HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1980-08-22 MinutesCITY OF MIAIVII of 100 G ... * !N(:Uii!'�iilttTt:1) lap 96 SPECIAL c 0 M MISSI ON MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON august 22, 1980 PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL RALPH G.. ONGIE CITY CLERK INOEX c4lPsTiotli, ro lz� 1I %k"CE OR ITS NO. (sPEcl�) Si�3JECT A:,6ubt -_, 198o SOLUTIaV NOS PArjE N0, 1 DISCUSSION OF SELECTION OF NEW CITY MANAGER DISCUSSION I I - 12 l ?�tSJ':E� �1F S?F:C1.,:, :`.E��T1l'• Gi' 1r CITY Oi yllki , r i.0 UDA Or. t:,e Clay of August 22, Li--! Cl Ly C•)TXa1 s i iJ-. Ji : i X� 1 , Flurida, ,nut at its rcg.liar mecLin, p a,c In City :.a;i, 3500 Fan American Drive, Miami, Florida in :;?real sebjion. he meeting wa.l c'�ilud Lo Ui7cur at � _i5 i� Y. , by May ;r Ferre witri the iuilowinb ren : is of the Cc:; ,is:.i:.: ioui:d tc, be ,.resent: Co=issioner J.�. ;':L;nL , Jr. Commissioner (Rcv.) Tn_cdort X. Cibson Vice Mayor A, .,anu'o Lac...sa Commissioner J. Cz�rolio Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ALSO PRESENT WLRE: (NOTE: Commissioner J;. Carallo enttred ne.eting at 2:53 Y.K.) Joseph R. Grassie, City *tanager R.L. Fosmoen, Assistant City Manager George `r . Knox, 0--* ty Attorney Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk (Not Present) Natty Hirai, Assistant City Clerk An invocaticn was delivered by Reverend Gibson who then led th.se present in a pledge of allegiance. to the flag. 1. DISCUSSION OF SELECTION OF NEW !:=Y XkNAGER Mayor Ferre: We have to begin our pro_.es.� here, because it is now ten minutes to three. Lester, would yo�j tell Mr. Carollo, ti,at is now ten minutes to three and we are starting our meeting, and we will be voting in about two or three minutes. Ladies and gentlemen, this a special zoi.=ission c.eeting, for the pur- poses of selectinf; a City Manager, for the City of Miami. Under the authority given to me under the Charter, I have called this neeting at two o'clock. The meeting is...we are starting a little bit late. I wculd hope that he selection process could be done relatively quickly I realize that, that everybody has his opinions, but I certai..iy hope that we don't go into twenty or thirty votes. It is my opinion personally, that there is enough talent within, the City of Miami, and within Metropolitan Dade County, and other local governments, o people who have shown their experience. So that they may be judged by their performance and that we will, on this ocassion, be able to select somc,body From within the local community. I think, that this is a very important point of history, for the City of Miami, and I think that our decision and our selection will certainly impact not only for the next immediate ye.;r� but for many years, and perhaps decades to come because the CiLy of Miami is it. the midst of a very important change. So, I just wanted to express my position and I would like to recommend that we follow the following procedure, that the chair will open the meeting up for nomination of ff A US 2 21980 let Mayor r�rre Ocat'd individuals, the nomination fol:,w.r.,, a .,uit o` we nave in t Che City would be c.used after eve:; C Jt }' u-s nominate(, cno person, or in s .f 'hose that Lrc ncaiiriatl-.�_ < . Sf1Et 'Wit., the tc?le that are placed into t14. pro._ea:. At tr.,,- no,:.., ti.c Will take U;) L: ,c ballots that we have before us....write the can"id.ltt. nar.L, an,: ;'ivt it to the Clerk, and the Clerl. will an, -,Ounce the �t•1VLtion. I. an inc,ivi�tiai tio;�s r.ot get three. v„-Les, thLr, '� would i.- ^e that we wo.,1d t., a _,econd ballot a..d �ubscquently to a thir_` ail.'. /uurth ba.lr.t. AL : r,y bolt.... I think we should keep this process -s open as possiDle, that ar_y 1nd1- vidusl wishes to nomin.:.te an additional person...' think that inuiv_duai .hJuld be entitled to do that. If we �o beyond ter. or eleven ba11,,_s 1 think we should reconjider the procedure and o?er. it up for some kinc of discussion. If t::ere is no objections to this process ... Commiss:oner Carollo. LJmiissfoner Carollo: Mr. Mayor, :. 1 zV Make a quiLri bLdLes,"V"t. XayGr 1L:: Yes sir. 0--aisb'oner l.:_C'o:lo: As i've Stu.:i'_1 _'esterr-a%, tLll� L.. rnln; avid at LtZ- iOJn We _.rL g0ln, it to "%uC-Cu W,-Jm the :lew ci`_\' .