HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1980-09-15 Marked Agenda�F z �4;:. • � {..ff M /+. shy/ , ��nort t INCtlADlaNArF.O �``t� C I T Y C O M M I S S I O N A G E N D A 0 'ct of the (�Uq cw k MEETING DATE: September 15, 1980 CITY IIA14L - DIIIN ft KEY 9:00 A.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Approving Minutes of the Regular City Commission Meeting of May 22, 1980 Planning and Zoning items of the June 6, 1980 and Special City Commission Meeting of June 19, 1980- COTfi�tITTEE OF THE WHOLE A. Commission review of Convention Center Parking Garages and discussion of revision of Zoning Ordi- nance affecting all Parking Garages within the City. Be Progress report by Chief Harms and Mr. Robert Krause on recruitment and hiring for the Police De- partment. C. Presentation of the station design of Government Center. D. Presentation of the FY 81 budget for the Downtown Development Authority. (See items 17 and 18). E. Discussion of filling existing vacancy on the City Zoning Board. F. Discussion of the new scoreboard at the Orange Bowl. G. Discussion of fee waiver for La Lign Contra el Can- cer (The League Against Cancer). H. Discussion of Cable T.V- licensing process. I. Discussion of designating the City of Miami,a bilingual City. 12:00 NOON BREAK FOR LUNCH FORMAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING 2:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 1. Presentation of a Commendation to Captain Stefan Wesolowski, in recognition of his courage throughout his military career and especially for having re- ceived the Bronze Star for outstanding service in World War II during the battle of the Atlantic. 2. Presentation of a Commendation to Officer Jerry Wheat, of the City of Miami Police Department, for his professionalism, dedication and compassion, In— volving a hit-and-run accident during which he gained the admiration of the victim. "DOCUMENT INDEX ITEM NO- . to APPROVED R- 80-636 Ci/La UNANIMOUS MOT. 80-637 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS MO _ 80-625 Ca/Tpl UNANIMOUS MOT. 80-626 Fe/Gi UNANIMOUS PRESENTATION DISCUSSION MOT. 80-627 La/Gi UNANIMOUS IM&I80-623 UN/ANiIMOUS UNANIMOUS DISCUSSIO R- 80-624 Ca/La NOES: P1-Gi SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA i CITY COMMISSION AGLNDA f (9ff'u a if toe (IRLIlli�sr�t MEETING DATE: September 15 1980 P , PAGE t10. 2 � r � 2:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS RESOLUTION 3. Authorizing issuance of a development order, approving with modifications, the Nasher Plaza Project, a develo m� ent of regional impact, located on Brickell Avenue between approximately S.E. 7th and S.E. 8th Streets. City Manager recommends. 2:45 P.M. PERSONAL APPEARANCES 4. Personal appearance by Jim Hirschman, M.D. and Sanford Dernis, Esq., officers of the South Florida Emergency Medical Services Coordinating Council, Inc., to request support in the amount of $5,000. 5. Personal appearance by Don L. Bednar, President of the Little River Commerce Association, Inc., re- questing $50,000 for current year Economic Develop- ment funding. 6. Personal appearance by Mr. John Mastrogiovanni, Area Manager of the Savings Bond Division, on the 1979 campaign for the Savings Bond Program for the City of Miami Employees. 7. Personal appearance by Emilio Lopez, past Chairman of Wynwood Community Development Advisory Board, to present grievances pertaining the adjudication of Community Development Funds in the Wynwood Target Area. 8. Personal appearance by Mrs. I. Ricky Caminiti re- garding the new garbage collection fee. 9. Personal appearance by Dr. Alan M. Rockway and Robert Kunst, of Congress United for Rights & Equality, requesting a resolution in favor of Con- stitutional Revision #2 on the November 4 statewide ballot. This Constitutional Amendment is the "Privacy Act" which guarantees each citizen's right to be "let alone and free from governmental intru- sion into his private life." 10. Personal appearance by John Schechter, Chairman of Players State Theatre, to report the progress of on programs and sale of the Coconut Grove Playhouse to the State of Florida Internal Improvement Trust Fund. 11. Personal appearance by Max Friedman, President of the Florida Association of Furniture Manufacturers, Inc., protesting the award of sizeable furniture contracts to non -local suppliers. 