnoi =irr p1:11ttlin(t, leromoh', pro. tIi,iu;tt•- rll.wol WoMil'l-: •1e11 of pnlntle• Nation, w:ttly, efhrr rl-1111il'o. ('ofl.l.t Mourn) ,,;It!feh hl.tw(y'h •+i i'l. rUm7lilL•1- :;otv't'nnu•11t lei ':u(s sindl lulrl- :,� tll-t'1Jnl,inrul pious, or ono. With this nut. F•tnrilla lovIIi -ire plains, or silty with Illo TIIIIcntlolt err file .latoil ,'nrironnualt:d, +•I}• {,rowil furl Mild Ilse and t restrietfnn 1.; 11reasonalife and atiuo to puhllc „r geaernl feel. Town of Hh:it- .4o.2d 813 (197k), ,•,'n toad,• t1olt ,•lu,111W residen- ^,, near itirpurt preclede L'tod- aed all reason- • of his proper. r Will as it f,p- Ild he uphehl, i•m that It was .,IS.A.' Tope.. u34S rnment III Bro. sueQ u (levelup• COUNTY ORGANIZATION, LTC. niont order pursunet to .4 mm;, of the- hlut•idrt band noel 11'ater` N11it)ngement let of 1972 Is prolilhite,l from adopting it colilpwhcnsive 1,11111 for future level- ullroent Meet t:rowtll purruttnt to either the t,recal 1proernuwnt ('umprehetlsiae 1'IMt)nlnlf Act of 1975, or Inc ih•ownril 4'ounty ('hartor tint I;, effect lolemis such development order. Up• Atty.Gen., 1177-7, Jan. 25, 1977. tmly one regional piannin); council nuty ha cr,atr4 polsuaet to chapter itt1l. Within it hvorrail,If ;uea. Aluoicitmll- ties locnlud witllirl that iron, dasirinu to jolt) It regie,nol pinnninK council, may Join only the council created in file!(- 163,3164 Definitions § 163.3164 area. A immicipnllty mny rohleiln from Willing nr partielpntfn), In any reginwll i'lannhrr council but unlit complete fly ,duly I. 19-m, it cntill -hum ira i.rowul phle un,ler t.Mws 1975, c. 75-257. 1Ill. Atty.Gem, 06-15, Jan. 23, 1D74. 2, Review Zoning is exclu:;Jvc futtctlon of nppru- priat,, ionn1lt aliJIIoritlos nnt9 eot courts: court.; are not clopower•ed to Iict (is ell• per xoidim hoards solestItlit it)a their judi'lnettt fa• that r,f logisiature. and nd- ministr•ntive hullos n,crcisinR It-91(heate olejoetives. 8. A. lictdy ('n. v, Town lit flit;hland f:each. App., 355 So,2d 813 (I!17h). As listed in this arf : IIi "Aroll" tir "aria of ,11111sdicliou" ull-ons tit(. total tlrril (111:11ifylug, uud('T fill' IIrovisiotls of this nH. will-tlrr this IM• ell of Ih$- i:ulA. lying within llr 11111lts of all 1111'nrinorlivil e11u1icilmlity. I:uuls in :led mijacl-ut to Itirerpurilhvl III mdo!IIaIII les.:111 nuinrupnrn(rd lallik within :1 vouufy, tu• ;1volls retriprisllil, viemhlimiiem. fef Ihr Innd. it, iul.orfnu:ul.d 1luuilril,llIRIt's wili nniurowfuernh'd etr;Iof coomil.v. III lilt, r:lsl- of immivilwii(I(., hlte'rr rl-srrrr arias hurl' lrl-n rll-sigi,itwd fo1• fnturr olIIIVxtlf!till h}' I:ttr, fill, fora: "url-::" awl( iucludr, its Ill-hi1, (III, ,jorl.dicliou of the, Inlmivilr•1Ill%' for Ihr lilt rlto.I:. of tills lu't, sill-1 iuiiurhtfltu:It1Ii lend d(slumlllvl will rosl-fvoll holds. ('-,I"l'etollt'l-il.lwil'l. pltul" IIIrn11. :I iIIIIII thief nirrt. III$- 1'rg11i1'rnlrllh of ., i63.3177. 1:1i "Ol-volollor" )it(•iln. ally pl.rson, inelntlin;; o ;arl.rono'ulal aaoney, nuA1•i'• takin), tint d1»rinpuu fit as ill-fino:l in Ihi.s:11•L (I) 'horl.lojnnrnt' dos Iho 11w;mIlIg ):ivl.a it in s, 3,�0111, 1.1o111in Flatulf's i`ii"'lii"ill,1,uii•lit'i'nrllirt'""iiiiiiii."'iii "i'iitir i;Iiitiii.yiloliyllig.III,,;rttntiiiy;"`" with roiulif!on, (UI el,illic:Ilion feel. a Ilorriolun,,m I wriuii. II1) "ih-vol(geu1v11 III-1-toil" iflr►edl.s aoy Ioliltlln;: iwrnlil, •rottio, 111•1-mit, suhdivisleti aleln•orul, rrz,alilig, cl.r•tifivolieu. sIwvial $-%r$-ldilm, r: rhillco, or :111y ollrr officl;ll orlitin of Itvul ul1%1-I'lllilt-ill bavim: tlm l.ffrrl of Imriuitlill, fill- of hin(l, f7l ^(:orrrning holly" nu•au.. Intl- he:u•d of l.ennty romnlissimo,rs of a cnniUy, Iho cismioi.s ioo let, l.nunril of au iol.ortuo•:lll•t! III lnllcifell lity. III- :Illy olhrr chlt'f i,orri•nin; fleetly of :t unit of for;ll J;orei'atul.11l, howv%el. Ill•siglintell, feu fit(, oonlhiu;iHim of stmh hmliv.: whi-rr •joint nfllizoliun of Ile' Irrorisious of this :let. !.,: m-villuiliislioil :Is ferorlllcd l:ol'I•io, (` 1 "(:e%*I,rlttlwtttal :11 envy" hued!.: fad The, Ullili'd stairs et' any (II—Im ttel-ol, rouuuission, ligimcy, or other I)Iarntornlalit y thl.rl.ol'. (h) This still(' or ally dtyrcrinn'nt, runuuls.ltell, a;rn(y, ur util.r iesU•u- nuvllniit}• tlrrruf. WI ,boy Itient sorl.l'nnu•r1t, ids dofiu$-ll in till, srrtiou• or :111y drpartuwnt, l.onlnliSsion, :luotlry, or either jtuarnnlcnt:lit} thtvoof. fill Any school heerd (it, fellow sllr(-llll Ilistrict, tiuthol•lly, or l;orl.rnrlwi)tal ro(ity. (11) "Imild" ioo:uls file varill, wIIIIv, and :llr, ::hero, hl.how, (Ir on fill' snrfarr, and itirtlull.s mly ltill trori•Im•1)I.s or striactares custolaarily rogar'dt'd as land. (If)) "Land use" luoans till. dl.wJnpm mit that has oocnrroll uu fir laud, till- Itoeololnoonl llmt is proposvil ily :1 dl.trlolev till tilv hood, ur fit(' use tlmt is liormitted or Ilernllssilele ou the land unrti'r lilt adoplyd colullrchmishr 11L•1n ill' l-ll.nlmit or Ilorliun thereor, 1:13111 (h•rclulIII will reJ;ulmiolls, or it 1:111(1 derrl- opnwut codl-, as fit(' context may indicate. (111."Locall horrrnnu'nt" uo•:ols nay conuly 1w lnnnieiludily or :Ili}' sprrlal (listr•ict Iv Inv:d gi'veramolltoi l.ulily $-slahlisbl.il pursuant ((I law which l-xl-rcki-s rogillatory nulborit:, orcr toil! /;routs fur land dcrl.ininnrnt. (12) "Loral lililutlilig a)toncy" fnr:uis ill. ahcuey designated to lmetlure tilw cumprebea:,lrc itlull r(quired by tills net. 137 26 S q.e. :so,. 'he he g tit 0, as 4, Ch. 380 LAND & WATG1t MANAGEMENT fi 380.04 (10) "Major public faility" nicans any publicly owned facili- ty of more than ]ocal sif;nii'i,ance. (1 1) "Parcel of land" me:uls ally qualitity of land capable of being described with such defii;iteness that its location and boundaries linty he established, which is designated by its owliv), or developer as hod to be used or developed as it unit, or which has been used or developed as a unit. (12) "Person" means :fit individual, corporation. governmen- tal agency, business trust, estate, trust, part nl'rshill, association, two of more pei'sims having a joint of emnllmn intemst, of any Other legal entity. (13) "Regional 1llanniil,(; means tilt` agency designat- ed by the state land planning agmhT to twavise responsibililfos under this chapter in it particular region of the state. (14) "Rule" invans a rule mlopted tinder chapter 12o. (15) "State land development plan" ineans it comprehensive Statewide plan or any portion thereof setting forth state land de- velopment policies. (16)) „State land planning agency" tile:uls the agency desig- nated by lt�� to undertake state��•ide collnprehcnsivc planning. (17) "Structure" ineans anything constructed, installed, or portable, the use of m1kh royins a location on a p:u•ct•I of land. It includes it movable Mructure while it is located on land which call be used for housing, business, conuncrciai, a tricultur:tl. Or office purposes either tomp,r:u•ily or perniallently. Structure also includes fences, l,illlmards, swimming pools, poles, pipelines, trallsillissioll lilies, tracks, and advertising signs. Historical Note Derivation: Frir fill, rfir•Okc d;110 "f this svv- Latts 197•1, e. 72-3i7, Q:1. lieu. •,o iIisloriootl \rite under C :M).- 1112. Library References Iloaltlt anal ]:nciruutuout a.:�. �. 380.04 Definition of itwoopment (1) "DVVVlopnu`itt" 1110alls the Carrying out of any building Of - mining operation or the making of ally material change in the Its(' or appearance of any Structure or lannd .uld the dividing of land into three or more parcels. 623 vvv.v : ('()N�El ('ATI(1\ LAWS Title 'lli .i (aY-; ll�' Inlliil\'lllJ! ti%'1I1t 0r IISPS till, i l' taliell for the purpi"','� of this c'lulpter to involve doveloptllent, as defined ill this section: (a) A reconstruction, :dll'I-atiocl of the sizr, or Material change in the ext(�rzml of a structure on lank. (h) A c11:11we ill the intell.ity of u,-e of land. such as an ill - crease ill the nlimiler of dwelling units ill a structure or un land or a lll:lterial increase in tho nurllher of Imsinesse>;, r11:u111factur- ing estahlishillents, offices, or dwelling units in a structure or on land. (c) Alteration of a shore ar hank of a l;oacoast, river, stream, lake, pond, or canal, including any coastal construction as de- fined in § 101.(121. (d) ('onlnivncement of drilling, except to obtain soil samples,• - mitring, or excavation on a parcel of laud. (e) Dellmlitioll of a structure. (f) Clearing of hind as an:ldjunct of construction. (!;) Deposit of refuse, solid or liqui(i waste, or fill on a parcel of lint]. (13) 'I'lle following operations or uses shall not he taken for Me purpose of this chapter to involve development as defined in this section: (a) Work by a highway or road atrency or railroad company for the maintenance or inlimmu rlent of a road or r:lilmid track, if the wont is carried out on land Within the boundaries of the right -of -may. (h) Wfwk by any utility aild other persons eng-aged in the dis- trihutioll or tr:ulsnu..;sio n of }.vas or water, for tilt' pu►'Imse of in- spvcti► g, rep:liring, 111mming, or coast llrtirlg (Ill ea:lblished T'ltrllts-t(f-\wa�' any �ewerti, Ill:lllls, pilles, cahles. utility tunnels, power lines, towers, p(,1es, truths, of the like. (c) W(Irk 6)1- the Inailltenance, renewal, Itllpro\'eilwill, ()r al- teration of any structure, if the work Affects Only IQ interior m, the color of the structure or the decor alai of the exterior of the structure. (d) 'file use of ally st'uctlre (,I• land dewotecl to dwelling uses for any purpose customarily incidental to enjoyment of the dwelling. (e) The use of :my hind Aw the purl,ose of growing plants, crops, trees. and other agricultural or forestry products; raising livestock; or fur other agricultural purposes. 