HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication and Supporting DocumentsCity of Miami Platttung Dcparttncnt & Office of Zoning 4=get hbWJ/www.miaetigov cort><plaudng * inEley IIdF£1 * l��/Ww4V.I]Lia]LbOV.COnl�7JL)nOlg 11 If E-rr ll: Q2 tt 5 r nwiigov.com t� R % P1awiiig: (305) 416-1400 Zoning (305) 4M-1495 Fist Name: ]orethan Last Name: Email: 1Faiilan@n>iaiiugov.com PRIMARV 1 l FirstNamc: Jonathan Last Name: Fanfan Corporation: City0fMiauu Address: 444 SW I st Ave City: Miarri State: F1oEida Zap: Email: jOuifin u,aiiIm Phone: (305) 416-1213 First Nane: Cotporatimr City OfMiarri Address: 444 SW I st Ave City: Miami Enuff: j fa a ' . C&Aianigpv cum Last Name: State: Florida Zip: Phone: (305)416-1213 Project Name: 3699/3701 NEW PARK Project Address: 3699 SW 1 AV City: Muir State: MasterFolio Number: 0141390070380 Comprehensive Plan Application Application FatTati 33130 33130 Unit Number: Florida .Zap: 33133 x_tk_ NOTICE Th b Rt l etl to be h tl led b y bG h II,g tl .Mt I elt rth I, th D4 MI ICod .The applmd tl k pbctly rnll W ih fortnati ith p bk h gt tl ra —rnend— or a hnal de[ aon. PZ-22-15757 r `�• ` 04/14/23 / That tinder the penalty ofperjtay, I declare that all the infomlation contained itt this perms application is acc,sate to the best 0I knowled man • That NO work or installation will coence prior to the issuance of a buiidung permit and that all work will be performed to meet the regulating construction and zoning i i this juisdiction. • 1 will, ur all respects, perfonn work in accordance with the scope ofthe penrtit, the City of Miami's codes and all outer applicable I1ws, ordinances. • That all utfonuadon given will be accurate and that all work will be done in coiYVRuxe wide all applicable laws regulating construction and • That separate petntits tray be required u *ss specifically covered with the submittal of dais application. • That then; may be additional pemnits required fi-om other entities. • Fees shall be paid prior to rite review and issuance of the pen -nit, as necessary. • Penmrt fees are non-refiutdable NOTICE Thle submRtal ne d— be sehetluled fora public hearing ccord—wA timelines sel forth I, the Cityor MIam1 7— The applmd. de icion-making ba y rill remewme mfom��eo� A the pbk h—mg m —der a mend—o,ah,ald--.. k PZ-22-15757 04/14/23 APPLICANT OWNER / OWNER REPRESENTATk"E First Last Name: ,Jonathan Name: Fanfan Digitally signed by Fanfan, Signature: Fanfan, Jonathan Jonathan Date: 2022.12.06 14:41:19 -05'00' Date: 12/06/2022 First Last Name: Barbara Nam: Hernandez Signature: r Date: Eel " LocWSLE ai,T �2.0• LE L. rl—ETEerv°e w o;HERsi Ewsnrvasmewnuc� r 1h �} o9Q �s-z• �. ,ty op �� Lso , sT xrva I T TGl "V ICK w - - NOTICE Q` s�°rvA°E Illy This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing al in In accordance with timelines set forth in the City of (5-02 Years) Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body will a - review the information at the public hearing to render a i, recommendation or a final decision, . a . . . SMALL.DOG, AREA I PZ-22-15757 I / w � a E ,EoAn YL °FQ A, y 04/14/23 °mow - - 1 1 �G,/� •-..,���= -• • - 54 -\ z I 7 ry Rva) E ¢ w ■ a °� o y w w y w w w w w w a v s T w w EXYST BEto 40 EwTREE "LOW APED (� ��RELOCATED, w y O p4 w TRH v w w w W .r W w W W W W W y 3o'x20a 2 W ➢ W W P,WILIeN W �.r W EXIST I N&TREC r TO BE LOCATED LAkGE DOG p WRENS ACES l j. AREA W W W \ v w w - (5bD) W 20'x20' PAVILION' w I � � �� � � � / / y ✓ o TRRELO@ATED" y w .9 w w w w w y w y EE w r w — — — — — — — — — — 4 — — — — — — — — w w w w w w w A / E.E. I I I E I I EE. I I EE. I I I I I I I W �m M �3'� axa I axa I I alxaI I axa I I axa I I axa I I axa I I axa I Qo '� - EE. 0 6 FT HIGH PI CKET FENCE - - �,� ENLARGED SITE PLAN °ry = ""°"`°" "°E M e'-o° SCALE 1116-14 '_T'E,.) 3701 SW 1st.AVENUE 3699SW 1st.AVENUE <Cftp of Miami City of Miami Office of Capital Improvements .. N NOTICE rni..obmmtl[ need. m —h.&e dmr. pabk h—,g In arcortlana wM1h hme1— set tr rth in the City & Mi"I CWe. The apphwhle decision -making bWY will rewewtheinbrmatiran at the pabc hearing t.—dn 'a recommends .,., a final d.dd.,. PZ-22-15757 / �Av 04/14/23 /f 3699 SW 1st Ave. & 3701 SW 1st Ave Miami, FL 33145 Comprehensive Plan Drawings & Documents Index Application Number PZ-22-15757 Folio No: 01-4139-007-0380 3699 SW 1st Ave. Miami, FI 33145 Folio No: 01-4139-007-0390 3701 SW 1 st Ave. Miami, FL 33145 Drawings Number File Name File Despeription 1 V-01 Survey 2 A-01 Proposed Site plan Documents Number File Name File Despeription 1 PAP-1 Permit Application 2 PZD-01 Signed Letter of Intent 4 PZD-03 Pre- application Summary report 5 PZD-04 Document will applicable folio Number 6 PZD-05 Existing Zoning Map 7 PZD-00 Drawings and Document Index 8 PZD-06 Proposed Zoning Map Refer to Email 9 PZD-07 Legal Description and Survey Sketch Title in Packet 10 PZD-08 Recorded Deed 11 PZD-09 Neighbord Hood Outreach 12 PZD-11 Fee Waiver -i Tip I$ °; StS1Sz at1111 ARUTHUR NORII City Manager January 9th, 2023 Ms. Lakisha Hull Director Planning Department City of Miami 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130 cilR. of'.f�i ` NOTICE This submRtal neetls b tr schetluletl for I pubic hearing ceortlanoe tlmellnesset forth n the Cly of Miami Cole. The appliude tlecision-m thb di l renewtheinlormation at eubYc hearing g I. rentlera mentlation on r a Wool tle�mon. ��PZ-22-15757 / k�, 04/14/23 RE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Future Land Use Map Change) and Rezone for 3699 SW 1 sk Ave; and 3701 SW 1siAve. Miami FL, 33145 Project Number: 40-E193517 Dear Ms. Hull Enclosed, please find an application for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone (the Applications) for the properties located at 3699 SW 1st Ave Miami, FL 33145 Folio Number: 01-4139-007-0380, and 3701 SW 1st Ave. Miami, FL 33145 Folio Number: 01-4139-007-0390 (The "Property") The Subject Properties are owned by the City of Miami (the "City") the table below summarize the properties. No. Folio Address Square Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Feet. FLU FLU Zoning Zoning Description Designation 1 01-4139-007-0380 3699 SW 15t Ave, 11,250 Duplexes Public Parks T3-0 CS General & Rec 2 01-4139-007-0390 3701 SW 1st Ave. 18,750 Duplexes Public Parks T3-0 CS General & Rec The applications seek to (1) change the designation of the Subject Properties on the Future Land Use Map of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (Ordinance No. 10544) from "Duplexes General' to "Public Parks and Recreation" pursuant to the small-scale amendment procedures of Florida Statutes, Section 163.3187, Second, (2) to rezone the Subject Properties from "T3-O" Duplexes General to "CS" Civic Space pursuant to the Miami 21 Zoning Code (Ordinance 13114), Section The purpose of this request is to provide a Passive Park to the community, creating green space to improve quality of life and general health. The Zoning change will allow the City to create a Park that will increase accessibility to quality open space to enhance the lives of citizens while supporting overall ecology of the surrounding environment. I Subiect Properties The subject properties are located within East Shenandoah neighborhood border the Metrorail on the Southeast, and surround by single family and multifamily development. The subject properties are located Eastbound of intersection SW 1st Avenue and SW 3rd Avenue and SW 1st Avenue. The properties consist of eight platted lots, Lot 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, & 96 of Block 47 East Shenandoah P. B. 14 PG. 55. The subjects' properties consist of approximately 30,042 square feet. 11 Comprehensive Plan To develop the properties into a public park, the zoning designation needs to be changed to Civic Space; In addition, the future Land Use designation on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) needs to be changed through a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from "Duplexes General' to "Public Parks and Recreation as well." Future Land Use Policy LU-1.6.8 of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) states: OFFICE OF CAPITAL- IMPROVEMENTS 444 NW 2r'd Avenue, 8Fr' Floor / Miami, FL 33130 / (305) 416-1219 / Fax: (305) 416-2153 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 