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17 RESOLUTION NO. 8 0- 6 8 5 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF SUNSET ENTERPRISES, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $24019.00, BASE BID "B" (STREET LIGHTING) OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA - SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHT MODIFICATIONS (2ND BIDDING); WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "HIGHWAY GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND" IN THE AMOUNT OF $24,319.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST.'; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $2,675.00 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $730.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES, AND POSTAGE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $1,086.00 TO COVER THE INDIRECT COST; AND AUTHORIZING THE; CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM IVE r'S F -L L O W WHEREAS, sealed bids were received August 15, 1980 for COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA - SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHT.' MODIFICATIONS (2ND BIDDING); and WHEREAS, the City Manager reports that the $24,319.00 bid of Sunset Enterprises, Inc. for the Base Bid "B" (Street Lighting) of the proposal is the lowest responsible bid and recommends that a contract be awarded to said firm; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvements Appropriation Ordinance No. 9019, as amended, was adopted in November 8, 1979, and monies are available for the proposed amount of the contract, project expense, incidentals, and indirect cost from the account entitled "Highway General Obligation Bond Fund", as set forth under Section II, Item B-5, of said ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED�,BY THEDOCUQ(�j [I$$,7�p�1X OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: 't� ( Ij�1ut Section 1. The August 15, 1980T bid Sof Sunset^ ~r Enterprises, Inc. in the proposed amount of $24,319.00 for the project entitled COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA - SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHT MODIFICATIONS (2ND BIDDING), for the Base Bid "B" (Street Lighting) of the proposal, based on unit prices, is hereby accepted at the price stated therein to cover the cost of said contract. 80-685 f"' Section 2. The amount of $24,319.00 is hereby allocated from the account entitled "Highway General Obligation Bond Fund". Section 3. The additional amount of $2,675.00 is hereby allocated from the aforesaid fund to cover the cost of project expense. Section 4. The additional amount of $730.00 is hereby allocated from the aforesaid fund to cover the cost of such incidental items as advertising, testing laboratories, and postage. Section 5. The additional amount of $1,086.00 is hereby allocated from the aforesaid fund to cover the indirect cost. Section 6. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of The City of Miami with Sunset Enterprise, Inc. for COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA - SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHT MODIFICATIONS (2ND BIDDING), BASE BID "B" (STREET LIGHTING) of the proposal. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25 day of �gEPTEMBER ___ _ , 1980. ATTEST: PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: 4�. - I &-,X Assistant City Attorney MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y O R APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: BID SECURITY ITEM PUBLIC WORKS - 79-80-99 DATE Rlps REI:tIVEO August 15-1980 STREET MODIFICATIONS (2nd BIDDING) TYPE OF SECURITY �IODE11 TOTAL AMOUN T SUNSET ENTERPRISES INC 7200 SUNSET DRIVE MIAMI,FLORIDA 33143 TOTAL BID $41,909-00 5% ' D "\ i•. r \ - 4keeelvei t*6 refvl`ed Cheek• thi-mmomm• lOR ACIAIINTINO DIVISION 71 7 �171771, �77� CITY OF MAW AORIOA' REQUISITION FOR r"N WANTITY REPRESENTS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS FORMONTH.ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS RECF_I' TED lu J L M L J p 0 E• blic dor��,s DATE DATE DATE _5_AFE__DATE DATE q 0qN,Tj,,CODE 2120.11?ot 7 DATE Z41j/!I_) PREPARED BY PHONE _44LL,_ AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT AMT, BIDS TO BE SECURED FOR PRICE AED 0 1 M,131,111,11CA— I t UND FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF: ADVERTISE ON GRTI� 1) r NT BIDS TO BE RECEIVED ON vv " I TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: CONTRACTUAL: $ 15 INCIDENTAL $ TOTAL 5;0IJRCE OF FUNDS::- _L (-r. f i APPROVED BY: _DEPARTMENT — DIRECTOR OF ISSUING To bf, filled in by EXPENDITURE CONTROL: FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PROJECT INVOLVED PROJECT CODE--.