HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #06 - PresentationI Joseph R. Grassie April 28, 1980 City Manager Julio A. Castano, Director Department of Trade & Commer Development Attached is a copy of a letter recently received by Mayor Terre in response to the City of Miami's request for parti- cipation in the HUD-EDA-SBA Sponsored Neighborhood Business Revitalization (NBR) Program. The Department of Trade & Commerce Development has been coordi- nating this effort. As a result, we have been contacted by the National Development Council (the agency under federal contract to implement the NBR Program) relative to a request for an opportunity to make a formal presentation about the program to the City Commission. Therefore, T am requesting that the National Development Council be scheduled to make a presentation to the City Commission at the Commission meeting currently scheduled for May 22, 1980. The National Development Council has expressed a preference for a morning presentation at 10:00 a.m. Please advise me as to the confirmation of the above date and time. JAC:zd I ,Cj Q r, Yoe r;l(�#� OEP,ART'.IENT OF HOUSING ANO URO,>N DEVELOPMENT 061 16J1�1�1 a ��_ �/• ' WASHING TON, D.C. 20410 r` OrFICE OF TH--�\ASSiSTAyT SECgETARY fOR COMMUNITY fLANNING,4ND OEVELOVMENT IN 1llN1.Y R[fiR TOt MAR 2 () 1980 Fonorable Maurice A. Ferre Mayor of Mari Miami, Florida 33133 rear Mayor Eerre: Ycur City has teen tentatively selected as ore of 33 new cities invited to partici.: to in t1,e t usin •ss Revitalization (::ER) Program, rcr.scrcd by t1,e S.:.a11 P,cai ass -,ci:7j—i6trati .n, ti-i<ccr.�r:ic Le�:elc..r:r= ttc.' inistri3ticn, and t1 e of Pcuslny anC! Urt.'n DG';- !C 1:.`_nt. r+i? prograi.i has Lxcn successfully ir-,cle:7_'r.ted in a nu7her of other cities nation- wiue. il:e nrcc-ra:-1 is ccnsi''erc-.', to to a sicr.it_c::nt facet Cf tl,-*e Vatic al C:rc,L-: Policv. Estcblis::ed in r.: ril 1972, t:.e . u; _ .0 :::se of t:;e prCc'"am is to 1.elp citi•'S u:.-an cii.�irvest--rt tr_n(. s t' St_..'1112CL (g local privat• in e:st:-ent in existir., it .at_ial and ccr: ercial Lusine ses. ih1S c;Cal is to b-- :)` ass lstirg local estuL'i ish a se'_f- sustaining c�.racitl� for cart 'i::? cutc'rcial an:i ire?ustrial d�:elc:r-.er.t Frcc:ra ms. PartiCulur er,riiasl is Qiven t0 C,�'Ie1CDL ,C d local c� ?'--' �Cr use of the ecoro^ic c?e'.'.1 r -=nt r��;r ,r.s ac�i.^,istered ::v f -T, Erg„ arc? SEA. A clescri^ticn of [%LT:�:rU:h is CCRtain_d in t?'.e encicsed ,;.a t'�rial. QelC'Cticn of nrCw CLti--s to Ice i1 1:?r'.E?(� rrc?S cn l::?lifi aticn as dis- tL"G�C_,a f_Ot!l 1 lT 1 CI: t'Dr 1�1 F C. i.( �i_ Ca' ,_�i `l n� c,uaacity, Fcrul:ticn �i s-1 r�'?icral ?i :ut4un. FcL�a1 c'csi^n_;ticn, card acceptance into t1:v t-.c',.. ver, is tl'.c cif%' c,C`etinq si:ecifi.c L:;;-Lrc,^,t rCr.(.itic.;:_, cutlir.(2d in ".ttac:�-nc-nt :t. a"e cc^'.iitiars incluci-� t1.,:, follc"ii;.(;: a,e :layer, in writinc,,, -Lust estahlis;l t!le full cc►...,itTent of the city to ecenmic as a hiri: priority. T.e City r.:ust ha% in place yin OL'�7.]niz-ationdl structure eaj:able of carryinc, out econmic activities. :he City rLZt c,F•si: nate 2 qualificd staff ,'_rscns(�to+`te trained as Ecorcr.ic Pc eil..,-T"Lent llro% •.1_ssicnals ( EP's) tl :J 0 7 'It^.e Mavor, in writing, must acknowledge as priorities the importance of medium and small businesses as part of the i City's economic base, the need for long -tern financing, and the importance of retention and expansion of existing businesses. Me three Federal acencies have desi_�rated the ::aticnal [Levelcpr.-ent Council (ITC), a national ncn-profit orcanization specializing in urban ecenonic deveirpmnt, to coordinate the prco1ra_^; naticnally and locally. ''. ;•:ithin a few days a Director of the !T,C :aill he cent. cting you to set up a meeting with appropriate city ecc^.cmic c'._:eler.rent officials to answer any questions you may have ccncei--:ir., the ::E:' prcgram and to review the necessary City comit:ents. The experience of citis currently in th=- Crccr--,Ln ineicates that with strong City cc..:.tit:-ent and active sur:;:crt the 'T? prcc:ran can to an im-t-ortant tool in the revitalization of ccf-r.-unities. Ve are, therefore, pleased to extend this invitation to Niaj,i and loci: forward to wcrking with ycu. Sincerely, rztert T. hall Assistant Secretary Economic Cevelcpr.ent Administration U.S. Depzrtrent, of Cc-,T--erce A. Vernon %;ever A&iinistrator Small Gusiness Maiinistration enclosures (2) '.I Rctert C. -.ray, �r Assistant Secretary Ccrr.