HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0584a� RESOLUTION NO. 8 0- 5 8 4 A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACTS FOR PROFES- SIONAL SERVICES TO CONDUCT APPRAISALS OF THE COCONUT GROVE MARINA (KELLY PROPERTY), IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PROPOSED LEASE OF CITY WATERFRONT PROPERTY BY BAYSHORE PROPERTIES, INC., TO THE FOLLOWING MAI APPRAISERS: (a) F. ROBERT QUINLIVAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,000 AND (b) NORMAN KURFERST IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,800 WITH FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,850 ALLOCATED THEREFOR FROM MARINA IMPROVEMENT FUNDS. WHEREAS, the Waterfront Charter Amendment No. 2 requires that 2 independent appraisals be made on City Waterfront Property in order to establish a fair return to the City from any proposed lease; and WHEREAS, the City Commission by Resolution No. 76-749 authorized the City Manager to commence negotiations with Bayshore Properties, Inc., for the lease and the redevelop- ment of the property commonly known as the Coconut Grove Marina; and WHEREAS, the negotiations have produced a proposed lease for the subject property; and WHEREAS, the City Administration has solicited proposals for the appraisal of the subject Waterfront Property subject to the terms of the proposed lease; and WHEREAS, F. Robert Quinlivan and Norman Kurferst, MAI appraisers, responded to and quoted the lowest proposals for professional services for the appraisal of the Coconut Grove Marina property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Contracts for Professional Services to conduct appraisals of the Coconut Grove Marina (Kelly Property) in conjunction with the proposed lease of City Waterfront Property by Bayshore Properties, Inc. are hereby awarded to the following MAI appraisers in the following amounts: "DOCUMENT INDEX ITEM NO Z4 " SUPPORTIVE DOCU NI ENTS F01_LOWIF CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JUL2 4 1980 Rnou noel No.... 8.0 — 5 ............ �.........._. V r (a) F. Robert Quinlivan in the amount of $3,000; (b) Norman Kurferst in the amount of $4,850; with funds hereby allocated therefor in the amount of $7,850. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24 day of July, 1980. MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R EST: C-> �' o RALPH G. ONGIE ITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: JOtIN J.. C©PELAN, JR. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: GEORCj F. KNOXrj- CITY TTORNEY -2- "SUPPORTIVE DOCUki NTS FOLLOW 80-584 v 0*4 Joseph R. Grassie July 10, 1980 City Manager Appraisal Assignment for the Proposed j Lease Agreement with Bayshore Properties, Inc. on City Waterfront � James E. qu"nderson', ., Director Property Finance Department It is recommended that the MAI Appraisal , firms of F. Robert Ouinlivan and Norman Kurferst which quoted the lowest bids be awarded the contract for appraisal _. services in conjunction with the proposed lease of City Waterfront Property by Bayshore Properties, Inc. In accordance with the Waterfront Charter Amendments, request for proposals for the appraisal of the Coconut Grove Marina (Kelly Property) subject to the terms and conditions of the proposed lease with Bayshore Properties, Inc., have been made. The appraisers were specifically asked to determine if the City is receiving a fair rate of return under the terms and conditions of the proposed lease agreement. The following firms responded to the solicitation for proposals: MAI APPRAISERS FEE QUOTED TIME TO COMPLETE F. Robert Quinlivan $3,000.00 30 days Norman Kurferst 4,850.00 30 days Slack, Slack, & Roe, Inc 5,000.00 30 days Earle A. Giddens & Associates, Inc. 9,750.00 60 days Other MAI appraisal firms responding to the solicitation, but unavailable to carry out the assignment were: Carlton W. Coe, Inc. S. Z. Bennett Appraisal Company Landauer Associates, Inc. Ralph I. Lipshaw Copies of the proposals by the respondents, as submitted, are attached for your review. JEG:WHH:bf Attachments: "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 84- 584 N 11 / ^ ^ �• AMRRICAN INSTITUTE 0/ REAL . ATE APPRAIS[Rf r1O fY OF REAL RSTATR APPRAISERS � M[MBIMCORAL OABLES BOARRf O► REALTORS MRMBEA.FLORIOA ASSOCIATION OF, RRALTORS F. ROBERT QUINLIVAN, M.A.I., S.R.A. J. MARK QUINLIVAN, M.A.I., S.R.P.A. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS f CONSULTANTS 110E PONCE OR LEON BOULEVARD CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA 311134 TRLEPNONt 444.169E June 30, 1980 Mr. James E. Gunderson Director of Finance, City of Miami 65 S. W. 1 Street 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Re: 2546-2558 South Bayshore Drive a/k/a The Underwood Marine Property Dear Mr. Gunderson: This is written in reply to your letter of June 26, 1980, related to the above (copy of your letter attached). 1. Work would be initiated upon receipt of your approval to proceed. The time to complete would be thirty days. 2. Ten (10) copies would be furnished. 3. Will determine if the City is receiving a fair rate of return under the terms and conditions of furnished lease. 4. Signed Certificate of Appraisal will be furnished. 5. Court testimony given if called upon 6. Total Fee - $3,000.00 FRQ:jt Respectfully submitted, F. Robert Quinlivan, M.A.I. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF REAL . ATE APPRAISERS SO TV OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS MEMBER -CORAL GABLES BOARD 01 REALTORS MEMBER.%LORIOA ASSOCIATION OF 01CALTORB F. ROBERT QUINLIVAN, M.A.I., S.R.A. J. MARK QUINLIVAN, M.A.I., S.R.P.A. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS S CONSULTANTS 1102 PONCE DE LEON SOULEVARD CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA 23124 TELEPHONE 444.149E June 30, 1980 s Mr. James E. Gunderson Director of Finance, City of Miami 65 S. W. 1 Street 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Re: 2546-2558 South Bayshore Drive a/k/a The Underwood Marine Property Dear Mr. Gunderson: This is written in reply to your letter of June 26, 1980, related to the above (copy of your letter attached). 1. Work would be initiated upon receipt of your approval to proceed. The time to complete would be thirty days. 2. Ten (10) copies would be furnished. 3. Will determine if the City is receiving a fair rate of return under the terms and conditions of furnished lease. 4. Signed Certificate of Appraisal will be furnished. 5. Court testimony given if called upon 6. Total Fee - $3,000.00 FRQ:jt Respectfully submitted, F. Robert Quinlivan, M.A.I. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" Slack, Slack & Joe, Ac. I620 W. FLAGLER •TR[LT - MIAMI. FLORIDA UIM MIAMI PHONE 64"447 •ROWAND PHONE 7{111.00» Juty let, 1980 City of Miami Finance Department 65 S.W. 1 s t Street 3rd FZoor Miami, FZorida 33130 Re: 254E - 2558 South Bayehore Drive a/k/a The Underwood Marine Property Attention Lease Manager Gentlemen: In answer to your invitation to submit a proposal for the Vnderw ood Marine Property at 2546- 2558 South Ba;shore Drive, this is to state that I feel that I can complete this assignment for a fee of v6,0,90.00. I would require 30 days from receipt of auth-ri2ation to proceed. AA►".G., Yours verzi tru Zu, THECDORF 4'. SLAB: n, KAI, ASA "SUPPORTIVE DOCU NI ENTS FOLLOW" * s i A i 4 o P a emvwo .rwl x4oa w. NORMAN KURFERST, M.A.I. PRESIDENT THR KURFERST COMPANY REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS =I PONCE DE LEAN BOULEVARD IWE iM CORAL CABLES. FLORIDA ))1f1 PHONE 13" MIL7367 July 3. 1980 Lease Manager City of Miami 65 SW Ist Street, 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Fee Proposal: 2546-2558 South Bayshore Drive a/k/a The Underwood Marine Property Fee for Appraisal Services as described in your letter of June 26, 1980, copy attached, is $4,850., with delivery in 30 days from time of acceptance. Respectfully submitted: .I Norman Kurferst, M.A.I. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 80-584 BE EARLE A. GIDDENS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. REAL tSTATt APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS REGISTERED REAL [STATE OIROKER MCMetR SoatT. or REAL CS TATC AP►RAOSCOS AMt RICAT1 INSTITUTt 01 RCAL CSIATt A►►RAytR! MIAMI SOARO Of RtALTOAi July 1, 1980 James E. Gunderson, Director of Finance City of Miami Finance Department Treasury Management Division 65 South West First Street, Third Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Attention: Property Manager Re: 2546-2558 South Bayshore Drive aka The Underwood Marine Property Dear Sir: SUIT( $IT 0045 NONTMWtST 36TM STKttT MIAM1, ILORIDA 33166 (305) 591.9316 As requested in your letter of June 26, regarding an appraisal on the above captioned property.; I am available to complete this appraisal and furnish you with ten copies sixty days from receipt of authorization to proceed. I will also furnish a signed Certificate of Appraisal, and be prepared to give expert testimony on the appraisal if necessary. My fee for this assignment would be $9,750. Thank you for your consideration. EAG/dd Very truly yours, Ea le A. Giddens, SREA, MAI If "SUPPORTIVE DOGU IV1ENTS FOLLOW" r CARLTON W, COLL, M A 1 DAviD N BLOUNT. SIR. ANDREA LYNCR COLE CARLTON W. COLE, INC. APPRAISERS AND COUNSELORS July 3, 1980 Lease Manager Finance Department Treasury Management Division City of Miami 65 S. W. 1st Street, 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Re: 2546 - 2558 South Bayshore Drive a/k/a/ The Underwood Marine Property Dear Sir: 900 PALERMO AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 00104 TELEPHONE (008( 4b-9581 This is in response to a letter from James E. Gunderson, dated June 25. 1980 regarding the above -captioned property. I regret that we are unable at this time to commit ourselves to complete the described report within what I think you would consider a reasonable length of time. Thank you for your inquiry. We look forward to being able to provide you with appraisal services in the future. With best regards, I am Yours sincerely, CARLTON W. COLE, INC. C"r, �j- &,,,- By: Carlton W. Cole, M.A.I. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 80-584 S. Z. BENNETT APPRAISAL COMPANY REAL ESTATE CONS17LTANTS AND APPRAISERS s. Z. Hsttttsrt 1ts"n• 0407 AINfltr WILDING •«twieAN IMsnrurt OF *CA♦ tNArt APPwAHtwf A«tw1CAN socitr• or REAL csrArc teuNSCLONS HIAMI, FLORLDA 13931:32 SAMtwitiN soc,ii"oi "ReAlsens 1Nsnrurc or *CAL tsrArt «ANAoc«tN♦ rtltJr.ON[ 371.1uf soatr. Or INDUSTRIAL •tAUORS REALTOR _ June 30th 1 9 8 0 Lease Manager Finance Department Treasury Management Division 65 S. W. 1st Street, 3rd floor Miami, Florida 33130 Dear Sir: Re: 2546-2558 South Bayshore Drive a/k/a The Underwood Marine Property . Thank you for your letter of June 26, 1980 relative to submitting a proposal for the appraisal of the above described property. Due to our schedule of commitments, this office will be unable to undertake any new assignments for the next several months. Very truly yours, S. Z. BENNETT APPRAISAL COMPANY SZB:ep M.A.I.,C.R.E. Pres. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" U 4.. Landauer Landauer Associates Inc. Real Estate Consultants Lic. Real Estate Broker City of Miami Finance Department Treasury Management Division 65 S. W. 1st Street 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130 Attention: Lease Manager Re: The Underwood Marine Property Dear Sir: FORUM III, Smote 200 1675 Palm Beach Lakes BoulMrd West Palm Bach, Florida 33401 1305) 6994111 July 1, 1980 We have received your letter of June 26, 1980, and appreciate the invitation to submit a proposal for an appraisal of the captioned property. Unfortunately, our current schedule would not permit undertak- ing this additional engagement in a timely manner. We, there- fore, respectfully decline your invitation. We are very grateful for your consideration, and look forward to the opportunity of submitting proposals to the City on future assignments of this type. Thank you. FBM:nhI Sincerely, LANDAUER ASSOCIATES, INC. rank B. McBrearity, r "SUPPOPTI '''E DOCUMEN I S FOLLOW„ L r zm 3"R14W Rrul PrnPRrh APPrarjrr 1' REALTOR Member American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers (MAI) No.4006 Society of Real Estate Appraisers (SRPA) American Society of Appraisers (ASA) Real Estate Securities and Syndication Institute National Association of Realtors Ralph L Upshow Reahor-Appraiser 9095 S.W.87th Avenue Suite 503 Miami, Florida 33176 (305)595-0234 • ew Address. RALPH I. LIPSHAW 10661 N. KENDALL WITE 102 (3051595.0234 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33176 July 3, 1980 City of Miami Finance Department Treasury Management Division 65 SW 1st Street 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Attention: Lease Manager Re: 2546 - 2558 South Bayshore Drive a/k/a The Underwood Marine Property Gentlemen: I wish to thank you in all sincerity for considering us to submit proposals on the above project. However, at the present time our work load precludes our being available to complete this assignment in a timely fashion. I regret not being able to comply at the present time but it would be greatly appreciated if we were to be kept on your list of available appraisers and allow us to estimate fees on future projects. Thank you. Sincerely, iaz Ralph• Lipshaw MAI, PA, ASA, RIL/jc IM