HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #05 - Discussion ItemCity of Miami
Waterfront Board
5�gested Purposcs, Meeting Recommendations, Board Member-
ship and Attendance
I. Suggested Purposes
1) To follow 'the recommendations as outlined in City of
Miami Resolution 79-172.
2) To supply independent advice, counsel, and information
to 'the City Commission, City Administration, corporations,
organizations and certain individuals who have reason to
request such action or assistance from the Miami Water-
front Board.
3) To undertake special projects and studies as may be
requested from -the Waterfront Board.
tN) To employ as approved by 'the City Commission/Administration
professional consultants -to assist 'the Waterfront Board
in its purposes.
5) To support and assist Miami, Metro, state and federal
law enforcement agencies in crime prevention, and City
of i4iami code enforcement regarding the Waterfront.
6) To identify, research and investigate issues, occur-
rences and instances -that have or could effect do•tri-
mental or harmful public relations 'to the City of Miami.
7) The Preoident shall appoint on a non -pay basis Advisors
to 'the Waterfront Board.
8) The Board shall take action and .follow up on progr,a.ms,
pro jec'to,, and prosentati.ono to ensure their succoo.sful
II. Meeting Recommendations
1) Tho Miami Wlatorfront Board shall meet twice each month
with the exception of ono meeting in August.
2) amergoncy meetings may be called at the request of the
Mayor, the City Commission, or the Chairman as noeded.
Mootine,s are generally held in the COW Room, City Hall.
Meetings begin at IP:00 p.m. and are over at 7s00 P.M.
unless additional time is required,
3). Persons, organizations;, corporations, etc. Who desire
apppearances before the Waterfront Board shall contact
the Chairman or the Secretary, Stadium and Marinas De-
partment, City of Miami..
'.Public -hearings may be called on issues as the Board
deems necessary,
5) Monthly sessions shall. be mini -hearings and the public
at lane shall }iav'e the right -to address the Waterfront
6) attar` t er1.y lnec'Li.11r�;;� may be held a•t other City, of Miami.
iUCUL:iorts J:or• •chu corlvc27icnce of •the general.public
and 1:}re F3oar d rnenrbcl:';.
Ill. Board Membership arld Attendance
For the Board to Function effectively, Waterfront Board
members should:
1.) Be residents of the City of Miami.
2) Be a regular participant in boating, waterfront activ-
ities, the marine, industry or marine env'iroraiient.
3) Have an underlying responsibility for the preservation
of the City of Miami's wa•terfron't assets, bay bottoms,
river i3, trj.butarj.e:-,-, and so forth.
�I) Have employrnentconty.,L•L•j.b.'I.e with 'the meeting tittles and dates.
5) Be available -to participate in sub -committee activities,
out-of-town projects and required undertaking,
6) Suggested preparations preliminary to meeting discussions
is critical. -to r.`ca'li.s ti c derision made by 1,0,;tterI'ron ;
Board members.
7) Resi,mi.ng- or termina teci Boarc! !netnber. s shall be replaced
by t}to i.- (.,. ;:r.den't `;;a. t}1 •! 1w vi_a jorit,,f of DoL:rd
appx`ovai, Forwarded 'to .►;)je City Uomrnission for ap-Proval.
8) Board membership s}i li not be avail.able to persons
who have a personal colifl.ict of illt.erest.
9) Board members having a personal (past, present, or future)
interest in any d .scussa.on 'tern bofow,e •the Board shall -
disqualify Ili 111/her:'c1. F :'rorr a).]. dj.scussions oil 'the I ssuQ.
10) Board is sulDject to Florida Sunshine Law.
W. Stuart Sore,