HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0807A 0 '� RESOLUTION NO. I-)u� s c A RESOLUTION THANKING PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER, SECRETARY OF TIII; INTERIOR CECIL ANDRUS, UNDER SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOP. JAMES JOSEPH, GOVERNOR. BOB rRAHA^1 AND THE STATF CABINET FOR THFIR FINANCTAL (� POTIV Pi:r)LI ST FORIASRISTANCF(7 IMPROVING THETINNFR-CITY I, OCU �'� ENT:.R+ TR 1C l�l}i;h 1��� �FURI� 11�II1IC(fl I�l Sl of l �I'llhallll�;Rh1\( I;t:SOi.I'IITICIT�' fl �I'�� "CH(� FOLLOW MIFTLAS, the City of Miami recognizes with appreciation the commitment of Federal, State, and Local. Resources to the improvement of Inner City Park Facilities; and WIIEREAS, the City of Miami in particular wishes to express its appre- ciation to President Jimmy Carter, Secretary of the Interior Cecil Andrus, Under Secretary of the Interior James Joseph, Governor Bob Graham and the State Cabinet for their support and expeditious handling nf the City's request for assistance; and PIHEREAS, through the commitment of $600,000 from the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Program, $300,000 from the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources, and $300,000 from a City of Mi, i Franchise Fund, two City of Miami Parks, 114anor Parl; and Dixie Fark, located in riot -disturbed inner-city neighborhoods, will be positively impacted and upgraded with $1,200,000 in needed improvements; and WHEREAS, as a result of this financial assistance, both the physical appearance and the recreational functioning of these parks will be improved in maximum benefit to inner-city residents and the quality of life of these inner city neighborhoods; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Commission expresses its thanks and appreciation to President Jimmy Carter, Secretary of the Interior Cecil Andrus, Under Secretary of the Interior James Josel)h, Governor Bob Graham and the State of Florida Cabinet for their financial support and exnediticuis handling of the City's request for assistance toward the improvement of inner city parks and the quality of life of the inner -City neighborhoods of the City of Miami. "DOCUMENT INDEX --- �� CITY ITEh1 N0. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to forward copies of the herein Resolution to all of the dignitaries named in Section 1 hereof& PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of NOVEMBER 1980. ATTEST: RALP G. ONGIE CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROB'RT P. CLARK ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNIa' APPROVED AS TO I UR'.1 AND CORRECTNESS: GEORT . KNOXCITYORNEY -- MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R "S`j F ,3n !VE DC) CU �,ti F I''"j TS a L L U-,� lvtV '. 57 4 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS DATE January 5, 1981 FILE _ OF THE CITY COMMISSION sUB.,EC.7 Letter from Chris Therral Delaoorte - Resolution No.80-807 RALPH G. ONGIE REFERENCES City Clerk ' ENCLOSURES BY;_Deputy Clerk On December 1, 1981, and as requested by the City Commission, our office forwarded Resolution No. 80-807 passed and adopted by the City Ccmmission at its meeting held on November 6, 1980, to all dignitaries named in Section ]. of said resolution. Enclosed please find the response from the United States Depart- ment of the Interior to said letter and resolution. RGO:smm Enclosure "SUPPORTIVE SUPPORTfVE DOCuMIENTS FOL LOW» y: :lAI MMIMM.� 46 United States Department of the Interior 1 O;, HFRIZ-AG1: C0tiSGK1:';1"llMN' :Wi) Ri:( 121:;1T1O'v tilk\')(1 4�^ 11'AS111N(iTON. 1). ('. 202,33 Ir4 REPLY REFER TO: 19 1%0 Mr. Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mir. Ongie: On behalf of Secretary of the Interior Cecil D. Andrus and Under Secretary James Joseph, I would like to thank you and the Miami City Commission for your letters of December 1, and the Commission's Resolution No. 80-1307. Participation by the Interior Department anti Lie IM -i taye Conservation and Recreation Service in renovating Iianor Park and Dixie Park was a distinct pleasure for all of us. During the years of President Carter's Administration a fet;, such opportunities to help where the need was so great have niadr out work worthv�hile. You and the Comi,iission and the city of I,iami have our continuing support and best arislhes in !neeting the needs of your constituents. Sincerely, ' Chrl �IDela rte -- Director 1 J� ,L December 1, 1980 RAEPH G ONGIF City Cirri MATT1 HIRAI Assistant Crtr Clerk 1301-11 CITI CLERKS Rotwrt ' TinR'e� Geot K,a M Laot If.a Tefv•,- Sshia M Mendoza Beho Rizo MICROFILM DISISION Bro.