HomeMy WebLinkAboutOMNI CRA 2023-05-25 MinutesCity of Miami
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 25, 2023
9:30 AM
City Hall
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Chair, District One
Joe Carollo, Vice Chair, District Three
Sabina Covo, Board Member, District Two
Manolo Reyes, Board Member, District Four
Christine King, Board Member, District Five
1401 N. Miami Avenue, 2"d Floor
Miami, FL 33136
Phone: (305) 679-6868
OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
Meeting Minutes May 25, 2023
Present: Chair Diaz de la Portilla, Vice Chair Carollo, Commissioner Covo,
Commissioner Reyes and Commissioner King
On the 25th day of May 2023, the Board of Commissioners of the OMNI Community
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Miami met in regular session at Miami City Hall
located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order
by Chair Diaz de la Portilla at 12:03 p.m., and was adjourned at 12:33 pan.
Note for the Record: Commissioner Reyes entered the meeting at 12:05 p.rn.
H. Bert Gonzalez, Executive Director, CRA
George Wysong III, Deputy City Attorney
Todd B. Hannon, Clerk of the Board
JAN 12, 2023 9:30 AM
MOTION TO: Approve
MOVER: Joe Carollo, Board Member, District Three
SECONDER: Christine King, Board Member, District Five
AYES: Diaz de la Portilla, Carollo, Covo, King
Board Member King: Good afternoon.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Good afternoon.
Board Member King: Because we have the two CRA (Community Redevelopment
Agency) meetings, I'm going to adjourn the City Commission meeting --
Todd B. Hannon (Clerk of the Board): We're already in recess from the City
Commission meeting, so you can begin with the Omni.
Board Member King: Oh, okay. So --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, we're in recess.
Board Member King: Okay, that's true. Alrighty, so we're going to have our Omni
CRA meeting. I'm going to turn the mic over to the Chair of the Omni CRA.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: You want me to use your handheld mic?
Board Member King: Oh.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: That's very special.for you. Good afternoon, everyone,
I'm calling to order the May 25th, 2023 Omni CRA meeting. Mr. Executive Director,
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are you ready? So, we have to approve the minutes for the last meeting the January
12th, 2023, and April 27th, 2023 Omni CRA meeting minutes, but -- have a motion to
approve those?
Vice Chair Carollo: Move.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Commissioner Carollo moves it.
Board Member King: Second.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Second by Commissioner King. All those in favor say
The Board (Collectively): Aye.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: It passes.
APR 27, 2023 9:30 AM
MOTION TO: Approve
MOVER: Joe Carollo, Board Member, District Three
SECONDER: Christine King, Board Member, District Five
AYES: Diaz de la Portilla, Carollo, Covo, King
Note for the Record: For minutes referencing Item Number 2, please see Item
Number 1.
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Chair Diaz de la Portilla: We're going to deal now with Item 1. I'm going to
recognize our executive director. You're recognized, sir, for discussion on Item 1, on
the agenda.
Humberto `Bert' Gonzalez (Executive Director, CRA): Thank you, Commissioner, and
Board. As you know, we've been trying and doing studies for the extension of life and
the expansion, and we periodically improve and make some changes. So, January 12th
we had our meeting and now this one is an update with information to bring to your
attention as to what we have accomplished, and we here have the study of necessity
and the ILA (Interlocal Agreement) for your consideration.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Can you be more specific on the interlocal agreement so the
commissioners know? It's going to come back to us anyway, in the afternoon, as a
pocket item, but I think you should now elaborate on what is included in that interlocal
agreement, which I think is a significant improvement from the one that was brought to
us by Commissioner Russell, by your predecessor before. And go into the highlights of
the important differences and how we're getting a lot more dollars for our County --
for our City, I'm sorry, from the County.
