HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0585RESOLUTION NO 8 0- 5 8 5 A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO ENTER INTO THE PROPOSED ATTACHED LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BAYSHORE PROPERTIES, INC., FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT AND LEASE OF CITY WATERFRONT PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE COCONUT GROVE MARINA (KELLY PROPERTY) FOR PARK AND RECREATIONAL PURPOSES, SUBJECT TO ADEQUATE FINANCING BEING SECURED AND TWO APPRAISALS BEING RECEIVED INDICATING THE CITY IS RECEIVING A FAIR RATE OF RETURN, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH THEREIN. WHEREAS, the City Commission authorized the City Manager to advertise for public bid proposals for the development of the property commonly known as the Coconut Grove Marina for park and recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that Miami is a year round vacation resort and that its parks and recreational facilities must supply adequate recreational opportunities not only for its citizens but for tourists and visitors as well; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the Dinner Key Master Plan calls for the commercial use of the property commonly known as the Coconut Grove Marina; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the proposal of Bayshore Properties, Inc., can provide the best use of the subject property for park and recreational purposes in accordance with the recommendations of the Dinner Key Master Plan and the needs of the public; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the proposal by Bayshore Properties, Inc., to spend at least two million dollars to redevelop the property provides an attractive method for financing a public project, and WHEREAS, the City Commission by Resolution No. 76-749 authorized the City Manaqer to commence negotiations with Bayshore Properties, Inc., for the lease and redevelopment of the property commonly known as the Coconut Grove Marinas for Park and Recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the negotiations have produced a proposed lease for the subject property which fulfills the park and recreational purposes so desired, including but not limited to the securing of the use of the waterfront in and to the public; and WHEREAS, the City Administration has solicited proposals for the appraisal of the Coconut Grove Marina property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: "DOMWENT INDEX CITY ITEM No. 23 COMMISSION 14S U PPn �'� MEET'tNG OF .Ji ► ! IVE JUL2) 4 19e.0 DOCUMENTS ...g.o 5 ,� ••........... FOLLOW or Section 1. The City Commission hereby indicates an intent to authorize the City Manager to enter into the proposed attached Lease Agreement with Bayshore Properties, Inc., for the redevelopment and lease of City Waterfront property commonly known as the Coconut Grove Marina (Kelly Property) for Park and Recreational purposes, subject to adequate financing being secured and two appraisals being received indicating the City is receiving a fair rate of return, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth therein. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24 �=T: c- e R L H NGIE, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: S NY D AS TO FQRM AND CORRECTNESS: CITY ATTORNEY day of July 1980. MAURICE A. FERRE MAURICE A. FERRE, MAYOR "SUPPORTIVE D0-Ct ['J1ENTS Page 2 of 2 FOLLOW" 80-585 31. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING OF PRI IISES 32. BINDING ON SUCCESSORS 33. INVENTORY 34. OWNERSIIIP OF IMPROVEMENTS 35. EXPIRATION 36. ENTIRE; ACREf:MENT 37. CAPTIONS "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS i` FOLLOW" This LEASE AGREEItENT made the LEASE' AGREFNEI1T day of , A.D. 1980, between the City of Miami, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the City, and Bayshore Properties, Inc., a Florida Corporation, with offices in 2460 South Bayshore Drive, Miami, Florida 33133, hereinafter re- ferred to as the Company. wIy:t,s5{:"fll UIEREAS, the city of Miami has advertised for and received development proposals by bid invitation for the lease of what is known as the Kelly property; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami desires redevelopment and utilization in general accord with the Dinner Key Ma -,ter Plan; and IAIERFAS, the redevelopment proposal as presented by the Company, is in the best interest of the public; and 1411ERF.AS, the redevelopment proposal is related to waterfront activities of a commercial or recreational nature; and 14111"REAS, the City Commission in Motion No. 16-660 requested the City ?tanager to negotiate with Bayshore Properties, Inc. for development of Coconut Grove Marina properties located at 2550 South Bayshore Drive and submit a recommendation to the City Commission for its consideration. NOW, THEREFORF, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, it is agreed by the parties hereto as follows: "SUPPORTIVE DOCL ENTS FOLLOW" 1 1.EASE AGREI:IEN'P TABLE; OF CONTRtNTS PREAMBLE 1. DESCRIPTION OF PRDIISES 2. TERM 3, USE OF PROPERTY 4. NON—DISCRIMINATION 5. PUBLIC ACCESS TO Tm-'. tdATI:RFRONT 6. REDEVELOPMENT PLANS 7. PE101ITS 8. CONSTRUCTION SURETY BOND 9. LICENSES 10. TAXES 11. PARKIN(, 12. EASEMENT FOR WATI'.R TAXI OR TRAM S'rATION 13. CONS IDFPWrION 14'.' PERFORMANCE BOND — CASH DEPOSIT 15. ACCOUNTING 16. BOOKS, RECORDS, ACCOUNTS AND STATEMENTS 17. EXAMINATION BY THE CITY 18. DEFAULT 19. CITY'S RIGHT TO CANCEL 20. NOTICES 21. ATTORNEY FEES 22. INSURANCE 23. INDEMN IF ICATIOt'S 24. DAMAGE OR LOSS TO COMPANY PROPERTY 25. DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY 26. BUILDING MAIN'rF.tNANCI: 27. U1'ILITII:S 28. PURE FOOD ANND SANITARY LAWS 29. CONFORMITY TO THE LAW 30. PLED(;I: OF LEASEHOLD INr)•;R1:S'r "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS I FOLLOW" LL J1. Al;fik:l:A1L'n'I' a•l wevil i THE CITY O mIAMI BAYSHORE PROPERTIES, C. "SUPPORTIVE DOCU f I ENTS FOLLOW" E City propert> >ocated at 2546 - 2558 So. Bayshore Drive, The Kelley Property a/k/a The Underwood Marine Property a/k/a Coconut Grove Marine Properties, Inc. a/k/a Coconut Grove Marina, Inc. Background As far as can be determined from existing records, the City's involvement with this property commenced with a lease agreement between the City and Coconut Grove Marina, Inc., dated April 27, 1970, for the construction and operation of docking facilities on .87 acres of City owned baybotton land adjacent to this property that what was then known as the Kelly Property. The term of this agreement was for ten years from 4/27/70 to 4126/80, authorized by Resolution No. 41358 passed and adopted 2/26/70. The docks were built after the trustees of the Internal Improvement _. Trust Fund granted permit OPD-1841 on October 5, 1970, the Army Corps of Engineers issued permit N70-416 on November 4, 1970, and the City's Public Works Department issued Permit N30 on November 24, 1970. A verbal legal opinion by Jack R. Rice, Assistant City Attorney no-ted in this file, dated November 20, 1970, that it was not necessary to secure formal waiver of deed restrictions since the trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund had already issued a construction permit. The lease agreement dated 4/27/70 covering the dockage facility entered in a default situation due to non payment of consideration due the City, for the period ending 12/23/73, the balance outstanding was $4,443.59. This amount was later credited (deducted) in the satisfaction of court ordered payments, part of the