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Item #19 - Discussion Item
CITY OF MIAMI. 17-LORID4 i INTER•CFFICE MEMORANDUM Mayor and Members November 3, 1980 of the City Commission - = -�---Workshop Session =- %%%% r Wednesday, November 5, 1980 _ Ange R. Be 1 amy Assistant to LiLy F,anagoe Please be advised that a Workshop Session is scheduled to be held on _ _ Wednesday, November 5, 1980 in the Committee of the Whole Room at 2:00 P.M. The following two items will be presented at that time: 1. Presentation by David Korte, Consultant for CATV 2. Discussion of the*Affirmative Action Semi -Annual Report - The above itells are listed on your agenda for the November 6, 1980 City Commission Meeting as Items E and B, respectively. ►Please note that backup material for Item L (CATV) was distributed as Item H in your October 30, 1950 agenda packet. Richard Fosmoen September 26, 1980 City Manager _ xi Semi -Annual AffirmativeFAction Progress Report - June=30, ..1980 Robert D . Krause Director Department of Human Resources Attached for your review is the Semi-annual Affirmative Action Progress Report for June 30, 1980. The Affirmative Action plan, Section 13, approved by the City Commission on January 11, 1978 requires that this report be prepared by the human Resources Department for review by the City Manager. If the report is O.K., it needs to be for%,;arded to the City Commission and the Affirmative Action Board. (We can send copies to the Board; the next meeting is October 8). If you want any revisions, please let us'know. RDK:HMD:mc Richard Fosmoen September 26, 1980 City Manager Semi -Annual Affirmative Action Progress Report - June 30, 1980 Robert D. Krause /jV" Director . Department of Human Resources This report summarizes the status of minorities and women employed by the City of Miami as of June 30, 1980 in the areas of employment, job classifications, salary, hiring, promotions and terminations. In addition reports are provided on applicant flow, test validation, reclassification and the functions of the Affirmative Action Office. The work force analysis included here is based upon the most cur- rently available data which is 1970. It is hoped that the 1980 Census data will be available in time for the next si,�c month report. It is anticipated that considerable changes in the availability of minorities in the City labor force will have occured in the ten year period from 1970-1980. As of Juno 30, 1980 the City employed 3,158 permanent employees of which 1,625 (51.5:) were Anglo, 904 (28.60,) Black and 616 (19.5-) Hispanic. Eighteen percent (561) of the total work force was female. (See chart II b). When CETA employees are included with all others, minority represent- ation increases. The City wide work force (full time, part time, CETA) is 4,241, which includes 41.6`, Anglo, 33.6 Black, 24.4'� Hispanic and 24. 3'", fe�ialc. (Chart IIa) . Chart III shows changes in the Citys total work force beginning December 31, 1976, which is the last reporting period prior to the effective date of the Consent Decree on (March 29, 1977. The table shows a decline in total employment from 4,581 to 4,241. Employ- ment of Blacks (dal(_, and female) has increased from 1288 to 1423 (up from 28.1`. to 33.5"). Hispanic employment bale and female) has increased from 797 to 1031 (up from 17.4'; to 24`,). Anglo employment (male and female) has declined from 2941 to 1768 (down from 54.4. to 42,). Total female employment has increased from 17.1a to 23.9 The City's long term goal as stated in the Consent Decree, is to achieve participation at all levels throughout its work force of Blacks, Latins and women approximating their respective proportions in the City labor force. The 1970 census indicates 19':, Blacks, 570 Hispanic and 44? females in the City of Miami labor force. While Blacks are well represented in the overall employment picture, they are overrepresented in the service and maintenance category with A 0 Richard Fosmoen September 26, 1980 Page 42 780. In contrast only 11% Anglos and 11° Hispanics were in this category. It is encouraging to note that Blacks constitute 420 of the Skilled Craft workers and Hispanics 211�. There were still no women on a permanent basis in Skill Craft jobs. The Official/Ad,iridnistrator category is still predominately Anglo male; they comprise 66' of this group. Blacks hold only 8s of these jobs, Latins 18�; and women as a group represent 1.2_ Females were still heavily concentrated in the paraprofessional and office clerical area representing 44.6 and 81..6:; respectively. The report fUrthor shows that Blacks comprise ten percent (40) of the professional employees while Hispanics represent fifteen per- cent (57) and females 17 (65) . Of 990 Protective Service employees (Fire and Police), 65° (646) were Anglo, 12.1`;, (120) Black, 19.4 (192) Hispanic and 6.3" (62) females. Fire and Police statistics are discussed later- in this report. During the first six months of 1980, eighty seven percent (165) of all new hires were minorities and women, including 28. (53) Blacks, 34 (65) Hispanics and 25° (47) females. It is important to note that 72 of these hires were in the protective servico category. Eighty three percent (83'.) of all promotions were achieved by minorities and wo-nen. During the period January to June 1980 the followin(r prcmctions were made: Blacks 26 (42), Hispanics 18° - (30) and fem.al.r s 39 (65) . The progress achieved in hiring and promoting women and minorities can be attributed in large part to the change in the Civil Service Rules. A special r,_port covering the effective period of the new rules August 24, 1979 through June 30, 1980 shows; 1. 86. of all new hires have been women and minorities. 2. 81'� of all promotions have been woman. and minorities although only about half of the present employees are minorities. 3. 