HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and MapsDocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubic hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewtheinm'matlon at the public hearing t.—dn ,e recommenaadon or a final decison. +� PZ-22-15117 / �Av 03/10/23 // car°o ��L City of Miami *j 1po�e o �• Planning Department R ANALYSIS FOR REZONE Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-22-15117 Property Addresses 131 NW 75 Street, 134 NW 76 Street, 120 NW 76 Street, 139 NW 75 Street, 7521 NW 1 Court, 7531 NW 1 Court, 115 NW 75 Street, 7510 NW 1 Avenue, and 7522 NW 1 Avenue Folio Number 0131120480380, 0131120480381, 0131120480390 0131120560010,0131120560020,0131120560030 0131120620060, 0131120620070, and 0131120620080 Miami 21 Zoning Code - 75-R", Urban Center Zone — Restricted Transect Miami Comprehensive Medium Density Multifamily Residential Neighborhood Plan — Future Land Use Designation Commission District 5,(City Commissioner: Christine Kin Department of Human Little Haiti Service Neighborhood Service Center Planner Darren Murphy, Planner II; Email: dmurphy@miamigov.com Property Owner LRMF Equity Owner LLC; Email: wesley.hevia@akerman.com Project Representative Wes Hevia, Esq.; Email: wesley.hevia@akerman.com A. REQUEST Pursuant to Article 7, Section of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21 Code"), as amended, the property owner "LRMF Equity Owner LLC" (the "Applicant") is requesting to change the Miami 21 Code's Zoning Atlas from "75-R", Urban Center Zone — Restricted (T5-R) to "T5-R", Urban Center Zone — Open (T5-0), please refer to Table 1, generally located at 1131 NW 75 Street, 134 NW 76 Street, 120 NW 76 Street, 139 NW 75 Street, 7521 NW 1 Court, 7531 NW 1 Court, 115 NW 75 Street, 7510 NW 1 Avenue, and 7522 NW 1 Avenue (collectively the "Property") Miami, Florida. The Property is legally described in the attached Attachment "A" Location Map. Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 1 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni..obmidal needs m to sIh.&w d m,. pabk healing In—nd—wM1h hmellnes set todh in the City of Mlaml CWe. The appdwde decision -making body will renew the information at the pabec hearing to rend,, e recommendation or z final decison. PZ-22-15117 / �Av 03/10/23 /f Concurrently, the Applicant is requesting a change to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan's (MCNP) Future Land Use designation, as a companion item (ePlan File ID# PZ-22- 15116). The companion application seeks to change the Property's FLU designation from "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" to "General Commercial", please refer to Table 1. B. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to Article 7, Section of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21 "), as amended, the Planning Department recommends "Denial" of the requested change to Miami 21 Code's Zoning Atlas from T5-R to T6-8-0 for the Properties. # ADDRESS FOLIO CURRENT PROPOSED CURRENT PROPOSED SQUARE ZONING ZONING FLUM FLUM FOOTAGE 1 131 NW 75 Street 0131120480380 T5-R T6-8-0 Medium General Density Commercial 9,809 Multifamily Residential 2 134 NW 76 Street 0131120480381 T5-R T6-8-0 Medium General Density Commercial 8,234 Multifamily Residential 3 120 NW 76 Street 0131120480390 T5-R T6-8-0 Medium General Density Commercial 20,549 Multifamily Residential 4 139 NW 75 Street 0131120560010 T5-R T6-8-0 Medium General Density Commercial 6,670 Multifamily Residential 5 7521 NW 1 Court 0131120560020 T5-R T6-8-0 Medium General Density Commercial 3,350 Multifamily Residential 6 7531 NW 1 Court 0131120560030 T5-R T6-8-0 Medium General Density Commercial 5,856 Multifamily Residential 7 115 NW 75 Street 0131120620060 T5-R T6-8-0 Medium General Density Commercial 8,880 Multifamily Residential 8 7510 NW 1 Avenue 0131120620070 T5-R T6-8-0 Medium General Density Commercial 4,668 Multifamily Residential 9 7522 NW 1 Avenue 0131120620080 T5-R T6-8-0 Medium General Density Commercial 4,668 Multifamily Residential 72,270 Table 1: Summary of the nine (9) parcels each with their Existing and Proposed Future Land Use and Zoning Designations Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 2 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubk hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewtheinm'matlon at the pubkc hearing to r do ,e recommenaadon or a final decison. +� PZ-22-15117 / �Av 03/10/23 // C. PROJECT DATA — SURROUNDING USES Miami 21 Code MCNP / Density Existing