%r Uk)mtng(,costa The President The White House Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. President: Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 80-807, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Com- mission at its meeting held on November 6, 1980,which expresses its thanks and appreciation for the finan- cial support and expeditious handling of the City's request for assistance toward the improvement of inner- city parks and the quality of life of the inner-city neighborhoods of the City of Miami. Very truly yours, G LPH G. ONGIE ity Clerk RGO:smm Enclosure "SU PPOR i IVE DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" OMCE OF`TriE CITI CLER►. Cit) Fie'; 35U. V'n lmeraa, Dr,.e til:arnr Florida 33133 %S79.6065 4 di �on C (� o� o Li December 1, 1980 RALPH G. ONGIF City ClerL. M kTTY HIR AI Assistant City Clerk DEPUTY CITY CLERKS Robert E. Tingley Georgia ,tit Littl.' Ilia Teems Syhia M. Mendoza Eseho Rizo MICROFILM DIVISION Dorothy Brown Domingo Acosta The Honorable Cecil Andrus Secretary of the Interior Department of the Interior C Street between 18th & 19th Streets, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20240 Dear Mr. Andrus: Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 80-807, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Com- mission at its meeting held on November 6, 1980, which expresses its thanks and appreciation for the finan- cial support and expeditious handling of the City's request for assistance toward the improvement of inner- city parks and the quality of life of the inner-city neighborhoods of the City of Miami. RGO:smm Enclosure Ver truly yours, LPH G. ONGIE City Clerk 11 r �� i� ��i_�r�UP + iV UPOENTo OFFICE Of'1HE CITY CLERK ON Mall f 35M Pan Amencan Dn.e : Miami. Florida 33133 ' 579-6065 December 1, 1980 RALPH G ONGIE Crt� Clerk MATT1 HIRAI Asmktan! Coo Clerk DIRTY CITY CEERR, Robert E 1rnglot Ge,v, .,i M Littit, Ilia lecrnk 50%sa M kir nd07a [sPhn R1rn MICROF It %i DIVISION Uoroths Rro«n N%mingo Acosta Mr. James Joseph Under Secretary of the Interior Department of the Interior C Street between 18th & 19th Streets, N.W. . Washington, D. C. 20240 Dear Mr. Joseph: Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 80-807, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Com- mission at its meeting held on November 6, 1980, which expresses its thanks and appreciation for the finan- cial support and expeditious handling of the City's request for assistance toward the improvement of inner- city parks and the quality of life of the inner-city neighborhoods of the City of Miami. RGO!smm Enclosure Very-) er truly yours, LPH G. ONGIE City Clerk (ts + ,pp(-) p t4 r/ V ,� I 1 FO' �. „ S -�-UW GFFI(E Of'THi CI'Y CIER►. , Clt� Ho!I ' 351u, Pan Arnentan Un.r Miem:. Flonde 33133 579•6065 RAI PH G. ONGIL City CIrr4 MATT1HIRAI Awstant City Clerk DEPUTY CITY CLERKc Rn• w,rt E Tingle, Georgia M Litrl, Ilia Term Shia k1 !Mendoza MICRORLM Dl%IYO\ Doreth� Rrl-,ttin DomtnRt, Acosta December it 1980 The Honorable Robert Graham Governor State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Dear Governor Graham: Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 80-807, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Com- mission at its meeting held on November 6, 1980, which _ expresses its thanks and appreciation for the finan- cial support and expeditious handling of the Ci_ty's request for assistance toward the improvement of inner- city parks and the quality of life of the inner-city neighborhoods of the City of Miami. Very truly yours, LJJPH G . ONGIE ity Clerk RGO:smm Enclosure OFFICE 019HE CITN CLERIP. Cit. Hall 35W Par ,me,ican Dtne Miami Florida 33133 ' 579-6065 r. r �7 n — 1. •' December 2, 1980 Florida State Legislature State Senators Attention: Mr. Joe Brown, Secretary 1935 