99_ of all transitions from CETA to Civil Service have been minorities and women. The new rules have also contributed to a reduction in the liti- gation previously experienced, particularly challenges to pro- motions. The nuir.l;er of individual law suits have also declined in recent months. Chart VI indicates the promotional goals for the 1980-81 year. Promotional goals are based on "either parity with the Miami City Richard Fosmoen September 26, 1980 Page # 3 work force population statistics or the percentage of minorities currently employed in the department whichever is smaller", as specified by the Consent Decree. As the number of minorities and women increase in the work force, promotional goals have increased from 48 � in 1977 to 58"1 in 1980. The Police and Fire departments have been a subject of continuing interest in the hiring and promotion of minorities and women. The Fire department's promotional goal for the comming year -is 190 an increase from 14" in 1977. Presently the department contains 33 Blacks (5.3°:); 70 His panics (11°); and 1 female (.21°,). The Police department's promotional goal has increased from 310 to 43 . In 1977 31", of the protective ser%,ice staff was minority and female including 10 (76) Black, 13`'. (102) Hispanic and 8 (45) females. Currant statistics indicate that 42' of the sworn person- nel are minorities and women, of which 110 (74) are Black, 22.4% (144) Hispanic and 9.4'O (63) females. In summary, it may be accurate to say that the City has made prog- ress in total employment opportunities for minorities and women, but there is a continuing need for significant improvement in the more desirable occupations. RDK:HMD:me AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRESS REPORT CITY OF MIAMI DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES JUNE 30, 1980 i I CITY OF MIAMI TABLE OF CONTENTS JUNE 30, 1980 ATTACHMENT I Work Force Analysis. ATTACHMENT II -A- All City Employees by Job Categories, EE04 Report as of June 30, 1980. -B- Full Time Employe -es Only EE04 Report as of June 30, 1980. -C- CETA Employees Only by Job Categories as of June 30, 1980. -D- New hires by Job Categories EE04 Report as of June 30, 1980. ATTACHMENT III All Employees, Full Time, Part-time, CETA from 12/31/76 thru ATTACHMENT IV -A- All Employees by Salary Earnings as of June 30, 1980. -B- Permanent Employees Only by Salary Earnings as of 6/30/80. -C- CETA Employees Only by Salary Earnings as of June 30, 1980. ATTACHMENT V -A- City t•:ide Hiring and Promotion January thru June 1980. -B- Uncl. ssil'ied Januar;• thru June 1980. -C- Classified Onl•; January thru June 1980. -D- CETA Only January thru June 19SO. ATTACHI•SENT VI City of Niam.i Consent Decree Goals for July 1, 1980 to June 30, 1931. ATTACHMENT VII -A- Employees by Department as of. June 30, 1980. -B- Permanent Employees Only by Department as of June 30, 1980. ATTACHMENT VIII -A- Applicant Fl.uta, Competitive January thru June 1980. .-B- Applicant F1t-•..• (Non Competitive) January thru June 1980. ATTACHMENT IX Parti::iF.ants in Training Pro( -rams January thru June 1980. ATTACH.' -',ENT X New Job Classifications and Reclassifications for January thru June l9SU . ATTACIMENT XI Resiqnations, Terminations and Dismissals. 1980. ATTACHMENT XII Functions of the City's Affirmative Action Office. 1980. ATTACIL'•1L:NT XIII Test Validation Report. 1980. WO RlC 1' 0 1" 7 -c 7.1 o N I S T 7.", :arm. I QRS :any ers ., I S /-N" I n t o i s t P. C F S S 1 CNA T. n E C! I I C 1, -' P r o f Tcchnic i 17 n U,-- C, r 5: only r_j',17 I C r. 2'C!.rz T 1 'S for7ale) 1".mai-4s only La Lin F fe--LlQ) ly L.,I-., ror t LILin Fcmj!ez only C, Mjh plus tjiof�e wish 1 -3 cf ColIc-crO. 7 :i L 1 -S ;:cr.-ale) Fc;'lalcs Lnly 1-4 years of 11icjh School. f3jac), (:nalo S fLIM:tIC) .-d y. kmmR1 i930 Consent C-2CrCe 970 c Ey' airing Gc.aii;. L-*'ia1-.i city �rado I.c,' -.nty Wc rk F;,,rce F t 3 .2 1 17.71 20.01 36. 12.11 21 9 12.8% Prof. 30-0% 12.C% 20.51 33.51 50.0% 15. 3% 41.9% 4 2 4 12.61 7.G1 G.9' " 3 50.-014 -10 .5 89.9i 64.2% 71.1t 74.21 41.9% 13.21 8.36 23.52 50-01 511.07. 7 •2 i .7% !'! /;k, 7 2. -Vt 3 .1 . 1i c 6- i 13.4E tzou-111..ck 35 .0e. 43.01 5.27. 35.31 35.25 12'& 19.91t; 35.51 12 . C't 38. 39 2.1 43.5% 40.01 1'! I dil ATTACIi'-1ENT IIa DEPARTMENT (Full Time, Part Time & C.F.I.T.A.) EMPLOYMENT DATA AS OF June 30, 1980 JOB CATEGORIES TOTAL MALE FEMALE TOTAL ro 1% MALE FEMALE A. OFFICIALS ADMINISTRATORS 12,14 -7 19 2 9 3 3 109 15 15.3 1.6 7.3 2.4 2. 4 87.9 12-1 B. PROFESSIONALS 4 117 2 kCj IL 50 8 19 29 1 352 s-- 0 27. 1 11. 4 1.8 8.2 4. 6.6 .-)3 -1 �0. 5 19.5 C. TECHNICIANS 347 1 4 75 - 23 5 7 3 12 35 G 1 A -19.0 10.1 D. PROTECTIVE SERVICE 995 64 (o 9i, 190 1 31 24 7 933 62 I . C) 9.6 1.9. 1 1 2.4 .7 91.8 6.2 E. PARAPROFESSIONALS 11.6 1.3 I 7 3 ")-).5 44 14.2 4 4 14.2 -A 6 14.8 1 7 5 56.5 1 43.5 F. OFFICE, CLERICAL 5.3 17.7 . 12.8 7- 15.2 2!19 24.7 2AC) 24.1 ? .19 -3 7 0, 35.8 6.4 G. SKILLED CRAFT 280 r 'Q 41 1 -6 4- 22.9 ---1 - - I I - - 27P '.0 .3 '17 5 99.3 H. SERVICE,, MAI NTENANCE 715 91 506 82 3 6 23 4 682 33 12.7 70.7 11 .5 42 84 3.2 .56 95.4 4.( SPECIAL EVENTS & PART TIME Ar TOTALS 4241 1462 10•?9 625 15 306 7 4 346 4 3211 1030 -- �11 16) 2 7 2) 8. R .02 -3.7 24.3 [-7-7 IIb F 1 7,91 DEPARTMENT .-.-_- FULL _TI'II?_ F.";PLO1 ;ES ONLY --- ----- _ __ Er04 - noport EMPLOYMENT DATA AS OF June 30, 1980- JOB CATEGORIES TOTAL MALE FENIALE TOTAL MALE FEMALE A. OFFICIALS ADMINISTRATORS A 12 3 sl 7 1 108 15 - 7 14B. - , 2. 27.8 12. PROFESSIONALS 3R+ ' i I '� ` '7 7 - 3(1 7.7 14 3 . 0 20 5.1 _ 1 2 5 - 323 - 83.2 65 16.7 C. TECHNICIANS r 29� 17(-, 3 - - 1.7 - i - - 273 23 9r)0_ 646 «6 21. 3 135_ - _ 1_ - 5.7 _ 1 .67 24 1 . 4 '7 - - - 92. 2 - 928 7.8 62 D. PROTECTIVE SERVICE I - 24 26.0 1 2 1 1.1 - 51 4 1 E. PARAPROFESSIONALS n �_ 1 1_> ] ri - -_-- - _' 22 o lr.? ]_(,,? - 13.0 _-_-� 4.3 - 55.4 44.6 F. OFFICE CLERICAL 41 ,_ I 'I- - 1.42 33.9 91 21.7 109-- 26.0 -,-- - 77 342 7 9 -- ? _ 9 - _ - - - - 18.4 81.6 G. SKILLED CRAFT >6 97 37.9 195 41.9 20.7 1 - - - _ - _ - _ - - 256 - 100.0 - - .39 H. SERVICE MAINTENANCE SPECIAL EVENTS & PART TIME 594 C, 452 64 - - - L2 1. - - 581 13 _ 1n 9_ 7C _ 1 l 0. 7 - - - 2 . 0 . 17 - - 97.3 2 -_ I - - '597 _-__.__.___- 561 - TOTALS " 315; 1372 746 468 11 - 253 158 148 2 _ y 8.1 5.0 4.7 _-_�-_ .06 - s?.2 17.8 __.._.._ , � mi n�{�i e, i'R� .a� :�'+� +�I �� �..�"�a�, {.ma's #.�:a 6 n 7��*�K #il'%'� i€<tk.� _ ;N.I?°�t��Z`I!�•t ._ !�� '^- an�,� 'n m- ::�' .�.'.: _• . _ .. ...v .Y,rs 3s�Ji ��'ir""IPo'i%�N'LLI J9dkld��."n�ul ., 9 1e ein. s.,... ............ .- 4-. &.diuM4ReWr'.Yih�&AiNdMi'3kh xV si�'u Dr_PARTiNIt NT CL_Tl E.''PLOYI'i:S_OwLY E PoiPLOYMENT DATA AS OF MALE FEr.lALE TOTAL TOTAL t ,.l.lr. ol. ,... � ..,,:. �.lALE I i"E%1— E I �:1 JOB CATEGORIES _. A. OFF ICI.ALS - AD'.11rJ;5 I RATORS — — -- —' 1UC B. I'f�UFESSIOr��1LS i -l� i'J i-3 + 1 — 6 :,_•i 10.. _G.__. U._. l.o.-, - --- — _"�• ;U.v_ C. TECHNICIANS51 10 11 I I._ ( - - 6 3 3 - - 3 12 31, i,_ i.(1: %• --I - 11.. , `:1.3' 5. - - 76._. '.3.-3 , D. I' 3UTECTIVE SERV CE 5 lJ IJ E. PA(I4PRO FESSIONALS--- -- — 6.9� 23. _ 26.6� — —` ).2_� 1.1.7_19.3_� -l_- 614 —2�' 172 99 — — 15 16-1 1•lU? UFI I�:E'CLEIiICAL — — — - — --- — ----- - -- - - - - --- ---- -- -- - - - - `---- 3.6 2�, 1G.1` --- - 2. 6.7 2.& 33_ - ;"f. _.3 T �. ILLl:D CFZAr 4 .-2 v 4 1 . 7 LL I 1i J 4= Y '-- _ —_— i U ., 1 :J •1 ., i. :LF;V;CE;r.lAINTErVANCE 121 2G 54 fl 18 3 — 6 11 3 — 1.! ! 