Use(s) North T5-R Medium Density Multifamily Residential - Multi - Residential / 65 du per acre Family Housing; Vacant Land South T5-R Medium Density Multifamily Residential - Single Residential / 65 du per acre Family Residence; Multi -Family Housing East T5-R Medium Density Multifamily Residential - Single Residential / 65 du per acre Family Residence; Multi -Family Housing West T5-R Medium Density Multifamily Civic - Religious Facility Residential / 65 du per acre Table 2: Project Data — Surrounding Uses, MCNP's Future Land Use / Density, Miami 21 Code's Transect Zone, and Existing Uses D. BACKGROUND Site Location The Property is bounded by the following Thoroughfares: to the north: NW 76 Street, to the east: NW 1 Avenue, to the south: NW 75 Street, and to the west: NW 1 Court, please refer to Figure 1. The Property's zoning topology is Residential, Multi -Family Housing with four existing Building structures with an average construction date of 1963. The Property is located within an established, platted residential neighborhood with similar Residential, Multi -Family Housing directly to the north, east, and south. Directly to the west of the Property is a Civic, Religious Facility Use - the "Cathedral of St. Mary", the Mother Church of the Catholic Archdiocese of Miami with an attached X-8" (elementary and middle school) parish school. The Cathedral of St. Mary was founded in 1930 and the subsequent parish school was opened in 1936, respectively. Staff provided street view imagery of the Property's adjacent neighbors to provide visual contextualization of the built environment and Use, please see Figure 2. Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 3 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubkn hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewihe inm'matlon at the pubkc hearing to rentler e recommenaadon or a final decison. PZ-22-15117 / 03/10/23 // Figure 1: Aerial of Property (red outline) Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 4 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 F*1011�7 �___,_7_ Northern view — from NW 76 Street with Cathedral of St. Mary Catholic Church in the Western view — from NW 1 Avenue with existing two-story Multifamily Residential Structures in the background Figure 2: Street view of the surrounding neighborhood f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This su brnitlaln d,b be scheaolee bra pubk hexring Inaz rbannewhhbrnellnessetforth inthe City& Mlarni CWtl .The appUm Lie dmmion-rna Xing btly will reWewihe inbrmatlon at the pubk hearing to render e nzommentlatbn or a final d.dm.,. +� PZ-22-15117 / �Av 03/10/23 // Southern view — from NW 75 Street with existing two-story Multifamily Residential Structure in the background r \ Eastern view — from NW 1 Court, vacant land Proposal Based on the Applicant's project file - PZD-1, Letter of Intent (LOI), the Applicant's proposed rezoning meets the technical requirements of Successional Zoning as set forth under Miami 21 Code, Article 7, Section Specifically, the zoning change may be made only to a lesser Transect Zone ("75-R") to a "Successional Zone ("76-8-0") with a higher density (150 du Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 5 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubkn hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewtheinm'matlon at the pubkc hearing t. r do ,e recommenaadon or a final decison. +� PZ-22-15117 / �Av 03/10/23 // per acres) and intensity of allowed Uses, per Miami 21 Code, Article 4, Table 3. Based on the Applicant's plan drawing — V-1, Boundary and Topography Survey (the "Survey"), the proposed rezoning of the nine (9) parcels is approximately 1.70 acres (74,270 square feet) and has 302.52 feet of linear frontage on NW 75 Street. Therefore, the Applicant's Rezoning Application meets the minimum necessary criteria under Miami21, Article 7, Section, as the Property involves more than 200 linear feet of frontage and more than 40,000 square feet of land area. Neighborhood Context-Sociodemographir The Applicant's Properties are located within the 2020 United States Census Tract "12086001401" (the "Census Tract"). Staff reviewed the following socioeconomic indicators/variables (Population, Households, Average Household Size, Families in Poverty, Owner -Occupied Housing, Renter -Occupied Housing, Vacant Housing, Median Family Income, and Median Gross Rent) to understand the differences between this Census Tract and the City of Miami, please refer to Table 2. Topic — United