�iana�eY 1j b'O: �G 7 WJu:u pt'r:,,;ra 7 WOU.:: Co wee a -lower roC:uss wnele wt. 1.y LG .::ld .is iriu:ly ..iilLic,ltt_5 W, can and from there pick the best five, eight qualif:t:d candidates and pick from there. However, I respect the wishes of the rest of the Cummissionera, the r:ayor here. I think that what we have to do now is try to mend this Commission together as much as we can and try to work together for a new beginning, a new fresh start for the City of --ami. So, if my opinion is a minority opinion, I certainly respect the wishes of the other members of the Commi sion. Unless there is any other member of the Commission that would like to discuss this any other further then we can Zo on Mr. Mayor. Mayor Terre: Alright are there any members of the Commission that would like to delay the selection process at this time, which 1 guess is the main question? Alright hearing none, then we will proceede with an numination of people and I will open up the nominating procedure and I'll take it up as you call your name to my attention. Alright Commissioner Lacasa. Commissioner Lacasa: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, I would like to place nomination the name of Sergio Pereira. Sergio Pereira is at pre- sent assistant to the County Manager, position that he has held since 1978. Among the many responsibiliti_,s mr. Pereira has, ne is responsible for the operation of the ?ort f ;:iaL:i, the airport, the Community Development funds also of which L ass also been the Director W;L`n ex- treme .... with tremendous success. aides that, Mr. Pereira `,a.. very recently been appointed by the ?resicer.t of the Unite, ;t_:tes as a special advisor to the U.S. Coorcintt_r :or refugee a:fairs. Needless -to say, that to deserve a presidential appointment requires have the creditability based on the expe-rieace and background of d can that deserve such high honor. At this �a_ticuiar time when: the City of Miami is facing a tremendous problem with Cuban and Haitian refugees there is no question :.hat the expertise of Mr. Pereira: in this view is an additional asset. As far his educational background, Mr. Pereira has atte::ded Cornell University and the University of Utah frog where he has a master degree. Mr. Pereira has been in this community for long, since 1970. He has betel also, Deputy Director of kolb Incorporation in Newark, New Jersey. Director of a Manpower an administration agency in Dade County. Assistant Coordinator for Administration in Management, Metropolitan Dade County. All this before he became Assistant County Manager, which is his present position. So here we have a person 32 db V.ce Mayor '"scas.y Continued that ha;, cxtenslvk: v%-periencu in :..I:..i i,i,:i Ad::1ribLLJZ,0,1. Xr. t"ereira artivitie5 thL! ,-c,.-z)unif) cCfC. at!11 Knuw,l. He IL a L.CuI -,vr o. Severn. 01 Li.e tiost ir.-,., 'tant bc� trot_: of try,. C.,miun1ty. ':T. YCrt i serve aI a in th_s trl-1..::`:.. QT::.1U:1_L..'. IiL i:, 0 .L. L I tior. are: -)t Ln(! ::eme time t tr.--en:)u6 re'ation.,hips crLdIa'_)ility within the Anglo :i.id Black : ::izmunitiL'�. He is a w.!ii r4_;;)v,:tcd a:;-,Tinlstra- tcr :tri:. for al: c'. thp_! to rea vIIs I suDr;it .o you, his no:It for the positi,.n of City :Manager of the City of Miami. "'i;c.• F,-rce: Alright, we have t:1e name now Scig.o Pereira. Are there other nominations? i.UGW.I.8 ,IOi:LT' ?11.,�u..L!r: Mr. mayor, _i . :.:3y i)ri,:Y' LO Makin?, Iay nomina- tion, I would li e for th.- recor.: .:c reflect that, late :4:st evening, I -receivc!a a cat.: from Mr. George: Knox, the City Attorney whu had just ba c.J: aware, of thu zpecial call o: zlie mooting .i: this commission and act bt.Er, able to reac.n anyore 2-n the admini6tratior, o: the Mayor's and (.bkeC: n; Ot:iL1Ji:, 8n to he siioule r<•turil for todav's C+Li. i to!,; ii�Ii., _i1.it I :'_ ::i� o,,,,y ?CaK for My )ersonal o?inior., n,) or.c hi._' :cc;ue.;tad that :IL ;.t; e, I did not know of any li Via; 71n th,tL woul, have to be rE.:(itsYu. today, that 1 4icn't t'liniC that had cc interrupt his vacation, bit I do want the rocord Lo re`lec-, did call, 'ne wa5 concerned and whether or noi. he should return. So I want the record to reflect that. Mr. Mayor, I will place in the nacre, in nomination, and individual who is very faxiliar to everyone of the Commissioners here. I don't think that I ;lave to go into a long background. I will place a name, the nomination of a men who has been with the City of Miami for thirty plus years, who has serve(' in the capacity of an Assistant City Manager for the past two years, came up through the ranks of the City of Miami, was a Public Work's Director and I think that the highlii;ht of `iis career is a fact that he was the one wt.o was the aroject director for the largest project that the City of Miami has ever enter into. Many saia chat it was an impossible thing to bring to successful conclusion. 