HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0668• 1'r'" �i".r Kew r. RESOLUTION 8 U- 6 G S ! A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF GRAPHIC SALES INNOVATORS, INC. FOR FURNISHING PRINTING OF 3,000 ANNUAL REPORTS TO THE J DEPARTMENT OF POLICE; AT A TOTAL COST OF $12,586.00; ALLO- CATING FUNDS FROM THE 1979-80 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DE- PARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE THE PURCHASE ORDER FOR THESE MATERIALS. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received June 25, 1980 for the furnishing of Printing of 3,000 Annual Reports for the Department of Police; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to 12 potential suppliers and 3 bids were received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available in the 1979-80 Operating Budget; and WHEREAS, these materials will be used by the Department of Police for the purpose of communicating it's goals and programs to the citizenry; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Department of Police recommend that the bid received from Graphic Sales Innovators, Inc. be accepted as the most advantageous bid to the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMQIISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The June 25, 1980 bid of Graphic Sales Innovators, Inc. for furnishing printing of 3,000 Annual Reports to the Department of Police at a total cost of $12,586.00 is hereby accepted with funds hereby allocated from the 1979-80 Operating Budget of that department. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue 010 Purchase Order for these materials. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15 day of SEPTEMBER _1980. "SUP"RTIVE _ DOCU�l�3E��i S �Attes: TC ity Clerk -- PREP ED AND APPROVED BY: OV _v- ROBERT F. CLAR ASSISTANTCITY ATTORNEY Cl Y A MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R "DOCUMENT INDEX ITEM NO. ) 4 " AS 2TrTnr6L AND CORRECTNESS: CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF S E P 15 1980 NUOUFMN NO ..... 8.40„- f E r r Mr. Joseph R. Grassie City Manager OA.L. Mullins Purchasing Agent July 21, 1980 1.. �,• � Recommendation for Resolution and Award of Bid: No. 79-80-84, Printing Annual. Report -Department of Polir. Award of Bid, Resolution Pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received ,June 25, 1980 for furnishing printing of 3,000 copies of the 1979 Annual Report for the Department of Police. Invitations were mailed to 12 potential suppliers and 3 bids were received as follows: Bidder Amount Graphic Sales Innovators, Inc. $12,586.00 IMAGS $16,276.15 William S. Bodenhamer, Inc. $17,980.60 Funds for this purchase are available in the 1979-80 Operating Budget. This purchase of 3,000 copies of a Police Department Annual. Report will allow the department to COmmuni.cate its goals and programs, increase community nwareness and encourage active participation, .in a visual high impact media. The report will be distributed within the departments ranks, to other cities, community groups, community leaders, visitors to the department, and concerned citizens. The report will enhance the department's image and promote har- monious relations between officers and citizens. It -is recommended that thu award he made and a resolution be passed accepting the most advantageous bid as rer.eivecl Prom Graphic Sales 'Innovators, Inc. for furnishing, printing; of 1,000 Annun.l. Reports at a total cost of $.1.29586.00. The Department of Police concurs with this recommendation. "SUI�RORTIVE ( �1,IvIE' ��I7� OC I.( t! 1 80-668 r ITEM: TYPE OF PURCHASE: REASON: POTEN'1'IAIa BTDDERS : BIDS RECL:IVED : TABULATCON: AWARD OF BC.D Bid No. 79-80-84 Printing 39000 AnIMI'll. Reports Police Single Purchase To enhance the imago of The Department by communl.cati.ng 1.t's goals and programs to the citizens. 12 3 Bidder _ Amount - Graph1c Sales Tnnovators, Inc:, $.1.2,586.00 DIAGS $1.6,276.1.5 William S, Bodenhamer, Inc. $17,980.60 FUNDS: 1979-80 Operating; Budget CERTIFI17D AS TO AVAILABTLITY OF FUNDS/SOURCE Department of Finance 131D EVALUATION: All bids meet the spec Hi.cati.ons. Following is an analysis of the Invitation to Bid: Number of B:Ld Number of Categot InvLtations Mailed Responses Prior. Bidders 4 3 New Bidders 5 -0- Minority Bidders 2 -0- Courtesy Notifications J. -0- "No Bids" 1 Totals 1.2 4 Reason for "No B.-Ld" was as follows: "Involved in other projects at this H.me." ADDT'L'l'ONAL INFOILMAT'I'ON: The project includes Marketing and Public Relations —�- T --- Consu.ltatian, clnd Copywriting to producr. the text i Layout, design, typesetting, photostats, and nlechanicals; r.equlred photography; and printing to produce 3,000 copies of the 4 color brochure Lind tIlQ 12 page statistical insert. RI:CO2� MENDAT I0N T.T IS RECOMMI:NDE'D THAT TIIV AWARD BE MADE. TO _ CLL11'IITC SALES T.NNOVATORS, 'CNC, The Department: Of I'ol ice concurs, n !�— purchasi.ng Agent Date �-- -- ITEM: DEPARTMENT: TYPE OF PURCHASE: REASON: POTENTIAL BIDDERS: BIDS RECHUD: TABULATION: AWARD OF BID Bid No. 79-80-84 Printing 3,000 Annual. Reports Police Single Purchase To enhance the image of 'file Department by communicati.nl; :Lt's goals and programs to the citizens. 1.2 3 Bidder Amount Craphi.c Sales Innovators, Tnc. $12,586.00 11IAGS $1.6 , 276.15 William S. Bodenhamer, Inc. $17,980.60 FUNDS: 1979-80 Operating; Budget CERTIFIED AS TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS/SOURCE Department of Finance BID EVALUATION: AIL bids meet the. specifications. Following is an analysis of the Invitation to Bid: Number of Bid Number of Category Invitations Mailed Responses Prior Bidders 4 3 New Bidders 5 -0- Minority Bidders 2 -0- Courtesy Notifications 1. -0- "No Bicls" 1 Totals :1.2 4 Reason for "No Bid" was as follows: "Involved in other projects at this time." ADDTTLONAL INFOR,MATTON: The project i.ncluden Marketing and Publ.lc Relations Consultation, and Copywriting; to produce the text; Layout, design, typesetting, photostats, ailcl mech;tnlcals; required photography; and printing to produce 3,000 copies of the 4 color brochure area the 12 page statistical Insert. RECOMMENDATION: 11' US Rf;COMMEM)F.D THAT TIIE AWARD BE MADE' TO -- ----- -�~ CR.AI1IIfC SALES T.NNOVATORS, INC. The Department of Polio concurs. a_' Perch+tsing; Agent V-1i t e 3— 600