States 2020 Census Census Tract 14.01 City of Miami Population 4,713 442,241 Households 2,132 181,597 Average Household Size 3.21 2.38 Families in Poverty 34.44% 16.94% Homeownership Rate 13.98% 30.02% Renter Occupancy Rate 86.02% 69.98% Vacant Rate 10.65% 13.97% Median Family Income $25,341 $51,625 Median Gross Rent $1,027 $1,361 Table 3: The Applicant's Property (Census Tract 14.01) as compared to the City of Miami E. ANALYSIS Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) The Applicant requests to change the existing, underlying MCNP's, FLU designations from "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" to "General Commercial". Listed below is the MCNP's interpretation of this FLU designation: Medium Density Multifamily Residential: Areas designated as "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" allow residential structures to a maximum density of 65 dwelling units per acre, Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 6 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubk hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewtheinm'matlon at the pubkc hearing to r do ,e recommenaadon or a final decison. +� PZ-22-15117 / �Av 03/10/23 // support services such as community -based residential facilities and commercial activities that are intended to serve the retailing and personal services needs of the building or building complex. General Commercial: areas designated as "General Commercial" allow all activities included in the "Restricted Commercial" designations, as well as wholesaling and distribution activities that generally serve the needs of other businesses; generally, require on and off-loading facilities; and benefit from proximity to industrial areas. Furthermore, multifamily residential structures of a density equal to High Density Multifamily Residential (150 du per acre), are allowed subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations. In support of this requested change in the existing, underlying MCNP's FLU designation from "Medium Density Multifamily Residential" to "General Commercial", staff reviewed specific MCNP's Goals, Objectives, and Policies: Criteria: MCNP, Transportation Element, Policy TR-1.1.5: "The City will encourage new development to be structured to reinforce a pattern of neighborhoods and urban centers by focusing growth along transit corridors and around transit nodes and centers." Analysis: The Applicant's Properties are accessible from two City -designated "Transit Corridors", which is defined per Miami 21 Code, Article 1, Section 1.1 as "a designation established by the City involving an area not exceeding a one -quarter (1/4) mile radius from a non -limited access thoroughfare that included designated transit stop locations and is served by one or more mass transit route(s) with designated transit vehicle(s) operating at an average of ten (10) minute or less headway Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 am through 7:00 pm. Multiple transit routes or types of transit vehicles may be added cumulatively under this definition for the purpose of parking reductions. There are two Transit Corridors located directly north (NW 75 Street) and east (N Miami Avenue) of the Applicant's Properties. Finding: complies Miami 21 Code The Applicant is requesting to change the existing, underlying Miami 21 Code's Transect Zones from 75-R" and to 76-8-0", please refer to Figures 3 and 4. Per Miami 21 Code, Article 4, Tables 1 and 3, the T6-8-0 Transect Zone consists of the highest Density (150 du per acre) and greatest variety of Uses. Staff compared the Uses of either "By Right" or Special Permit (Warrant and Exception) for the existing (T5) Transect Zone versus the proposed (T6) Transect Zone to understand what Use(s) are missing, please refer to Table 4. Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 7 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubkn hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewiheinmrmatlon at the pubkc hearing to—dn ,e recommenaadon or a final decison. +� PZ-22-15117 / �Av 03/10/23 // i FF 71 I 76f-0 — T6-6A z IT " ------------- 7 — — EIM T6-6-O � J � Qg rvn_IT Figure 3: Miami 21, Existing 75" Transect Zone Figure 4: Miami 21, Existing "T6-8-0" Transect Zone Per Miami 21 Code, Article 4, Table 3, the Building Function — Uses are listed for the "75-R", "75-0", and "76-0" Transect Zones either by Right (R) or Special Permit (Warrant = W or Exception: E): BUILDING FUNCTION T5-R (EXISTING) T5-0 (ALTERNATE) T6-0 (PROPOSED) RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE R R R COMMUNITY RESIDENCE R R R ANCILLARY UNIT TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE R R R MULTI FAMILY HOUSING R R R DORMITORY R R HOME OFFICE R R R LIVE - WORK R R WORK - LIVE LODGING BED & BREAKFAST E R R INN R R Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 8 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubkn hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewihe inm'matlon at the pubkc hearing to rentler e recommenaadon or a final decison. +� PZ-22-15117 / �Av 03/10/23 // BUILDING FUNCTION T5-R EXISTING T5-0 ALTERNATE T6-0 PROPOSED HOTEL R R OFFICE OFFICE R R COMMERCIAL AUTO -RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB. W W ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHMENT R R ENTERTAINMENT ESTAB. -ADULT FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT R R ALCOHOL BEVERAGE SERVICE ESTAB. E E GENERAL COMMERCIAL R R MARINE RELATED COMMERCIAL ESTAB. W W OPEN AIR RETAIL W W PLACE OF ASSEMBLY R R RECREATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT R R AMUSEMENT RIDE E CIVIC COMMUNITY FACILITY W W RECREATIONAL FACILITY E R R RELIGIOUS FACILITY E R R REGIONAL ACTIVITY COMPLEX E CIVIC SUPPORT COMMUNITY SUPPORT FACILITY W W INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITIES W W W MAJOR FACILITY MARINA E W W PUBLIC PARKING E W W RESCUE MISSION TRANSIT FACILITIES E W W EDUCATIONAL CHILDCARE E W 1w COLLEGE / UNIVERSITY W 1w Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 9 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 f `tom P NYC' NOTICE mie eobn,ittal needsm to Iheawee m,a p�bk hea,ing in aao�aan� wkn amanneg eet toWh in the Citym MlamiCWe. The applicade becl n-making bWyWil reWewthe information at the pubc hearing to rend,, e recommendation or a final d-iaon. PZ-22-15117 / 03/10/23 // BUILDING FUNCTION T5-R EXISTING T5-0 ALTERNATE T6-0 PROPOSED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL E W W LEARNING CENTER R R MIDDLE / HIGH SCHOOL E W W PRE-SCHOOL E R R RESEARCH FACILITY R R SPECIAL TRAINING / VOCATIONAL W W INDUSTRIAL AUTO -RELATED INDUSTRIAL ESTBL. MANUFACTURING AND PROCESSING MARINE RELATED INDUSTRIAL ESTBL. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES STORAGE/ DISTRIBUTION FACILITY Table 4: Miami 21 Code, Article 4, Table 3 - Building Function: Uses — comparisons between 75-R" vs. 75-R" vs. `T6-8-O" When comparing the two (2) Miami 21 Code Transect Zones 75-0" and 76-8-0", the Building Function Uses are nearly identical. Furthermore, all of the Residential Uses are allowed "By Right". One notable difference is regarding the "density" and "height" variables between these two Transect Zones. Planning Staff created a "Density/Height" table to highlight the differences, please refer to Table 5, to highlight the differences between the following Transect Zones: 75" and 76". Transect Zone Residential Density Building Height T5 65 du per acre 5 Stories, Max. Benefit Height 1 Story Abutting D1 T6 150 du per acre 8 Stories, Max. Benefit Height 4 Stories Abutting all Transects Zones except 73" Table 5: Transect Zone — Residential, Multi Family Use - Density and Building Height F. FINDINGS Criteria 1: Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Article 7, Section "The relationship of the proposed amendment to the goals, objectives, and policies of the [MCNP], with appropriate consideration as to whether the proposed change will further the goals, objectives, and policies of the [MCNP]; the Miami 21 Code; and other city regulations." Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 10 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubk hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewtheinm'matlon at the pubkc hearing to r do ,e recommenaadon or a final decison. +� PZ-22-15117 / �Av 03/10/23 // Analysis 1: Based on the MCNP's Transportation Element, Policy TR-1.1.5: "The City will encourage new development to be structured to reinforce a pattern of neighborhoods and urban centers by focusing growth along transit corridors and around transit nodes and centers." The Property is within two (2) City -designated Transit Corridors: NE 2 Avenue and NE 79 Street. The City defines a Transit Corridor as a designation established by the City involving an area not exceeding a one -quarter (1/4) mile radius from a non -limited access thoroughfare that included designated transit stop locations and is served by one or more mass transit route(s) with designated transit vehicle(s) operating at an average of ten (10) minute or less headway Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 am through 7:00 pm. Multiple transit routes or types of transit vehicles may be added cumulatively under this definition for the purpose of parking reductions. Finally, this aligns with Miami 21 Code's Article 2, Section 2.1.2(b.)