HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0663---�z---„ate-----�-. RESOLUTION NO. 8 0` 6 6 3 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE FOR THE USE OF THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM FOR ANY MIAMI DOLPHINS HOME PLAYOFF GAMES FOR THE 1981, 1982 and 1983 NFL SEASONS, IN CONFORMANCE 14ITI-I THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS ,SET FORTH IN THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the National Football. League for the use of the Orange Bowl Stadium for any Miami Dolphins Home Playoff Games for the 1981, 1982, and 1.983 National Football League seasons, in conformance with the terms and conditions as set Forth in the attached agreement. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15 clay of SEPTEMBER , 1980. tic NT ATTEST: FOLLOW? ;ZC ec'ty Jerk G PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: PEM MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R "DOCUMENT INDEX ITEM NO, "-/--,9 _2 CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF S E A 15 1980 RESOLUTION NO ..... 8, G R@ AARK3:.................».,.».«. 3 r 0 0 A G F. L: %: t-; E ]•i T AN AGRi::EIiEI•iy entered into tl:i: day of 1980 by and betr;c e.n thc: National Fcoth,&12 LeafCUG, an unincor- l-.ora,• cd association, (hereinafter :re-forred to as I,E�,GUE, and the City of Miami, a municipal. corporation oa' the Stag' of Florida, (heveinafter referred to a:.; CITY) . "SUPPORTIVE .''1�'i r,s. Emu- " SUPPORTIVE MI N• i FOLLOW`."hat for ardin consideration Gl' the mutl.:a;. covenants and aLreerlents hereaft-ev sot forth, ti:c _ artic;s hcreto cibr�.--o as follows: LEAGUE, F.: 1. To pay the CITY ::.n aomi. ; ii.Ons ta.-I eciva]. t0 mu.lt'ipliec by the total number of scats. (whet; er solci or not) in the Ors nL; .- Bowl Stadi.utri for each foorb,�.11 c;an:c• kno'r.n the "AI''C 1',ildcaru 01-awe" played at the CranLc l:ov l Stadiur. GUI:']. 1�!' the yc:al:'s froI, January 1, 192.0 thrOU„h the 1198'i E.atiortal Football I.f7aj ue (111) r1E';:son (i.nclud.il:j., T?OVIt'^Sea.80I' ;ar%f,:)). 12. no Case, however, shall th:. total amount. of' u-,h adwAssi.cr.sl 'v"a?: t;c Lc. pcjia to '1•1iG CITY by the be loss that: Forty-i.'ive Th,:Dusand Doilar.'s ( 45,GGC; for each "AhC Vli.ldcard Gar.e" player.. ?id c rr,e st,a11 Lc t)l;a.yed i.n t,tte ;':iatt:i Crc.t,CE: rr : S tadiLll:. -if', and only if', the Fcotl'aii Conference (APC ) team kno�;n as the Miami I;olphir.s is, 01' the tyre ;Jildcarcl teams Within Lhc f? !C , that l.'il.dcard Leah. ti',i.th the best rocor'ci of won an(. 