HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1980-06-26 Marked AgendaJ~• f 1 i ;~ G~~Y ~F~ M.,,~ ..~ ;~ ~Nca~o• oe.~ca •~Y~ O ~e~ 9e Q~ .. q~~,CO.F~~~~. ;- - --,. - M~ CI T Y C O M M IS S IO N A G E N D A ,~ • .,, ~~t ~: Ii,Jr• ..• ,., . ~..~~.+1;~~"~t ;d) MEETSNC OATS: June 26, 1980 C2TY HULL - DINNER l~Y 1:30 P.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Approving Minutes of the Regular City Commission pppRp~D Meeting of March 31, 1980; Planning and Zoning MOVED: LACASA items of the May 7, 1980 Meeting. SECOND: GlBSOrr FORMAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING PRESENTATIONS ANO PROCLAMATIONS V Q ~~ 1. Presentation of a PLAQUE to MAYOR MAURICE A. FERRE, pRESBNTEU by Mr. William Schauer, President, Goodwill Indus- tries, for the Mayor's service to the community. 2. Presentation of a PROCLAMATION to Coach Ron Fraser, PRESENTED of the University of Miami`s Baseball Team, desig- nating June 26, 1980, as the UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI HURRICANES DAY. They are being commended for an excellent season which culminated in their partfci- pation in the 1980 NCAA DIVISION I World Series playoffs. 3. Presentation of a PROCLAMATION to Coach Danny Price PRESENTED of Florida International University's Baseball Team designating June 26, 1980 as FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY SUNBLAZERS DAY. They are being commended on an excellent season which culminated in their "ppCUMENT• ~ INDEX participation in the 1980 NCAA DIVISION II Mbrld ~T~~~ N0 ~~ Series playoffs. . 3a. Presentation of a Certificate of Recognition for PRESENTED Mr. Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk, for his achievements in the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A. Discussion of the establishment of an Office of DISCUSSION Professional Compliance in the Police Department (See Items if18 b i19) ~dOTION 80-455 MOVED: GIBBON UNANIMOUS B. Discussion of Citizen Participation 1~0 ~I`oN' _ . C. Presentation and discussion of a proposal for a MOVED: GIBSODJ UNANIMOUS sECOND: LACASA • General Obligation Bond Election for Sanitary FlOTION 80-457 UNANIMOUS MovED: LACASA Sewers and Street Im rovements (to be laced on p P SECOND GIBBON th b ll : e a ot of October 7, 1980). MOTION 80-458 D. Report from Chief Harms on increased Police MOVED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS s~N~:_ cAROLLo Man ower P ~= D: cAROLLO UNANIrsovs M SECOND: LACASA E. Presentations by Or. William Stokes of the Greater '~~ Miami Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Emilio Calle~a ~ g~ SECOND: cIBSON UNANIMOUS of the Downtown Businessmen's Association, con- cerning their organization's perceptions of crime • No sxow in the downtown business district. F. Discussion of Solid Waste Plan. ~-~ G. Di scuss i.on of City of Miami hiring practices and ~ followup of Mr. Gunderson's educational background: M~OpyT~IODN 80-4C73~~}A~ SECON[): ~~yOLIA UNANIMOUS MOTIOtI RO-474 MOVED: CAROLED UNANIMOUS SECOND: PLUMMER i '~ CI?'/ CC""~ISSIO'~ AGE';DA'"~ MEETING DATE: June 26, 1980 PAGE ;r0. ; 2:30 P.M. CONTINUATION OF FORMAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING 4. SEALED BIDS Construction of Lyndale Sanitary Sewer Improvement District SR-5462-C (centerline sewer) and SR-5462-5 (sideline sewer). PUBLIC HEARINGS ~. For objections to the acceptance of the completed construction of Coconut Grove Business Area Highway Improvement. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Marks Brothers Company for the Coconut Grove Business Area Hi hwa _Im~r_o_vement - Bi s an g way an ewa a tom-cost of E751,098.34; authorizing an increase n e contract m e net amount of 82,947.54; and authorizing a final payment of E77,763.34. 6. For objections to the confirmation of the supple- mental preliminary assessment roll for West Grapeland Sanitary Sewer Improvement SR-5,381. RESOLUTION Amendin Resolution No. 80-288, adopted April 10 w ch con rme t e assessment roll for con- struction of West Grapeland Sanitary Sewer Improve- ment in West Grapeland Sanitary Sewer Improvement District SR-5387-C (centerline sewer) b reducin the total assessment in the amount of ~1 and confirmin a su lemental reliminar assessment ro or est ra a an an tar ewer m rovement strict center ne sewer urt er repea ng ect on o eso ut on No. 80-288. 7. For objections to the confirmation of the supple- mental preliminary assessment roll for LeJeune Gardens Highway Improvement. RESOLUTION Confirmin a su lemental reliminar assessment ro or eJe~ne ar ens wa m rovement s- tr ct H- 3 8. For objections to acceptance of the completed construction of Pines Sanitary Sewer Improvement District. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work performed by Inter- county Construction Corp. at a total cost ~- ~10TION 80-440 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA urrANlr~ovs RESOLUTION 80-482 MOVED: LACASA (SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION 80-483 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION 80-484 MOVED: GIBBON SECOI~ID : LACASA ASSENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION 80-485 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CAROLLO 3 289,414.20 for the Pines Sanitar Sewer-Tm rove ment Distr ct center ne an s e ne sewers an authorizing a final payment of (333,259.96. ~' cIT•r cc2~~+csscerl AGE~.oA MEETIt1G DATE: June 26, 1980 PAGE 210.3 3:00 P.M. PERSONAL APPEARANCES 9. Personal appearance by Alvin Goodman of the law firm of Goodman, Dunberg 6 Hochman, P.A., regarding the status of the City of Miami Boxing Commission. 10. Personal appearances by Mr. Isidoro Rodriguez, President of Allapattah Community Action, Inc. and Mr. Urra, Chairperson of the Community Development Advisory Board requesting additional 6th '.ear CD funding. 11. Personal appearance by Dr. Justo Regalado, Executive Director of the Association for the Useful Aged, requesting additional 6th Year CD funding. ll.a Personal appearance by Miriam Canas, President of the Board of Directors of Action Community Action Agency requesting CD funding. ll.b Personal appearance by Mr. Emilio Calle~a, Executive Director of the Oowntctm Miami Business Assocation (DMBA) regarding DMBA's proposal for Neighborhood Economic Development Services for the Downtown C.D. Target Area. ORDINANCES 12. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9019, the Capital Improvement Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1980, as amended, by establishing a ro ect in the amount OF $25,000 to'~u`ndZ~it Fla enovat~ons fro-m`tFe un a ante o~T e~vTfn un . City anager recommen s. 13. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9019, the Capital Improvement Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1980, as amended; b increasin the a ro riation for Fla ler Street m rovement an xtens on oconut rove us Hess rea corative e estr an- ca a treet ~t og ro ect, y ~ an r~uci-n~.~FT.~7 venue treet m rovements m e mnount o ty anager recommen s . 14. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9019, adopted November 8, 1979, the Capital Improvement Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1980, as amended, by establishing a project entitled• "Miami Springs Golf nurse rr aeon 3 stem"+i~n Fie amount o s rom am r n s o nurse Enter rise ~un`~, 1~1~~ eta ne Earn n-'gs. City anager recommends. NO SHOW MOTION SO-441 MOVED: LACASA SF~n*ih : ~IPSON UNANIMOUS MOTION 80-451 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO, LACASA MOTION 80-442 gMOggCVENNDDD:~~ LACASA UNP-t~IltOUS OAROLLO No sHOw ORDINANCE 9114 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CAROLLO DEFERRED MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA ABSEtJT: CAROLLO ORDINANCE 9115 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: CAROLLO - -- - -- - - 1 ~ ~ ~. MEETI~~G DI1TE: June 26, 1980 PA~,c '10. q 15. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Sections 1 and 5 of Ordinance No. 9000, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1980, as amended; by inc~reasi~n th_e aPPro riation for the Enter rise Funds Melreese ~ol~ Course, y ncreas n ant c ate revenues n t e same amount rom eta ne am~n~s ; or t o ur ose o rov n enc n or eM-lreese Go nurse. ty anager recommen s. 16. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Se~.tion 1 of Ordinance No. 9000, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1980, as amended; by increasin the a ro riation for the General Fund, eels ro rams an ccounts n t e amount o y ecreas ng t o appropr at on or t o Departments of Computers and Communications by $20,221, Human Resources by $9,779, and Public Works by $10,000; for the ur ose of roviding funds for an Emer enc oo Pro ram or eo a in the area a ecte t P :NCent c v slur ante. C ty Manager recommends. 17. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9000, adopted October 17, 1979, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1980, as amended; by increasin the a ro riation for the General Fund, S ec a ro rams an ccounts by 0; y ecreas ng t e appropr at ons or the Departments of Computers and Communications by $43,257 and Management and Budget by $14,743; to rovide funds for consultin assistance in the m rCVement o t e t s a m n s rat ve s stems and procedures. C ty anager recommen s. 18. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Creating a new office in the Department of Police, within the Office of the Police Chief, to be known as the Office of Professional Com liance; providing for the appo ntment o a rector and t ree Investigators, to be recommended by a 5 member Advi:,ory Committee which is also being established by the terms of the Ordinance and for the appointment of one Secretary; and prescribing the functions and duties thereof. City Manager recommends. 19. ORDINANCE - FIRST A~iD SECOND READING Amending Sections i and 5 of Ordinance No. 9000, adopted October 17, 1979, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the ciscal Year ending September 30, 1980, as amended; by increasin the a ro riation for the General Fur,d, S ec a ro rams an ccounts m e amount o ~5, y ncreas ng ant c- pated revenues, charges for services, in the same amount; for the ur ose of establishen an Office of Profes~ona on. ante m e ce o t e o ce Chief. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE 9116 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CAROLED ORDINANCE 9117 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CAROLED ORDINANCE 9114 'MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON (ABSENT: CAROLED FIF2ST READING MOVEDr PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA NOES: CAROLED ORDINANCE 9119 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: CAROLED - - - - - - Ci"~ ~C"~"ISSIC'~ AGc';~ MEETING DATE: June 26, 1980 PA .E tr0. 20, ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Adopting a revision and codification of the ordinances of the City of Miami, Florida, entitled "The Code of the Cit of Miami Florida" ro- v prov ng or the repeal of certain rdinances not included therein, with certain exceptions, and for other purposes hereinafter set forth; providing for a penalty clause where no other penalty is prescribed. City Manager recommends. 20.a ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Subsection (a) of Section 39-24 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, governing Orange 8ow1 parkin charges; by adding thereto a new paragraph (ii)~c) which sets forth a formula for determining the cost of a season SS for Dassen9er Cars r 21. ORDINANCE - FIRST ANO SECOND READING • Amending Section of Ordinance No. 8719, the Summary Grant Appropriations Ordinance, by establishing a new Trust and Agency Fund entitled: "Communit Develo eat Count Su lament"; and appropriating or sa un or the ur ose of receivin funds from Dade Count to su ement t soc a `• serv ce ro acts. ty anager recommen s. 22. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 8917 adopted ---- July 24, 1979, which established new Civil Service Rules. and Regulations for the City of Miami, • Florida, and repealed the then existing Civil Service Rules and Regulations (Ordinance No. 6945), for ~:he ur ose of correctin a scrivener's error w e a transpose t o wor appo ntment to t o incorrect word "application" in Rule 6 "Examina- tions", Section 6.7. "Seniority", Subsection (a) . concerning the base or reference date for computing seniority in promotional situations for classified Civil Service employees. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTIONS 23. RESOLUTION uthor zing the City Manager to negotiate and execute individual contractual a reements with five Nei hborhood Oevelo eat A enc es or an amount not to excee er ear eac or t o ur ose of m ement n a e or o0 conom c eve~o meat ro ram, w t un s allocated t ere ore rom t e xt ear Community Development Block Grant. These agreements will be effective for the period July 1, 1980 to June 30, 1981. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE 9120 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO ORDINANCE 9121 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: CAROLLO ORDINANCE 9122 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: CAROLLO ORDINANCE 9123 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: CAROLLO. MOTION 80-44~, MOVED: LACASA SECOND.: CAROLLO NOES: FERRE MOTIOPi BO-444 MOVED: FERRE UNANIMOUS SECOND : PLUr~IMER MOTION 80-445 MOVED• FERRE UNANIMOUS SECOND: GIBBON MOTION $0-446 MOVED: FERRE UNANIMOUS SECOND: PLUMMER MOTION 80-447 MOVED: LACASA UNANIMOUS SECOND: GIBBON MOTION 80-448 MOVED: GIBBON UNANIMOUS SECOND: LACASA J~OVED:• GIBBON UNANIMOUS LACASA MOTION MOVED: ~~IMOUS LACASA SECOND: CAROLLO MOTION 80- 0 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: UNANIMOUS LACASA I ...~ Ei..~ C~...~I:~IC'~ dG..~ MEETING DATE: June 26, 1980 PA :E 'i0. f 24. RESOLUTION ut or z ng the City Manager to execute an regiment with Wallace, Roberts and Todd to prov professionals architecture services or t e desi and construction consultation of Phase I of the n Rlverfront Park, the Miami River at S.W. 4th eet; and authorizin the ex enditure of 1 5 2 from Commun t eve o - ment ourt t an event ear oc rant un s e c ar s an ecreat one ac t es o and an a Un to tates artment o~l!o`us• n r an eve o ent en ace rant or sa~d`~'~ ro ect. s tem was a erre at t e u 1 ty Commission Meeting. City Manager commends. 25. RESOLUTION cce~t~ng-the Edward H. Friend and ComQanv study on funding alternatives dated January 18, 1980 concer~ut the City's Pension Program; further adopting the recommendation contained in sai~ study to increase the amortization payment of the unfunded past service liability by ~`' each year from October 1, 1976. City Manager recommends. 26. RESOLUTION utA`F~io"r~ing the City Manager to execute an asst nment ~reement with the United States De artment~ Housin an Ur an eve o ment or t e erv ces of a " Hous n Reha tation S ecia ist and gut or z ng 1 to e a ocate or i s purpose from sixth year Community Development Funds. City Manager recommends. 27. RESOLUTION • A ocating $828,857 of Sixth Year Community Devel- opment-Block Grant-Funds previously appropriated by Ordnance No.~bl ~, adopted May 22, 1980 to previously approved social service programs for the contract period commencing July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981; further authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreements with said approved social service programs. City Manager recommends. 28. RESOLUT':"'N SEE RESOLUTION 80-472 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS DEFERRED r10VEb: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION 80-486 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION 80-487 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: GIBBON ABSErIT : CAROLLO RESOLUTION 80-461 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIIlOUS rT ansferring 593,700 of Sixth Year Community Development Grant Funds from Dinner Key Island Park to Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc. for the ur ose of providing housing services n t e ty o Miami for the eri od commencfn -Jul 1- 1180 and endin June 1 1; urt er gut or z ng t e ty Manager to enter into an agreement with said social service agency. City Manager recommends. 29. RESOLUTION Allocating Action Community Center, Inc. $162,720 of Communityy Deve~llopment 5 xi t ear oc rant funds for the period commencing July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981; said funding to rovide trans ortatior to the Alla attah Little Havana an of er ne or- hoo strate areas o t e t o am urt er authoriz ng the C ty anager to enter nto agreement with said approved social service agency. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 80-488 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CAROLLO CI•.~ CC"'~ISSIO.'1 AGc'~~ MEETING OATE: June 26, 1980 PAGE rr0. 31. RESOLUTION rar,s ping Improvements in the amount COSt Overrun a funds from Little Havana Street to the Little Havana Community Center of 548,000 to cover the projected of construct n t ear r s t e ect on er ous n Pro ect avana ommun ty enter. ty anag 32. RESOLUTION pprA ova ng -and authorizing the execution of a project contract relating to the housin ro ect in the Cit of Miami desi Hated Dade - own arc pursuant to the as c greeme~:t or nano ng ous ng in the City of Miami by and between Dade County and the City of Miami, dated July 19, 1976, as amended. City Manager recommends. 33. RESOLUTION n ing t~iat many areas of slum and bli ht exist within a defined ortion o t e t o am ; find ng that t e re a a on, conserve on or redevelopment of such areas is necessary in the interests of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare of the City and its residents; and s in he Bo rd of Count Commissioners of Dade County, Florida, to adopt a s m ar reso ution. City Manager recommends. 34. RESOLUTION ut or z ng and directing the City Manager to pre; pare a Communit Redevelo ment Plan or a General Nei hborhoo a eve o ent an or a es gna e port ono t e ty an present said Plan to the City Commission for study and approval. City Manager recommends. 35. anager to execute an agree- m Football Lea ue for the use e um or env am Do p n NFL season. city Manager recommends. 36. RESOLUTION Aut~or~ng an additional increase in the contract, in the amount of E65,238, between the City of Miami and Shafer and Miller Inc. for the construction of tie-l~dmin~strat on u~n~; sa un s to e provide~e t reT~y tie economic Development Administration Approved Adjustment within the Federal and Local Public Works Project Grant Funds provided for this project; and authorizing the City Manager to reduce the lob retainage on the project to 2.5i;. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 80-489 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION 80-490 MOVED: PLUMMRR SECOND: LACASA IA$SENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION 80-452 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: LACASA (as amended) RESOLUTION 80-453 MOVED: LACASA SECOND : GIBfin"' (as amended) WITHDRAWN RESOLUTION 80-491 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: CAROLLO ' CI"I ~~••:"I~SI:'J AG:':~ MEETIgG DATE: June 26, 1980 PAGE '~0. 31. 38. RESOLUTION ro~vi~ng a grant of 39. RESOLUTION uA-tTior~i3ng the lssuance of waste collection licenses to: ~iTT's Waste Service County Waste, Inc. General Hauling Service, Inc. permitting them to commence business upon full compliance with Chapter 20 of the Code of the City of Miami. City Manager recommends. 39.a RESOLUTION ppo nt ng Neil Schiff to the City of Miami/Universi of Miami James L. knight nternat ona en er ~~v enrv nmm ttoc 40. RESOLUTION utA~ior~~fng the Oire~ Eve Dickle and Ellen a ty, t e a rep of Attorney s fees , of all claims. City :tor of Finance to pay,to Ela, without the admission of Late sum of ;20,000.00 inclusive fn u and com ete settlement ttorney recommen s. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the Agenda, Items 41 - 50 constitute the Consent Agenda. These Resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following Motion: " .that the Consent Agenda, comprised of Items~42 - 50 be adopted." i L ~. Mayor or City Clerk: Before the vote on ado~tiY+g items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken. 41. RESOLUTION en ng Section 1 of Resolution 80-382 adopted May 22, 1980, which closed certain streets in Coconut Grnve to through traffic on June ~ and 8, 1980, between 9:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M. in connection with the Fourth Annual Goombay Festival, to rovide for said festival to be held on Au ust 9 an , 19~F0. C ty anager recommends. RESOLUTION 80-492 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION 80-471 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: CAROLLO & LACASA RESOLUTION 80-493 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CAROLIA RESOLUTION 80-494 MOVED: GI$SON SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION 80-495 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: CAROLLO (DISCUSSION AND LUTION 80-462 D: GIBBON ND: LACASA IMOUS RESOLUTION os ng certain streets on Sunday, August 3, 1980 for the Downtown Summer Festival "Main Street of the ~". City Manager recommen s. Ci..~ yr,..~ISSi:'J AGE'~0~ MEETING GATE: June 26, 1980 PArE rr0. 42. PrOJeCt: Location: . Pavi nue ue on the west. Company: Frisa Corporation Total: E404,740.00 Funding: 5th and 6th Year Cortmunity Development Funds Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to exec,~te a contract. City Manager recommends. 43. RESOLUTION ro ect: 8 400 S uare Feet of Artificial Turf Location: ran a ow Company: upertur ,Inc. Total: E43,800.00 Funding: Orange Bowl Stadium Enterprise Fund Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue purchase order. City Manager recommends. 44. _ RESOLUTION rect ng the public heariN sh a notice of the acceptance of RESOLUTION? 80-463 MOVEDs GIBBON SECOND: LACASA RESOLUTION 80-464 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: LACASA WITHDRAWN Improvement-l~~dt ill~I s i+1 ey~enager recommends . •- 45. RESOLUTION ccepting the bid of Bernier International Cor oration for furnishing remove o a an one ve c es or t e Department of So Waste on a contract as s for one year with the option to extend for one additional year; with a ent to the Cit for each vehicle removed at a tote annua revenue to t e C t o a rox mate aut or z ng a ty anager to execute an~agreement. City Manager recommends. 46. RESOLUTION roJ~Refinishin Office E ui ent and urn ture Location: t e Company: tee care, Inc. Total: E14,916.00 Funding: 1979-80 Operating Budget AccE~ting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue purchase order. City Manager recommends. 47. RESOLUTION ro3~`ect: 16 Constant Volta a Re ulation Isolation Trans ormers location: ire a artment Company: a ectr c Supply Co. Total: 56,076.80 Funding: Fire Fighting, Fire Prevention and Rescue Facilities Bond Fund Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue purchase order. City Manager recommends. 48. RESOLUTION sta s ng September 11, 1980, as the date for a ublic hearin concernin issuance of a Develo ent r er or as er aza, a ve opmen o eg one mpact ocate on r ckell Avenue between S.E. 7th and S.E. 8th Streets, contingent upon the receipt of a letter of advice from the South Florida Regional Planning Council. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 80-465 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: LACASA RESOLUTION 80-466 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: LACASA RESOLUTION 80-467 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: LACASA RESOLUTION 80-468 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: LACASA .~ __. 50. RESOLUTION MEETItIf, DATE: June 26, 1980 PA ,E '~0. 