acquisition proceeding. In 1972, this property was appraised at the request of Coconut Grove Marine Properties, Inc., by T. W. Slack 5 Son. The fair market value, in the opinion of the appraiser was $950,000.00. The City paid this amount at the tim... of acquisition. In June 1973, as part of the Dinner Key Master Plan, this property was targeted for acquisition. The City under Civil Case #73-15433 was the court action to acquire the property through condemnation. The final judgment and order was issued January 30, 1974, later modified on February 4, 1974. The City paid $950,000.00 for this property, plus other costs. The court allowed Underwood Marine, tenant of the facility, to occupy the premises without any leasehold interest for a period of one year terminating January 30, 1975. The payment to the City as ordered was established at $2,835.00 per month for 16 boat slips and a portion of the buildings. The City took possession of the facility on July 31, 1974, and persuant to the court order the City reimbursed Coconut Grove Marina for capital improvements in the leased area, and additionally paid relocation expenses in the amount of $61,850.15. as authorized by Resolution 74-1388 passed and adopted December 17, 1974. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" e Other minor changes have been made throughout the agreement to correct spelling and punctuation. Since all of the above major changes have been discussed and agreed on, verbally, we feel that you should find the attached document to your approval. The agreement will be discussed at the Waterfront Board meeting on July 9, 1980, and at the City Conmission Meeting on July 24, 1980. At the City Commission Meeting, we will be recommending a resolution of intent to execute the agreement as currently written, pending the results of two independent appraisals as required by Charter Amendment #1, and verification of a financing committmbnt being obtained by the Company for the project. Sincerely, �1 /J mes E. Gunderson / Finance Director JEG:WHH:bf cc: Richard L. Fosmoen, Assistant City Manager Lease Manager Page 2 of 2 «SUPPOPTIVE DGGU, N T S FOLLOW" r80_ r'95 �v p MC0 JOS[PFI R. GRASSIE O City Manager July 9, 1980 David Block, Attorney Office in Grove Suite 800-B 2699 South Bayshore Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Block: Enclosed is the draft of the proposed lease agreement between the City of Miami and Bayshore Properties, Inc., for the Kelly property. This draft is substantially the same as the draft prepared in March 1980, however, you should be aware of the following changes: Paragraph 6 - Redevelopment Plans The minimum expenditure for the building was changed from $1.4 million to $2.0 million based on your conversation with the City Manager and Dick Fosmoen, and based on architect projections. Additionally, the amount of $400,000.00 was specified for improvements to the parking site. Paragraph 11 - Parking As mentioned in paragraph 6, the amount for parking site development is specified to be "not less than $400,000.00". Also added was a sentence specifying that adequate insurance for the tram service must be provided by the Company. Paragraph 13 - Consideration The changes in wording represent editorial changes suggested by the City Attorney's Office designated to clarify and further define intent without changing the substance of this paragraph. Paragraph 22 - Insurance An addition clause (labled "d" in the attached draft)has been added to cover insurance requirements for the tram service. No specific amount has been stated because of the time lag between execution of the agreement and inception of the tram service. "SUPPORTIVE Page 1 of 2 DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" iI♦lk%( I IMI ART%1I\T'TIra.ur, Management 0—f,On, 6S $ A 1st Sueet. )rd 1l.,ovA/,anti V—'(fa ti110 110S %'16'11 M— BAYSHORE PROPERTIES, INC - CONSIDERATION SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT PHASE I BEGINS: On execution of agreement ADS: Date of certificate of occupancy issued PAYMENT SCHEDULE Due Monthly 8% gross receipts to $83,333.33 rao. lOK gross receipts above $83,333.33 mo. PLUS ,0.025 per gallon fuel sold PLUS 15`= aross receipts dockage and dry storage * 51.0 million annually START UP PHASE II BEGINS: Date certificate of occupancy issued ENDS: 12 months after certificate of occupancy issued - OR Month premises are 90 occupied (Based on Floor space) PAYMENT SCHEDULE BEGINS: ENDS W w E--z� ��O a�-1 r-1 0 Due Monthly --� 0 L .. The Greater of: W 0 1112 of S%,144. (minimum guarantee) multiplied by percentage occupancy OR 8`: gross receipts to 583,333.33 MO. 107< gross receipts above $83,333.3? mo. PLUS $0.025 per gallon fuel sold PLUS 15 aross receipts dockage and dry storage C� COMPLETION i�• PHASE III C . GO 12 months after certifica* of occupancy issued OR Month prerises are 90:.. occupied (Based on floor space) May 31, 2007 (end of agreement) PAVE ENT SCHEDULE Due ttonthly The 'treater of: 1112 of S96,14 (minimum guarantee) OR C- nr^ss receipts to S93,333.33 ro. 10`: gross receipts above 583,333.33 no. PLUS SO.025 per gallon fuel sold PLUS 15" gross receipts dockage and dry storage �z III. CONSIDERATION A minimum annual guarantee or a percentage of gross receipts, whichever is greater for the marina, the upland property and structure, thereon, or a combination thereof. A minimum annual guarantee of $61,500.00* or 8% of gross receipts to 51,000,000,00, 10% in excess of $1,000,000.00 only when 75% occupied or after one year whichever comes first. *Later changed to $86,144.00 year and the percentage rental modified to be applied only to the net receipts after certain expenses were deducted. A minimum annual guarantee of 586,144.00 or 8% of gross receipts to $1,000.000.00. 10% of gross receipts in excess of $1,000,000.00 payable monthly. Commencing when the certificate of occupancy is issued or one year after, or when 90% occupied based on a formula that allows for a development construction period. Additionally, the company shall provide a tram service, during normal hours of operation, from designated parking areas to the leased premises, at its sole cost and expense. The Company shall expend not less than $400,000.00 in the redevelopment of the designated parking site. The redevelopment of the docking facilities and improvements to the leased premises shall require an expenditure by the Company of not less than two million dollars. The Company shall provide copies of paid invoices identifying the expenditures for improvements to the property. A report of the expenditures shall be submitted quarterly to the City. Pursuant to the newly adopted Waterfront Charter Amendments a solicitation for Appraisal of the property has been made. The appraisers are being asked, based on the estimated value, to determine if the City is receiving a fair rate of return under the terms and conditions of the proposed lease agreement. The Miami Waterfront Advisory Board reviewed the proposed draft of the lease at its July 9, 1980, meeting. The Board recommends that the City Commission accept in concept and principle the proposed lease between the City and Bayshore Properties, Inc. «SUPPORTIV DO E �U�4ENTS FOLLOW), Joseph R. Grassie City Manager 'James E. Gunderson, Director l' Finance Department July 11, 1980 r1C Proposed Lease to Bayshore Properties, Inc., for Coconut Grove Marina (Kelly Property) The City staff has negotiated a lease with Bayshore Properties, Inc., for the redevelopment and lease of the property -' known as the Coconut Grove Marina (Kelly Property) for park and recreational - purposes pursuant to Resolution 76-746. It is recommended that the proposed lease be approved by the City Commission. Negotiations have been in progress between City staff and the Attorney representing Bayshore Properties, Inc. The current draft of the proposed lease document reflects what was discussed as part of motion 76-660 which requested -the City Manager to nenotiate with Bayshore Properties, Inc., for the development of Coconut Grove Marina properties located at 2550 South Bayshore Drive and submit recommendations to the City Commission for its consideration. Later, the City Commission by Resolution 76-746 further authorized the City Manager to commence negotiations with Bayshore Properties, Inc. for the lease and redevelopment of the property. Attached for reference, in addition to the proposed lease, is a synoptic historical background of the property and information relating to its bid selection process as presented to the City Commission in 1976, when the bids were discussed. The basic elements of this lease and development proposal can be summarized as follows: CITY'S PROPOSAL BAYSHOP,E PROPERTIES PRESENT DRAFT DOCUMENT GUIDELINES PROPOSAL I. TERM 8 year lease 30 year plus two 27 years. Concurrent or 5 year extensions . with the lease on the Optional term . adjacent property. II. USE Confined to water- Restaurant & refreshment Substantially the same front related stand Marina Boat rentals as proposed, but re - activities of a and specialty shopping quiring the company to commercial or center in existing building. directly control & operate r reational nature. the Marina, as in the r� � r I '. ; ! !,+l� ajoininq property. U , J , V I NTS Page 1 of 2 $0-585 FOLLOW ■ 1. Dr5C11,I11TIt►;i OF PRI"MISK"S The City hereby leases unto the Company for the purpose and tinder the conditions hereinafter set forth, the following real property and bay bottom lands, located on Biscayne Bay, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, legally described as follows: According; to Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. TI:R?1 The Terni of this Lease Agreement steal I comixnce on the day of A.D. 1930, and shall end on the 31st day of May, A.D. 2007. 3. US1: OF 11ROP1-i.TrY The Company will develop, manage, and promote the property to prospective tenants in such a riveter that will offer th essential services required and encourage public enjoyment, u•;e, and partici ation so as to make the project financially feasible to hoth the Company and the City, as well as to reach the objectives of the Dinner Rey "taster Plan. The Company covenants and agrees to provide each and every service as.. required in its use of the property, as hereinafter listed, if allowed by law; and subject to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy with City zoning approval. The required services wig be provided during; the entire term of this lease unless and until the Company files a kequest in writing for per- mission to discontinue a use or service/nds d the reaso s therefor and said per- mission is granted by the City Manager.he City Mtana er shall only permit dis- continuance of a service or use if he f that it is n longer essential and that the discontinuance of said servicgls or use is in the kreater interest of the public. R Specific services required in the use of the property: 1. A restaurant 2. A refreshment stand 3. A marina, including; an adequate number of spaces for transient vessels 4. Boat rentals In addition the following; list of uses may be provided for by the Company or the tenant of the leased premises: 1. Bait and tackle shop 2. Convenience food store "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS 2 FOLLOW" r '%. 3. Marine supply store, including, diving; gear 4. Outboard motor sale and incidental service 5. Marine clothing sales 6. Marine furniture sales and incidental manufacturing 7. Boat tours 8. Fishing area 9. Sporting goods Store 10. Antique store 11. Art galleries and hook store open to the general public 12. Bakery 13. Bicycle sales and repair 14. Penny arcade 15. China and crockery 16. Confectionery or ice cream store 17. Clothing; 18. Photographic sales 19. Gift shop 20. }lobby shop 21. Jewelry and watch sales, repair and service 22. Leather goods — sales and incidental assembly and repair 23. Lounges 24. flews stand or sundry 25. Barber shop, beauty parlor, and shoe polishing; stand 26. Travel and ticket agency . 27. Sailmaker 28. Arts and crafts 29. Office for management and rental of the property 30. Marine fuel pumps 31. Any related or allied uses to the above if approved by the Citv tianager which approval may not he unreasonably withheld. All Mirina operations, including; rental of all boat slips shall he controlled and operated by the Company unless the consent of the City Manager is g',ivL-n in writing, to do otherwise on such conditions as are mutually agreeable to the City Manager and the Company. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUI ENTS FOLLOW" 4. NOY-DISCRIMINATION The Company agrees that there will be no discrimination under any circum- stances against any person on account of race, color, sex, religious creed, ancestry, or national origin desiring to use the demised premises and the im- provements thereon. It is expressly tmderstood that upon proof of discrimin- at ion the City shall have the right to terminate this Lease Agreement. Any such acts will be considered a default under the terms and conditions of paragraph 18. 5, PUBLIC ACCESS To THE, WATI;RI'RONT The public shall be allowed access to the waterfront areas of the leased premises and all facilities located on the leased premises shall be available to the public, subject to the right of the Company to establish and enforce rules and regulations to provide for the orderly operation, security, and public safety of said facilities. A copy of all rules and regulations and any changes occurring; therein shall be subject to the approval of the City ?tanager. 6. RVIDEVVLOPI IFNT PLAN", The Company agrees to redevelop the property in substantial accordance with plans and specifications furnished in its public proposal as may be allowed by law.. The redevelopment of the docking; facilities is anticipated by the Company. If by law dredging; and/or land fill is not permitted, this will not substan- tially alter the remaining overall project, and a boardwalk would still border the bayfront. The developmental plans of the Company must complement the overall design and planning of the Coconut Grove Dinner Key area. Any waiver by the City of the execution of any part of the proposed plans shall not be construed to be a waiver of any other part of such plan. The Company agrees that no structure of any kind now existing; on the premises shall be altered or any ;,ew structure erected upon the demised premises unless the plans therefor shall have been approved by the City 'tanager and the Director of the Building Inspection Department of the City, which approval shall not be unre.v;onably withheld. Composite Fxliibit "II" attached hereto describes the plans and specifications furnished in the Companv's proposal.. It is agreed that the improvements to the property, a,; described in paragraph 1, and to be made by the Company, will rerl,iire the expenditure of not legs than Two MiIlion [lot tars ($2,000,000.00). 