HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0581RESOLUTIO14 110. 8 0- J 8 1 A RESOLUTIO14 ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK PERFORMED BY B & G ELECTRIC, INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $91,821.04 FOR COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA DECORATIVE: PEDESTRIAI-SCALE STREET LIGHTING PROJECT IIJ COCOIIUT GROVE 311STNESS AREA DECORATIVE PEDESTRIAN -SCALE LIGIi`I'ING PROJECT AREA B-6177; AND AUTHORIZIIIG A FINAL PAY:IEI1T 9F $9,182.10 WHE'HEAS, there xists a contract dated October 13, 1978.between the City of :liami rind B Ft i`l,`ctric, Inc.; and GJiiEREAS, t h-_� work h.as been sat is factor 11 y com- r-l.cted, a!i,l P, Electric, lric. has furn1.sh(,1 the required docum��<<t:> ct,rtlfyin;; tiirit; all bills for labor an_l materials iiave beet ald in ''ull III ::o:inection with the aforeaaid contract; anA :1 iFRi:AS, tileCity ;QanaE*,cr rind tine D�,partment of :'ablic '�;orl._; r<�comm��nd that th- comploted work bo accented r3nvi final payment; made to tie contractor; :1OW, T'HRE'r')RE:, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COM:MISSION _FLIO1,' CI: �i, RDA:. O:IIIi S� ct ion 1. ' ne completed work performed by �s Ft i.l�:�ctric, Inc. for COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA DE;C'JRATiV"i: Pi?D�::�LRIf",;J-SCALE STREET LIIHTING PROJECT in BUSI'1E:SS ARi'A DECORATIVE, PEDESTRIAN -SCALE LI-1i71I;1, PRuJE:C'I AREA B-6177 at a cost of is hereby approved. :)ectlon :'. The nr:)l,(,r officials of the City of :11-iml are il,,reby authorized to pay $9,18:).10 as full and fltvil r,aymt�rit for all work performed and all materials f iinish�l iti corinc>ction 141th COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA �:. � r ;.. r. n i •r'ri m t LI'.li _Il1i] PH iCn ARi':ll PEDESTRIAN -SCALE Ai',i:A B- ,177. itSUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" "DOCUMENT INDEX ITEM N0. Z I " CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JUL3 4 1980 RESDUffM NO. HUM_ 00 OW* - PASSED A14D ADOPTED this 24 day of July , 1980. Maurice N. Ferre '4 A Y 0 R A`I' i EST : PREPARED AND APPROVE'l) BY: ROBER`i' F,'. ASSISTAN"' r7 1'1''Y E'kT'-)RIIEY APPROVTIED A"', FORi, ARE�E'.CT,Ji;::' i ,EORO F Y.;dC)X, JR. Ii N U�� F D-TI TS FOLLOW" 80-581 FINAL CONSTRUCTION FACT SHEET JOR *'AI•IE Coconut Grove Business Arn3 Decorative Pedestrian - Scale Street Lightin:7 Project B-6177 CONTRACTOR B & G Electric, Inc. JOB SCODF Construct pedestrian scale street 11rht1n,- system includ.inr poles and luminaires with underground .ririnr located cn r'ain H1-1f-h;•!ay bet;•.een McFarlane Road and Franl•,lin Avenue, Grand Avenue between Peary and "7cDonald Streets, Commodore Plaza between Grand Avenue a.nd Pain Highway, and Fuller Street between Grand Avenue and 'lain HiFhway. . REASON FOR .