'U PAW ll%lL a I-Cc3 —90 303 2.17 `}. — r3 2.16 198 2 61 — -}oy TOTALS -- �s.3 27.9 20 .3 7 1.9 19 9 cl 1.8.3 .18 -- — C: 7 i 3.3 n-ma-r+r . . r.�p✓p�o,44tt+. � � �cr�+wml�t'WkwO.,rii.'..v1A99ok� ,Y � - "h 1 �' k : I ..,lhl. I. lip i f ii .I Y n f : e is i 33 9 i, I :,.919 li ,..11: � i.:l �•. ..PIN, :. z. •� ,�. .�r, ....i, ro:i. ,: � 1. d w v .,w _ _ —..,. i ::. L.,, Ilf _:. I:. � .f r�l I. li 9f�. E..l � .:R*'I�p:.�y: .:E;��p {,,� uv :py .! �i '�. q�. ilr� is s¢. .�.,/.�pe�,eyi:,.gyry� p .. -..-..... .... ... ...•:.._... .. ,..,:,.... ::....-. .,..e.�: "I':�II,R,:ryM #8�I'�.:�II{. tF'�`�nJ:ntY-, IY. i., I °�:. �: r.: �Fu '�':.. I: � 1 � � „�t��.;r.k^, ti.-.j...._. ._ .._... -, -..- _, -._ ..:..7..cxW'�fl�''lili�. f�'A ,�i ri,: �,,I i,:. n.�l. n cif... IA.I �R �IL u: ii I',9s!�'i .�..iV'.:. II: i}I�INi•.,'7":19.r....: x, _rr; kr,:,,.,,, i-. n: ...,. f>_i'i'ACEIf•IEI:.'1' lid t6-t 7C1 DEPARTMENT NrW IITRES REO<<_Rep�rt _ June 30, 1980 EMPLOYMENT DATA AS OF JOB CATEGORIES TOTAL IL0LU X4'31 K MALE FENTALE AL tIDN HISPANIC UWGIN IIISPA.•iIC ASIAN crt PACFIC 1$LAIWLI EF ALfr ICCA'+ '.blt ! ua ALA'fKAPJ NAIIYE NOHHISPANiC L'HIGtp HISPANIC ASIAN Ult CI PACIFIC ISLANIX1. Art N ALA Ne6 FENTALE Y;IOE 6.ACK C!1 Y.'HIFE C UACKA It A. OFFiCiALS! ADP,11NISTR.ATORS44". a 9 4 — 3 — — — 1 I — JK 33,"11% 14 8. PROFESSIONALS36 11 5 5 1 — 3 7 4_ — % 30.5�� 13.8% 13.81 2.8% — 8.3�• 19.4% 11% 38_8% C. TECHNICIANS 1G 3 7 5 — — — — 1 — 1 18.75z,43.7% 31.25` — — — — G. — — 93.7% +6_25 D. PROTECTIVE SERVICE a 108 16 28 50 — — 6 4 4 9`� 1�C 14.8% 25.9% 46.3% — — 5.5% 3.7% 3.7% — — 87% E. PARAPROFLSSIONALS a — "�16.6b 6 1 — 4 — — — 1 — _— — 5p6l�� — 66� — — , — 16.6`� , — — — 83.3"� 1 F. OFFICE!CLERICAL 35 1 — 2 — — 6 11 15 — — 3 32 2.8% — 3.6 17.1� 31.4g. '42.8% — — 8.6% t91.4� G. ShiLLED CRAFT 8 5 - 3 a a 62.5. — 37.5% — — — — — — — 100% H. SERVICE!MAiNTENANCE " 44 3 30 6 — — — 5 — — — 39 5 6.8% 68.1% 13.6; — — — 11.3G€ — — — 89.65, ;11_33 SPECIAL EVENTS & PART TIME A a TOTALS ° 262 44 70 78 1 — 15 29 25 — — 193 69. 16.8 6.7% 29.8% .4% — 5.7% 11% 9.5%; — — 73_6% 26_3' r 0 CITY 01' MTAMI FULL-TII•11-, CETA & F'-TPLOYEES WHITE B 11.11� c K HISN"Nic OTHER :?:.Ti: F: I LE FI'VIALE 131/76 T- C60 45 431 9 4'L 11210 2.1 -1 16 E I 3 TL 615 13 4 182 .1 0 121- 3 o 6 IL 2 0 4,L I58 12 ................... 1 4 2 59 5 4 4'. 10 3 8 1293-1 11.17 . 209 4 . G'� 2 3 3-) 221. 0 . 7 9 6 6 u' 866 676 15 O'� 1.7 200 4.3L 19 - 0' 220 % 6 8 2 2 0 5 15616 - 45 31 0 17 7 .139 C, 52.5'� 12/31/-/7 12 lr.02 5 110 4 8 9 7, 133i' 29 7 0 2 6 1 89C 19 9 6/30/78 6, 17 6 0 3' 6 2 J 0.7 1-162 2 7 '6 1 6.6 3 15 6 . 4�� 15 1 0 2 4912 'I'�101 4 9 156�1! 'A 'd'� --23.0% 16 .-3'6 1720 365 11,19 247 709 294 15 2 4521 12 //3) 1/7 8 1 2 8 5'� C . 5'-Zl 5 . 4 139t; -5. 5111, 30 . 9 3 2 15.7 100 7241 6 . 5`.' 2 2 . 2 17 .04 16 5 2 3 G 9 1121 0 317 14 4 5 6 /30/79 6 G/ -) r 8i 2 6 7 16 701, 3 0 0 4' 2 0 2 1041 602 23' 16 3 1552) 323 1099 333 301 13 12 3 12/31/79 17 1 187S 7 44.3'� 2 1� 1132 P, 33.92 14 7, I- 9031 7 21.4Z 310� 15 0 It 0 . 4`6 1462 30G 1049 374 685 346 15 4 .11241 G/30/80 34 T,; 25L 8.80 1 G 1 8 't 3 5 0 9 17681 42% 1031 24'l 4 4 't" ANNUAL SALARY 60!65,000 55,,59,999 50i54,999 45149,999 40144,999 35139,999 30/34.999 25j29.999 20/24,999 SUB -TOTAL ILTTACIU.IENT Iva DEPARTMENT All_.ETP!0__Y0cS (Permanent, Ceta, Temporary) By Salary Earnings EMPLOYMENT DATA AS OF —6/_3Q,1 MALE FENTALE TOTAL NON H�SPA C NON F41"rWAC �W'6.r. I A61AN 1. L TOTAL CIH GtN 011 1 iCULUMN S' 0 K H11-PAVC P'1C.r.L: txt-ArMl I ALAsi,Arl A bVE fv.;PAN!C I "C"it, iStAr, ff o : NA 1,,L ir'wTE &ACK Lit it IL BLACK A p C D f F G H K 62.51 25% 2 18.2 67.51 1 1 1 11 78.7 3q. 12-11 3 6 2 5 1 82% 2.7 6.8 1 204 3.6 18 1 81.3 4 7.2 747 -6 67 119 4 73.7 6.6 11.7 Ol j1751-7 911 6.3 1 10.61 .5% 3 3 4.1 1.4 h 6 2 .4 1 _a2, 15 1 2 16 15 2T is I_Yk Il 1001" 32. 96 68 93 239, 55 937 92 93 hi IN I IL . I 1 1. ALL & DEPARTMENT—__ (Perinarient, CcL,), 'Punitporary) i:%1l-.L0YMENT DATA AS OF _6/30//80 ANNUAL SALARY TOTAL MALE FEMALE TOTAL it 2 6-2 11 2 12 i 9 4' 4t1 1 i 8 13 .7 2S 126 14 0 5 381 i 10,14,909 F 5 EI 77 -3 1 J1 1 CiV 7.1)-, 3 4 45 30't 35 . el 2 2 2 2 7 -6, 12 18 .1 1 19 1 .1 b 1 187 167 '--). 1 6 - 21 — 3 2 7 2 1 2 1 8 SPECIAL EVENTS & PART Tlf,/,E 2 3 7 39. 10. 5 .1. 8 91 613' TOTALS --- 1 , 0 — b G 5 t 306 37-1 346 8 3 t, '214 7 2 r 8 8', T-" C y EMPLOYMENT DATA AS OF ANNUAL SALARY TOTAL MALE FE."AALE TOTAL 1,1 9 -lo 16 C 6 - - .1 io 5 1 19,999 101,14,999 1 3-12 i 3 92 13 (9 L 9 I 1 ;3 r I o 3 7,1 (3-- 2 5 9,999 SPECIAL PART Ti%lil TOTALS 4 7 L 17 G) 1 3- 15 C)6" 2 I i ANNUAL SALARY GO�G5,000 507;4,999 45 19,999 40,,i4,999 35i39,999 30, 3,1,999 1 25129,999 20j24,999 SUB -TOTAL C "LY DEPARTNIENT p,IPLOYMEPiT DATA AS OF - TOTAL FE10ALE R1ALk TOTAL I:.r,A.t lit _ ------ u� 7 �ti f 7 • - - -~-- - ------ J _. J, 1 , U *�-- _— _ 1 19 ,03 �7. - ---}-L - 2L 1 14 _ 1-49 7� _5_} 1_,_ 19 21 T_G� Al A a 3 ru In,w lai ae tii�;:,, A`I'Ti:CIIt•TLE'T IVC "f DEPARTMENT CETP. EMP_LOYrPS_ONIX «• I3Y SALIOt Y EAPIMIGS EMPLOYMENT DATA AS OF 6/30/90' - ANNUAL SALARY TOTAL cetL :+r.. U K A MALE FENTAEE TOTAL NCN HISPANIC L`RIGiN 11:'iPA NC O r.S:A;: ppt PAC:i Ie IS.A".:JT (♦ E IhJf:.• AEA..:Arl 1..1TIJC F NONHISPANIC Gk.r.N ril!'iPArJIC I a.1.tN o t PAcIHc ISLANIit{t J .1—Ar. �n AL•:.r.AfJ .::.Ll`•t K MALt FEMALE Ki,�iE 0 (tIACK C �:ItITE G lll.tCK ti GOi u 5,000 # OF 55159,999 x - o� - 50l54,999 of 45!49,999 # 40144,999 A r �b 35!39,999 30i34,999 x /5 # I 1 1 9b 1001 100% 2529,939 # 1 1 I �1J 10 0 % 20 2a,999 # 5 2 1 2 2 3 40% 20% 40$ 1 40% 60% SUBTOTAL a 7 3 2 2 3 4 43% 1 _ 28.5% 28_5W 43% 57% C) E PARTNI ENT C BY SALARY EIMPLOYMENT DATA AS OF G/30/80 ANNUAL SALARY 15/19,999 TOTAL tj I MA1.1 FENIAL E TOTAL ri i i i P A r i 7 AN 3 2 2 6 4 IL.:_ 1 1. t•'PA% — 13 7 3 '4 31 3� 3 2 � 10,,14,999 123 2 6 L. 6', 4 8 1 L C u 59.999 9 19.6- 1 .9'6' 121.E ?1., .3'- SPECIAL EVENTS & PART TiME. 28 6 23, 19" 31 23 199 2 TOTALS 7 2 4 2 P) 2 2 . 3) 2 . G',' 0 1 .2 " Z117 , " p1q,11 pl: I a ii ATTACHMENT Va. CETA, CLASSIFIED AND UNCLASSIFIED DEPARTMENTAI, IIIRTNG & PROXOTI011 DrPARTMENT All Departments IIONT,, January - June YEAR 1980 TOTAL, W OF ACHIE.G=-- 30B TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL MINORITIES & CLEiiT - AL CATEGORY ANGLO MALE FEMALES I3LACK ME LATIN MALE IIIRED WOMEN GOAL. TO DATD OFFICIAL & ADNINISTIZATOR 2 20 RUFI:SS IONAL 8 1II i TECHNICIAN 3 501 PROTECTIVE SERVICES 12 14% PFtIUIPROFESSIONALS 10 llo OFFICE/CLERICAL 10 27, SKILLED CRAFT WORXERS SrRVICE MAINTEtNANCE 2 41 TOTAL 47 7% 3 301 5 301 10 100% 8 127f. 20% 22 50% 7 1Gt 7 161 44 100E 36 301 1 17;� 1r2l� 1 17% 6 1006 3 i0"s G, 20 47 56% 84 100% 72 86ri! 56% 5 34 37% 19 29 • 32% 92 100% 62 89. 