1 ncm.nate Mr Mayor, the name of Mr. Vincent Grimm. Mayor Fcrre: Alright we have Vince Grimm now, tnat has been nominated. Are there other nominations? CcMIissloner Carollo: Yes Mr. Mayor. I would like to bring up the :lame of a very distinquished and respected individual Luis Lauredo. Mr. Lauredo is the Senior Vice Presideta of the Im^art and Exhort Bank of tiles united States. The years that_ he': lived in Miami I think that, all the Cicfc:rent segnents of o:., co=unities have gotten to know -uis very well, have gotten to respect t.im. 1 trunk he's the type of indi- vidual that would bring the new beginning that we need fo: Miatri. Someone that could pull our colm:.ar.ity together and would know the mean- ing of the word integrity. Mayor Ferre: We have Luis Laur,:do :.ow in nomination. Commissioner Gibson: Mr. Mayor, meml+ers of the co=ission, I would like to place in nomination the name of Jack Bond. Jack Bond served to the City 4f Miami for-.ighLeen months'. I think all of us who were on the coLaissio:. at thu time, would agree, that Jack Bond was an un•:sal man. ,le's capa51e, so tauc`.i so, that, when one of the most difficult cities Itself needed . r;ar. to guide it"s ship and destiny, Pctersburr. Virginia tncy chose JacK pond. Jack Bond is a n, n who knows the rooms, Washington, where: invariably, all managers must end up, he knows the rooms, the doors, the pecpltz,,he's a man of integrity, outstanding integrity, .ne's a man who understands what it is to get along, with people, I know of no better man, no better candidate, no better individual, to guide the destiny of my home town, Miami, than Jack Bond. db 33 AUG 2 219980 Mayor Ferre: Alright we have now, ,act sons. ':nu: me..;s we have tour individuals tha_ hive been place:- ir,Y.o nori.n.,tioi.. : talnec, to Luis Lauredo n'-�out _ ,_n -minutes a„o , 1.1 r.' t i c..: ; w7. _ :.:: i.e's stir. here. IS h,-•! 'I cold me Lhdt -cirvd _slut r,(� would r.0t a�cu,,t an apPi,)intL.,2nt and rather than tc F;o throw," t1l_ ;,Uoce::s, I don' c want to embarrass Luis in any way, buL . think it important perhaps, if he mt"h•: %_n to express that on r ., own. 's L.;uredo h.: re? Do you want tc make a statement ur no:: is Luis going :o Md're a statement ur not? Luis, are you e in& to leave your Name then in, or are you going to withdraw your nauw? Luis Lauredo: (INAUD.a:.L) Mayor Ferre: 0.*X. , sure. Alrl�,ht , ,:Jim, have you LO ..Lim or.. Is he going to 'Leave his name or what': co=ls3ioncr Carollo: Mr. Mayor, leave his name for nomination. Mayor Ferre: J.K. I rave spoken to :aim, and I'm r,�inh to Co.:ir".issioner Carollo: If it ha,) -pens that '.'IC ;;etS t:AL rr.i�Or1tV 01 vVt�_s of this colnr:i.s•sion zi-ad he GQc:bn't want the ,; ob, then he's going to have to come here and say he doesn't then. Mayer Ferre: Does he want to pull. his name out or not? Mr. Lauredo since you're still in the audience and since this is now a point, I would like to, on the record ask Mr. Lauredo, whether or not he will aLCept if he is nominated? 1 think it is essential that each are o: these people....those of you that are puttia, them into the pr.cess, specify whetiier o; not the candidate will. acce?t if nominated and . tie candidate wot:lri not accept, then 1 think tnat, ti:at we should not nave that ir.di- vidual name on the ballot. Since Luis Lauredo told me that he worm'._'_ not accept, 1 think he has to male his ,position clear cr. the record. In his case, he happens to be in the building, so it is a question of whether or not re wishes to clarify his position. I don't think we c.n wait much longer. While, we are waiting, perhaps I can ask .... maybe I can ask the other members of the commission, whet':er or not they have spoken with the individual they have nominated and whether or not, on the record, that individual would accept, if selected. Vice Mayor Lacasa: On the record, : navc spoken to ::r. Periera, who indi- cated to me, that yes, that he is interested and that i:e's available for the appointment. Commissioner Carollo: The answer is yes. Mayor Ferre: Is father Gibson..... Commissioner Plummer: Mr. M_,yor, I'll eliminate all the prc'-"-ems with great humility, 1 accept the job. Commissioner Lacas.: I change my vote. I gladly vote for you Commissioner Carollo: Somehow, if you do I get the impression, you'll last a lot less than four years on the job. Commissioner Plummer: The only reason I can't accept the job, 4r. Carollo, was quoted ip the paper, digging up the bodies buried in the ceaetary, which then becomes a conflict of interest. Mayor Ferre: Father, the question is, it Jack Bond were to be nominated, would he.... Have you talked to him... would he or do you know that he would accept? M db 34 AUG 2 21980 .JIIi, :»ions G1bbJ::. 