HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #22 - Discussion ItemCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OATS. September 3, 1980 FILE OF THE CITY COMMISSION suu.lEcr Request for Personal Appearance Mrs. I, Ricky Caminiti (SF� FHObt City Clerk REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES Enclosed herewith please find a copy of a letter from Mrs. I, Ricky Caminiti requesting a personal appearance before the City Commission at its next City Commission meeting. She also requested that our Office transmit to the City Commission copy of an attached letter which she addressed to the Members of the Commission explaining the subject of her request for appearance. Attached hereto please find copy of said letter. By copy of this memorandum we are also sending copies of the above - cite enclosures to the Agenda office for their information and handling. RGOmh Encl.a/s cc: Ms. Angela Bellamy, Agenda Office (w/encl.) 0 ' mtl i ;r 7•� tTt t� t I , 4245 S.W. 2nd Terr. Miami, Florida August 26, 1980 o Mr. R. G. Ongie, Chief Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive , Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Ongie, Would you kindly make sufficient copies of the enclosed letter to our "leaders" and see that they each get a copy. Many thanks for this courtesy. Also, will you please arrange to have my name on the agenda, to speak atlas I understand) the next meeting is September 15, 1980. Respectfully yours, Mrs• I. Ricky a in it • o c, - rn f'n +• r� 4245 S. W. 2nd Terrace Miami, Florida 33134 August 26, 1980 Maurice Ferre, Mayor and . All Honorable City of Miami Commissioners City Hall at Dinner Key Miami, Florida 33133 Honorable Leaders of our fair City of Miami; Several previous letters to the Editor of the Miami Herald have decried the new garbage collection fee to be paid by the City of Miami Taxpayers, in addition to the.tax already paid, through the annual property tax payment. The impact of this new fee is horrendous, as this is an imposition tax, authorized by a City Commission with no advertised Public Hearing. First time home -owners, who represent various ethnic groups, are not aware of their rights as tax -payers. Its up to us, to have the right to be heard on this matter and at a time set in the evening, so that the majority of those who work during the day, will be able to attend and be heard. Otherwise., we will consider this new so called "fee" to be Taxation WITHOUT REPRESENTATIONI Please arrange to have me appear at the next City of Miami Commission meeting, which you advised me would be on September 15, 1980 to request such a PUBLIC HEARING. Mayor Ferre once called me a "watchdog for the community at large", hopefully I will not disappoint him, once again as an advocate for the people. Respectfully yours, ; R . . . Mrs. I. Ricky Cam niti P.S. I will be out of the city until Sept. 14, number is 448-3271, on the 15th. V i.iy home phone O n• M, rn `" rn c,. a ,ti