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?1N RESOLUTION NO. 8 0- 7 1 2 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED BLAIR TRACT, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Board and the Department of Public Works have recommended the acceptance of the plat: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section I. The Plat entitled "BLAIR TRACT", being a resubdivision of Lots 1 and 2, and a portion of Lot 3, Block 5, "CENTRAL ADDITION TO BUENA VISTA', according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 3, at Page 191, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida,together with a subdivision of a portion of the S.E. k of Section 24, Township 53 South, Range 40 East, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, which by reference is made a part hereof as if fully incorporated herein and the dedication as shown thereon together with all existing and future planting, trees and shrubbery on said property, to the perpetual use of the public, are hereby accepted and confirmed by the City of Miami, Florida. Section 2. The City Manager and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Plat. DCA" U i I v 1 J . FOLLOWIP "1111J ,MEN 1 In ITEM No, .,. , x CM COMMMION MEMO OF SEP2S 480 80-7 12 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25 day of SEPTEMBER , 1980. ATTEST: CITY LER PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: �i v.Q ASSISTANT ACITY ATTOtNEY MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: FOLLOW F 80-712 9 MODEL E. A REPLAT OF LOTS 18 THRU 2-9 TWR 53So RGE.41E. CITY OF SCALE: I"= 50' c 7 A O1V ALL MF -50oiV1510N OF THE 5TATEOPPLORK Nay c.,&u5tn TO be Ma.nf� T H e ITT"I DE5GRg5LV pROpERTY LEGAL DES'«c'lf�T/ON .tor. PLAT TNERE4Fi �75 REeORGE FLoeiDA, L Y/NCa //V seerionl 1 i t - �S�/.PLif'YD�S NOTES AV —cz>— 4TES SUBDIVISION No. 3 'SIVE, BLOCK 1, GABEL SUBDIVISION -DADE COUNTY----FLORI DA. 1 So 2S 0 fo ioo GNAPHIC SCALE NO.4, ( PLAT BOOK 161 PAGE 23), L PING /N %c m FLORIDA AUGUST, 197! 1lRES,FISTS DADE CFLoR/DA ► G Po L.1 TI L —� THgT METRnPOLITAN ou/V rY, 'COKPAt4c-E WITH RESOLUTION No. I OF IT5 CoUNT*f C,0Mrl($5I0N?R5 , AP0PTaO ON T " MODEL E5TATE5 SU6b114I510ti t4a, 5% THE Oft 6GINy Q Su6DIV1510N OF THe. FOLLORINC ;IRO R+ /NCG tJS /VE) 5[00k 1, 0 6RBEL. 546 D/V/ 5/©n/ AM, 400 ACeoo2 D//VC. To 7 Pt,or Boo K /G, Ar PAGE 23 j. GF r/• o PklozlG REcoRoS of DADA_ Cob FL OR/DA . 5T. f 0 T�.9C.�3L3'yYQQ.PfiVN/OIdO ,«V. 4 SB9�c''3�0,�6 16 ,' �• ��Z2r , ,� 3 ti its v (' uTILITT I = u EASEMENT' - I �0 0 • d = ca'9$G•35 � .sc?92'6�3.S�E • NW'� 58th TER.t r �sx.�-a-�.voEa sae .,�•a �ic•rs> LING' h'S ,.PE«iYTtt' SG',E'f�E�'EO ,9iYLJ f'IATTEO (/NOES' O!//� .�/.F'Er i9dSD TiY.AT TiyE f'E.P/�fNfiVT ,P�FG-/IE/✓C�' �Ylpit/!/rYlENT5 ANp PE CONTROL Po%N7S WERE 5ET ON JAN. /7 0) AOL /N 4000R,04#a WITH PARTI G /77 CAWS OF M6 STATE OF A-910,44 C'.9/1/�fiil/ L�9•'t/G? S!/iQ�/�'/OAS /y� : � i --- I N /4, r Pa►tMw ef 5.E.164 Sae , 14•sb•dl LOCATIQN MAP SCALE : I" = 300 BADE C'OL/NTY SLAT Ftt'STI?