W. Indianhead Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dear Mr. Brown: RAI PH G. ONGIF Cit} Clerk MATTY HIRAI Assistant City Clerk DEPUTY CITY CLERKS Rohert E 1ingle� (worR'a M litilr Ilia Teem, Shia M. Mendoza E%elio Riro MICROI IL's1 DID NO'-. [�orr ch Brrs+n Cmmingo Acosta Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 80-807, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Com- mission at its meeting held on November 6, 1980, which expresses its thanks and appreciation for the finan- cial support and expeditious handling of the City°s request for assistance toward the improvement of inner- city parks and the quality of life of the inner-city neighborhoods of the City of Miami. We would appreciate your kind distribution of the above mentioned resolution to the State Senators. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation. Very truly yours, RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk BY: v/ .5epijty Clerk RGO : smm "S U p t l�; << r Enclosure C� i , j_1 ` / C ,.� 0 C U,', N 7 S -;1 Ow OFF I(F Of'THL (11N CLFRF. Crt� Ha; +�i t,, A,-w. ,, ;) ne Miami, Florida 33133.'' S79.6%5 L December: 2, 1980 RWH G ON(Af Cjly Clerk MATTN HIRAI Aatiioant City Clerk DEPl.11 CIT) CLERKS kohwrt E 1inR4l� (,vorg,n 11 LLitle III,: Teems 50is M kiendora F�eliu Rv-r !�1!r ROi 11, V D!\15101 floroth� Brown 4cOVe Florida State Legislature House of Representatives Attention: Mr. Allen Morris, Clerk 2015 E. Randolph Circle Tallahassee, Florida 32312 ' Dear Mr. Morris: Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No. 80-807, passed and adopted by the City of Miami Com- mission at its meeting held on November 6, 1980, which expresses its thanks and appreciation for the finan- cial support and expeditious handling of the City's request for assistance toward the improvement of inner- city parks and the quality of life of the inner-city neighborhoods of the City of. Miami. We would appreciate your kind distribution of the above mentioned resolution to the members of the House of Representatives. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation, Very truly yours, RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk enty C e k RGO : smm Enclosure Off ICf Of 9HI Celt C LERM. Or) Flel� �i0. Pa,. kmefica^ 'Lw° C. 'vUaml Ffonda 33133 , 5'9.6065 or Richard L. Fosmoen City Manager • � J p� L Carl -Kern; Di recto _, "Department of Parks Apr I�YTEF7•aJ'� f:,:� �-ir.?,iC t�,�r. iJi.' .1 � �'� October 31, 1980 spa_ Resolution of Appreciation to Federal and State Officials; Grant Assistance, Manor and Dixie Parks For City Commission Meetinc of November 6, 1980 d 0 It is deemed appropriate to address a o n Resolution of Appreciation to Federal --a and State Officials for financial support w and expeditious handling of the City's request for assistance in improvina the inner-city parks of Manor and Dixie. On Thursday, October 28, 1990, the United States Department of the Interior announced approval of a $600,000 grant to aid in improve- ments to Manor and Dixie Parks. In addition, a state contribution to the project in the amount of $30",000 was approved by the Anvornor and State Cabinet. Thecse funds will be matched with $300,000 in City Of Miami Frnnchlse earllinns for a total investment improvement of $1 , 2 00, nyj to there two inner-city parks. Although Manor and Dixie Parks are both located in neichhorhoods which were burned ant looted durin^ thy' May riots and July disturWrices, neither Park wa2 burned nor C?.i;fiayud. This indication, that area 2""si- dentn ldontlfy these park facilities as thair own and would not allow them to he daranod, provid-•d .a clear ,-anti r.eccuni: able opportunity to impact tha qu iity of life nP inner city residents throu nh major investr-nt and i7 prnv�-.mant of those two park facilities. The proposed improv-memo will impact both tho physical appoaranco and the recrea- tional functioning- of thorn parks. The exredienc;: with which Fedur:al, State and Local officials moved to underwrite the cost of the City's request for assistance in improvement of there two inner city parks and hence, the quality of life of inner city residents, is to be commended. CK/TL:'1/vb Attachmont: CC: Law Department Finance Dept, Anqela Bellamy 8()-807