HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0829elo- , RESOLUTION NO. 8 0- 8 2 9 ,A RESOLUTION APPOTNTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS r�lI�� TO THE CITY OF MIAMI/UNIVERSTTY OF �ITAP}I n,T�+ .TAMES L. KNIGHT INTERNATIONAL CENTER ADVISORY DQ�; �i,,�j E_I V I J C0111'tITTEE. Fv L L0W„ BE' IT RESOLVED BY THE COMi`}ISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIi FLORIDA: Section 1. Tile following individuals are hereby appointed to serve as members of the City of Miami/University of Miami James L. Knight International Center Advisory Committee, Group I, for a term of 3 years: TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES: 1 Paul W. Andrews 2 Armando Codina 3 James S. Billings January 17, 1983 January 17, 1983 January 17, 1983 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6 day of November , 1980. MAURICE A. FERRE ' "DOWMENT 1"'H_X RALPH G. ONGTE, CITY CLERK ITEM NO- /f_._.__'► PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: APPI�D AS TO (:OIy'kECTNESS: ROBi`KT F. CLERK GEOIt4 C I'. KN1) ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CITY ATTO I'N E Y CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF RE1i(1i.iftK1N rK►.,}`.,l,1,.".. `._..,„� Vincent E. Grimm, Jr. Asst City Manager 11� 1an I . Poms Project Director r Con�erence Center f October 16, 1980 Expiration of Conference Center Advisory Committee Terms Minutes of the 1/17/80 Meeting. Resolution No. 79-57 Resolution No. 79-57 appointing members of the City of Miami/University of Miami James L. Knight International Center indicates that terms of the following members expired as of January 17, 1980: Paul W. Andrews .� Armando C.odina James S. Billings At the Advisory C0Mj-1itt0e m�. ,`:inq on that date, the Committee su,,;ested that these members be reappointed for a continuin(; term until the project is completed. The former Project Director took no action on this matter an," this be a delicate situation. Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the January 17th meeting. The City Co-mmission should be requested by the City Manager to r_eappoirt theso individuals or appoint new members to the Advisory Committee for another term. AIP/mim cc: Cesar Odio, Asst City Manager Lin N c' "s u✓ IPp V �,-��- =LC .: 8()-829 CITY OF MIAMI/UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI JAMES L. }KNIGHT INTERNATIONAL CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of the .January 17, 1980 Meeting A meeting of the Advisory Committee was held in the City of Miami Convention Canter Dept. 1.50 S.E. 2nd. Avenue, 12th Floor, at 8:30 a.m. on January 17, 1980. A quorom of the Committee was present consisting of the following: _ Paul Andrews, Chairman James Billings Charles Cobb Armando Codina Lon Worth Crow Advisory Committee Melvin Gordon Stuart Patton Athalie Range Alexander McW. Wolfe James Connolly Andrew Scalese City of Miami Andrews opened the meeting by accepting the minutes of the previous meeting and commended McW. Wolfe for his letter to the Mayor., addressing the role of the Advisory Committee. It was moved and accepted by the Advisory Committee to construct a resolution and attach the McW. 1•;olfe letter, which defined the role of the Advisory Committee and present it to the :Mayor. 1. Committee's Procedures for Recommendation for Executive Director Andrews explained that the committee members would have to review and recommend candidates for the position. Crow asked if there was a professional group that were considering the applicants. Andrews responded that Human Resources Dept was the only one screening the applicants. x Fi 8o-s29 Some members related that they felt a professional group could be of great help other than a straight advertisement. McW. Wolfe asked if a salary range had been established. Connolly responded that the position was presently budgeted in the $37,000 to $45,000 range. General consensus was it was too low a range for the position. Andrews suggested that the City draw up a letter from the City of Miami along with the advertisement and send it to 30 or 40 of the top facilities in the country, in hopes of getting additional responses. Cobb suggested that the Dept of Human Resources assigned a staff and a leader to aggressively conduct a vast search by phone calls and other methods. Further, some support data should be gather to support the present salary range and a time schedule to accomplish this. Andrews: the would then have an initial screening by Human Resources than it would be our objective to reccmmend six or so of the top applicants to the City ~Manager for final selection. Cobb moved that these items be initiated and get underway. Patton suggested Hyatt be advised and asked if they have any input in this process. Codina raised a question if Connolly had a conflict of interest in that he was applying; for the position and involved with selection. Connnnlly pointed out he is not involved with the selection and in fact all will go thru Asst Director of Human Resources, Carlos Arauz. 2. Expiration of Term for Three Members of Advisory Committee. Andrews stated that in accordance with the Resolution #79-57 which created the Advisory Committee, the one year term members has expired. These people are Paul Andrews, Carlos Arboleya (replaced by Armando Codina) and James Billings. Andrews, the chairmjUtt s.tmr�e t�-the 2 to u L LOW" University of Miami V �P 33124 1°Ed '1 21 r Coral Gab, ..s, Florida r,1110 38 P.O. r ox 2-" -z 505 2°4-�025 July 17, 1980 Mr. James J . Connolly Project Director - Convention Center City of Miami Post Office Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 Re: Cit; of Miami/University of Miami James L . Knight International Center Advisory Committee Dear 'Mr. Connolly: At a January, 1080 meeting of the City of Miami/University of Miami Janes L. Knight Internatiunal Center Advisory Committee, a reso- luticn was passed reappointing James S . Billings whose term ended on January 17 , 1980. At a subs: ,(,u,_nt niuetin„ Nail Schiff ivu5 appointed to the Committee to replace Charles Cuhb. ' Pluase send copies of these resolutions to me at your earliest conven- ience.. Thank you. V Sincerely yours, o � Charles 1M. Capps w Sucretary of the University jni A Rivote. Independent. International University An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Ole chairmanship be rotated every year. Range stated that she felt the complexity of the project during the development stage should preclude ' the termination of any member until the project was completed and in x. operation. Patton concurred with Range and felt Andrews should continue being chairman of the Committee. Cobb also stated that he felt the University would not care to have Billings replaced at this time. It was suggested that a resolution be made in effect maintaining the chairmanship and members as it is presently. Codina felt -he should be replaced because of his lack of knowledge of the project and joining the committee late. The members felt all should stay in there position on the committee. 3. Uudate Reports.It _- Connolly reported 80=s completion on bond validation. Third draft of - the bond indenture is under way. Court validation received one objecticii a. from Joel Jaffer. Judgement will be rendered by the end of the month, with an additional 30 day appeal perioa after validation. The underwriters %- ill c1`1iver mollies to the City within 60 days of validation. A Clotailcci discussion of the interest and function of the bondi.na procedure c.:ere held. - Conference Cent,--r k,ara �?C. Connolly stated that the Commission author.: ! .. a turnkey devel_cp1,ient contract between the City and Miami Center Associates Inc. for. 15 million dollars to design and construct a 1500 car garage. Five million is from UDAG grant. The tCorld Trade Center_ above the Garage will be owned by Dade SZvings & Loan Association. A discussion was held on the mechanics of the developer, loan institu- tions and owner. Connolly summed up by giving a progress report on _ the construction. Meeting adjourned 10:00 a.m. 3 80-829