HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0561RESOLUTION NO. 8 0- 5 6 1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI WITH AMERICAN DESIGN A DEVELOPMENT CORP. - SOUTHEAST (D/B/A BRICKELL PLACE) FOR THE LEASE OF CERTAIN BAY BOTTOM LANDS FOR A PERIOD OF SIX (6) YEARS, WITH TWO 10-YEAR OPTIONS, UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS CONTAINED IN THE. ATTACHED AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, Section 3 (f) of the Charter of the City of Miami gives the City power to acquire and dispose of property, "real or personal or any estate or interest therein"; and WHEREAS, the City in years past has acquired legal title to certain bottom land of Biscayne Bay; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the public interest will best be served by private development of the said bottom land through leasing the same to private developers for the construction of a private marina thereon serving the tenants and dwellers of adjoining buildings; and WHEREAS, the City's lease of the desired land to the developers would not require the issuance of bonds nor the exercise of its power of eminent domain nor any additional acquisition of land by purchase or otherwise; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the said bottom land is not currently needed for municipal use and will not be needed in the foreseeable future; and WHEREAS, the highest and best use of said land is found to be its utilization as a private marina hereunder; and WHEREAS, through the execution of the attached lease agreement the City will retain title should there be any future munici al n� d fora d land; and "DU�Di;it�I�rT li`��t}, ITEM N0.1 " WHEREAS, the rental proceeds from the lease agreement will be used for the public purpose of providing services to City inhabitants thereby contributing to the general welfare of said inhabitants by indirectly affording some tax relief due to the City's receipt of the rental income from said lease; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a lease agreement on behalf of the City of Miami with American Design & Development Corp.— Southeast (d/b/a Brickell Place) for the lease of certai.n_... ____ "SUPPORTIVE CITY COMMISSION DOCUMENTS MEETING OF it 10-67� Ty r- bay bottom lands for a period of six (6) years with two 10-year options, under the terms and Conditions as Contained in the attached agreement. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24 day of July 01980. ATT T: _ O —C ITY L K PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: STANT Y ATTORNEY APP,R nD AS TD. O M AND CORRECTNESS: GEORG KNOX, R. CITY ATTORNEY MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR 0SWPORTIVE DOCUMENTS Page 2 FOLLOW 80-561 Joseph R. Grassie City Manager I � James E. Gunderson, Director Finance Department July 11, 1980 -L t Proposed Lease with American Design b Development Corporation for Brickell Place Marina, Phase II The City staff has negotiated a lease agreement with American Design and Development Corporation (d/b/a _. Brickell Place) for the use of 11,094 square feet of baybottom property located adjacent to Brickell Place Condominiums, Phase II. It is recom- mended that the proposed lease be •• approved by the City Commission. The form and content of this lease is similar to the lease between American Design and Development Corporation and the City of Miami for Brickell Place Marina, Phase I. A legal opinion has been received with reference to Charter Amendments 1 and 2 which impose restrictions on the leasing of baybottom lands. Additionally, an opinion was given on Charter Amendment 3 which requires public bidding for the leasing of bay - bottom lands to adjacent upland owners. The legal opinion issued reflected that Charter Amendments 1, 2, and 3 did not apply in this case. (Copy of legal opinion attached.) The basic elements of this lease are aiven below, with a comparison to the existing lease for Phase I of the marina. PHASE I (existing) TERM 10 years July 27, 1976 - J my 26, 1936 OPTION Lessee has option to renew for two 10-year periods ANNUAL CONSIDERATION $4,172.12 for 87,574 sq. ft. $0.10/sq.ft. dock area, 30258 sq. ft. 50.02/sq.ft. open water, 57,316 sq. ft. USE Construction, operation, and maintenance of docking facilities and maneuverinq area for berthing of vessels. Page 1 of PHASE II (proposed) 6 years 1980 - 1986 Lessee has option to renew for two 10-year periods $1 ,527.93 for l),024 sq. ft. $0.70/sq. ft. dock area, 1686 sq. ft. $0.037/sq. ft. open water, 9,393 sq. ft. Construction, operation, and maintenance of docking facilities and maneuvering area for berthing of vessels. "SUPPORTIVE 2 DOCUMENTS 8 0- 5 6 1 1a a n .1,! --- Attached for reference are the proposed lease, a letter from Kathryn Katz (attorney for American Design and Development Corp), and Resolution No. ZB 165-74 of the Zoning Board. The proposed lease is on the agenda of the Waterfront Board meeting of July 23, 1980. JEG:WHH:bf "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 80-561 V 1 1 's 1 S AL IL OER CONSTRUCT CPO 0 L i ' TOWN HOUSE S a + UwOE R GoNSTRUGTIO i- L. ' PHASE �gD64 S4•Ft. ZOO f EEt 0 25 50 r5 �00 GRa•PMfC SE�tE E XIS"t"' BUILDINGS POOL y 1 ' Nn0U5E5 E VSTING TOw EXISTING GONC. BULKHEAD � �/ f ► iy '/jam • fC , % �•� , '� -/ �, s: ,� �s �✓/�; %'y ,/'':iE ,' IN `Gf SONG- OOG+<S xIST PHASE I Pt. ST, S74 54 DANIEL K. CORBETT LYNN M. DANNHEISSER IRWIN J. FAYNE W. REEDER GLASS JEFFREY ALLAN HIRSCH KATHRYN K. KATZ STEPHEN B. MOSS JAMES M. NORMAN MICHAEL A. ORT12 RAMON E. RASCO THOMAS G. SCHULTZ ANDREW H. WEINSTEIN LAW OFFICES GLASS, SCHULTZ, WEINSTEIN 6 MOSS, PA. �F iU;,'j�rGi.OJ� April 24, 1980 Mr. James E. Gunderson Director of Finance City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Cr- SUITE 43 ,i ��• JC� ` i 5915 PONCE DE LEON BOULEVARD CORAL GAOLES, FLORIDA. 