HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-086112 "SUP'l0RTIVE D0"'(. �;'U%,_i NTS FOLLOW RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE. A`I'TACHEO A(,R17EMF.NT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MTAMI ANT) KIMT,EY-IIORN ANT) ASSOCLATES, INC. (SI^iPSON & CURTIN) FOR FF.ASTBILITY STUDIES IN CORT; ARIA WEST, AI).TACENT TO TILE 1-95 ON -RAMP FROM %1TAAt] AVENI'f: ,1N1) S.l'.. S'I'RL;F.'f, w1i'lI FUNDS T1IF.R1?FOR ALLOCATFI) IN THE A?1OUNT OF $25,000 FROM THI-. PARKTNG CAPITAI, PROJI?CTS FUND. WHEREAS, under Resolution No. 80-819 dated November 6, 1980, the City Manager was directed to present the negotiated contract between the City and Kimley-llorn and Associates, Inc. (Simpson S Curtin) immediately following the negotiation of said contract to the City Commission for its approval; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has negotiated the attached Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the attached Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Simpson & Curtin) for feasibility studies in the Core Area West, adjacent to the I-95 On -Kamp from Miami Avenue and S.E. 2 Street, with funds therefor previously allocated in the amount of $25,000 from the Parking Capital Projects Fund. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26 ATTEST: ALPI-1G. ONGIE TY C1.17RK PREPARED ANT) APPROVED BY: eco(mrRil' F. CLARK ASSISTANT CITY ATTORN1:1' day of November 1980. MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R APPROV,I:H' AS TO FORM AN -'CORRECTNESS-. dURC,E KNOX, .1R. CITY A'if,RNEY "DOCUMENT IP EX ITEM NO. CITY Mt'. SS!ON 14EPEfiNG OF IN, U`J R£SOLUfICii NO..... ...)...... „t A G R E E M E 11 T THIS AGREEMENT made this by and between THE CITY OF MIAMI, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Florida, hereinafter called CITY, and KI'-11,•.Y-110RN AND ASSOCIATES, INC., hereinafter called the PRINCIPAL. W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the CITY proposes to determine the feasibility of constructing a multi -level public parking structurcf'in the areas adjacent to the I-95 On -Ramp from Miami Avenue and SE 2 Street, designated herein as Core Area West, Miami, Florida, hereinafter called the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the CITY has programmed $30,000.00 to finance the cost of undertaking the feasibility and design studies of the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to engage an architectural/ engineering firm to render the necessary professional and technical services, hereinafter called WORK, for the planning, design and construction consultation of the PROJECT, upon the terms, conditions and provisions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the Commission of the City of Miami has by Resolution No. 80-810, dated November 6, 1980, approved the selection by the CITY MANAGER of KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC:., as the most qualified firm to provide professional architectural/ engineering services for the PROJECT and has also authori:-.ed the CITY MANAGER to nc.yot-.iate an Agreement with said firm for the professional and technical services required for t.ht• Pi:OJEC'i; NOW, THLREFORL, the CITY and tho PRINCIPAI. fog 1_114' considerations hereinafter set forth, agree and co%,ellant, vnr unto the other as follows; "SUPPORTIVE n- r% FULL0 W'= � �: 80-861 SECTION I - GENERAL A. The PRINCIPAL and the CITY are fully aware of the project schedule requirements and will therefore procer:d with all diligence to carry out the WORT: to meet such requirements. The PRINCIPAL shall proceed with all applicable dispatch in a sound, economical, efficient and professional manner to complete the WORK under this Agreement. B. The PRINCIPAL shall perform the professional services as hereinafter set forth and in general accordance with the instructions of the CITY. C. The CITY has budgeted the amount of $30,000.00 for the total cost of the PROJECT, as follows: $ 1. LUMP SUM FEE for the selected architectural/ engineering firm. 2. Surveys, soils investigations and related expenses. 