10 49. RESOLUTION rung the City Clerk to ublish a notice of ublic RESOLUTION 80-469 ~ hearin forob'ec~tions~ to the acceptance y t e ty MovED: GIBBON omm ss ono tom leted installation of Coconut SECOND: LACASA Grove Business Area ecorat ve a estr an- ca e treet L t n ro ect n oconut rove us Hess r~ea. ty anager recommends. rect ng the City Clerk to publish a notice of ubl i~c he~_r_i__ng~for ob actions to the accep~nce by tie amity Cass ono t e com leted construction South Ba Sanitar Sewer Im rovement n ou ay an tary ewer mprovement str ct SR-5454-C (centerline sewer). City Manager recommends. ... :~ RESOLUTION 80-470 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: LACASA CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: JUNE 26, 1980 Q Z?Y : iY~ILL''~ • D Ilfb16R Kl~Y FORMAL CITY COMMISSION SESSION PLANNING AND 20NING AGENDA 7 :00 P . M,, 1. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION (a) Amend Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 6871 by inserting a new ARTICLE )OCI-S. SPD-3 - BISCAYNE BOULEVARD NORTH SPECIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT, which is superimposed over, and modifies the uses of, the underlying zoning districts. - PLANNING ADVISORY HOARD Recommended 7-0. - NO OBJECTIONS. and ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT A PPLICATION (b) Apply certain Changes of Zoning and the HISCAYNE BOULEVARD NORTH SPECIAL OVERLAY DISTRICT to properties in the vicinity of Biscayne Boulevard between N.E. SOth Terrace and N.E. 87th Street. - PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Recommended 7-0. • - NO OBJECTIONS. 2. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by Barbara James to Change the Zoning of Approximately 668 NE 60th Street from R-1 to R-3. - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends Avcroval. - ZONING BOARD Recommended 6-0. - SIX OBJECTIONS by mail. - FIVE OBJECTORS present at ZB meeting. - ONE REPLY IN FAVOR by mail. - TWO PROPONENTS present at ZH meeting. 3. RESOLUTION Application by Zarkin N.V., for the Vacation and Closure of an alley bounded by S.E. 12th Terrace, S E. 13th Street, Hrickell Avenue and South Bayshore Drive, as a condition for approval of Tentative Plat N1081 - "B-L-K SUBDIVISION". - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends Aptiroval in accord with the conditions established by the Plat and Street Committee. - ZONING HOARD Recommended 7-0. - TWO REPLIES IN FAVOR by mail. - FOUR PROPONENTS present at ZB meeting. FIRST READING MOVED : PLUM`1£^, SECOND: GI$SON ABSENT: LACASA FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBBON UNANIMOUS FIRST READIPiG MOVED: LACASA SECOND: GIBSOtd ABSENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION 80-475 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBBON ABSENT: FERRE CAROLIA E ~- - CITY COMMISSION AGENDA - _JVNE 26, 1980 PAGE NO. 2 r DIME: 7:30 P. M. 4. RESOLUTION - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION Approval of a Devslocrosnt Order for the Wagon , Island Development - a development of Regional Impact, located on Matson Island and Bay Bottom in Biscayne Bay, as required by ghapter 380.06 Florida Statutes. - PLANNING ADVISORY HOARD Recommended 4-3. . - ONE OBJECTOR present at PAB meeting. 5. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION Amend Ordinance 6871, ARTICLE ?QCV, BASE BUILDING LINES, by inserting a new sub-section (68) to Section 1 as follows: lat Avenue NE and SE.,NE 2nd Street south to SE 2nd Street......35'. - PLANNING ADVISORY HOARD Recommended 6-0. - NO OBJECTIONS. 80-476 LACASA : PLUMP'lER FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND : CAROJ,T,O 6. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by James G. Robertson to Change the Zoning of 3215-45 Aviation Avenue from R-4 to R-C. - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends A~,proval. - ZONING BOARD Recommended Denial 4-Z. - NINE OBJECTORS present at ZB meeting. - TWO REPLIES IN FAVOR by mail. - THREE PROPONENTS present at ZB meeting. 7. RESOLUTION Application by Citv National Bank TR., for a Planned Area Development (PAD) at approximately 158].