/LT/oNS: TNFI T THE S TR9'�' T, IS(/ENvE \\//TN AdL �'x/ST/NCa ANd FtJTVR�' PLfiNT/NCB, 7-947ES, SH HERElSy OE'o/tATEO To TI-/E 14OE'4 PE Td/pL vSE oF' %'H 5 dG G rE' SS OR 5, Off' ASS / G NS TN E TN E/?4 THAT THE 4/5E OF SEPTIC TigNKS SNAL[ NOT BB PERM/ T TE1 7-EMf3aRARY USE /N ACG oRDANGrE wTN CovNT Y UR STfr T'NE USE 0/9 //VD/V/OVAL \YELLS SHALL NDT BE ALL -+1VJMM/Nc* POOL Sr q/R cCWd/ 7-/4Nl/V49 oR /R0/44 TiON, ALL NEW E[EcTkic oR GOMMUN/CAT/oA,l G/NES En KEPT TRAM sNALL L3E INSTALL ELF U/VOBR <vh'oc/IVD, OWNERS PLdT RE51'R1CT/ON9 THE LIT/t / T Y E'RSEME`N TS AS SHO1Yn/ OA TN6 A T TAGN�v Pt, A.bp MA/NTENANcE Or PL/,p4 /O UT/e./ Tie'r , /N 1Y17-NE55 WNEREoF ow, ME TROPoL /TAN OAOE codNTY, A POt / ' GA/J sE0 TN/S PLAT TD BE E,.rECc/TEs� /N I / T.s' NAME ,9 y / TS Mq yOR ore wee - MA y0 rt ArVLa A 7' TES TEO AND se., IYO.,..�TN/S______ DAY of A,D, /P80 METROPo[1TAN O dDY / TS 90 AR'o ' �'' M•4Yo,C', BY ElGL�/VO ►Y6 EDIfE' MEN T 5 TATE of F6o,eioq ss• ; / NEE B Y GFE' T/ F Y � TNA T oN TN/S 40LINTY di'OAOE 0414tr AU TNOR/ZEO TD AOM/N/S Te AND TO THE' M A Y o ole A,c�..,iniry crnTi^4 4n//J 1.-4 /n1Vi!/. Tn AlE Tip I3R T E N .. .. . - - . . pNo AckNoivLEo4ED ro ME', TNAT THEY ,EXEct/TCD T 6 s R1 ZEv AND alIC EC T ED AS TN&' F,e4gE' AG T f*A/G DECO OF FLOC/DAB TN/S._,..0�4Y OF`._.,QD, /980 1V/T/✓Es'S : MY S1 MYLD, G/ Ty OF _ M/AM / •QNO coy/�/ �-y APP/�'O�/� - TN/ eery ZONm/C eoogvo M/AM/, 02ON1,04; TN TN/S P, ,,o r \./As APP,Qavojo A/vo 7,.vm FoArAff APPRD vEL7 Sy AES0 t C/ T/D/V / a , - . PAsst gP,veo vEo � - D/2'E C TOR of PdBt /C `�/DekS pEP T . S/GNE•t� G/Ty N4A1A4&oe TN/S /-s TO C,ER T/ FY TNAT TN/-f i't -4 T r4 PPEAQS Qa pF E' e0a,-VTy LC OA Y TN/s PLA T vws F/t Eo Foie ,eacoas rf//s PLATS, A T i-Al>E ,OF' T,yE PVBL/e RECDoev,s LO/yPL/E.S \v/ TN TNO 4A1vS OF TN .s TA 7-As' FL O/r/aA .5 L- %ON, '1f4QNENT ".PTeR MODEL EStATES SUBDIVISION N0,3 I 7W4CE As SNo%VN oN 71"0 47*74Gi4EAO PLAT T04ETAJfI4 39bC-RY ANO F/A°6 NYORANT-S TN ERE ON H APO TD THE OEO/ G A 7-OM.5 , �YHE'N�VE'R O/SGoN T//JVE'o eY Z V%V, /ITNiN TNiS .5t/43p1V/•,/O1/ 41AII.E5S APPRGVFAq / G/? R0041.44 90 ��//TtJ/N TN/S StJBO/V/S10N rEXGEPT �=oAr M/ SS/ON L//►/R„s, \V /TJN//1/ TH/S S//B O/V/ S/per/ ARE NERe By R�s��y�o FOM TNB /,/•f TALL,4 r1a v iG Sc%3O/V / S /oN dF• THE sTA TE off' AFLp�'/DAB f,IAS aq?O of CVa.IVTY GOM/N/SS/G/VERS Ac T//✓a OsY G BY /TS :4ERk W/TN RESoLvT/ON cacliv TY, FLOR/OA. , v T y cDM'M/ss /o magc . A T TES T 00.0arY GGEr?K , e4OrAe OF TNF G/ArCd / T 6aa0e T, Y PE?SOAAV e4 Y 4oc'PEq AC Ep OX bRE Al& o AN OFA7eafo oA Tfl.s AND TAKA: Ac/ENO ►V LEvl��E IyCNT S, 9 OEPIJT Y CLERAe OF' T,a/,O epAQd OF -WAIA/T1/ GONP'//S.t/OA✓ERS rSaNs ►VND EicEcvTFO , THE Fa�'6'A'O/N4 /NST/d�/ME�'/VT . , 11 eelCH GFF/GEQS AFTER' BEING yFiQE !/ /O 8409?0 OF cDd/uTY COM/l/ 5514AACRX 900C OA06' GOVANrY,' V 40FF/C/.44 Oe f t TN/S� 44ydf AO , Mao . NDTAQ✓ P!/QL/C, ST�4TE OF FLAo T�Ip,!'4i� T RYAS. R'ECD"meAlo ED ,wem AOOPT/ON As Y 7we C rc e EXECt/T/YE S�GR TA,Q ' 'O O /CAT / O/V s 04 CG Ag p TFs O A Nd No A*ooPTEo Oy TAVO C/TV' GOMM/5S/ON AT TEST + E/TY CL,E/tk NFdRM TD ALL Tf,�E REQU/F?EMEN7^5 Off' G,�1�4FT,E,Q OA re . GF'rz r/ ,crleAp TN/S ,OY ,91WEC r.Ae ,DA OR COL/N TY P✓ASA / C NV40APK t OE PT 9F , / °i . A T- M . /A/ B OO& ,oA L70 ceV OV T Y, /-LCsr /G1Q . T/.