11-a Personal appearance by Howard Dando, Executive Di- rector of Fusion Dance Company, Inc., requesting City support of $10,000, CONTINUED BY MOT. 80-628 Ca/P1 UNANIMOUS MOT. 80-630 PI/Ca ABSENT: La MOT. 80-631 Gi/P1 ABSENT: La MOT. 80-632 Gi/La UNANIMOUS DISCUSSION DISCUSSION DISCUSSION MOT. 80-634 La/Gi NOES: P1-Ca WITHDRAWN DISCUSSION ■ Ok, CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 151 1980 ORDINANCES 12. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Amending Sections 2 and 5 of Ordinance No. 90000 adopted October 17, 1979, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, as amended;by increasing the appropriations for the Internal Service Funds, Communications Maintenance, in the amount of $48,900; and by in- creasing anticipated revenues in the same amount From Communications Maintenance, Retained Earnings, to offset the charges for purchase orders issued in fiscal year 1979 and paid in fiscal year 1980. City Manager recommends. 13. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Amending Sections 1 and 5 of Ordinance No. 9000, adopted October 17, 1979, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1980, as amended; by deleting the Conference Center from the General Fund, thus decreasing General Fund appropriations by $1 J82,067;,by decreasing antici- pated revenues, charges for services, by the same amount; to provide for the accounting of the Con- ference Center as an Enterprise Fund. City Manager recommends. 14. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9019, adopted November 8, 1979, the Capital Improvement Appropri- ations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending Septem- ber 30, ,1980, as amended; by establishing ro ect I.C.2., Street Sweepers, in the amount of $129,300; by decreasing project I.B.1, Solid Waste Operations Facility, in the same amount; for the purchase of three street sweeping machines. City Manager recom- mends. 15. RESOLUTION Project: 3 Street Sweepers Location: Building and Vehicle Maintenance Company: Florida Municipal Sales Company Total: $129,252.00 Funding: The Department of Solid Waste Pollution Control Fund Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the purchase order. (Companion to item No. 14) City Manager recommends. 16. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Amending Sections 1 and 5 of Ordinance No. 9000, adopted October 17, 1979, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1980, as amended; for the purpose of ad ustin the budget as a result of a budget review. City Manager recommenda. 17. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Defining and designating the territorial limits of the Downtown Development District of the City.of Miami for the purpose of taxation; fixing the milage and levying taxes in the Downtown Development Dis- trict located within the territorial limits of the City of Miami, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1981. City Manager recommends. PAGE N0.3 ORD. 9155 Pl/La UNANIMOUS EMERGENCY ORD. 9156 La/Gi NOES: Ca EMERGENCY ORD. 9157 P1/La UNANIMOUS R- 80-657 P1/La ABSENT: Gi-Ca EMERGENCY ORD. 9165 Gi/La UNANIMOUS ORD, 9151 P1/Gi ABSENT: Ca CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 15, 1980 _ PAGE cio. 4 i 18. ORDINANACE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Making appropriations for the Downtown Development Authority for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1981, and authorizing the DDA Executive Director to expend funds thereunder. City Manager recommends. 19. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9019, adopted November 8, 1979, The Capital Improvement Appropri- ations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending Septem- ber 30, 1980; by increasing the appropriation for II.B.5., Coconut Grove Business Area Decorative Pedestrian -Scale Street Lighting Project, by $24,100; and reducing II.C.2., S.W. 27 Avenue Street improvements, in the amount of $24,100. (See item No. 43). City Manager recommends. 20. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9019, adopted November 8, 1979, the Capital Improvement Appropri- ations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending Septem- ber 30, 1980, by increasing the appropriation for Riverview Storm Sewers by $2,250,600. City Manager recommends. 21. RESOLUTION Project: Riverview Storm Sewer Project Phase I Location: bounded on the East by N.W. 11 Ave. on the South by S.W. 1 St., on the West N.W. 13 Ave. and on the North k the Miami River. _____ Company: Lanzo Construction Co. Contract: $2,150,294.00 Total: $2,525,081.64 Funding: Storm Sewer G.O. Bonds Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract. (Companion to item no. 20). City Manager recommends. 22. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9019, adopted November 8, 1979, The Capital Improvement Appropri- ations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending Septem- ber 30, 1980, to provide funds for the installation of fueling facility (3 10,000 gallon fuel tanks) at 1300 N.W. 20th Street. City Manager recommends. 23. RESOLUTION Project: Fueling Facility - Additional Fuel Tanks Location: 1300 N.W. 20th Street Company: Florida Pump & Tank, Inc. Contract: $64,899.72 Total: $76,209.00 Funding: Fire Fighting, Fire Prevention & Rescue Facilities Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract. (Companion to item No. 22 City Manager recommends. M.9152 ABSENT:Ca ORD. 9158 Gi/La UNANIMOUS ORD. 9159 Gi/Ca UNANIMOUS R- 80-658 P1/La ABSENT:Ca ORD. 9160 P1/La UNANIMOUS R- 80-659 Pl/Gi UNANIMOUS CITY CUMMi55I0;7 AGENDA `i MEETING DATE: September 15, 1980 VAGE N0. 5 24. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Repealing in its entirety Ordinance No. 8996, adopted October 17, 19790 which dealt with the sub- ject matter of burglary and alarm systems, and sub- stituting a new ordinance entitled: "Burglary and Robbery Alarm Ordinance"; providing definitions and requiring anyone in control of premises where an alarm system is maintained to secure a permit. City Manager recommends. 25. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Repealing Section 2-75 of the code of the City of Miami, which provides for inspection and service fees for zoning certificates of use Eor new build_ ings and premises and also for annual reinspection of buildings and promises for renewal certificates rod accessory use certificates of occupancy by in- creasing said fees. City Manager recommends. 26. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 6145, adopted March 19, 1958, which provides fees for building, plumbing, electrical,. mechanical (in lc uding boiler and elevator) inspection, permit and certificate foes, increasing some fees, adding others, and clarifying certain items in said Section 5 to cover the increased operational cost prlmartly for the enforcement of the South Florida Bui_ ldinffooCe. City Manager recommends. 27. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9072, adopted February 28, 1980, establishing a new trust and agency fund entitled., "Internatioaal'•Folk Festival 1980"; by appropriating thereto an amount of $27,095, the amount raised by the International Folk Festival Committee in 1980. City Manager recommends. 28. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending the Miami City Employees' Retirement System as appearing in codified form as part of Chapter 40 entitled Personnel" of the Code of the City of Mi- ami, Florida, effective September 1, 1980, generally providing by said Amendments to said Chapter for the administration of said system to be vested in the City Commission and for the City Commissioners to be the Successor Trustee of the System Trust Funds; further providing by said amendments for the dis- charge and aacquittance of present individual Trustees and System Board members who will hence- forth have no further responsibility, authority or power to act in any manner, individually, or on be- half of said system or system members, and for the eliminaton of limitatons upon investment of Trust Funds and retention of the existing authorizaton of acquisition and attainment of properties and in- vestments which men of prudence, discretion and in- telligence acquire and attain for their own account. City Manager recommends. DEFERRED Pl/La ABSENT: P1-Gi ORD. 9161 Ca/La UNANIMOUS ORD. 9162 La/Gi UNANIMOUS ORD. 9163 PI/Ca UNANIMOUS FIRST READING La/Gi NOES: Ca -PI - ir1 � CITY COMMISSION AGENDA f MEETING DATE: September 15, 1980 PAGE: NO. 6 29. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending the Miami City General Employees' Retire- ment Plan as appearing in codified form as part of Chapter W0 entitled "Personnel" of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, effective September 1, 1980, generally providing by said amendments to said Chapter for the administration of said Plan to be vested in the City Commission and for the City Com- missioners to be the successor Trustee of the Plan Trust Funds; further providing by said amendments for the discharge and acquittance of present indi- vidual Trustees and Plan Board Members who will henceforth have no further responsibility, authority or power to act in any manner, individually, or on behalf of said plan or plan members; and for the elimination of limitations upon investment of Trust Funds and retention of the existing authorization of acquisition and attainment of properties and in- vestments which men of prudence, discretion and in- telligence acquire and attain for their own account. City Manager recommends. 30. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 9012 adopted October 31, 1979 which established a Trust and Agency Fund for Pension, to reflect the adoption of the recom- mendation made by the Actuary,_ Edward H. Friend and Company, for the up rpose of implementing the limited Pension Funding Policy of the City. City Manager recommends. 30-a. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 5-47 of the Code of the City of Miami by restructuring the Boxing and Wrestling Board. City Manager recommends. 31. ORDINANCE -FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending section 30-5 of the Code of the City of Miami by increasing the amount charged for use of the City of Miami Municipal Swimming pools. —City Manager recommends. 32. ORDINANCE -FIRST AND SECOND READING Increasing the fees at the City of Miami Golf Courses and providing for certain restrictons upon the exercise of golfing privileges by persons not paying full green fees. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTIONS 33. RESOLUTION Accepting the bid proposal of Lemon Tree Ices for David Kennedy Park; Carlos Pascual, Inc., for Grapeland Park; and Tom Boccio for Peacock and Ba front Parks for mobile food and beverage opera- tions and further authorizing the City Manager to execute standard concession agreement with each, respectively. This item was deferred at the July 24, 1980 City Commission Meeting. City Manager recommends. 34. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay Zsigmond Szabo and Ava Szabo, without the admission of lia- bility, the sum of $27,000.00 in full and complete settlement of all claims and demands against the City of Miami. City Attorney recommends. FIRST La/Gi NOES: READING Ca-P1 ORD. 9153 La/Gi UNANIMOUS Viv 1 . VV - - La/P1 UNANIMOUS ORD. 9154 P1/Ca UNANIMOUS DEFERRED BY rtOT. 80-660 Ca/La UNANIMOUS ORD. 9164 Ca/La UNANIMOUS R- 80-640 Ca/La ABSENT: P1-Gi DEFERRED Ca/pi MEETING DATE: September 15, 1980 PAGE NO. 7 35. RESOLUTION .DEFERRED Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to Isabel Ca/P1 Rodriguez the sum of $6,000 in full and com Ip ete settlement of all personal injury protection liens and all other claims and demands against the City of Miami. City Attorney recommends. 36. RESOLUTION DEFERRED Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to Betty Ca/P1 Von Seggern without the admission of liability the sum of $9,000 in full and complete settlement of all claims and demands against the City of Miami and -` John D. Barrett. City Attorney recommends. 37. RESOLUTION R- 80-661 Authorizing the City Attorney to continue the em- P1/Ca ployment of the services of the law firm of Sparber, UNANIMOUS Shevin, Rosen, Shapo and Heinbronner for legal analysis in the area of pension System structuring with the maximum of $15,000 being hereby set as compensation for such continued employment unless further authorized by the City Commission, with funds therefor allocated from The Contingency Fund. City Manager recommends. 38. RESOLUTION R- 80-635 Authorizing the City Manager to extend the profes- Gi/La sional service agreement with the firm of Peat,_ UNANIMOUS Marwick, Mitchell & Compan Certified Public Ac- countants, for the purposes of conducting the audit of the books, accounting records and finances of the City of Miami for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1981 and on—goitg accounting assistance during Fiscal Year 1980-81. City Manager recommends. 39. RESOLUTION R- 80-662 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Ca/Pi agreement with The Public Health Trust of Dade UNANIMOUS County which o erp ates Jackson Memorial Hospital, and The University of Miami for the coordination of emergency medical services, substantially in accor- dance with the terms and conditions set forth in the agreement; with funds therefor allocated through The Fire Department's General Operating Budget. City Manager recommends. 40. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement R- 80-663 with The National Football League for the use of The Ca/pi Oran a howl Stadium for aniami Del hips home ____ M UNANIMOUS playoff games for the 19811982. 1983 NFL Seasons, in conformance witit the terms and conditions as set forth in the agreement. City Manager recommends. 41. RESOLUTION R- 80-641 Authorizing the City Manager to sell to The Florida Pl/La Power and Light ComRajny the 15KV underp�round facil- ABSENT: GI it_ies presently serving The Dinner Key ea; Arand granting a 10-foot wide easement to said facilities contingent upon The Dinner Key Area for its present purposes. City Manager recommends. 42. RESOLUTION R- 80-664 Authorizing the execution and delivery of certain Pl/Ca Sanitary Sewer Bonds of 1977 in the princt al amount UNANIMOUS race lost bonds. City Manager rec- of $10,000 toe l ommends. ___ MEETING DATE: September 15, 1980 PAGE NO. 8 43. RESOLUTION WITHDRAWN Project: Coconut Grove Business Area Location: Sidewalk and Street Light Modifications Company: Sunset Enterprises, Inc. Contract: $41,909.00 Total: $49,213.00 Funding: Highway General Obligation Bonds Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract. (See item No.19). City Manager recommends. 44. Accepting to enter RESOLUTION Project: Administration Building Location: Parking Lot Fencing Company: Quaid Installation Inc. Contract: $10,141.00 Total: $10,456.00 Funding: Special Programs and accounts New Administration Building the bid and authorizing the City Manager into a contract. City Manager recommends. 45. RESOLUTION Project: Office Furniture and E uipment Location: Solid Waste Department Company: Litton -Central Office Products Total: $74,495.00 Funding: The Pollution Control Bond Fund Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the purchase order. City Manager recommends. 46. RESOLUTION Project: Photographic Supplies Location: City Wide Company: Pitman Photo, Inc. Total: $55,000.00 Funding: 1979-80 Operating Budget Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the purchase order. City Manager recommends. 47. RESOLUTION Project: 14 Radio Base Stations Location: Building and Vehicle Maintenance_ Company: Motorola C & E, Inc. Total: $49,097.16 Funding: 1979-80 Capital Equipment Budget of the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the purchase order. City Manager recommends. 48. RESOLUTION Project: One Intelligg.ence Graphic Computer Terminal 6 Accessories Location: Police Department Company: Tektronix, Inc. Total: $33,370.00 Funding: LEAA Grant Funds Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the purchase order. City Manager recommends. R- 80-665 Ca/P1 UNANIMOUS DEFERRED Ca/P1 R- 80-666 Pl/Gi UNANIMOUS R- 80-642 P1/La UNANIMOUS R- 80-667 ci/cn UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 15, 1980 PAGE NO, 9 49. RESOLUTION Project: Printing 3,000 Annual Re op its Location: Police Department Company: Graphic Sales Innovators, Inc. Total: $12,586.00 Funding: 1979-80 Operating Budget of the Police Department Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the purchase order. City Manager recommends. 50. RESOLUTION Waiving the requirement for formal sealed bids for furnishing a computer software package for the De- partment of Computers & Communications; authorizing the purchase from Jacksonville Software Systems, Inc., the only licensed marketing agent; at a cost of —' $8,5000 ; allocating funds from prior year encumbrances; and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the purchase order for this equipment. City Manager recommends. 51. RESOLUTION Removing the City of Miami from the Metro -Dade Fire and Rescue Service District .tx continuing to provide the high level of service provided k the Miami Fire Department and instructing the City Clerk to send a certified copy of the resolution to the Metro -Dade Fire and Rescue Service District immediately upon passage of the resolution. City Manager recommends. 52. RESOLUTION Authorizing up to $10,000 to be expended from the Contingency Fund for the uP rpose of preparing a Fed- eral Grant Application to the U.S. Department of En- ergy for a $400,000 Ethanol Production Plant Feasi- bility Grant to be prepared by U.S.S . Engineers and Consultants Inc., a subsidiary of US Steel Co. and submitted no later than September 30, 1980. City Man- ager recommends. 