Page 1 of 3 xa M1i elp of fdtq■���■Awl Ialu NOTICE Th1. be dfora hearing submtal neatlsb sche&u pubic re dance with ti melines sM forth in the DtV of ,•.", Ar^-•• Miami Co The appii Ul tlxision-making beby mLL reWewtheinfonnab. at the pu buchearingtorentlera recommentlation'pabU ltlecieon. PZ-22-15757 _'� a;nt exaixs' R �{{ d 33 '' pq 1 AS.JTHIJR NOi�IE 04/14/23 City Manager "The City's land development regulations and policies will encourage and/or require, as setl`te Parks, Recreation and Open Space element of this plan the provision of open space in development projects in both residential and commercial areas." By changing the FLUM designation, the City will rezone the property to Civic Space under Miami 21 to provide beautiful, green, open space for recreation accessible to the surrounding residential neighborhood; Furthermore, Parks, Recreation, and Open Space policy PR-1.1.2 states: "The City will focus on park land acquisition according to the following four equal priorities that emerged from community preferences during the 2007 Parks Master Plan process land with water views and/or water access; land for "walk -to" parks, including neighborhood parks, in underserved areas of the City identified in Citywide and NET -area maps in the 2007 Parks Master Plan and any subsequent updates to these maps; land to expand destination and community parks; land for expansion or creation of linear park segments. Information on target priorities and target areas for new parks will be disseminated to all relevant City departments to enhance the potential for parkland acquisition in conjunction with infrastructure and other projects. Ideally, new parks should be at least one-half acre in size, but smaller areas may be suitable, depending on the surroundings and proposed uses." The Comprehensive Plan Amendment to "Public Parks and Recreation" will allow the City to accomplish the goal of providing high -quality green and open space to every resident. III Miami 21 The current zoning designation for the properties is `73-0°, which allowed single-family residential, multifamily development dwelling units, limited Education, and Civic uses. To develop the Subject Properties into a usable, and comfortable public park the Miami 21 zoning designation needs to be changed to "CS." The park would be developed in such a way that is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood to include sensitive to the needs and nature of the residents living around the park. Also, this park will meet the criteria in Article 7, section 7,128(f) of Miami 21 since the change may be made only to the next intensity Transect Zone or by a Special Area Plan, and in a manner, which maintains the goals of the Miami 21 Code to preserve the neighborhood and to provide transitions in intensity and Building Height. IV Surrounding Context T The surrounding neighborhood consists almost entirely of single-family residences, multifamily buildings, and some commercial areas, with the Coral Way K-8 Bilingual Center within the immediate vicinity. Within a 30-minute, barrier -free walk, there is one existing neighborhood parks, Shenandoah Park (City of Miami Municipal Park) While the single-family homes will benefit, the nearby multifamily developments will greatly benefit from convenient, "walk -to" park and open space. V Conclusion In conclusion, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezone of the Subject Property would allow the City to create a park within a neighborhood that needs more "walk -to" passive, green spaces. Enclosed in support of the request is a boundary survey of the Property, totaling 30,000 square feet (0.68 Acres) and photos. We are also attaching the necessary documentation for the Applications. OFFICE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 444 NW 2110 Avenue, 8r' Floor ! Miami, FL 33130 1(305) 416-1219 I Fax: (305) 416-2153 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 Page 2 of 3 Cfty of Alialut ARUTHUR NORIE City Manager We look forward to your favorable review and approval. Sincerely, Arthur Noriega, V. City Manager City of Miami 444 SW 2nd Ave. 101h Floor Miami, FL 33130 CC: Hector Badia Interim Director, Office of Capital Improvements. Chris Evans Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation Jorge L. Mora Assistant Director, Office of Capital Improvements Jonathan Fanfan, Project Manager, Office of Capital Improvements File OFFICE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 444 NW 2"" Avenue, 81" Floor / Miami, FL 33130 / (305) 416-1219 / Fax: (305) 416-2153 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 Page 3 of 3 NOTICE ThlesubmRtalned—be sehe&u d fora public hearing cco,da wA tm111® sd forth In the Cityor MI-1 C le. The appli.d. de icio .khq ba y.11 �emewme mfo��eo� A the p�bk h—mg m —d.,. mends ors hnal de .on. PZ-22-15757 04/14/23 Aj City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary [REZON Pre -Application Meeting ePlan ID.: PREAPP-22-022 Tuesday, October 11, 2022 General Information Project Manager Name: Luiz Lam Title: Park Planner II Email: Ilam@miamigov.com Telephone No: 305-416-2034 Meeting Attendees: NOTICE This su bmRtaln &t be scheduled for a public nearing in c.rdance w'kh timelines set forth in the City of M., CW,. The appk.c ,bxision-making bcdynnll renew the infannation at the pubc hearing t. render a n-som da., or a final d-iann. PZ-22-15757 / �Av 04/14/23 Name Email Telephone number 1. Luiz Lam Ilam@miamigov.com (305) 416-2034 1. Jonathan Fanfan jfanfan@miamigov.com (305) 416-1213 2. Vickie Toranzo vtoranzo@miamigov.com (305) 416-1470 3. Jorge Mora jmora@miamigov.com (305) 416-1297 Property Information: licant /Pro ert Owner: City of Miami Contact Info: 305 416-1213 wrier Representative: Jonathan Fanfan lContact Info: jfanfan@miamigov.com ommission District: D-3 Commissioner Joe Carollo Neighborhood Service Center f/k/a NET District): I Commissioner Carollo's Office D3 Office Properties involved: 1. 3699 SW 1st Ave 2. 3701 SW 16th Ave `tom P s.0 av City of Miami NOTICE Planning Department hlesobmal�eetlembeehetle�tlrorapbtlty& Ina, CWr .nm P Umillnes setforth in the CltyM Mlaml Cmtle. The applicade tlecbkmibn-m i,g t botlywlll reWewthe inlormatlon at the pubic hearing to rentler e mentlatlon or a final tleclWon. Pre-App ication Meeting Summary PZ-22-15757 04/14/23 Aj Information to review for Ali Applications Do any of the properties involved fall within the following areas? (Select Yes/No) 1. A DRI area: No 2. Urban Central Business District : No 3.An Historic designated area: No 4. Residential Density Increase Areas: No 5. A High Hazard Area: No 6. Edgewater Intensity Increase Area: No 7. A CRA: No 8. Health/Civic Center District: No 9. Miami River: No 10. Wellfield Protection Area: No 11. Little River: No 12. An Arch. or Environmental Protected Area: No 13. Regional Activity Center: Buena Vista Yards or Health District Regional Activity Center (DHRAC): No If the answer to any of the above is yes, consider if there are any special considerations relative to the above. Submitting applications/pre-applications into ePlan. - Be mindful of the City's online checklists. These provide guidance as to specific requirements, especially important administrative requirements for successful applications. Important updates are made from time to time. Be sure to use the checklists that are accessed online and avoid saving checklists locally so that you avoid relying on outdated information. - Become familiar with the naming conventions that are referred to on the checklists. Failure to comply with these naming conventions will significantly delay your application. Use the Pre -Application meeting time to ensure there is clarity on naming conventions. - Access information on checklists here: https://www.miamigov.com/Services/Building- Permitting/Permitting-Forms-Documents Rev. 2/1 /2022 2 City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This su b,nma[n d,b be sch.