624 r, a Ch. 3SO LAND R WATER NIANACENH..vr § 380.05 (f) A change in use of Lul(1 or structure front a use within a Class specified in an ordinance or rule to another use in the saute Clums. (g) A change in the ownership or form of ownership of anY parcel or structure. (h) The creation or termination of rights of Access, riparian rights, e:lsenlents, covenants concerning development of land, of oticr NOW in Knot. (-1) "Ut'\t'lopmt'nt," as designated in :111 ordinance, rule, or development pt'rnlit includ('s :111 other +1l'\•elopment custom:u'ily t►ssttciatrd \\'ith it unless other\\'isc sp(cified. ��'11rn Appropriate to the !'u1ltt'Xt, develnjilllent refers to the act of de\'t'lllplllg ol• to the result of tlov(-lnyill it'll t. l,eference to ally specific operation is not intended to nit':ul that tile o11vi-Mion or activity, when part of othc'1' ltjN'lat1t+115 to. activiti s, is not devel(tilm'llt. Reference to particular operations is not intended to limit the gmwndit.y of Subsection (1). Historical Note Derivation: I''ur tilt' t•fftv•litl• tint+' of t11is l.;ttt• 72 317, §.1. ikm, m- Ili,luril al Nutt' untlt•r § :lSo.- ttl'�. 380.05 Areas of critical .late concerts 1 (1) (a) The state Elul Manning agon('y may front tinge to tinle reconlnlcutl to the :Ldlnilli;tratioll collmli;;ion specific areas of critical state c•ouct'rn. In its rccltlnrn('ll i;1t?on tho agoncy shall speClt\' the 1at1111d;tViOr of 1110 j11't Ili rt'tl 111't'fts alid ;t:11e th(' 1't'a- sons Why tht' p:u•liCIIIal' area prt+poled i; of Critical conct'I'n to the slate or rt'„lull, tilt' dallgvrs that w(IIII(I result tl'+till un('1+11- trolled or inado'lu;tte devviopillent. (tf th(' ' fea, :lull i the a(lvall- tagt's tat N'uldd In' aclll('Ced SI'(+Ill tht' 1lt`\'('lupil;t'Ll (tt the al'('a In a (•11u1'+linal('d niallnvr .11111 rt'c(/:llm('nd spo.,-ific jtl'Iil+'Ipjt ti 1())' gliltling" lilt' dt'\'t'1+tj m1 nt of the al'('a. 1111\\'t \'rl', pri''t• to till' (lf'sIJ�I1:ItIu11 ut alty alv;t (it vvill(';tl taty c(Illt'1'111 1)y llle admillis- tratloil commission, all 1m-clltol'y ()t land; ttwlwd I1y the state :,hall lx' filt'd with the slate land pl:uuliw agency. The slate land p1.111111ng Agency ;hall reline.>t -11 political ;uhdivi;ions alid other puhlic a}!;vnci1's of the state :11A tilt' lellt'1'al };-1\'('1'111111•Ilt to sulnnit an iu\•c uaT (d hums ot\'nt'd wRhin Ow Mae of Fl wWa. (b) Within forty-five days follOWingr rt't•('ipt of a rcconunen- datioll front the agency, the adl;lini:; ration colunlis;ion shall ci- ther roject the rec(tllilllt'lldatlull as lcllti('lvd m- adopt tie same with or without Illodificati''ll anti by rule dv.,igllate the area of 14Fsn-AO 525 �t rtt►}! L,/!'• ..,, 'j `y I t�. J. ►. i ..Sr i 't. , r. ,r�i.•+,,. 4 4J� 1V...• y �+ 11�:!t/' + :t ! ++ .... r� tiiyi� 'tin• ,.:vr :' '7, �r�}1 �n� a rt ♦R�.1li 1" N Wr 1' c•�.ir• x7.•h ���f •JY.'a� iMa ri�`-vt �r $�;.y'I"' 'ti+t�!r:';�� K ' a`G��Y�(�'' ?��. r,t :�•^a �� � [ ��.`,: r< �i �.j�j,,�,�y� �iGt ry;' . '1fY" r r, .�;n •• •' ?.r •�:tH,�t,��VI•. .fir, /•'t ..�ui��fi, r� fr'•Z�. ";11..r�%�t��lr• �L^,• 1 'i. �TMJr«`L'.'1ri /STf�•%.".hiA(�w(7�jt. ���wt�J�.1!�Klf�r�j{: ,t, .r ¢.r (�'LiM�'>r�a� �3C�' ?' T ,.�� '.[7.+r J :f �. A, �,A4�/�: 'fir �t•f�n. ..:^�.�•U'iN q!r �r�af .. l � t �� � +,%•• � f," 't• ���ilf .� ,{� R.f' ;v'r��, .1[F '�. f Ii''�. j�ti�[�•'.�f'r.�`it. �c. 7 `� '! y N tf, ?�. `t -. JI' •J I "t ry C ..1 i a �' [ �,j�f,G'�ra<L''".. - t,r C� .~ -`'�.�.� _`, �L 5' t,' yF �1 arc �tw, r• . } 1 tia•i 4•�: 64-1 ENVIRONIt1ENTAL PRESERVATION § 64-1 CHAPTER.-6-1r ENVIRONMENTAI, PRESERVATION. g 64.1. Definitions. 64.2. Intent of chapter. - r; E4-3. Applicability of chapter. � •� 64.4. Environmental preservation review: board, i c 64.5. Administrative assistant to environmental preservation review board. 64.6. Environmental preservation districts. GA, -7. Permits and certificates of approval —Generally. 64-'3. Same--Applicatiuns. 64-9. Criteria and conditions for tree removal. ✓; 64-10. Tree protection. G4=11. Environmental preservation review standards) a 61.12. F.Ncept19n5 and exemptions. F 64.13. Removal of trees from public lands. 61.14. Public notice of applications for certificates of approval, 64.15. Pen:aties. G4.16. Tree removal permit application fees. � 64-17. Jurisdiction for purposes of enforcement �,�, • .,••.•.�3a� Sec. 64-1. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following Words and phrases shall have the mean}ngs respectively ascribed .to them by this section: P�tcicdcrl�lc• area. The portion of a site whhill the required yard areas o11 which a structure or improvements -n1ay be erected. f • r. ", , i y U.ec•rlopmrnt acti-vity. The carr�•ing out of any building w� 'operation, or making any material change in the use or a 1- pearance of any structure or land use character. �....,.:_ is Envirom;,cutul p (,,serr'ativaz cli,stricts. Geographical areas, Parcels or corridors, which 111,1y be identifier} in the future, established by the city cfmlnlission as significant natural or man-mac}e attribute's in need of preservation and control l)c- I. Cross Reference. --As to trees and shrubs generally, see ch. 50 of L is Code. " 1242.E Supp. # 26 4-75 Js�;'�r; Yx,,.• ;;.!• ,,.;:ar ,?'f?Yq!RA!!l "onY��/w,•� A't'�!R► ;,,E•?= ��wr�t+t!,���'N. w }` �'utir;;tn . 0 . M4 ."F, t �'Y�.•t'. 4rr �+1�' 4 .. �,... j1 �?,T,.'�i! t t. �bi''�f• Y; ^.���4r`•`�!7•v=`,,�`, ".♦ . �. �'K�4Z. �r,.'y 0tt�: + t yI r..t �•� Mt•A1ti •�, is a ,.. ,•,. sr• r �4 j .'.y•], y. '. i�;��.. ,.r ��.. _^.w / /Jj+. f.; J�1 t ,Ij-:r5 Kr 1 k , }r• M.� 1, r.. �4:'f \ �.• IF i7Y:.. �i c..�' 1 Y it'• r .rr !r' ~�'r t�.p r v �Z" 4Y"+tin v 41% rrq<' a'!y'ti'. �. }1 v ±.� ,. sl � .H{ t7�i 14!' 'try 7t[�`^r� r,J. / 14.'Y1 a3 �.�'rYM k ,Y.[ �, 't ���• }�j'. /.4r.1 ti t •%�v(a T .v �c�yY�- °'S e 3:'.i' t I.-,�R1.1 t'i C1+ .y,ZFit..t Kf.j, f',.,V - !t r • � ,� if.'1i.Y � •n � Y ..•i, l ! ` 1. •r'.i 1. Lv.'�.^^' .�y{ -fI t A %r' ,? t �r,J^.:A� 1 �(•'� �. ~.!'t•� � 9'�' ' .if, A. y.... t � tT +.1 ,. r �, �. .,tl ft• ,. ► ,: 6 ,r f � .i.7T'.L'{.•.,r. ;,•,n �r1 �� .,rh \r �✓�� jj .1..��.Y i' .•.SL': Tw17.j GSr.-7's,.� y!... r 'i�.GW FJ ',., .+:? •i.:.` \ r i .. : t 1. y. T "K'�'.r E4''7.R r • -x'.,+ 'wl�: i .ir. t•�P< ,: *,-i i,t.Y ati7 ro{,,rr, z�, .. �1--•f•,•. �; r ' a 7 ` : F /s' �` . v4 7•t[i. ;1.X. :t %�' t?MCY r.� ts:..� 1 y t. r r .I•.tAN.i r !y ^. •h4.t.. "Xi+f„"'ffl+t. ✓r .^a �.•a h 4 i< 7 / �`,�-`,>� �~ L 1 ..itiil and secondary to the USE of the DWLLLING for dwelling purposes and does not change the r7), character thereof. (ORD. 74040 (38) HOTEL. A BUILIAI K, or port thereof, in which rental SLEEPING UNITS are offered to the public and which maintains an inner lobhy throw1h which all occupants must be provided rneans in which to pass to gain access; catering to transient occupancy; with no KITCHEN FACILITIES for use by the occupants. (38-A) HOUSING FOIL THE ELDERLY (ORI ) 8777) A dwelling unit (s) specifically desi,tned for the needs of an elderly person or persons, and con- forming to the requirements of State and/or Federal programs providing housing ,or the elderly, and which a) The minimum age of the head of the household shall be 62; b) Not more than five per( ent (5%) of the number of dwelling units may be used by employees on the premises without regard to aye; c) the termination of elderly housing ; erfnittvd herein, shall cause the project to he modified so as to rivet the applicoble tuning requirements for the new use and the toning district in which the project is located. (39) KITCHL14 FACII_I1ILS. A portion of o BUILDING used for the preparation of meals, and for the purpose of this Ordinance shall include a kitchen sink. (40) LAND USE PLAN (GENERALIZED). , The plan for the City of Miarni, as officially adopted, indicating the functional relationship of areas of the community, intended for use as a guide in the development of Miami as a City of "HiChest (duality." (41) LIMITED ACCf:SS HIGHWA`(. A trafficway in respect to which owners or occupants of abutting property or lands and other persons have no legal right of access to or from the sorne, except at such points only and in such a manner as may Lw determined by the Florida State Road Department. (42) LO f. A parcel of land considered us a unit occupied or to he occupied by a main RUILDIt JG or qroup of j main BUILDIt JGS and ACCI SSOR'( bui dings, or Uy a'p►incipol USE and USES ACCESSORY thereto, together with such YARDS, open spaces, LOT WIDTH and LOT AREA as are required by this Ordinance. (43) LOT AREA. The total horizontal area within the LOT L114ES of a LOT. (44) LOT AREA, PLRCENTAGE OF. LOT COVERAGE divided by the LOT AREA. (45) LOT, CURIdER. A LOT abutting on two or more streets at their intersection. (46) LOT COVERAGE. The percentuge of the total area of the lot that, when viewed directly from above, would be covered by all principal and accessory buildings and structures, or portions thereof, that are included in the calculation of FLOUR AREA of a building. Where more than one structure occupies a lot, or where portions of a structure are erected to various heights, the allowahlc percent of coverage permitted for the inuividual structures or portions of structures at various heights shall be multiplied by the respective percentage of the �1 total building coverage represented by each building or portion of building, and the sum of the ' resulting percentages shall constitute the adjusted maximum lot coverage permitted on the site. (ORD. 7508) 7 REV. 1-1-79 E"a 01% (95) VILLAS. A group of three or more one-story DWELLING UNITS containing not more than two one-forridy DWELLING UNI IS per BUILDR JG, located on one or more adjoining LOTS and having separate outside entrancv% on the ground flo,,r floor level for each ONE-f AMILY DWELLING, designed to provide occomniudations for transicfit or overnight quests. (95-A) WARL-HOUSI., M.IfJl A building or (1ruup of building i1i a controlled -access and fenced or walled compound that contains varying sizes of individual, compartmentalized, and controlled -access stalls or lockers for the dead storuye of cuto,ner's y,)ods or wares. (ORD. 8884) (96) YARD. A space on the sane lot with o STI tUC fURE or USL, open and unubstructed from the ground to the sky, EXCIJIF by encruachrnents specifically permitted by the provisions of this ORDI- HANCE. (97) ZONING ORDIf JANCE. For the purpose of this ORDINANCL shall mean the City of Miami COMPRLHLNSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE. (if ter notice: to rill property owners within the propo%cd interim zoning district. (c) Interim zoning rteclulolion.s •,hull be designed to include, but not necessarily limited to the following: I. Invent of the I)istri( l 2. Delineation of Ile I )islrict Ifounclurios 3. Pormitfed Uses 4. Limitation of Lkes 5. Yard, Lot Coverage arn1/or floor Area Ratio Requirements 6. Other upplicabin regulations 7. Tirne limits. (4) TIME LIMITS - The interior Zoning District shall continue in effect for a time limit no greater than a period of one (1) year t•stabiished by the enacting ordinance and shall automatically become null and void at the end of this period. The City Commission may extend the time limit after due notice to property owners within the district, and a public hearing on F-id extension for a period of six (6) months. There shall be no rnore than three (3) extensions of time allowed for any established interim zoning district. (5) RECORDING - The Interim Zoning District shall be properly designated on the official zoning maps of the City, and shall reflect the adopting ordinance number. Section 40._ ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS (ORD. 8213) l(1) WATERFRONT LANDS - Excepting property located in R—IA, R—IB, R—I and R-2 zones of one acre or less, all properties abutting the waterfront, riverfront and/or their tributaries shall be affected by the provisions of this sub -section. (a) Site plan review - Development of all waterfront properties requires site plan review by the Planning Department, to ascertain that development is in accord with the intent of these regulations. (b) Waterfront yard areas - A minimum yard area averaging twenty (20) feet in depth shall be provided along any waterfront. In no instance shall the above yard area be less than fifteen (15) feet in depth. (c) In all districts underground structures shall maintain a minimum setback of ten (10) feet from any waterfront. (d) Acr_.;ssory structures shall not be located in any required waterfront yard area except for such necsssury structures as boat slips, boat ramps, davits, mast markers, walkways, lanrkcopr: furniture, and ih( like, approved in conjunction with thesite plan review by the Plonninq I)eportrnent. (e) No parking or storage shall be permitted within twenty (20) feet of the waterfront. When parking or storage is within tiny portion of a required waterfront yard area or is adjacent to a waterfront yard or setback area, said parking or storage shall be screened from view along the waterfront, with appropriate hedges, walls and landscape materials. (2) LANDSCAF'f1JG (a) All yard areas, including required usable open space, required or provided, shall be land- scoped and/or treated as set forth herein. The term "yard area" used herein shall include all lot area that is not built upon or used for off-street parking, driveways, recreation and other permittednecessary uses. I. All yard areas shall contain a minimum of one (1) shade or flowering tree on the average of every fifty (50) feet on center along the width or length of such yard area or for each one thousand (1,000) syuure feet of yard provided, whichever requires the greatest number of trees. 2. In addition to trees, all yard areas shall be appropriately landscaped with shrubs, hedges, ground cover; and other similar type materials. In particular, the afore- mentioned landscape materials shall ebe utilized, in addition to walls if necessary, to screen parking or other vehicle use areas, trash or garbage collection areas, utility areas or yards, or storage areas or yards. (b) beck arras, plazas and roof areas of underground structures, not exceeding three and one half 010 feet ohovo ground level, shall be landscaped and/or treated in the following manner. I. A minimum of one (1) shade or flowering tree shall be provided for each one thousand (I,000) square feet of deck, plaza or roof area. The trees shall be planted in wells which art- a rninimurn of 25. I IREV. 2-1-74 ( . a r, (90) rRANSITIOr,lAL USE. A USE automatically permitted as an exception on a lot in an "R" (Residential) District, which :'' :. SIDE LOT LiHE abuts a C-I, C-IA, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5, W-R, W-I, 1-1, 1-2 District, as described and limited in AIWCLL IV, Section 26. (91) TOURIST HOME. A DWLLLIIK, contuininq ono I)WI I LING, UNII for the use of the rnonnrler and o number of RENTAL SIA4 I'IIJC, UNII5 ar suite, or rooms, where lodging is provided with or without meals. (91-A) 10WHHOUSL. 17 or the purpose of this Ordinance, a TOWNHOUSE: shall rnean a one -family d, elling in series with a group of three (3) or more such dwellings, each located on a separate lot, and separated from each other by an adjoining fire wall, or walls, as defined by the South I lorida Building Code, without openings through such walls, and with no more than six (6) inches of air space between such walls, said air space to he effectively scaled. (ORD. 7551) (92) USE. The purpose for which land or a BUILDIrG is arranged, designed or intended or for which either land or a BUILDING is or may be occupied or maintained. (93) USE PERMIT. For the purpose of this ORDIt,IAI 1C1 , the terrn USE PERMIT shall be synonymous with the term "zoning change" and shall mean a deviation frorn the USE regulations as specified in a zone DISTRICT. A UJ E_ PERMIT (zoning change) shall be subject to the provisions of ARTICLE XXX, requiring a zoning amendment "BY (RDIIJANCL." (93-A) USABLE OPEtJ SPACE. WHO. 8554) Usable open spuce shall rnean outdoor urea, excluding parking and other service areas, which is utilized for outdoor living, recreoti-in or landscaping, and which is open and unobstructed frorn its lowest level to the sky except for roof overhangs not in excess of three (3) feet. All open space shall be accessible to, and usoble hy, all residents residing on the lot. Usable open space may include areas at the ground level and/or on roofs, decks and balconies, provided that such areas rneet other criteria set forth in thi, definition. The rninimurn dimension for usable open space at the ground level shall be ten 00) het and the miini(nurn ureas shall to one hundred (I00) square feet. The minimum dirnensions for usable open space located on roofs or decks shall be twenty (20) feet and the rninirnurn area shall be four hundred (400) square fret. Except for the C-3 District, at lenst one-half ('o) of tine required usable open space shall be on the ground with no structure below the usuble open space and not more than twenty (20) percent of the required open space shall be on the ruof, bulcony, or deck area that is above twenty-five (25) feet in height. (94) VARIAtJCF. A modification of, or de•viution from, any regulation, except a USE regulation, for a specified zone DISTRICT of the COMPRLHE_I ISIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, which is authorized as specified in ARTICLE XXXI. (01�1). 8225) (94-A) VESSEL. (Wl).8480) Any wotercruft structure, whether power -driven or not, mobile or stationary, surface, sub- surface or hydrofoil, including, but not limited to, ships, boats, barges, houseboats and seaplanes. (94-B) VESSEL, COW41 RCIAL, (()IZD. 8:010) Any vessel that is built, ull�red or used for the principal purpose of engaging in water -related cornmercial activity, whet1wr rnobrlf� or stationary, including, but not limited to, charter boats, fishing boats, freighters and harges. (94-C) VESSEL, NOt 1-(JWI . (Or'.D. 84K)) A vessel not owned by the owner or occupant of the property to which it is docked or moored. (94-D) VESSEL, PERMANENT LIVE -ABOARD. (ORD. 8480) Any non-cornmercial vessel, docked or moored within City waterways or water areas, which is I used as a residence or dwelling unit for more than ten (10) days within any sixty (60) day period. II REV.I-26-77 ARTICLE II- DEFINITIONS Section I.- GENERAL For the purpose of this ORDINANCI , the lollowincl words and phrases are defined as follows! "CITY" shall rnenn the City of Miami; "ZONING BOARD" or "BOARD" shall mean the Zoning Board of the City of Miami, Florida; "PLANNING AUVISORY BOARD" or "P.A.B." shall mean the Planning Advisory Board of the City of Miami, Florida; "PEI670N" shall rnenn natural person, joint venture, joint stock company, partnership, association, r lub, c(nnpany, corporation, business trust, or the manager, lessee, agent, servant, officer, or employer of any of there; "SHALL" and "MAY": "Shall" is mandatory; "May" is permissive. Words Used in the present tense include the future; the singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular; the words "DESIGNED FOR" include the meaning "USED FOR"; the word "STRUCTURE" includes the word "BUILDING"; and "BUILDING" the word "STRUCTURE'; the word "LOT" includes the words "PLOT", 11SITE", AND "TRACT"; the words "AREA" and "DISTRICTS" may indicate and include the meaning of "ZONE". The word "USED" shall include "ARRANGED", "DESIGNED", "CONSTRUCTED", "ALTERL.D", "CONVERTED", "RENTED", "LEASED" or "INTENDED TO BE USED". The word "LAND" shall include water surface and land under water. (ORD. 8225) Section 2.