40i203 4Gi 141 83 19% '43? ;100ti '.427 9'8% 0" 1 33% 2 670 3 :10096 3 1100L 506 18c 28 62'L 7 45 100'1 43 96% 8 276 38. 217 30% 181, ±25J%:721 100% '674 93%': TOTAL W OF JOB TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL MINORI`CIES & '.n "vNr.rr %f7ry rA'7TU :rar.r T)Dnkf(1T1?d TIC=-K GOAL ACHIEVE— ME111T TO D2�, CATEGORY OFFICIAL & ADMINISTRATOR 5 36% 2 1el 1 71 6 _ 43" 14 10'0% 9 641 PROFESSIONAL 16 362 17 38% 6 13% 6 13' 45 100e-' 29 64 TECHNICIAN 8 26% 9 291 8 2G i 6 1.9 31 100% ' 23 PROTECTIVE SERVICES 1 82 4 331 3 25c 4 33: 12 1001 1 cl _ PARAPROFESSIONALS 11 501 5 231 G 27`72 0-0 ? % _ OFFICE/CLERICAL 2 52 37 S82 1 �2 F°, A7. 0 SKILLED CRAFT WORKERS 1 13% 5 21 63`k 70% 2 , . . � z?; 8 . 30 �oo� P ���� s�t�vlcr ,.,r,TtsTMr�nric 162 81 �1,01 . 50 25% 40 20` 204 100% _z� '171 �4 8 i 'OTAL 33 n E� 0 ix a u.:Ci_. Sli 11.0 UEPA'cl,'•1LalllAY, 11IRLtir, DEPnaTlEI "+ All Departments`►�O:Iri':: Jinul�ty - June :EAR 1�SC - TOTAL 1 0 ACHIEVE-- tl ^' 12 TOTAL TOTI%L- TCT'liL TOTAL Ml,l0i,.I1I :S � ''-1T jOB h.,InT.r) MhT.F. Fi''i.•.TIPr; nL11C1C ILI Ll 121TI\11 t` k.LE 111PE ;-21-1c.t1 GGf'1, TO DATE rt; 131 2 --� , -- 1v.i. % 63 � r �}}•'��o.—f'r Cr,.�r.•1n L'.rl i !, _ .} 1'i:RLS 4 100_ 4 ld�C'--��G � 1 ^rFICi:; Ci,I'i<CC:.T: - - I -------------- — (- I J U t -VICE .1:: 111'1 •1, ,: �1'\.. 1.. 21 ! _ 1 _ ( 17 100 I3 i Ij __ i 7 JOB r 7. mr- I-nnv 7�� TT y TOIL n r1- ,� �• //�� r77 T T Uy T ; TL I T OF `'. C :: 1T TOTAL TOTAL) TOTr.L TOTAL, A"O AL IIMA1 �!i�lrljl 3 CL :•:--.••11 tlC;r.n ." ,LE i'L'f`.Lr5 BLACK 1• P.LE LnTI1I _`;ALE. PRI-.-13TED l-i II rIll C07 L :C OFI'TCI��I� f. AC'.SI.�ISTRATOR '1 102. 2 1 �20` 4 �10" 10 100i o �0 -- i'R'�;'LSSIGi1.•'%L �Lfi1CIAI i— i u) 1 100 L 1 ? 0{0 i2`.'I"c:CTIVE SETwICES — P .'\ RA P P CIT 11SI0!-,ALS —T _�'-r � -1 U U C _ � — _._._.— -- , - OFF I CE /CT,C Rl CAT, 2 100? -- 10 0 --- 2 — lOC'� -- - ------- — _f:ILi rD— ..i:12VI:�3 13 -1 ' O T . j I n J 3 3 a _ � 3 I _ r I f . �., � _ _. _... ,�� .�` i�l� ,,r � I`�i#9 � 1 'i l �I R, II i�� ��g ��.�� S � ..�. 6 x„ .. .. ,� � �I .?,4 a.c. . =:: _ ,..�.�..w.. _a.. �',�„ ::I�.,.. �i i. it 0� �'I u I i �. 9':1� 114P� n. i �S ... ,. o.. ... � � i� 11111 ATTACFIMEPIT Va. CETA, CLASSIFIED AND UNCLASSIFIED DrPARTMMITAL II'IRING & PROMOTION DEPARTMENT All Departments IiONTII January — June YEAR 1980 TOTAL I Or ACHIn- rZ— TOTAL, TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL cUNWRITIES & RZI. T ti•nn vmT�r irwrr XrTrT.'Tf. L7,•%T!F.i'i %Qr� TO D_ TE CATEGORY ANULU ru+Ln OFFICIAL S x%D,'•IItIISTIUITOR EC:dICIAII 2 3 20 7� 18ti 50% 3 22 1 30 1 50'L 17;L 7 1 1G� 17% 5 7 1 50'6 16% 17% 10 44 6 100'6 100E 10G% 8 36 3 127c 20% 10% 50"s 6t?ROFL•'SSIONAL8 75 602 6, 20 24- 47 56% 84 1100% 72 660 56s 8Gi PROTECTIVE SERVICES 12 14% 5 37Z 462 18 t 381 19 141 1 23 217 21i: 32 33% 627. 302 29 - 63 2 7 181, 322 19% 67% 162 25% 92 437 3 45 721 100% 1001 100% 1002 1000'674 62 427 3 �I3 89 98"' 1001 96 t 93's' 4 — 40E 0^ 50° 931. f 97a 846 2f e q1- PArWROFESSIONALS CFFICE/CLERICAL SKILLED CMUT VORKERS SL'AVICE �IAItv'1'EI7F+tlC� TOTAL 10 10 2 47 ill 21 42 7% 34 203 8 276 lvl. L,. o vs _ ...__,....... TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL 'Ii3TAL TOTAL UINORITIES & t SPIT JOB TOTAL It%rr+ nnn►1,IM'r r r-inure (MAT, TO DAIEF CATEGORY OFFICIAL & ADMINISTRATOR 5 36% 2 111,6 1 72 6 _ 43` 14 100`L 9 64t _ PROFESSIONAL 16 36% 17 38% 6 13% 6 13' 45 1006 29 64, TECHNICIAN 8 261 9 291 8 261 6 I9 31. 100`L 23 4'noTLCTIVE SERVICES 1 8% 4 331 3 252 4 33;' 12 1002 ' - n?= PARAPROFESSIONALS 11 502 5 232 G_ 27' 22 a2 1002 o T_ n 4?:CV —' s„ 0; CICT:/CLERICAL 2 52, 37 882 1 2^.:' S• SKILLED CRAFT WOFUMIIS 1 13% 5 f-,3t- S }7VICF. t•t',Ttv': rNAtiC£ 1 3 z 701 } . 8.. 27,27 ,'. .30 100'4 29 9 7 E 7 — 81 40�2 50 25�CY' 1�' i 204 100$ 171 84i 831 VOTAL 33 162 _21 C r, A Ij s I TFI 17 D DCPArIZ"L.,'-I-E'i;TAL & Vr--A;OTIC'I DEPAnTMET All Departments 11CINT11 January - June YZAR 1980 TC C.111. I C7 'TO"_' 7,. L TOTAL TCT;..L T! -, T 12, L T 0 L U_LE FELIALES DL".CK KLLE, IATill Z.!.,-,L7 UIrED 1;_: F"; C 2 C 5 7 i C i L 'j 1 IV 101 6 3 3 C 1,7 :7 7-" T,- 3 1 2 6 3, 3 f U t 53 L r, L 19 5 JOB C;..,.L,I-7coRy A L 'i CI EVE, - T 0 T A T, TO T A IIj T -1 T n-7i 770 T L M I 17, 1 E 3 2 r.7 71-,4UES EITET'M.-, LLV"H-U OT T-NIl TE PPOMLED IS CA, r F" F 1 CT'%T, b AC:•II-ISTRATOR 10 01 23 2 C1 10; C' L 31 1 L G o C) 71 o tL 12 2 01 S F 7 CI -10 01 'CE L T6 167 cl 7 81 i C DEPART.ME'N'TAL III r- P A 11TIM".'r.' All Dcl)artmcnts January June YEAR 1980 TOTAL % OF -,=Es Torf R1, TOTAL TAL TOTAL M yNo I,, JOBI:t I z GOlo DATr 30't S' Y C, L q 1 3 L: 71, 7 )6'-. .1D EL- = VICES 0 P AP P C'L' C 1- F ig I CN;, 7 lGo 3 3 '1'0 T A 1, 21, '-l-1 1CO 1 -96 ,n C'TT rf 0 JOB 'l C. T A L .1"AL T 10 T:,� T, TOTAL TOTAL CATEGORY F 1 L r. LAL:�.Cl', F-j C!'FICIAL S �\[--'*TNISTRATOR i ioc I I — I L 5 1 C O'L F E, S 1; 1 1-2 20 i. 4 0 R 0 fE C T IVE S KZV IC FS P'k P-!k 1) 1 Z E "; S I 0"0A L S 9 riG j2 3 191 16 100�', -1.6 1.00 1-- Lll'FlCE/C-,'.1-l-" lCAL I In o K T L I F- D C 17T R 0 1 100 il I. I of) 1 10 i'12 2 5'1 6 1 2 5 2-1 1 C, 0'1 24 �1(10 -") T-.t Ir— — ---1 i— InMolt I M :5;7 i.,�itiil `. Il i�::.. I'.; ``Ifi 1 P ° �j��% � d�i�i�d�li�l��9Vuid�Vl9�dd$Vtl6�iili,��Wb utPol 'mi �.uduo..i Iln I�ti�P cd � r 14 1•,+�t - WWW - - I E:: C �'� J ..: i 1. ! , r- - • L.. , _ �, v _ , _ -- '_ __.__ _ ____ T Ti Ty iv CL 1• o rr 2 . i; L.•. .. Y1.J AUGUST 2",.197: 1'ii..r:L'CIi J�.:L'. =0, 19G0 !1 L LATIN OTF?EiZ I %;' :` ^"ITIE 1_.v1. A"CT 0 BLACK .>>� ;T LATI^� OT..1�:. r';rL7:C?{ ,LQ •��• ;ter^ ,,. ':T, T i •�T•.L:: r I I y •� 1 25`' ffff I � r U y?c: 49 0, C7 3 733-- I, 2r� 2 :� 1171 15 50' 1 3� 30 lvu 301�'° �T� . L?• � t I I — 101^ •�ry � �.i .ANCE I ? _� t 2G 59� 7 1Gr 1 ? G l 1CC _;2 � d L23 34 � 3 lti 14 G � 2G 11� 2G 11'. 1 1, 2�11 100 0�: GU•• 't�TT,L 33 14 5G � Q2 0 pwl� -top L '211L PERIOD AUGUST 24, 1979 THROUG"I JUN!] 301 1980 TGTA T TiCTP.L A-1111 C L 0 12LACK LIATIN- OTHER BLACK LATEN OTHER PRO— 'r� T .1 �' LE E I - 121. L E 4 Ol 1 7 1 7't T L' C"T 1 i c E 2 3 3 2 5 4 3 7 L L 0 7 3 3 2 5 9 2 IZO77 7 5, s c".:T.i— 2 272 13 00, 17 1 0 0 1 C 31.1 15 091 rr Ic T7 4 13 2 '1 KILLED Ci.L."*r 14 1 8 5 TL 4 2 9 'C ic. 12 )6-' 39 LIC 3) 5 go.,, l, E R%7 1 Oi 27 69.3 8 21,1 0 W, L 45 19 61 260 44 182 3 14 % 24 10% 30 1 13% 1 10.4% 238 1 100, 1 192 sil 9 YI 1�111 11 • I IN I I� AUCU5T 24, 1979 THROUGH JUI1L 30, i.930 TOTAL T )':".L CE A'.,';GL'0 BLACIN UTIN OTHER :i17GLO , DLACK L:AT7:, OTHER `Z1-.::%i:IT1Lc ::'.I-- P!%LE 1•1ALE MALE FI'::.r.LE I'1,:'L:LI? IEI•i:-ILE r EI•V:L):, r r v :—TECTIVE nViC=� 1 S)0,U , •i 2 1 C♦: I �. C).ni • ^C�n �T r � 1_ ;'o .I ._ G :ICE ::??'7 C:�Lr: c i 3 3 21? 