'Chic sum does; not include the expenditure for improvements to the parking site as described in paragraph 11, said sum, which is not to be less than Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00), is to be in addition to the Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) improvements of this paragraph. The Company will submit copies of paid invoices corresponding; to improvements in accordance with para- graphs 15 and 19. DOCUMENTS 4 "SUPPORTIVE FOLLOW" The City agrees, within 90 days after the execution of this lease, to provide adequate water and sanitary sewage lines to the property line in accordance with normal City services. The Company shall have the responsibility of ensuring and providing; for adequate electrical power, gas, and telephone service to the property. The Company shall provide the required ornamental landscaping; and lighting, all in accordance with the redevelopment plan. The boardwalk, as proposed in the Company's proposal document (Composite Exhibit "B"), shall he constructed in accordance with the design standards set forth in the Dinner Key Recreation Center Exhibition hall Plaster plan and shall be constructed by the Company. The public shall have free and unobstructed use of the boardwalk as a passageway. Said boardwalk shall he completed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the proposed project. 7. nItPtITS The Company agrees to have final plans prepared which will comply with all pertinent provisions of the South Florida Building; Code and the ordinances, rules and regulations of Dade County and the City of Itiami. The Company agrees that no structure of any kind now existing on the premises shall he altered or a new structure erected upon the herein described premises unless the plans for said, construction have been approved by the City 'tanager and the Director of Building and Zoning Inspections Department of the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. As a condition to this Lease the Company shall obtain at its sole cost and expense all permits, approvals, and related documents from any and all Federal, State, and local governwents and agencies requiring; them for the con— struction, or construction of any new docking or upland Company facilities. The Company shall apply for and obtain all permits or approvals necessary to commence construction, dredging, and/or filling on the leased premises. B. CONSTRUCTION S1:(X1tI'1'Y Rl ND The Company shall, prior to the commencement of construction or the award— ing of any contract for construction on the premises by the Comp•tny or any agent of the company, furnish the City with it Construction fond in the amount of $750,000.00 naning; the City as the owner and the Company as the principal. The conditions of this bond shall he to ensure that the Company will: (1) promptly make payment to all claimants, its defined In Section 255.05 (1) Florida Statutes, supplying; the principal with labor, materials, or supplies, used directly or indirectly by the principal in the prosecution of the work provided for in the r Agreement; (2) pay the owner all losses, damages, expenses, costs, and attorney s DOCUMENTS SUPPORTIVE FOLLOW" U I fees, including appellate proceedings, that the owner sustains because of a default by the principal under the Agreement, and; (3) performs the guarantee of all works and materials furnished under the Agreement for the time specified in the Agreement. This bond may be terminated, with the written approval of the City Manager of the City, at such time as the proposed construction project is completed and fully operational and open to the public; and satisfactory evidence is provided by the Company to the City Manager that all requirements of the bond have been satisfacto ily concluded. The form of the bond shall be as approved by the City finance Department, Risk Managvinent Division, and shall be in conformity with the req irenents of Chapter 255, Florida Statutes. 9. 1.Ir,1SE5 The Company agrees to obtain and hay for all required licenses necessary for the proposed operation and conduct of his bus Mess, and agrees to comply i// with all laws governin;; the responsibility of an/employer with respect to persons empluyed by the Conpany. It will he the responsibility of the Company to obtain the necessary liquor licenses to p- it the sale of alcoholic beverages as permitted by this Agreement. Th� Company may sell all alcoholic beverages incidental to the restaurant but dilly beer and wine sales will he permitted from the refreshment stands and c%nvenience food store. All alcoholic beverages sold in accordance with the prov/isiuns of this Agreement shalI,he sold in accordance with applicable State Peverage Regulations. 10. TAXES During the terra hereof, the Compan covenants and agrees to ay all taxes of whatsoever nature lawfully levied or assessed against the demise premises and improver►ents, property, sales, ruts or operations thereon, including, but not limited to, ad valorem taxes{ Pavr►ent thereof shall commence with and shall include taxes assessed fo / the current year, if any there shall he. The Company furthor covenants ,►nd I;rees to pay all of the. said taxes, if any, lawfully assessed, on such dates �s they hecome due and payable. The failure of ti►e Company to pay the taxes ;is aforesaid shall constitute grounds for the immediate cancvllation of this Leta>;e Agreement by the City. 11. fARR I'.'c; \ The Company shall meet the lawful off-street parking requirements for the use of the leased property severally, or in conjunction with any other property it leases fur use fror.► the City. The City shall provide one or more sites for :;aid off-street parking. The Company will develop and construct the parking; on such sites at its expense and according; to the standard specifications "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS #1 ^l 1 ^&•4119 of the City. The expenses of providing; said parkin}; will require .ui expected expenditure of no less than Four Ilundred Thousand Dollars ($400.000.00) by the Company and the Company shall submit copies of said invoices pertaining; to im- provements in accordance with paragraph 15. All parking; so developed shall he used in common with the public but shall count for required off-street parking; of Company. (see Exhibit "C" attached hereto). The Company shall provide a tram service during; normal hours of operation from the parking sites to the subject property. The tram service shall be provided at the sole cost and expense of the Company, its agents or assigns. The Company shall indemnify the City in the operation of said tram service as provided in paragraph 23 and shall provide the City with adequate insurance coverage, which is usual and customary to cover an exposure of this type for the tram service, subject to the approval of the Department of Finance. Risk Management Division. 12. EAsl:'1P.:rr FOR WATER TAXI Olt TRAM s'rATION In the event the City decides to provide or grant a franchise to provide a tram or people mover system for the Dinner Key area. the Company agrees to permit the City to establish it station and roadway for access for said system on"the leased property so long as the same does not unreasonably interfere with the operation of the Company under this lease. Any costs in adjusting the site to accommodate said system shall be borne by the City or its franchisee as the case may be. Location of said facilities as described above are subject to approval by the Company which the Company shall not Unreasonably withhold. 