//S f0L A T FLOW/oA •4N0 METi�o POL/TAN GAD � CdtJNTy, 141"KD P. 6RI h1KER CLtKK Of THC CIacU1T COURT 09 Y CITY Of' MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM T" Richard L. Fosmoen "ATf September 17, 1980 FILE. City Manager SUNJ[ BLAIR TRACT ::I Resolution Accepting Proposed Record Plat located on N.E. Donald W. Cather Miami Court North of N.E. 36 � Dir,g.ctor� f Pub i Works Street (For Commission Meeting - "``"''"'t of September 259 1980.) The Department of Public Works recommends the approval of the plat by the City Commission of Miami, Florida, and certifies its correctness as to form. The proposed record plat entitled BLAIR TRACT is a replat of Lots 1 and 2, and a portion of Lot 3, Block 5, "CENTRAL ADDITION TO BUENA VISTA (3-191) together with a subdivision of a portion of the S.E. k of Sec. 24, TWP 53 S, RGE 40 E. and will consist of one (1) tract having an area of 0.624+ of an acre. Also attached are the followings itemized papers necessary to present the plat on the City Commission of Miami: (1) Resolution accepting the plat (2) Print of proposed record plat (3) Agreement form pertaining to subdivision improvements (4) Opinion of Title (5) Memorandum from the Department of Planning pertaining to landscaping requirements (6) Memorandum from the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority pertaining to water mains and appurtenances (7) Portion of City Atlas Sheet No. 16 showing property platted colored in red. DWC:WKB:mf OP80-7 1 I ' r, opo ` . THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS September 25, 1980 REPORT OF PROPOSED RECORD PLAT OF BLAIR TRACT A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA The accompanying plat entitled BLAIR TRACT was prepared by J.H. Manucy, Inc, it is in correct form for submission to the City Commission and is forwarded with a recommendation that it be approved, PERTINENT INFORMATION REGARDING, THE PLAT: (1) The property platted is a replat of Lots 1 and 2, and a portion of Lot 3, Block 5, "CENTRAL ADDITION TO BUENA VISTA (3-191) together with a subdivision of a portion of the S.E. 4 of Sec. 24, TWP 53 S, RGE 40 E and will consist of one (1) tract having an area of 0.624+ of an acre, (2) The location of the streets and widths conform with the standards of the Department of Public Works of the City of Miami, Florida. (3) As certified to by J.H. Manucy, Registered Land Surveyor, this plat complies with the plat filing laws of the State of Florida, (4) By authority of Resolution No. ZB 174-80, adopted September 8, 1980, the plat was recommended for accept- ance by the City Zoning Board of Miami, Florida. iV./ `.✓ �.