0 11 19 79 3 f 1G 19 61� �1 �' 1 , -0 1vV �� I'_u i , _c0 4 57; 2 29" I 7 100 u v6^. 'TI,L 1 1 t 13 19'1 24 35i 3 1i 7 10: 20 29 < 68 100` 67 19 c r t WSENT DECREE GOALS FOR JULY 1, 1980 TO JUNE,304 1981-1.1-1 6_6 141VORTTIrS AND WOMEN 4E . . . . . . . . . . . . OM.OTMNAL RIRINC GOALS z cr-)ALS Officials Para office Skilled k lit A�imillfs. Profonglonalq Ti-rimirinnn Prftfiartinnnl< ri,riro r, .. r r n t wwncc citv clerk City Nau.4,_�cr's 01fice (1,,Ic 20 't 20 e 1-2u _!c 26 1 0 1 30 % 30 % 50 1 50 1 — 0 1 o 5c) k* -0 't .50 All Inspector pasi.tions 56 1 r , .6 c tj 0 11 Convent ;oli Lur—ju and 1l:turmation and VJ%iluis) 20 1 30 50 1 45 Civil Scrvive lioard Curn!,t1rA.r!; 1. pit, Ifulitall VvsOurce!; 20 i 20 1 1 't 20 20 1 2) 0 It 1 30 30 i 30 1 30 1 30 !t 30 `t --- 50 t 50 50 40 -10 4,tt_ 4 0 1 __4 0 'i 40 !t 50 'i JO 1 So --50 --------- I— It 5 0 ii 50 __ 50 1 All InspecLar positiont; 56 Z __ — Fireft,liturs 56 Z 7 51 19 58 I.ol-wi.- Survices 20 i 20 t 30 c 30 1 so t —_40 40 5 0 52 t M.. 20 1 2 L1- i 30 1 3U t 30 % 50 1 50 2 50 41) z 4U-1 0 z 50 ro 50 't 49 L 58 5" Planni n$-. 20 1 30—'t-- 50 so 5 j i plannine S Zc-,liiir L.;jrd 1")l i .'e 20 30 1 so 50 t 43 i 56 ro i 1 j- gr r F Ub IC L-8-V ce Me 561 hae %r--T-TT--:Wd -TrT than MU Ciisf-. T-1.1d6t& -Coll t,c tjjj"g—.-uji_j t,jj,,�ll Oper-L.Laburer 3520Lher than blaff 20 36 t 50 40 u so I so PutA I i Works ')0 1 30 ;t 5 U i 0 1 solid Va.m. 20 1 - 30 so t 43 '1 50 % 5 C. it 20 1 3 40 1 50 % so 6 r,y.udc and Covaerce 20 S I f) 0 - 50 1 Is I - DEPARTMENT �aT,t, t?r•1P1,nYF,�'s ij4 I�i'I?h1:' ^Er`TM;' AT` ACIII-I U VII-1 (Permanent, CLTIL, Temporary) EMPLOYMENT DATA A5 OF •Tune _30, 19ao ,rr„. MALE FEMALE TOTAL AMWICAN NON•NISPAlliC wktnaGatt NON -HISPANIC AS!A N WDIAtt oR.cut AS!AN HtOuti MALE FF1.IA1 TOTAL OtttGrTt OR OR CN CA RT±�i:wTS - - PACIP:: AtAS�A!t PACric A.J•SatA!i f::.1P1E tDLP ;COLULMIST MISPAN C Ist.l;t:::CR !:%.LVL K1itTE HLAC% HI;PAfttC ISLANDER HX 1Nk1TF 'BLACK � + A B t D L IF 183 17 .1 200 65 54 63 1 - G 7 4 - - Idg,. -Zr �le)licle idaint - -- --- ' - '. 91.5i 8.5 y2. _ 3.5€ 1.75`L - 32-5% 27% 31.5Z 3`% __ y7 21 4 37 - 12 G 17 - - A. ing and Zoning - G2 63.9L 35 1U-1 _ - 22€ 4% - 12.4€ 6.2€ 17.5 •381 ity Development 1 85 6 13 24 - - -8 17 17 - - 43 42 15.3€ 28€ - - 9.4€ 20% 20c - - 50.5% 49.4 mmu •• ;, 7€ atty aclerl_ - y 9 2 - 2 - - 2 3_ _ - 22% - - - 229; 339 - 4--4s- Cf9 to 22`E ity Commissi6n y 5 - - - 1 - 4 20£ - 80€ - - - L00% o! 38 13 1 8 - - G 3 7 - - 22 16 2_G% 21.1' 15.8� 7.90 18.4' - - 57.9% I2.1 °tt�y Man a'ger 34% nf. & Visitors 55 68 - 28 9 2 - - 28 1 - - 39 29 �xI Interim 12.6 41.2% 13.2% 2.9% _ _ 41-2% 1 5 - _ 57-Y'r ivi7 Service - - 1 - - - ...-- 2 2 - - 1 4 - 20% - --_ - - 40€ 40%; - - 20 80i lk - 35 10 4 6 10 - - 20 15 28.6£ 11.4% 17.1% - -� 14.3€ -� 28.6 _ _ 57.2=a I2.8 8 2 -pl% - - 6 - - - - 2 G '-onvention Bureau _ _ 75€ _ _ ,_ - 251 75€ �N 2 5 0 ' 689 537 38 1 - 18 11 8 - - 652 37 5.5€1.4 -� 2.6€ 1.6€ 1.2€ - - 94.G'Z 5.4 ire `lg77.9€ 98 23 4 14 1 - 2.4 8 24 inance r--- ��mlmlll�l�it�iw ..- .'. _'. �.. ;<,:., a rM;.�+4axs.'txri,..: ^asmu, YSi• .�YiYi���ill�l�. _.. y , , _ rfir. _._"' • (Pt?LItIuIlC:1L", Ci:`1':�, Tc;:,l,'c,:-:i�_ J DATA AS Or ' .MPLOYt:;t'1i Fi?.LOLL TCT.:!. t.1,LC TOTAL AS't.4 L'•C: 1 CL: .'1 A11 AN -`"t:+.'(�rn'!T,1•mCC CZ :.._1 ..n.`.i L:.A=K V:'.tf•:..,, ':.i...�:A hJ.L.L l'•Si:1E C:hCIC `:5?Ah� a.:•t.J:3 ;::,5�',t J 6 i't 17.7 .9 `� - 7.5� 11.:' 3: F7 F,, ]7 P` 7 — — PO 7' 1n I� 3l 7-7 — i S'" 1 t' C' V _ CC -IS in n c7 n, --, r, z '�Udgu 7 1 �� �� 7 �' �� I IQ L . J .. 1 ) l) ..) • 1. 1 • �i . �. � '1 4 -� r� . �/ . 1. U • L. _ �•�r 7 t ". - - 1. - - ';� - 2 - - 1 C. IV 3 C �........ '7 •1 `. .J '' 7 try � k' t� tf M �. � ►-.- r r••.�..._• ..-.....�-,►.�.- +r_w.•.�r..c - ...-. - - 1C.C': - - 50 16.IS,', 16.6'z - - :iCe I 1 - 90 qq 7].1.(3� 96 - - 1 7 . J c, 1- C, .. — tt 'L 1 1 . U , 4 . G b � — . 3.'1't— I L ...� 1. ` t U 2 - lOuL II �I I i III;IIillll�uil��llil�l�l°uullii�l�lhiliu�lull�lllr Rio milligiiiiiiell IM 11,411 lLi must iu u I)EP.RTa.1"mTs d Waste :ads &-2,ariras i:saPl Promotion '.ade & CoRmieYCe - to -TOTAL Comm ssioners via Service and members ;rsraing` and Zoning and 34embers II TA''L li DEPAUMEN I+a,T. l'r:1t,Tn� r _r: T.ti_ I11•`rr I"I�'t "I' (Permanent, CETA, Tcwporary) EMPLOYMENT.DATA AS OF June 30•, 1980 MALEFEMALE TOTAL AWAXAN NCl7•HISPANIC AA'iuiCA'f 3.ON•3{isAA'NIC ASIAN D:GIAN ORIGIN ASIAN INDIAN I.!A! E FEW41 ORIGIN DR CA 7D7+11 Z on SKAN PACIFIC RLA'4AN �tCULUI: NSI P1.CIF1C NAVIVE LK WHITE CLACY. {iLPAN:G I.W:pfM1 hA11VE SS'1ITE DLACK H:SPAKiC I.'L11:OER kxTI�E ' # L E f a H N K II C 492 49 394 25 - - 3 18 3 - - 40 ? 9.9% 80% 5.19% - - .60% 3.7a .60� - - 95.1i "..9': 121 25 33 32 - - - 7 16 8 - 90 31 - - 20.7€27.3 26.9� - - 5.8� 13.2a 6.6% - - 74.4. 25.6 1 _ 3 - - 7 4 li 1 6 - 9$ 54.5`s - - 9% - 27% - - G3.6s 36.4 4243' 1462 1049 685 15 - 306 374 346 4 - 3211 1030 134.5%1 24.7%16.2% .33% 7.2%1 8.89._ 8.2% .09`. - 75.7t. 24.3 cS'riii��Llris _ ..... ..._..... ... ... .......... 11TT iClliP-1" 1.1:W iMPLOYMENT•DATA AS OF June 30., 1980 ,• 1 Mr.MThLENTS - '• • MALE RON•HISPANIC AMEWCAN TOTAL ORIGIN ALAI! ' WTI 'ICCLVI.:YSI PAC:FIC ALASKAN SIX MITE 'BLACK 'H:SPAN:C ISr:I.:ER RAWL A D F f FEMALE TOTAL NON -HISPANIC OA:GIII HISPANIC t AORAN PACWI: ISt"CLA AI:u.I_aN AiNAU CA ALASKAN K61IVE K }!ALE FE1J:A WHITE t3 BLACK. H , Idg. t Vehicle Mai:�lt. � 1.76 63 38 59 1 6 5 4 161. 15 35.8% 21.6% 33.5t .6% 3.4t 2.3% 2.3'i 91.5% 8.5 ui -mq and 2or_ing IRL 70 21 4 24 12. 3 6 49 21 3'0% 5.7% 34.2% • 17.1% 4.3% 8.G., 70t 30' tamLuaf�ty Development % 49 5 B 11 7 5 13 24 25 10.2% 16. 3% ' 22.4% 14.3 i 10.21 26.5% 48. M J-1.02 clerk - -. y w 9 2 2 2 3 4- 5 221, 22 0 22':: 33% 441 55' ity Commission �' -�, 5 - 1 4 - 5 20� 80t 100'b ity ,TSanager* _ ._ of rmatian S Visitors'9'o 35 12 1 7 6 2 7 20• 15 34.31- 2.'9 l0i 17.1t 5.7� 20c 57.1a 42.9 a2nozr Interim ` 7 - 3 2 - - 2 5 2 42.9% 28.Gt 28.6% 71.4t 28.C it service 3 2 1 - - 3 G6.6m 33.3% - 1005. mputers,� Comm: ' 3i 10 4 5 5 7 19 12 32_2%U2_9% 1G.lt i6.1% 22.6% w�- 1G.3€ :12.7 s .Imvention Bureau N 8 2 G 2 6 25% 75% 25'0 7� riance "" -+ 70 2.0 3 6 1 23 3- 14 - - 30 40 28.6% 4.. 3 8.6% 1.4 t 32.8% 4.3`t: 20% 42.8"Z 57.1 6Bl 536 36 74 i 18' 10 6 6,17 34 f ^"' " :.2 _ YYYY W➢IIIY IYiYYYYIY.r Y ql YII i lil h'h dilu nll.l'. Yiu f Ili•I iV. it 11 i rY .III Y.1 i11 I PLCYM N7 DA7A AS C -- — - • L!ALC - -- - - — r"L'!YlALE 70T,;L i . {.:.tCn.::..•i CA (':GtJ•t{:�t�:.f..v I CA ArJ_,_! r; L'i:r1".r- r—re '...i 1 �/ .. I` "i: :�) N.;PA... Cl P: CJ..'• I..