3. Administration, reproduction and related expenses. D. The CITY agrees to pay and the PRINCIPAL agrees to accept as payment in full for all professional and technical services rendered, as outlined in SECTION III - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, thereof, the LUMP SUM FEE of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAIID AND N0/100 DOLLARS ($25,000.00). SEC'.T.'ION II - DEFI14ITIONS A. CITY - is hereby defined as The City of Miami, Florida. B. CITY MANAGER - is hereby defined as the City Manager of the CITY. C. DIRECTOR - is hereby defined as the Director of the PROJECT appointed by the CITY MANAGER. D. PRINCIPAL - is hereby defined as KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC., 901 Jones Franklin Road, P.O. Box 33037, Raleiqh, North Carolina 27606 (919) 851-82G0. E. PROJECT - is hereby defined as Core Area West, Miami, Florida, bounded by SW and SE 1 Street on the north, SE 1 Avenue on the east, SE and SW 3 Street on the south and SW 1 Avenue on the west. f . WORF, - is hereby def fined an all the pr. ofr.s:., i nna 1 and technical services to he rendered or provided by the PRTNCIPAL for the Piwili"CT, as described in SECTION I T 1 - PROrF.'4S TONAL SERVICES, hereof. G. LUMP SUPt FEE - i:-; hereby defin(:d as the imc)'irit of money the CITY agrees to pay and the PRINCIPAL agrees to accept as payment in full for all the professional and technical services rendered pursuant to this Agrecrnent, to complete thc• I.UI?ft as further defined in SECTION IIT - PROFLSSIONAL SI.F:VICES, hereof.. 11. DIRECT TECHNICAL SALARY EXPEidSE - is hereby defined as the strai(jht-time portion of wages and salaries subject to Federal Income Tax of the PRINCIPAL'S technical personnel (Principals, Architects, Engineers, Planners, Designers, Draftsmen, Specifications Writers and Technicians) engaged directly on the PROJECT. The DIRECT TECHNICAL SALARY EXPINSE charged against the PROJECT for an.: personnel, inclu:iinc PRINCIPALS sh, 1.1 not exceed TWE::TI'-5E`,'1... AI+r) NO/100 DGLLAF..S ($27.00) PEn. HOUR, plus payroll burden which is not to exceed". THIRTY-SEVEN rERCENT (37n). SECTION: III - PRC I'.iS5I0:71L SER`,%ICL;S The PRINCIP7�L in close coordir:ation with the CITY shall perform the following professional and technical services comprising the WORK and shall be fully responsible for all the professional and technical aspects thereof. The CITY'S review and approval of the Wolli: will relate only to overall coi:ipliance with the gt-neral rer,uirc•m,�nt of the PROJECT and i•,hollever the term "Approval. by the City" or like terms is used in this Agreement, the phraseology shall. in no way relieve the PRINCIPAL from any dutiee; or responsibilities under the terms of this Agreement and from using tho best architectural and enoi.neeri.ng services and practices. They PRINCIPAL :;h-i1.1, in un.lertaking the t•InRR un.ioi this Agreement, comply with all Fedora]., State and Local cosies;, ordinances and reyulat.ions pert;+inin�j to the deSiQll .it;ei cor,sti-uctio:, of the PROJI CT. .Attent-iur, is inVite,1 to the FeJora1 The Occupation.11 nfety IliA l:e:ilth Act, The Nation.11 r,:ire n:nF :it.il Policy Act an,i t:dual I:riplu..me tit 00i;0r tuni ty Lcai 6lct�•tt`}^ 4 6 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS The PRINCIPAL shall collect data relating to parking in core Area West in sufficient depth an,1 dr!tail for analysis in preparing a feasibility report on whether the CITY should undertake the construction of a multi -story public parkinq facility in that location. In this regard, the CITY will furnish the PRINCIPAL with all available reports and documents relating to the PROJECT. The PRINCIPAL shall meet with representatives of the several departments in the CITY, as well as with such other agencies as Metropolitan Dade County, the State of Florida, the Off -Street Parking Authority and the Downtown Development Authority to review the adequacy and sufficiency of available information. The PRINCIPAL shall also collect original field data as required for the WORK under this Agreement. In general, the field data and existing data to be analyzed shall consist of statistical and descriptive information relating to parking inventory, occupancy demand and characteristics, and impact on the study area by reason of possible changes in, 1) public and private parking development, 2) roadway system, 3) transit system, 4) land use and employment shifts and 5) financing methods. Upon tabulation of data, the PRINCIPAL shall proceed with analyzing each of three (3) alternative sites as selected by the CITY within the PROJECT to determine the relative development potential of each site. The CITY will select one site for further evaluation by the PRINCIPAL. Whereupon the PRINCIPAL shall proceed to study the feasibility of constructing a multi -story public parking facility, including potential mixed -use opportunities, on the designated site. The PRINCIPAL shall assist the CITY in making a presentation to the city Commission about the (ievelohment potential of the designdted sits. B. FEASIL'ILIT'i REPORT The PRINCIPAL shall prepare a feasibility report of the desiynated site based upon his findings and inalyso - ind