HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0492001. n RESOLUTION N0. 8 - 4. 9 2 A RESOLUTION IN CONNECTION WITH THE 5TH ANNUAL RE-ENCUENTRO CUBANO, SPONSORED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI, THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, AND THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS WHICH IS TO BE HELD ON JUNE 10 THROUGH JULY 6, 1980; PROVIDING A GRANT OF CASH ASSISTANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 5,000 TO RE-ENCUENTRO CUBANO, UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, SAID FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE PROGRAM - COMMUNITY FESTIVALS; AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT THE SAID ASSOCIATION SUBMIT TO THE CITY MANAGER, WITHIN 60 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF SUCH FESTIVAL, A DETAILED ACCOUNTING OF GROSS RECEIPTS RECEIVED BY IT BY WAY OF FEES AND FUNDS RAISED IN CONNECTION WITH THE AFORESAID FESTIVAL, TOGETHER WITH A DETAILED ACCOUNTING OF FUNDS DISBURSED, INCLUDING THE MANNER IN WHICH NET PROFITS ARE TO BE DISBURSED, TOGETHER WITH A STATEMENT OF THE SUMS DISBURSED. WHEREAS, Re-Encuentro Cubano of the University of Miami has requested assistance in connection with the 5th Annual Re-Encuentro Cubano Festival; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to provide the sum of $5,000 cash assistance in connection with the 5th Annual Re-Encuentro Cubano jointly sponsored by the City of Miami, the Univer- sity of Miami, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Section 2. Re-Encuentro Cubano shall submit to the City Manager, within 60 days from the date of such festival, a detailed accounting of gross receipts received by it by way of fees and funds raised in connection with the aforesaid festival, together with a detailed accounting of funds disbursed, including the manner in which net profits are to be disbursed, together with a statement of the sums disbursed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26 ATTEST: e--I.. - -(- 7 �/ Q R LPHOG. ONGIE, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK, AS STANT ITY A ORNEY A JED AS TO FOR5 CORRECTNESS: GORF. KNOX, JR. UITY ATTORNEY day of JUNE MAURICE A. FERRE f I 1980 F MAURICE A. FERRE, MAYOR f.6 " 1 J , , _ •�,w f. ,M � E 1 1 CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JUN2 5 1980 Mour M ►a....8. 0 - 1 S 2 140M .......... TO: Joseph R. Grassie City Manager FpoM: Ange R. Bellamy Assistant to City Manager CITY Or MIAM1. FLORIDA INTER•OFFICZ MEMOtIANDUM njkTJune 18, 1980 V •'!LE ' �r II.Ci Re-Encuentro Cubano 1980 - � 1141`0IGFS .ZLC: SVF1rS. It is recommended that a resolution be passed allocating cash assistance toward Re- nc€ cuentro Cubano 1980. Re-Encuentro Cubano 1980, an annual cultural event co -sponsored by the University of Miami, Re-Encuentro Cubano, Inc. and the City of Miami, is scheduled to be held from June 10 to July 6, 1980. The City of Miami has been requested to contribute a $10,000 cash contribution toward this year's event. The total budget for this event is estimated to be $26,250, of which $24,000 is indicated as total cash resources. In accordance with City Commission Policy No. 100-4, the $10,000 cash request is less than the total amount of cash resources. However, it should be pointed out that.the FY '80 Budget allocation for this event is $5,000. The City of Miami has contributed cash assistance in the amount of $5,000 to this event for the past two years. Mr. Rolando Amador, Vice Chairman of Re-Encuentro Cubano 1980 has indicated the addi- tional funding has been requested for the planning of a year-round research, aid, and support program for over 100 recently arrived Cuban artists. It is his feeling that the additional $5,000 will serve as seed money for their proposal to the NEAH and the Depart- ment of Labor. While I feel that the reason for the increase in funding is worth- while, it is my feeling that the lateness of the request and the impact on budgetary planning outweigh its benefits. I am therefore recommending cash assistance in the amount of $5,000. 