The Commissioners of the City of Miami had the initiative of
building the "Mateo Park" also known as the "Domino Park" in the
heart of Little Havana, at 6th Street (Calle Ocho) and 15th Avenue.
This park was created to fill a much -needed function for the
residents of the area, after proper consideration for everybody
concerned. For many, many years a group of senior citizens, both
Cuban and American, and brilliant young men and women have been
gathering at the Park without provoking the slightest incident:
playing dominoes, chess and checkers of the highest competitive
quality in the State.
Our Park has been publicized in the past with pride, not only
by the press, but also by the television stations and radio: very
seldom a week has passed without the media picturing the park as
a symbol of progress, entertainment and a model of good behavior.
In the recent past weeks, for reasons not attributable fo the
regular folks of the park, there have been some isolated regretable
incidents, provoked probably for the proximity to the infamous
"tent city" that was not created by us. It is obvious that after
the elimination of that sore spot in the City, the park will go
again to its peaceful and enjoyable existence, without damaging
anybody or any business.
The undersigned, regular attendants to the park, all -of us
taxpayers, most American citizens with voting rights, and respect-
able members of the community, are hereby requesting that the park
remains open for the continuous entertainment of all of us and
because our park has a social function, recreative, which is abso-
lutely necessary for our mental and physical health.
. In proportion to the area it occupies this is one of the most
populated parks in the world; it is not only helpful for the enter-
tain -meet of us but also for the interchange of cultural ideas and
improve the relations among the residents of the area. Think of
how many aspiring politicians have come to our park to ask for
our votes!
Our park has had such an impact throughout the State and the
whole Unttcd States that it has been reproduced by other cities,
and it is undoubtedly an important turist attraction for the city
Of Ni JuU61ng from the thousands of turists that regularly
visit the park. It is simply unbelievable that anybody could think
of the possibility of closing down our part: as a consequence of
exaggerated and untruthful claims from people who do not know the
scope of the benefits that it represents for the businesses and
people who reside or visit the area.
What our park needs is a regular police supervision, as any
other area of Miami, so that the persons who regularly visit the
park could feel at ease within the community that we have helped
to develop. We sincerely believe that our reputation is much bet-
ter than that of the expensive and deserted Bicentennial Park
(where nobody dares to go day or night), and even the centrally
located Bayfront Park, in spite of which nobody mentions the possi-
bility of closing them down.
With a little time and suprevision our Park will again be one
that the whole city of Miami can be proud of, as we all are.
THEREFORE, we request that our park be kept open.,.
A L�- %���•.a"j�;d:,r:�..� rl L, c.tu�:�r;r 7:'�, rSiE.i:T Y Lr, FR�,i•�uR
Los Comintonadne do In Ciurl sd de M.l rut:i tuvieron 1n inloib'16AM de
con tr:;i.x' el ��1'uY'cjile :;ca�G4�� COr;�^...c;'3 tE:;Cv�b`C2 CrJr:!d F1 �� ",:1L';!i;e !`Ii:�. L�t"i.•
no," en el eorazcm dt^ In.. Penuene kiaoanz, en In calle 1;5 Aventa<.
Eute perque fue cre do pars oubrlr una funcion my necees.rl.a par&
to reeident:eo Cel n.•ezt ceEpues cue ertudlos euidkid000c eeron de today
lcs nart'c: c fe'ctrid.-cv,. Zlurar!t c. muchw:, Un trupo de cluda.
ounor de Edw) oviL4rmE:d_i, c� ud.nd cmos Anx..rlic non it Cub.-mo ;, y' brillantes
Jovertcr, d.: eviboc vexor. ee han est,,,100 reu.n.l.endo en el pr:.rrile ein provo-
crr el menor incldent-cs 1�!;,c;`t1c0 -).1 dos'�ino, zl *Je(lrez 9 a lot. d'a.-Oac
&I la rtej or c\alidad en tojo e? T': tndo,
Nuestro paroue ha rc c.l bl do fr�vo a- ),-Ile put:l.ic'i.dad con 6LMO or,:;u11o,
no• eoLo pox' pnrtc do In r.renos, sing tn: t:,:.cr Cie lriv ustocloners de to-
l:vlslon y radtn: MU,V rara ha Cade I* ecrrtma gin que loe redlos pu-
blin i t♦•ar:j ot: ee Ce dc:c: r:<<r ntv� tro poxqucl cv;,.r) un air!-
i 010 co Sr tw6clo de bucri ccxmport.c,.m9ento,
En 1%ir, rociente , cesnanar, 'jJor ri;7..'?rms owe no con titribU'l-
b1Qs a loc' Eiz-1 tvntE?'-.',_.!b!rec d l p r000nI, ce hen rrodualdo al;:Unow
M1 �•• 7 r ; �r r i rr l c: ce,
lw:'tr;;1t,. alc;;� i.n...�ce;;to4:, nr �voc•,::a.�c prui:c;�lciaer,te p�'l3,can;u d[
1^ cr.t ticahle "clu dv� c?t lt:s la coal no fue creed a por nos-
otrw.'• de Jr el.j.nlnaCton cle ese
focn Infe ^10t0 dc. ltd C:t.ti,i^(:, t1uoctro per^61� V'J?vcra v au pac»flat. y
encot,ni"at-le i :ln Ci?j i i).' v nadie. ni & n1w,1un ne(;0o.:lC,
ups aL•,:.io firr: iritcu. a^idvo:: a^iUtrntec al perque, todo n000-
tro" contri.b';Ypatr•c: dc'l r4;c?s y uc::L mi�:a'c nSu, la miyo.,, pe.rie c;iu-
drl_�� nns Ar::�•�1°i.c>7::o, c:o;i c�a^eclio �11 vocc, �• r.s;ter:i;roC ru^•.•7et;ati�lc:;: do la
ccvuIi.,, [*t,ta:`:05 par.' cl pre::entc evor't•,o fiolicAtti. n 0 a'tuc• el par gty-
t?c' wblerto el cot-Al.ti-,iu c: •(*rct.Cn!.r,::t.(:t7t0 C.ic to -,?Or' tiono-
trc • y po.,'i;j:,r_ nuc:trn r)r)-Vquo tlene una elev::ac; funclon Gocial, 1.ocrea.
40 v :, clue ce ,�bz,cluCur.:siiLr: Clc40u.�I'.i.& aarF: nuesbra ct:1u'! i'it iebt y
In pra�lo.•c lore 1 i3^cr; nue c, upa C::te es uno tie, lop Pa.rnuer. mr.c•
CdnCltrt.';C;:�t\ ^^X r.,an::r:lj no Ew eolanr ,,ntx VAiot:o pora el erktret'enimller,
to (je for-! sirlcs'tes'ttc:s; t=t•<:r:hien par,-, ci vay.o;;o intercamtio atatu-
ml (5f• i.dcvc, a0er.t:Ic d r. \\^, l�Z�,z` 14-4 rilr:c:torne,, ent,re lots revidentee
,rel urea. Pienrc e cu: nGcn ha:: rido los avpir\sister politicos que han
vi.t31.tnrl.) n,--tro parcut pary pe-dirrioo nue.troS vot:o,J
I..'- .. �by teln+do un irni)Fcto tan Grange a trvvec del esta-
do y de todoe lou L!t i600 Uni6at the rya t;i.dc ic,itado en otrae cl.uda-
dc,c-, a indudotAer.ente cf., umA, htr;,ccior. tvr-.sties pera la
eiu3ad Cie \3iultii tenie-11,10 en cuenta 1oz risle4 de tur,staa de todas
parter del r.:urdo que v:.encr. a ver nuet?tro uarque. Es alrnplenente in-
cralble cue al uicn pond a penoar en la pocib li.ded de cerra.rlo cor,,o
conoecuencsi.a tie, ex: uc\r.:ci;; y fa1sE; idea;: por parte do pereonar: quo
no conocen el alcanize do lug bencf:cian- nue repreconte pera Ion ne o-
eios y gere+anae clue reo:den o visitan el area,
Lo clue nuestro perque necesitx er una supervision policiaen re-
gular, cono eualculer otra arer, de Miaril, pare quF log asistentes
puedsn sentirsc' debltltanc-nte prote-ldoc dentin) de. Is, eos:unidad quo
nocot-rov hemos ayudz6o a de arrollhr, Nosotroe sinceratlente creenoe
que nuestra reputaclon ec mucho mejor que el costono y desierto Par-
que del Bicentanorio (a monde nadle se strove a it n1 de dia ni de
nocwhc ), v rizc sun qur el centricanente localizado sayrront Fark, &
pesar de 1.0 cut~1 a nadie ne le ocurre eerrar dichos parquet:.
Con un poco de tiprano y supervielon nu+: stro parque volverc a
;er cloo de 10 cual tOdu la conunidcd de MUM' eatere or�;ulloza,
cono to estar.os tad:\a noaotros. FOR TANTO, pedimoa con pleno dere-
celo que ruestro Farr:ue sea mantarida at, s erto.
INTI_R-('Jr 'ICC p;tEMo �,1at�Utvl l/
• L,
T4: Angela Bellamy DATE: 10-23-80 sllC:
Assistant to the City Manager
4unJECT, Item for the October 30th
Commission Meeting Agenda.
Joe Carollo r°-�`�� *M`&RCN.Est
City Commi.s„i.orier.
x am submitting the request of Mr. Manuel I.,obo and Mr. .FeIi.•:
Montero .for a personal appearance on the October. 30th Com-
mission Meeting reference the Antonio Maceo Park.
Please inform my office at what time their appearances will
be scheduled since we have agreed to notify them,
. ..,
. •.)