&o d for a pubk h..,I,g In —nbanm whh brnellnss set forth in the City M Mlarni CWtl .The applicede dmmion-making btly will reWew the inbnna n at the pubkc hearing t. render. reG me dtl .,., z final d.dm.n. PZ-22-15757 / 04/14/23 // Rezone Request N. For requests to change the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) or the Zoning Atlas, summarize the in the table below. # Address Lot Size FLU desi nation Zoning classification Existing Proposed Existing Proposed (sq. ft) 1 3699 SW 1ST Duplex- Public Parks T3-0 (Sub -Urban CS (CIVIC AVE 11,250 Residential and Transect Zone - SPACE ZONE) Recreation Open) 2 3701 SW 1ST Duplex- Public Parks T3-0 (Sub -Urban CS (CIVIC Ave 18,750 Residential and Transect Zone - SPACE ZONE) Recreation Open) Sub -Total and Total per 30,000 request About the Rezone Is a single change to the zoning atlas requested? Same rezoning for all properties Is the requested Transect Zone compatible with the existing FLU designation? FLU change requested, if any? FLU change required for rezone? Analysis for Code Compliance Compliance with Section (a) No Yes Yes Criteria Yes No Is the rezoning proposed to a lesser Transect Zone? ® ❑ Is the rezoning proposed within the same Transect Zone to a greater or lesser intensity? ❑ Is the rezoning proposed to the next higher Transect Zone? ❑ Is the rezoning proposed through a Special Area Plan? ❑ Compliance with Section c The rezoning of property(ies) Yes No Involve(s) an extension of an existing Transect boundary ❑ Involve(s) more than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of land area ❑ Has two hundred (200) feet of street Frontage on one (1) street. ❑ Rev. 2/1 /2022 3 City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Table for Reviewer Reference: Successional Zonine�. TRANSECT ZONE FLR SUCCESSIOMAL ZONE FLR Tl T1 T2 - N/A T3 -- T4, 0 -- T4 -- T5, Cl -- T5 - T6-8, CI 6 T6-8 5 T6-12. CI 8 T6-12 8 T6-24a, Cl 7 T6-24a 7 T6-24b, T6-36a, Cl 16 T6-24b 16 T6-36a. CI 12 T6-36a 12 11 11 18 T6-60a. Cl 11 T6-48a T6-60a T6-43b T6-60a, Cl T6-60b. Cl T6-60b, CI 11 18 18 T6-36b 22 T6-60b, CI 18 T6-60b 18 NIA, CI T6-80 24 N/A. CI - CI - Abutting Zones 7 5 (T6-8)' or -- all others -- CI -HD 8 T6-24 D1 b2 - T6-8-, T5, Cl, D2 -- bi, Cf f `tom P NYC' NOTICE This submittals d,b be sch.&o d to, a pubk h..,I,g In —rbanm whh brnellnee set forth in the City M Mlami CWtl .The applicede dmmion-making btly will reWew the inbnna n at the pubkc hearing t. n,nde,e ,eG me dtl ., or z final d.dm.n. PZ-22-15757 / 04/14/23 // * The Planning Department shall make a recommendation as to which Transect Zone will yield the most coherent pattern given the established zoning pattern and context in the immediate vicinity Compliance with Section c.2 Note: Yes * implies partial compliance. Some modifications may be required. Rev. 2/1 /2022 4 City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Correspondence Mine: zonikq ana I urare Lana (Ise Amp, for trevlewer 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni..obnidal needs m ­h.&w d tnr. pabk heahng In—nd—wM1h hmeI — set ionh in the City & Mlani CWe. The appdwde decision-nahing body will renew the inlorn ,at the pabec hearing to rend,,e om lotion nr z final d.ddon. �PZ-22-15757 / �Av 04/14/23 /f Transect Miami 21 Transect October 2009 MCNP Future Land Use It r DU/ AC Max T3 (R, L) Sub -Urban Single -Family Residential 9 du/ac T3 O Duplex Residential 18 du/ac T4 R General Urban Low Density Multifamily Residential 36 du/ac T4 (L, O) Low Density Restricted Commercial 36 du/ac T5 R Urban Center Medium Density Multifamily Residential 65 du/ac T5 (L, O) Medium Density Restricted Commercial 65 du/ac T6-(8 — 48) R Urban Core High Density Multifamily Residential 150 du/ac T6-(8 — 48) L, O Restricted Commercial / General Commercial D1 Work Place Light Industrial 36 du/ac D2 Industrial Industrial N/A D3 Marine Industrial N/A T6-80 (R, L, O) Urban Core Central Business District 1000 du/ac Cl Civic Institutional Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, And Utilities 150 du/ac CI -HD Civic Institution — Health District Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, And Utilities 150 du/ac CS Civic Space/Parks Public Parks And Recreation N/A Commercial Recreation N/A T1 Natural Conservation N/A Items to Address in a Pre -Application Meetingfor a Rezone, SAP FLUM if applicable) Questions and Discussion Items during Pre- Application Meeting City Staff Comments/Feedback for Final Submittal 1. Will a covenant beproffered? No 2. What is the history of the site (e.g. are there any existing covenants, liens, other No existing covenants or liens. encumbrances? Rev. 2/1 /2022 5 `11Y flp� . v.0 nTav City of Miami NOTICE Planning Department mi. aebmina� neetlm 1,hetledfMh int btl heating Ina,CWr .nm P hmellnes set fnrthin the Chy of MiamiCWe. Theappllwde tlecikh,,,i,gt nd,,, renewthe inlcrmatiran at the pubic hearing to rentler e mentlation or a final tleGtlon. Pre -Application Meeting Summary PZ-22-15757 04/14/23 3. Has any neighborhood outreach occurred? Please summarize. Contact the relevant Neighborhood Service Center for assistance. 4. Include in your analysis an explanation of why the existing zoning classification is inappropriate for the subject property(ies), and how this request will benefit the immediate neiahborhood or the entire citv. Last meeting was in September, there concerns about opening to underline. Proof of meeting shall be provided. Currently its zoned T3-0 with a FLU designation of Duplex Residential, in case they want to extend park for the future it is better to rezone all the land now. May require special permits. 5. Is the surrounding neighborhood a stable area or is it changing? Substantiate. Information will be provided in the future. 6. Explain the relationship of the proposed amendment to the goals, objectives, and policies of the MCNP, with appropriate Enhance the neighborhood by adding green consideration as to whether the proposed space and dog park to improve quality of life for change will further the goals, objectives, residents that do not have a nearby park. (List and policies of the MCNP, Miami 21 Code, at least 3 goals, objective, and policies.) and other Citv reaulations (Sec. 7. Elaborate on the need and justification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions, that make the passage of the proposed change Mr. Fanfan will consult with his colleague. necessarv. 8. If the request involves a density increase, the application will require a test of school concurrency. Staff will automatically submit this. Be sure to timely pay your fees to Miami -Dade County Public Schools to N/A prevent delays. 9. Review the City's updated checklists online. The checklists are updated from time to time —be sure to use the checklists from the City's website (do not rely on copies you may save locally). We have supplied naming conventions. Be sure to strictly follow the naming conventions as listed on N/A the checklists for all aDDlications. Rev. 2/1 /2022 6 City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary 1�J L11Y'f]•� NOTICE rni..obnidal needs m ­h.&w d tnr. pabk heahng In—nd—wM1h hmeI — set ionh in the City & Mlani CWe. The appdwde decision-nahing body will renew the inlorn ,at the pabec hearing to rend,,e om da ., nr z final d.ddon. �PZ-22-15757 / �Av 04/14/23 /f Comments from utner usclpnnes N %�M --If staff from other City Departments have reviewed materials provided by the applicant for this Pre-Ap Meeting, the Project Manager shall present all comments here, as applicable. NOTE: All comments are merely provided for consideration for an eventual application submittal and they do not construe any approval nor do they imply future approval. Department Status Notes, if applicable Paste from Project Dox Planning N/A Provide the following from Miami 21 Code: Department (b) Survey of the property prepared by a State of Florida registered land surveyor within six (6) months from the date of the application, including acreage. (Signed and sealed boundary survey showing existing transect zone, acreage and sq. ft. per lot and combined [sq. ft. from GIS is not reliable]). Also provide sketch survey with complete legal description, including Exhibit A at the top. (e) Present zoning of the property and Future Land Use designation of the property. (f) At least two photographs that show the entire property. (Colored photographs of current condition from ground level). (g) An analysis of the properties within a one-half mile radius of the subject property regarding the existing condition of the radius properties and the current zoning and Future Land Use designations of the radius properties. The analysis shall include photos of Building elevations of both sides of the street extending three hundred (300) feet beyond all boundaries of the site. An aerial photo of the site and the radius properties shall be included. The analysis shall explain why the zoning change is appropriate and why the existing zoning is inappropriate, in light of the intent of the Miami 21 Code and particularly in relation to effects on adjoining properties. Provide the following analysis per Miami 21 Code: 1. For all amendments: (a) The relationship of the proposed amendment to the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, with appropriate consideration as to whether the proposed change will further the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; the Miami 21 Code; and other city regulations. (b) The need and justification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions that make the passage of the proposed change necessary. 