- TERMS DEFINED (1) ACCESSORY. the term applied to a BUILDING or use which is clearly incidental or subordinate to and customary in connection with the PRINCIPAL BUILDING or USE and which is located on the same LOT with such PRINCIPAL BUILDING or USE. 0-A) ADULT. (ORD. 8618) Any person 18 years of age or older. (I-B) ADULT HOOK STORE. (ORD. 8618) An establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade, books, moga- zines, prints, photos, movies, models and periodicals which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing, exhibiting or relating to "Specified Anatomical Areas," or an establishment with a segment or section devoted to the sale or display of such 4 Inaterlal. (1-C) ADUL1 MASSA(;I_ PARLOR. (0121). 8618) A business where portions of one person are treated or encountered by rubbing, stroking, kneading and/or trapping, by a second person, displaying "Specified Anatomical Areas." For the purpose of this definition, a health studio shall be included herein where any portion of the floor space is used for the above stated purpose. (I-D) ADULT MOTION PICTURE THEATER. (ORD. 8618) An enclosed building used for presenting on a regular basis film material distinguished or char- acterized by emphasis on material depicting, describing or relating to "Specified Sexual Activities" or "Specified Anatomical Areas" for observation by patrons therein. Any hotel or motel which advertises the presentation of matter described herein shall be included in this definition. 0-E) ADULT PRIVATE DANCING. (ORD. 8618) A business which features dancers displaying "Specified Anatomical Areas" in private rooms for not more than three spectators. (2) AGENCY. As affixed to a business shall mean a representative business as a relationship between a principal and his agent, not engaging in any type of production for the principal. (3) ALLEY. Any thoroughfare or passageway, (not officially designated as a street) designated by a recorded plat, deed, or legal instrument, to be secondary means of access to the rear or side of properties otherwise abutting on a street. (ORD. 7500) 3 REV. 1-1-78 L Section I. Section 4.- Section S.- Section 6.- ANNEXED AREAS All areas hereafter annexed to the City c,f Miami are hereby declared to be zoned R-I until otherwise zoned or classified as to Zoning District. WATER AREAS (1) All land situated in f3iscaync• Boy Oi1TSIDI- of the officially established bulkhead line, consisting Of submerged Inn(], portly subrnergvd land, and existing or future spoil islands are hereby zoned R-I, Unles% Otherwiso designated orthe zoning district molt,. All lands situated in !3iscoyne Bay INSIDE of the officiolly e•stnblishei harbor line consisting of submerged land, portly submerged Innd, are hereby determined to to. zoned to the most highly restrictive district classification contiguous to said lond. (2) the water surface and the fund un ,,r the water surface, of all conols, rivers, waterways, Nnds, lakes and other water areas in the ,'ity of Miurm not situoted in Hiscoyne Hoy are• hereby placed in the same honing District as th, land which it abuts us shown on the Zoning District Maps. Where the zoning Districts shown .m the Zoning District Mops are different :,n opposite sides of the water urea, then the kind of n.ninq district on each side sholl extend to the center line Or midpoint of the water area. (3) For convenience of mapping and c lority, the zoning of water areas is not s!,own or,. the Zoning District Maps, but is delormined by the provision% of this Section. DISTMCi ItJC, 01 VACAi LO \,rAYS At P ! I ZAIt_1 (-)AD lilts i I -01 -WAY (1) Where n street or alley shown wi a Zoning District hlap is hereafter officially vacated by replotting or otherwise, the land t•,rrnc•rly in such street or alley right-of-.vuy shall be included within the zoning District of odjoming property on eitner side of said vacated street or alley. In the event such street or alley n district boundary between two or more different zoning Districts, the new District boundary shall be the former center line of such vacated street or alley. (2) Railroad right-of-way in the- City ,,f tv icrni is hereby placed in the sour,..• zoning District as the land which it abuts on the zoninq 6strict neaps. Where the zoning !istricts shown on the zoning district rnups ore different on op,,osite sides of the railroad right-of-xay, the kind of zoning district on each side shall extend t,� the center or midpoint of said right -of -.way. F301JI 4DARII-.5 Of UI ; iMMI (1) Unless otherwise Shown, th.. IA%tn, I houndaries are street lines, alley lines, or the satrfividinq or loundary lines of recorded blots, or the extensions thereof, and where the Oistricts designated cx1 rnups nccornpunyinq and rncnle o par t of this Ordinance ore upproxiouotedy N-f),led by street lines, alloy lines or the subdividiu.g or 1--and-rry lines of recorded plots, such lines or t`ie extenci,ns thereof shall be considered to he I).strlct houn,1,rrW%. (2) Where, due to the scale or iller;ibility of the District Mop or duo to the utnence of o street, alley, or recorded sulx.tividing or plat lin,•s, there is any uncertainty, contradi.-tion or conflict as to intended locution of any District ,oundury, the ffoord shall recornmend to the City Commission the intent of said District Mops �iu as to deter nine and designate the proper location for such District boundary in accordance with the spirit and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 13 RM 1-1-75 § 253.12 PUBLIC LANDS AND PR0I11':IITY nevlsp.r's Note-1977: Fee s. 26, ch. 75-22, w•hlch repealed s. 253.122, relli0m; to the power to fix hulkherw lines, and s. 7(3), ch. 75-22 (S. 253.1221), which reestablished all btllk- hpad hoes to-m- ously established purse- fint to s. 253.122 at the line of mean high valet or ordinary high water. United States Supreme Court I State dominion over submerged Is- lands w•Itlln one-nlllo belts surruundfng ii ::ant❑ iWHiAt•a and %nacolia islands, see r United `talcs v. Callforn!a, 1978, 98 S. t' C1, i1102, 1311, U.S. 32, 5G L.rd,2d 94. 253.122 Repeated by Laws 1975, c. 75-22, § 26, elf, July I, 1975 253.1221 Bulkhead lines; reestablishment All hlllhht'nil lhtos heretofolr estf11111.R11(`tl lulrsuntil to fortuer s. '253.122 uro heron• established lit the flue of Menu high willrr fir ordinary high water. There i;liall Ite no filling wetter itrd of the line of iuean high \\'titer or ordi- 25, Actions and proceedlnps, in general In action by company which boll lieell Issued dredge _and fill perinit by United tiUatetl ,Uui) Corps of ]snglneers for tic claratory judgment that pernill rights lit il never expired and that Collis was trqulr.%I to hold heiu•Ing on application for tenewill of permit, controversy was "ripe" for judicial resoinlinil notwith- stfinding pendency of state litigation on Issue of Floridil into ns to ownership of snhlnerged I:ul,ls. Iiani(ers Llfe & v. Cnlhatt•a)•, C'.A., 510 F.2d G25 (197G), rehParlog denied 536 r.2d 1387. certiorarl (If -tiled 97 S.Ct. 811, 429 U.S. I t,73, 50 1,. Ed.2d 791. nary high water except upon conipliaure w'itli this chapter, Niws 11175, e, 7.71,-2 . § 7, eff, July 1, 1075. Cross References nl roue. I%liullt> H. Maloney and Alt- "J livironntenLlal Reorganization Act, than)` Y. O'Donnell Jr., 30 U.1''Ia.L,ll. see 1 403.801 et seq. 283 t1978). Law Review Commentaries Libra ryy References Hole of conl.tal construction sethuck Na%wilile \Voters 0=38, lines In regulating development of coast- C.J.S. l uvlguble Waters 1: 113, 114, 253.123 Restrictions on tilling land and dredging Reviser's Notea--1977: See s. 11. ch. 75-22, which transfers all hint1: It to dtedg� fill material from pub- po\vers of the 17epartment of Natural if(,.Iwttoms irl till submerged land ptlr- 13esntircos rclatinft to permits, licenses, rlul::ell by it front state, whivli ncllons awl exeniptluos to the Department of IPsulted io denial to plaintiff ui use of I•:nviloulnentfil ltl'gulatiOn. lul Is but even If "wh right Iva :I been lieu s. 24, ch. 73•-22, which repealed s. esta btl;d r•,', extend of alleged dfinlart's 25:3.122, rclaling to the power to fix was nit l how•n: right to upn ,lust c,ucsa- Imlkhrad lines, and .. 7(3), cat. 7G-'S2 (s, ti,ol throo0i r`olincnt duuutin proceed- =1.1221), which reestablished all 10'evi- Ines teas onl) lt:licf to whl,:h plaintiff ously, estalillshed bulkhead lines lit the tvas entitled. III. line Of 11Wlin lllfih wiper or ordinary In I11'0t'k„di1W ill Coillllel t'1:11111 fat' jll- high water• dicirll d, clarutiin ti-t is ,inrldlrCion of Law Review Commentaries ;;late Poard of '1'iust,•irs of lllernal Inl- ltepbi•in of aretICIPS having no jurls- {?I u1'PIIIPIII 'TrwQ Fiold iced cuuntl'1'- dletlon. 2 Fla.State L.ftev, 81G (197.1). claitiuulls Valli., find enrolls, evidence 1. In neneral s1lj1Iwl't4:.l firl,lllag that tle %calla• holies Where, Inter allfi, trustees of Internal w.qe "nrfitiolall)' ctruU•d navlgalde wa- Ioiprue,!nwnl 'Trust Fund, by revoking teas" wilhill .•liitut„r) t,let•Ivtin ,•xrcpl- pminit uutlurl;ang corporate plaintiff to QIe,IGi till Itlatel'I'11 front bottoms Jill; sneh frunl rlsUtrtio,ls on cunsti'mt- 1111: i:,I:,nil:, tic 11`!d1llr to exlrtitll: Illilds public • to fill stilaitorg P1l !nlld purchased ll)m• It frool �1 roste,!a thus derlyfil(t�,' plitliff W 1.