33144 DADE 43051 667-4633 -- TELEX 52-2233 SUITE BOI 2929 EAST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIOA 33308 BROWARD 1305) 491 6553 PLEASE REPLY TO Coral Gables Re: American Design & Development Corporation - Brickell Place Phase II Marina Dear Mr. Gunderson: Per the instructions of William Harrison, I am enclos- ing for your reference a copy of Resolution No. ZB 165-74 of the Zoning Board approving the conditional use for the construc- tion of a 99-slip marina adjacent to Lots 53 through 62, Block "B," Flagler Mary Brickell Subdivision located at 1901 Brickell Avenue. For your information, Phase I of the marina consisted of the land adjacent to Lots 53 through 57, and the Phase II marina is adjacent to the balance of the lots. The Phase I marina consists of 67 boat slips, and the Phase II marina will constitute approximately 32 (but in no event more than the permitted 99) boat slips. If you need any additional information with respect to the matter, please don't hesitate to call me. KK:jh Enclosure ccw/enclosure: Very truly yours, Kathryd Katz/ =-�- For/ the Firm Mr. William Harrison "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" city or F, �mi, rl_ORIbA INTER•OFFICF'. MEMORANDUM A-1090 To. James F. Gunderson nA.F March 26, 1980 IL MIA40-U Director of Finance ste"irc.T Lease of Bay Bottom Land [; FROM ' "Iff fir Nrf r, f jeCit F. Kn , Ir. ttorn"�'^'""" This memorandum is written in response to your request fora legal opinion on essentially the following questions: 1. IS RAY BO'fT01 LAND, OWNED BY THE, CITY AND LOCATED IN FRONT OF UPLAND PROPFRTY 014NI71) BY I)1'IIFRS 'fo BI, CON- SIDF.REU "WATERFRONT PROPERTY" AND CONSEQ11ENTLY SIIRJECT TO THE RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY CHARTER AMENDMENTS #1 AND 112. 2. IS THE AFORFTIENTIONED BAYBOTTOti LAND ADDITIONALLY SIIB,LI?CT TO THE REQ(1lREMENTS OF PUBLIC ADVER'l'ISFMI:NT AND OPEN -COMPETITIVE BIDDING, AS PROVIDED IN CHARTER AMENDMENT #3. Your questions will he answered in the order stated. Question ill. Charter Amendment #1 and 2 impose rest rir.t.ions- rni the lensing and devel- opmont of City-ownod "waterfront property" respectively. Black's Law Dictionary describes "waterfront" as: "Land or lands with buildings fron[Ing on a body of water." In It; dictirmary meaning the "hed" of a body of water is its bottom. See, 34 Fla.Jur. 6147. Based on these drfInitlrnr;, It k apparent that Charter Amendments 111 and #2 would not apply to "hay bottom land". "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" James E. Gunderson Question 02. rare two March 26, 1980 Charter Amendment #3 mandates that before the sale, conveyance or dis- position of any real property by the City of Miami, that said disposition be submitted to public advertisement and open -competitive bld. Therefore on its face, Charter Amendment #3 would appear to regtilre the lease of City -owned "bay bottom land" to be submitted to public advertisement and open -competitive bid. However, the unique legal relationship between the riparian rights of up- land owners and the restrictions thereby imposed upon the owner of the hay bot- tom land bordering on said uplands would appear to make the application of this Charter Amendment impractical. At common law an upland proprietor, owning to the ordinary high water mark of navigable waters hnd certain rights in the adjacent waters additional to the rights therein common to the public. These riparian rights have been codified, Fla. Stat 3 161.201 (1970), and include hilt nic not limited to rights of ingress, egress, hontinp, bathing and fishing. Among the particular riparian rights that the Courts have recognized are the right to a responsible use of the water for domestic purposes, the rtpht of the flow of the water without serious interruption by upper or lower riparian owners or ethers, the right to have the water kept free from pnl lilt inn, Ferry Pass ln�,vpctors' & Shippers Association v. White's River lntipectors' A Shippers Usocintion. 48 So. 643 (Fla. 1909) and the right to have an unobstructed view of adjoining waters. Eustis Firsten, 113 So.2d 260 (2nd DCA 1959). In light of these riparian rights, the use of the bay bottom land adjacent to the uplands would he so limited that as a practical matter, said hay bottom lands would be of little value to anyone other than the owner of the uplands adjacent thereto. Therefore, it would appear that Charter Amo ndment #3 is not applicable to the lease of City -owned bay bottom land to the upland owner adjacent thereto. r' par and Aov d by: (ppr J . M IC11Ar.t. MAY0001) ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY "SUPPORTIVE GFK/JM/wpc DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" to Ccorge Knox City Attorney ttn: J. Michael Ilayqood ►n""'' J. E. Gunderson Director of Finance l.' ,lat►mt,lr-Y, ln, tgt,tl rict inn on Leasinq [lay �,�� Rest Bottom Lands The Lease Man,r,trl^ent. Section is presently rrviewing a m-oi,n-,al to lea;r additional land to the Brickell Place Phase It Developer, American Dvsion and Development Corp. Persuant to verhal rr,rlue,I. to you Friday, and the Le,lse t mager's ;uh,cquent meeting with Ils. C,it•hv Katz, Attorney for Brir.l el 1 l'lac� with ref(nrrn(e to a proposed lease agreement. A legal opinion is hereby requested coverinn the following: 1. 1s i.ayhnttnm land, owned by the ( it and ]or ;atcd in front of Illrland Property ovilind by ethers to be rmisidrr(,cl "':,ilr I f►r nl. Prnoorty" and con;e1l1mently r;mlbje(t to 011, re Jrictinls imt,n•.rd bti• the Charter llmendwont H (Resolution 79-563) and 112 (i'. —,olut.inn 7g-5611)? 2. Is tho ,)I`vvrmvntJ(mrd havI,ot,tnr 1,111d addition,111v '.Id,lnrA. to iII$, reg0r(-mvnLs of pidd I( i dvort isf,mont and (1I'I'rl-I'll:-1 „t itive bidding, as, p►•ovi(Icd in Charter Amendment 113 (11•esolut.ion M-76(1)? JLG:UItll:bf DATEBY- -- «SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" /} -10�6 �iU'�61 1 .1. i.