HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0537a q RESOLUTION NO. 8 U- J 3 7 A RESOLUTIO14 ACCEPTING THE BID OF F. J. SILLER AND COMPANY IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $2,539,25�, BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR LYNDALE SA14I`1'ARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN LYNDALE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5462-C&S (CENTERLINE AND SIDELINE SEWERS); WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "SANITARY SEWER G.O. BOND FUND" IN THE AIOUNT OF $2,539,253 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THIS. AIIOUNT OF $279, 318 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE,; ALLOCATING FROm SAID FUND THE AI�10UI1'i OF w50,785 ^0 COVER THE COS'i OF SUCH ITEIMS AS ADVIE:RTISING, TE?STING LABORATORIES, AND POSTAGE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE' A%IOUNT OF $112,478 TO COVER THE: IIIDIREC'P COST; AND A11THORI,°ING THE CITY I.1ANAGER TO E.;XECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM WHEREAS, sealed bids were receive) June 26, 1980 for LYIIDALE SA:II I'ARY SE'dER I:1PROVE'NENT in LYNDALE SANITARY SE1rlE''R I:411ROVI-.74i:I1T DISTRICT SR-5462-C&S (centerline and sidelint and ':1HEREA( the City I.1anager reports that the $2,539,253 bid of F. J. S11.1er anal Company, for base bid of the proposal, iL� the lowest responsible bid and recommends that a coritr%ct be awarded to said firm; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvements Appropriation Ordinanc;� No. ?011:3, as amended, was adopted on November 8, 1')79, and monies -ire available for the proposed amount of tilt, contract, projoct �xp,�nse, incidentsls, and indirect c,x.t from thje acco,znt entitled "Sanitary Sewer G.O. Bond Flan l", as set forth under :Section �6061AO-',Wxid ordi.n(ar,ce; � rr ITEM N0. NOW, THEREFORE', E31" IIRESOLV!"D BY THE COMIQISSION ;)F '7111-: CII'Y OF MIA:-1I, FLORIDA: :�ction 1. h� ian''69 1980 bid of F. J. Siller in tht� amount of $.',539,'53 for the "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" CITY COMMISSION ' MEETING OF J U L 10 1980 �owraN Ma. 8 0 .- 53 7 project entitled LYNDALE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT in LYNDALE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5462-C&S (centerline and sideline sewers), for the base bid of the proposal, based on a lump sum price, is hereby accepted at the price stated therc,in t:o cover the cost of said contract. S ection '. The amount of $2,539,253 is hereby allocated from the account entitled "Sanitary Sewer G.O. Bond Fund" to covt,r the cost of said contract. -action The additional amount of $279,318 is hereby allocated from the aforesail fund to cover the cost ot, projject expense. Section 4. The additional amount of $50,785 is hereby allocated from the aforF,said fund to cover the cost of uch incl,lental items as idvertisinf„ testing laborat,)rit-s, and post:af'e. S,,ctlon 5. i'h; additional amount of $1122478 is hereby rillocritt,d f'r•om the aforesaid fund to cover the ln�ilroct cost. Section 6. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of The City of Miami with F. J. Siller and Company for LY14DALE SANITARY SEWER I1•9PROVEMENT in LYNDALE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (centerline and sideline sewers), base bid of t111e i ropo:;al . PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10 "SUPPORTIVE D OCUmpmTS day of July . F��� �� MAURICE A. FERRE » 14 A Y 0 R PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: APPR 4,4,tC hs:I.,t;ant City Attorney AS TO FORK'(, A14D CORRECTNESS: City rney - 2 - 80-537 BID SECURITY KEW LYNDALE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DATE 0106RECEIVED JUNE 26, 1980 BIDDER TYPE OF SECURITY AMOUNT ACCFOR OUNTING USE F. J. Siller Co. . 2 a 9. $2,539,253 00 10 full � Ann Arbor, Mi. 48103 PaM1 IL Howard C ,(3 /3 - 2 PO BOX 20488 Greensboro, N.C. 27420 $3.012,110 90 , Intercounty Construction Corp ol Fla. ,/ J ^Z L 7 Ft.Lauderdale, Florida 33302 $2,977,587 • ' 00 Rocco Ferrera & Co. Inc 17 A- 2'/ Sz Livonia, Michigan 48152 $2,743,099 00 Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. 2027 N.W. 7th Ave Z miamigriorlda Iacobelli Contracting Inv 15271 N.W. 60th Ave,Suite 203 MiamiLakes, Florida 33014 - V?' $3,794,535. 