1 .:an vouca iir J.. K uv;:i. yv,, call hl:.i, he'!1 Come ,Mayor Ferre: Airi�,`r. 1,1. 1'L';ri:' ..in E'r l��D: �•... .(G.L :i r1�C., . ... ,j �:oK. ri �; _lt:r`v tit "'..'U3hJ. :I j-'J�i c:.Il [list, he'll ::Jme anu I eroL:ise juu, you 1.'Jrr't reZrli tt:.' job i:L'1.1 do. Xayur l'4rre. Alright, now this i_, :.ire last tizie, bvcausa 1 think W n0, :air, really to hold up this pro.eeding. Mr. laireao, who i; bacK tnt "e, I can hear ;71s voice, 1 .j6-a_,2 t:::iC, :.y C.oL cou.ln,� Iorwara, wri,lt yuu'r, saylrr6 is, that if n0^..i : �tcJ, you wll� aLCLept. Alri&ht, tnen I think, tC.tn we can then pr.;:L,,- 1 w�Ln ..1. -roLes", 1 woi,ld 11&e tl submiL fife nLm,t >:r. J.A. G.eua, wnlch :ony Ojeaa. lb a Aoa. ,.drit : o tie Co 1r.tV ?.,i:..a L: , ,-:,ce A ri: O: .'t i 7, and he ai SpcClll n_l: lo:.:'iC to tht ---.o:I:.ty M"na.;, Irvtl �9 th.:L t—, ..v .,_.� _aIc _): k.U'....,..a1t'J ' C:ilJQt.. J.:,art cat, AL l,).Lr,l Iivc ASSl i- :hc :,lrector of ?ul)J lc 'Works, aggain, in Austin, Texa&, an 1.".CE'rli 111 the �..y M_aagc:'b G:iice in 19tS an,; ActinL DireCLOr o 'r:uc,an Relations rc_pal';-..ent in i970. He nas a B.A. Degr.:e Irom Caiaeav1:u, a K.A. Go',err_;:.eat from Gainsville, an.. !?.!..D. dequirem.uiL ... Aus,sn, :ewe. l:e c:as nut bo".:n his f:aal degree, but ne &rL up to L'ile d1JSerL-Lion point. I personally think, that, all of the individuals that hsvc, been nominated are extrem,ly well qualified, and I think ::e wcuic ci;, 4I1stict to the City of Miami and to themselves in the job. Obviously, Vince ;riLim and Jack Bond, have had direct personal experience as admiaistra- tors within the City structure. Vine Grimm, for many many years, Jack Bond, for e shorter iihile bl.t none the less is qualifit:d anti is kncwledgeable. Botn Sergio Pereir- anc .cny Ojeda, have b..en distin.;uished members :;f the County':a staff ana nave both done an admira�le job in tnei.r respective positions. Mr. :.uis Lauredo, who worked with me, as my as:.istant for three years and subsequently went to tht; btate and then to private worlu, has been for the past Iew months a Senior Mice president at t :l: Export Import Bank and while he goes not niivl', in .:,v op_nion, tha ar:ministrative experience that the other four, he celtainly has the intelliLence and he certainly has the interest in the community, and if selectee and if he were to accept, 1 think he would do a commendable job, all be it. he would be learning, while he was serving as City Manager, about the administration o: the City, or city government. I never the less feel, that he could do tact and therefor I would be pleased �ClLh any one of the five individuals that have been nominated. if there... Are tnere any other comments, Lhat anybody else wishes to mate, before we get into tiie balloting? Commissioner Plummer: Mr. :iayor, ever, taough 1 don't think, as you do, that, it's that important, buL I co Lhink for the record, ;.0 should indicate, that, you have contacted the individual and he is willing to serve. Mayor Ferre: Luis Lauredo, fiftc:e:. mi notes ago told me, L;.,.t he would not be willing to accept the job, if iL were —if he was selec.ed. he asked me the opportunity to say that into the public record. I have given him that opporLUIli:y on several ocassions this oft.rnoor., he evidently refuses r: do so, so I assume that, that he has again, had a c;,ange of heart and 1 assume since he is in the room, that he recognizes that, he is a c..ndidaLe. I can't conceive of it, in any Other way, since he is well aware what's voinb on at this tim.;. So at tilis time, wu will proceed wit'n the balloting, unless anybody else has any other statements. I do think that it would appropriate for Mr. Lauredo to either stand up, or not standoup, and come forward and say that he is a candidate, which have absolutely no objections to, but I think, he oug;it to make it clear. He hasn't done it, that's his prerro6ative. :s there any further statements? S db Im A U 0 2 21980 1 Mayor Terre Continued Silence gives coi,scent. O.a. is yJ.: w.;ua.::L ,:.r, . i A.o; anc: murk it, and ?aSa it c,) t:1e Clerk. 