1G:;t i2 L'i'lc AI'C dUI'iliF the rec!.ular football �c'ct:On �USt completed. It is further muLL1;111y 1-nderstoo;i by both pavties h:ercto Lh:,:Lt a.r.y conflict betwoc.n the d-ate of p"c oont;::L_cn o_ th-, "f.I'C ,',ildcard Game" at,d the date of the 0:'an4e i c1;1 C�:t,:;;I:.Ltee fc.' playing of the OrarIe Bowl Classic Footbal'w E;a thy: so-663 0 0 Bowl Stadium mm: t: be resolved by the LEAGUL with the OrunSe Bowl Corunittee prior to final schcclulin�_', of this 11AFC I.,ildcard Game 11 . 2. Tv pay the CITY an CL6i1i:isions tc:: c ual vc' t.!:9643 multiplied by the total nuiiiber of seats (whether, sol,1 or Ilot ) l.n the Oran c: LSG'r71 StadiLllli for each f ootba" l GaI:,c" .nown a- the "AFC Divisional Playoff Game" played at; tl'.c. Crap, to SGT:i. Stwd:l.um, during; tili:' yoa-.-2 from January 1, l�8'C t:irou,-oh the 1; _i_ N- L :football season, (nCl�C1 f. 7oSt-5E1 on E':c�e i".�). In no 3aEe', shall the toted a.Ieount o" t:l:e adm.issionz tax to be .(;w'id to tl:e• C:C`fY by the 7 EAGU bc,li.,, than. ,oi'ty-t i rc }'rlcu„a l.i Dollai,s 000 ) for r•.'rac".1 11A7.1C Divisional I'la yoff Gai,le ll played. .�J la it E;a;re playec'i in th,e C'iii31i11 CI'::ii1:0 Pc l rtuCl l.ii: 1f, and only if', the Ai,, t'aam. 1::i0i'iI: ao i:1;Ci 1 '.:ii:! t. I)olphin;i i'lili:7 the tiL'Ci l:.a:,%,E:2 n Division Cl a1i.LJ1G :s...rJ a.I'.Jk is, Uu ii:'ll on their record c,.' samos r;on and lost i-rithir. their Conference, .c b:.' the, host team. for tl:i s "PFC1 Divisional Playoff it' is furtl,ev mutually unc.erstood by both par'tie:, heret'G that any conflict 1iet-wek?n the date for pru.sontaticn of this 11A1'C i iVi Si01.1a]. Playof'i' Gu-.me" and the data, of t11e Oran,;;c iov;l Ccr.unittecu l'oi' playrnf; of the Crane: Bot•rl %✓lassie Football -'r;r i ". r ac at the Oi,_:iic. }:y ;cr,l .�tcl�i u . it;u�t be iE:salve� 'y t1. .e with t:i : Orlanl;e I ct;l Ccrmdttoe pr-lor to final scheduling; of the "AFC Divisional Playoff 3. To pay the C:i TY ani.ldis�ss�.on;� tax equal tc 4i . 5.1164J I1lultiplied by t,-,E: total nulllter of (whet'no, sold or not) in tl:e Gr'ancgEy Dot�'1 Stadium for each foctball Uaim.- knoi'rn as I1AFC Cha1I,pl.onsnic Ga mel' played at the Or anE;e Eoi'tlSt,:-.ctium c.urin—: the years from January 1, 1980 tCirouCh ;:he Natiom-._ ?ootba.11 Leacue _'football st as,,on ('includkiG pos1V--E7C:cascr. L;::!i:ci:J) . .Ti% no C tCe however, ilia ll the total amount of the admi;;:,ions tax to be paid 1' c: to the Cl' 'Y by the LEAGUE be less than 'Forty-Yive Thousand Dollars (�115,000) for each "AFC Ciiampicnship CaIne" played. 41SUPPORI-IVE DOCUMENTS Said anie shall be played in the Miami Cranye Eo,v;1 Stadium if, and only if, the P,PC te:ai;i lknoiin as t•hc i'1i2.n;i Dolphin , wins the "AFC Divisional Playoff tcure" and Is, based on their record of [_fames won and lost within thei.r' Conference, to be the host. team for this ";.i''C C'hamuionsh p Came" . It is further mutually understood b;,' bat;, Parties hereto that any conflict bettvec:I; the Nate of present«r.icri of this "All"C Championship Garr;e" and t .c Gate of the Oranj:;c' c:oti'J1 Commit -E:e for playing of thic. 0,.'an-c, }:m;l Classic 'Foot ball Carrie at the Cra,nGe Eci%l Stadium must be veoolved b,,, the Lr.., iGUE' ..Lth the Orai)Ee Bowl Corillittee pri.ol.' to final. schedulinl-: a.I' this "A.17C C.