13. CONSIDERATIO'g I. As consideration for the said leased premises throughout the period of this lease Agreement. the Company does hereby covenant and agree to pay the City a minimum annual guarantee of $86,144.00 dollars, a monthly proration thereof; or a percentage of gross receipts, which- ever is greater. This portion of the consideration shall he paid in monthly installments, on the first day of each month as follows: a. "SUPPORTIVE b. DOC;UNIENTS FOLLOW" Commencing the first .lay the facility is ninety percent (1107:;) occitpied (hatted on floor space) or ono year of for the project receives its certificate of occupancy. whichever first occurs. the company shall pay to the City .each month, and every month thereafter, one twelfth (1/12) the total minimum annual guarantee or; During the "start up period". herein defined as that period commencing; after the certificate of occupancy is issued I 0 lJ and terminating tw►I ve months thereafter or terminating the month the facility is ninety percent (90;) occupied, which— ever occurs first, the Company shall pay to the City each month a prorated percentage of monthly installments of the minimum annual guarantee equal to the percentage of occu— pancy, or; c. During the "development or construction period" herein de— fined as tl period commencing upon execution of this agree— ment and to ntnating on the day the certificate of occupancy is issued, the company shall only pay to the City the per— centages of gross receipts Herein after formulated and specific(]. � As an alternative formula for /ertllian eration in lieu of the monthly proration of the minimum annuaantee, if the computation of the 1 percentage of gross receipt. f, as hereinafter formulated or specified, is found to be gr a the monthly proration of the minimum annual guarantee on a v given mouth the Company shall pay the percentage of the gross receipts each month as follows: a. 8' of gross receipts w ere those gross receipts are less than One Million Dollar. per vicar. • h. 10; of said g oss receipt where those gross receipts are greater tha One Million 1) llars. II. In addition, as a seiarate portion an additional consideration due the City, not inclu ed in the hereinabo e percentages of gross re— ceipts formula, or,/the minimum guarantee, the Company shall also pay to the City on the first day of each,nxihth, throughout the term of this agreement the following: Two and a half cant~ ($0.025) per gallon of fuel sold by the Company or its Subtenant from the premises in the prior month, and l�i;'� of gross receipt~ which are collected by the Company from dockage rental and dry storage of boats at the leased premises in thr prior month. The trrm "gross sales" as used herein shall he considered synonymous and interchangeable with the term "gross receipts" and shall be construed to include all income, whether collected or accrued, from all business conducted on the premises by Comipanv, including but not limited to, the rental of space, the "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" sale of food and beverage, Foods and services, or from any s oorce whatsoever. but excluding; receipts from dockage and gas sales. Gross sales and/or gross receipts shall only include revenues and/or percentages of revenues collected or accrued by the Company, and 511a1l be com— puted on the basis of gross receipts by the Company only. (It shall not be computed on the basis of gross receipts of tenants, lessees, or sublessees of the Company (fuel sales excepted). 11owever, any sales taxes imposed by law which are separately stated to and and paid by the purchaser or user, and are directly payable to a taxing; authority by the Company, shall be excluded from gross receipts. Cross sales and/or gross receipts shall also include any revenues, whether accrued or collected, attributable to anv direct or indirect participation by the Company or any of its officers or principals in the business or enterprise of another entity, person or tenant of the property besides the Company per se, to the extent that such participation entitles Company, its officers or principals to receive remuneration; and further provided that such other business or enterprise is done on or "in connection with" the leased premises provided, however, that the term "in connection with" shall not include revenues which result merely from the physical adjacency of location or merely from joint promotional effort and advertising. The Company shall include. in every remittance to the City, of the monthly consideration as required, the applicable amount of State of Florida sales and use tax. The lessee covenants and agrees that goods and services offered and sold on the subject property by the Company, its tenants, lessee or sublessee, shall he regularly audited, during; normal business hours and in a manner in accordance with paragraph 16, by the City, and that the full amount of gross receipts attributable to the subject property shall not in any way be diverted to any other business or enterprise. 14. PEJUM`tAHCI: BONDS The Company shall post a performance bond in the amount of $10,000.00 with the City within thirty (30) consecutive calendar days after the execution of this Agreement. Said performance bond shall he issued by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Florida and shall be refundable at the termination of this Agreement if Al terms and conditions of this agreement have been satisfied. If the performance bond is on an annual coverage basis, certified evidence of renewal for each succeeding year Shall he submitted to the Department of Finance, Risk Management Division, thirty (30) days prior "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS to the termination date of the existing; perfornnance bond. 15. ACCOUNTING The Company shall report all "gross receipts" or sales as previously defined in paragraph 13 hereof, on or before the 25th day of each month beginning; at the completion of the first month after the execution of this lease. Each and every month thereafter, reports shall he made at the office of the Department of Finance of the City. or at such other place or places as may be designated hereafter by the City. The Company shall provide a statement in certificate form signed by a duly authorized officer of the Company. setting; forth in such detail as it might he necessary or considered necessary by the Director of Finance of the City to determine the gross sales per month per establishment in the property, as well as the total gross sales derived from the property. An additional detailed report of gross sales for the year in conjunctlon with the payment of the yearly rental fee shall be submitted at the end of the lease year. The Company shall submit quarterly reports commencing; within thirty (30) days after the first quarter of the Lease Agreement, and continuing during; the effective period thereof, and each and every quarter thereafter, identifying expenditures on the part of the Company for making improvements to the property, equiprient purchases and improvements and expenditures related to improving; the facility's amenities and services of the property. Such reports shall continue during; the term of this lease, in order to provide proper accounting; in accord— ance with paragraph 15 and 19 of this lease. 