1 'W i. i :'Jr the. rc','urL . T-1—i member, :all re iamc of Tony Gj,--uo , ... l o., iov, .1 D,': Jrv. you an.i to the Clerk, so than, he :.ay 1' `_or the file.,. Ms. H.rul: 1 X yor, t*1e v:)te5 :ire a., fcllo'A2.. i ...'., ont, vote, fr :r, ::. i'_'1T idT, Mr. L.ciure.lo, O ,u voLJ ..'om Xr. l.-1:., 1J O' 'd4 one vote from Mayor Fevre, Sergio ?ter era, one vote frox Mr. %acasa and Jack Bond, one vote from Reverend Gibson. Mayor Zerre: we're now on the second DalloL. Commissioner Plu=er: Amazing. Ms. hirai: Mr. Mi-yor. Mayor Ferre: Yes. M.s. hiral: ine votes are as fc1lowS: Mr. Grimm, one Plummer, Mr. Lauredo, one vote from Mr . Carollo, Mr. from 'Mr. Gibson.... Reverend Gibbon, Mr. Ojeda, one vote i:o:r, ':aye: ..',rrt and Mr. Periera, one vote from Mr. :.acasa. Mayor Ferre: O.K., we'll vote one more time, and see ii there's any change at this time. You're on your third ballot. Ms. Hirai: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes. Ms. Hirai: Mr. Grimm, one vote from Mr. Plummer, Mr. 1-,ureao, one vote from Mr. Caroilo, Mr. Periera, one vote from Mr. L.acasa, Mr. Ojeda, one vote from Mayor Ferre and Jack Bond, one vote from.. Reverend Gibson. Mayor 'Ferre: Alright, now that means, that three times in the row now, we voted for the nominee that we put -into the ballot. Are there any additions or changes at this time? Does anybody want to nominate any other person? We're on our fourth ballot. Ms. Hirai: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: You're ready to read t:.e.... Ms. Hirai: Yes sir. Votes arc as follows: Mr. Gri=, one vote- fror., Mr. Plummer, Mr. Ojeda, one voi;c from Mayor Ferre, Mr. Bond, ine vote from Reverend Gibson, and Mr. Lauredo, two votes from Mr. Caroiio anu Mr. Lacasa. Mayor Ferre: Alright, that is tc.e first change, now that .,'ve had on the fourth ballot. I might, since Mr. Lauredo has not vol�.::eered to come forward and express himself, let me just into the record, say that I saw Mr. Lauredo last night.around nine o'clock, at no time did he mention to me an,.- interest in being the City Manager for :he City of Miami. The idea must have come into his mind subsequent to that time. It is my personal opinion, that is not something, that I could, wichzut a great deal of concern vote for an individual who did not ,):ram for the job twenty tour hours ago. Mr. Lauredo is a very capable man, he's got a very good job, it is a well paying job that he has earned and that he is doing with a great deal of zest and a great deal of ability. He's been on$that job for about a few month, and I just do nOt Lh;rk that it is appropriate for him, at this time to aspire for this particular job, at this particular time, with his particular background and I .... as much as it pains me, because he is my personal friend. wish to, witn an explanation, put into the record, that I will not be voting for Luis Lauredo, as much as it pains me because of our personal friendship. rift db AUG 2 21980 May:.l Terre Cunt.n,.ed Alright. Cuazibsioaer Gi';.so:,: M"agar. Yay�r : erre: lather Z.,...,. ,Su a;. .er C:J6-ar. 1z's secr.5 -(� Me t-at, we a,.,_: cead loci:(,c.' .,,_re or. an :nde`i: ate per:oo o: tic,c, at the rate u,,'re going. I've ,l''w+ay.: )ee:l, one who believes, thZiL if, the City has a stall, init:,,s .god sense t) .....ii t:u. S. _.f and ca,)able to promote !L. I know in my Lusines!., a;,c _r;a:'s m—'istery, we live for thhat. Ali. of s -ik, :o get la'r. C :U tflcS, Crurche:- t:14t pay better churcGdc. :ndL IffLr ffiJrt Jd'✓a:,Lap',e:-, u C i an-, c1t;' L,OVe:i,:,e.'nt 1S no c:Liur.:nt. Fret u.,L11 i %; :-iVc On -,:: .,t air two men, ,oho cave uerve6 as assistant city a-nat•ers. Am I ribnt? 'fro. Mayor l ore: Fat'aer, there's four. We :have four assistant city manager. Commissioner Gibson: No, but I'4 talking about, who are in the pot. Wl;o are in the pot. I'm not worried about those, who are not in the pot. My thing, I want to go the men who are in the pot. Mayor "erre: There's one, that's Vince Grimm, the others are Cezar Odio, HowarJ Gary, and Vince Grimm. Commissioner Gibson: Odio is nominated. Mayor Ferre: V m sorry and Dick Fosmoen. Commissioner Gibson: Alright. Mayor Ferre: Odio is not nominated, and Odio has said, o-; I understand that he is not interested in the job. There is Howard Gary, and Dick Fosmoen. Commissioner Gibson: Alright, then let me say