✓ 1..9 i 1 :.... a �� A`4,,,J^ (5) The attached Certificate of Title examination dated September 2, 1980, signed by Alvin S. Sherman, Attorney, indicates that the fee simple title to the property platted is correctly vested in Lawrence J. Fishbein. (6) The area platted is not encumbered by any mortgages, (7) in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 54, Section 54-20, of The Code of The City of Miami, Florida, a Cashierh Check in the amount of $13,100.00 has been tendered by the owner Lawrence J. Fishbein, This Cashiers Check has been deposited with the Director of Finance and will guarantee the completion of the subdivision improvements according to the provisions of the Agreement between The City of Miami and the aforementioned Lawrence J. Fishbein, The improvement required at the property platted are listed as follows: Landscaping, Asphaltic Concrete Pavement, Removal of Existing Curb and Gutter, Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter. (8) The location of the property is shown colored in red on the accompanying copy of a portion of City of Miami, Florida, Atlas Sheet No, 16. (9) The attached Resolution has been prepared for the acceptence of the plat by the City Commission of Miami, Florida, Walter K. Brown, Supervisor Cadastral Section WO: m£ v O w 7 1 2 , � V ia.SLi 1 Liii t %� �� CC/1 of 3 AGREEMENT FOR COINSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO PROVISIOtl" OF CHAPTER 54, SECTION 54-20 THE CODE OF THE CITY OF I9IAMI, FLORIDA WHEREAS, LAWRENCE J . FISHBEI1J�_� (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner"), concurrently With the delivery of this Agreement, has applied to THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), for the acceptance and confirmation by the Commission of said City, of a certain proposed plat of a subdivision to be known as I3LAIR_TRACT � a copy of which proposed plat is attached hereto aril made a Dart hereof as Exhibit "A"; and WH7R'EA S, Chapter 54, Section 54-20, THE CODE OF THE CITY OF NITA1II, FLORIDA, requires that any proposed plat, submitted to said Commission for acceptance and confirmation shall be accompanied by an Ac-rear;,ent entered into by the O:-rner of the land being platted, ;tith the Director of the Department of Public 4dorks on behalf of said City, for the construction of certain improvements therein enumerated, the performance of which AEreement shall be secured by a good and sufficient Performance Bond or Cashier's Check; NO1.4, THEREFORE, the Owner hereby covenants and agrees With the said City as follows: 1. Within one (1) year from the effective date of the acceptance and confirmation of said plat by the Commission of said City, or prior to the issuance by the City of Miami of a Certif':I.cate of Occupancy for the premises, the Owner will construct, or cause to have constructed, at his own expense and In accordance with standard specifications of said City, all Improvements as are 11.,sted and described upon the estimate of cost of said improvements, a copy whereof' is attached hereto } B Y � Form PTH #178 Rev 8/77 ► 8 0- 7 1 2 CC/2 of 3 as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. Although one year is allowed for the completion of the aforementioned improvements, it is not in the public interest that such construction work should be prolonged to the extent that it would have a disorganizing effect upon the neighborhood. After the work is started, the Owner hereby agrees to prosecute said work progressively so as to complete