(2.): "Rebuilding the City's commercial Corridors to function as Mixed -Use, transit -oriented, walkable centers for adjacent Residential Neighborhoods". Findings 1: complies Criteria 2: Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Article 7, Section "The need and justification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions that make the passage of the proposed change necessary." Analysis 2: As noted in the Applicant's project file — PZD-1, Letter of Intent (LOI), the City Commission, based on the facts and their findings, recently approved a similar rezoning and companion future land use amendment application for a similarly situated property located southeast of the Property. Specifically, on September 23, 2021, the MCNP's Future Land Use designation of "General Commercial" and Miami 21 Code's Zoning designation of 76-8-0" for that property was amended, pursuant to City Commission Ordinance Numbers 14023 and 14024. However, none of these included twelve (12) properties (60 NW 73 Street; 70 NW 73 Street; 7301 NW Miami Place; 7320 NW Miami Court; 7324 NW Miami Court; 7328 NW Miami Court; 7338 NW Miami Court; 7395 NW Miami Place; 7400 NW Miami Court; 7401 NW Miami Place; 7406 NW Miami Court; and 7421 NW Miami Place) are Abutting to the Applicant's Properties, as defined per Miami 21 Code Article 1, Section 1.1. Furthermore, pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Article 7, Section 7.2.8(c.)(1.), the extension of an existing Transect Boundary goes to the street centerline with future proposed rezoning(s) extending to the other side of the street centerline segments. In this case, the adopted Rezone (Ordinance 14024) was extended to the street centerline segment of NW Miami Place and NW 75 Street, please refer to Figure 5. None of the Applicant's Properties have direct Frontage to these two identified street centerline segments. Therefore, the Applicant's requested extension of the existing Transect Boundary is not applicable. Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 11 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubkn hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewihe inm'matlon at the pubkc hearing to rentler e recommenaadon or a final decison. +� PZ-22-15117 / �Av 03/10/23 // Figure 5: the cyan -blue outline is the boundary of the Applicant's Properties; the pink polygon represents the properties as part of Ordinance 14024 (Adopted Rezone from `D1"and "T5-R" to "T6-8-0'; the red parcels are Abutting the Adopted Rezone and are eligible for a proposed Rezoning(s), gray east -west strip is the Florida East Coast Railway's Right -of -Way Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 12 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittal needs m be scheawed mr a pubk hearing In accortlanne wkh tlmellnee set forth in the City M Miami Cmtle. The appUmd, decision -making bWywlll reWewtheinm'matlon at the pubkc hearing to r do ,e recommenaadon or a final decison. +� PZ-22-15117 / �Av 03/10/23 // Findings 2: Does not comply. Criteria 3: Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Article 7, Section "A change may be made only to the next intensity Transect Zone or by a Special Area Plan, and in a manner which maintains the goals of this Miami 21 Code to preserve Neighborhoods and to provide transitions in intensity and Building Height." Analysis 3: Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Article 7, Section, a zoning change may be made only to a lesser Transect Zone; within the same Transect Zone to a greater or lesser intensity; or to the next higher Transect Zone. In this case, the Applicant is requesting to go to the next higher Transect Zone that is from the current 75-R" to the proposed 76-8-0", which is allowed. Finding 3: Complies G. CONCLUSION The Applicant's requested rezoning for their Property from the current 75-R" to 76-8-0" was reviewed based on a "balanced approach" of weighing the merits of this application being compliant with Miami 21 Code's Successional Zoning Changes, the MCNP's Goals, Objectives, and Policies in context to the proposed scale of a future redevelopment(s) project with eight (8) Stories "By