�'►� 7-ii 20 1 22 2S RESOLUTION NO. L Q., "I'S A RI?SOi,UTION OF THE ZONING BOARD GNLiTI :G A "CONDITIONAL USE" AS LISTED IN NO. 6371, ARTICLE IV, SECTION 23, (2) (!j) , TO PLIU•IIT C ONSTRUCTI O:i OF A 99 LEI L' i•:A MINA Ii•1 13ISCAYk:E DAY, . WIT:E PIERS EXTE:itDtLG :1 OF 496 ' INTO DAY FROM TI II(i ui:I::.T1D LIi:C, It: + . \ . T P • `^ . . N, • CO,:JU::CTION �JI1.I 1',RICi.i:.LL PL,TICE Uf•: J1LJPi•ic%: � O_: LOTS 53 TILMOUGEI G2; BLO is "B", FLAGLER BRIC:cELL (5-44) LOCIWED AT 1901 BnICI;LLL .�v�:;vr:; ✓ ZONED, R-5A (HIGLI DS";SITY MULTIPLE) DISTRICT, SUBJ::CT TO TILE FOLLO,•II N CU.MA.ITI ONS : (1) ruz �Ts OF THE PROPOSED VI1C'LLITY VITLt, L::' I'0:�. EXCLUSIVE F.1:J' il•1r:.,2 O. COiiD():•:►..vlUi► O;:i•u:::j F111) RESIDENTS As xer-U;D FOR rNcxti.::r USES I,. T !_E R-5A ZONIt:G DISTRICT; (2) PPM',Ii:G i:i•i TIM.' t`:f►vJi: i OF 53 SPACES IN ADDITION TO PAIUUNG SL'ACES RF.'%UIRED AS PAR"j. Or THE DF.v .L 1 ,' .0 C,•i'; Ci T OF 'iiY:.t: S L .iCW 1:.CT SHALL BE PROVIDED; (3) L71:iD.3CP.PED USABLi: SPACE IN THE AMOLwT 0: 2350 SQGt),11E FEET I:: CON- JUNCTION WITH TILE i`LARINA FACILITY, IN, E.:CESS 0: THi ilI2 I:•1'J:•I OPEN SP:iCE REQUIRE,,%1E'NTS 0-' 'iiTF, ,t0i- : T S,' L BE PROVIDED; (4) TWO 25-GALLON 'rit.611 RtECE:1-fACLZ3 OR TILE EQUIVALEiiT, FOR T:IE FIRST I'IVi, WSSELS P"1:0 FOR EVERY ADDITIONAL FIVE VESSELS, J2-;D PiT L':.11ST O:ir PU,�:P-OUT FACILITY APPROVED BY THE D PA1r1,TZ: ,:'C CL•' PUBLIC WORKS S1-l"ALL BE PROVID:'.D. ALL SAID SMALL BE PROPERLY SCREENED; (5) ALL DEVEL02twNT SHALL BE IN ACCORD ti,IrTli T LE GELNIF.M'1.1 LAYOUT PL.T.LZ, i PARTIAL SITE PLii1i., AND & G1'tiL,ERS , STATENS.Nim N.-CT IN ' CO: 'LTCT WITH Tiff; AB20VE CO.,11.)ITIONS ALL Ur 110r:1CH ARE PART OF TME APPLICATION PILL. • MHERE't"S, the Zoning Board findq that it is er;,0 o,;:a.cd 10ri-cler ti:e-' Comprehensive Zoning OzJi.nance No. 6873., Article XC:CIi g.-.an% a Conditional Use as hercinait.er provi.d,:!ca; and I� TREiF%:;AS, the Board finds that t;ie gzr.;ici rg the �Canditianal Us,� will not zidversely aziect the pub1 _ :i.ntu_as'- �7 and safety; and WEIZRL'•AS, the conc;irions sp-:-cificd hero-iii aLu no-cez,.,:r_,• 1ar:d ;:It. L1 protect the public inL-::res4, wel arc and _.af7c:: y; Ti:L:Ra,r0rtE1;i t A .?% '%,C)., :,- .v.Jo �t..•r 7::3 ` 7 RTIVE J •� i I .. F0LLOW 6A 3 • 4 S 6 7 8 10 11 15 1G .17 13 �9 23. 22 � J ?_ 5 26 27 23 2 J �J N L 3: 34 J J. Section l.. The Zoning Board of the City 0.A.' I4la:ai, Florida hereby gra,-lL-s a "Conditional Use" as liat-ed in Ordinance No. 6871,1 Article :V, Section 23, (2) (b), to perniL con3Lruction of- 99-slip arinz in Biscayne Bay, with piers Extending a maxi-mur. f 496' into bay frota the bul%he-nd line, in conjunction wit: •Brickell Place developme;iL on LcL-s 53 through 62, Block "B", FL.AGLER INIARY BPRICIMLL (5-44) :locat-od aL- 1901 i3rickell Avenue; zoned R-5A (HIGH DL'3I:"Y ZWLTIPL.) District, subject to the following conditions: the proposed ra ,na Eacilltj Will be for the exclusive enjoyment of condoni.niu;a owners and residents as intended for ancillary users in the R-SA Zoning District;) (2) Parking in the amount of 53 spaces in nddition to parking. spaces �lready required as part of the develop•- meal of 'this., Rroje.ct shall be provided; (3). La :dscaped usable open spare in the aizou;Z:. of 2850 square feet in conjunction wicn the marina facility, i,n excess of the minimum open space requirements of the project shall be provided; (4) Tvio 25•-gallon trash recep ,aclos or the equivalent,, for. the first five vossc-!15 and for every Ldditional five vessels, and at 1c Gt one pump -out. raci.lii approved,by thL DeparLmert of Public Works shall ba provi., F.11 said..facilitles'shall be P;:o��e�;l;► sercc:ncd. (5) ..All dcvelo;):,ieni : slizall ba in ac,:ozd q--.!n•2ral la!1011 t, .Ul�i1, pal ►� ia1 :;J.i:t.' p' i:cl, c13;CZ C:1�j :i1C t�r.a' 1 1 statements not in riic.. ... -7. %Aiich are part of the application £i14. "SUPPORTIVE DoVU"JENTS 2. Foi I ow„ r'. 2• s w 2.0 PASSED AND ADAPTED this ^2:�11�ly of 1974. Cttr�:44I+t; 0.,, Ti!Z lo::I�:O C :'Y OF .tilIAitl, Z'LO:t'LD11 WITNESSES: r STATE OF FLORIDA: SS COJtiTY OF DAIDE Personally aop3ared before me I:athanial Doan, to mo tvall kn0'rin and kno:an , �o me to be th Chairman of Lhe Zoning) Board who executed the foregoing instrument :for the purposes - therein expressed. 1, .. Sworn to and subscribed b^fo.re me this day of i� ,• ,..h 1974. � _. �L ..i.. ria C.O :�...��,,iQ)t �.(.'i.�_i 1•l •i�.'� 1•.••ii•. ir:).SD,D ;:i, U •. I ,,Illl 111 ll1/1, •,,,, • u a.., ca���r, I:C,Ipti Cll::+� Cl�':•t1iT C:'vKl "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS --- -FOLLOW' �7 cov LI ASL AGRI:I.MI:NT bet Ne•u,n THL CITY OF 1,I1AM1 and AMERI CAN DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT CORP.-SOUTHEAST (D/B/A BRICKELL PLACE) "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" INDEX PAGE I. DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES ................................. 1 II. TERM ...................................................... 2 III. USE OF LEASED PREMISES ...................................... 2 IV. REPAIRS ..................................................... 2 V. INSURANCE .................................................. 2 VI. RESTRICTIONS ............................................... 2 VII. CONSIDERATION .............................................. 3 VIII. CANCELLATION ............................................... 3 IX. COMPLIANCE WITH CITY, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL LAW ......... 3 X. ASSIGNN.ENT................................................. 4 XI. SIGNS .................................................... 4 XII. TAXES .................................................... 4 XIII. LICENSES .................................................... 4 XIV INDEMNIFICATION OF THE LESSOR, BY THE LESSEE ................. 4 XV. UTILITIES .................................................. 5 XVI. EXAMINATION OF THE PREMISES BY THE LESSOR ................... 5 XVII_. NOTICES .................................................... 