Mr. Gonzalez: Yes, Commissioner. The principal and most important factors of our
interlocal amendment -- second amendment, is that we are asking to reduce the TIF
(Tax Increment Fund) payback to the County from 35 to 25 percent, which is a
substantial amount. Secondly, we are going to and have requested to do an up to date
study of necessity, which will allow for our expansion to the current explanations that
we have presented to you, and then we will be contributing to the quality of life,
funding for projects to businesses and other entities. And that's pretty --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Well, there's more to it than that. We do not have a county
commissioner sitting on our Board. It'll remain a city, a full -- a wholly city, entity.
It'll be the City Commission, in other words, and we're also increasing the amount of
dollars for affordable housing to $300 million through the course of the extension -- a
significant and unprecedented amount for affordable housing in our community, in our
city. So, you know, it's -- and then we also have -- what's the additional issue that we
have that we made significant progress on?
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Mr. Gonzalez: The underdeck. We're going to be funding the underdeck --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: We're going to be funding -- I'm sorry, I think in
conjunction with the Overtown CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), we haven't
voted on it but we're going to be doing additional funding for the maintenance of the
underdeck so it doesn't become -- we're not spending a specific amount there yet.
That'll come back to the Commission later on, but we're going to share the
responsibility of maintaining the underdeck once it's built because we don't want it to
turn into a homeless camp, what we want -- you know, we want to have the lighting and
the maintenance and a significant amount of money that will be allocated to that. We
continue with our obligation to Bayfront Park with the same amount, $2 million a year.
We continue with all other obligations as they were, except the reduction that you
talked about, and then we are considering other changes that lessens the amount of
funding for the port tunnel and lessens the amount of funding for the Adrienne Arsht
Center, so we could increase the amount of funding for the affordable housing
program and the dollars are allocated to that, but those last two issues are being
debated with county staff. What's important is that the previous issue, including the 35
to 25, the county staff has already agreed that they're willing to take that hit. So,
that's why I think it's significant progress and also, in light of what the Overtown CRA
did, also there will not be a county commissioner sitting on our Board, so it kind of
models that, the Overtown CRA 's extension program, so we have our time to do -- with
our city funds as we choose, and we don't have to give away that much. A lot of these
projects that we had in the previous interlocal agreement were really luxury projects
that were funded, the port tunnel, the Adrienne Arsht Center, and all of these things.
And, you know, to me, that's not the purpose of the Community Redevelopment Agency.
Parks, affordable housing, things of that nature is the fundamental role of the CRA.
So, we are very clear in our conversations with the County, which has been going on
for almost a year now, to get to that particular point.
Vice Chair Carollo: Alright, my direct question is, are they going to have a
commissioner from the County --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: No.
Vice Chair Carollo: -- on the Board or not?
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: No. No, that will not happen.
Vice Chair Carollo: Alright, and then --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: At least not under my watch.
Vice Chair Carollo: And then from the 35 percent that they were asking, we're looking
at 25?
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Correct, we're lowering it 10 percentage points, which is --
we don't know the amount yet, the study will show us -- it's almost finished, will show
what that amount is, but it's significant. And the extension, as you know, goes to 2047.
So, it's -- a lot of the projects are in place right now -- is it 2047?
Mr. Gonzalez: 2047.
Board Member Reyes: Until 2047.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Ours is 2047, yours is 2042.
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Board Member Reyes: That's right.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Right.
Vice Chair Carollo: One of the key reasons that I would like to see the extension is the
following, the area along the Omni CRA has started to be develop -- developed in a
nice way. We could help it more.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, sir.