�.:CR t;Al,':C H:SPkk'C P:.C:r I:` 6:[•°. i, ... �++•�—�••Y.�•-- -.r,•. �Yri:T: �L-ACti IIC V.hT: TlZ I , ` I 11G.5' Fl 12.C.: ".`7 r.�C` `•� 1 I 5 _ ice` 1!- D i 13 . 9 `; <0 L7 - - -tycr 33c - 1litlt Y k J 5,Tc -rr 4 f � '=17 61 �� �l 873 3J� 13 • CC 6�U � :,; ^ • II Ip l `191 iili 11 vl�l qli q 911 In p rl pl' M P I I II Pill olid Waste to-uis &-2:arinas urirZ P2 o:not on �d rade and Conmierce xJS=TL3TI�L ay S Commissioners i.vil service card 34embers l,anning and Zoning card members a 1'l.ii�l�iidl:. 1. •il',�.. ,� u'i Irlii'_jr:l, _ . DrFAf�;frrILNT ---- . June 3.0, 1920 EMPLOYMENT. DATA AS OF ' • MALE FEMALE TOTAL 7:0tAt:IC ASIAN ANIMCAN WrW NON -HISPANIC ORILtN ASIN Ah+[f�CA+t O t,SnLE iU,'; ,TOTAL ORIGIN PACIn: OR AL.ASKAN C9C.1 P.GfIC AL tC'91L'IAf.•51 BLACK HISPANIC IlLm.,DER NATIVE YMITE BLACK HMPANIQ WIVE WIVE E e 9 WRITE K * 6 t D B F D H . 3 11 3 43i 17 448 49 359 23 10.91t 80% 5. 67.' 2.4`. .67% 96.2- 3.8 69 22 j 21 10 7 6 3 53 16 31.8%30.4% 14.5% 10;1% _ 8.71. 4.3V 76.8" 23.2 11 1- 9% 54.5i 3158 1372 746 468 17. 43% 23.62 14.8% .3% 2531 158-J 148 8% 5=E 1 4.7 .060 61.r 2597 92.2L 61 is tlI 111tltldl'W'rli•�w.w"a"`" —----•°�oIIIIItlfYIhBLI illy'. "4l ilrh le iliill itlii'iluNY "I III. IIll ';11 i"IBNI.I'IIIIIIi iitiii ll.I 111114IIIh; IIII' In /� r!.i..CC 1 T h�Tl i1T 1 T01. APPLI C.7' .,T I=.d JANUARY 1, 1980 - JUEiE 30, 1980 COMPETIVIVE VOT . FEI•IA._,E S•TI•I LI4 B14 O14 SELECTED ' ' SELECTED ..... PENDIFIS REt'.OVED .ccount C.1crk 13 2 5 2 1 1 LF 0 22 0 9 LF 2 AM 1 nF 5 Lt•1 3 BF 2 Lt•i .1 Ct•1 8 LF 1 AF 3 13F cccuntL,Inc I 20 9 5 3 1 2 0 36 u 12 1r- 1 01.1 4 BF 4 Lr• 1 AF 4 AF 4 n r 1 LF 9 AI•t 5 I_b1 3 13M �- icccunt�:nt I_T 5 1 1 1 0 1 Lt�i 0 7 0 wt, 3 3 AF 2 LF 2 LF - 1 rt•t 1 AM 0 10 0 �1. 0 0 0 n ios 11 1 2 0 0 1 11.1 0 10 3 .0.nm,unicat ,ncrator l0 LF 8 LF 1 AF in 1 Aii 2 LP 1 LIYI .riginccring 0 0 2 3 0 3 0 2 u Lcch. II (F iclu) 3 PM 2 Lri 5 1 �1 U 0 41 0 35 LieuLc:: J 5 LI•I ••• � 1 Fs:•i 4 a•. ♦ Tr, C+1T, r�T • n s 'JOB :CLSIi•IC--T1C:: F `_1ALL APPLICh?:T hLOr: JANUARY 1, 1980 - JUNE 30, 1980 NION.-COMPETITIVE NOT L2.1 ' DM CM SrLECTICD ' ' SELECTED PENDING REMOVED 7,ccountant III 5 4 3 2 2 2 0 14 0 1 Dr 1 LM 1 BF 4 TN, 3 1 F 1 LF 2 LF 2 L:•1 1 1 �I' 1 AF 2 B!"t �_d;: r.i�trative 60 ��� 2- � 74 Aids I 27 AF 1 LM 26 AF 8 LM 1 AF 17 LF 1 BF 16 LF 5 W-1 1 LF 16 BF 15 Br 1 BF .. 5 A: i ?li ni �rrative 1 I3F 0 1 0 0 1 3_r. 0 1 LM 0 i�t_rative G 4 2 3 0 2 0 13 4 IV-1 0 , I;ssi�tar.t zII 4 AF 1 BM 3 AF 2 LM LI' 1 AF 1 LF 2 U1•1 1 BF :.. 1 13F Pc!2, n:nel 36 15 14 9 4 5 0 73 0 10 BF 1 Lm 7 BF 6 Or OffIcer 11. AF 1 LF 11 AF 15 u%l 9 LF 3 BF 8 LF 13 LM A ::t 3 1 1 0 0 1 LM 0 4 0 Perconnel 2 BF 2 BF 1�dmini�trator 1 LF 1 LF .. .. .1 AM Valid Lio:� 3 OF 2 0 0 16 1 Ai1 0 20 3 CT Supervisor 16 U! i ............ ATTAC11.1-IIE"T EV-11 111) APPLICT.NT FLO'l-I JANUARY 1, 1980 - JUNE 30, 1980 I 'OT OB 7TC 'C L T. S -11, A T -10 FEMATLE LM BV' CM SELECTED SE-LrCTED .... P E N D I MG R, %'OVED -f C L 0 7 2 0 1 1 LM 0 9 0 C ors a t c r 7 AM 1 L1.1 1 01.1 2 6 2 0 2 0 13 0 2 AF 1 AF 1 Ar 6 LM 3 LF 1 L14 3 LF 2 13M cI c 15 6 10 12 2 4 0 40 1 LF r 8 LF 3 LM 7 LF 7 LM 7 BF 1 BM 7 1.1 11 L. 1 6 P. 22 CM -,-, i ,, .: a, : t 17 5 7 2 0 0 0 31. 0 n%, � n t i c n 5 Li: 5 LF 5 AM 7 7 AF 7 LM 4 BF 4 BF 2 131-1 1 OF 1 U- F St, '_ems 0 3 0 1 0 1 B14 0 2 AM 0 I.nalvst 6 5 5 3 0 0 0 P r c a r c r I 4 LF 4 LF 5 L!-11 AF 1 AV 3 1:0.1 w D F 1 Br 5 A111 Junior 7 2 1 1 0 1 or 10 2 L-V 2 Lr 2 1 DF r LM B"2 r AF 1 h".1 or 1 of 'i�" , A`1'TACIIMENT P VIZI,') APPLI CIT:I T FLOW JANUARY 1, 1980 — JUNE 30, 1980 ...NOT JC3 CLF.S_IFIC7=C)N FE'eIALE Z'+IS L2•1 B1.1 Oel SELECTED SELECTED .. ' ' PENDING REMOV ED Zoning 1 AF 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 AF I l�ecter 2 C r' i e f ��I�1 0 1 1 0 0 1 AM 0 1 Ltfl U J Yvatlon 1 AI' 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 AF o ,... 1 AN P 1 anr.cr I I 2 AF 1 2 0 0 0 0 5 AF 0 2 I,I,I ou:;i1 40 13 29 20 - 4 4 0 102 0 Rc•l:.- 1 111tati on 15 Er 2 LF 14 BF 13 L1 17 LF 1 LI'•1 15 LF 28 LM G PX 1 BY, G X 20 — 2 of ...... .. ` OF 4 CM Ii� iri'J 1 BF 4 $ 4 0 4 0 13 0 1tei:ul�il.itation 2 LI.1 1 BF 3 DIM 1: c-- t i va a t o r 1 BI.1 3 . . . 6' Ai•1 Li•1 1 Id I3ce,vy o 2 .0 1 1 AM 0 3 0 I gaip:r.ert •]. 1 AM 1 LM ci:� Tic 1 0r1 1'raiic 2 2 0 0 1 1 LF 0 0 Safety 1 LF 1 AF Ad.,i.i::istratcr 1 AF 2 AM 1 01.1 i i I I I I I I ATTACHI-'Mil # VIIII) .4?�PLICP!�T r•LOW JANUARY 1, 19BO - JUNE 30, 1980 NOT on C�SSIFI�CATIM, FETIV�LE 3:Di Lj-j •gr1 C' SEL•ECTro; .... SELECTED PENDING REMOVED Programmer 3 4 2 0 1 2 1 ADS 0 8 1 LF 2 LDS 0 2 1 LF ar 1 T.r 1 AF 1 01.1 ... .... 3.,. AM _..- - _ .. .. ._ Senior 1 LF 4 0 0 0 2 0 3 AtQ 0 Programmer 1 Lr, .. 1 Alt Project 0 7 1 0 5 1 AM 0 12 0 Analyst 6 AM 1 LDS 5 01.1 License 10 12 21 5 1 0 0 49 5 LF 5 B24 0 Inspector 11 5 Lr 2 BF 21 LM 2 3 BF AF 3 AP 1 01-1 12 AM 1( ims -1 1 Br 1 4 3 1 1 LM 0 12 1 BF 3 LDS 0 Investigator 3 LF 3 BM3 LF _. 1. All. 1 CM Landscape 5 23 8 0 4 2 ADS 0 38 0 Arcbitect I 3 IF 3 LF 2 or 8 4 L[•1 01.1 2 or ' . 21 AR Landscape 1 OF 2 0 0 0 1 OF 0 0 2 'L^S Architect. II Building 3 2 12 1 2 2 0 18 2 LF 12 LM 0 Inspector I 2 Lr 1 BF 2 oil 2 PM 1 BF I PM all "Ilivzalwim� w. ATTICiitlEVT APPLICl�l0 FLOW 1980 E 30,1930 DUNE JAtvUARY 1, :. :.::.::.::.:..:...... 110T .r rE.IG`JED SELECTED (r• SL"LCCI;D 0 �'iid Lti I3Ii OIi 0 All ,,, .� Ic7�Tl011 i L• rL�,Lij 1 0 O ], LI,1 1 D1a U GLI,�S� • c-�ticns 0 2. 0 U 1 13V 0 0 cr:r.ician 2 BF 0 0 0 19 tors' 0 1 13i•; 3 AM ,> 5 12 5 LI-I 0 � U Scry cc c p 3 PIA r ��.0f i��� 1 1 0 0 1 1314 t1 .3 L Lt1 c r 1 1 kIi 0 1 n LF 3 VIAL Su�n� 11 etv 1 3 2 3 r;F 2 Ia:i c�•1 _._.; 1lunc3icapi=C' s � LM 1 �r i BF U cialist rs'10 U•UY c� 1 xr ' u `r BF Bf 3 11 5 LF 1 u t C� tip n 1 AF OF 1 Gt1 tion 1 Parma cipa � 3F sup 5 LT' 1 OF .: _. :; �:. �.�: a :•., K. WIN . ., ��Ma � - .x -^��' ^'+-� '- s � � �' dam... s '°^'�-- -��' IiIILIIIY a lu lillll'w�oaiIIII I, i I�iVYII e'tl 113.�111fGIIIIII Yt IIei WII III 1e 1111 Ild 11 I W- 1111hliilliill ii P a(.! U ATT:_C1?:1EI;T i VII'_b APPLIC::14'T FI,C.•J JANUARY 1, 1980.-..JUNE 30,. 1980 NOT "OD :LASSIFIC'�TIO: FE,IALE Ird L?d DIi amBL'LECTIrD SELL'CTED r'E":DI?:G REi:JVED _ 7 37 13 34 24 4 •1 Ar o 111 10 LF 13 0 'si nveL;tigator 10 LF 19 L—L 34 Lei 19 BF G AF 24 L_1.1 7 AF 1 OF 4 C1.1 1 OF 298 1169 198 114 51-• 53 0 771- G _ _ i19�'fYLN+iWfiv: 'f1 ATT'hCIIMENT T PARTICIPANTS IN CITY OF '"11:f1I T ''�INTNG PROGRAMS CLAESIIIED EMPLOYEE PARTICIPAITS IIJ `DUCATIONAL P1t0C1'ZTu-IS** `E ANGLO BLACK LATIN OTI EI: ANGLO I3LACK LATIN OTHER TOTAL I•hILE MALE MALE 'M'ILE 1-T I?:LE 1'LMALE I'1-:f•IALE FEI•IALE 59 17 01 11 02 15 04 09 00 CETA/PSE PARTICIPANTS II'J P.DUCA`I'IOfdAL PROGRAMS* ANGLO BLACK LATIN OTHER ANG110 BLACK LATIN OTHER TOTAL MTILE HALE MALE A1.1:11L' I E".1l LE )=L,"MALE I'L'.I.1111I.L•' FEMALE 43G OG 90 84 01 06 116. 