=l:lnd:+ I�il'•11.1111g ail or tieing ill flpl'll. llii,! \\'It,•I.i tim c' p 11111 119 sall, ri1`it 1•Il!i,t. to Ilia• It., land in of11, w•fa)• I11 it',•tlltitfill!"vtil'11 t1':it,:l"r, tit:ate 13d, (if tcldcll In Itatr. ownership could be of fill) I'ru:•t, l•s ,( fill !rued Iml,. 'Trust Fund V. I'stati -, inc., 327 So.24 value, rendorc,l I:out totally useless its b'ra-.\U .\pp., Pit' av 11I:Ii1)tiff ails concerned, and long >A Il'J7GI. delay doe l-i slate's determination to Stllte U,:u 1 if '1'ru:a,•1•s of internal deny plaintiff uee of Its lands by utlliz- loll lucenu•nt 'I'ru;t 1•lnll 11n,1 nu regu- Inevery Court o prCPF3 to delay grant- g Lill-tt, Iothiti'y ncet t•xcavutlon work a, lif ofi rlllit not only cused loss by Inp t• dod .wdvh \tltlihl firtlficially cre- mctc e�l,lratlotl of firm)• I-rolit but was roll- alcd tilt clgallr wntois uvrned by the Px- tt-limtlnl: fartur It, corps' refusfil t,p v!t stirs Ili. r,r:urt extensl,m. Ih!fvndttnts perntanent- I)' denlr.1 plaintiff u=c of its land, and tiff 1. Dredge pert,iits land eted t!onwas wo roquiringtltled defendants, state al;rncly:l un,l offlchtls, to institute con• 1 flLIjaePnt to his v:uferUintl im.p. erty uu natlgtlll„ Indlan I11ver, who did dt•Il,ilntlOta {,1•eeeetlings, Askew' V. Uil- IIOt Its.i,;t'l tirit his il1'Pd�`e pt'O)1'Cf I Ire-Itr-The-Srn, ins, App., 333 Su.2d tti,tld eerie pul.lio Interest, w•nv not ea - Sr (i'17ri1, till,,l to permit allnw'hIl 111n1 to drelll::: Coiporato plaintiff was not entitled to :Iltillow• nrcr;.:, 1:ullll trim ricer to Ills d:un111;P:+ ari.inq ant of state's actions, upl:ultl p,ul,l•11). Shn),lowski v. State, iu Its alteulpt to hln,:k plaintiff's efforts I (,Ill. (of lint it nnronLil Regulation, to ibtfiln dredge find fill permit author- Alip., 37v S,t.2d 5t1 t1979). 253.124 Application for filling land [,Sre ufnin volirlile far trot of (1) to (3)1 (•I) No construction pertuit issued under chapters 253 and 903 shall au- thorize work for a period'of time in e ce," of a years. After approval and 26 �. BEFORE THE CITY COMMI^`;ION OF THE CITY OF MIA141 CASE NO.: 80-149-AR SAVE 1311ICKELL AMWO O INC . , et al. Appellants/Petitioners, s vs. _ : 7'11r? CITY OF MIAT4T et al. Appellees/Respondents : To the Clerk of t.ho City of Miami, and the Circuit Court of the Eleventh judicial Circuit in and for Dade County, Florida Attached 1-0 ease find Exhibits A throu",h i1 for the Alternate Petition for Writ of Common Law Certiorari, which were inadvertently omitted from the f.ilin ,s on .June 6, 1980. �'xh9.t,its were attached to those copies served upon C,eor-;e Knox, Jr., City Attorney for• the City of Miami, and upon Robert Traurig, Attorney for Apf-l.ic:ants, and as such will not a;;ain be served copies. LT ",teven Counsel fir Ap! ell:ints/^etitioners 1401 Brickell Avenue lli:ami, F1cjr ,.1:t 331.31 (305) 374-2(-)7^ 0 f RESOLUTION N(,. 1 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING A 11ODIFICATION OF THE REQUIREMENTS AS SET FORTH I"; SECTION 3(4)(b) OF THE CITY OF MIAVI CHARTER, CHAPTER 10847, SPECIAL ACTS, LAMS OF FLORIDA, 1925, AS AMENDED, TO PEPTIIT CONSTRt'CTION OF A PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT (PAD) RESIDENTIAL PROJECT (LA SANTA VARIA) ON LOTS 47, 48, 49, & 50, BLOCK B; P4ARY f� 17I ,LIAT' BRICKELL (B-96) AND SUBMERGED T�A"4h Lyi:ic SE lv OF LOTS 47, 48, 49 & 50, BLOCK B, MARY & I%'ILLIAM BRICKELL (B-96), BEING 1643 BRICKELL AVENUE, AS PER PLANS O'I FILE, WITH A PROPOSED 77, AVERAGE SIDE YARDS BASED ON AVERAGE LOT WIDTH (257, REQUIRED); ZONED R-5A (HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE DWELL1110. WHEREAS, The City of Miami Zoning Board, at its meeting of April 7, 1980, Item No. 9(a), following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution ZB 61-80 by a 6 to 0 vote recommending a modification of the requirements as set forth in Section 3(4)(b) of the City of Miami Charter, Chapter 10847, Special Acts, Laws of Florida, 1925, as amended, as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, The City Commission deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami and its inhabitants to grant a modification of the requirements, as hereinafter set forth; 11OW, THEREFORE, BE IT P.FSOLVED BY THE COMMISSIOM OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. A modification of the requirements as set forth in Section 3(4)(b) of the City of Miami Charter., Chanter 10847, Special Acts, Laws of Florida, 1925, as aM=nd:d, to hermit construction of a Planned Area Development (PAD) residential rroject (La Santa Maria) on Lots 47, 48, 49 & 50, Block B; MARY & WTLLIAV BRICKELL (B-96) and submerged land lving SE'ly on Lots A7, 48, 49, & 50 Block B. MARY & WILLIAM BRICKELL (B-96), being 1643 Brickell Avenue, as per plans on file, with a proposed 7%, average side yards based on average lot width (25T r.eouired); zoned R-5A (high Tensity Multiple Dwelling), be and the same is hereby granted. CM COMMISSION" ' MEETING OF MAY 7 %8',' leoxrmm no....... PASSED AND ADOPTED this i day of MAY 1980. MAURICE A. FERRE ATTEST: PH G . ONGIE CI CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: APPROVED AS TO FOR1 A"ID CORPRCTNESS: TERRY V. PER GE R F. KNOX, ASSISTA14T CI Y ATTORNEY CITY TTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTIO'1 C=RANTING A PrTITION FOR A PLATPIFP AREA DEVELOPITFNT ( PAD) , ON LOTS 47, 48, 49, A'1n 50, BLOCK. B, MARY b T•TIT,LIANT BPICK17,LL (B-96) AND SUBMFPC'RP T.A'1D T.YI^IC SF'' Lv OF LOTS 47, 48, 49 & 50, BLOCK B; P1n>,`' f. TTIL..LIAT' RPICKKrLT, (B-Q6) , BEITIC; 1643 BRICKELL AVE'll'F , AS PFR ARTICLE XXI-I OF THE MIPRPHENSIV1' 70"II"1C' nRPI"TA"TCF 6,97 1, Ar,D PLA'IS n" FT!,]', SAIP PAT) Tn CO"1SIST nT, TT,Tn 1"'TT"TDRrT) THIR.TI;E" (213) !"TTTS I"' A T'y'OPOS'''� TO',1ER STRI'CTURl' A'TT) A" V'VISTI"'C STRUCTT'RT' Tr` Br USED FOR RECREATIWIAL T'I'RPr)Sl'S , A'ln ST'BJFrT TO APPROVAL OF MT)IFICATIn"1 nF TT?F. PT,nt1IPFrT]''1TS I"T SFCTIO11 3 (4) (h) OF Tl:r CITY nF rTIAP'I C]'APTFR. C11APTFR. 10847 ; 70"1]'D R- 5A (HIC-P DT"ISITY P,TTL'rinL'r DWELLING) . 1.'FrRFAS, the Miami Toning Board, at its meeting of. April 7, 1980, Item No. 9(b), following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution 9.B 62-80 bit a 6 to 0 vote recorrendinC, arnroval of a Planned Area Develonment (PAD) as hereinafter set forth; and .,INERFAS, the City Commission finds that the annlication meets all of the standards for PADS set forth in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, The Cite Commission finds that the annlicant has followed all of the procedures and submitted all of the documents necessary in accordance with the Cornnrehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Citv Commission finds that the PAP Teets all of the standards for a Conditional TTse as outlined in ARTIrT,r v`Z-I of the City Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it advisable in the best interest of the general welfare of the Citv of Pliami and its inhabitants to grant the netition for the annlication of a Planned Area Development (PAD); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLXTD BY THE CnIgmISSIo*1 OF '.�'i?F CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The petition for a Planned Area >Develonment (PAD) on Lots 47, 48, 49, and 50, Block B; P'ARY F, T'ILLIAMI RPICI!FT,?, (B-96), and submerged land lying SE'ly of Lots 47, 48, 49 and 50, Block B, MARY & TIILLIAM BRICKELL (B-36), being 1643 Brickell Avenue, consisting of two hundred thirteen (213) residential units in a proposed tower structure and an existing structure to be used for recreational rurnoses, and subject to annroval of modification of the requirements in Section 3 (4) (b) of the City of P"iani Charter Chapter 10847; zoned R-5A (High Density P'ultinle rmelling), be and the same is hereby granted. PASSED AM) ADOPTED this day of 1980. ATTEST: RALPH 0. ONGIE CITY CLERK PREPARED A"ID APPROVED BY: r1a v.Q?JMWW TERRY V. PE Y ASSISTANT C TY ATTORNEY APPROVES TO FO.W— AND CORRECT"II;SS : CITY AT�R`1F.Y .. 0K*- CITY OF M1AN11. rLOWDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM A`trelio Perez, Director Plat g and Zoning arc l dministrat' n e Uuf hairman UrbanDevelopment Review Board DATE March 26, 1980 FILE.. 5L8.E1643 Brickell Avenue La Santa Maria Planned Area Development 'AEFSR_:a^_ES ENCLOSURES At the Urban Development Review Board meeting February 20, 1980, the Board recommended approval of the subject project with a floor area ratio of 2.65 based upon the net developable site area for a total floor area of 434,886 sq. ft.; side yard devia- tions of 130' , 207' required; lot coverage of 7 . 