HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #52 - First Reading OrdinancePi _ Gv - ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE A?-U:NDING ORD.I"IANCF, NO. 6871, AS AMENDED, THE CWTI REHF.NSIVE 7.0NING OR.DINArICE FOR THE CITY OF NIAI"I , BY ADDI11G A. NEW PARAGP.APII (G) TO SUB -SECTION (6) OF SECTION 1, ARTICLE X - HIGH DF.i SITY MULTIPLE R-5 DISTRICT, TO ALLOJJ CONVALES(-TNT 140!TS AND NURSING HON`FS UPnN "CONDITIOI;AL USE" APPROVAL; BY AAV"ING THE NECESSARY CHANGES IN THE ZONING DISTRICT NAP MADE A PART OF SAID ORDINANCE N0. 6871, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION Ii" ARTICLE III, SECTION 2, THEREOF, BY REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, CODE SECTIO;IS OR PARTS T14EREOF I?I CONFLICT AND CONTAIIIINC- A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. _ WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting, of October 1, 1980, Item No. 2, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution PAB 29-80 by a 4 to 0 vote (3 members absent a 1 member abstaining) recommending an amendment to Ordinance 6871 as hereinafter set forth; and WTIEREAS, the City Commission after careful consideration of this matter, deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the Cite of I,�iami and its inhabitants to grant this change of zoning classification, as hereinafter set forth; NO', TEF,REFOPF, BF. IT RESOLV? D BY THE' COPT"'ISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Ordinance 6871, as amended, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for the City of Miami, be and the same is herebv amended by adding a new paragraph Q) to sub -section (6) of Section 1, ARTICLE N - HIGII DENSITY riULTIPLF, R-5 DISTRICT, to allow Convalescent Homes and Nursing Homes upon "Conditional Ilse" aptiroval to read as follows: (g) Convalescent horses and nursing homes Section 2. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed insofar as they are in conflict. CITY COM M ISSION to CT nIN G OF a i