2. For rezonings: Rev. 2/1 /2022 7 City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary yts £ 1Z NOTICE This su bmMal needs t be s,he&W d br a pubk nearing in c ,da with d-1— set forth in the City of Miami Code.7he appk.de decon-Waking bWynnll renew the inlonnation at the pubk hearing t. render a rec m d.don nra flnM decison. PZ-22-15757 04/14/23 A change may be made only to the next intensity Trans a Special Area Plan, and in a manner which maintains the g Miami 21 Code to preserve Neighborhoods and to provide transitions in intensity and Building Height. As per Miami 21 Code: A rezoning to a CS Transect Zone, and any rezoning initiated by the City shall be exempt from the twice yearly schedule. As per Miami 21 Code: Any properties less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or two hundred (200) feet of street frontage which are rezoned to "CS," Civic Space Transect Zone, shall not be utilized towards the City's no net loss policy for public park land. Applications for rezoning may be made by: (c) Any other department, board or agency of the City; FLUM request requires an analysis pursuant to MNCP. Additional Discussion and Special Recnmmendations Additional Discussion Planner should detail any additional information discussed during the meeting here. Be sure to include any questions raised by the prospective applicant and any requests for additional information that may need to be provided after the conclusion of the meeting. Special Recommendations Planner should detail any special recommendations that were made during this meeting. Recommendations may include the provision of additional information from the prospective applicant, the application of additional permits, changes (i.e., in the event a prospective applicant has assumed a specific permit is needed to accomplish a desired outcome, if a different approach may accomplish the outcome, that information should be detailed here). Recommendations for correspondence from other agencies or neighborhood associations should be detailed here. N/A Rev. 2/1 /2022 8 1• v.0 n, V r City of Miami NOTICE Planning Department This°bmRtalneedatobscAedWedtrhinth,°heafng in cc°rda[ with dm Ihl setforthi the. hof MiamiCW,.7heapp1i dedecision-Wakingbody will renew theinlonna atthe pubc hearingt° render. Pre -Application Meeting Summary PZ22°1a5757° 04/14/23 Planner Certification or Pre-Appucat on Meeting The signed copy of this form certifies that you, Jonathan Fanfan, have attended a Pre -Application Thee i discuss your interest in Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Future Land Use Map Change) and Rezone. If you are eligible for the permit you seek, you may qualify for a $250 credit toward the application fee if you submit your application within 90 days from your Pre -Application Meeting. Failure to submit that application within this time period will result in the forfeiture of any credit due to you from this meeting toward your application fees. Please note, neither your attendance to this note, neither your attendance to this meeting the comments here construe the City of Miami's comments here construe the City of Miami's approval of your request. Be sure to include this document with your application submittal to ePlan as your Pre -Application Form. If you have additional questions, please contact me at the email address listed on the front page of this document. The City of Miami looks forward to working with you on this application and we are happy to assist you in any way we can. Sincerely, Lam, Luiz Dt I4221od6125333ulz Luiz Lam Park Planner II Rev. 2/1 /2022 9 Re -zoning Application PZ-22-15533 B-193517 3699/3701 New Park Properties Information: 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni..obmidal needs m t Ih.&d for a pabk heeling In—rd—wM1h tlmellne. set forth in the City & Mlami CWe. The appdwde decision -making body will rewew the information at the pabec hearing to rend,, recommendation or a final d.ddon. PZ-22-15757 / �Av 04/14/23 /f 1. Address:3699 SW 1st Ave Miami, FL 33130 Grantor: City of Miami Folio No. 01-4139-0070-0380 Square footage:11,250 Actual Land Use Description:5700 DUPLEXES- GENERAL Future Land Use Description: Public Parks & Recreation/ 8080 VACANT GOVERNMENTAL: VACANTLAND-GOVERNMENTAL Actual Miami 21 Zoning: T3-0 Future Miami 21 Zoning: CS 2. Address:3701 SW 11t Ave Miami, FL 33130 Grantor: City of Miami Folio No. 01-4001-005-0390 Square footage:18,750 Actual Land Use Description: 5700 Duplexes -General Future Land Use Description: Public Parks and Recreation / 8080 VACANT GOVERNMENTAL: VACANTLAND-GOVERNMENTAL Actual Miami 21 Zoning: T3-0 Future Miami 21 Zoning: CS Page 1 1 From: Angleton, Kathryn To: Fanfan,Jonathan; Shedd, Ryan Cc: Lam, Luiz Subject: RE: 3699/3701 SW 1st Ave Proposed Zoning Map and Existing Zoning Map Date: Monday, December 5, 2022 4:29:10 PM Attachments: imaoe001.Dno imaae002.Dno HiJonathan, 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni..obmmtl [ ­e. m —heaeve mr. pabk h—,g In arcortlana wM1h hme1—set forth i, the City & Mlami CWe. The apphwde decision -making bWy will rewewthe inbrmation at the pubc hearing t. —dtl , a recommends ., or z final d.dd.,. PZ-22-15757 / �Av 04/14/23 /f I just spoke with Luiz about the project. It appears that you are missing an application in ePlan for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (AKA Future Land Use Map Amendment). I see PZ-22-15533 for the rezone, and searching the addresses in ePlan, there is no Comprehensive Plan Amendment application. You'll need to start one as the property cannot be rezoned without amending the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan first. The property's FLUM is Duplex Residential, which is not consistent with the proposed zoning of CS. The preapplication summary report you uploaded to PZ-22-15533 as PZD-03 indicates a Future Land Use Map amendment to be necessary. As for the existing and proposed maps (zoning and FLUM), I know those are required under both the Comprehensive Plan and Rezone Checklists, but we can waive those since we will be creating those as part of the staff analysis. Feel free to forward this email to whoever the reviewer for prescreen is so that they don't send the task back to you just because of those maps. Best, Kathryn From: Fanfan, Jonathan <JFanfan@miamigov.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2022 2:57 PM To: Angleton, Kathryn <KAngleton@miamigov.com>; Shedd, Ryan <RShedd@miamigov.com> Subject: 3699/3701 SW 1st Ave Proposed Zoning Map and Existing Zoning Map Good afternoon Team I am doing a follow up on an electronic Proposed Zoning Map and Existing Zoning Map I requested electronically for the below properties. Please let advise on the status. No. Folio Address Square Existing Proposed Existing Proposed Feet. FLU FLU Zoning Zoning Description Designation 1 01-4139- 3699 SW 11,250 Duplexes Public Parks T3-0 CS 007-0380 1 st Ave, General & Rec 2 01-4139- 3701 SW 18,750 Duplexes Public Parks T3-0 CS 007-0390 1 st Ave. General & Rec Regards, Jonathan Fanfan Project Manager Vertical City of Miami Office of Capital Improvements 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 8th Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Office: (305) 416-1213 Email: JFanfan�miamigov.com 1�J L11Y'f]F� NOTICE rni..obnidal needs m—Ih.