Vice Chair Carollo: But also, I believe that we could use a significant amount of that
money in helping the Omni CRA through the rest of the city by being able to provide,
whether it's people mover, metro rail, whatever you want to call it, a system of
connecting our whole city. That a big part of the foundation of the financing could
come from the CRA. And while, yes, you're building outside of the Omni CRA, all
roads lead to Rome. All the extra transportation couriers that you 're building will now
be able to come to the CRA and be able to invest there and people living in the CRA
would be able to travel easier in other parts of the county, and therefore, you'll have
more growth and being able to build more there since that's going to be the hub for the
whole City of Miami in transportation. And eventually, if the County wants to expand
it outside of the City, that would be a lot easier for them, but I think we need to look at
that into the future because that's the biggest gift that we could leave to the Ornni CRA
and to the rest of the City of Miami.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: And Commissioner, to add to that, 1 see it as sort of a
legacy project, we're looking at this for a long time, this entire Commission to be able
to connect that southern part of downtown with the Omni CRA area, and create that
connectivity --
Vice Chair Carollo: I'm looking that you can connect --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- and the growth.
Vice Chair Carollo: -- from all the way through our central parks, Ferre, Bayfront,
across the river all the way down 8th Street, to the end of the city limits, to the opposite
way, all the way to the end of city limits of Biscayne, we can cut through 79 and then
come down the avenues connecting the northern part of our city, from Liberty City,
Little Haiti, et cetera, with the rest of our city. And I think this would be the biggest
gamechanger that we would've seen in decades in the City of Miami if we could
accomplish that. Now, there's going to be quite a bit of money. How much, I don't
know, with this 25 percent, but it's certainly -- it's going to be enough to lay a big
foundation, and then with county and state dollars, and maybe federal dollars, we
could put it all together.
Board Member Reyes: Okay, may I --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Commissioner Reyes.
Board Member Reyes: Yes. You know what my position has been with the CRA and I
had always been very clear that things have not changed and I had my argument with
the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) -- the City, that the existence of the CIA [sic] -- the
CRA is to use the TIF money, to eliminate slum and blight, and that's basically what it
says. Later on, some people have included housing and all of that, but it's slum and
blight, you see, I do agree, I do agree that we can use this area of the Omni which does
not have slum and blight anymore and instead of eliminating that -- the TIF revenues
that -- tax increment ,finances that we are receiving from that area to spread the
wealth. Spread the wealth. I agree that it is very important to extend it to areas that
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they need development, that they have slum and blight, as -- 1 mean, areas in your
district, you see, areas on the Chairwoman's district, and also, I don't know if -- bring
it down a little bit, to Little Havana, that -- which has a lot of slum and blight. But in
order to do that we need a commitment that -- from the TIF that is received, that with
the additional money that we are receiving from the County because the County, what
they wanted is they wanted to keep 85 percent of that portion of the TIF. I mean, that
means that the tax increment they have received due to those -- that development they -
- the County part, they will keep it instead of reinvesting in the area. I really commend
you guys for lowering it to 25 percent because it is -- it is a substantial amount, but
what 1 want to know is if you're willing to develop some sort of a formula that those
areas that are included, that a certain amount, let's say 50 percent, will be -- will be
assigned for -- of the TIF, for those areas that you want to expand it to, and about 45 of
another 50 percent that could be used city-wide, be it in a housing program, affordable
housing program that will benefit the rest of the districts, you see, the rest of the city
because let's not talk about districts, let's talk about the city. Those funds can be
redistributed in other areas that they need it, that they need it and that way the benefit
of extending the CRA, it is going to be much better and it would be greater and would
be more beneficial for the City of Miami.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: So, I agree with the first half of what you said, which is to
dedicate some of those dollars -- I don't know if it's going to be 50 percent -- but some
of those dollars to the Allapattah region, the areas that really need it, some areas in
your district also that move along the way --
Vice Chair Carollo: You can't do it.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Well, once we expand the CRA is what I'm saying.
Vice Chair Carollo: Well, you would have to expand the area.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Right, so --
Vice Chair Carollo: That's the only way you could do it.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Right, but what we're doing right now, the only debate
we're having today, both now and during the pocket item, so we can move it forward,
is the interlocal agreement.