it in a reasonable length of time as determined by the Department of Public Works. The Owner hereby agrees to abide by all of the provisions of the "Guide for Work in the Public Right of Way", a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. - - - 2. In accordance %,filth the provisions of said Chapter 54, Section 54-20, THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, the O;-rner here -with deposits with the City a Cashier's Check in the amount of $ 1.-;,7_nn which amount is not less than one hundred (100j) percent of the estimated cost of the construction of the improvements listed in the attached Exhibit "B", plus thirteen (13j) percent for engineering or contingent costs and damages, the conditions of the deposit thereof being such that if the Owner shall fully and faithfully perform the ,Mork in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and'has submitted to the City of Miami Department of Public Works a letter from a Registered Land Surveyor certifying that the Permanent Reference'Monuments indicated on the Plat have been installed and properly placed, the amount'of said check shall be returned to the Owner; other- wise, in the event of the failure or neglect of the Owner to perform this Agreement, said check shall be applied by said City to the cost of constructing or completing the improvements, together with any engineering or contingent costs, and any damages direct or indirect, not to exceed thirteen (1300) percent thereof, which said City may sustain on account of the failure of the Owner to carry out and execute all of the provisions of this Agreement. Owner further covenants and agrees to pay the said City reasonable attorneys' fees in the event of the Owner's . default. Fnrm 1)"T 81 7R pnir R /77 1 80-712 1 11 CC/3 of 3 IN WITNESS lgIICREOF, the Owner has caused this Agreement to be executed in quadruplicate (one o r iginal and the next three carbon copies) this day of .7G A.D. , 19iiv . �rDelivered/ Si�nGd, Sealt..�i and in the Presence of: O;rner .v2E•'w�' i LAWRENCE J . FISI-IBEI14 (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) ATTEST: :jecrez;.ary (Corporate Sea!) ATTEST: Sec: e1;ar;; (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) pri;.cipal Corporation Pr�a.c;enL' princir, —a 1-7 Corporation) (Corporate Seal) President Approved and accepted on behalf of tha City of r4ia111i, Florida, this �� TIt day of ��"' % -1 :,?_t�A. D. , 1960 WITNES ES : �-,•+.<.�...� t. Cep - .__.._._. s Director', I)CPdVtlll0tlt Of Public Wollks dis U DQG i�li."p'd FOLLOW" STATE OF' FLORIDA ) SS COUNTY OF DAUE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personall/ appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to adrninister oaths and take acknowledgments, LAI.-IP,i NCE J . FISI REIN to me well known to be the person(s) described herein and who oxvcuted the foregoing instrument, and ,acknowledged before rno that � he executed the same freely and voluntarily for the 1)urpose therein expressed. WITNESS ►ny hand and official seal at /%1nmI County of ��+�a and State of �p�lCYCC this �� day of _��� ��jJJt e'er � A. I), 19 Nita ry(I.)ublir, My Commission Expires: M01AAY l MIC S1Ari OF ROMA At tA= JAY COMMISSION (41PIS DEG. 10 1982 r nau .tucw W ., I� Form - PW 0236 Rev. 5/69 EXHIBIT " B" TO ACCOMPANY THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AND LAWRENCE J, FISHBEIN FOR IMPROVEMENTS AT BLAIR TRACT N.E. MIAMI COURT, NORTH OF N.E. 36 STREET .