80-492 RE•ENCUENTRO CU MNO INC. tENCUENTRO 5500 S.W. Fifth street �--� CUBANO Miami, Florida 33134 June 3, 1980 Mr. Joseph R. Grassie City Manager City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Grassie: This letter to address the $5,000 modification in the City's cosponsorship for Reencuentro Cubano 80. We are reasoning as follows: This match increase keeps within the City's guidelines as it does not exceed one half of the total budget of $27,000. c �r Additional funds have been requested from the NEA, NEAH, and the Department of Labor via an Inter -Arts Proposal for the year-round program as well as this year's festival of Reencuentro. With this match increase a research, aid, and support program for over 100 recently arrived Cuban artists will be undertaken as part of the above -mentioned inter -Federal Agency Proposal. We plan t0 offer in this festival of Reencuentro 80 an increased availability to all quality events by allowing free admission to them. Reencuentro is requesting this modification for a total of $10,000 from the City of Miami in order to respond to the entire family needs year round. Thanking you and the City Commission, as well as Mayor Maurice A. Ferre for your continued support in these endeavors. ry /ord' C�s, oI ndo Amador Vice Chairman Reencuentro Cubano 80 RA: fa cc: Angela R. Bellamy Assistant to the City Manager 80-194 4U0CUENTRO RE-ENCUENTRO CUBANO INC. .M. Koubek Memorial Center �-->2705 S.W. 3rd Street CUBAND Miami, Fla. 33135 May 5, 1980 Mr. Joseph R. Grassie City Manager City of Miami • 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Dear Mr. Grassie: I am very pleased to inform you that the National Endowment for the Arts has officially informed us that our grant appli- cation for $12,000 has been approved. There will be a press release in a few days as soon as the Endowment completes the procedures for the agreement. We are also beginning to organize the community support to the festival, that as you know, has always been outstanding. I would like to confirm the support of the City of Miami for this year's program, in the same way that we have had it in the past four years. We hope we will be able to receive your contribution of $10,000 for our program. I am including a copy of the activities programmed for 1980 and a summary of the budget indicating the way in which the requested $10,000 from the.City will be earmarked. Once again, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your continued support to our programs. Cordilly yours, A r of do Amador, Esquire /Vice Chairman Re-Encuentro Cubano 1980 RA:zd Enc:s . cc: Angela R. Bellamy Assistant to the City Manager 80-492' NCUENTRO RE-E"C"ENTR°C`B""°INC. U.M. Koubek Memorial Center �.---� 2705 S.W. 3rd Street CUBANDMiami, Fla. 33135 B U D G E T Expenses Childrens Project $ 2,000 Printing 2,000 Artistic Director (6 months) 4,000 Multi Media Presentation 1,400 Retreta 2,100 Noche de Gala 2,200 Childrens Play 1,000 World Premiere Theatre Piece (2 days) 4,480 Production costs (rental) 1,500 $21,230 Year-round activities 5,000 $26,230 Funding NEA $12,000 City of Miami 10,000 Fund Raising. 2,000 Present Funds 2,242.38 $26,242.38 80-492 LOCI U 4780 CUSAND RE-ENCUE-NTRO CUBANO INC. SSUO S.W. Fifth St. Miami, Fl. 33134 REENCUENTRO CUBANO 1980 Reencuentro Cubano 1980 will take place between June 10 and July 6. It will present a series of events free of charge to the entire community. Aware of your interest in the fostering of artistic and cultural events which will result in the enrichment of our community, we encourage you to participate in Reencuentro Cubano 1980. Multi Media - Experiencia 10,865 - from June 10 to the 16th at the Miami -Dade Public Library on Biscayne Boulevard during regular library hours. This multi media presentation is a work of nine young Cuban painters. They are: M. Brito-Avellana, P. Cano, H. Calzada, F. Garcia, P. Hernandez, R. Montes de Oca, A. Rodriguez, F. Villaverde, and M. Villaverde. This exhibit has created an ambience relevant to the ordeal of the Peruvian Embassy in Havana. Retreta - Sunday, June 15 at Vizcaya Gardens from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. The revival of old-fashioned community happening in all parts of Cuba where a folk chamber group "Orauesta Cubanacan" will play typical Sones and Danzones Criollos for all to promenade, flirt,_ and enjoy. Typical guayaberas for men are desirable. Noche de Gala -- Saturday, June 21 at the University of Miami Gusman Hall, 8 p.m. This gala night will present Cuban Pianist. Elier Suarez, winner of the International Chopin