Board Member Reyes: Okay.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Our deal is with the County, because I want to toy to get
that out of the way --
Board Member Reyes: Okay.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- and then we come back to us. Everything is going to
come back to us and we're going to decide here --
Board Member Reyes: But --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- all these conversations, but you can 't go --
Board Member Reyes: -- I want to -- I wanted to mention that --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- but what you can't do -- I think what Commissioner
Carollo is saying is that legally, you can't expend dollars from a CRA --
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Board Member Reyes: Just tell --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- to other parts of --
Board Member Reyes: -- (UNINTELLIGIBLE) because I talked to hire about it and he
said it could be done and I told him (UNINTELLIGIBLE) but we can -- that's another
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, sir.
Board Member Reyes: That is another conversation, and -- but what you want is just
to expand it now? Okay, 1 agree as long as you're including -- we're expanding it to
an area that has slum and blight.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, sir, and we have a study that -- it's finished already,
that shows that's the case, that we -- it was a considerable cost to do that study, by the
way. So, yeah, to the Allapattah region, that expansion is included, and all the way to
27th Avenue. Miami River areas are included -- identify specific areas that need --
that fall under those -- that criteria, to -- for slum and blight. On top of that, we're
making a serious commitment for affordable housing of $300 million that has to go to
that in all those areas. By the way, it includes the Miami River, it includes areas of
Commissioner King's district, it includes areas of Commissioner Covo's district. It
includes, obviously, Allapattah, my district, the one that I represent, so --
Board Member Reyes: What --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- it's going to where I think where the core of our poverty
in our city exists.
Board Member Reyes: Yes.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: And the other -- the final part is that once those dollars are
generated there, those tax dollars benefit the entire city. The development there is
going to eventually benefit the entire city because that's going to fund our services --
our budget, it's going to increase our budget intake once we have opportunities
created and once we have businesses created in those areas that don't have that right
now. There is slum and blight in the Omni -- in the existing structure of the Omni CRA
Board Member Reyes: Now, you -- excuse me --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Okay, but you have to go --
Board Member Reyes: -- I know the area, come on.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: But I'll take you there to some areas
Board Member Reyes: That's right.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- wherever you want to go, on 2nd Avenue, North Miami
Avenue, 2nd Avenue, 3rd Avenue.
Board Member Reyes: We're not going to get into this discussion --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: No, no, I know, but I can show you where the homeless
populations are and all that.
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Board Member Reyes: Let me finish what I'm saying. I believe -- and the purpose, the
principle of the CRA, and that is -- and 1 told Larry, is that if you are going to expand,
you have to start from scratch, again, and he said, "No." I know, 1 was the economist
of the first CRA that was created in the City of Miami which was Overtown Park West,
and I know what is the purpose of the CRA and why even when the State and the
Legislature has eliminated a bunch of them because of -- it has gone beyond the
purpose and the objective that -- wanted to mean. What I'm saying is that we should
use -- and I do agree -- we should use the revenues that we are getting from the CRA in
order to develop areas like Allapattah, okay, areas like Liberty City, that they need it.
If that to -- it needs to be included. If -- it needs to be included. Let's include them, if
not -- but -- what we -- what Larry told me it -- Larry, come here. We have to have this
conversation and I want you to be ready because this is not what you told me when we
met. Now, we're going to vote on expanding it but please, make sure when you bring
the proposal that we talked about it, you make -- have it clear, okay? This is all 1 have
to say and let's vote on it.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Thank you, Commissioner. Commissioner Covo, you're
recognized, ma'am.
Board Member Covo: I do have a request, because of course, as we know, the Omni
CRA overlaps a lot with my district.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, ma'am.
Board Member Covo: I've been analyzing how it could be better used as well, and I
like what you said regarding the underdeck. I think that because the project is going to
take so long, we need to make sure that that area is activated, well lit up, and
everything like that. The other thing, Commissioner Reyes, to your point, and
Commissioner Carollo, the affordable housing component, I think that we should also
make sure that we have workforce housing.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yes. I misspoke, I meant attainable housing.