16. hUUKS, RMO RDS, ACMUNTS At1D STA'rFmr*;'r% The Company shall keep true, accurate, and complete books. records, and accounts of all sales, rentals, and business being; transacted upon the premises. Further, the Company shalt, upon demand, make available all hooks and records, leases, ag;reoinents, reports and financial statements In any way pertaining; to the demised property to authorized representatives of the Division of Internal Audit, or such other authorized representative as the City `tanager of the City shall designate at the demised property during, normal business hours. The Internal Auditing; Departmeut of the City shall he furnished any and all records of the Company necessary to make it full and complete audit of the hooks and operations of the facilities described in this Lease Agreement. In addition the Company will provide the City with copies of all sctle't tax records from anv and all business conducted on the premises. "SUPPORTIVE DOCU INn ENTS '" FOLLOW" r. 17. F\Ar1Ir;.yril1rI of 'rm-: PRI'?1ISF.S liy 'rm: 1:I'fy The Company agrees to permit the City, by its City `tanager's designated personnel, to enter upon the property at any time for any purpose the City Manager of the City deems necessary or incidental to or connected with the performance of City's duties and obligations hereunder or in the exercise of Its rights or functions. 18. DE FAU ur If the Company abandons or vacates the demised property prior to the ex- piration of the term hereof, or If the Company fails to make the rental payments as set forth herein and said payment is not made within thirty (30) days after written notice is given to the Company, or If the Company fails to perform in accordance with any of the other term; and conditions herein contained, and such default Is not cured within thirty (30) days after written notice is }riven to the Company, then the City may re-enter the property and terminate this lease in any manner then permitted or provided by law. At such time, all improvements erected on the premises sliAll revert to the City. In addition to the right to re-enter and terminate the lease, the City, in case of a breach in the payment of rent or in case of the breach of any other of the Company's obligations hereunder, shall have all other remedies, including but not limited to the right to operate the facility and collect rents directly from tenants or other remedies afforded by the laws of the State of Florida, including but not limited to, the right to sue for and collect rent, and to bring distress proceedings. Said remedies may be pursued con- currently or consecutively and the resort to one shall not be considered an election. 19. CI"ry's RIcirr To► CANCE.1. In the event the City requires the premises for different purposes prior to the expiration of the term of this lease, but only after the first ten years of the lease tern, the City may elect to terminate this lease provided that said termination shall not he effective until 360 calendar days after written notice is delivered to the lessee as provided in this lease. Said termination shall he subject to and conditioned upon the following; terms and conditions. Said notice shall specify the date on which this lease shall he so cancelled. The City shall pav to the lessee as and for full consideration "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" r 0 0 13 for at*) surA► {Agri!►>M�t�l+,'!1'l'�,+hNi ��.i'lfhcf �lditiitlkdNt514'i rtl'i4►c '�c�l `L�F`ion'A% following; :pt>KtAR and all furniture, fixtures, equipment, and improvements, a) litls:l9ttMtij'�4i�ita'�+�ii ; tAxftr�4til�Sf:oV2.t�jel, M�fd'�OtrtfNt"�3, includit►g; if any, or other financial obligations wit I c h Cqh a Q(11 tlt pjb 14* q g14i>i qq(J yt (I ri§?J4 : th kl iA )i rFfA ; giro rpHwti�Nr}' wd Of f inaneink; W1'I'ir ?lid►u thl'�riP�}itc '°It ►4"'!'lfh4>~6ltiJiF, ft�r 4�' :t�2'iLdz{ii�Pment or other p�gtitilutl��bQ;40t1'>jiie �ILciite�ft'tS R�FfH2`j�'�tj'ttrrytl?t}rJ'►St1R1;bf}'bfjfz'4Ryitecl in this le4h*in?,W1d kl)1 �I'Atr`I'lniNitici'trrliJfrc�+'c'c`R�i'���`tItivY�{}�r�i7,nt2�ftlt`�►et4'%?irht%vipany and to p 1aq*tokiA Q4►t ►'late i�ha(t' d ra'4gci�►�?�: 14 41 aR(�^ 4h "lti4�e ►�� i' +i l into the ndc,%ehiAeP Mtt%V; ts&l l 6fb(t1klifhcVfift- 1 otr'W&t%p%: ation Company re$IPugt4i�v%�-E4124 qi dvn&Jk1 tM4►1` p$yaWwydr,rt'1 Wt%iiw.�n ew%lfinme,ny from any chikk 9(tni**i*W1 011414114tr ."t of this lease by reason of its cancel lation. 20.Wjl'IGF) a City shall be named as an additional insured under the policies All the p1rti0% at the fol— lowing)addgts&Ciky shall be given at least thirty (30) days advance written CITY:notice ' notice of cance�hi4tCt�+Ftyo4f s.Jt,2-. +r)ft�g6W;6r any material modifications 11. 0. Box 33070E thereof. 'Miami, Florida 33133 %9MI'Alty.ktificates with the Finance Department, Monty Trainer, President Risk t•1anagemcnt2hfivi4RHki; $fy'thgt'iR�ii341 'Miami. Miami, Florida 33133 h) The insurance coverage required shall include those classifications The City or the Company may change such mailLng; addresses at any time as listed in standard liability insurance manuals which most nearly upon giving; the other party written notice. All notices -under this Lease reflect the operations of the Company. Agreement mitst he in writing; and shall he deemed to be served when delivered i) All insurance policies shall be issued by companies authorized to to the address of the addressee. do business under the laws of the State of Florida and must he rated 21. ATTORNEYS' FEES at least "A" as to management and Class "a" as to financial strength, In the event that it is deemed necessary for L"ither party to i e a all in accordance with A. Ft. BF,ST's KrY RATING GUIDE, latest edition. lawsuit in the appropriate court of law in order to enforce any of the terms j) The City reserves the right to amend the insurance requiremp tits ac— or provisions of this Lea!;c Agreement, then the prevailing party ,Italy he cording; to usual and customary standards in the Insurance Industry as entitled to rvasonable attorneys' fees. circumstances dictate In order to protect the interest of the City 22. INSURANCL in this Lease Agreement. The Company shall maintain during; the term kit this Agreement the following; k) The Company shall furnish certificates of insurance to the City prior insurance: to the commencement of operations, which certificates shall clearly a) Public Liahility, including; Product~ Liability, Insurance n the indicate the Company has obtained nsurance in the fyreac� Furst at, and anonnts of not less than $1,000,00 per occurrence o classifications as required for trLet compliance with Chis covenant bodily inj"ry and not less than V;0.000 per occurrence for property and shall he subject to the approval of the Department of Finance, damage. "SUPP Risk Management Division. ORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" F } # 1) The policy shall he endorsed as follows: "It is agreed that in the event of any claim or suit against the insured for damages covered by this policy, the insurance company will not deny liability by the use of a defense based on governmental immunity." 23. INDLOCI IFICMION The Company covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and save harmless the City from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, damages or causes of action arising during the term of this lease Agreement for any personal injury, by reason of or as a result of the Company's occupancy thereof, and from and against any orders, judgments or decrees, which may be entered thereon, and from and against all costs, attorneys' fees, expenses, and liabilities Incurred in and about tho defense of such claim and the investigation thereof; provided, however, that hefore the Company shall become liable for said cost, the Company shall he given notice in writing that the same are about to he incurred and shall have the option itself to make the necessary investigation A and employ counsel of the Company's own selection for the necessary defense of -any claims. The City may, at its option, retain its own counsel at its sole cost and expense in addition to the provisions hereinahove set forth. 