53. RESOLUTION Appointing a member of the City Commission as official representative of the City of Miami and The Department of Trade & Commerce Development at a working trade mission in Spain, from November 7-16, 1980, subject to the availability of funds in an amount not exceeding $2,850 to be allocated from the 1980-81 budget of the Department of Trade and Commerce Development. City Manager recommends. 54. RESOLUTON Appointing a member of the City Commission to The Board of Directors of Miami Capital Development, Inc. City Manager recommends. 55. RESOLUTION Designating planning and design of two park community buildings and two swimming pool access renovations as a Category AProject, and appointing Carl Kern as Chairman of the Competitive Selection Committee. City Manager recommends. R- 80-668 La/Ca UNANIMOUS R- 80-643 Pl/La UNANIMOUS R- 80-669 Pl/Gi UNANIMOUS R- 80-633 P1/Gi ABSENT: la R- 80-645 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS R- 80-644 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS R- 80-670 La/Gi UNANIMOUS - e= ' _ t f1 `' CITY COMMISSION AGE11MA MEETING DATE: September 15, 1980 PAGE NO. 10 56. RESOLUTION Naming Little River Park, at N.E. Second Avenue and 80th Terrace, the "Little River Commerce Park." City Manager recommends. , 57. RESOLUTION Naming the proposed Latin Riverfront Park, located on the South Bank of the Miami River at S.W. 4th Street the "Jose Marti Riverfront Park." City Manager recom- mends. 58. RESOLUTION Appointing certain persons to The City of Miami's Of- fice of Professional Compliance Committee. City Man- ager recommends. 59. RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to the City of Miami Affirmative Action Advisor Board. City Manager rec- ommends. 60. RESOLUTION Designating delegate to the 54th Annual Convention of The Florida League of Cities to be held on October 23, 24 and 25, 1980, in Bal Harbor, Florida. City Manager recommends. 61. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with a non-profit organizaton known as The Coconut Grove Bicycle Club, Inc. for the purposes of con- ducting the Great Coconut Grove Bicycle race. City Manager recommends. 62. RESOLUTION Appointing Donald Sackman as a member of The Urban Development Review Board. ~ 63. RESOLUTION Granting a cash contribution in connection with the 8th Annual His' ap nic Heritage Week in the amount of $8,783 . City Manager recommends. 64. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to purchase in lieu of condemnation, three lots being zoned Boulevard Com- mercial District located on the south side of Martin Luther King Blvd. ~(N W 62 SO between 14th and 15th Avenues, N.W. Miami Florida; said subject land com- prised of 1,500 sq. feet; more or less, improved with a one story commercial building for the sum of $65,000 from Community Development Funds to cover the cost of acquisition of Fee Simple Title to this property and other incidental costs; further authorizing the City Manager to rehabilitate said building and allocating up to $50,000 from Community Development Funds for rehabilitation. City Manager recommends. R- 80-671 Ca/La UNANIMOUS R- 80-672 Ca/La UNANIMOUS DEFERRED R- 80-673 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS R- 80-674 Pl/Ca UNANIMOUS R- 80-675 Gi/P1 UNANIMOUS DEFERRED Ca/P1 R- 80-629 P1/La UNANIMOUS R- 80-638 P1/Gi UNANIMOUS t CITY CU*TS8I0;1 AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 15, 1980 PAGE NO. 11 65. RESOLUTION Calling and providing for a Special Municipal election —Purpose R- 80-676.1 to be held on November 4,_ 1980 for the of Ca/Pl submitting to the electorate for their consideration a UNANIMOUS Charter Amendment providing for a reduction in the R- 80-676.2 retainage amount on.Cit Local Improvement Construc- Ca/P1 tion projects with respect to final ayment �y the UNANIMOUS City to the contractor constructing such improvements proposing as reduction in the retainage amount from 10% to 2 1/2%. (2 Resolutions) City Manager recommends. %65-a; RESOLUTION R- 80-646 f' Awarding a contract for professional services to con- La/Gi duct an appraisal of the management agreement for NOES: Ca -PI Dinner Key Marina to Mai Appraiser F. Foert Quinlivan City Manager recommends. FORMALIZATON OF COMMISSION ACTON 66. Naming the City of Miami Administraton Building, lo- R- 80-677 cated at 275 N.W. 2 Street, The "Don A. Hickman Ca/La Building", in honor of Don A. Hickman_. (Motion No. UNANIMOUS 80-371 pas4e—May 22,1980.) 