Board Member Covo: Yeah, not only --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, it includes workforce.
Board Member Covo: -- exactly, not only affordable because we are suffering a lot
and the small businesses are suffering a lot because they cannot retain their employees
within the business. And then the third thing, I don't know how we could work, but the
area needs more schools.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: With the School Board, you mean.
Board Member Covo: With the School Board, but like to try to make sure that we're
mediating the right way to see -- like if we do it with the transit system, I think that
schooling is also part of making this area much more, not only likeable, but
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: One was underdeck. What was two?
Board Member Covo: Underdeck, workforce housing --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Workforce housing, which is already --
Board Member Covo: -- and mediating for schooling, jor impact fees that could go
towards that, and (UNINTELLIGIBLE) goes towards that.
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Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Okay.
Board Member Covo: And I think those would he my three concerns, and if you could
share the study that (UNINTELLIGIBLE) for the maps. I think that would also be
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, what we're going to do is -- I'm going to ask -- have
Mr. Spring and Mr. Gonzalez meet with you and your staff and go through these
concerns, but what we're doing right now, so you know, is only the interlocal
agreement --
Board Member Reyes: Yes.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- and, from the CRA perspective, right? Then we go to the
City Commission, and then it's got to go to the County -- well, you know the process,
but the interlocal agreement gives me the weight, continue my negotiations with the
County, to try to get a better deal for the City. So, I would love to have a unanimous
vote today then that way I can go to them and say, "Hey, this is what our Commission
wants. This is what our body wants to do." And then we can take it over there and it
gives me more leverage to negotiate, because they've been tough. I mean, they've been
tough negotiators. They've been --
Board Member Reyes: Oh yeah.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- because they've gotten a free ride for a long time, right?
Board Member Reyes: Absolutely.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: And, you know, that's not going to happen anymore.
Board Member Reyes: I want to add to what Commissioner Covo said, and I know -- I
do understand and it has been my plight all along, since I first came here, we have to
build real affordable housing, none of this --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: 100 percent.
Board Member Reyes: -- workforce of 140 and 120 of -- percent AMI (Area Median
Income) called workforce, because that is a misnomer.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: I have a great example of four buildings, I'm not going to
mention names, of that -- in the Omni CRA that are 140 AMI and --
Board Member Reyes: That's affordable --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- they call it affordable, and it's really -- when they built
them, it was really above market rate.
Board Member Reyes: Yes.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: So, in this area, I agree that the argument that 100 AMI
makes more sense. Some of those rents are like $2,200 a month.
Board Member Reyes: Yes.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Right? So, it's not really affordable, definitely, and it could
be considered somewhat workforce, but even then, remember, the proximity to
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downtown, the connection to the two downtowns, Omni and the southern part, is going
to allow people to live in this area that can now afford to live in the area where they
work, right? The underdeck has to be activated because the underdeck is a huge
project, and it needs to have -- be maintained, and if we don 't put dollars and dedicate
dollars for the next 30 years there, then it's going to, you know, become a homeless
encampment kind of situation.
Board Member Reyes: Yes.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: We also have to connect it, with what Commissioner
Carollo said, all those parts, Maurice Ferre --
Board Member Reyes: That's a good idea.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- Bayfront, all that has to be connected so that people walk
right through the Miami River, our walk, from one to the other, under the signature
bridge, and feel comfortable doing that walk.
Board Member Reves: But --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: So, that's kind of the long term vision that I have for this, I
think what Commissioner Carollo is doing with Bayfront, what you're doing in
downtown, sort of bring it all together.
Board Member Reyes: Yes.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: But we need to make a serious commitment to extending the
life, because a life extension is what allows everybody to --
Board Member Reyes: I got you.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- finance the projects and all that.