&dm,. pabk healing In—nd, wM1h hmellnes set f,& inthe City& Mi"I CWe. The appdwdle decision-naXing body will renew the intormetion at the pabec hearing to rend,, e o —da ., nr z final d.ddon. �PZ-22-15757 / �Av 04/14/23 /f P79 a SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY LYING IN SECTION 40, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST LYING AND BEING IN THE CITY OF MIAMI ABBREVIATIONS: B.B.L. = BUILDING BASE LINE ¢ = CENTER LINE U.E. = UTILITY EASEMENT D.M.E. = DRAINAGE # MAINTENANCE EASEMENT L.B. = LICENSED BUSINESS IN = MONUMENT LINE P.B. = PLAT BOOK P.C. = POINT OF CURVATURE PG. = PAGE R.R. = RAILROAD PP/W = RIGHT OP WAY S.R. = STATE ROAD PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3701 SW 1 AVE, MIAMI, FL 33145 3699 SW 1 AVE, MIAMI, FL 33145 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ��TaF NOTICE mi..0,nmal needs m te.Ihetleied m, a pabk heeling In .�o,aan�wdn umenne ldronh mthe city& Mi"I CWe.T,e aPPU-d' decision -making bwywill rewewthe inbrmation at the public hearing t. mode, e nxommentlation n, a final aecidon. PZ-22-15757 �Av 04/14/23 OUT OF VIAMI od- 5- t P N%y' NT OF V A \ c S ��0 PLpICPjEp RIG \ \ \ O \ \ . A O ` ` \ \ O \ 0 \ A 1' ` \ \ \ rn \ B SNENP y5 \ \ `\ O \ O \ z `D-� \\ -AOff\ j\ `o\ W \\ \ \\ \ i i i \ c \\o \\ \\ \ _A/ \ \ \ \ \ E L A \ \ \ k o T P-� �iN pf E \' LOCAATION ETCHRf/'� SCALE =N.T.S. THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF MIA Ill DADE, STATE OF FL0RIDA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 AND 96, BLOCK 47, EAST SHENANDOAH, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 55, PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LAND AREA= ± 30.042 SQ. FT OR ± 0.G59 ACRES SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS HAS BEEN MADE BY JOHN IBARRA ASSOCIATES , INC. 2. THIS SKETCH IS BASED ON INFORMATION FURNISHED BY CLIENT OR CLIENTIS REPRESENTATIVE, DRAWN BY: DA DATE: 0512412022 SCALE: 1 "=50' SURVEY NO: 22-001318-1 SHEET: 1 OF 2 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY: TH15 "SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY' OP -HE PROPER"Y DESCRIBED HEREON, HAS RECENTLY BEEF' SURVEYED AND DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION, AVD COMPLIES WITH THE STANDARDS OP PRACTICE AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFE5510NAL ]AND SURVEYORS IN CHAPTER 5J-17. FLORDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO 472,027, FLORIDA 5TATU-E5, Digitally signed by JOHNA IBARRA Date: 2022.12.12 16:17:13 BY 05.001 0512412022 JOHN IBARRA (DATE Of UELD WORK) PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR Na: 5204 STATE OF FLORIDA OHN IBARRA & ASSOCIATES. INC. Professional Land Surveyors & Mappers W W W.IBARRALANDSURV EYORS.COM 777 N.W. 72nd AVENUE 3725 DEL PRADO BLVD. S. SUITE 3025 SUITE B MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126 CAPE CORAL, FL 33904 PH: (305) 262-0400 PH: (239) 540-2660 FAX : (305) 262-0401 FAX: (239) 540-2664 ,pHN IBq RR9 a � S0N4L LANN9 LB#7806 Digitally signed by JOHN A IBARRA Date: 2022.12.12 16:17:51-05'00' SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY NOTICE LYING IN SECTION 40, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 41 E„,,,.bm�alneensbbe,„en.em,apabg.„ea,;g LU15 - m a—d—w;m tm111.s dton„mthe City& Miami CWe.Th, appUud, bsisi making bWywil /— BLOCr\ 3 BLOCK .Wewmemb�as aati ono p bk h-i'gm renders NJ G N - - / - - LOT4041 PZ-22-15757 3 r d P! /` -- B.B.L 04/14/23 SW_ 1st AVENUE F0�_50'TOTAL RIGHT-OF-WAYA PUBLICLY DEDICATED RIGHT OF WAY77 n5i 200.00' 0 LOT-99 LOT-98 LOT-97 LOT-96 LOT vt 0 0 0 I I LOT-94 LOT-93 LOT-92 LOT-91 BLOCK - 47 I I EAST SHENANDOAH ( P.B. 14, PG. 55) o�oov'� 5' ASEMEN FOR SPUR TRACK 6.B.L 9c PER P.B. 14 - P . 55 200.00' o° LOT-90 LOT-89 _9'59',52„ 0 0 0 LOT-88 LOT-87 n 0 N vi cn 0 0 0 0 0 0 F. E. C. R. R. R / W 0 70' TOTAL T-O R.R. RIGHF-WAY o - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o_ 0 ORIGINAL R. R. R/W LINE ---- ---------------------------------- N N �SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY ZONED STREET CENTERLINE41 - GRAPHIC SCALE (S.R. No. 5 R/W P.B. 57-65) 85' TOTAL RIGHT-OF-WAY v -50 0 25 50 A PUBLICLY DEDICATED RIGHT OF WAY (IN FEET) 11NCH = 50 FEET 7ATE BY. DA 0512412022 SCALE: 1 "=50' SURVEY NO: 22-001318-1 SHEET: 2 OF 2 OHN IBARRA & ASSOCIATES. INC. Professional Land Surveyors & Mappers W W W.IBARRALANDSU RVEYORS.COM 777 N.W. 72nd AVENUE 3725 DEL PRADO BLVD, S. SUITE 3025 SUITE B MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126 CAPE CORAL, FL 33904 PH: (305)262-0400 PH: (239)540-2660 FAX: (305) 262-0401 FAX: (239) 540-2664 oNN lea RR a LB#]806 Digitally signed by JOHN A IBARRA Date: 2022.12.12 16:18:15-05'00' Prepared by and return to: Sergio L. Mendez Attorney at Law Law Offices Mendez & Mendez, P.A. 7400 S. W. 57th Court Suite #202 Mia m 1, FL 33143 305-667-0112 File Number: 18-1432SLM Will Call No.; Above This Line For Recording .; . ;r 1 • - f3; Fyn or,,L CFN: 20200269922 B DATE:05/08/2020 0 4? DEED DOC 3,705.0 HARVEY RUVIN, CLE NOTICE Th,s submittal needs t" be sch.dWed for a p0fic hea,ing ­.",— wkt t—lin. aet font h, he city & ode mi— C. The appliud, dslsion-making bWy will "'m he nfonnaton at the public hearing to n,nde, a nxo nda ., o, afinal deciaon. PZ-22-15757 �w 04/14/23 This Warranty Deed made this 4th day of May, 2020 between Dennis Nieves, a single matt whose post office address is 3471 SW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL 33I45, grantor, and City of Miami, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida whose post office address is 444 SW Second Ave, Third Floor, Miami, FL 33130-1910, grantee: (Whenever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument Enid the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, trusts and trustees) Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the suin of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10,00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the followinb described land, situate, lying and being in Miami -Dade County, Florida to -wit: Lot 89, 90,and 91 Block 47, East Shenandoah, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 55, Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Parcel Identification Number: 01-4139-007-0380 Subject to taxes for Z019 and subsequent years; covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations and limitations of record, if any. The foregoing conveyance was approved pursuant to Resoluiton No. R-18-0478 of the City Commission of the City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida, passed and adapted on October 25, 2018. A copy of Resolution No. R-18-0478 is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To Have and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 2019. In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seat the day and year first above written. DoubleTlme° CFN: 20200269922 BOL�,­b�MA­do—­h.d��d �`°"�OTICEsm�a�nada�d to apO hearingSigned, sealed and delly ed in our esence: ppludmessettohmma city nrappliwde tlslsion-making bWy willdon at the pabk hearing to n,nde, anda ., or afinal d-i--22-15757(Seal)4/14/23 Wi ame:. Dennis Nieves Witness e State of Florida County of Miami -Dade The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of JXJ ph al pre nce or [ otarization, this 4th day of May, 2020 by Dennis Nieves, who [ ] is personally known as plod c � er' i e as identification. [Notary Seal] Notary Public , �] �� Printed Name: ,,U"� tam of a Vmsfn top" #Ay CrormM"m FF 9W17 My Commission Expires: Warranty Deed - Page 2 Doubleiime6 CFN:20200269922 B Exhibit "A" CON 01 1, City of Miami Certified Copy e.i�... .4 !r nto File Number: 4984 3500 Enactment Number: NOTICE Thla submittal needs fo . echedaied for a pebLn hearing ceord ante with tlmelines set forth in the City W Miami Code. The appk.c , dxision-making body will resew Ne information at the p0k hearing to render a recom da ., or a final deciaon. PZ-22-15757 �w 04/14/23 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT"), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") AND DENNIS NIEVES ("SELLER") FOR THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3699 