5 XVIII. BINDING ON SUCCESSOPS....................................... 5 XIX. NON DISCRIMINATION .......................................... • 5 XX. OPTION TO RENEW .......................................... 5 XXI. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS ................................... 6 XXII. CAPTIONS .................................................... 6 SIGNATORY PACE ............................................. 7 EXHIBITA ................................................ 8 "SUPt ORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 0 4 LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this day of , 1980 ,by and between THE CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, hereinafter called "Lessor", and AMERICAN DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT CORP.—SOUTHEAST (D/B/A BRICKELL PLACE), a corporation under the Laws of Florida, with principal offices in the City of Miami, hereinafter called "Lessee". W I T N E S S E T H I. DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES The Lessor hereby leases unto the Lessee for the purposes and and under the conditions hereinafter set forth, the following described Bay Bottom Land located in Biscayne Bay, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, to wit: A marine parcel of Bay Bottom lying Southeasterly of and adjacent to Lots 58 through 62, Block "B" Nary and William Brickell Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 8, at Page 96 of the Public Records of Dade Count, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the point of intersection of the Northeasterly boundary of Lot 53 of the aforesaid plat of Block "B" Mary and William Brickell Subdivision with the established bulkhead line as recorded in Plat Book 74 atPage 3 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence South 56 degrees, 54 minutes, 11 seconds 'West alonq said bulkhead line for 717.30 feet to the point of beginning of the herein described marina parcel. Thence South 37 degrees, 09 minutes, 46 seconds East for 160.53 feet; thence South 52 degrees, 50 minutes, 14 seconds West for 68.00 feet; thence North 37 degrees, 09 minutes, 46 seconds West for 165.42 feet; thence North 56 degrees, 54 minutes, 11 seconds East for 68.17 feet to the point of beqinninq, containing 11,034 square feet, of which 1686 square feet are to be occupied by structures and 9398 square feet are open water. -1- "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 80-561 r The term "leased premises", as hereinafter used, shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be deemed to include the lands hereinabove described, together with the improvements erected and to be erected thereon, including all appurtenances thereto,whether or not physically attached. II. TERM The term of this Lease Agreement shall be SIX (6) years, beginning on the day of 1920 , and terminating on the day of , 1936 . III. USE OF LEASED PREMISES The leased premises are to be used by Lessee for the construction, operation and maintenance of Docking Facilities and a maneuvering area for berthing vessels. IV. REPAIRS The Lessee shall maintain and supervise the leased premises and the waters above same, and shall keep the Docks and flooring Piles in a safe condition, and shall and does hereby assume full and complete responsibility for injury or damage suffered by, or caused to any person or property within or upon the leased premises and resulting from the construction, use or operation of the leased premises, or failure to maintain such premises in a safe condition, or any negligent act or omission to act on the part of the Lessee or any officer, agent or employee thereof, except such injury or damage as may result from an act of God. The Lessee hereby agrees to hold harmless the Lessor and its officers, agent. or employees of and from any liability or claim whatever arising out of or in connection with the construction and use of the leased premises and/or any part thereof. V. I NSURAN;CE The Lessee shall obtain a policy of general liability insurance in the amounts of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) per occurrence for bodily injury, and Fifty Thousand Dollars (S50,000.00) per occurrence for property damage, for the use, benefit and protection of the Lessor, and/or its officers, agents and employees, the insurance company to be approved by the Lessor, and a copy of each policy of insurance to be filed with the Lessor. The Lessor shall be named in each such policy of insurance as an additional or secondary insured. VI. RESTRICTIONS A. There shall be no gas or diesel pumps on the Docks. B. There shall be no commercial use of the Marina. "SUPPORTIVE -2- DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 0 9 C. There shall be no accessory use store at the Marina site. D. There shall be no living aboard vessels. E. There shall be no House -Boats permitted to dock at this facility at any time. F. It is agreed that Resolution Number 75-75 Passed and Adopted January 23, 1975, attached hereto, shall become a part of this Lease Agreement. VII. CONSIDERATION ` The annual Rental payable by the Lessee shall be the sum of one thousand five hundred twenty-seven dollars and ninety-three cents ($1,527.93). In addition to rental, the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor the total amount of any state sales tax applicable to such rental. Rent shall be due and payable before the effective date of the commencement of this Lease, and thereafter on each anniversary date thereof throughout the term of this Lease. VIII. CANCELLATION In the event of a default on the part of the Lessee in the performance of any obligation created by this Aqreement or said Resolution Number 75-75, the Lessor shall have the right to serve upon the Lessee a Notice calling attention to the particular default or defaults complained of, and demanding the termination thereof, and in event of the continued existence of said default or defaults for a period of thirty (30) days, (except in cafe of non-payment of rent, as to which ten (10) days shall be applicable) from the time of the giving of such notice by Lessor, the Lessor shall have the right to serve a further notice of Lessor's election to exercise the option hereby granted to Lessor to terminate this Lease Agreement and, if said default or defaults shall then continue after a period of fifteen (15) days from the giving of said notice of election, Lessor shall have the riqht, without further notice, to re-enter and take possession of the leased premises and all improvements thereon, with or without judicial process, and to terminate this Lease Agreement. IX. C011PLIANCE 41TH CITY, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL LA!