-97 Brickell Avenue, consisting of 205 •residential units. - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD Recommended 7-0. - TWO OBJECTIONS by mail. - ONE OBJECTOR present at ZB meeting. - ONE REPLY IN FAVOR by mail. 8. DEFERRED ROVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA RESOLUTION N0.80-477 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: CAROLLO RESOLUTION Appeal by Riverpoint Inc., of the Zoning Board's Denial of Variances for an 180-unit apartment project at approximately 401 Brickell Avenue. - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends Denial of the ~roiect with the proposed 3.287 FAR; and Recommends Approval of the basic protect with the necessary modifications to meet a 2.762 FAR. - 4/21/80 ZONING HOARD Denied 3.287 FAR 7-Ot Granted 2.762 FAR as recommended by UDRB 7-0. - FOUR PROPONENTS present at ZB meeting 4/21/80, - 6/9/80 ZONING BOARD (a) Denied side yards as petitioned for Principal and Accessory Structures 7-0; (b) Denied lot coveraas as petitioned for the Principal Structure 7-0. - 6/9/80 ZONING BOARD (a) Granted adiusted side yards for Principal 6 Accessory Structures 7-Ot (b) Granted adiusted lot coveraas for Principal Structure 7-0. - FOUR PROPONENTS present at ZB meeting 6/9/80. - TWO OBJECTORS present at ZB meeting 6/9/80. RES. r~o, so-a7sA SO-4788 80-478C MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLIA ABSTAINING: LACASA ~ -- . COMMISSION 11pENQU •. _ MEETiAia Dl~-TE: JUI~ Z6. 1980 PAGE NO. 3 9. RESOLUTION Accepting the ,~;at~ entitled "PERCIVJhL a~-RDENS f'IRST 71DDITION" ~ located at Oak Avenue i Hrooke. - PICT A11D STREET COMMITTEE Recommends . 10. RESOLUTION Aceept,ing the at entitled "EISGYNE lEDERAL PLAZA 1~IRST ADDITION", located at Bircayne Boulevard and N.E. 18th Street. - PLAT AND STREET COMMITTEE Eecommends. 11. RESOLVTION l~ceapting the lat entitled "COCONUT GROVE EST~~S", located at Park Lane •aat of Douglas Road. - PLAT AND STREET COMMITTEE Recommends. RESOLUTION N0.80-479 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION N0.80-480 MOVEDs GIBSON SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO RESOLUTION N0.80-481 MOVED: GIBBON SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO E r~ PRESENTATIONS - CQ~1~tISSION MEETING June 26, 1980 1. Presentation of a PLAQ[FE to MAYOR MAtJRICE A. FERRE, by Mr. William Scharrer, President, Goodwill Industries, for the Mayor's service to the community. 2. Presentation of a PROCLAMATION to Coach Ron Fraser, of the University of Miami Baseball Team, designating June 26, 1980, as the UNIVERSITY OF MIA'~tI fNRRICANES DAY. They are being commended for an excellent season which culminated in their participation in the 1980 NCAA DIVISION I World Series playoffs. 3. Presentation of a PROCLAMATION to Coach Danny Price, of the Florida International University Baseball Team, designating June 26, 1980, as FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNNERSITY SUNBLAZERS DAY. They are being commended for an excellent season which culminated in their participation in the 1980 NCAA DIVISION II World Series playoffs. 4. Presentation of a CCb'AQENDATION to DR. MANUEL AN'PONIO DE VARONA Y LOREDO, President of the Junta Patribtica Cubana, for his many civic duties, his undying spirit in the fight for freedom and brotherhood for all. S. Presentation of a CON6~'IENDATION to h1R. RALPH ONGIE, City Clerk of the City of P•Fiami, for his continuing contributions as City Clerk and his association faith the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. 6. Presentation of CERTIFICATE=S OF APPRECIATION to Dfessrs. ROBERT N. BATTARD, JOEL b1TSFE, LOUIS BUNDI, and PAUL WICFIE, all of the U. S. Customs Department, for their outstanding assistance to the City of Miami during the Trade Fair of the Americas'81. 7. Presentation of CERTIFIC.r~TES OF APPRECIATE to Messrs. IRBY McIQVIGFET, JOE LOUIS 'INOMAS, IZZY BELL STA~'VLEY and DAEtRF:L STEVENS, for their outstanding civic duty and overall service to the community. 8. Presentation of a PLAQUE to 1X?,'dALD S. .JFUSEN, FIRE FIGI!'I'ER, upon his retire- ment from the City of Miami Department of Fire, in appreciation for his out- standing skills and devotion from 1952 to 1980, a service record of over 28 years.