� iC if�lf 91f'ilf if �If if if `.f )f SIC `If �1C �If �f Sf if ilf :IC :If Sf Slf if ilf �C iC if if �: LANDSCAPING $ 612.00 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT Approximately 780 Square Yards 70020.00 SIDEWALK Approximately 11215 Square Feet 19823,00 REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER Approximately 130 Lineal Feet 325.00 CURB AND GUTTER Approximately 243 Lineal Feet 1,823.00 ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENTS 119603.00 (13%) ENGINEERING AND CONTIGENT COST 19508.00 TOTAL $139111,00 AMOUNT OF PERFOINIANCE BOND OR CASHIER'S CHECK $13,100, 00 * Information concerning the landscaping requirements shall be obtained from the City of Miami Planning Department, N I r- NI 0 11 A N 0 UM Donald W. Cather, Director City of Miami Public Works Ray Stiff Utility Liaison Engineer Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Authority ;,,,,re September 10, 1980 Om .3s,.ljr_cr Tentative Plat No. 1092 Blair Tract N.E. Miami Ct. - H.E. 36 St. The above listed tentative plat has existing water mains to serve the property. Unless there is an unusual use requiring more than a 12-inch size, additional water mains are not required. RS;SN:ew c� r , or• Nnnnli, ri..()r;inn q'u-n.-OrFICE. MFEMaIRnNraur,I TO Don Cather, Director September 10, 1980 rR.e. Public Works � ,,,: Landscape Requirement L Blair Tract— 'Tentative Plat n� N 10 9 2 - A Jim Reid, Director Planning Department I The P1.11111:i11g Department reconllnends the following landscape treat- ment: 1, lour (4) shade trees to be planted :in the park- wny. Any combination of the following listed trees w:i.l.l be iccoptabl.c. n. Gumbo Limbo - I3usera sinlaruba b. Porignm - 1'onganli p:innata Black Olives or M diagany wil.1 not be accepted. These trees to conform to the following stanclards, Grade - Florida 91 or bettor Height - 8 to 10 feet ovcra .l 2, 'I'lle pnrkttiays (,jpproxi.nlatcly 424' square feet) to be planted with Solid sod Snint AugUStine grass of the most adv"Inced str,1:111. Top soil needed to i.nsurc proper growth to be provided to ,1 m i ni.rnum depth of .four (4) i ilclles . listi.nlntocl tota1. cost of .lnndscap:i.ng $612.00. JRJR:1,Y11:ek cc ; Publ i.c Works (2) 111,11t Vi.l.c (3) Centrn1. File (1) 45 S T. �, �o d N F• eo �o S� .p 10 .� ._ 11 10 9 6 7 b b Q 3 2 « !3 14 1'S 16 17 18 19 20 >ZI 2- 23 24 , 12 ? 1s ' 16 17 IH 19 YU 71 r?. 23 'l. ,13 i8 11 !8 19 2� _ I. 11 10 9 0 7 6 5 4 2 1; 14 N.E. 44 3= 44 ST. 11 i0 g 8 1 6 'J 4 ' 12 4 413 E 3 14 ID 16 Iiy;j,� l920 :.) I� 2� ?4 J 5 16 17 Id I9 W i�.l :�• 2";,A17 t :? 10 9 0 i '2 1� 13 15 16 17 Ib 19 .'.0 0 4� s-r 12 ' 13 15 16 17 18 19 2G�21 14 Il� 39 �1+S1 1D 10 9 6 7 �� 5 A Dt 19rf u"IrV. (4 �'��� 17 1 H 19 ?