SOUTHWEST 1ST AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA ("PROPERTY") FOR A PURCHASE PRICE OF SIX HUNDRED SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($617,500.00); FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE ANY AND ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS TO SAID AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE SAID ACQUISITION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE OFFICE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ("OCI") PROJECT NO, 40-B183415, DISTRICT 3 PARK LAND ACQUISITION, IN A TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SIX HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($655,000.00) TO COVER THE COST OF SAID ACQUISITION INCLUSIVE OF THE COST OF SURVEY, ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT, TITLE INSURANCE, DEMOLITION, SECURING THE PROPERTY, PROJECT SIGNAGE, AND RELATED APPLICABLE CLOSING COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH SAID ACQUISITION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT. SPONSOR(S): Commissioner Joe Carollo WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") wishes to acquire the real property located at 3699 Southwest 1st Avenue, Miami, Florida ("Property"); and WHEREAS, the City plans to construct a park at the Property that will enhance the quality of life of residents in the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, Dennis Nieves ("Seller") has agreed to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement ("Agreement"), in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the City to convey the Property to the City for the purchase price of Six Hundred Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($617,500.00); and WHEREAS, the City obtained two (2) appraisals from licensed State of Florida certified appraisers stating that the appraised value of the Property is at least the purchase price of Six Hundred Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($617,500.00); and WHEREAS, the City's estimated total cost for the acquisition of the Property will not exceed Six Hundred Fifty -Five Thousand Dollars ($655,000.00), with funds being allocated from the Office of Capital Improvement ("OCI") Project No. 40-13183415, District 3 Park Land Acquisition; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are City of Miami Page 9 of 2 R-98-0478 CFN: 20200269922 B File dumber: 4984 Enactment Num hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in Section 2. The City Manager is authorized' to execute an Agreement, in a f acceptable to the City Attorney, between the City and Seller for the acquisition of the for a purchase price of Six Hundred Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($617, NOTICE Thla submittal neetls to be Saneaak•e Wr a pebk hearing �orean�e wren bmI ronh in tha City& Mlami Cotle. The applieade tlxision-making hotly will resew Ne information at the pub4c Mearing to rentler a m.�naaaon or a final eauaon. �PZ-22-15757 �w 04/14/23 Section 3. The City Manager is further authorized' to negotiate and execute any and a necessary documents, including amendments and modifications to said Agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, as may be necessary to effectuate said acquisition. Section 4. Funding for the acquisition of the Property is to be allocated from OCI Project No. 40-Bl83415, District 3 Park Land Acquisition, in a total amount not to exceed Six Hundred Fifty -Five Thousand Dollars ($655,000.00) to cover the cost of said acquisition inclusive of the cost of survey, environmental report, title insurance, demolition, securing the Property, project signage, and applicable related closing costs in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.' DATE: 10/25/2018 RESULT: ADOPTED MOVER: Ken Russell, Commissioner SECONDER: Manolo Reyes, Commissioner AYES: Keon Hardemon, Ken Russell, Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Joe Carollo, Manolo Reyes DATE: 11/2/2018 ACTION: Signed by the Mayor I, Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida, and keeper of the records thereof, do hereby certify that this constitutes a true and correct copy of Resolution No. R- 1)E�0478, p sed b th Ci ommission on 10/2512018. �i Januar 17 2019 Date Certified 1 The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to, those prescribed by applicable City Charter and City Code provisions. 2 If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten (10) calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. City of Miami Page 2 of 2 R-18-0478 for the new Mini Park in District 3! THE NEW PARK WILL INCLUDE. • Two separate playground areas for children (2-5 years old and children 5-12 years old) • Bicycle racks and a 6 foot -wide concrete bike path, benches and walkway paths around landscaped green areas • Plenty of trees for shade and comfort and a covered shelter area • Two Separate dog areas (for dogs 35 Ibs and under, and over 35 Ibs) • Roadway improvements around the park 1l � 4Fi HIGH L.F. GRO N❑ W - `L P y p CHAIN LINK FENCE ID— . . . . . . Y �Tr .� SPECIAL SOD SOD F( P.L.(TYP.) I •L.P. *E IAcoRP IARIFI�F OF 8) 6'DONGRETE Y OF' WALK 2BIKE PATH AREA FOR . Q P.o C Q DOGS 4' .r. L ' J4ER TSM C C.L.F. GATEO IKID9OVERPASS ` soD � t: Z ;STRUCTURE ---- - L.P, - Y IARTIFOCIALSOD i4' AIDE BENCH �G.LEGATE 1ROUNDj 4v oe. we M A M I OCR mvER L PLAYGROUN I S GNAGE ND COVERED SIGNAGE j SHELTER I RUDDERSURE— m; - SAIL CURVED E RUCTURE ' I Lp° 5DDUR KIDS SI3 YRS. �Y O GROUND CONCRETE',.LF - PLAYGROUND C L,j`� COVER SLAHD LOW .Y AREA PARK G AGE AS MIAMI FOREVER _ CONCRETE °� WALK. GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND / &'RECR BKERACKS F SLAS L.P. lA. LP.° L.A. ___. La L,PP °L,P, --LA.J L...._. . Accessibility Request Statement available online htips://www.miamigov com/Government/Departments-Organizations/Parks-and-Recreation Unase a nosotros pa el 9' plan del diseno del nuevo0en el Distrito 3 de la Ciudad de Miami! 30 LOS ELEMENTOS DEL NUEVO PARQUE INCLUIRAN: • Area de juegos (dividida para ninos de 2-5 anos de edad y 5-12 anos de edad) • Estacionamiento y sendero para bicicletas (6 pies de ancho), bancas y caminos alrededor de areas verdes con paisajismo • Abundantes arboles para dar sombra y comodidad • Mejoras viales alrededor del parque wUH CLOSERS s F[1Fl.L SOe VJ.E. S DF2 _ - ;�TSIGNAGE - 4 FT HIGH L.F. GRO N❑ W ® ■ •� LAP. p CHAIN LINK FENCE .� SPECIAL 500 SOD F( P.L(TYP.) I •L.P. *E IAcoRP IARIFI�F OF 6'CONCRETE Y DFWALK: BIKE PATE R, AREA FOR . Q P.o C Q DOGS 4' WIDE J4ER TSM L.A. C.L.F. GATE O IKID'SOVERPASS ;STRUCTURE ---- - �� LP - Y IFiCIAL SOD - �'AIDE BENCH ;. OW.D. i4 C.LF. GATE 1ROUNDj F. SDDORc) r f b,yy LP GROU mvER ��_, 4v � � oe. we � � M � A M IOCII L PLAYGROUN S GNAGE ND `1 COVERED SIGNAGE SHELTER I RUDDER SURFACE —, -- m; 1 I ' SNL CVRVED STRUCTURE • II BENCH [P° 5, - sou OH aossTxvrs. OY�Y O� GROUND OONCRETE - PLAYGROUND l COVER SLAB DELOW �ILF� AREA IA S!v PARK 1T SIGNAGE E"'� �� O .cortr 1nNH WR O eG MIAMI FOREVER�s&R wP�` CCNCRETE %f W— GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND xrc ere SHAD P lA. 1 P I A --_ .. 1 Pe vi P i--1 A� L...._..- Accessibility Request Statement available online htips://www.miamigov com/Government/Departments-Organizations/Parks-and-Recreation THE NEW PARK WILL INCLUDE: • Two separate playground areas for children (2-5 years old and children 5-12 years old) • Bicycle racks and a 6 foot -wide concrete bike path, benches and walkway paths around landscaped green areas • Plenty of trees for shade and comfort and a covered shelter area - T--- �-"--_- _ -I--- ---- -- �2--- -I---- ^r 11 - ----1 ---- -I- -- ----1 ------ ^r 11 _\ Accessibility Request Statement available online htips://www.miamigov com/Government/Departments-Organizations/Parks-and-Recreation Mayor r;�;=_ A-v-� LOS ELEMENTOS DEL NUEVO PARQUE INCLUIRAN: • Area de juegos (dividida para ninos de 2-5 anos de edad y 5-12 anos de edad) • Estacionamiento y sendero para bicicletas (6 pies de ancho), bancas y caminos alrededor de areas verdes con paisajismo • Abundantes arboles para dar sombra y comodidad • Mejoras viales alrededor del parque wUHCLOSERS s F[IFl.L SOe VJ.P. S ❑F2 � _ - ;�TSIGNAGE - 4 FT HIGH L.F. GROUN❑ A® ■•�L�P. �p CHAIN LINK FENCE OF, ♦T .<> .