-unity Planning nJ revelopment U.S. repart7ent of F ousing and Urban Live loFmen t Now 40 �.cttt of +�tc:tittt. �}l�Tl`t��t Ovv OP "I + .n .?�� ♦ M O sox 330106 ♦ MAURICC A. FCRAIC -j �.." `: WAM1, rI.ORIOA 33133 MAYOR Y��,�� 30S•Sy0 oOIO November 28, 1979 Mr. A. Vernon Weaver Director Small Business Administration 1441 L Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20416 Dear Mr. Weaver: The City of '.ia.mi is currently in the process of implementing a comprehensive economic development and revitalization program through its Department of Trade 6 Cc^T•erce Development. As part of its business developr:ent activities the City is very much interested .in developing its capacity to provic!2 business develop- ment and financial packaging servic•as to our local business com- muriit_'. In th?.s CC• -,ram..`, C-n 1)eh: i!-' t!-Ee City of Mia7.1, I am requesting c`iicial designation as a participant cite in the HtD- EDA-Scan sponsored Nei:?hcorhoc;d Business Revitalization Program which is being impl,?7nted by tt:e `Iaticnal Develon-.ent Council. I firmly believo that :liami's participation in this innovative program will facilitate our ongoing effforts in the business de- velopment area, provide a stimulus to local economic growth and expansion througa an increased utilization of existing federal program resources, and pcsitivel,• im2act the City through the creation of jcbs and expansion of the tax base. I loot, forward to hearing from you, at your earliest convenience, regarding the City's request for designation as an �JBR City. Sincerely, Maurice A. Ferre Mayor MAFivh r L.ttil of �-lial11i. +FltI. it:t P O 0011 »0108 • MAUAiee A. FcnAc O `: MIA MI. F1OR10A ».» i .. MAYOR '� 30S - S79• solo November 23, 1979 Mr. Robert T. Hall Assistant Secretary for Economic Development Economic Development Administration Main Commerce Building Washington, D.C. 20230 Dear Mr. Hall: The City of Miami is currently in the process of implementing a comprehensive economic development and revitalization program through its Department of Trade & Commerce Development. As part of its business development activities the City is very much interested in developing its capacity to provide business develop- ment and financial packa(7ing servi7cs to our local business com- munity. In this context, on behalf off the Cite of Miami, I am requesting official designation as a participant city in the HUD- EDA-SBA sponsored Neie;hborhocd Business Revitalization Program which is being implemented by the National Development Council. I firmly believe that Miami's participation in this innovative program will facilitate our ongoing efforts in the business de- velopment area, provide a stimulus to local economic growth and expahsion through an increased utilization of existing federal program resources, and positively impact the City through the creation of jobs and expansion of the tax base. I look forward to hearing from you, at your earliest convenience, regarding the City's request for designation as an NBR City. ncerely, Maurice A. Ferre Mayor MAF:vh u r P MAWIHoyc A. Fennt MAYOR November 28, 1979 Secretary Moon Landrieu Department Housing & urban Development 451 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20410 Dear Mr. Secretary: P O Box 330106 MIAM1, /'LOP10A 33133 30S-g79.6010 The City of Miami is currently in the process of implementing a comprehensive economic development and revitalization program through its Department of Trade & Cc?amerce Development. As part of its business development activities the City is very much interested in developing its capaclt.' to provide business develop- ment and financial packaging s-?r'; ices t^, Our local business com- munity. In this context, on behalf off the City of �?ia.:1i, I am requesting official desicgn:atic'n as 3 car`ici:�ant pity in the HUD- EDA-SBA, sponsored .leighbor`icod Business R,-,.;italizatien Program which is being implemented by the `;aticnal Devcl Council. f firmly believe that miami's participation in this innovative program will facilitate our ongoing efforts in the business de- velopment area, provide a stimulus to local econc:aic growth and expansion through an increased utilization of existing federal program resources, and positives imDIct t`e City through the creation of jobs and expansion o* ti.e tax base. I look forward I to hearing from yeu, at your earl.ies t conv,2nience, regarding the City's request for designation as an NBR City. Sinceroly, Maurice A. Ferre Mayor MAr : vh 0