HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication and Supporting Documents (Obsolete)City of Miami Platttung Dcparttncnt & Office of Zoning 4=get hbWJ/www.miaetigov cort><plaudng * inEley IIdF£1 * l��/Ww4V.I]Lia]LbOV.COnl�7JL)nOlg 11 If E-rr ll: Q2 tt 5 r nwiigov.com t� R % P1awiiig: (305) 416-1400 Zoning (305) 4M-1495 Fist Name: ]orethan Last Name: Email: 1Faiilan@n>iaiiugov.com PRIMARV 1 l FirstNamc: Jonathan Last Name: Fanfan Corporation: City0fMiauu Address: 444 SW I st Ave City: Miarri State: F1oEida Zap: Email: jOuifin u,aiiIm Phone: (305) 416-1213 First Nane: Cotporatimr City OfMiarri Address: 444 SW I st Ave City: Miami Enuff: j fa a ' . C&Aianigpv cum Last Name: State: Florida Zip: Phone: (305)416-1213 Project Name: 3699/3701 NEW PARK Project Address: 3699 SW 1 AV City: Muir State: MasterFolio Number: 0141390070380 Comprehensive Plan Application Application FatTati 33130 33130 Unit Number: Florida .Zap: 33133 x_tk_ NOTICE Th b Rt l etl to be h tl led b y bG h II,g tl .Mt I elt rth I, th D4 MI ICod .The applmd tl k pbctly rnll W ih fortnati ith p bk h gt tl ra —rnend— or a hnal de[ aon. PZ-22-15757 r `�• ` 04/14/23 / That tinder the penalty ofperjtay, I declare that all the infomlation contained itt this perms application is acc,sate to the best 0I knowled man • That NO work or installation will coence prior to the issuance of a buiidung permit and that all work will be performed to meet the regulating construction and zoning i i this juisdiction. • 1 will, ur all respects, perfonn work in accordance with the scope ofthe penrtit, the City of Miami's codes and all outer applicable I1ws, ordinances. • That all utfonuadon given will be accurate and that all work will be done in coiYVRuxe wide all applicable laws regulating construction and • That separate petntits tray be required u *ss specifically covered with the submittal of dais application. • That then; may be additional pemnits required fi-om other entities. • Fees shall be paid prior to rite review and issuance of the pen -nit, as necessary. • Penmrt fees are non-refiutdable x_tk_ NOTICE Thlssubm I needsto be scheduled fora public hearing ccord— wllh timelines sal forth In the Clty or MI..I C ie. The applmd. de ision-makinp by rill ,eWewthelnfonnation at the pubk hearing to rend.,. -mend— o,. hnel d--.. PZ-22-15757 r 04/14/23 APPLICANT OWNER / OWNER REPRESENTATk"E First Last Name: Jonathan Name: Fanfan Digitally signed by Fanfan, Signature: Fanfan, Jonathan Jonathan Date: 2022.12.06 14:41:19 -05'00' Date: 12/06/2022 First Last Name: Barbara Nam: Hernandez Signature: r Date: