HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #33A - Discussion ItemCITY S141 A GEf? Or,
Richard L. Fosmoen
City Manager
A/itICenneth I. Harms, Chief
Department of Police
Robert D. Krause, Director ��¢`•=/':! `
Department of Human Resources
October 20, 1980
Status of Police Recruitment
This updates our continuing efforts on Police recruiting. -
The Police Department appointed 32 recruits to the academy class
that began October 6. The Police Department expects to appoint
an additional 36 officers to the recruit class beginning November 3;
24 of the recruits have already been cleared for appointment.
Test results from the exam given on October 1 have been submitted
to the University of Chicago for scoring. We expect the results
to be returned within a few days. A total of 110 candidates took
the exam on October 1. The candidate pool comprised 50o Black
males and females, 37.5% Latin males and females, 3.1% Anglo females
and 9.4% Anglo males.
The next exam is scheduled on October 29. The exam will be given
simultaneously to candidates for Police Officers and Public Service
Aides. At this writing, there are a total of 57 applicants for
Police Officer and 65 for Public Service Aide. We expect to have
100 or more candidates for each position by October 29.
The Department of Human Resources has been running weekly ads in
the Miami Times and El Diario De Las Americas. In addition, the
department has been running intermittent ads in the Miami Herald.
The Police Department has assigned seven Police Officers from the
Community Relations Unit to the recruiting program, including the
responsibility to contact all social agencies within the City in
order to attract minority applicants.
We have scheduled appointments during the current week to interview
prospective advertising firms and request proposals. We hope to
have written proposals available by early November.
The Law Department has taken the necessary steps to amend the Consent
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................... .
Richard L. Fosmoen
City Manager
October 20, 1980
Page -2-
Decree in order to permit recruitment and appointment of candidates
who live within the State of Florida. At the present time, the
motion to remand the Consent Decree from the Fifth Circuit Court to
the Federal District Court for the limited purpose of entering such
an amendment is still pending.
FROM OCTOBER 5, 1980 TO OCTOBER 23, 1980
10/06/80 BLE #47 3 1 10 6 ll 1 32
Certified Police Officer* 1 01
• 33
Percentage 12.1 % 3% 30.3% 18.2% 33.3% 396 10090,
Minority hired: 87.3%
11/03/80 BLE #48 0 3 8 4 14 2 31
As of 10/23/80 the Miami Police Department has qualified 31 candidates for the
upcoming class of November 3, 1980. We anticipate to have between 35 and 38
qualified and hired by October 29, 1980 for the November 3, class. The total hired for
the November class will be reflected in the next report.
12/08/80 BLE /l
01/12/81 BLE /{ PROJECTED
02/09/81 BLE #
03/16/81 BLE #
04/13/81 BLE ll
05/11/81 BLE #
Thirty-one (31) Police Recruits are currently enrolled in the Academy (BLE #47)
One applicant resigned after being; accepted by our Department from the original 32.
Recruitment 10/23/80 As of 10/23/80
700 applicants City residents 231
Non -City residents 319
Total applicants: 550
On October 1, 1980 one -hundred and three (103) applicants were tested from the 231.
The test results have not been received as of this date 10/23/80.
Exam dates No exam due during this period
Register Return Awaiting results from Human Resources
h Certification '
Register Referral Not applicable during this period
& Notification Sent
Application Processing
The last report submitted indicated that of the 262 candidates that passed the exam,
215 showed up for processing. Since 23 August 1980, we have sent letters through the
mail advising the applicants that did not show up to contact the Background
Investigation Unit. As of 23 October 1980 an additional 27 candidates have been in
contact with us. This brings the total to 242. Twenty (20) candidates have failed to
contact us.
I.D. Prep. time
Not applicable at this time
O.B. Notice
Not applicable at this time
Interview & Selection
Goal was attained on last report
Transfer & Training
T.C.11 and Secretary I
Last report reflects
the hiring of a TCII
Applicant declined
after hiring. The
TCII and Sec.I have
not been hired due
to lack of qualified
207 Completed to date
208 Completed to date
Physical Agility
193 Completed to date
Record Check
160 Completed to date
& Letter Work Out
Back x-rays
190 Completed to date
160 in progress
Oral Interview fad. 9/22//80 - 10/23/80 65 Completed
Signing In and Not applicable at this time
From October 1 to October 23, 1980, a total of ten Police Officers have left the
Police Department:
1 Officer retired
I Officer dismissed
2 Officers terminated frorn the Academy for academic reasons
6 Officers resigned
The officers that resigned indicated that they either found other careers to pursue or
they went with other police departments.
As of February 1, 1980, a total of 71 sworn officers have left the Police Department.
The majority of these officers have indicated in their exit Interview that they were
disappointed with the lack of support shown by the criminal justice system and the
In an attempt to place more Police Officers on the street, the Police department has
developed a plan to civilianize positions throughout the Department. The following Is
a breakdown of the positions to be civilianized:
* 1 Account Clerk relieved one P.O. in Traffic
* 1 Chief Management Analyst will relieve one P.O. in Planning & Inspections
1 Clerk I position will relieve one P.O. in Records
1 Laborer will relieve one P.O. at the Stables
3 Property Specialist II will relieve 3 P.O. In Property
1 Property Specialist I will relieve I P.O. in Property
1 Publicity News Manager will relieve a sworn supervisor in the Office of
Information Dissemination
1 Rangemaster will relieve sworn supervisor In Range
* 2 Reorganization of Directives do Correspondence relieved 2 P.O.S.
* I Senior Programmer relieved one P.O. In Systems Development
5 assignment of PSA's to Front Desk will relieve 5 P.O.s
* 1 City Attorney relieved 1 sworn supervisor from Legal
* 1 Court Liaison reduced 1 P.O.
4 Comm. Operators and 3 PSA's will replaced 4 light duty positions
and 4 regular duty P.O.'s in Communications
*:Already accomplished
A total of 28 sworn positions will be replaced by non -sworn personnel,
The City residency problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible, if we are to meet
our recruitment and hiring goals. As it can be seen as of October 23, 1980 of tite total
of 550 applicants, only 231 are City residents.
As of October 23, 1980 the processing has been going smoothly and outside of the
possible problem areas stated in the previous report, we do not anticipate any
obstacles to prevent the Department from meeting; our hiring; goals.
Attached you will find a copy of the latest results of a Recruitment ntecting hold on
October 16, 1980, at the City ;Manager's Conference Room involving representatives
from the CityManager's staff, the Police Department and Hinman Resources
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TO. Kenneth I . Harms DATE: FILE'
October .16, 1980 PER 15
Chief of.Poltce
(Through Channels)
SUDJECT: Recruitment Meeti.ng
iHOAt• L t . J . W . Pearce REFERENCES:
Crime Prevention Unit ENCLOSURES.
A meeting was held in the City Manager's conference room involving
the following: Howard Gary, Rob Parkins, and Manohor Surana from the
City Manager's staff; Chief Harms, Major Alba, and Lt. Pearce from s
the Police Department; and Mr. Krause, Mr. McQuen, and Ms. Salgado
from H.R.D. The meeting was called to coordinate -the recruitment
effort for the Police Department.
The following points were discussed and resolution reached:
1. The recruitment effort cannot rely totally on police officer
interaction with the community. Although an integral part,
without directed 'advertising the officers will not reach a_
sufficient number of applicants. All five Crime Prevention
officers will be assigned full-time to recruitment with the
support of a sergeant and lieutenant.
2. Mass media advertising has the potential for indescriminate
recruitment which could adversely affect the Department's
minority recruitment efforts. A professional consultant will
be necessary to correctly direct the advertising campaign. Mr.
Krause and Chief Harms will draft the objectives for the
consultant, and Mr. Krause will contact a White, Latin, and
Black company to request proposals. Mr. Gary stated he will
intercede -to expedite the contractural arrangements.'
3. Proposals were reviewed for community involvement in the
recruitment.campaign. The Police Department is working with
community leaders, civic and business groups and social service
agencies. Mr. Parkins will coordinate a police job fair ,
involving the agencies normally used for CETA jobs. Mr. Surana
will cost out an incentive recruitment program for City employees
who refer selected applicants.
4. Using Judge Kehoe"s stated intentions of allowing the Department
to recruit outside City limits, a decision was reached to
recruit applicants on a county -wide basis as soon as the 5th
From October I to October 23, 1980, a total of ten Police Officers have left the
Police Department:
1 Officer retired
I Officer dismissed
2 Officers terminated from the Academy for academic reasons
6 Officers resigned
The officers that resigned indicated that they either found other careers to pursue or
they went with other police departments.
As of February 1, 1980, a total of 71 sworn officers have left the Police Department.
The majority of these officers have indicated in their exit Interview that they were
disappointed with the lack of support shown by the criminal justice system and the
In an attempt to place more Police Officers on the street, the Police department has
developed a plan to civilianize positions throughout the Department. Tile following is
a breakdown of the positions to be civilianized:
* 1 Account Clerk relieved one P.O. In Traffic
* 1 Chief Management Analyst will relieve one P.O. in Planning & Inspections
1 Clerk 1 position will relieve one P.O, in Records
1 Laborer will relieve one P.O. at the Stables
3 Property Specialist If will relieve 3 P.O. in Property
1 Property Specialist I will relieve 1 P.O. in Property
1 Publicity News Manager will relieve a sworn supervisor in the Office of
Information Dissemination
1 Rangemaster will relieve sworn supervisor in Range
* 2 Reorganization of Directives &- Correspondence relieved 2 P.O.s.
* 1 Senior Programmer relieved one P.O. in Systems Development
5 assignment of PSA's to Front Desk will relieve 5 P.O.s
* 1 City Attorney relieved 1 sworn supervisor from Legal
* I Court Liaison reduced 1 P.O.
4 Comm. Operators and 3 PSA's will replaces( 4 light duty positions
and 4 regular duty P.O.'s in Corn mun!cat ions
*:Already accomplished
A total of 28 sworn positions will be replaced by non -sworn personnel.
The City residency problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible, if we are to meet
our recruitment and hiring goals. As it can be seen as of October 23, 1980 of the total
of 550 applicants, only 231 are City residents.
As of October 23, 1980 the processing has been going smoothly and outside of the
possible problem areas stated in the previous report, we do not anticipate any
obstacles to prevent the Department from meeting; our hiring goals.
Attached you will find a copy of the latest results of a Recruitment meeting hold on
October 16, 1950, at the City ,Manager's Conference Room involving representatives
from the City .Manager's staff, the Police Department and Human Resources
Kenneth I. Harms SUBJECT: lie cruitment..Meet ing
Page 2
October 16, 1980
Circuit Court of Appeals refers the case back to Judge Kehoe.
Mr. Krause stated the applicants would not be able to be tested
until Judge Kehoe abridges the Consent Decree.
5. A coordinated systems for expending the advertising monies will
be arranged between H.R.D, and the Department.• Mr, Gary stated
he was not concerned with the administrative aspects as he felt
they, would not hinder either Department's operation.
•In Chief Harm's discussion with Mr. Krause, only two items need to
be resolved. The first involved the testing of the County applicants
already on file. As the Department is in direct competition with
U.P.S., these applicants need to be tested as rapidly as possible.
If Judge Kehoe's order is not signed within a week of a scheduled
testing.date, a special test should be given.
The second item concerns the consultant and authority to expend
funds. Eventhough contracted through H.R.D. on a daily basis, the
consultant must wort: for and with the Police Department. Additionally,
the Department must -have the latitude to advertise on an as -needed
basis at the direction of the consultant. The Department, and
specifically the Crime Prevention Unit, should be able to expend
funds within established parameters without individual item expendi-
ture approval from H.R.D.