� SPECIAL SOD SOD F( P.L CTYP.) I •L.p. *E IAc�F 9iS) 6'CONCRETE oRP IARIFI Y O F' AALK: RIKE PATE AREA FOR . Q P.o C Q DOGS 4' AIDE J4ER TSM L.A. GATE O IKID9OVERPASS ` SOD L.r. C.L.F. t: Z ;STRUCTURE ---- - �� L.P, -Y IARTIFiCIAL SOD -4' BENCH AIDE ;. OW'9. �GLEGATE MOUND) 4v oe. we M A M I OC1 mvER L PLAYGRCUN S CNAGE UND CG EREO SIGNAGE tlY I 1� SHELTER I �-RUDSERSURFA -- %u ; 1 SNL CVRVED T� �/ STRUCTURE ' 19ENUR [P' 5� Y - 5UU OH KIDS SI3 YRS. �Y O� GROUND CONCRETE 1'•,LF - PLAYGROUND C L.pf� EMER SLAB D€L I .� AREA SIG AGE _ - F }j .ART I oW� MIAMI FOREVER ��"s�'��~o _ CCNCRLTE oys WA GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND R EKERACHS F SLAB L.P. LA LP .° °— — L.A. --_. o L,PP °L.P. --LA.� L...._. . Accessibility Request Statement available online htips://www.miamigov com/Government/Departments-Organizations/Parks-and-Recreation CITY OF MIAMI FIRST COMMUNITY MEETING s.S tl�ipe `, NOTICE mK wbnitlalrieeasm be.,cheau led mrapI Mating aoc«dance with tl-t 1. W Idrth In In. CW W becis tilsmrq Cade. the appacede lon-making deaywu newewtlminfonnation at the PI, bUl hearingW rend4 repo—n,I or a nnai deg n— PZ-22-15757 04/14/23 This Community Meeting is an opportunity to actively _ participate in the park amenity planning process and ra let your voice be heard. Recreate and Re-create with games and Refreshments. The City of Miami District7 3 Commissioner Joe Carollo, Parks & Recreation Department, and Office of Capital improvements will be there to listen to your ideas in a fun, relaxed environment. 3699 SW 1st Avenue *Tease note: the meeting wiii be taking place outside oistrict J Commissioner Joe Carauo MIAMI FOREVER For more information, ptease contact the City of Miami Parks and Recreation Department by calling (3051416-1300 or emaiting parksfamiamigov.com. Can't attend? Share your feedback online at; https://forms.gle/B5c1 s9NedLLGwbYd7 Check us out 2rniamicitp J' @miamiparks305 91 miamiparks Accessibility Request Statement available on line at https:llwww.miamigov.comlGovernmenVOepartments-Organizations/Parks-and-Recreation NOTICE'.,'` Thiss l7hedpobeschetluletl Nra Paboe nearing ccordaneewimtimeline�selronh inthe ciryof iCmi Miami Ccde.ihe ad-.ble tlecision-making bafy will rewewthe Ininmtatlon at the public hearing to render a rec mentlation or afinal tleci:ion. PZ-22-15757 74h� 04/14/23 DS If you would like to receive updates on future Office of Capital Improvements projects, please provide your information below. Name Email Phone Address ed,%-L W15- a Jl3 -'1\1Db kW SW \RL C< L C--A C, L V1 66 b �A P//J EL_. 16 > b D s q RD- & X1414 1 I- c no--k' Lc✓,v f At'q s 4d'�o hCIZ4; c..4,,Jf. Z I II o L . c,� yo.9 s G�! a�� v, JV f f Cti,r �F O �. R r� ec� (f p i S ,'�T .3 O � ,�'t . Iy 1.QY�ra► E G�,cvcrr rnl C�rc ,�vcrr ao.c 305 - 97z-1--J Z r� 3o5-8SG-5��g' � A d I S'.kl. 30- Cat 114 tXVA,v ,�f� v�vr�� G J�,�� Sw �+ fa4.b Z63 p jnj M&YX �� erQ is taxi+a ared�e,� . 0 30 a a4 .s ue � c/ k l " Y. NOTICE This submidal needs b be scheduled Nr a public hearing ccordanee with timelines se[ tone in the city � Miami Ccd the appllca He decision- h,g to ywill renewthe Iniomtatlon at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-22-15757 04/14/23 �[ If you would like to receive updates on future Office of Capital Improvements projects, please provide your information below. Name Email Phone Address /q dc)'�)'l r n I q3-)a-FU +J � /(UDz � C=2(��J,, � (/,may (� /� � � � �S� 1 � �-/ C,� icy �;. ,�' 3-A 'NN M- CQ�u�ja nct c�Gi 4 l SW I � Co�r�T wY FL NOTICE This submidal needs b be scheduled Nr a public hearing ccordanee with timelines se[ tone in the city � Miami Ccd the appllca He decision- h,g to ywill renewthe Iniomtatlon at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-22-15757 04/14/23 If you would like to receive updates on future Office of Capital Improvements projects, please provide your information below. Name Entail Phone Address N"3KCO'n/A Vls-V\LA�41 ' IJY\1 AJ1Mt 5J\k.5 6V -30s--), 46w Ms""' "l -�-MJJ I L t..o r111f1 a0 0VTO�u �• �'tJ (D C 7 �9f`e� b� a Ve.4 m&,4 305-Soo-3�G.�] t3o 5c� 3 Io f tq3 IM} M fi y '�tJ 4' d p e i # n K l NOTICE Thes is submittal needs to rcheduled for a public hearing in accordance wish a melinessetforth in the City of 99/3701 W_Miami Ccde•. The appkade decision-rna king body will resew the inforrna4on at the public hearing to render a TRICT 3recommendation ar a final decisoa PZ-22-15757 t i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■�� t i 04/ 14/23 Join us as we share the design plans .. for the new Mini Park in District 31 •;1 r THE NEW PARK WILL INCLUDE: • Two separate playground areas for children (2-5 years old and children 5-12 years old) • Bicycle racks and a 6 foot -wide concrete bike path, benches and walkway paths around landscaped green areas • Plenty of trees for shade and comfort and a covered shelter area • Two Separate dog areas (for dogs 35 lbs and under, and over 35 lbs) • Roadway improvements around the park a, P AP€A SHL � •1. � ria `4[F ' >••�7E _ i['NER 6iNd lELdw 6P. � ' "INS A_�FGIJ�YC SldNbf _ - _ i jj I caeJcne,e� V •t� cry} [Jr.yi x» w S a v rwucnrttE _ J r r E'��L xr:sElErJsxN ' ��, 6�RJ[t� 11T.£K.Ytl. lCA - i �-�� IC �iiE IRdWbJ lKYMM.1 �i,VJ NSA9EH'umf FAee I y.sl w w f A .r1n. Nu All [1F t k F! I � I MIAMI FOREVER x Accessibility Request Statement availahle online httPs://wwvv.miamigov.com/Government/Departments-Orgaflizations/Parks-and-Recreation New Mini Park at 3699/3701 SW Community Meeting Wednesday, July 14, 202 SIGN -IN SHEET NOTICE ThsadmUal ds ­hWOu df—pubk bearuy n aecartlance— O melinr. s. f.Rh inN QI4 Miartd Gade_The applvc d,de ision-making bogyxid ,erew,heinfartnation a„he pubLc hearing,o,eMera mmentladon or a final deeivm PZ-22-15757 04/14/23 Name Email Phone Address LCc�z T C t .2�--Yi J ca ►�sc � icy ae. 3J - 07 1 7_1 C-71 _725- { -S New Mini Park at 3699/3701 SW Community Meeting Wednesday, July 14, 202 SIGN -IN SHEET f y y NOTICE mis submRtal neeas m � scheaal�a mr a paboe hearing ccortlance. wp timelinessel forth in the City of Miami Cotle.Thea.,.tHe tle<islon--kq 'gtbnfywill rewewihe Inbrmation at the public hearing, rentlera mcommentla4on or afinal tleGvon. LPZ-22-15757 04/14/23 Name Email Phone Address ��__U_�A- �=4v'�,lC'.t b��� �Le��►,s� ,�vArt;c.t [sue ,�' Afarv_,�/ 3is- Y 0 0,; c\H 41 �BO 00-3 �Ilcjgbc fk ( � Moo G,A_,,)'" T T t�L, rtr.�r ar� • NOTICE Thiin accordance ceeda to desched etfor i public hearing in accordance with timelines setfarth in the City of Miami Code. The appkable decision -making body will renew the infornna4on at the public hearing to render a recommendation bra final decisort „J'i�,I � T-i PZ-22-15757 desi+ _ 04/14/23 Mini Pa i f MIAM1, FL313� THE NEW PARK WILL INCLUDE: • Two separate playground areas for children (2-5 years cold and children 5-12 years old) • Bicycle racks and a 6 foot -wide concrete bike path, benches and walkway paths around landscaped green areas • Plenty of trees for shade and comfort and a covered shelter area • Two Separate dog areas (for dogs 35 lbs arrd under, and over 35 lbs) • Roadway improvements around the park aJf rot , ,i 4LF e.U1L I � ' 00 MMBe><uJnraf I I Accessibility Request Statement available online https://www,miamigov.com/Government/Depaamonts-Organizations/Parks-and-RoGreation !�A New Park at 3699/3701 SW 151 Final Community Meetir Wednesday, September 29, 20211 SIGN -IN SHEET r1},� 2 NOTICE This submidal needs to be scheduled Nr a public hearing ccordanre with timelines sel torah in the city � Miami Ccd the appllca He decision-rnaking to ywill rewewthe Ininmtatlon at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-22-15757 04/14/23 �[ Name Email Phone Address �4'3 5/1S1 ^�!� r✓ f�'✓` Ste' w( + �' G�:L 5ro-S - 7`7 l3 5} 76 j IL �'� ��� �f Gto G�(ct �' 16 � It , �- r✓t ?�� ` �% �- � /1114- ? WGS' I V"3 �)rn 0 qrltr4. 4 'S •U' - C(-r)ry)er��k 9�IaA fle� 3eq Fk_ �o cao . c zm ma�V NVICI e�n �yle� �- New Park at 3699/3701 SW 1s(04/14/23 Final Community MeetiNOTICE needs b be schetluletl bra public nearing Ci ep=b Wednesday, September 29, 2021rtlZn h-,,ghe d., Il , Ccd the appllcaHe. decisi.n king to ywill ihe Inbmtatlon at the public hearing to renderPZ-22-15757 �[ R1 SIGN -IN SHEET Name Email Phone Address 7:Se_v1 A�f 1� —� �,vt 'i t.� r -ram 1r �:.