what. l woulu Lhink that, Mr. :,rimm and Mr. Fosmoen under the circumstances Lr the probabic, logical people. One of the dangers we :ace here today, is if we do not make a choice or people who are here and know this government to follow. Aiy new man you bring in, it will take him six moi;tns to learn the system and the people. Whether you like it or not, that's the way it is. If the man is local, and he's in ,:other govern- ment tl^.e likeliness is he doesn't uncerstand city government and don't tell me bcc�-use you know, I've beer, around. So all well and good to tell me about how marry degreea we have., 1 have as many as anybody's name was called, and 1 can qualify. I navy two doctorates, bur I cant to tell you, that doesn't make you a_ ;, ,c prcac`ter nor does it .:hake you a good pastor. The thing that reall•,-.atters in the rAnistery and in government, is your ability to p=:for^i, ?t's like the german said das de ung sing, the actual object. What have you cone to show your capability and approval. I will therefor change my nomination. I would like to nominate Mr. Fosmoen, since he was here. He and Mr. Grimm did the work and Mr. Sary and .....I haven't talked with Mr. Gary. You said you e-dn't want it, so I have no....I can't say that Mr. Gary would wanL it. Mr. Fosmoen, I'll ask you openly and publicly, if I were to nominate you sir, would you except the nomination? Mr. Fosmoen: Yes sir. Commissioner Gibson: Alright you have my nomination, right now. Mayor Ferre: Alright. We're now on the fifth ballot. Are there any other zhanges or additions Commissioner Carollo: Dick, let me compliment you. You've given us an extremely short period of time your resume and it's been past three months since I asked Mr. Grassie of resumes of all of the assistant city managers direct and we still haven't received it sir. That's a very good sign to me. 'J I db AUG 2 21980 4 I Mayor Ferre: Alright, we're on the fifth ballot. Would you please write down. Ms. Hirai: Mr. l,ayur. Mayor Ferre: Yes. Ms. dirai. The votes goes as follows: Mr. Lauredo, -wo votes fro:r. Mr. Carollo and yr. Lacasa, Mr. Grimm, one vote from Mr. Plummer, Mr. Fo.moen, one vote from Reverent: Gibson, and :Mr. O�eda, one vote from Mayor Ferre. Mayor Ferre: We're now into our si:ah.... on our sixth ballot. Luis dic you, you want to say something. Mr. Luis 'Lauredo: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Lauredo: Is this on? Luis Lauredo. Mr. :kayo: , I i-tapp�ne.i r. ..-\,L been in Miami on official capacity, giving some speeches this iab z.;a days and needless to say, I've been overwhelmed and fla�tered :;y c-ic consideration of the City Commission as to the most important this year and probably affect the City of Miami in the next few years. As you know, and those of you who are making a decision, we've had a long sta:.ding relationship and we have a mutual respect. I have a very difficult job in Washington, as Senior Vice President of EX;I:N Bank. I have given the President of the United States my commitment to do a good job in that position. It is a .... We're approximating a very clost election within the next two month. I have been on the phone with soma o: my people in Washington, some of the Presidents people. I ;.m con- vinced that I will do a good job for you as City ?Manager but other re- sponsibilities weigh heavily on my mind. I reluctantly reach a Jecision and I want before I announce it, want to express ray personal since e and emotional appreciation to Commissioner . Joe Carollo, for having taken the courage to put my name on nomination. I am forever indebtud to your consideration and overwhelmed and flattered by it and I only beg you, that you will forgive that I withdraw my name from nomination, from City Manager's position. Thank you. Commissioner Carollo: Mr. Mayor, may I just make a sm411 comment. Mr. Lauredo, I brought your name up because I thought, that, out of the names that I had seen, that I have been aware of, that were intt:resr.ed in this job, that you were the best candidate, that I had seen and I think the citizens of Miami are the ones, _..at, are losing in this, not anyone else and I thank you for your ward sir. I speak from my heart, when I tell you, that I do it with most reluctance and with deep appreciat-on to you personally for the stand you taken of this. Just would '_:he to say, that even though I respect the the opinions or the other ;embers of this com- mission here. One area that, I do have to