67. RESOLUTION R- 80-678 Ratifying, approving and confirming the action of the La/Ca City Manager in executing an agreement between the UNANIMOUS City of Miami and The Latin American Chamber of.Com- 'for merce o£ the United States, , coordinat- fng and supervising the First Hemispheric Congress of Latin American Chambers of Commerce held in Miami during September 11-13, 2980, with funds allocated therefor from the City' s Contingency Fund, in an amount not to exceed $25,000. (Motion No. 80-568 passed July 24, 9980.) City Manager recommends. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to re- move a specific item from this portion of the Agenda, Items 68 - 76 constitute the Consent Agenda. These Resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following Motion: "...that the Consent Agenda, comprised of Items 68 - 76 be adopted." Mayor or City Clerk: Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken. 68. RESOLUTION R- 80-647 Accepting the completed work of Frank J. Moran, Inc. La/Gi at a total cost of $140,606.20 for Computer Power UNANIMOUS Supply and authorizing a final a ment of $14,060.62. City Manager recommends. 69. RESOLUTION R- 80-648 Accepting the completed work of P.N.M. Corporation at La/Gi total cost of $139,700 for Little Havana Mini -Park; UNANIMOUS A and authorizing a final payment of $131970. City Manager recommends. r CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: September 15, 1980 70. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Sandron Corporation at a total cost of $39,154.00 for Virrick 2Em _ Reroofing. and authorizing a final payment of $3,915.40. City Manager recommends. 71. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of D.M.P. Corporation at a total cost of $208.549 for Southern Drainage Project and authorizing a final payment of $2,157.15. City Manager recommends. 72. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work performed by Recio & As- sociates, Inc. at a total cost of $37,784.61 for the Coconut Grove Business Area Highway Improvement and authorizing a final payment of $360.59.This item was deferred at the March 19, 1980 City Commission Meet- ing. City Manager recommends. 73. RESOLUTION Providing for a Public Hearing on the Pro osed budget of Gusman Hall and the Olympia Building for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1981. City Manager recom- mends. 74. RESOLUTION Providing for a Public Hearing on the proposed budget of the Department of Off -Street Parkin of the City of Miami, Florida for the Fiscal Year ending September 30' 1981 to be held on September 25, 1980 at 2:30 P.M. City Manager recommends. 75. RESOLUTION Directing the City Clerk to publish a Notice of Public Hearing for objections to the acceptance the City Commission of the completed construction by Goodwin, Inc. of Avalon Sanitary Sewer Improvement in Avalon Sanitary Sewer Improvement District. City Manager recommends. 76. RESOLUTION Directing the City Clerk to publish a Notice of Public Hearing for objections to the acceptance by the City Commission of the completed construction .�X Iacobelli Contracting, Inc. of Crestwood Sanitary Sewer Im- provement in Crestwood Sanitary Sewer Improvement District. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 12 R- 80-649 La/Gi UNANIMOUS R- 80-650 La/Gi UNANIMOUS R- 80-651 La/Gi UNANIMOUS R- 80-652 La/Gi UNANIMOUS R- 80-653 Ln/Gi UNANIMOUS R- 80-654 La/Gi UNANIMOUS R- 80-655 La/Gi UNANIMOUS PRESENTATIONS - C"ISSION MEETING September 15, 1980 1. Presentation of a Commendation to Captain Stefan Wesolowski, in recognition of his courage all throughout his military career and especially for having received the Bronze Star from the United States of America for outstanding service in World War II during the battle of the Atlantic. It is to be noted that although the Captain did not possess U. S. citizenship at the time, in 1943 the Commanding General of the U. S. Transportation Corps commissioned him to a position as second in command of an aircraft carrier. 2. Presentation of a Commendation to Officer Jerry Wheat, of the City of Miami Police Department, for his professionalism, dedication and compassion, in- volving a hit-and-run accident during which he gained the admiration of the victim. 3. Presentation of Keys to the City of Miami to Messrs. Jorge Mejia, President, Banco de Bogotl International in Miami, and to Guillermo Gonzalez, President Banco de Bogota Trust Corporation in New York.