�,:"�'a3JMC�.i11S.YTGAt+ iW7 38 1� 11 10 r. 10 �; rr �ti% t5 161+ 17 18 19 10 2 n S T. (1um N . E - 4 BILTMOHE BL 11 IA 9 8 7,0 40 1, 1 - ;N A., P. A A 19 1 in m t :.�,•mcsoamti.•�arOmfBsriP�tR�lL:t#tl! .. 74ti21ti9:6�IER:'271111WAR+R7T�Motwx^Mwa.+.u..+wa..aoa�.n.-.-+--- .............r...• i `r t S 'TOG►t'�LII�:Q Wl'ZK , J. K. �+a. Palen ♦.ue-.� Sept, �o, ►1ac �'yb"o "TSlGw Afi z i ¢�► s LDaoA(m MAD zmk."—, V. mmmm� I 1 w� ,�►, ��oc�rt � op c cw �IcflLl�t Qe►o6, 1. Palm d.Ve-f 14taleah,Flccida� G r.,01 a-3oale.. I b' ,e►.11a�..... �•aM. -•; eat ,tAt;( A AijIi m Pafia!' Ik11 IraI I I I S.E. COR, st•tla sz.'la. f SEG. Z4.S.5 -4 j..; e,e5/' �.„�........... - - N.E. 36 .P. ST sbe) • t2'4:' e �E I UMPt.�.tT�O , i asa ke. t V6 5c7D' ;ZL.S.lilli.lillilli� �wm%mwCf S Og0tam maa.M: Oettotes lFtermatteM Reiemace- "M wmexi&. •P.c.pt t*m-kea P.ccttanent Coctfitak Points. 1 beA.rlttgs are batted on acL asscme i mer�d�aR. I Mere by Cectrij that 'the attctched plat miAleel "bt-osAR TCt,4e-V" is ca. true ctt<d correct reP.moetttQ.ttm o{ •t uft lands a5 reQft-4Ay sut'Yeje.cl arka platted ur<d.e CRY dtteaimr,� akso lit tke Pevmanet�i P&ie.cetice - µonumama s VAere xt ana *0 %rmartectt CdRteo` fbtce-ks tpM bw- set all h accrac4arce with art I, laves ei Manua ;. Vo.5 , Lartcd survejot, Stafe. aF Flocic�. i 1 t 1 TRACT &LOC.rt 5 0� "CE�1��R�SI. I�OUtty01�1 '� �qE A40� Clo .101%f I vk0elOa That Lawcetice- hat, caused -ta be made -the be tag a r et-'LLIDA vision C5E- n. pov*E Ort erf b�oe w- S 0c, boon. 3 , cA p)o-ge \ail of -the. pu6le r-eect-cd% of ZxjcLe of -the Socc+me cxs-* Ye of Sect cots 2d , To wzL.ih i p s- Sort pcf-kCCU talc cleserikc�eA cis -6lwa►s Uescr�Pt ion LcAs land 2 �<ock S Centr+al � et,e of Cm. reo m8ed fct Nock &e W, 3 ai �ac3 a MI, of -i wi'4{� �c�iR 35. � ��eei -Z -4h Qi 4Le UoOklwest noChe �lcs'; aCeoz; c�tct� 'to `�� plat -t;herecs� 45 eeer�ede � to (�,de Ccxen� � �-1oti c�►.� `�enee �u-t-h. , lGll �ee� S '�� tf a Lce 61�or-t�+zwesFecly� szz.s iee+ k44e%+ si ' e scair emsf exner of sec-icca ou,n-�j Florida.; �ettce X. cum Or* \30 fcei "{� + PC) tort W es} 4.1. ak i-ee� Saute PA,DE c A01-if PL.s'r 2 T�tleZto�.�; I Me- court nzzd Ptctce ees �ottl ewrt rt le Q*' QcheCL pk k eA eck�Z2 PurPesde s I ro sct v�g to -jj e coed i e�utot s , th.e tr �ecm , Isu' therecs w%cemvet, cytseon-t'cttued 61 keK.1. Alo we It will (rcCya+tort. , afc_ eondi�-ractitus or �wcct�mit� �Ls. �'te use bus �ubdivtstzxc un.tea-'r= ctgq ove.8 -(6r te.mlporaery ccse AM new elee�t;tc and eotYttnuttiaatron fizzes, o-tfce� 'EhaR rtr ((L5ta.11e.d urtciec�cocst�c c� . AP S.E. COR. SE,•114 C S• cet�eRce AAeRuette�Es. �ssc,ireled met i d Batt . O*t'ctcheA plat . a *rue ctrtd r. lands as ceeem-"i R' CRY d1�c'�l'ORj -{a.c+eace AM�avcneaEs t Gattco` Fb�at� .nee w�'kix �>art I, *e state ei ^+ w • sA/�C.a.� wl�tt�.a►s f j �t L 1 V �41N.�� 1l� c �+ ..'1.��1 da4 o-F See�-te=cnbe� ��a�o, tial� e�,�es thG 5�g�a�cLV�.. Ad ae.IG�1�WVE %A&SiM: �t'artc a� �to�t a4. 