-! Tile Lessee shall comply with all rules, regulations and laws of the City of Miami, Dade County, the State of Florida, or the United States Government, now in force or hereafter to be adopted. Any material failure to comply with any such rule, renulation or law shall be deei^ed to be a default on the part of the Lessee. "SUPPORTIVE _ DOCUMENTS _3 FOLLOW" W X. ASS IGN.MENIT r Lessee shall have the right (one time and one time only) to assign this Lease, in whole or in part, to the 3rickell Place Marina, Inc., or to another non-profit Florida marina facility. Except as so provided, the Lessee shall not assign sublease or underlet the demised premises or any part thereof without prior written consent of the Lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. In addition, Lessee and/or Lessee's assignee, if any, shall have the right to allocate individual marina slips located upon the demised premises, to condominium owners of arickell Place. XI. SIGNS The Lessee shall not permit any signs or other advertising to be used or displayed on the leased premises or on the improvements located thereon, without obtaining the written consent of the Lessor. XII. TAXES The Lessee agrees to pay any and all ad valorem taxes levied and imposed on the real property legally described in this Agreement, and upon any improvements constructed thereon by the Lessee and further agrees to pay all taxes on personal property which may be levied and imposed on said demised premises during the term of this Lease. XIII. LICENSES The Lessee shall obtain and pay for all the necessary licenses required for the operation of the facilities provided for in this Lease Agreement. XIV. INDEMNIFICATION OF THE LESSOR BY THE LESSEE The Lessee covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Lessor, its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, damages or causes of action arising during the term of this Lease Agreement, for any personal injury, loss of life, or damage to property sustained in or about the leased premise, by reason of, as a result of, or arising out of the Lessee's occupancy thereof, and from and against any orders, judgments, or decrees which may be entered therein, and from and against all costs, attorneys' fees, expenses and liabilities incurred in and about the defense of any such claim and the investigation thereof; provided, however, that before the Lessee shall become liable for any such cost, the Lessee shall be given Notice in writing that the same are about to be or may be incurred, and the Lessee shall have the option itself to make "SUPPORTIVE -4- DOCU 1 B ENTS FOLLOW" 6 0 the necessary investigation and employ counsel of the Lessee's own selection, for the necessary defense of any claims. The Lessor, at its option, shall retain its own counsel at its sole cost and expense (in addition to the provisions as herein - above set forth). XV. UTILITIES The Lessee shall be solely responsible to pay for all utilities used by Lessee. XVI. EXAMINATION OF THE PREMISES BY THE LESSOR The Lessee agrees to permit the Lessor, by its designated personnel, to enter upon the leased premises at any time for any reasonable purpose. XVII. NOTICES Notices from the Lessee to the Lessor shall be deemed duly served if mailed by P,egistered or Certified t1ail addressed to the City Manager, City of Miami, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida 33133, or to such other respective persons or addresses as the parties may hereafter designate to each other, by notice, in the foregoing manner from time to time. XVIII. BINDING ON SUCCESSORS The terms and provisions of this Lease Agreement shall, subject to the provisions of Paragraph X, be binding and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns, respectively, of Lessor and Lessee. XIX. Non -Discrimination The Lessee agrees that there will be no discrimination against any persons on account of race, color, sex, religious creed, ancestry or national origin, in the use of the demised premises and the improvements thereon. XX. OPTION TO RENEW Lessee shall have the option to renew this Lease for two (2) successive ten (10) year terms. In the event of the exercise of such option to renew, the rent for such renewal term shall be the greater of the following; 1. One hundred twenty percent (120",) of the rent provided for the period of this Lease, as to the first renewal period; and one hundred twenty percent (120r;) of the rent, as to the second renewal period, provided to be paid for the first renewal period; or 2. The rental during the renewal term for the first and/or second renewal period, shall be paid in dollars equivalent to "SUPPORTIVE the present purchasing power of one thousand five hundred DOCUMENTSt:•Jenty-seven dollars and ninety-three cents. (S'1,527.9^,). FOLLOW" -5- I" r The rental for each renewal period shall, at the discretion of the Lessor, then be determined by dividing the hasp rental of one thousand five hundred twenty-seven dollars and ninety-three cents ($1,521.93) by the index number of wholesale commodity prices for the last date for which computation has been made in 