0 Lanzo Construction Co. 1134 NE 48th St. $2,967,391 00 ompano Beach,- Fl. 33064 Gianetti Bros Construction Co. //f� Q13 LIs Suite 104 Davie,Florida 33314 's "E"'T"I ­D00' fl Received AR 1*evr reiviksi cheeks thiof r )OR ACCOUNTING DIVISION « : • / r- CITY OF • MIAMI, lLOMlaA/'N / FOR ti y REQUISITION QUAgTIT1l R[MtKNTl1 Ot'ARTM[NT ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS RtOU1RtM[NT! �oR r RECENEO, C F,0 u y :• �. I DEPTIDIV T'utdlc '.•.nrr.: riiu ,_lurX -- \\ , MItT�t _ 4 OAtE DAtE DATE DAiE DA A �' , 4 ACCOUNT CODE rO t s n,rt>Vf . - t 1, a BID NO. J ' - DATE ! _ Ot .',�,. ^r PREPARED BY PHONE — __ AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT U AMOR♦ �, Z CODE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMT. BIDS TO BE SECURED FOR op '00 0 .'L "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF: 1:, i t" trek.._ ADVERTISE ON BIDS TO BE RECEIVED ON TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: APPROVED BY: CONTRACTUAL: S INCIDENTAL: S DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 7o br /ilh-d iR by EXPENDITURE CONTROL: FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PROJECT INVOLVED EXPENDITURE CONTROLLER PROJECT CODE ___ _ ___ . _"____ AD CODE_ _ t,ulilhs 7'O: NwChasiwg (Org.) — City Manager — City (.lerk—Expenditu►v Coahoi — Issuing Department — Otber Affected Depart7Rew FORM NO IC43 REV 74 WHITE GREEN PINK CANARY BLUE GOLDENROD Bid No. 79-80-79 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the construction of LYNDALE SA141TARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5462-C (centerline sewer) and SR-5462-9 (sideline sewer) will be received by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida not later than 2:30 p.m. on the 26th day of June, 1980 in the City Commission Room, first floor, Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. This project involves the construction of a new sanitary sewer system and includes the following approximate quantities: 56,000 ± linear feet of 8-inch to 30-inch vitrified clay and cast or ductile iron pipe sewer with the deepest cut being 22 ± feet; 3?.,500 ± linear feet of 6-inch extra heavy cast iron soil nine laterals; 193 ± manholes from 4 to 22 feet in depth; 20,000 linear feet of T.V. inspection of new sewer; Side;-ralk and pavement replacement in construction area. If any questions, call 57-6855, James J. Kay, Sewer Design Engineer. All. bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and specifications. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the director, Department of Public Works, 3332 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Plans and specifications are to be returned in good order and unmarked within 10 days after bids have been received. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc. to be provided technical assistance in preparing bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City I,lanap;er may reject any or all bids, and readvert, i se . "SUPPORTIVE Ralph 1. Ongie City Clerk DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" Bid No. 79-80-79 RE C n ADVERTISEME14T FOR BIDS FLU U .* I U Sealed bids for the construction of LYNDALE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE"IENT DISTRICT SR-5462-C (centerline sewer) and SR-5462-5 (sid@1ine,3ewen) will be received by the City Commission of the C py, nor 4iami, Florida not later than 2 3�0_���r, on the ��J 1980 P in the City Commission-F�oom, first f1oo am C y hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami,, Florida, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. This project involves the construction of a new sanitary sewer system and includes the following; approximate quantities: 56,000 ± linear feet of 8-inch to 30-inch vitrified clay and cast or ductile iron pipe sewer with the deepest out being 22 ± feet; 3-,50') ± linear feet of 6-inch extra heavy cast iron soil pine laterals; 193 ± manholes from 4 to ?2 feet in depth; 20,000 linear fe.?t of 7.11. inspection of new sewer; Side,ralk and ravement roplacement in construction area. If any questions, call 579-'869, James J. Kay, Sewer Design ­nc,ineer. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Pidders and :,pecifications. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the director, Department of Public Works, 3332 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Plans and specifications are to he returned in good order and unmarked within 10 days after bids have been received. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc. to be provided technical assistance In preparing bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Cnmmi3siori reserves the right to ;wive any informality in any bid, and the City :1inarer may reject any or all bids, and r,?,_dvert Ss R, 1ph On7ie "SUPPORTIVE City Clerk DOCUMENTS Enl I AmP CITY OP MIAMI, fLORwI✓'� REQUISITION FOR QUANmr 11tPREORMS DRPARTMtff ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Rta,IRtMtNTf FOII MONri+� R Ito �r `) s a a e L s ACCOUNT CODE— Q BID NO. �'- DATE_ — Of PREPARED BY I ' PHONE Z COCE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY R I E MT IV UNT I AMOUNT I AMOUNTKAMOUNT XAMOUNT JAMOUNT BI TO BE SECURED FOR FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF: ADVERTISE ON Aoc" OR IVE�� �� BIDS TO BE RECEIVED ON C- T O T A L E5T. IMATED COST: APPROVED BY: aR CONTRACTUAL: $ INCIDENTAL: $ • DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ • • 501JRCE OF FUNDS: I.r lu !illy d iN b� EXPENDITURE CONTROL: FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PROJECT INVOLVED _ PROJECT CODE AD CODE_ _ __, EXPENDITURE CONTROLLER Ulrlh 1 ir): t'urchasiwg (Urg.) — City .Manager — l.ity l.Iti*—!;Apenditure Crnitrol — Issuing Depa►tment — Olber AJ/ected DepedoeRt f(jNM Nj +f,A! REV a WHITE GREEN PINK CANARY BLUE GCLDENROO 00 Bid No. 79-80-76 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the construction of LYNDALE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5462-C (centerline sewer) and SR-5462-S (sideline sewer) will be received by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida not later than 2:30 P.M. on the 12th day of June, 1980 in the City Commission Room, first floor, Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner -Key, Miami, Florida, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. This project involves the construction of a new sanitary sewer system and includes the following approximate quantities: 56,000 ± linear feet of 8-inch to 30-inch vitrified clay and cast or ductile iron pipe sewer with the deepest cut being 22 ± feet; 33,500 ± linear feet of 6-inch extra heavy cast iron soil pipe laterals; 193 ± manholes from 4 to 22 feet in depth; 20,000 linear feet of T.V. inspection of new sewer; Sidewalk and pavement replacement in construction area. If any questions, call 579-6865, James J. Kay, Sewer Design Engineer. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and specifications. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the director, Department of Public Works, 3332 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Plans and specifications are to be returned in good order and unmarked within 10 days after bids have been received. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc. to be provided technical assistance in preparing bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and readvertise. "SUPPORTIVE Ralph G. Ongie DOCUMENTS City Clerk FOLLOW" .&%W 1 le C" 0 Bid No. 79-80-76 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS rn Sealed bids for the construction of LYNDALE S w ' ` ` ZF-W= IMPROV DISTRICT SR-5462-C (centerline sewers acid SR-5462-0 s ;line sewer) will be received by the City CoItmis9ion of the City of Miami, Florida not later than 2:30 p.'. on th-' 12th dig 2L Jut^ 1980 in the City Commission Room, first`-' floor, Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner -Key, ;Miami, Florida, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. This project involves the construction of a new sanitary sewer system and includes the following approximate quantities: 56,000 ± linear feet of 8-inch to 30-inch vitrified clay and cast or ductile iron pipe sewer with the deepest cut being 22 ± feet; 33,500 ± linear feet of 6-inch extra heavy cast iron soil nine laterals; 193 ± manholes from 4 to 22 feet in depth; 209000 linear feet of T.V. inspection of new sewer; Sidewalk and pavement replacement in construction area. If any questions, call 579-6865, James J. Kay, Sewer Design Engineer. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and specifications. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the director, Department of Public Works, 3332 Pan American Drive, ;Miami, Florida. Plans and specifications are to be returned in good order and unmarked within 10 days after bids have been received. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc. to be provided technical assistance in preparing bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and readvertise. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW Ralph 1. Ongie City Clerk '1 "-!R- Ot'ACMCRANOUM, Joseph R. Grassie City Manager / , 67, •,�.�.. 0 1d W. ather Director Qf Publ c Works June 30, 1980 B-5462 LYNDALE SANITARY SEWER Iv,rROVEMENT SR-5462-C&S - Resolution Awarding Contract (For Commission Meeting of July 10, 1980) The Department of Public Works recommends adoption of the resolution accepting; the bid received June 26, 1930 of F. J. Siller and Company in the amount of $2,539,253; and authorizing the City Mana;er to enter into a contract on behalf of the City of Miami for LYNDALE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT in LYNDALE SANITARY SE;•!3R IMPROVE11ENT DISTRICT SR-51162-C&S (centerline and sideline sewers). Bids were received June 26, 1980 for providing sanitary sewers for an area bounded by S. W. 22 Street (Coral Way), S. W. 8 Street, S. W. 27 Avenue, and S. W. 32 Avenue,under private contract. A reflected in the tabulation of bids, the $2,539,253 bid is ,1,2 lowest responsible bid for the base bid of the proposal. Funds have been allocated from the "Sanitary Sewer G.O. Bond Fund" for the estimated amount of the contract, for project expense, fo such items as advertising, testing laboratories, postaf;e, and for indirect cost. JAH:he Resolution attached "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 80-5137 BID AWARD FACT SHEET For The City Manager PROJECT N;V-1E - LYNDALE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEIENT SR 5462- C & S AND LOCATION PROJECT SCOPE - Providing; sanitary sewers for an area bounded by S.W. 22 Street (Coral Way) S.W. 8 Street, S.W. 27 Avenue and S.W. 32 Avenue under private contract. ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST - $3,500,000 DATE BIDS RECZIVED - June 26, 1980 NL•:IBER OF BIDS RECEIVED - 8 NA:IE OF LOW BIDDE:2 - P.J. Siller & Co. 7-1!OU:+T OF LOW BID - $2,539,253 BE AL FUNDS .l,o "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS B1; ALLOCATED - $2,981,834 FOLLOW" LENGTH OF TIME ALLOWED FOR CONSTRUCTIO`I - 240 working; days SOURCE OF FUNDS- Sanitary Sewer G.O. Bond Funds Form PW #389 1/79 6/30/80 M LYNDALE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - SR 5462 C&S JOB NO. B-5462 CONTRACTOR'S FACT SHEET I. F. J. Siller & Company 7881 Jackson Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 Phone: (313) 426-2815 II. Principals: Frank J. Siller - President John R. Siller - Vice President III. Contractor is properly licensed and insured. IV. Subcontractors: none required at this time V. Experience: 28 years Coral Sanitary Sewer Improvement SR-5463 C&S Alpena County, Michigan Sanitary Sewer InF -am Count,, f�i'.chigan Deg. i. Township - Sewage 'i,reatment Plant Houghton County, Michigan Wast, Water E/stem Improvement Lake Linden - Hubbell San. Swr. VI. Not a minority contractor $1,190,000 $8,000,000 $3,750,000 $3,700,000 VII. 74 advertisements mailed out by regular mail 18 contractors picked up plans and specifications 8 contractors submitted bids 61-v //�O , .. TABULATION OF BIDS FOR S.4it'/i �.�Y /M'� .�J.• E�l, �: it. .�h-.� ��.,. �..LYN,C?AL� .SE.rY.�r"fr Received by the City commission. City Clerk. city of Mir 1. Fl. ao of P. AL •� • �' °� 6 Licensed S Iwawe/ ee'er Ciw CeM I McMe dd. sid seed Anew* leftrAerilms TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL DESCRIPTION TOTAL �.• IRRrGULrARIT1ES LEGEu A _ He Fewm-ef- ANenwy C _ cWre"ed Ewew�.ews 0 M we"Ve.ly twpe4 or we GArete Sod E— F_ 0 _ IM.»r aid send M _ Cenected Bid t_ I.ee. Form PW 0308A 1/77 IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT r CJ {JT E aCT BE LIP �c9C TNT TO Al B/r' /V TNf a! ) J •/. ' n � BID 7.9-64- y9 '•r�e t orsBi to IL o. n1A►.� t•nwn:csuw• �� Lys/ e - ,., ~ , rot c1tv of L:cM1e �M i r11 �`� DES�RIFTION ►i- N ARI'�rI � • � r•,Ar.�• ��� e, Me G«►«fie Ses1 C p • P�M'� �N E• IF • M;� bed . NOe 1"r /S RECoM - 60- gtD r . ` t Z f A . fie a:J4w ut.Ar O�1 •� .. i . ,',q 7 �'fw=r�/ "� ••�OVA-.�. a - 'TOT �- ToTtL TOTP µN,• o.&. �,.••+ •• *•` COT C.j• TOTAL DESORIpTION �. EpQ IRR A ., N• r•"'•`. - Nn Cot «ems S@1 • � ��� f yp•ns�•'+� iM��/� ��3 N N E- G- ~—A6:1 Ommso I? IS + a