�Gw 8 {fJ �' W� 01 ± v 3+ V-0 -5,4 M P� 0*(6�' -e-- LA H oc, 6' 941 75 7 (-P 9 '�L �� 5AJTT0 -..V�OF • Cam 36• B 09S9 Z4IZ 5 � �NV6 . I] G✓� a,2G e r ,U` -�l� lR �' �i k r '11 L tA JU IC 7< SCUD PLAO5 . New Park at 3699/3701 SW 15t Final Community Meeti Wednesday, September 29, 2021 SIGN -IN SHEET NOTICE This submidal needs to be scheduled Nr a public hearing ccordanre with timelines se[ torah in the city � Miami Ccd the appllca He decision -making to ywill renewthemiom da at the public hearing it renders rec —dA.n or a final decision. PZ-22-15757 04/14/23 �[ Name Email Phone Address LWMM � qmcu �hn%S4�� IC'h�r� sQti� /�/arnt 0. co TO! Indicated below CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: 12/19/2022 SU8JEC-: REFERENCES: FROM: Hector Badi /// Interim Director Office of Capital Improvements ENCLOSURES NOTICE This submittal ... d, t be se hed, led fora p, bb, hearing ccorda... ..N Umelines sd forth in the City of Mlami Ce The appki da tlecisi making by vnll rehewme �r,to�aeon at the p,bu, hearing. r°r de recemn,e d... or a enald—d . PZ-22-15757 �. 04/14/23 Request for Waiver of & Zoning Fees PZ-22-15757 The Office of Capital Improvements, an agency of the City of Miami, is requesting a fee waiver to applicable Planning and Zoning fees pursuant to Chapter 62, Article VI, Section 62-25 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinance. The Office of Capital Improvement is serving as the applicant of said applications on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department. We understand the requested fee waiver is not applicable to the Art in Public Place (AIPP) fee or the Pre -Application Fees. The AIPP fee has been or will be paid in accordance with Article 11 of Ordinance 13114 ("Miami 21 "), as amended. This memorandum serves as a request to waive the fees for the following projects: Project Project No. PZ No. 3699/3701 New Park B-193517 PZ-22-15757 3699/3701 New Park B-193517 PZ-22-15533 Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me or my Assistant Director, Jorge Mora at (305) 416-1297. Please indicate your approval below: Approv I/Disapprov I: aklsh ull, Pirectoi anning Department �Approo 'I/Disapproval: -- - - Daniel Goldberg, Zoning Administrator Zoning Department cc: Mzeribe Ihekwaba, Ph. D, PE, Deputy City Manager Asael Marrero, Director, Building Department Barbara Hernandez, Director, Parks and Recreation Department Jorge Mora, Assistant Director, OCI Jonathan Fanfan, Project Manager, OCI JORN 113ARRA & ASSOCIATES. INC. MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY • Professional Land Surveyyors &Mappers 1 • o •E Y aAAA,u_AHos�Av M sa o� a � Lf� Px Isoal zaz-0goo Px asei a4a-zaaa J J I �A� ��4� � ��� �\ - F,u< Isaac sas-a4a, F,u< Isssl sao-saga � • .��., � NOTICE aF PZ-22-15757 ��� omla2a J� I X� _ .✓ _ �-//PEEN �I: �' � • N-- / \ Ck \ � �GREG, SE N +000R - �;;c' z AX c 0 , \ o v \ , mE FLOOD ZONE MFDN "7 o VEDES mEreEreE dcEscre sEo\noro sEsru moiN sur mssu a c oPr-a.v INIS NITLII Ill sPEca�w000 rea�reoureE<. 5 R' H11"111tiaa PI.oa NPnoa of MEE—II-LE° �EHIg ' ,K,anati,z„error , LEGEND GRAPHIC SCALE DI j� or ° R E.�o zzaa,3 EEr oF, sue„ 0,. OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CITY FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 400 BISCAYNE BLVD MIAMI JOSE L VAZQUEZ TRS 161 S SHORE DR MIAMI ALVARO J FRIAS ARNAL 159 W SHORE DR MIAMI THE CITY OF MIAMI 444 SW 2 AVE STE 325 MIAMI GIOCONDA GARCIA 149 W SHORE DR MIAMI ALIRIO TORREALBA 301 ALMERIA AVE STE 330 CORAL GABLES JUAN L DIAZ 133 W SHORE DR MIAMI JOHNNY DAO DAHDAH 131 W SHORE DR MIAMI SERGIO M PEREZ 125 W SHORE DR MIAMI MICHAELJ ZEBOLD 121 W SHORE DR MIAMI FRANCISCO J DIEGUEZ 117 W SHORE DR MIAMI AARON SNYDER 115 W SHORE DR MIAMI EDGAR E ESPEJO & 111 W SHORE DR MIAMI ADRIANA COUGIL DE VENDRAMIN 105 W SHORE DR MIAMI YONG JOO SHIN 101 W SHORE DR MIAMI PARNOMA LLC 185 SHORE DR SOUTH MIAMI ROBERTO H CABRERA LE 110 SHORE DR WEST MIAMI CLAUDIO PALMEGIANI 26 PINTA RD MIAMI ALINA MENENDEZ 91 BAY HEIGHTS DR MIAMI OLGA EISENLOHR TRS 95 BAY HEIGHTS DR MIAMI MARC RUSSO 120 W SHORE DR MIAMI VIRGILIO L FERNANDEZ 130 W SHORE DR MIAMI JEAN FRANCOIS DANIEL SBERRO 94 BAY HEIGHTS DR COCONUT GROVE LUCIANA FERRAZ 90 BAY HEIGHTS DR COCONUT GROVE LAPIERRE CORP 170 S SHORE DR MIAMI JOSE B ABINADER &W AZAREL 166 SHORE DR S MIAMI MELVIN S BLACK &W JONI GOODMAN 162 SHORE DR SOUTH MIAMI RICK G CIRAVOLO 1605 NETHIA DR MIAMI LANCE GELLER 2600 ALATKA ST MIAMI MARIO BEOVIDES 3601 SW 1 AVE MIAMI VINCENT HEMPHILL 3611 SW 1 AVE MIAMI JOSE ALBERTO TORRES JTRS 3625 SW 1 AVE MIAMI MARIA CRISTINA MARTELL TRS 3681 SW 1 AVE MIAMI STONE PEAK LLC 14601 SW 29 ST 202 MIRAMAR JUAN C MARTELL &W MARIA C 3681 SW 1 AVE MIAMI HOUSE 3685 LLC 1441 BRICKELL AVE STE 1007 MIAMI SANTIAGO GUTIERREZ ZALDIVAR 3689 SW 1 AVE MIAMI JENNY MARY WEINREB 3691 SW 1 AVE MIAMI CITY OF MIAMI 444 NW 2 AVE MIAMI CITY OF MIAMI 444 SW 2 AVE 3RD FL MIAMI VARE INVESTMENT LLC 3705 SW 1 AVE MIAMI MANUEL ARIAS &W GLORIA 3711 SW 1 AVE MIAMI ELAINE JEPEWAY 3721 SW 1 AVE MIAMI HECTOR E ARAGON TRS 3735 SW 8 ST #105 CORAL GABLES ENRIQUE MARTINEZ &W 3613 SW 3 AVE MIAMI PARKER M BOGUE 3617 SW 3 AVE MIAMI XAVIER CORTADA 14275 SW 73RD AVE PALMETTO BAY KALA 3635 LLC 243 NW SOUTH RIVER DR MIAMI OSCAR D GAETAN & W ANNETTE 3655 SW 3 AVE MIAMI GERALD SILVERMAN &W JENINE 3675 SW 3 AVE MIAMI IVEET CRUZ EST OF 3681 SW 3 AVE MIAMI CLARA HERRERA LE 3685 SW 3 AVE MIAMI MRS CARMEN LUCAS F D EST OF 3701 SW 3 AVE MIAMI DENNIS SANZ MORENO 3622 SW 1ST AVE MIAMI HERNANDO ABDU 3612 SW 1 AVE MIAMI CARLOS A BERGOUIGNAN 1460 SW 23 TER MIAMI DIMITRAALATZAS TRS 1521 SW 12 AVE MIAMI MITZY URBINO 3750 SW 3 AVE MIAMI JORGE A MONTES TRS 3742 SW 3 AVE MIAMI GIANNA LAMBERTINI 3734 SW 3 AVE MIAMI RAFAEL SARRATEA & 3720 SW 3 AVE MIAMI JOSEPH FREDERICK SALVATORE 3700 SW 3 AVE MIAMI ERNEST HARTNER 1400 SW 23 ST MIAMI MARIANA DOMINGUEZ 1414 SW 23 ST MIAMI JORGE CASTRO-CALOU &W MARIANA 1424 SW 23 ST MIAMI JUAN YMAS LE 1436 SW 23 ST MIAMI ANTONIO L LLAMBES 1500-E SW 23 ST MIAMI ANTONIO L LLAMBES 1500-W SW 23 ST MIAMI CESAR F DE CAROLIS 1506 SW 23 ST MIAMI JORGE A MONTES TRS 3742 SW 3 AVE MIAMI MARIA MAXWELL 1561 SW 23 TERR MIAMI LUCIANO G DOMINIJANNI 1451 SW 23 TERR MIAMI KEENA L HAMMOND 1439 SW 23 TER MIAMI NIMA BROTHERS LLC 7791 NW 48 ST #311 DORAL NARDO GARCIA 1419 SW 23 TER MIAMI RAMON MCDOUGALL &W CARMEN 1411 SW 23 TERR MIAMI FRANCISCO J RICART 2330 SW 14 AVE MIAMI SUZANNE NASCA 2323 SW 14 AVE MIAMI J ROBERT TAGLAIRINO 3644 SW 3 AVE MIAMI FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO 700 UNIVERSE BLVD, PSX/JB JUNO BEACH PAULA C LOPEZ 2425 SW 16 CT MIAMI LAWRENCE VINAS 2413 SW 16 CT MIAMI GUILLERMO MARTINEZ LLUCH 2403 SW 16 CT MIAMI 2363 16 CT LLC 1515 SW 14 TER MIAMI CATHRYN E LEIBINGER 2351 SW 16 CT MIAMI FRANCISCO REY DE PEREA TRS 348 N IRVING BLVD LOS ANGELES RENZO FABIAN RONCAL 2335 SW 16 CT CORAL GABLES JUANA DAISY FERNANDEZ 514 ASTER TRAIL SAN ANTONIO ALEXIS JOSEPH LUDENA 1600 SW 23 ST MIAMI M CRISTINA CASANUEVA &H ROBERTO 2326 SW 16 AVE MIAMI MARIANNE & DAVID U SALAZAR 16030 SW 84 PL MIAMI GAY-LYNNE ANAGNOSTIS & 2348 SW 16 AVE MIAMI MERRIEL STORSETH 3010 SEGOVIA ST CORAL GABLES REYNALDO CABALLERO 2418 SW 16 AVE MIAMI MARGARET REYES 2440 SW 16 AVE MIAMI ARMANDO GELPI 6355 NW 36 ST 608 VIRGINIA GARDENS REF ONLY ALEXANDRA MISSAGIA 2410 SW 16TH AVE MIAMI BRAZITALIA LIFESTYLE LLC 950 BRICKELL BAY DR STE 2111 MIAMI STATE ZIP CODE FL 33132-1913 FL 33133 FL 33133 FL 33130-1910 FL 33133 FL 33134 FL 33133 FL 33133 FL 33133 FL 33133 FL 33133-2627 FL 33133 FL 33133 FL 33133-2627 FL 33133 FL 33133-2615 FL 33133 FL 33133 FL 33133-2631 FL 33133 FL 33133 FL 33133 FL 33133 FL 33133 FL 33133 FL 33133-2616 FL 33133-2616 FL 33133 FL 33133-2601 FL 33145 FL 33145-3907 FL 33145 FL 33145 FL 33027 FL 33145-3907 FL 33131 FL 33145 FL 33145-3907 FL 33130 FL 33130 FL 33145 FL 33145-3909 FL 33145-3909 FL 33134 FL 33145-3917 FL 33145 FL 33158-1688 FL 33128 FL 33145-3917 FL 33145-3917 FL 33145-3917 FL 33145 FL 33145-3963 FL 33145 FL 33145 FL 33145 FL 33129 FL 33145 FL 33145 FL 33145-3919 FL 33145-3919 FL 33145 FL 33145 FL 33145-3949 FL 33145-3949 FL 33145 FL 33145-3951 FL 33145-3951 FL 33145 FL 33145 FL 33145-3956 FL 33145-3954 FL 33145 FL 33166 FL 33145 FL 33145-3954 FL 33145 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