-:ampionship Gene" . i4 . r'o carry pull. iC 1:;. ,: ? ._its- i.r;sur'c_nce of' ($1, u0u, G00) Dollars per occur'_''er:ce f r' 'r.cciily in,� ur 1 Hundred .'housa-d ($3.00, C00) Dollars per oCCLU'r',QnC% foi:' ;)T'ap rtY dama. ,e; sz:id i.r.s; slice tc name the C 1`.''Y a:, an add i t c:;l:l L-.sured . Evidencc. of irt: ar :ncc mu::t be aubinitt�:d :o th City Cler}., of she Cl 'Y lit least thirty (-'C) day(3 j]r';UI' to the cOmrrit I'C.^-n;C T:t date o: t;ie ac•i'c:r,; ntioned ic. r:a1Lt T:o T)i:ySl.Cli chal". c 5 t) �J1;C,' �lI''ctliC':c1 op;�. Stadiur., .:ithout ti;�, written ccr;. ent. anal ow' the Car": and not to c.:iV(.'rti47c an ti'1G Cr2 nc-,c Eol.,11 ISta� .lalr. jr(yrr.i C:5 ;' ; he . the e:;pres., writter; cement o'' the City iiar:a.F,er'. u. The LHAGUE t';i.l.l have c:CC1Lt�,].�.'e ri..-ht:: to the sale of pro-;r'anis to cacC , of the ("J.ne 3 described .Tl 1 a"a .:'uj (; i 1, 2, and j abo! e . 7. Th e .EAGUE and all its agents, r,:1:1 i..*' j 1.1 C...ber abide by and bi; „overncd b all the rulos and rej;u Y 1.at .onS .fo.. the ma, nai c;�ment and operaticn of tip(: saiii Ovan:jl— Lot;'1 Ctadiuli�, all Ord Iriance°s of the CITI, and all Lwas of the "fate o; W1i.d,,. «Sub ,�CD.�1VE DOCUr-,""�' l Ji ..j'�i.,i " FOLLOW" INd CITY A.CI} FES: 8. TG provide and pay f'or tickets, tic}cet takevs, Ushers, and occur'it"y for t}1C: `;Ctl.il' J duscrib(ed in PaI a,:%r1;:.t)h 1., 2, and above, r . To C:rant to the IIfJ�+GLF_ i:r exclusive riC.,ht and use of the Crant,o Powl Stadium to pror.:ote and con(Im, C' tne football (''iril'iC�3 de-,, ' S t j '�' ♦' r ',:ir i:ib 0': '.:' i'1'Gl,i January g i cri1)od .n S a1 Ci�rC: i)hs , C. , a , Jan y 1, 1980 t1_X0Uf� h thO 1 91" Natiorlcll LC'af. U(_ footiba. ' sC:asori �inClLtCii11�'; pC1;;t-:3C'a::Gt) �'£ifi:irS�. , .L C . To ,­C: 2't?:TiGn:i:l.[)1.f' iG2'' tiiC: nhysaci:.:.i. pZ.u.:':i, CGT:CIit:L02'1 of the Cr:.n(G G'.;1 struc .urc. anQ uG'ats', ,;,.n t to :.T)aLTr'( t:.at the.' f'ic.'ld i. lfor play, 11 , d� fond ul C .,.•: 1:,:; }i2'UUt,', i),(':l.i:'; it t )C:' CITE. clue to tiler Li, O';;nf::l°::!;i j, O." 11C rl'arw.'v i>0;. �,:• .:iLIT;;. 12, .i. i. ... .. :L: It:l C; 'i' UTI C: i.4'i.itGUl.i thkE lim.i t,at .Cn;: iTi:j%Gi:iCi: GL' the3 C ' G' 'iirtuo of :Ltrl�"','�Olia3llt i'ri' 11 t;)t; �'T'C ttE:'G ivi'1l CG:;,rlitt;Ce f'Gr t;1C ;)Z'C ,3!1n1�itL' 101'1 GI' t}iC: CI''ar.L;C; ',Ji'r 1 Classic, football 'C1; LEAGUE .,}i i l ha%'c: thG addit:icxui 't. L'ii';'tlt i)1' i1CC_:;;. E:IiC} use Cf tho St&.d:l.ur.. ant l i tC 11`v 1.C' at al! the la-'t t(;'11 ClayL. j;2''i.0l v0 t.:! 