133 00 ,"- *The above numbers represent an approximate number of participants who have or are attending educationz,l programs such as English as a Second Langul-ige, Spanish a5 a Second I. 111qua7e, Typiny, Clerical, P.emelial, Recl-eation Locidership and c;er.eral academic (Miamid-Dade Coii'.wunity College, Linct-say Hopkins, Dorsey Skill Center) y• **The Above numbers represent an approximate number of participants. Educational programs include attendance at Miami -Dade Ccnmiunity College, Florida International University, Biscayn` College and University of Miulpi. This is independent of the Career Dc!velopmont Iiitern Prcgraiti. CITY Cr t•:Il:!:I 4.rlr• JCS CI_ASSIFICA, Z�ttS F.::O i �CII.S�IFICP.TIONS -- DATE DEPRR:'::Lt:'P JC_I: c Conecrroa_ion Cf_icer 2/06/80 Buildir.g t: Ccning In�pectiWS r.ceroy :a .�� 7 3/03/EO PaYA.s 3/17/ta0 C ^.pstcrs L Cc-_ .:r.icaticns a r Pr;,,i r 3/17/80 Cc:nputers iC ` I'rC,1.i:Y r.-_lstant _ .c:;:.cl A::^ir.ietratcr AsL1 t 'fit pc, 3/2./LO - .. lIwuan fic�curcry I e—urz ' 3/21 CO / 11 a: ' PCz� ..: cl s' iciallet ` 5/19/60 Cor i,_,nity LC': e.cLmer:t Acst. Scci.l P:c.;r:.,s Analyst 5 /19/80 Cor7unity LcvalcL:.,nt Scci�l Yz,•;r i:a h::alyct 5/19/80 Co:r^..nity Devaloa _nt -i Ser.ici Social Pr_zjaj. An,._pst 5 19 CO / / Coa..arity Dcvelcl •ont • Surervi`:or of �o�ial Prcgr�..; Analyst c/09/60 Building L Vc}acl.. ,'•tair.tet:arce Zi,otot cltrr RG':IASCZI'ICr lctt - r7YZ1 SERVICE AUDIT It -.PI EMENTATICN CUF,t:!:T OCS TITLE DFYhR".'::C!:1' 1/02/80 1102180 Vac..nt Account Clc: k a 1 1 iuunc� 1/02/80 1/O-'/bU Till:c brar.,I�:.-AF A oint; ClC:"k Acccuntar.t I Finance • 1/1C/80 1/18/80 0.I E. Secretary Fi=: I/18/e0 1 le 80 : Secretary II Sec,Ltazy III Fire 111dg. Vch. 2/04/CO 2/04/CO iR- Ada;inia:trativC host. I . AwninistratlVe As�t. 2/25/80 CEyi r.rl.:}: ... Clerk II Cleric III 131d1. oni.•:al:...tp. 3/03/bO 3/03/d0 Jam"%� �� •�_ -'-, Typist miler/: I Typist Clerk II Police 3/17/60 • lic.:tcr hu.:::,'_e: Senior ystc::5 A:,alyst Chief Pror;ra::r..er Police 3/17/60 + r ;rair i1 Z ',naI I rc !rarr..eY II yst C1:ic£ Projrar..::cr Frogra::ner Police Police 3/17/80 •" Lv:ra Clark Gccr;ri da 1► n::alyta Pru7ra:.'ez III Senior 3/17/80 rinalyst Pro = �r 11 Progra:cat:r Police 3/17/80 a 1-I.,rrt•n I.tluy Analyst cr Scricr Pro ratuner Police 3/17/80 ScLertclliitzur Ana:1't I-ra.'r Police l'olice •,,.. Vacant hralyst 1'i;,;: r.ln�r II PrGgr�ar_s.ecrr Police 3/17/130 Vacant nnalyat Ti Pror.er 3/17/130 r Yey?a Calvrr 1yst Pru Junior Prcgranrer Police _3/17/80 :utnh,:i Analystrer III Scr:ior Prwix-r-:ner Fire j/17/80 ' -`.it; Sun Cl:a Analyst Pr.9ran.�,.r I Junior Pr, graucner Junior Progra,urcr lire Firt 3/17/80 r i;: 7 ld ©0 v4ca :t J _ 7oar Vla^ak tid Analyst Prcyrarc:.cr I Chief I:c ,t. Atulyut J l•:gr,.t. b Iluejet - Police 3/17/ti0 / -'en.ior Sy:.Lcu.s Ethnic data provided for reclassified en"Ployees as of 6/30/80. C .,::c,l,� fttr;ales, 2 An.-;lo male: X-13 1 1!is;pani= vale. •�YGi�'i'i•OCi II • CITY C!' MI:%M! l:E:•I JOB CIASSI' ICI.^ .S A':7 ;_ r r :7: ICiiTIQ:CS AUDIT DA:'F. .,..:i.t� .I �cCr�tiry .:Z li:....❑ 4,:_�cICCL G/0•i/!iJ .:.t Tyr.i.:t Clerk II Late l.c: ii.is.r_tica .._�� IZ Marl:,, ..14... Analyst I M!;Mt- G 7/01/80 • AL.;IT I_:*r:.:7..:I=.. 'IJ !!E :'='CTIVE WEE'ZVER I1' IC ...::!5:::.:'I_'.:'lYI L'i iL:J I.L:L'.LTARILY FLASIL'LE A: .. H I1I:. ..+ Ci AS PL:2 C11: 1,1tCCE:7L'F.L:S 3/ZS/u0. L IMPLE"I.E TATIUS1 7/07/80 1 Q e Ler..ato,n 7/07/13 P.,tr:,.i,.:i� + Catul I llis HUMAN F*'SOURCE•S DEPAR'nMENT CIJ•.SSIFICATIC44 h::D PAY July 0, 19u0 • I 11�,II 9 it I I I I I TOTAL BM BF AM AF 122 24 43 11 'Arr'rP7\flW-1l"NVT' VT CITY OF MIAMI JANUARY - JUNE 1980 RESIGNATIONS III LF Om OF MALE 22 13 00 00 89 T 0 T A L FL -MALE 33 TERMINATIONS AND DISMTYSALS T 0 T A L TOTAL BM BF AM AF LIM LF OM OF MALE FEMALE 13 09 00 01 00 03 00 00 00 13 00 1 it I. lil: IIII III :. I,. :. . 41 .w... .. a..d�l 4L n••. ..-�•••:...-. . . y.,-,y t da p E 1�114�jig. I II, I�.II �lyll�ll IIII �`�od!I�l I�I�I�+1,�3�!,��}1�.bl..11i�lllhmllll II,I'�LII Itl �d. I�r FUNCTIONS OF TI11, hFFIr_!-I,,TIVE hC_110N DIVISION J 1NU'Lt?1-JLINE 19u0 One of the functions of the Affirmative 211.ctio:l :li.v:.si.on is to receive ccmplaints Of a1lCg< CG1SC1'li;?1!"! :t10!1 I rO::: l,Oth �li_i)11Ca!11:5 lI1Ct of tlio City. 1,11C—L, a-c cu:I.lji.11nts of allLc;eC: UISCr1:1',lIlation l:asc'd on race, co1c)r, rulicji011, I"latio11C11 Urlg1l:, acJc anCl h:I1�11caF�, as contai:led in 1'iLle Vil of: the Civil I:ir,}:ts I,ct of 19O=1 as zimL:nded, Lhe T:ge DiscriminaLiGn. r.ct of 19u7 and the itatiall ..mot of 1973. This office a!-;0 s' ryes as a clearinc,hcu--c- for various, types of complaints besides l:hose C'G:14- L'L1 1:1 tl1,. li:_'.�C :aentionua lCCjl�i;lt10:1. 1! t11e cC::;p1:Ii11Li! 1L's probILl:1 C1oC'S not fall ltilth l'.:, LnC! ..OnLC'{ C11SCrJ-,;1lnaticn a ; C1UL:CIIJCC.1 ;.11�uve, 11 C' 1S Clli'n CCUIISL Ctd and re- f,.,!rrec:i to th l:ro:=c'r o fico Lhat has jurisdiction on his particular else, such as, the citv's LaLor %elatio•ns office, Civil Sel-v,ce Office, etc. Tlie l:ffirillati.ve hCtion also an- sl:cr c:u_ :_ Lior:s that c: a l c; 'ceo cf applicants rLlz.y have regarding equal employment opportunity, provisions o- t11C l_On,-C :1t l:ccree, etc. ?i nu:::},er of }:o ccr.,plc:ints of allecToul discrimination brought to this office do 1--ave £Gi;�' Lail .=0 1n1Ll::t _111 11"!VC'stlgaLion. .i`lIL' C' ' 1.IlC1U(iC 1:Gi 11?:il CC1I1p1a:Lllt �, inwhich l!lc . c�C�rlu'.'LC:T111 C`Ut :.ill_! :;i(J1'.3 a ccml,)1i:1.:1i lOrl!?, Cillt_1 in1cJ?"111C11 CGli:pl 11Ilta, %':llC'ri Chi illdlvi t Llal :1 . .!%S C, 1 V L-- v':-rl.),:l1" -tatC his c)r1.0 `Iu17L C_, jll LGtll lIl "( 111CL `_i t11C CCllll' 1 S VC St1i�.iL_L? a1! 3 th_ 1t _ L1ltE1 c o.,it:'11,1n1Cated Lo Lhu cu!!;ptl11nanL. P During the T-C:riOC1 comprised in this report, a total of 30 complaints and or consultatielis have bec-n ha11:11C.d L this Division, of t110S'c', 1X havl' 1"ieen =ingio males, eight Black II?a l :'J, nine Hispanic-,:LduS, t'.�u !'Llc)c ulaalc.s al i i.v( i!is,��lrlic tL'llalc'�. The issues ii:volved in these Coninlaint� have been so varied, that it is aIMOst ill' Ossible to plac,! Lhun: into 11C:E1t C17-ISS111Cat1Cn5. 