-.. — AD CODE__ EXPENDITURE CONTROLLER (,olith'S 'ro., Purchasing (Org.)—City ij(#jagvr —City Clerk — vxpe . jujitury Control — Issuing thpartment —Other Affected Departmoil F(jPM NO 1043 - REV 14 WHITE GREEN PINK CANARY BLUE GOLDENROD Bid No. 79-80-99 ADVERTISMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA - SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHT MODIFICATIONS (2ND BIDDING) will be received by the City Manager and the City Clerk of The City of Miami, Florida, not later than , on the 15th day of August, 1980, in the City Clerk s office, first floor of the Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida 33133, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. This project calls for the purchase and installation of bricks in one hundred and ten (110) tree planting areas; construction of a small concrete pad for the base of the existing one hundred (100) decorative street light poles; installation of ladder rests (supplied by City) to one hundred (100) decorative poles; painting of twenty (20) poles and luminaires; a general repair to the existing lighting; facilities; and purchase of some lighting materials. This project is in the business area of Coconut Grove within the City of Miami. If you have questions concerning this project, call Jack Stark, Street Light Engineer, at 579-6865. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. Contract Documents, including drawings and technical specifications, are open to public inspection and may be obtained from the Department of Public Works, 3332 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. Plans and specifications are to be returned in good order and unmarked within ten (10) days after bids have been received. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc. to be provided technical assistance in preparing bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and readvertise. Joseph R. Grassie City Manger Docu .L(_,r! Bid No. 79-80-99 ADVERTISMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for STREwill be received by e ty Manager and the City Clerk of The City of Miami, Florida, not later than i 0 2.m., on the in the City Clerk's o c'i'fo irst floor of the Miami Mtyy Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida 33133, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. This project calls for the purchase and installation of bricks in one hundred and ten (110) tree planting areas; construction of a small concrete pad for, the base of the existing one hundred (100) decorative street light poles; installation of ladder rests (supplied by City) to one hundred (100) decorative poles; painting of twenty (20) poles and luminaires; a general repair to the existing lighting; facilities; and purchase of some lighting materials. This project is in the business area of Coconut Grove within the City of Miami. If you have questions concerning this project, call Jack Stark, Street Light Engineer, at 579-6865. All. bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. Contract Documents, including drawings and technical specifications, are open to public inspection and may be obtained from the Department of Public Works, 3332 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. Plans and specifications are to be returned in good order and unmarked within ten (10) days after bids have been received, Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting; bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc. to be provided technical assistance in preparing bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Q?.t.jission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, I' ��8)1#A Jity Manager may reject any or all bids, and readver.t,l Joseph R. Grassie City Manger CITY OF MIAMI. i=1_0Q10A INTER -OFFICE M'; ,10RArr0(R,1 70. Richard L. Fosmoen City Manager w gaher Donald Director of Public Works is ^1C:LG :U171. :. September 15, 1980 flLE COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA - SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHT MODIFICATIONS (2ND BIDDING) BASE BID "B" (STREET LIGHTING) Resolution Awarding Contract (For Commission Meeting of September 25, 1980 i CV2 The Department of Public Works recommends adoption of the resolution accepting the bid received August 15, 1980 of Sunset Enter - CIO prises, Inc. in the amount of $24,319.00; and authorizing the City Manager to enter L; into a contract on behalf of the City of -- `n Miami for COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA - o SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHT MODIFICATIONS (2ND BIDDING) - BASE BID "B" (STREET LIGHTING). Bids were received August 15, 1980 for construction of a small concrete pad for the base of existing 100 decorative street light poles; installation of 100 ladder rests; painting of 20 poles; and a general repair to existing facilities, located on: MAIN HIGHWAY between McFarlane Road and Franklin Avenue; GRAND AVENUE between Mary Street and McDonald Street; COMMODORE PLAZA between Grand Avenue and Main Highway; FULLER STREET between Grand Avenue and Main Highway. As reflected In the tabulation of bids, the $24,319-00 bid is the lowest responsible bid for Base Bid "B" (Street Lighting) of the proposal. The Capital Improvement Appropriation Ordinance No. 9019 has been amended to provide additional monies to fund this project. Funds have been allocated from the "Highway General Obligation Bond Fund" for the estimated amount of the contract, for project expense, for such items as advertising, testing laboratories, postage, and for indirect cost. •` JAH: gc Resolution attached idSUPPORTIVE a �� CCU/ ENT—% FOLLOW 80-685 1 1 1 BID AWARD FACT SHEET For The City I�IanFger PROJECT NAME & LOCATION COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA - SIDEWALK" AND STREET LIGHT MODIFICATIONS (2ND BIDDING) (B-6184) PROJECT SCOPE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF BRICKS FOR 118 TREE PLANTING AREAS; CONSTRUCTION OF A SMALL CONCRETE PAD FOR TIME BASE OF EXISTING 100 DECORATIVE STREET LIGHT' POLES; INSTALLATION OF 100 LADDER RESTS; PAINTING OF 20 POLES; GENERAL REPAIR TO EXISTING FACILITIES. ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $309000 DATE BIDS 8/15/80 RECEIVED NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED 1 NAME OF LOW BIDDER SUNSET ENTERPRISES, INC. AMOUNT OF LOW BID :$111,909 TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED ;v119,213 i LENGTH OF TIr."E ALLOWED FOR CONSTRUCTION 30 working days SOURCE OF FUND; Highway General Obligation Bonds Form PW #389 6/76 8/20/80 s o - r" ' COCONUT GROVE BUSIENSS AREA - SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHT MODIFICATIONS (2ND BIDDING) JOB NO. B-6184 CONTRACTOR'S FACT SHEET I. Sunset Enterprises, Inc. 7200 Sunset Drive Miami, Florida 33143 Phone: 661-3036 II. Principals: Nicholas J. Lombroia - President Thomas R. Lombroia - Vice President, Treasurer Richard B. Lombroia Vice President, Secretary III. Contractor is properly licensed and insured IV. Sub -Contractors: None required at this time V. Experience: 8 years Dodge Island - Fender Installation. . . . . . . . $360,000.00 Dade County - S.W. 8th St. - Shelder Rest Area. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 90,000.00 Dade County - Crandon Park - Sand Drift Wall . . . . . . . . $150,000.00 VI. Not a Minority Contractor VII. 79 Advertisements mailed out by Regular Mail 3 Contractors picked up Plans & Specifications 1 Contractor submitted bid 8,1201000 ! COCONUT GROVE BUSINESS AREA - SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHT MODIFICATIONS B-6184 (2nd Bidding) The following changes were made to the proposal for Second Bidding of Coconut Grove Business Area - Sidewalk and Street Light Modifica- tions. 1. The Special Provisions Item on the first bidding (of $700) was in- creased by $100 and broken into two Items of $400 each. Base Bid "A" & Base Bid "B" each then had their own Special Provisions Item in case separate contracts were to be let. (This subsequently chang- ed the numbering sequence of the bid proposal items,) 2. The working time was decreased from fifty (50) working days to thirty (30) working days. This was done in order to keep from extending into the shopping; period for the Christt,tas Holidays. (Fifty working days were considered to be more than enough time to complete the project,) nS U PPn r).r( / 8/20/80 -11%,S gtrDDING etivs FORS �,►: i %tjol, ICA T4 BVt'AT1O4 ©fit 1 i�wr t ��:... t\ t4Rn �NESS ��•. �tn L C..TS'. C:ty o1 M.a*•. � 1 �� k a £ «,a. City Cter TOTAL IL k.:to Ord. TOTAL P,•d?•r t. C;ty cG t1�,', : TOTAL ntt+ted asp• - s d 9and Anent TOTAL latt,cs 't tt.tr� i0',I '� A I � Oct DESCRIPT_ �• ToTi ` C11D Ltfi�liltlGA _--- _ • {c;T f t „RtTt£S LEvEtsfl iRpcGJL' B — ns i . t:c Co�arate Seal C — Corretted �Y*e*tsto r t+'rtoaet�y 5 Lne_ o U — ptoposeiupsi9ned o E— C. "'oper B,d good 1 14 � �{�RDED p, �oNT RAG.�A� () r A L THAT--I�� Yn� 1.VE iT 15 REGflMNsEtiDE TEuPRtS� ytdC. Q� "'}1 9t?4_ a SUNSET E� ,tit A!i 1 G i OPAL Pa1D�t �� 'T gtv 79_ gp-99