whose contents :ikiall .over the fulluwiiiy itum:.:�s` i 10 g PORTiVE I -4- 1. Purpose and Scope Methodology 3. Existing Conditions 4. Estimated Change of. Concl i ti ohs 5. Relationship of Proposed Development to tine Rapid Transit Sy.:; tarn 6. Description of frapo�hod Development, Includi.ng Potential of Mixed Cisc 7. Proposed Construction ;cliudule B. Estimated Development Cots 9. I•Iethod of. Financing 10. Estimated Parking Demand 11. Reco-mmended Fee Schedule 12. Estimated Gross Revenues 13. Estimated Maintenance and Operation Expenses 14. Estimated Financial Performance' 15. Proforma Estimates 16. Conclusions and Recommendations The PRICIPAL shall prepare a preliminary and final draft of the feasibility report for the CITY'S reviev, and comments. - After the CITY has revie;ved and commented upon the final draft version, the PRINCIPAL shall complete and submit the feasibility report in finished form to the CITY for reproduction. The PR INi-IFAI. shall furnish the CITY with fifty (50) bound copies, of the Preliminary Report ar,,! one hundred (100) bound copies of the Final Report. The PRINCIPAL will assist the CITY in making a presentation to the City on on the contents of the 1)rL' Lr3z11Z'2-y and final p�r,l ;i}1i l it, RvI c rts. During t.-h1 court;c of th1• WORK, this PRINCIP;�I, :;h;lll act a:; hip own re11r osent.•it.ivo to t:hc CITY in all matters jwrt.,rirli.nc; to the P}tU.7:'C"1 SrCTI0r., IV - t.•ITY :3E1,VI('1::: ANI) kfi P01SIB LITI}'. lI CIT :11.A1I furnish tho PRINCIPAL with t.h<- fc�llc,winy services anti infornation train exirsting CITY rerozand CITY fil . . \� 4 A. The CITY will provide information regarding its known requirements for the PROJECT. B. The CITY will furnish a survey of the site diving, as applicable, grades and lines of streets, alleys, pavements and adjoining property; right of way, restrictions, easements, encroachments, zoning, deed restrictions, boundaries and contour; of the site; location;, dimensions and data from existing records on file in the Department of Public Works of the CITY pertainin(I to existing buildings, other improvements and trees; information concerning available service and utility lines both public and private; land acquisition costs; and loan existing and applicable CITY aerial photographs. C. The CITY will assist the PRINCIPAL in contacting other agencies for the purpose of securing such existing documents as may be available from them and in setting meetings relating to WORK under this Agreement. D. The CITY will appoint a PROJECT DIRECTOR to act as liaison between CITY and PRINCIPAL, and the PRINCIPAL will not start work nor incur any expenses for any Phase of the WORK, special conditions or change orders without having received written authorization from the DIRECTOR to do so. Nothing contained herein shall relieve the PRINCIPAL of any responsibility as provided under this Agreement. E. The CITY will cooperate fully with the PRINCIPAL in rendering timely decisions. SECTION V - COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES For professional and technical services for the WWORK under this Agreement, as outlined in SECTION III hereof, the CITY agree:, to pay, and the PRINCIPAI, agrees to accept, as a full payctont for his services the LUMP SUM FEE: OF TINtENTY-FIFE AN;) DOLLARS ($25,000.00), which FEE will. hereinafter be the BASIC FEE. This payment will be made monthly in t,ropurtion to the services performed so that the cotnF)Onsatloll at the completion of each olemf•nt of the WORK shall equal the follo it,c] percenta es .in.i ,;a(, ltit:, of tho total BASIC FEE ,S��� DIVE FOLLOWPI ACCUIMULi+'I ED VALUE 8LLmFNT OF WORK g $ A. Data Collection and Analysis 1. D-_ita Col 11-!ction 18 .0 4 , S00 2. Analysis 55.0 .1.3,800 8. Eeasibility Report 1. Feasibility 73.0 18,300 2. Preliminary Report 88.0 22,000 3. Final Report 100.0 25,000 SECTIOti VI - SCHEDULE OF WORK The PRINCIPAL agrees that time is of the essence in the achievement of the PROJECT and further agrees to exr!cute the professional and technical services promptly and diligently and only upon and in strict conformance with specific authorization fro~t the CITY MANAGER in writing. It is understood and agreed by both parties that a reasonable time to complete the work F under this Agreement is six (6) months. SECTION VII - ADDITIO::i�L lv,101:1, AUTHORIZED BY THE CITY The CITY reserves the right to authorize the PRINCIPAL i to provide additional services, if found necessary by the CITY, in which case the fees for these services will be on a negotiated basis. SECTION VIII - TEri:dINATION OF AGREEMENT The CIT'l retains the right to terminate this Agreement at any time prior to coml•letion of the WORK without pen;+l ty to the CITY. In that event termination of this Agrecr.unt ::hall be in writing to the PRINCIPAL and the PRINCIPAL shall bL• paid for his services rendered in each comp] oted Element of ;CAI:j: prior to termination in accor.drance wi th SECTIOPi' V - CO:.l'I:r;�-' ,' i i);J Fni. SERVICES, provided however that tho PRINCIPAL is nc)t it, dof;lult under the terms of this Agreement. if, however, th( cerminatio;j of this Agree -meat occur:; during nn incomplete EIL-VI •11t Of th„n the. F'ItIL'C1PAL shall be pail at the rate of two an,: (2'4) times Direct Tochnical Salary Exj,ensc- for tho.