'I"lle 11:C)St COlil:tl(-•'!1 1:1LUL1L1011 is tin elli)loyuo resolution t0 a hr0lJ1 '!li Ly negotiatiol: }JeL'::C'C71 L11C' r:f I LLI1i1L1'.'1I`C1 tll :• Super- v1SC1' GY C]CI t::1C.'it UlrC'CtOr 1I1`JG1':eC1. T:i"CC:L C irufull,! c11cC}:lncJ 1_110 o'-, loycU' 111L 1 �:i '" Division Usu-1-11i", COI1t:1CLS l.h,_' City oL L ici,;1 ll:cl :�- tef:l}:L`: to 1CCC:. C luti t11C_L 1!: tills cJl f 1 CL col -IS' Clltr : ghat thl just. Ca'.1-;cc iGr t}1e colcplai.Ilt. l: druaL deal of thu c : c_s liave hued resolved in Lhi s On tile- oth, r hand, if After a careful. study, this Off1CL� L11:C.s 110 CLuSk.! for a the l:L'111CyL; is 1I1fGrltl C1 C:11c1 counselCrd. %"Iny campl:Jlnt`_; Ir 1:_;C! Lro!ll Lhe fact t11C:L' 1-1112 t•::.: eC l;: 7:Gt Lu 11 lnfor:•led about rules and 1:rcc,_C1l1rus In L1�:L'Su Ca5'� he/ ;11C is tli '!: 1J11�L- ed uL YLIL VA t� i arcicL:la1 t,_:cl!nicality or 1 �,�u.] ati on tllaL cuvL r1 the particul lr C.-il:t'. ccr:plainant CJ111 noL f111 out anc: kill a cca:17111111 f0!:lt?, t1113 c,L11C'_ has t1"1_� t� 1,�I ? c liOLllj11 t11:1C G11 t11L' GI:iiJlCl� _'S 1�iCi1)iU1Ci 111 Ofdl'_1 LC: tf"' t0 tl�.11" .�151"I�t1:1�1 5'tllatlO!1. l.:�sC's llr:t� ��1:�.�� hCl`.'� 1)L:C_II L1"i:lltc,C1 }1, tllcl ::lllrl:!.11l'�C' .:CL1.-I: nr � ATTAC1161ENT X i 1 , FUNCTIONS OF THE AFFIM-IATIVE ACTION DIVISION (Coat.) . Division as formal complaints, but not logged or classified as such. This office also provides •orientation to a number of City employees and applicants seeking counseling as to their particular job situation. Other duties of the Affirmative Action Office include providing the necessary input in the investigation and -resolution of charges of alleged discrimination filed by City em- ployees or applicants before the Equal Employement Opportunity Commission (EEOC). During the period comprised in this report, four charges of alleged discrimination have been filed against the City at EEOC. The four cases have already been resolved. 4 The Affirmative Action Office also serves as staff for the City's Affirmative Action Advisory Board, developing the monthly meetings that the Board holds at City Hall. These duties include recording and transcribing the proceedings, copies of which are then mailed to each Board member for their approval and adoption in a subsequent meeting. Other duties of the Affirmative Action Office also include providing'statistics requested by the Board, as well as the drafting and or typing of written material pertaining to the Board's func- tions.. The Affirmative Action Division staff prepares statistical reports requested by City .departbncnts, and provides counseling on personnel matters and specifically on minority hiring procedures and requirements. The Affirmative Action Division also drafts legal documents pertaining to settlement agreements between the City and grievant employees, as well as, drafts .of resolutions and ordinances when reequired by the City administration. 011 instructions by the Iluman Resources Director, it has also conducted studies of enacted legislation to determine effects and applicability to City functions and keeps up -to -dace on new federal and state laws, rules and regulations, as well as court decisions that .affect equal employment procedures. Staff members also attend conferences, forums or workshops to which they are invited .and which deal with personnel and equal employment opportunity matters. The Affirmative Action Division compiles and prepares the annual EEO-4 Report required by the federal Government, with information received from the City's computer system. The EM-4 Report is submitted to the City Manager for his approval and then sent to the Federal Government. The Affirmative Action Report for the City Commission and City Manaluer. Twice a year a statistical report is submitted to the U.S. Justice Department as provided in Section 10 of the United States vs. City of Miami Consent Decree. The Affirmative Action Division also processes back pay claims for employees members of the affected class, as provided for in the above mentioned Consent Decree. The total amount paid to date, at the moment of the drafting of this report is $155,450.54, accord- ing to the figures supplied by our Consent Decree staff. III" I INN, I lh, I I Iv VT CITY OF MI',. -MI JANUARY - JUNE 1960 RESIGNATIONS TOTAL BM BF AM- AF LIM LF or-1 or MALE 122 2.4 09 43 11 22 13 00 00 89 T 0 T A L FEMALE 33 TEPNINATIONS AND DISMTSSALS T 0 T A L TOTAL BM BF ml AF 11.4 LF om OF MALE FENALLE: 13 09 00 '01 00 03 00 00 00 13 00 ATTACiI:,l iT Y I I I 1 a -VEST VALIDATION RrPOR:'- The validation Division functioned on a limited basis during this period (January 1, 192D-June 30,, 198D) due to the vacancy of the Validation Supervisor position. Major tasks undertaken included finishing up major projects started by the previous supervisor, and small projects which were considered less technical in nature such as conducting job analy- sis on certain jobs that involved few incumbents. The majority of the time was spent process- ing .and finalizing data gathered previously or administering new examinations developed in- house by the Validation Division staff and police examinations developed by the University of Chicago. These projects are as follows: 1_ Development of an interim physical agility test which lead to the City hiring its first female firefighter. 2. Development and administration of an entry level firefighter exam and biographical inventory. 3. The Division worked with the University of Chicago on the Police Selection and Promotional Project until December. 31, 1979 when the contract with the University expired and the Cohen Consent Decree ended. however, we are now in the transition stage in which the City is in the process of taking over the testing and are a%,raiting the final report on the research conducted by the University. 4. A Public Service Aide job analysis was conducted in February. A Police Officer test developed by the International Personnel Management Association was administered in 5. lie are still in the process of gathering skills, knowledge, and ability information for our fire Department promotional exams. We aim to have all job analysis data collected from the Fire Lieutenants, Fire Captain, and Chief Fire officers by June 30. 6_ The new job -related Clerical Skills Tests development in 1979 for the clerical and secretarial job classes (Clerk I, II, III, Secro tary I, II, III and Legal Steno ce- g>rapher and Interrogation Stenographer) have been fully implemented as a reel, went for the old civil Service Tests which were less job related as determined by job analysis,. Exams that we administer are scored and weighted in pursuit of validity and minimal adverse impact_ In the future the Division plans a wider use of job analysis in advance of development ofexams toensure greater job relevance of assessment and improved documentation cif measure- ment practices.