HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0610RESOLUTION NO. 8 0- 6 1 0 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A ONE (1) YEAR EXTENSION OF EMPLOYMENT PAST THE AGE OF 73 FOR Virginia Lieberman, Typist, Clerk II , DEPARTMENT OF pol ce EFFECTIVE July 29, THROUGHJuly 29, 19-$i—, WITH THE PROVISION THAT IN THE EVENT OF A ROLLBACK OR LAYOFF, Virginia Lieberman RATHER THAN A JUNIOR EMPLOYEE WOULD BE AFFECTED. WHEREAS, the Civil Service Board, on Tuesday, July 8, , 19 80, unanimously recommended the approval of employment past the age of 73 for Virginia Lieberman Typist Clerk II , Department of Police , and; WHEREAS, the City Physician has determined that the physical condition of said Virginia Lieberman is satisfactory for continued employment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA: Section 1. A one (1) year extension of employment past the age of 73 is hereby granted for Virginia Lieberman , Typist Clerk II Department of Police , effective July 29, 19 80, through July 29 19 81 , with the provision that in the event of a rollback or layoff, Virginia Lieberman , rather than a junior employee would be affected. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24 DAY OF July , 1980 . AT RA H G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ed-m� �, 41altl� AS$ITANT CI�Y ORNEY Robert F. Harr" APPROVED AS_TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: MAURICE A. FERRE MAURICE A. FERRE, M A Y O R "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS „FOLL W" D OCUMEN INDEX ITt= AA run uA iv CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JU L 2 4 1980 80-6 0 F N , JR., C TTORNEY n CITY Of MIAMI. FLORIDA / INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO1 Joseph R. Grassie DATE July 8, 1980 FILE City Manager sUsite T Request for Resolution FROM: J r REFCRENCE/' E cutive Secretary Civil Service Board ENCLOSURES: The Civil Service Board, at its meeting of July 8, 1980, approved' the request of Virginia Lieberman, Typist Clerk II, Police Depart- ment, -for an extension of her employment beyond the age of 73. It is respectfully requested that a Resolution be adopted extending' Ms. Lieberman's employment from July 29, 1980 to July 29, 1981. MDA:hs cc: Law Department Employee File C" "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 80-610 W owl` CITY OF MIAM1. FLORIDA TOo Joseph R. Grassie City Manager C tee/ Vito": y E cuti a Secretary Ci it Service Board INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE. July 8, 1980 FILE: 6UHJECT Civil Service Board action on request for Extension of employment for Virginia Lieberman. REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: At its meeting of July 8, 1980, the Civil Service Board considered the request of Virginia Lieberman, Typist Clerk II, Police Department, for an extension of employment for a period of one year, to be effective July 29, 1980 to July 29, 1981. The Board noted that Kenneth I. Harms, Chief of Police, has re wmmended approval of this request and that Dr. L. A. Toto, City Physician, has found Ms. Lieberman qualified to continue employment for the additional year. The Board voted to approve the request, with the provision that in the event of a rollback or layoff, Ms. Lieberman, rather than a junior employee, would be affected, noting that this is is accordance with past policy. MDA:hs cc: Law Department Employee File "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" so-610 Ok CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Kenneth I. Harms ram~ '+~r�l - UA,f 128 April 1980 FILE PER 13 Chief of Police (Through Channels); 5UB„ Extension of Service w: Vi/rgin Lieberman i{F1,RENCLS Typist Clerk II C , `YI L J ' Records Control Uni j"C It is respectfully requested that I be considered for an extension of service. On July 2, 1980, I will have completed seventeen (17) years of service with the Police Department. On the 29th of July 1980, I will be 73 years old. If I feel that I am capable of employment by the City fob another year. APPP.OVED ey CIVIL SERVICE B ��RD JUN 2 � 1 DINE � - ' • VL:vl LffANII'Tii U II11" i11Ii RES L CES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FIRST EVIDORSEM.ENT 8 Play 199A I wholeheartedly endorse Pls. Lieberman's request for an extension of service and feel that she is a verb► capable employee who is a definite asset to the Records Control Unit. She is a very alert and dedicated individual and has become very knowledgeable in her job dealing with Accident Records. Pls. Lieberman of course should have a thorough examination by the City Doctor in order to confirm her physical ability to do the job for another year. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS rn o i n. mly �; �,� V cs•uata(r� Qloy�. a-t 1 S 1•ul.Qc�.�• flo G ��'� 80-610 INTER -OFFICE M0.Q-%A,`,*:::. Aobert D. Krause DAM June 16, 1980 "LIt' ')irector ')eoartment of Human Resources GU§JECT+ Phys. Exam. for Extension of Employment Beyond age 73 Virgins Lieberman L.A. Toto, M.D. Typist �le3k II i-Police Reeorch )irector Police Department ,',edical Division Ms. Virginia Lieberman was given a physical examination today and no significant findings were noted to preclude continuation in her present job classification beyond the • age of 73. LAT/eg ccs: Chief of Police Exec. Secty. Civil Service "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 80-610 t r CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA INTER•OFF4CE MEMORANDUM Inn UL Joseph R. Grassie VATF: Jul 8 1980 FILE City Manager ,' - y CITT f �' SUpJLCT Civil Service Board action A. C tee/ "'O/"*Ecutia Secretary t Service Board on request for Extension of employment for Virginia Lieberman. n F F F RF N,_,E•J tNLc '-.suara. At its meeting of July 8, 1980, the Civil Service Board considered the request of Virginia Lieberman, Typist Clerk II, Police Department, for an extension of employment for a period of one year, to be effective July-29, 1980 to July 29, 1981. The Board noted that Kenneth I. Harms, Chief of Police, has recommended approval of this request and that Dr. L. A. Toto, City Physician, has found Ms. Lieberman qualified to continue employment for the additional year. The Board voted to approve the request, with the provision that in the event of a rollback or layoff, Ms. Lieberman, rather than a junior employee, would be affected, noting that this is in accordance with past policy. MDA:hs cc: Law Department Employee File N •- "SUPPORTIVE D0C! LNTS FOLLOW" !'Y F `.I, rl OWL),% I.J. "=N••>FF! =,: '4'_'l.�C)ri nN[7l)M Kenneth I. Harms 28 April 1980 Chief of Police (Through Channels) <V� rgin Lieberman Typist Clerk II Records Control Unit Extension of Service It is respectfully requested that I be considered for an extension of service. On July 2, 1980, I will have completed seventeen (17) years of service with the Police Department. On the 29th of July 1980, I will be 73 years old. I PER 13 I feel that I am capable of employment by the City fo n�r.n-� another year. �� }::: • 57 APPROVED ISY - I CIVIL. SERVICE B R0 JUN 2 t� ; DATE JU - 9 1910.— VL:vl OEPARM41 RESOURCES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FTPST EtIDOTISEMENT 8 May 14RO I wholeheartedly endorse Pis. Lieberman's request for an extension of service and feel that she is a very canahle employee who is a definite asset to the Records Control Unit. She is a very alert and dedicated individual and has become very knowledgeable in her job dealing with Accident Records. Ms. Lieberman of course should have a thorough examination by the City Doctor in order to confirm her,physical ability to do the job for another year. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS r-n 1 I n Q 4,0 sarrdm.a.�►'Ecc�pr3ZK9AM 4�•i,.uaa(m Wm cam- 4AN I� la� lee 80-6 1 0 IF / .01"• ' INT6R•OFFIC[ MEMO Hobert D. Krause DATE: June 10, 1980 Director Department of Human Resources •N•,scT: Phys. Exam. for Extension of Employment Beynnd age 73 Aft Virg L.A. Toto, M.D. ���c��Ncs•, TypistiaLieberman leik II m -Police Recorcb Director �N«o•u�s•: Police Department Medical Division Ms. Virginia Lieberman was given a physical examination todaand no significant findings were noted to preclude continuation nuation in her present job classification beyond the • age of 73. LAT/eg ccs: Chief of Police Exec. Secty. Civil Service