Board Member Reves: I got you and -- I mean, and following on Commissioner
Carollo's idea, what I would like to do is that we start a traffic study and see how can
we analyze -- I mean, analyze the way that we could develop a transit system -- mass
transit system within the City of Miami, that area, that it could be trolleys, or busses,
or whatever. Maybe we can take a picture of Hialeah, bring (Comments in Spanish not
translated) here, I don't know, but we have to -- we have to analyze first -- we have to
analyze first work -- what the mutes are, the routes of importance, and how can we
really be able to finance that.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Okay.
Vice Chair Carollo: That is --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Commissioner -- I'm sorry, go ahead. I have to open up
public comment. Co ahead. You're recognized, Commissioner Carollo.
Vice Chair Carollo: Whatever we do in transportation has got to be the type of
transportation that a modern city requires. It's got to be state of the art so that we
have something in place that would last for decades and decades and decades. And I
want to be very clear, we cannot use Omni CRA funding outside of the district unless it
benefits the district.
Board Member Reyes: Yes.
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Vice Chair Carollo: That's why what 1 propose in mass transportation will benefit the
district because more people want to live there if it's the hub of all connections
because they will then be able to connect to the rest of the city. The rest of the city
would he able to come there and shop and spend money in restaurants, et cetera. So, it
would benefit the Omni District, but as much as I would like to take some of that money
and bring it to Little Havana for public housing, I cannot. It would not meet the intent
of theCRA
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: But we're going to be close.
Board Member Reyes: Well, it's going to be close.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: We're across the river.
Vice Chair Carollo: Close, but not close enough.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yes.
Board Member Reyes: Yes, I do understand that but the benefit -- if we cannot -- when
we're going to do it, a transit system, that it is within the area of the CRA and cannot
go outside the limits --
Vice Chair Carollo: It can. The transit system can.
Board Member Reyes: Then it can be done, because it's going to benefit, you see --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Correct, it's going to bring people there, basically.
Board Member Reyes: That's right, it's going to benefit. It can be done, okay.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: I think Commissioner Covo has another comment, then
Commissioner -- Chairwoman King.
Board Member Covo: It was more of a question because, of course, I'm the new kid on
the block.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: You're a quick learner.
Board Member Covo: With the trolley system, because I was truing to inquire, we are
not connected, timing wise, with the County?
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yeah, the buses, yeah.
Board Member Covo: But not -- but the times are not -- technically, they're not
connected because what I've been getting from my constituents is that the application
is not aligned with the County. So, Commissioner Carollo, to your point regarding
transit, if it's going to benefit the district, talking specifically about the CRA, can we do
the traffic study for our trolleys? Because what other component do we have right
now? Or do you want to do a more integral one?
Vice Chair Carollo: Well, you have to --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: What we can do -- not here, but we can --
Board Member Covo: Because trolleys is what we have now.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- do it in the Commission meeting. Yeah.
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Vice Chair Carollo: You can do two. You can do a minor one, which wouldn't require
much --
Board Member Reyes: Less.
Vice Chair Carollo: -- for the trolleys, but then you need a major one in phases to
connect through a People Mover, through a Metrorail, through any system that you
can connect a whole city together. The County is going to go through and connect
Miami Beach to the mainland then it's only going to help us because now we have
another connection that's coming in into the city, and all we have to do is connect
whatever system we put in and if we take it up 8th Street, for instance, which would
bring it from the Omni along Biscayne across the river --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: To the Brickell Station.
Vice Chair Carollo: -- and the most ideal location, bring it up to 8th Street, 8th Street
is just a one shot line all the way to the end of the City of Miami.
Board Member Reyes: Yeah.
Vice Chair Carollo: And all you have to do is just take one of the, on either side, one
of the lanes for parking and we have all the land that we need to take it straight up.
And we could probably do that throughout the whole city, in expanding this, and, you
know, I think we have to look with a vision that's many, many years ahead. This is a
long-term project, but I think we need to lay the foundation for it.