75''� for tho principal structure; and a total lot coverage of the principal and accessory structu1'c1s of -17`c, 35"' permitted, subject to the following conditions: - dedication of the 70' service road - filing of a covenant that the lands underwater will not be filled - any future marina development will require approval of the Urban Development Review Board as a modified P.A.D. - the garages in the right-of-way to be maintained until right- of-way improvements are started. - per plans oil file including landscape plans, dated February 14th 19S0, sheets 1-7 The basis for this recommendation involves the following factors: - preservation of the existing mansion - preservation of the shore line in its natural state - significant and sensitive effort in the preservation of trees - quality of architc�ctur(? and site design such as the minimal footprint of the tower structur(� - the maintaining; of substantial natural landscape buffers along; the nf)rth and south property lines, and the density Of the landscape trOatmont - dedication of thou 10' ri-lit-of-way for the service road - necessary yard area deviations to provide better building orientation 80-334 ►80-335 OVI Aurelio Perez, Director March 26, 1980 Page 2 The Board also noted that the preservation of the existing man- sion would interfeiTe-with the providing of side yards required by the waterfront charter amendment and recommended that the requirement be waived by the City Commission so as to provide a better urban environment by preserving this historical feature. GB:ek 80-334 80_ ii al 5 0 ZONING FACT SIIEf.T LOCATION/LEGAL 1643 Brickell Avenue Lot 47,48, 49 & 50; Block R; MARY & WILLIAM BRICYI:LL (B-96) and Submerged land lying SF'ly of Lots 47,48,49 & 50, Block B; MARY WILLIAIM BRICKFT,L (11-96) OWNER Southeast Bank Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee (Trust 01-375-005) Southeast First National Bank 100 S.R. 2 St. Miami, Florida. APPLICANT ZONING REQUEST and Mercedes m. Ferre 1643 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida. Robert II. Trauriq 1401 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida. Phone: 377-3501 R-5A (High Density Multinle Dwelling). (a) Request a modification of the requirements as set forth in Section 3(4)(b) of the City of Miami Charter, Chanter 1.0847, Special Acts, Laws of Florida, 1925, as amended, to permit construction of a Planned Area Develop- ment (PAD) residential. r)roject (La Santa Maria) on above site, as per plans on file, with a proposed 7% average side yards based on averaqe lot width (25% required). and (b) Request A Planned Area Development (PAD) on above site, as per ARTICLE XXI-1 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 6871 and plans on file, said PAT) to consist of two hundred thirteen (213) residential units in a proposed tower structure and an existing structure to be used for recreational purposes, and subject to approval of modification of the requirements in Section 3(4)(b) of the City of Miami Charter Chapter 10847. 4 80-334 RECOMMENDATION PLANNING DEPARTMENT a) APPROVAL IN ACCORD WITH THE PLANS ON FILE The requested modification to the 254 view corridor requirement established under Chapter 10847 of the City of Miami Charter is acceptable since it will allow the existing mansion on the site t(i he preserved and since the new construction will provide more (2.8".) than the minimum re,-;ui red corridor. b) APPROVAL Ii; AC'COM) WITH 'I'[11; 1'I,?vNS ON PTTX AND IN TLCC()PI) L^,' I'!'}I '1111' COND I T I oN;, 1'1;('()^1MI NDED BY THE UrMAN I'1 VTI'h' IloA N). The proposed development niects the intent of a Planned .fir i f>evc l01 ment and of other zoning recqulations. It. will provide amenities which will Jwnefit ))oth the future residents of the site and the City of Mi am-i . For exampl c , with the exception of 13 spaces, all of parki.no will he enclosed in a 2-story c:Iara(le which is landscaped on the top clerk. The existing mansion, mansion, La Santa Maria, will he preserved. All of the valuable trees will. remain on the site and the existing shoreline will be kept. Following is a list of this projects deviations and an explanation of several of the calculations relative to the R-5A zoning: 1.) FAR & lot coverage: Although no deviation is being requested on the FAR or the lot coverage, an explana- tion is necessary here in order to relate this development to past �development on Bri.ckell. The Depart- r,ent of Buildinci and Toning Inspections has changed its interpretation of lot area. The new interpretation allows an owner of waterfront property who holds title to contiguous submerged land to include that submerged land in the lot area. This means that although this "La Santa Maria" project is now technically proposing a 2.0 FAR and a 31.890, lot coverage, when calculated using the "old" interpretation (submerged land is not included), the project has a 2.946 FAR and a 46.W. lot coverage. $0..4 0 �7 2.) Side yard setbacks: a minimum of 130' and an average of 160' are being provided. The required yards are 2071. • ZONING BOARD Recommended approval of (a)&(h) April 7, 1980. CITY COMMISSION DEFERRED APRIL 24, 1980 80-334 to% 2 y 6 1VM. BAz/GKF-I-L ogicHati- IM 47 c Z �,J' ,,f4 ,p I �) �, P- 77. cr— t N t t: 80-334 a Cite 0fft1i,.J1Ui, f lurt-ha April 8. 1980 Mayor and City Commission Attention: Mr. Joseph A. Grassie City of Miami, Florida re MODIFICATICN OF REQUIlU:I'MENTS CITY OF '41AMI C117iRTLR CHAPTER 10847, Sec. 3(,,) (13) - RE'C01,LNIENDED 1643 Pric-vll iiventic Lots 117,4f,,I() << 50; 131ock B fIARY & I'll,LITA111 R'RiCi-,EI.L (13-96) and sub!,icrc-c-(l land Applicant: SE 1,,,inlr', Trust Co. Gentlemen: The Miami Zoning Board, nt its, mectinq of April 7, 1'111300 Item :49(a), fol-lowing an zi(1vertise(l 11-arincT, r)doj-,torl Po.r-,olutinn Z3 61-1.30 by a 6 to 0 vol-c (I iihsent) mo,li.Fic'-ition oF- the rC'(Iuir (:- �ivi i t F,.) r + n In o t Toil 3 11) F t- I i (, C i t—I., o f M 117 n In i C1 in rt c, r , - i_ !162r)­:,�; 't�o permi'C Chapt-er 10".17 constriction oC -i PIC-.nricd tiro.-i -1-:1e:;LionLi,i1 project rr, t_ s , 7 , /1, e 1, .1') h 1 1, !-;A X_-7 & I - 1 LT, IAM :,joy,ir-r(p­(l 1.,infl 1;,inq ';E'ly o'l Lot_:, .1711P'.119 & 50, bt-irvl 1C),13 Avenuo, as -) V (-� 17 n ri per on T)ro!)o:;r-,(1 7' w!rds b,1.,..,(,C1 on nveracir. lot %vifitl-j (25,/1 ro(lkiired) , ,oned R-5A (1i_i-(jh Density Multiple Dwe I I i I Iq) Three objections %vore received in the mai-1; Three objectors present at meetit ig. Sixteen proponents present at meeting. A RL;OLUTION to provide for the above has been prepared by the City Attorney's office and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. Z. M. 37 cc: Law Dept. Planning Dept. Recom: Approval cm City Commission date: April 24, 1980 Sincerely, u r"A i �11 r Q 4 Planning and Zoning 31oards Administration 80-.11'14 NNENN� ,r el-, QlitV afffliuwi, flart'ha Mayor and City Commission Attention: Mr. Joseph R. Grassie City of Miami, Plorida Gentlemen: April 8, 1980 re: PLANNED AREA DEVELOPINIENT-RECOI•LNIEND 1643 Bric':ell Avenue Lots 1:7,48,411 & 50, I31o(--T: 3 J9ARY & I^•1LL1AM 131UCI;ELL (I3-96) and submcrcjc'<l larn? Applicant: L;i', :3an'r, Trust Co. The Miami Zoni.nq Board, nt its meeting of Apri 1. 7, 11)�30, Item ,49(b) , Following an adverti.secl Iienrinq, nc1OJ)tcd Resolution ZB 62-80 by a 6 to 0 vote (1. mei;lber. absent) RECO1-U4LND1HG, sub jc,et- to the cic,dication of t11e N'. ly 70' of: Lots 47 thru 50, a recuc:3t for 1 Planned A, -Ca Development: (I,AD) on Lots 117,4,1(,, & 50, Bloc'-. 3; i•'LAity & ;:IL,LI-i•i BIU.CNELL i115111erfled 1,111.1 lying SE' llCat Lotr3 •?7,•-i ;, lc) 0, :Qocl, 13, M11RY & 1:11.1,lAi•1 1�I:IC?:I:1�L (i3 ?6) , bc'inu 1.1 ' (3rici;�,1.1 [,venue, ier ARTICLE' XXI-1 of tllc C0:11i,rehensi.ve 'Zuni-nq ercli.nrince 6F171, and pinn:3 on file, sa.i-1 I -AD to conai_st OF ;r,'o hundred thir.tecn (2.13) re:3.icl('11t-i ll ullitl= 1.n a hr01)(i:;C(l tn:•:er Gtructure and an e.,zisLlnc :;trllctllrr- to 1)(• 1.1,:ed for recre nti.annl t)url o:=es, <Inc'1 Su}.jcct to nl, roval c, f ruxlificatia1i of the requi.remontys .ill Section ? (4) 0 of. the Ci t-�� of Lliami Charter. Chapter 10847; zc)nc(l 1-5A (Aigh Density .'Iultit le D :!c11in(1) , Three oh-ic,cti.on- recei.ve(l in mli.l; '1'hrev objecturs present at meeting. jixteen prol)onents present at meeting. A RE.0-O ,UTION to l_)rovide for this PAD has been prepared by the City Atto.r.ney's oEEice and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. Sincerely, / cm �'Au_0 I; re ,=LucJ ones Z. I4. 37 c cc: Law Dept, Planning and Zoning Boards Planning Dept. Rec: Approval in Administration accord witl1 plans on file and in <accorcl with the conditions recommended by the Urban Development Review Board City Comr,li:sr;ion (?ate: April 24, 1980. 8 0 - i 3 4 VARIATION IN BUILDING TYPE A140 ARRANGEw WITHOUT MAJOR C"1NGE IN LANO-USE INTEN: 2 2 6-STORY ELEVATOR 6 3-STORY WALK-UP 3 7-STORY ELEVATOR 1 2 3 LA 1 I6800 s.l. 1386100 ssff I2B3,0 76,000 /00 ss.11BA FA 153,600 s.1. 151,200 s.f. 16300 11 FAR 0.31 0.31 0.34 os 107,200 s.I. 1 116,000 s.f. 160,600 s.f osR 2.6 3.0 2.1 VARIABLE ARRANGEMENT OF BUILDING E WITH THE SAME FLOOR AREA RATIO (F v 2-STORY BUILDINI p"r 50°Io COVER FAR: 5-STORY BUILDING 20`i'o COVER FAR: 1.0 10-STORY BUILDING 10O10 COVER FAR: 1.0 80-334 44 .# , t1C3s:. c'x or T : LSL9 1o. 214997 tl)37-111 MOM M.L M A 2=19 PR22II=8 !!rt the ondersLyned. the irmet"s of 00 Iabenal x prow"ant Fund of the stato of Florida. ander aotbority of low. for asid in consideration of the am of Two Thousand Three Yundred iighty-eight and 07/100 Dollars, ($2,388.07), to then in hand paid by LUM CARLOM COMORATION, a Florida corporation, of U4 County of Dade. State of Florida, (Ihave granted, bargained and sold. and do by these presents grant. Vbargain. well and convey, unto the said. SP,NMA CAAtr_-A CORPOfATION a Florida corporation, and its succeseci� ana assigns` the follow - Ming described land*, to -wits A tract of subsserged land in Biscayne Bay lying South- easterly of Lot 47. Block 'B' of MARY A.M) KILLIAM SRIOCP'wL SUB:IVISION, in Section 40. Township 54 South. Ranee 41 Fast, as recorded in Plat book 'B'. Page 96, Public Records of Dade County. Florida, wore particu- larly described as follows% Cowtence st the pee corner of said Section 40, thence Korth b8' 12' 14' Fast, along the Nor_h line of the •aid Section 40 for a distance of 4,733.70 feet to the intersection thereof with the Southeasterly right of ray line of Briekell Avenue as ncc-- on the plat of Flacler, Plat book 5 at Pace 44 of t;.e Public Records of Dade County. Florida: thence North 52' 50' 14' East. along the Southeasterly r:cnt of way line of Bricl:ell Avenue as shown on the said jlat of ilacler and along the said right of way line of Brickell Avenue and along the Northwesterly line of Flock 'F' as rhown on the plat of lUry and K:Il:a■ BrickelI :jbdiv:r:on. rlat nook B' at Paae 96 of the Public Rvccrds c! .cam Ocvnty, Florida, for a distance of :.640.92 -'-Pt to � - -!t bcstezly corner cf Lot 47. Plock '?' c! tic br:CKell Su'_+c:v-,rion: 'r-. _tY: 1... along If. So.:t'W-rtez?y 1r. __ itE fee: - _nt'n-rectic' M.. ^ . ty F_. ..t 2 of of r 4 .. i^ ses....i..