-MRF In conjunction w'_th l:igh.:ay imnrover"ent S^T'RCE OF FU"DS Hirh.tay General Obligation Bond Fund PROJECT Pids Received: 7/26/78 HISTORY Contract A;•:arded: 9/28/78 "reconstruction '•"eet in^•: 10/25/70 CONTRACT T I'-7E STARTED CONTRACT TI"E SCHEDTJLFD C01^PLFTIO" DATE ACTUAL C0''PLETI0N BID Ar"Otr^'T CONTPACT FI"AL C`= CC'FnE..,., TT7'6 FOR rr!rcTD7RA71 12/29/78 159 Workin.f; days nlu:' 7 d-,✓s �Irry from rain, 28 days aelay from utility companies relocation work and 30 days delay in receiving^ materials T days tcta.l In 10/2r/70 9 "l tr, accort comnleted irid authorize in�l nr y ^• r,t to ti;c contractor. tpOORTIVE tt C DOCliMENTS 80-581 z Joseph R. Grassie City Manager Donald W. Cather Director of P is Works 1 June 25, 1980 B-6177 COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA DECORATIVE PEDESTRIAN -SCALE STREET LIGHTING PROJECT - Resolution for Final Payment (For Commission ;Meeting of July 10, 1980) The Department of Public ':lorks recommen,is the adoption of the resolt.htion accepting, the completed wort and authorizing a final payment of $9,182''.19 to B & G Electric, Inc. for COCONUT GR)':'E L'rJSI'.:?? "' AREA DECORATIVE Pi:D:-.S'_:<.IA':- Cr.L:. O"'R :E.' LIGH'"ING PROJECT in C'J"O:;I;': iP.�`�':: :3U;JI:.. ,S AREA DE:CORATIV`. PEDES'ZKAN-SCAL:. STREET LI iiTIi;r, PROJECT AREA 8-6177. B & 3 Electric, Inc. has completed the project consistinf; of con3truction of pede3trian-scale street system, irlcludin,; r,o:es and lumi:haires with underj;roiind airini^, u1 , �I, F K r locate.: i �h:h :•:aEn �h•::;�,, b� �;:E.t :sic ogle Ze oad .an:i F anl:lin Avenue, Grand Aveirw bet-.•Jeen i•'Ia.r;j ar17 .'1cDonal J treet , Commrr.i. r _ Plaza bot.r�en Grano Aven,he and :Main Hii,h%%-iy, and Fuiior : tr.'!'t bet;reen grand Avenue and '.1ain ii�7i-iway. The orii,i.nZ1 contract amount was for a97,�73.35, but the completed amount; is $-)1,321.04, and it was completed on time. At t"v� la,r, Commission me-Trin: of June 26, 1930 Resolution No S0-469 na aed, dir ct1n,-) the City Cleri; to publi3rl a ?:")tier' of Y'.1bl Ic ilt':1'.'i:1f: 'on CO'C'11UT GROVIE' K:i-NE' AR-1 ST??EEIl LI(,1H'ltl.1•:, YRO..!.�C'i ��� in D-1COR'A'PIVE It i:' Iic'a III tl10 a"ter al: conditions are %"' J J RESOLUTION 110 . 8 O- 5 8 2 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK PERF'ORME'D BY �,IANNETTI BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION AT A TOTAL COST OF $6499633.3' FOR THE SOUTH BAY SAIIITARY SEVIER IMPROVE,- ML-.;NT III THE, SOiI'111 BAY SANITARY SEWER 1-14PROVEI41.I:T DISTRIC'i' (CENTERLINE >F'�1hR) ; AI1C� AtITH�.�RI �; II1 A FETAL PAYI•IE"NT WHEREAS there exl.J., a cant matt anted June 11, betw-ert th- : !' :1 i aim i !arid .11annett I Brothers Cnr•norat1.oil; and th,, work hal:; beets st.ttisfactorily comr,l�,t��a, and Giannetti 13r(t'ners Constr;.action Cc�rP�oration narri'yin�- that al l bill: for 1,ibor a:td matevlal:, !rave, hr,,.tt 1)111A in full in r�nncti�n ':.it.1t the- contract; arul Ri'A:', th< C'it:; :1ana er rand the r1c r,artment of r0,1'Ommt,nd th il. th, work be -icooptei -end f it�•:� i n•�;�r7�_�nt: r�a�i�� to t!lc� c��,�tractc�r, IT HE'SOLVED BY `.HE C0I-II1ISSION '�t� `iII1. 