1980, by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor for the month preceding the month in which the Lease becomes effective and then multiplying that amount by the index number for the month preceding the first month of the first year of the first and second renewal periods, respectively. The Lessee shall exercise this option to renew by giving appropriate notice of such intention to the Lessor not less than six (6) months prior to the termination of this Lease Agreement as to the first SIX (6) year period and not less than six (6) months prior to the termination of the first ten (10) year period as to the second ten (10) year period. All the terms and. conditions of this Lease shall continue in full force and effect during any renewal period hereof. XXI. 014NERSIIIP OF IMPROVEMENTS It is understood and agreed that upon the expiration of this Lease, or any renewal thereof, as the case may be, the leased premises, including all improvements erected thereon, such as docks, pilings, buildings, electrical wiring and connections, and the like (but not limited to such item) but excluding personal property of the Lessee which is not permanently affixed to the leased premises, shall be and remain the sole property of the Lessor. XXII. CAPTIONS The ca;>tions contained in this Lease Agreement are inserted only as a natter of convenience and for reference, and in no way define, limit or prescribe the scope of this Lease .Agreement or, the intent of any provision thereof. "SUPPORTIVE DOC U MI ENTS -6- FOLLOW" t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have through their proper corporate officials executed this Lease Agreement the day and year hereinafter appearing. DATED THIS DAY OF ,19 ATTEST: CITY CLERK (SEAL) DATED THIS DAY OF ATTEST: SECRETARY SEAL -7- CITY OF MIA!11, FLORIDA A i-'unicipal Corporation of the State of Florida. By: City PAanager AS TO LESSOR APPROVED AS TO FORit AND CORRECTNESS: 19 AHERICAN DESIGN AND DEVELOP;'ENT CORP.-SOUTEiEAST (D/B/A BRICKELL PLACE for Brickeli Place Marina By: VICE PRESIDENT - GE'NERAL MANAGER AS TO LESSEE "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" I < cn rn EXIST. CONC. I BULKHEAD— p 2S SO IOOiEET GRAP"IC SCALE 11 BUILDINGS UNDER CONSTRUCTION POOL TOWNHOUSES UNDER CONSTRUCTION S56'54' 11"w —o ol- 3io 3 $e ao Z ' lZ p� - j S52— 50 W 68 a E m x a ►E� .-N 600 LEASE AGREEMENT Between THE CITE' Oi' MI AMI and AMERICAN DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT CORP.-SOUTHEAST (D/B/A BRICKELL PLACE "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 80-561 r . INDEX r PAGE I. DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES ................................. 1 II. TERM ..................................................... 2 III. USE OF LEASED PREMISES ...................................... 2 IV. REPAIRS ..................................................... 2 V. INSURANCE .................................................. 2 VI. RESTRICTIONS ............................................... 2 VII. CONSIDERATION .............................................. 3 VIII. CANCELLATION ............................................... 3 IX. COMPLIANCE WITH CITY. COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL LAW ......... 3 X. ASSIGNMENT ................................................. 4 XI. SIGNS .................................................... 4 XII. TAXES..................................................1. 4 XIII. LICENSES .................................................... 4 XIV INDEMNIFICATION OF THE LESSOR BY THE LESSEE ................. 4 XV. UTILITIES .................................................. 5 XVI. EXAMINATION OF THE PREMISES BY THE LESSOR ................... ­5 XVII.• NOTICES .................................................... 5 XVIII. BINDING ON SUCCESSORS ....................................... 5 XIX. NON DISCRIMINATION .......................................... 5 XX. OPTION TO RENEW .......................................... 5 XXI. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS 6 .................................. XXII. CAPTIONS .................................................... 6 SIGNATORY PAGE ............................................. 7 EXHIBITA 8 ................................................. "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 0 LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this day of _ 1980 ,by and between THE CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, hereinafter called "Lessor", and AMERICAN DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT CORP.-SOUTHEAST (D/B/A BRICKELL PLACE), a corporation under the Laws of Florida, with principal offices in the City of Miami, hereinafter called "Lessee". W I T N E S S E T H : I. DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES The Lessor hereby leases unto the Lessee for the purposes and and under the conditions hereinafter set forth, the following described Bay Bottom Land located in Biscayne Bay, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, to wit: A marine parcel of Bay Bottom lying Southeasterly of and adjacent to Lots 58 through 62, Block "B" Mary and William Brickell Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book B, at Page 96 of the Public Records of Dade Count, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the point of intersection of the Northeasterly boundary of Lot 53 of the aforesaid plat of Block "B" Mary and William Brickell Subdivision with the established bulkhead line as recorded in Plat Book 74 atPage 3 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence South 56 degrees, 54 minutes, 11 seconds West along said bulkhead line for 717.30 feet to the point of beginning of the herein described marina parcel. Thence South 37 degrees, 09 minutes, 46 seconds East for 160.58 feet; thence South 52 degrees, 50 minutes, 14 seconds West for 68.00 feet; thence North 37 degrees, 09 minutes, 46 seconds West for 165.42 