-_ ._... ._ of :._.. .- 634-A *7 s44 i • r 7 the Southwasterly borndary o! said lAq a, for a d:a:•.-* of 100 Poet, er_:r er lass, to tho th:r -. with the South: a -ly bcjnd:.r• of said Lc! 47. t, rcc South 27' 09, 4t' L_t: along :�o proloroatian South- easterly of the Southwesterly boundary of said Lot 47 for a distance c! 20a foot. soxg or less, to the point Of lsgiaaing. Containing 0.47 acres. spore or less. TO HAVE AND TO NOW the above granted and described promises forever. lSAVING AND RRSZRVIDG unto the said Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida, and their successors, title to an undivided three -fourths of all phorphate, i minerals and "tale, and title to an undivided one-half of all Ipetroleus that may be in, on or under the above described land. jl,with the privilege to mine and develop the same. r IN TESTIMONY MAR-wW. the said Trustees have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed their seal and have causal the seal of THE DEPAP.TKM OF AGRICULTURE OF THE STATE OF FLOF:DA to 1 ibe hereunto affixed, at the Capitol, in the City of Tallahassee, i ;on this the llth day of October A. D. 1963. (SEAL) ' (SEALS•••'. ^ rr r t ;Trustees Ss Z. -Pww (SCAL) Comet er /, I ..+. i}..... :rr• esurer Attorney Genera (SEAL) 01 r+opt. ej Agriculture (SEAL) Z`aoner of Agriculture (I 4 = y _ Am and Constituting the Trustees 1 of the Internal I sg,rovenent Fund of the State of Florida. k I , i i.,• t.._ 80-334 i . j Vii.cd Oct(_wur 17 1 juj. ender CIO o p 1 t TRUSTEES OF :1iE Iti:EPti L i i ?.C: N..r.''T FL\D OF TiiE STATE OF. FLORIDA .c ' 23496• .. DEED F0. - ,... K1;�i ALL vEt; BY THESE PRESENTS: :'haL/ the undersit. ned, ' r t =. the -Tzusteea of ,t'ae Internal Improvement Fund of the State of "Florida,.under authority of lew, for and in consideration 0f the ' of Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-eight and .76/1CO .Dollars, sum ' ($9, 958.76) , to them in hand paid by MIA.'+.I CARIBE Ih"JESTX-_!,Ts, I • - , INC., of the.County of Dade, State of rlorida, have granted, bargained and sold, and do by these presents grant, bargain, eelh,,i' • 1' 1 and•/Huey, unto the said ![SAIr CARZ� ° IN-V&SI'MRy: S, NC. and J s ,. irl, iele saf so tie! ,1r,V, ,i.%.•'s �, I rsuccessors and assigns, the following described lands,to-wit: t i. op Two tracts of submerged land -An Biscayne Bay lying Southeasterly of Lots 46, 48', 49 S 50, Block "B" • I ; of NARY AN'D WILLIAM BRICKELL SUBDNISZON; in Section w 40, Tonship 54 South, Range 41 East, as recorded in ' Plat Book "B-, Pace 96, Public Records of Dade County, 1 Florida, more particularly described as follows: I Commence at the the NW corner, of said Section 40; ' ..._ thence North 88' 12' 14" East, along the North line 1 of rile said• Section 40, 'for a distance of 4, a33. 70 ; feet to the intersection thereof with the South- -easterly of-way;=•linr-c!-eriekellwenue as ehewn t .right. • - • on_the plat of Flagler, Plat Book 5.at Page 44.of the �' Public of Dade County, Florida; thence North .Records I' 52•..50' 14" East, along the Southeasterly right of way t' line of Brickell Avenue as shown on the said plat of �, •.• Flagler and along the said right of way line of Briekell Avenue and along the Northwesterly line of Block II as • �, shown on the plat, of Mary and William Briekell Subdi- _- vision,. Plat.Book 'B- at Page 96 of the Public.F,ecords of Dade County, Florida, for a distance of 2,540.99 I, feet to the most Westerly corner of r.ot 50, Block "D- r j , of the said ram and William IIric'rcll .uhd:vis:cn: 1 thence South 37 09' 46" East, alone the Southwesterly 1 i boundary of said Lot 50 and its prolongation South- 1 easterly for a distance of 683.7e feet to the inter - .:section thereof with the bade County Bulkhead line as recorded in Plat Book 14 at Page 3 of the Public Records of Dade bounty, Florida and the Point of Beci^.Wing cf t; tract of aubmerced land herein described; thence tiorti/ \ ! `� 5L°►54. Ft" Eatt, tie raid bulkhead line, for a ,f .ram' distance of 200.696 itet'to the intersection thereof with the rolongation Southeesterl of the ::ortha�• to.!Iy ' ' boundary line of Lot 48 of the :aid Block -D- t t h.utre '• �' North 37• 09' •46- West, along. the" prolongation soot;, , Lot easterly df.:he Northeasterly boundary .of•vAid the higt. for a distance -of 208 feet, r.•ore or less. to � water, line • e Scuthwwesterly, r.een•'�= o. Bieca••ne Ba••; 1 f thonr and elonq the ing the nigh water line o_ Biscayne ray maid PNIC t [, Southeasterly bounrasry ofrLots 40. 49 and 50 of 'ts• laes, to ,e • j for 1k distance 0! 3!.S !e0t, T,plw of 1 t•.,i cd:%iJ of r-►• : so�,;ftf, tliri�uf with the JU is :O�J1:ei ►J a`ong the roICnq,,iL I.' Lot S0; .hence South 37. 09' 4G• mat• uthw•e�terof i ' U Lion Southens;erl he �c IY ,oundar}' Y o. t t` i {' Lot 50 for a distance of 20' feet=e or icsn, to or '�e• jPoint of Degi^Wing• Contalr.in9 1.4`� acres. sure , 10, - 8.0 -3 3 4 c -r •... rt. v j.4i; * i „c�, •Ltiy ,�� 1,[ •,,r " :y P l�'-t►�1: =i ti ' ti'• +�.1 * a- f�.'. .� �♦ Jr`fv "p a 1• '�•...•...._..._,_... . •� tn.wP.w.::,„.r, ..-r.-,., .::art, � . - �• -, .M...,...i.. , «....,._• .a,�.•-rat•.. •:• t '' ' s e�• 'i AL: o Ccr._-ence at thr tra •corner o! eaid SCctioo 4C', thence North (!8' 12 along thn North line of eaid �. Leetion.:0;''or a distance of 4,733.7C feet to the r� i. .•' in c for lest the So�thea<te:,'. right o �'ny rose: •`.. -with v Flag:cr, ' lire of L'::cccll Avcr.uo as aho�� on tko p: t of ,. -��-'' • Plat roc- 5 : a c 4the i'U�%:: c pccords of Dade , .• F ' County Florid:.• ",once Ncr•h SC 14" £ast, alone the t Seuthcae•cr'y t•=:nt of '-'a'-Iine^of Pricrcl: Avenue as �•{• } (t nhv n o: t1,cra:C prat of Flac`er add lo^ the ea:c1 rir: -.he `.orthwratrrly • ,' of way line of P:iekc:: Avcnuc and signet and llli:gym t' { line of Plock 'B, as �,04� cn the plat c`.Niry ( ^:irks/. Su div:,ion, Fiat aco*. "B" at Face 9(, of t1c s of ,de Count.,,.,, Florida for a distan_e of :u:lie Record : a: ' ! :.9:0.0: :cot to the most M'ce�e:ly corner cf Lot 46, Dlock i, j • 'D' of the raid Vary and h•l:lia't, Bric'r,cll Subdiviclon: ' . .. thence South 3709' 46" Last, along the Southwesterly :S• boundary of the Bald Lot 46 and its prolongation South- caste:ly for a distance of 710,90 feet `o the intersection ` thereof with.the ode County Bulkhead line as recorded in ( '• ' 1T Plat Book 74 at Pace 3 of the Alublic Records of Dade County, ( ' Florida and the Point of Pecin'ning of the tract of sub- j • merged :ands herein described; thence Ncrth 560 54' !I" East, alone the said bulkhead line, for a distance of ( i ` 10D.232 feet to the intersection thereof with the prolonga- tion Southeasterly of the Northeasterly boundary of said - Lot 46: thence North 37" 09' 46' Nest, along the prolonca- :t tion Southeasterly of the Northeasterly boundary of said Lot 46, for r. distar.ce� of 203'feet, more or less, to the high water line of Biscayne day: thence Southwesterly, a> meandering the high waterline of Biscayne Bay and along the Southeasterly boundary of said Lot 46 for;a distance : r - of 100 feet, more or less, to the intersection thereof • — with the Southwesterly boundary of said Lot 46, thence ---) South 37' 09' 46" Las t,'along the prolongation Southeasterl'y•( of the Southwesterly -boundary of said Lot e6 for a distance i q o: 206 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning. Containing .0.47.acres, more or less. I t t Both parcels containing•a total'of 1.96 acres, 'more or leas, I TO HAVE AND ^10 HOLM the above granted and described , !premises forwcr: : �''` • SAVING %-%D RESERVING unto the- said Trustees of the .� ..,internal litprovement Fund of the State of Florida, and their , uccesaoru .title to an undivided three-fo•arths of.all phosphate, 1 -minerals ard.iretals, and title to an undivided one-half of all —%.PCtroleum that may be in, on or under the above described land, 1 ;with the pr_vilege to mine and-4e:•elop the -same, i .t, ♦• IN TESTINON'Y.$-*MREOF, t2:e raid T:vetces have hereunto i Subscribed their naves and affixed their -a! and have caused the t iseal of THE DEPART W.: OF AGRICULTURE CS T!: STATE OF to j :be hereunto affixed, at the Capitol, in the City'of Tallaha:See, ; }J ion this .he i 11th day of 0 -off= A. D. 1,963. 'SrAL) , „Trustees I.I. Fund S' Ccr ti +,der Forney i Dept.•of agriculture As and Cruet;tutu of the :stern:%I • i' of CIC St-,t^ Vf FIO:lc'a . . r • 1 1 i t:= 50. V 497 (1?57-131 E19 W& M BY T1YLSs 1PM-r.TSt That the andersiyned. the lrusteea of the Internal Isprove ant fund of the state of Florida, under autbority of law. for amd is consideration of the am of Two T'btousand 1lnree suadred tightylight and 07/100 Dollars, (i2. M.07). to then is hand paid by SANTA CAFLOTY'A CORPORATION. a Florida corporation, of tle County of Dade. State of Florida, have granted, bargained and sold, and do by these presents grant. bargain. sell and convey, unto the said. SANTA CARZ.O TA CJ"CNkT:OX f A•../•n Mir.. V�'.' i1 ,y,. ♦�...