touch upon before we go on, is that, you know I brought up Mr. Lauredo's name, because : felt he was certainly qualified. The most qualified of the candidaz,:.., that I had seen and I would hope that, as this progress goes on, that personal opinions are kept to one's self, because I don't want to go into having any other members of this commission discussing in the manner that.... It's been discus:.:d for one individual already, whether their qualified or not. I think that, if that's the case it's going to be, that, we should make the ground rules that.....you know .... I'm ready to do it, if I have to, but I think it would be a lot mor productive, if we just kept those statements to ourselves. Mayor Ferret A1ri&ht as always, with an open policy, anybody else wishing to make any statements, the.chair would recognize. I: not we're now on our sixth.... ' Commissioner Carollo: I'd ii4e o bring up dnotner name for nomination, Mr. Mayor, if I may. db a8 AUG 2 21980 `iuyor Ferre: AIr16ht sir. COMJAl ,5 U0n, I CurO, LO: T WO.li-i . 1K,: ..L i i.iy' Uy, :ifv.t. Of hoWard t Gary, up tur IOMinaLfon. Mayor F•�2rrc�: Alright, we r.uw navt: t.;e : ac;•.! of doward on the sixti. ballot. You wouac take.... ..uru ar.,• ezLit: nominations at this tixe° If not, woule you we've r;.ii )u, of bzAllc ts, would YOU 3ust LF,ee a bla::.k niece of paper.... It. Howard Gary nure:' Goi=issioner Plummer. Mr. Mayo:, :IL'S on vacaLiO:, `layor i't:rrL: Com.:.iSSio .rT GarJ'.,u, — y6u k:1Ja' ^aeLi,er, iioward Gary, would accept, if nominate! i? Co:a:liSSiOt1�Y Cr{=oa-l0: Nc'.1, 1< 1aB W.:Gi:l.St iUn�S'o Mason worda, I'm sure ii Fienad three VOLLS, CLi _uinly wijulc a. lcupt. 1'll vouzn fo: t':at. Ferre: Mlit:ll, I've taiKcd to is ?e:56nally Lc, and he said ;i cominated, AL WJUIG accept. So, juS- :Jr LAB record. A'lri�,ht, we're now on the sixtii ballot, if you would indicate your preference Gn the sixth ballot. Mayor Ferre: Alright, you have the total? Ms. Hirai: Yes, Mr. Mayor Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Ms. hirai: Ballot number six Mayor Ferra: Ballot number six. Go anaad. Ms. Hirai: Mr. Fosmoen got two vott.s, from Reverend Gibson and Mayor Ferre, Mr. Grimm got one vote, iron, Mr. Plummer, Mr. Gary got one vote from Mr. Carollo and Mr. Periera, one vote from Mr. Lacasa. Mayor Ferre: We're now on the seventh ballot, and let me ... now that I have changed my vote, after six ballots, explain, that obviously, after six votes, nobody else seems to wane to vote for Tony 01jeda, an4 it is my opinion, that, both Vince Grimm, rloward Gary and Dick 'Fosmoen or all three are extremely qualified, to do this job and in the interest of try- ing to see a proper direction,in this election process, that we could, choose one of those three individuals, 1 have switched my vote to Dick Fosmoen. We are now on the seventh ballot and if yos would write the name of your candidate down. Ms. hirai: Mr. Mayor. . Mayor Ferre: Yes. Ms. Hirai: Ballot number seven. Mr. Fosmoen got two votes, from Reverend Gibson and Mayor Ferre. Mr.(,ary got one vote from Mr. Carollo. Mr. Periera got one vote, from Mr. Lacasa and Mr. Grimm one vote, from Mr. Plummer. Mayor Ferre: Alright we're now on the eighth ballot. In other words the voting on the seventh was the same as the sixth. Is that correct? Ma. Hirai: That's correct. Mayor Ferre: O.K. 3° db AUG 2.21980 6 • Mayor Ferre Continued Father, we're on the eighth ballot now. Ms. Hirai: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes. Ms. Hirai: This is also ballot number eight. Mr. Cary, one vote roW Mr. Carollo, Mr. Periera, one vote from Mr. Lacasa, Mr. Fosmoer., two votes, Reverend Gibson and Mayor Ferre, and Mr. Crimm, one vote from Mr. Plummer. Mayor Ferre: We're now on the ninth ballot. Is that right? Ms. Hirai: i'hat's correct. Vice Mayor Lacasa. Mr. Mayor, I have voted six times for *r. :eriLz,.,, and I have not been able to get another vote. I have voted two tit es, fcr Mr. Lauredo, and also, that, was useless, so now, I like to pla;.c in nomination, the name of Humberto Cortina. Mayor Ferre: Alright. We are now on the ninth ballot. Cormissioner Carollo: Is this _o't the tenth or ninth, because the ninth, was already handed in, as the nomination was brought in. Mayor Ferre: I have ... I have not...you want to get it back, if you want? Pass them back or do you want to make it the tenth. I don't care. He's technically right. lie's already submitted... Commissioner Carollo: You guys are