feet; thence North 56 degrees, 54 minutes, 11 seconds East for 68.17 feet to the point of beginning, containing 11,084 square feet, of which 1686 square feet are to be occupied by structures and 9398 square feet are open water. -I- "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 10 The term "leased premises", as hereinafter used, shallg unless the context otherwise requires, be deemed to include the lands hereinabove described, together with the improvements erected and to be erected thereon, including all appurtenances thereto, whether or not physically attached. II. TERM The term of this Lease Agreement shall be SIX (6) years, beginning on the day of 1980 , and terminating on the day of 1986 . III. USE OF LEASED PREMISES The leased premises are to be used by Lessee for the construction, operation and maintenance of Docking Facilities and a maneuvering area for berthing vessels. IV. REPAIRS The Lessee shall maintain and supervise the leased premises and the waters above same, and shall keep the Docks and Mooring Piles in a safe condition, and shall and does hereby assume full and complete responsibility for injury,or damage suffered by, or caused to any person or property within or upon the leased premises and resulting from the construction, use or operation of the leased premises, or failure to maintain such premises in a safe condition, or any negligent act or omission to act on the part of the Lessee or any officer, agent or employee thereof, except such injury or damage as may result from an act of God. The Lessee hereby agrees to hold harmless the Lessor and its officers, agent.or employees of and from any liability or claim whatever arising out of or in connection with the construction and use of the leased premises and/or any part thereof. V. INSURANCE The Lessee shall obtain a policy of general liability insurance in the amounts of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) per occurrence for bodily injury, and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) per occurrence for property damage, for the use, benefit and protection of the Lessor, and/or its officers, agents and employees, the insurance company to be approved by the Lessor, and a copy of each policy of insurance to be filed with the Lessor. The Lessor shall be named in each such policy of insurance as an additional or secondary insured. VI. RESTRICTIONS A. There shall be no gas or diesel pumps on the Docks. B. There shall be no commercial use of the Marina. "SUPPORTIVE DOCU 'Y" ENTS FOLLOW" i C. There shall be no accessory use store at the Marina site. D. There shall be no living aboard vessels E. There shall be no House -Boats permitted to dock at this facility at any time. F. It is agreed that Resolution Number 75-75 Passed and Adopted January 23, 1975, attached hereto, shall become a part of this Lease Agreement. VII. CONSIDERATION The annual Rental payable by the Lessee shall be the sum of one thousand five hundred twenty-seven dollars and ninety-three cents ($1,527.93). In addition to rental, the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor the total amount of any state sales tax applicable to such rental. Rent shall be due and payable before the effective date of the commencement of this Lease, and thereafter on each anniversary date thereof throughout the term of this Lease. VIII. CANCELLATION In the event of a default on the part of the Lessee in the performance of any obligation created by this Agreement or said Resolution Number 75-75, the Lessor shall have the right to serve upon the Lessee a Notice calling attention to the particular default or defaults complained of, and demandi6g the termination thereof, and in event of the continued existence of said default or defaults for a period of thirty (30) days, (except in case -of non-payment of rent, as to which ten (10) days shall be applicable) from the time of the giving of such notice by Lessor, the Lessor shall have the right to serve a further notice of Lessor's election to exercise the option hereby granted to Lessor to terminate this Lease Agreement and, if said default or defaults shall then continue after a period of fifteen (15) days from the giving of said notice of election, Lessor shall have the right, without further notice, to re-enter and take possession of the le4scd premises and all improvements thereon, with or without Judicial process, and to terminate this Lease Agreement. IX. COMPLIANCE WITH CITY, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL LAW The Lessee shall comply with all rules, regulations and laws of the City of Miami, Dade County, the State of Florida, or the United States Government, now in force or hereafter to be adopted. Any material failure to comply with any such rule, regulation or law shall be deemed to be a default on the part of the Lessee. -3- "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" 0 561 X. ASSIGNMENT Lessee shall have the right (one time and one time only) to assign this Lease, in whole or in part, to the Brickell Place Marina, Inc., or to another non-profit Florida marina facility. Except as so provided, the Lessee shall not assign sublease or underlet the demised premises or any part thereof without prior written consent of the Lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. In addition, Lessee and/or Lessee's assignee, if any, shall have the right to allocate individual marina slips located upon the demised premises, to condominium owners of Brickell Place. XI. SIGNS The Lessee shall not permit any signs or other advertising to be used or displayed on the leased premises or on the improvements located thereon, without obtaining the written consent of the Lessor. XII. TAXES The Lessee agrees to pay any and all ad valorem taxes levied -and imposed on the real property legally described in this Agreement, and upon any improvements constructed thereon by the Lessee and further agrees to pay all taxef on personal