Right" with an additional bonus height of four (4) Stories, a residential density of 150 dwelling units per acre, a greater variety of Uses, and an increase in the number of traffic trips that is juxtaposed to an abutting established Residential community on all three (3) sides consisting of a mixture of Single Family Residences and Multi -Family Housing developments. Planning Staff does agree with the Applicant's two (2) arguments in demonstrating changing conditions for this area by referencing the adopted Land Use and companion Rezone per Ordinance Numbers 14023 and 14024 along with the location of their Properties being serviced by two City -designated Transit Corridors. However as demonstrated by Planning Staff, the Applicant's Properties do not Abut any of the properties as part of the Ordinances 14023 and 14024 nor does the Applicant's rezoning request follow the requirements involving the extension of the existing Transect Boundary, please refer to Figure 5. Pursuant to Miami 21 Code, Article 2.1.2, the City's Guiding Principles of preserving existing Neighborhoods, the Applicant's requested "Upzoning" in terms of increased density, intensity, height, and building mass along with the "potential" negative, disruptive consequences, such as increased traffic trips, to the immediate area cannot be supported by the Planning Department. Therefore, the Planning Department recommends "Denial" of the property addresses (131 NW 75 Street, 134 NW 76 Street, 120 NW 76 Street, 139 NW 75 Street, 7521 NW 1 Court, 7531 NW 1 Court 115 NW 75 Street, 7510 NW 1 Avenue, and 7522 NW 1 Avenue) going from "75-111" to "76-8-0", based upon the facts and findings in this staff report. Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 13 of 14 09/02/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: B37B6D37-D6C0-433D-AC31-0210E32406C4 i .� NOTICE mis:�bminal needs b to Ihedmee b,a p�bk hea,mg un,ean�ewkn hm�1—setronh in h, Cis or Miami Cotle.7he applicade beeision-making body will mwew the inlonnalion at the pubc hearing to mode, a re�ornrnenaaeon o, a anal eef.ison. PZ-22-15117 / 03/10/23 /j DocuSigned by: Lakisha Hull, AICP, LEED AP BD+C Planning Director, Planning Department Es DocuSigned by: w.a KAA- , Sfulntr 3A75CAC5AF7E446... Sevanne Steiner, CNU-A Assistant Director, Planning Department DocuSigned by: " (t � df1FQFFFQ(:Rf17df1R Darren Murphy Planner II, Planning Department Attachment: Attachment 1 — Exhibit A — Legal Description Staff Analysis Report - ePlanPZ PZ-22-15117: 120 NW 76 ST-RE-Zoning Application — Page 14 of 14 09/02/2022 AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-22-15117 REZONE ADDRESSES: 131 NW 75 Street, 134 NW 76 Street, 120 NW 76 Street, 139 NW 75 Street, 7521 NW 1 Court, 7531 NW 1 Court, 115 NW 75 Street, 7510 NW 1 Avenue, and 7 522 NW 1 Avenue 0 125 250 500 Feet �YYY OF NOTICE Thls sobmktrt needs to be scheEoWd fora public hearing in rcortlanoe with timelines ad forth in the City of Miami Code. The applira he dwislon -making body will retl_the Infonnalion at the to bec hearing to renter a recommendati on or a final deoi6 on. PZ-22-15117 03/10/23 124 MIAMI 21 (EXISTING) EPLAN ID: PZ-22-15117 REZONE ADDRESSES: 131 NW 75 Street, 134 NW 76 Street, 120 NW 76 Street, 139 NW 75 Street, 7521 NW 1 Court, 7531 NW 1 Court, 115 NW 75 Street, 7510 NW 1 Avenue, and 7522 NW 1 Avenue 0 125 250 500 Feet �YYY OF NOTICE Thls sobmktrt needs to be scheEoleti fora public hearing in rcortlanoe with timelines ad forth in the City of Miami Code. The applira he dwislon -making body will retl_the Information at the to blic hearing to renter a recommendati on or a final tieoi6 on. PZ-22-15117 03/10/23 Q a z � z NW 77TH ST H U H NW-76TH ST Z T5Ii-R "�.. i Q Q o U) z N z z --NW-75TH ST C�01 t- v FL z J d � U NW 74TH ST � Q z T6-8-O Z NW_73RD TER N NW=73RD.ST ` ~ D1 MIAMI 21 (PROPOSED) EPLAN ID: PZ-22-15117 REZONE ADDRESSES: 131 NW 75 Street, 134 NW 76 Street, 120 NW 76 Street, 139 NW 75 Street, 7521 NW 1 Court, 7531 NW 1 Court, 115 NW 75 Street, 7510 NW 1 Avenue, and 7522 NW 1 Avenue 0 125 250 500 Feet �YYY OF NOTICE Thls sobmktrt needs to be scheEoleti fora public hearing in rcortlanoe with timelines ad forth in the City of Miami Code. The applira he dwislon -making body will retl_the Information at the to blic hearing to renter a recommendati on or a final tieoi6 on. PZ-22-15117 03/10/23 Q a z � z NW 77TH ST H U H �) NW-76TH ST � T5Ii-R "�.. z i Q Q T6-8-O N z z --NW-75TH ST C�01 t- v FL z J d � U NW 74TH ST � Q z T6-8-O Z NW_73RD TER N NW=73RD.ST ` ~ D1