24. UA'IA(:I: (11t L(15s T(1 C(1M['A`:Y's PROI'h:f:"IY The Company assumes all risk of damage of loss to the property for any cause whatsoever, which shall include, but not be restricted to, any damage or loss that may occur to merchandise, goods, equipment, or other property covered under the Lease Agreement, if lost, damaged or destroyed by fire, theft, rain, water or leaking of any pipes or waste water in or about said demised premises, or from hurricane or any act of God, or any act of negligence of any user of the facilities, or occupants of the demised premises, or any person whomsoever. 25. w:s,ri,,x riot., or I'RoPrY,'rY The Company agrees to keep al improvements on the property insure(I to the full insurable value+ thereof and shall provide to the City a standard fire insurance policy insuring against loss or destruction for all of the perils of fire, extended coverage and mA icious vandalism. In the event of loss or destruction due to any cause whatsoever, all insurance monies shall he payable to the City, to he held by it until the Company furnishes a bond to the City for construction or repair, as the cage may be, of like tenor and effect and under the same conditions as the bond hereinhefure required in the case at "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS l.� FOLLOW" r the initial redevelopment. Upon the furnishing of such bond, the City shall promptly pay to the Company all insurance proceeds. It is provided, however, that should the cost of repairs not exceed the sum of $25,000 then the City shall pay over to the Company, without the necessity of any bond, the amount of Insurance policies thereafter collected by the City. The Company shall furnish to the City duplicate originals of all insurance policies required under this Lease Agreement. The insurance policy required hereunder shall he approved by the City as to form, amount, and insurer or insurers, and shall provide that all proceeds shall he payable to the City as provided in the Lease Agreement. All construction and repairs shall be effected as promptly as circumstances permit. Plans for reconstruction or repairs shall he submitted to and approved by the City, and permits therefor and inspection fees shall be procured and paid I for by the Company. if within 130 days after any such destruction or damage, the Company fails to furnish said plans and bond to the City, then all insurance monies collected by the City shall he and become the property of the City and this Lease Agreement shall be cancelled and terminated automatically. Not— wtthstanding the other provisions in this paragraph 25, tenant shall have the right to elect not to restore the damaged leasehold to its predamaged condition, in which event this lease shall terminate and the Company shall receive 'only those proceeds of insurance paid as to those items which under paragraph 34, would belong to Company at the termination of the lease other than by default. 26. BUILDING `LIINTEN'ANCG The Company accepts the building and grounds in their present condition and without any warranty by tite City as to their condition. The Company, at its sole cost and expense, shall maintain the grounds and the interior and exterior of the buildings. The Company agrees to provide adequate janitorial services. The Company further agrees to maintain the huildings and premises in a condition of proper cleanliness, orclerlinegs, and state of attractive appearance at all times. If the buildings and premises are not kept reasonably clean and attrac— tive in appearance, the Company shall be so advised. Corrective action shall he taken by the Company within seven (7) days time. In the event ~itch action is not taken, the City shall have the right to make repairs or cause the premises to be cleaned and the Company shall then he required to reimburse thc! City within thirty (30) clays for said cost and charges. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS t s FOLLOW" 27. UTILITIES The Company shall pay for all utllities consumed on the premises as well as connection charges thereof and waste collection fees, if any. The Company further agrees to place all utilities required by its use of the leased property underground. 28. PURE F►)►)h Atli) SAN I' Aff LAWS The Company shall abide by all pure food and sanitary laws and the em- ployees involved In the handling or sale of any food or beverage shall all possess health certificates. All food and beverage sold shall he of the highest grade and quality standards as established by l:+w. 29 Cu:JFutttlil'Y 'ro TILE 1.1w The Company covenants to comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, and orders of Federal, State, County and Municipal authorities pertaining; to the property and operation thereon. 30. PLEf)CE OF LEASEHOLD I^r171:10:ST The Company may pledge this leasehold interest as security for a bona fide loan or industrial development bonds (tourist industry) provided the quality oL.the assignee or pledge is approved by the City Manager which approval may not he unreasonably withheld. This section shall under no circumstances be construed to require the City to participate in the financing or the progiosed redevelopment improvements. 31. ASSI►.'INEN'T AND SUBLET'ruIC,, OF PREMISt'S OR TRANSFER oF SToCh The Company shall not at any time during; the tom of this Lease Agreement assign this Lease Agreement or any portion or part thereof, except and by virtue of written authorization granted by the City Manager of the City. Said authorization shall not he unreasonably withheld. This clause shall not apply to sub -leasing space to tenants of the Company. The Company is a corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida, and agrees Lh:►t It will not transfer any stuck in the corporation or change ►a3nag;ers subsequent to entering, into this Agreement or during; the term of this Agreement i►nt it such transfer or change is approved by the City Manager of the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 32. 3INDINt'. ► N SUCCEISS(1RS The terns and provisions of the Lease Agreement shall, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 11 and 23, be binding; and inure to the belief it of the successors and :e;signs respectively of the City and the Company. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS 16 FOLLOW" s 33.yiyi'.NToity All fixtures, furnishings, furniture, and ecli►ipment, if any, in or upon the demised premises and their condition will he inventoried before occupancy by the Company. The Company will maintain fixtures, furnishings, furniture and equipment, if any, in good and operahle condition daring the term of this Agreement at its sole cost and expense, and that said property shall be deemed in its sole custody and care. In the event any of the aforementioned items are lost, stolen, or damaged, they shall he replaced or repaired at the cost and expense of the Company, ordinary wear and tear excepted, during the term of this Agreement. The Company may acquire any additional fixtures, furnishings, furniture, or equipment that the Company deems r,�cessary for the operation of the demised premises, at the Company's own expense, consistent with the purposes for which the property is leased. 