behind me here now. Mayer Ferre: No, he's technically right. Carollo technically right. He's already submitted his ballot, so it's unfare that.... Vice Mayor Lacasa: I withdraw for this time, the name of Cortina, the request of, Commissioner Carollo. Mayor Ferre: Yeah, he's technically right. Commissioner Carollo: And for the record, I'm not requesting a with- drawal, it's just that, I request an clarification. Mayor Ferre: Yeah. the clarification I've made, and I hope... Commissioner Gibson; This is rut::)ur wi:at? Mayor Ferre. This is number ni;.L and Mr. Cortina has not been into nomination. The nominees that : understand are before as, ire Scrgio Periera, Vince Grimm, Dick Fosmoen and Howard Gary. The.... As a commissioner nominates a new person, obviously the previous person, that he had nominated, is withdrawn. Unless somebody, wants to re- submit the name. Commissioner Carollo: We're going to number ten now? Mayor Ferre: O.K. Now, are there .... Mr. Lacasa and Mr. Commissioner Carollo: I would like also, to bring up Mr. Cortina's name, that's if Mr. Lacasa would like to say something in his back- ground. I give the floor to him. Mayor Ferre: Alright we're now on the tenth ballot and Mr... Ms. Hirai: Mr. Mayor, the results of number nine. Mayor Ferre: Yes. db 10 AUG 2 21980 Commissioner Plummer: Any surprises. Ms. Hirai: No. Mr. Gary, one vote from Mr. Carollo, Mr. Grir-n one vote from Mr. PluTm.w r, Mr. Fosmoen, two votes from Reverend Gibson and Mayor Ferre. Mr. Periera, one vote from Mr. Lacasa. Vice. Mayor `.,acaia: Now, Yr. Mayor, 1 woulci like to olace in nomination, the name of Humberto Curtira. Humberto Cortina is a fornc r Assistant City Manager,of the City of Miami anc therefor, is f&rmiliar with the job. Humberto Cortina has served in very important position+y, in private industries and I believe, that he is qualified, for the job. Mayor Ferre: Alright, 1i you would indicate your choice. Ms. Hirai: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Ms. Hirai: Ballot number ten. Mr. Cortina got two votes, fro= Mr. Carollo and Mr. Lacasa. Mr. Gri-nn got o:..: 7-te, fron :r. Plummer. Mr. 'Fosmoen two votes, from Reverend Gibson. and Mayor Ferre. Mayor Ferre: O.K. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: I, at this time, would like to make a motion, that the balloting cease for today and that we reconvene at a convenient time next week, at which time, we have all had the time, to analyze the positions and to come back, maybe with a little bit different thinking. I would offer that, in a form of a motion. Commissioner Carollo: Commissioner Mummer, I wouls second that, if a, the date, that you pick to reconvene would be September 1st. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Carollo, I have no problem. We in my estima- tion are not without a captain of the ship. It is my understanding, that Mr. Grassie, in fact, agreed to stay on, until October 1, whether a successor is chosen or not and it's not, that we are in a serious problem. I, think maybe, it might be, a little bit time for thinking and for more reasoning. Obviously, as I see it, we are dead locked and as such, I think, that we would better off, to take a recess from today. Mayor Ferre: Alright we have a motion and a second. Further discussion on the motion. Call the roll. Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor, I did not set s date. Mr. Carollo, I understand September 1st is Labor Day and even though I'm willing to labor, I think that is a recognized holiday that you might... Commissioner Carollo: I'd like to see that Plummer, you laboring. Anyway, we can make it September the 2nd. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Carollo, I would be happy to labor on that day, if you will volunteer for my type of work. Commissioner Carollo: I've had quite a bit of practice at digging for bones, if you know what I mean. You got an equivalent there. Mayor Ferre: O.K., we have a motion and second for the discussion, call the roll. U AUG 2 21980 db THEREFOR, the motion introduced by Commissioner Plummer and duly seconded by Commissioner Carollo moved to adjourn today's meeting continuing the same to September 2, 1980 at 9:00 a.m., by the following votes: AYES: Commissioner Plummer Commissioner Gibson Commissioner Carollo NOES: Commissioner Lacasa Mayor Ferre Attest: Ralph G. Ongie CITY CLERK Matty Hirai ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 12 Maurice A. Ferre MAYOR db AUG 2 21980