Award held this year in Miami, in a program of Saumell, Ravel, Ginasteras, and Lizst. A Cuban chamber group consisting of Francisco huller, piano, Arnaldo Arencibia, oboe, Jose Luis Esturo, fagot will appear in a varied repertoire from Baroque to contemporary. Theatre for Children - "Un Nino Sincero" - Saturday, June 28 at Little Havana Community Center, 900 S.W. First Street at 8 p.m. "Chicos, Inc." will present excerpts from the literature and poetry of Jose Marti, with a cast of Cuban children directed by Martha Llovio. World Premiere of Theatre Piece - "I,a Libertad Prestada" - Saturday, July 5 and Sunday, July 6 at Little Havana Community Center, 900 S.W. Fir:;t Street at 8 p.m. A vernacular work based on political themes of present relevancy. A great cast of Cuban act,,r; directckl by author Mario 61artin. Publication of Volume II "La Familia Cubana" - Drawinas with texts by children 12 to 16 years of age depicting the Cuban family. This publication to be distributed throughout the community. Participants can mail their drawings on an 8 x 11 white bond, using only a #2 lead pencil, to the following address: Reencuentro Cubano 1980, Inc., 5500 S.W. Fifth St., Miami, Fl. 33134 by June 15, 1980. FRF:F APmISSIoj TO ALL FVUNTS! FUR FORTHF.R INF0P,%1ATTCN CALL 57)-6695. M1 Vivian Garcia Artistic Director 80-492 el- ������� 5500 NS WENTRO C. Fifth S dANO INC. . . t. CUBAND Miami, Fl. 33134 REENCUENTRO CUBANO 1980 Reencuentro Cubano en su quinto aizo de existencia en pro de la cultura cubana en exilio presenta una aerie de eventos gratis del 10 de Junio al 6 de Julio, que reafirman los valores culturales de nuestra nacian. Conocedores de su interfis para cooperar en todo empeno que realce estas, nuestras raises, contamos eat siempre con su apoyo y su entusiasmo. Medios P4dl�ti lees - Reencuentro Cubano se inagurara can una exposician de rre ios and Mles titulada 10,865. Una obra en colaboracian de pin- tores y fotagrafos cubanos. Ellos han creado un ambiente representa- tivo del sufrimiento relacionado con el Lxodo cubano, producto de la crisis en la Embajada del Perd en la Habana. Esta exhibicibn esters abierta del 10 al 16 de junio en la Biblioteca Pdblica, sita en el Parque de las Palcmas durante las horas regulares de dicha en- tidad. Rtreta - Una retreta tends lugar el dcmingo 15 de junio en los Jardines del Palacio de Vizcaya de 3 a 5 de la tarde recordando las famosas retretas municipales con "La Orquesta Tipica Cubanacan" en Sones y Danzones criollos, fieles a la tradicibn cubana para el deleite de todos . Noche de Gala - Sabado 21 de Junio en el Gusman Hall de la Universidad e Miami a as 8 de la noche. Este concierto de'gala presents a Elier Suarez, ganador de la Competencia Internacional Chpin, celebrada este ano en Miami en un programa de Saumell, Ravel, Ginasteras y Lizst. Un groupo cubano de Camara, Francisco Muller, piano, Arnaldo Arencibia, oboe, Josa Luis Esturo, fagot, en un variado repertorio de.mdsica barroca y contanporanea, oompletaran el programa. Teatro Intantil - "Un Nino Sincero" - Sabado 28 de junio en el Centro Canunitario de la Pequena Habana, 900 S.W. Primera Calle a las 8 de la noche. "Chicos, Inc." presentara una escenificacibn de la literatura y poes4a del Apbstol JoA Marti con un elenco de ninos dirigido por Martha Llovio. Premier Mundial de Teatro - "La Libertad Prestada" - Sabado y dcadngo julio 5 y 6 en el Centro Canunitario de la Pequena Hcdmna, 900 S.W. Primers Calle a las 8 de la norhe. Una obra de teatro vern5culo basa- da an tams politicos de actualidad. Un magnifico elenco de actores cubanos di.rigido por el autor Mario Martin. Publi.caciSn Volumen II "La Familia CUbana" - Dibujos con textos hechos por ninos de 12 a 16 anos sobre la Familia Cubana. Esta publicacibn ser8 distribuida a travts de la ca unidad. Los participantes deberin enviar sus dibujos en papel blanco bond 8 x 11 usando solo 15piz #2 a la siguiente direccibn: Reencuentro Cubano 1980, Inc., 5500 S.W. 5 Street, Miami, F1. 33134 antes del 15 de junio de 1980. Todos los dibujos recibidos antes de esta fecha ser&n puestos en exhibicibn la noche del Teatro Intantil, 28 de junio en el Centro Caminitario de la Pequena Habana, situado en el 900 S.W. Primera Calle. ENTRADA GRATIS PARA TODOS LOS EVENTOS. Para mayor informacibn llamar al 579-6695 Vivian Garcia Directora Artistica _