property which may be levied and imposed on said demised premises during the term of this Lease. XIII. LICENSES The Lessee shall obtain and pay for all the necessary licenses required for the operation of the facilities provided for in this Lease Agreement. XIV. INDEMNIFICATION OF THE LESSOR BY THE LESSEE The Lessee covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Lessor, its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, darrages or causes of action arising during the term of this Lease Agreement, for any personal injury, loss of life, or damage to property sustained in or about the leased premise, by reason of, as a result of, or arising out of the Lessee's occupancy thereof, and from and against any orders, judgments, or decrees which may be entered therein, and from and against all costs, attorneys' fees, expenses ant 'abilities incurred in and about the defense of any such claim and the investigation thereof; provided, however, that before the Lessee shall become liable for any such cost, the Lessee shall be given Notice in writing that the same are about to be or may be incurred, and the Lessee shall have the option itself to make issUPPORTIVE DOCW-JAIENTS -4- FOLLOW" the necessary investigation and employ counsel of the Lessee's own selection, for the necessary defense of any claims. The Lessor, at its option, shall retain its own counsel at its sole cost and expense (in addition to the provisions as herein - above set forth). XV. UTILITIES The Lessee shall be solely responsible to pay for all utilities used by Lessee. XVI. EXAMINATION OF THE PREMISES BY THE LESSOR The Lessee agrees to permit the Lessor, by its designated personnel, to enter upon the leased premises at any time for any reasonable purpose. XVII. NOTICES Notices from the Lessee to the Lessor shall be deemed duly served if mailed by Registered or Certified Mail addressed to the City Manager, City of Miami, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida 33133, or to such other respective persons or addresses as the parties may hereafter designate to each other, by notice, in the foregoing manner from time to time. XVIII. BINDING ON SUCCESSORS The terms and provisions of this Lease Agreement shall, subject to the provisions of Paragraph X, be binding and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns, respectively, of Lessor and Lessee. XIX. Non -Discrimination The Lessee agrees that there will be no discrimination against any persons on account of race, color, sex, religious creed, ancestry or national origin, in the use of the demised premises and the improvements thereon. XX. OPTION TO RENEW Lessee shall have the option to renew this Lease for two (2) successive ten (10) year terms. In the event of the exercise of such option to renew, the rent for such renewal term shall be the greater of the following: 1. One hundred twenty percent (120%) of the rent provided for the period of this Lease, as to the first renewal period; and one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the rent, as to the second renewal period, provided to be paid for the first renewal period; or 2. The rental during the renewal term for the first and/or second renewal period, shall be paid in dollars equivalent to "SUPPORTIVE the present purchasing power of one thousand five hundred DOCUMENTStt:jent•;-seven dollars and ninety-three cents. (S1,527.93). FOLLOW" -5- f- The rental for each renewal period shall, at the discretion of the Lessor, then be determined by dividing the hasp rental of one thousand five hundred twenty-seven dollars and ninety-three cents ($1,527.93) by the index number of wholesale commodity prices for the last date for which computation has been made in 1960, by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor for the month preceding the month in which the Lease becomes effective and then multiplying that amount by the index number for the month preceding the first month of the first year of the first and second renewal periods, respectively. The Lessee shall exercise this option to renew by giving appropriate notice of such intention to the Lessor not less than six (6) months prior to the termination of this Lease Agreement as to the first SIX (6) year period and not less than six (6) months prior to the termination of the first ten (10) year period as to the second ten (10) year period. All the terms and conditions of this Lease shall continue in full force and effect during any, renewal period hereof. XXI. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS It is understood and agreed that upon the expiration of this Lease, or any renewal thereof, as the case may be, the leased premises, including all improvements erected thereon, such as docks, pilings, buildings, electrical wiring and connections, and the like (but not limited to such item) but excluding personal property of the Lessee which is not permanently affixed to the leased premises, shall be and remain the sole property of the Lessor. XXII. CAPTIONS The captions contained in this Lease Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference, and in no way define, limit or prescribe the scope of this Lease Agreement or the intent of any provision thereof. -6- "SUPPORTIVE DOWAMENTS FOLLOW" IN WITNESS WHEREOF9 the parties hereto have through their proper corporate officials executed this Lease Agreement the day and year hereinafter appearing. DATED THIS DAY OF ,19 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA A Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida. By: ATTEST: CITY CLERK (SEAL) City Manager AS TO LESSOR APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: DATED.THIS DAY OF 19 AMERICAN DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT CORP. -SOUTHEAST (D/B/A BRICKELL PLACE for Brickell Place Marina By: VICE PRESIDENT - GENERAL MANAGER AS TO LESSEE ATTEST: SECRETARY SEAL -7- "SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" rn co -4 32.