1 µeceb•� Cent cE� � -rha.4 be4oce the 'N Cocutt 4 0CQkcLa tAe l( lr-t o'4ct t o be. -tt;to mat til attd who acvcrww ked yed �tha� he ev-mw --Cl � V.attte tk ere tt` W (4"S-s MI Eta" d el"I ems{ cid A&I Comm�sskbct e)%>(VCs *PPLLOVALS - `ffc�-� Qlat was a►ppcoved weld the. +OTMC3o(ttcj dedieaiux uo. sxc� and a c6oed by 1116 C(-k) eomr Ue�►tterertt eF (�►bl to Wa�cs ` hce, Alai fiat, troomtne-rAea -fat, aa0l;5*o5tk b, 'f\e -zam blf Re5b(cCttoR oLAolb • Th�� �� �a cet'ti� �4� th�� Plan appears � cc�n'Eeca Cau.Rt� Cede . Cec-�t-Fed �th,�s dac� d'F F1led {nr vecocd ttcs_____. daarf. w,cveloe No. -tke publ %'e cecocds of Cade Coun') Floci da'. ocidvu clod /J,e�top4�i�ocr p4de Coutl'� � �1rt�'da., ..,nr.�wv,taco+crarnNs7CC:xet77s!I.tRq.Yp7AiCR'AHR7YMM/1S7"J.S.M1.^tffA:l;liL14147M44AALki3ll�t.L18LtlCfunwrn,n,. ••••••••••••.".._ ... { �ODt�ior.1 'Zo �ttEr�s, v�s�ts; P. a, 3, PaQE ltgt �bWl�lBi�lE' S3 SOCS11l, V.AA3C►E, d0 WAAM r sed -ta be / mexcie -the ctttcte�ed F(eet entity u e LL A kR TQhC-IC'; -t�te 95ame erf b1oek S o� " Centel Addittotti't-o 2�uecza �l(s-�" as ireeot�led trl Plat r-eeomcds of Dude Coun11 , vt oci Ao- , arid a, sv� c� t��sCott of a eov*(on To►atctship s3 =10a t, RCxm�a 1oc(m5 move. �c� � "Ce.nteal /�c�di-�•�on � �utetta vcs'ta." aCeo�icwj 'to -t-(�.c P(at 5 at 4L9e tgl of -te. public ccaords o� pade �vn F(sric�c.`. To9e�rt ae L1ocJI�twest oomer ck dot 3, P..Aoc.r S , "CeRt�l �itton Buena .�f cts cecocde ci ' in Plat boo�n � -zs�. z a� � � eoi nce orAs � u'�FL , lG. ll -fleet ttce a J :et -ta -tie C�iat es� Tote-44 r vu ►-1 K � COMM( xtce crt r a, pM mt oo�aer of s ec-itcm, 24 , TOv�Rshit� 53 Sk�utft Rattge. &( E asi , pade_ i, \'3o feat 'ta the R6irtt Csi Q KZttiR ; -;euc-e qwc l "Orkkk km. 3 ieeck; r�cR Saute, tC. thence run Le PO(nt csf r ed pket ether w ►`th a(l ex�sten9 CIP-4 -fuiccre. p(antt�, mhtubbery, heKb.� dedleat -to fie: �xrp�Ec�al, use of ate Ire_ for '�ceper )'CS , 'tttelr �e�cs, lSuccessoCs, or ass\'g0.5 't'�te t'c�iem or, er tenet-, am5 la�rrl , iCLo ucell will be Petmit'tzc� wifihitt -t t �s sdbdivisWt, cXee�st inr et' b �it�g is . ccs.e d{ se(�ht -tong Dui ll net' peethi ei hec� -ferct�nQQoorat'� use tR ctceor�atcee w(-Eh eou%lt or state tzgcslatCoicts. lines, o-tfce� �hnc� "ttunSmiss►txc litres, W�� (I n � sc.►6d�v�s�� •.•'•"�•�...ww.wagrw.root•ero.sunx�.x✓IWYA:nsiHWaiCiRN3i4!'7.xsC1�iY.ltiydtrv.J'b@'llFy]F4'�YGVuaaaxuv.:......�.y--:: _...=:: .. '•�' ' 1.4��1.Nvtll:C �. t t�iLt.�Cttl tt!-try tllal�-�11�w cx:1 \l�� \ut/1l1 �t1�u t ►Y.t _ .t�16% � m %77j,� ' W17) 7, F, .6 V..,o ve. -4te- Qevsat Beset(bed m catt ck w h.o ekeecs*eA. -t- Le {o 0 (ttg k*k tcctxkm* �euiecl +o-e- %acne impa(ad vowrvkrar�\ a -}fie uses and pkl p &ad emei e{�(c*L l Seat -t�z��Q� cda Y of mate. of VAor(A,a, ai' ka%ne- tt9o�ng ded(eahcxts wet'e caeeepAed acid QpproveA Resot t-tavL b ~th,e e.( Cbmtnl��ioR of lkm CCU di AA.(a ( , Florida-, tkS- -da C�tY /�cttutger Ct-E>� C,�erK >tuat b� �Efte �ct(r<cs 6oacd crF N(.(qm(, -Iftt�s; gTy l� O� �.�PT MBa�e tgao �iec.�<Ye tgPeam I�b cowjecm 'km a« J�me te4U\mmerA5 ej Clta.pkrt 28 ei Acxeft tgeo. 'C�irec�or, Q�.de CActr:� �,bl�z Woc�s UeQac-�c�nea� Kt&o ark- page _._.. �occda. \� p1a� ecxtt��tes w(�-tt `fie �a�us o�C the, s-ta-fe ek R%r�ct0. �a�., RrcEw�d P, E�c�nt�cee, Clerk erg -E�e Ct'ctut'� C`aete-�C Cker k