0I:'Y �=;F MIA;•�1, F'L��RII��",: :'ect;ior� 1. ihE' '.mrleted work p-rforined b,y ,iann�: t,t i 13rot.hcr:C�>n:.t:ructsort t'­rpOrrttion f Or SOUTH BAY SAIIITARY SEWER I:'IT,RJV:":,171"';:' DRIC_ :,:;->454_C (ceIitc,rline sew(?r) at a a.' $f,.'Iq,�"??. ;^ i:, htrreb,y anrove d. ectlotl _'}te I>ro��er officials of the City of :Ii ir;:i tr , '<< r b;J ri ith ri .eel to vay $68 164.02 as full and t'i:iril 1;,'C1crtlt for ail l w,)rk performed and all materials !'ar �iI.�1�,, 1 its cotlncrction With `'OUTH 13AY SANITARY SEWER 'E;aER II.IPROVE1.1ENT "DOCUMENT INDEX ITI^AA tin ?? ,. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JUL"' •1 i980 �aunoH Mo. 8 5 2 00, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24 day of July , 1980. MAURICE A. FERRE '4 A Y 0 R ATTEST: RALPrl G. ON(,I., !CITY` CT,J-ZK, PHEPAi;ED AND APPROVED BY: .0. 1 ROBI�.RT I� . CLARh: ASSI: `I'AN'�" C17Y AT"01C11 Y -j CITY ANT) "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS - - FOLLOW" 80-582 FINAL CONSTRUCTION FACT SHEET FOR THE CITY VAIAGER JOB NAi11E South Bay Sanitary Sewer Tmprovement SR-5454-C (Centerline) CONTRACTOR Giannetti Bros. Co. JOB SCOPE Construct a nerr sanitary searer system including 8" thru 16" pipe, 6" house laterals together with all necessary appurtenance; located in an area bounded by S. td. 27 Street, South Dixie Hwy., S. W. 27 Avenue and S. W. 32 Avenue. REASO?? FOR WORK Provide sanitary sewers to unsewered area. SOURCE OF FUNDS Sanitary Sewer G. 0. Bond Fund PROJECT Bids Received: 4/19/79 HISTORY Contract .warded: 5/22/79 Precon,truction Yeet1n7: 7/2/79 CONTRACT TIME STARTED 8/27/79 ITNTPACT I;°E 180 :dorkinr; days SCHEDULED C07PLETION DATE 5/111/80 ACTUAL COI.7PLETION DATE Si12/50 BID A1,70111IT CO;;TRACT FINAL COST CURRENT ITEM FOR R solu`;i on to ,accept completed :-cork ,and authorise C0'!STDERATTn1; final payment to the contractor. "SUPPORTIVE "SUPPO DOCUMENTS Fp � 5 8 �'wr► 8 r f 3 Joseph R. Grassie City Manarer Donald W. Cather Director of P Iis Works June `24) 1980 B-5454 SOUTH BAY SA14ITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5454-C - Resolution for Final Payment (For Commission Meeting of July 10, 1980) The Devartment of Public `;forks recommends the adoption of the resolution accenting the completed work and authorizing a final payment of $68,164.02 to Giannetti Brothers Construction Corporation for SOUTH BAY S%:1ITA:?Y SE,IER IMPROVIE:."ENT in the SOUTH BAY SA:f ­'"ARY SEWER II.IPROVEI.IENT DISTRICT SR-5u5'a-C (conterline sewer). Gi•innetti Brothers Construction Corperation has oomileted the pro,je::t consisting* of con:3truction of a new sanitary �e:v• r , includingr constr•.zction of 81' threuc,"n 1':" pip-9 r," hour later•ils, tor-*,etii-?r 41th all ne,essgry loc�ited in -in area bouride(l by S. :f. 27 St:rF'ei,, South Dixie 111fr111'iay, 'ind S. W. 27-32 A'✓t'1111' i• Th_• orii-inal contr�lct amount was for $733,31�.00, but, the ci,r.,, l t•r1 'ImO int is f,14'�,6.}3.3?_, and it was completel on At t,:;C' 13:it C0:7mi iOli het'. t in1T. of Ju:je �� , 1, 'i Rt' ;O1!1t iOtl :Io ;',i1-g70the City Clerk `o a o :' on SG"71. BAY SA:1I`. ?iY SE'.,7ER 1:...•�'....... n h. 0111I? BAY SA,.'ARY 'r11:R I;?PROA�1?1:_.:: IL i:, :r i:� ��1'�i�._ t'or t,'1• _�r.;rli: sio:z to acce,'t, the _n)mnloted :it, art,-r all coy ,i Me*,.