[ a Florida corporation, and its successeri ana assigns, the follow-, ing described lands, to -wit& A tract of submerged land in Biscayne May lying South- easterly of Lot 47. &lock •91 of MARY AND WILLIAM BRICKELL SUBDIVISION, in Section 40, Township 54 South. Range 41 East, as recorded in Plat eook.'B•, Page 96. Public Records of Dade County. Florida. more partieu- laxly described as follows. Cossoence at the NM corner of said section 40: thence North 66' 12' 14• East, along the North isne of the acid Section 40 for a distance of 4,733.70 feet to the intersection thereof with the Southeasterly richt of way line of Brickell Avenue as s*own or. the Flat of Flagler, Plat Book 5 at Pace 44 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; t),rrtce North W 50' 14" East. along the Southeasterly rrant of way line of r:ickell Avenue as shown on the said Fiat of Flacler and alenq the said right of way line of Br:ckell Avenue and along the scrthaesterly line of Elock '9' ar shoes•-: cr, the plat of Miry and W-lia■ Bricke:l E-:,::-v:r..0n, r:at BOOK B` at Pace 56 0`. the Public Rccerc�k of :a e Cccc-.t•.•, Flori::a, for a distance of 2,040.9? .'Pet to _`c rcr. tcrly cerner e: Lct 47. hock 'P' c7 I:r:ckcli Sct•..'.:sion• t``r _ .- ..-: : � C'. Y -.: .._ . a/or hr tbe vrs;erl} c: rz: _ -,eV.. terrect:cr, of I -ca:d ic; c:l}' t`. d lc . tc:. of 63�.-16� S66 i i gp-334 I i I � I , the Soat,hearterly boa,,,.', y of said Lot 4` fer a t:r:arcs I of Mi feat -�: V Cr 1: •T, to the intersect'.0n thrc' o! I with U'r r— +trtt: tend. of &aid Let 47; t;'nce South 37 CS' 4t' along the proloncat.or South- t easterly of the Socth,-.rterl}• boundary of seed Lot 47 for a Csstance of 2.19 feet, mere or less, to the Point Of Mgirwinq. Coatainiaq 0.47 acres, more or less. S TO RAVE AM TO BOLD the above granted and described 1 prmisee forever. 1 J 6AVIM AIM RLSCRVIM unto the said Trusths of the !Internal IsprovenKnt Fund of the State of Florida, and their ,successors, title to an undivided three -fourths of all p`horihate, minerals and metals, and title to an undivided one-half of all {petroleum that may be an, on or under the above described land, with the privilege to seine and develop the same. IB TESTIPIM )+'HEREOF, the said Trustees have hereunto Ysubscribed their names and affixed their seal and have caused the oeal of THE DEPARTKEIVT OF AGP..:=LIME OF THE STATE OF FLIDRIDA to be hereunto affixed, at the Capitol, in the City of Tallahassee, ion this the llth day of October A. D. 1963. •'; w % ♦rn6s (SGL) :. 'j'rruatee' C* 1. PWId --� (SEAL) CaBt or I t .• 1,�•; .....•:•�.. (SEAL) 1, .. (SEAL) t Attorney Genera (SEAS:)) • I !Dept,.0 04 Agriculture eg� (SEAL) CamWIssicemr of Aar cu t- Lure r • As and Constituting the Trustees of the Internal Improveuent Fund ' of the State of Florida. lli i I .................. . 80.334 80-385 i Filed Octuuvr 17 r.19u j ` i . �.. Under C1er:;' :'ile ' } TRUSTEES OF THE INTERtL1:. Z!lFRO:L!+ tiT FUND.-. or THE STATE OF. FLORID+1 DEED N0 23496 (1357-,22) r KNOW ,ALL MEN BY THESS PRESENTS: That/ the undersigned,' � the' iustees of t�',e Internal Improvement Fund !of''the State of ..:... , Florida,.under authority of law, for and in consideration of the sum of Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-eig')t and .76/100.Do, laze, (s9,958.76), to them in hand paid by M•A!',I CARZBE ZNVEST,w!;TS, I • i INC., of the.County of Dade, State of alorida, have "granted, j I f bargained and sold, and do by these presents grant, -,bargain, sell, t it and./nvey, unto the said. Y4A!SI CARI�F. IN '&STH�":S, ;t:C. ,. and ,tts ! W,404 to -It of, 1successors and assigns, the following described lands,.to-wit: Two tracts of.eubmerged land'.in Biscayne $ay lying' Southeasterly of Lots 46, 48; 49 b 50, Block "B" of NARY AND WILLIAM BRICKELL SUBDIVISION, in Section p. 40, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, as recorded in I Plat Book "B', Page 96, Public Records of Dade County, Florida, more particularly described as follows; Commence at the the NW corner �of said Section 40, - �- E ithence North 88' 12' 14" East, along the North line r ~ �i of ti:e said. Section '40, 'for a distance of 4, a33.70 +, feet 'to the intersection thereof with the South- n easterly_right.of_way line--of-brickell Avenue ae shown 1 -"' on the plat of Flagler, Plat Book 5.at Page 44.of the Public.Records of Dade County, Florida; thence North i 1 52'..50' 14" East, along the Southeasterly right of way i line of Brickell Avenue as shown on the said plat of l ,•. �Flagler and along the said right of way line of Brickell' Avenue and along the Northwesterly line of Block "L' as i t 1, shown on the plat. of Nary and William Brickell SLbdi- ; vision,. Plat 'Book "B" at Page 96 of the Public.Records + Of Dade County, Florida, for a distance of 2,540.99 � ' '-feet to the most westerly corner of l,ot 50, 9lock "B' -of the said Pary and William Brickell :ul>divisiun;' thence South 37° 09' 46' East, alone the Southwesterly ! r boundary of said Lot 50 and its proloncation South- easterly for a distance of 683.78 feet to the inter- ) section thereof with the Dade Count;; Bulkhead line as recorded in Plat Book 74 at Pace 3 of the Public Records ' { of Dade Count , Florida and th, Paint of Beginning of t� T ttract of sub mezced and herein described; thence No.-,.. Sri ' • .r' . ` '�� -►54: Ft' Enet t)^^c t'tc said bulkhead line, for a •, distance of 300.696 ;eet't-o the intersection thereof with the prolongation Southeasterly or the l:ortThnn,,tetly ' bouneary line of Lot 48 of tho said Block "B": th..t,re North 37' 09' '46" West, along. the' prolongation sout.r- easterly df.the Northeasterly boundary of -said Lot 43• for a distance 'of 208 feet, more or less, to the high \ water. line of Biaca -ne' Ba •; thonce Southwesterly. ►pan' ing the high water line of Biscayne rs y and along the 3 , Southeasterly bounJer 40 q distance ofyvi Lot• , 49 and 50 of %Aid rirt 1 i .B. LOR 3?t fftt, -,rre or. of Lott50r' thenwf with the ,ru:'-",L6'i•tf along the prole 3 ce South 17 C9' 46' , ► • Lion Southeaster) of t`,e .,cutf�•esterly ,mndary o• sa•t� Lot 50 for a distance of 2J7 feet, -ore or less, to t?:•� i I' Point of Beginning. Contair•ing 1.49 acres. =ore or .'�s. , . .,..,rc, ,. .. ..^... :,wr•.rn.i.•. �.....,w�..:.:�St.�•�.t�w?t7L'C• 1s•� � , ` 1 Cor_+ence at the corner of said Section 4C: thence ti4 f t , Uoeth U8' 12 " 1:' E:,s:, along t! n North line of said tt i 4 : ' sec:lon.JO; :or a fcc: to thncc e4:s: riche of way �. •� lnteroec.•or. .`,ereof with the Southeasterly tt,e of Flagler, i • line o' Lric<c11 Avenue as fho�^ on pia: : J ,' • , is Records of Dace t Plat Dock 5 At : a•^,e 44 of the Public 'along r ' • County, Florida thence North 5.°50, 14" East, the 1 '— Southcaetcrl S-q'it cf way lin^ of Br.ckell Avenue as �'! h shown on t',^ raid plat of Flacler and slona the tail rir,`,t of way linc'of P:ackel: Avenue and alony the l:orthwrsterly 'r;illx•-IM line of Dlock 'B• as Shots-, or, the plat: of Nary and ' •; )' Dr:ckell Subdlvis:en, Flat IICok "D" at Pace 9E of the t j• Public records of Dade County, Florida for a distance of ' 2.94D.11 feet to the most Weryer.y corner Cf Lot 46, Block ,• � i;•. 'D' of the said Ivry and William Bric.cll Subdivir.ion;- 1 f ;, .• thence South 37' 09' 46" East, along the Southwesterly i4 f y boundary of the said Lot 46 and its proloncation South- i, ! easterly for a distance•of 710.90 feet to the intersection ! } i :• ' ` thereof with the fade County Bulkhsad line as recorded in �• Plat Book74 at Page 3 of the-rublic Records of .Dade County, g ' Florida and the Point of Becincing o_f*the tract of eub- �, merged lands herein described; t:nence North 569 54' 11' � » "`�"'•' East, alone the said bulkhead line, for a distance of ` 1CO.232 feet to the intersection thereof with the prolonga- I it, tion Southeasterly of the Northeasterly boundary of said s ' Lot 46; thence North 37 09' 46",weet, along the prolonca- {:. Lion Southeasterly of the Northeasterly boundary of said j c� s • �i• p'� Lot 46, for a eliatar,ce•'of 203'feet, more or less, to the s t F; high water line of Biscayne Say; thence Southwesterly, t. meandering the high water line of Biscayne Bay and along the Southeasterly boundary of said Lot 46 for;a distance' ;• r of 100 feet, more or -less, to the intersection thereof } : rs with the Southwesterly boundary of said Lot 46r thence ---f South 37' 09' 46" EasC,'along the prolongation South eaetezly•jl of the Southwesterly•boundary of said Lot 46 for a distance ti t of 208 feet, more or less• to the Point of.Beginning. Containing .0.47,acres, more or less, f 3 ' Both parcels 'containing •a total' of 1.96 acres, 'more or less. 'granted TO 2iAV/ AND TO FioLZI the above and described 1premises j .' forever: . - •':; ( i ' + ., �'�� ' '" " SAVING AIM RESERVING unto the. said Trustees of the :Inteznel Lmprovement Fund the State of of Florida art •• d their isucceeeoxa;.title i _� to an undivided three -fourths of.all phosphate, ' 'minerals and metals, and title to an undivided ore -half of all +-"^---=,petTOleum that may be in, on or under the above described land, } with the privilege to mine and develop the -same. �' .� •-�- IN TESTIKON-Y.h`YrREOr the said Trustees have he recnto i tsubscribed their names and affixed -their seal and have cauccd thv ��• seal of THE DEPAR^ WN: OF AGRICL'LTL'P.E OF T?:E _ .P.TE OF FLO.^. •J i'�e hereunto aff xed, at the Ca in the t wl.., •o Capitol, Ci }•'o. Tally arr eer t j - on this .the llth day.of 0 -ox r A. D. '9E3 i (SF,AL) c ==isor i }t ,Trustees I.S. Fund AL �.-'_tL:�,L)•. 1, ' 'i ..•1i.:i: JI i 7SCAL) t • •t. f1L `Or.. C'V r•1,C.ra • i ••,Dept.•of Agriculture ,Q _ Cor-r.eszC:,er o:- + As and ^ : ' , �' • Of t-.e .e, t--t^of Fiorie�. • i f i. - t -t •t•�- .i,•:. � i r �. k.' ,�. .+. 'ire°Y i r•� 'irJ �tiM,_J . r• �