5C}1t C}l:ll'1:1 L1LlVa2'.f' da"C! C l each of the r t 1 Y'C1.t,I'd f) ,L , , J i�: above, Lior ti v �atnea de:..,,r:LL�ci . ti .. h,i i c Of' te,':tr, '^raciiice~. 112'Cf;,Ltt.l' jhrLj/ 1ri�.tiGti.`'i, l.t';C.t:..1 i t:iGn of teJ.e- Vision r�Tid of}'1(:.' E+Ql1ipP.i:11t aliCl j,2'��l;:Gtf.Gl)fi7. prc'i7i12" �L'10;:. T}li? '21h "•r l i •t l , l : 'food , be% 1r 13. . ,i,., t the f4 L ..... 1 i'r .L a. . ' t4 t i� :�. T i 1'.. c r i novelty and tobacco CcsnCG' ,;s ton rl-C,htc 1.:i the ojieration of t•hi: t'}ie: uT)! er press box., but oxcluditl�, the loti.rer. pres i box. lei. 1C.T.ut the C1`,,.'1' have,, cciltral ar.. all1T;CG:C;L' `'r'OG) ll'itiT)('; 1' i (;,iltii andgl''f.V').1or e• . fEf--j�j VE rs FOLLOW„ 80-663 15. Mat the CITY will pay for all cost :and exponsc for cleaning; the premises After the said events 16. The parties agree th,.t the sale of alcoholic beverar-es by the LEAGUE is st-rictl; prohl.bited , 17. 1'or the nurposes of thj.0 AwrL'on:ent, t1 e tr,: ,yC)Ti 110ran[;e Bot',l Stadium" shawl include no' on: y the stac:�.um yt5elf, but all drer'ssin , rooms, public t0:!.10ts, t•iCket booths, the right of ingress andi oCress, and also the vii;ht to ti ,'Je Use Of ore hundred (125) parkin;; spcce^ ad `cininf- tho St�i.d:.uty. for' the Ll?�.GG ; ccnni".8sioner an his :;ta:'' �r,ci l;�lc:;>t::, I- I- of fi11ated ti'r I. the ��ational 1''octb:a:l L,.:'ar;ue a., cic�'r;t:d nc'ce: sary by the J.rt,liGL'T'., thc-., partic-_Tpat in tearii::, 1� vti.L:.Y' stuff iln!l i'lid;�t:i, and pre-,(,;uma and C? CITY w 1.J. prov::de rjarliil-if: fox" i hc, are rece:;.vedi from l:•hei-i,.. 18. 'Phe CITY ';;ill furnis.^, and l;:'ovi(le rr;:'sclna1.lo necessary pursonn el and oervicos, :;.Yl wit"; described in ! ay ^;T'a.r)h,, 1., =�, and j ...bove, 'IiC ..Li(t f.t'i�: DLit 1,Ct lintitcr. to a r.ursO, atiltClA.anl,C uLi , rnLft,liC . G.''t;:3s dnC.'I Other s tiaQ .11iil i:.tC :Ciu. I , . .� �Cll:•l. l..,l� t,lt. GU ..���:' « tG.1.. of Vl":c: l: _ Y 1:eT @a27C l,'i' _:1:. •:t l a.( CiC. }:, ai:'. ,i c.�1,.� t•at.n rnicropl-:ciiE::CiCOIi1tC'C 'viU,t t1,, e '1tIt rl`1�,t. l't • t11C " control of t11 LErt(t17E, and the i.EA(,Ul: zih.11 1:�.':r, tl',o ril-;i-it the L1Se of' the said. r.'i11C taut, ;, .kvr !'Or the purpose of announcing;, tho play-by-play and the nro;:;r.'ar; of events under the control o_' thc: LEAGIM, the usc:, of tt:c: stadium. Tn a.daition thereto, thy° CITY shiill (;2lovldc, tilt:' normal, and usual electricity for radio and televisi0v'i trrilt,:T,.i. ,::..c:•n and .for stadium lights adequate to 1ig;1':t• the fie7•c;, '.I'i:c r1.g"itt to r'cquGc:t that the stadium lights be turnod on shAull be roserved t; o tl'le LEr;GUE, and the CITY shall be obyigated to t'w.