Board Member Reyes: And finalize it.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: I agree and, Commissioner Covo, when we get to the
regular Commission meeting, you could do, if you want, a pocket item -- because it's
beyond our purview right now, we're meeting as the CRA right now. When we get to
the Commission meeting back in the afternoon, immediately, we can go into a pocket
item to address that traffic study issue. I think that's a great idea. How we connect
these different communities and have a study that gives us a vision for a path -- a map
to move forward. I think that makes a lot of sense.
Vice Chair Carollo: Yeah.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Commissioner King? You're hungry, I know. I'm sorry.
You're recognized. Stop giving me dirty looks. I know, you're hungry. I'm going to
wrap it up now.
Board Member King: I want to echo what my colleagues have said, but I think we
need to move this item so that we can begin dialogues like what you're having here.
We need to extend the Omni CRA. We need to do what we've done for the Overtown
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, ma'am.
Board Member King: Get it extended and then we can do the work that is needed for
the community, to eliminate slum and blight and all that goes with it.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Perfect. Okay, thank you, Commissioner. We're going to
open up for public comment now. Is there any public comment on this item, on Item 1?
George Wysong (Deputy City Attorney): Mr. Chair, could I ask you a quick question?
OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
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OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
Meeting Minutes May 25, 2023
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Yes, sir.
Mr. Wysong: The item on the agenda was a discussion item. So, are you opening the
public comment for the discussion item or do you have a new resolution --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: No, no, we have the resolution to pass the -- we are
supposed to have an actual item on the agenda today, Mr. Gonzalez, is that correct?
Mr. Gonzalez: We -- on January 12th, we produced --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Correct, so it's not a discussion item, it's a motion to move
it forward, to continue, okay?
Mr. Wysong: So, so --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: So, I'm opening up the public comment for the item.
Mr. Wysong: For the resolution --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: For the resolution --
Mr. Wysong: -- to adopt the --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- to adopt the --
Mr. Wysong: -- the ILA --
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- the interlocal agreement --
Mr. Wysong: -- with the terms that we discussed.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: -- and the extension at the Omni CRA level.
Mr. Wysong: Right.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: And the extension, and everything we included in the report,
at our level. When we come back in the afternoon at the City Commission level, we're
only going to discuss the interlocal agreement. We're not going to talk about anything
else. We have a 15-day notice period that we have to wait for. So, we have to give 15-
day notice, and then we'll be able to bring the rest of it out. The same time, the County
is demanding a whole bunch of studies be done before we can move forward. And they
just -- they're delaying it, and delaying it, and delaying it, and that's what they do.
And -- but we're going to try to provide them everything that they need, but we can't
wait for them to say, "Oh, what about this? What about that?" You 've dealt with it,
Commissioner Reyes, you know how it is. But I think we make significant progress in
getting them to accept that we are going to -- they're not going to continue to take 35
percent of our dollars and -- to use the CRA, as you say, you know, for other items than
what they were originally intended to be used for. So, that's sort of where we are. Its
going to he probably a three- or four -step process, here in the -- out in the different
levels. right? The Omni CRA level, the City level, and then the County level. And
there'll be a lot of discussion left, but this is just -- only the beginning.
OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
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OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
Meeting Minutes May 25, 2023
MOVER: Joe Carollo, Board Member, District Three
SECONDER: Christine King, Board Member, District Five
AYES: Diaz de la Portilla, Carollo, Covo, Reyes, King
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: So, that's moved by Commissioner Carollo, seconded by
Commissioner King. We are going to open the resolution for public comment. Is there
any public comment? Seeing none, the public comment period is closed. All those in
favor say "aye."
The Board (Collectively): Aye.
Chair Diaz de la Portilla: Unanimous, I love it. All those against, "no." There's no -
- passes 5-0. The Omni CRA meeting now is now closed and adjourned.
The meeting adjourned at 12:33 p.m.
OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
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