34. OUNERSHIP OF I,ti'lt►iVE IF.Ni'5 All improvements, furnishings and equipment constructed or installed on the premises by the Company shall be personal property and Company shall have legal title thereto during the term of this Lease. Upon the expiration or tdrmination of this Lease, title to all permanent improvements constructed on the premises shall vest in the City. Title to all supplies, furnishings, inventories, removable fixtures and removable equipment and other personal property shall remain vested with the Company and the Company shall have the right to remove such items from the premises unless the -Company is in default hereunder. 35. I;XI'Ilt- TIUN At the expiration of the term of this Lease Agreement or at its prior termination, all permanent improvements placed on the property by the Company shall be and become the property of the City and the Company shall quietly and peaceably deliver the same to the City. 36. ENTIRE ACREEMENr A waiver of the breach of any of the covenants of this Lease Agreement shall not he construed to he a waiver of any other covenant or any succeeding breach. 'fhe provisions of this Lease Agreement contain the entire understanding of the parties; hereto concerning the subject matter hereof. No modifications, release, discharge or waiver of any of the provisions hereof shall he of any force and effect unless, signed in writing by the City `tanager of the Citv. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLnW" 37. CAPT WNS The captions contained in this Lease Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way define, limit or prescribe the scope of this Lease Agreement or the intent of any provisions thereof. IN WITNESS WEKF.OF, the parties herein have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. ATTEST: CITY CLERK SLCRE[ARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORREC]"NEISS: GEORGE F. KNOX, JR. , CITY ATTOWNI: CITY OF MIAFII, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation By CITY MANAGER RAYSIME PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation Rv PRESLm trr (SI•:AL) "SUPPORTIVE D0CU'Mii EN T S FOLLOW" r r Df:sCRinmi OF PRE.Mtsy% — i-X mire A The "CITY" does hereby lease to the "COMPANY" for the purposes and under the conditions hereinafter set forth, the following; described property known, and designated as: Lots 20, 21, 22 and 23 (legs the southwesterly 25 feet Of said Lot 23) Block 43, of SAMUEL RHODES PLA'r OF NI?W BISCAYNE, according; to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Hook B of Page 16, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Also included in this lease are the following; described flay Bottom lands in Biscayne Bay, Dade County, Florida, to —wit: Commence at the northerly corner of Lot 20, Block 43, of the Amended Plat of ;NEW KISCAYNE as recorded in Plat Book B, at Page 16, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; -- thence run south 40° 23' 32" east along the northeasterly line of said Lot 20 and its Southeasterly prolongation _. thereof for a distance of 691.46 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with the Dade County Bulkhead Line (U.S. Harbor Line) as recorded in Plat Book 74, at Page 35, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, said point being; the Point of Be ;inning; of the hereinafter described • parcel of submerged land; thence continued south 40° 23' 32" east along; the southeasterly prolongation of the northeast— erly line of said Lot 20 for a distance of 270.00 feet to a point; thence run south 49° 33' 29" west for a distance of 167.00 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with the southeasterly prolongation of the southwesterly line of the northeasterly 1/2 of Lot 23, Block 43, of said Amended Plat of New Biscayne; thence run north 40° 23' 32" west along the southeasterly prolongation of the southwesterly line of the northeasterly 1/2 of said Lot 23 for a distance of 183.78 feet, more or less, to a point of intersection with said Dade County Bulkhead Line; thence run north 21° 41' 51" east along; said Dade County Bulkhead line- (U.S. Harbor Line) for a distance of 184.49 feet, more or less, to U.S. Harbor Line Point No. 74; thence run north 40' 33' 29" east along said g)ade County fulkhead Line for a distance of 3.97 feet, more or loss, to the Point of Beginning; said parcel contains 0.6738 acres, more or less. A location map of the area to be leased by tho "CITY" to the "COMPA`:Y" is attached hereto and made a Part hereof as Exhibit "A-111. "SUPPORTIVE DCCU^v11ENTS F0 L LOW" The court order left part of the property in limbo. Resolution 74-663 authorized the City Manager to negotiate a Lease, with Underwood Marine for the balance of,the docking facilities not included in the court ordered occupancy. This lease agreement, as later executed, expanded the premises occupied by Underwood to include all the docking facilities. The consideration due the City for this additional use was established at $2,000.00 per month. The term was to expire January 30, 1975. The Underwood Marine tenancy terminated as this company reportedly went bankrupt and vacated the premises on or about March 15, 1975. Om August 11, 1975, a two month lease was executed with "Ship's Store" a former tenant of Underwood Marine, this lease contemplated a tenancy at will on a month to month basis after the original term, July 1, 1975 to August 30, 1975. Payment to the City was established at $2,633.20 per month ($4.80/sq. ft.) subject to cancellation in 30 days. This tenancy terminated on June 1st 1977, as this tenant moved and became a sublessee of Grove Key Marina. On February 10, 1976, the City Commission in their Notion No. 76-187 authorized the City Manager to advertise for proposals for the develop- ment of this property. The resulting response in the form of proposals and bids was received April 23, 1976. A total of eight bids were received. On July 1, 1976, the City Commission in motion No. 76-660 requested the City Manager to negotiate with Bayshore properties, Inc., for development of Coconut Grove Marina properties located at 2550 South Bayshore Drive and submit recomendations to the City Commission for its consideration. Resolution 76-749 passed and adopted July 22, 1976, authorized the City Manager to commence negotiations with Bayshore Properties, Inc., for the lease and redevelopment of this property. On November 21, 1977, the City Manager assigned the responsibility for the operation of this property to various departments in reference to the use and utilization of the entire facility, at this point totally under City control. , On April 26, 1978, a status report by George F. Knox relates the City position as to its defense in the suit brought against the City by Coconut Grove Marine Properties., and recommends the property to be kept in limbo pending court action in case No 541667 District Court of appeals. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLL0W? If 80-F;f35 On June 21, 1979, the Supreme Court of Florida denied Coconut Grove Marine Properties petition. In their order handed down on this date no motion for rehearing is indicated. In the opinion of the City Attorney dated June 28, 1979, no further litigation is expected. Currently Negotiations have been in progress between City Staff and the attorney representing Bayshore Properties, Inc. The 1976, lease document as proposed by Bayshore Properties did not reflect in its entirety what was discussed by the City Commission during its July 1976 meetings. Presently the proposed agreement is being revised to reflect what the" City Commission requested as to the terms of the proposal. February ,11, 1980