-n S.iii.l ;ltts an t';ht :: requestcd. by the I,g:AGUE, All of the scrvices to ba under by the CITY shall. be without any addttionc:l, o:;t.Cl;e.e to L'tic LEAGUE. NOW 19. The parties hereto will. be- excused front the performance of this Ap reement in whole: or in part only by reason of the following: a. l',hen ti.e playinf; of such o;arle t s prevented by operation of 1a;'!. b. L';hen the playinC of suer, g,aine; prevented by an irresistible, Superhur',ar crause. c. G'ii'len the playiliL: of such rar.o i by an r.et 01' the plublic of t*,-,e ;',t'ate of Florida or ol" the United ;;tates of Am.orica, or by Eitril{=', raob v i.o on,cc•, fire, UGLly In tI""'1soT"*_G1 bG Gic; the CGr :TU . G ' tI1E: LLAGUF',, or, unavoiClabl,: �.n event pC12'fGT':.iu2iC(: is C'.: Ll3t"si? i2: i CLGTGelt'lCi w.'. thC- Ciro fi ti 1.01 l a t r n r•' st 'a l be � r; "_s C f tl 1S I� .I'i..c.,I'c.�Jil � , t: C.' _1'.�.ttltl... 11 .� reliovGG of any ob l.i_i ation tG lily the :;um pro iutd tU Ine pu ill to the CIT". under :'a.:'ap;aphq 1., 2, andabove , 20. i.11 ..'ad (,,, tt;lev.-I-sion an:.! motion riCll-uz— ri) hus J tG such �' shall b� rC'fie'VGCi 1%G TV UI , 3I":i! the f'; iI .I �IZEr 1J...:,. x F. sizall 'o soli: and exclusive r-I ht to suc'n radir) l i C. t C l ion Z broadcasts and any ration pictures oa' such ,;.ir:es, as well as all receipts from such sources or any of 21. The parties r;:utuilly at. -roe that the, centinf encies as have be en exprosseG 7.Z'l F r, 2 a d `' A �1 C.E i cl l'c;pi"ls 1, , uti O , Ci? s (' ° "-- men; i'!1.tC1 rest: t l r"e ec� to the i'•.,.�.tr..i i �G�p,.:Ln, Foot i.. ..�� a:.., �ha 11 operate as conditions precedent to the of e:it'ner Marty with ref;ard tc "AFC ?'i'ildcard Gamcs", "Ar'C F'la,yoff Gaines" and "AFC, Championship Games", and ne.itl:er party shall be bound by 1, 2, al -id 3 of this ALreemkl tit aboent tho Occurrence of the afore Stated C ont:it':g n,-,-te.s . ,� r , c for' the pia. yin tlZ. �. t it:�O�aib,e tCl c.:CtL tc1i1Z>1"f;1.1.�G C7i tC' Gf the football francs as herein above desc'r'ibe:d ti:e p r;;i e" 1•�, a . iris � ua. ...�; aE,ree t:lat such a day shall be selected as soon: as pl't:'tG t;'i C� iiltr "SUPPORTIVE D0CU�,IEI\ -p -� FOLLOW„ _ gp 663 after the herein above«rinentioned continLencies have occurred, kecpinfl, in mind that schedulinC.; conflicts betti,;een the "EAGU" and the OranCe Lowl CoutriiL-tec must be revolved' by the LEAGUE With the OranEe Bo,.%,l Committee I't- is mutually agreed by the parties herr:to th<tt six (6) months prior to the termination of this AF,reer,:Qnt, both .parties ,!ill Enter into a xc:ncE;otiaiicn for, the pMIIposc: of axriv i.nF.; at -a A„ ree:nerc". . 1.,itnesSU5: �slci.-........ �• ._il'"-_.....tea\ Attest: City Cei TH CITY OP NTAit"IT ,OVE,% A� �OrGi6?i t,vC� GOlif,�.,G�:,�c,:.-: %� i' I City Aut%or ric•y TEh�rt_Ili City M1n aCer ,