-,c• •,'Ivic-os renclerud in such incoinplete Eleinent: of WORK hrov! ?.,ti t!t,:t tl;. Y I1:ICIPAL is not in d0f:)U12. UI)L1t-r thy' trims of thi . In no case However, will. tho C1TY jay r_he PRI::CI?..•, ., rr, it;L so-861 I 4 6 afnount for his incomplete Element of WORM. than would have been paid had the termination been ma(_le at the completion of this Element of WORK. In the event of termination, all documents, plan!;, etc., as set forth in SECTION XI - OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS shill become the property of the CITY, with the same provisions of use as set forth in slid 5ECT10N XI. SECTIQN I. - PRINCIPAL'S SPECIALIST The PRINCIPAL proposes to have the following specialists, either from his organization or as his consultants or associates, to perform the services indicated: A. Parking Design Specialists B. Financial Specialists The PRINCIPAL will be responsible for all the WORK of his own organization, and of his consultants or associates. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create any contractual relation between any of the specialists working for the PRINCIPAL and the CITY. It shall be understood that the PRINCIPAL is in no way relieved of any responsibility under the terms of this Agreement by virtue of any other professional who may associate with him in performing the WC K. SECTION X - ADDITIOI AL PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES The following professional services and work by the PRINCIPAL shall not be considered extra services but on the contrary shall be considered part of the WORK of the PRINCIPAL. A. Prior to printing the bound versions, revise the drafts of the Preliminary and Final Feasibility Reports to reflect the comments of the CITY. SECTION X1 - OWNLRSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All tracingfi, plans, drawings, specifications, field books, survey information, maps, contract documents, reports and other data duveloped as a result of this Agreement shall become tho property of thy: CIT'i without restriction or limitation can their Use. It is further stipulated that all information devolov,okl as a part of tho IIPOJ::C.T :.hall not be used l,y thu PR! 'Il' +1. Without written consent of the CITY. V�LLV C V '�+`3 • � • a �' s<� °ate-, . � tt is fur':Ill r'r uric?r r ,tnocl 1)v and 1)etw(2 11 t:hn partiCF: L11at AnV ihformation, nl.+ps, cc) ntraCt. (Iocumeuts reports, tracincl:;, rl ans, draw h, 11,ie c'..t t -lun^, book:; or any nt-I1Cr 7toLt: t'Y' what:;oevor which i.s give,, by the CITY t•r) the I'RIt1CItAl, plirsu,trit_ to this A(Ira(2lnent ,ha11 at. all times ronai.n the 1)rr)p..rty of. the CITY and shill not L)c' us(,d by tho 11RINCIPAI, for :lay other purpose what:;oever Without: thn written consent of thl) CITY. It is further unders-tc;c)d that: no press releac(.:s or publicity is to be issued 1 } the PRIIICIPAT, without prior submittal to the CI'i'Y an�� l:'ritten apyroval from the CITY. SLCTIO:t {II - 16','1RD OF AC;P1:UM1ET T The PRI::CIPAL %-;arrants that he has not employed or retained any company, or 1)crsons to solicit or secure this Agreement, that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person any fee, commission, percentage,.brokerage fee, or gifts or any other consul -rations contingent upon or resulting from the award or mziki.r. of this Agreement. The PRI,'ICIPAII also %,,arrants that to the best of his knowledge and belie,`- nc) Cormniszsinner, Mayor or other officer or employee of t11= CITY ir, interested directly or indirectly in the profits or of this Agreement or the job, work, or services for the CITY in connection with the contract or construction of this: PPOJECT. The PRINCIPAI. shall not entlage, during the perio : of this Agreement the services of any professional or technical. person who has been at any time durincl the period of this Ayrrelnent in the employ of the C'I:'Y. This does not apply to retired employees of thu CTT%*. '1'11c PF?I:1CII'T1L is of the conflict of intorest law of both tho CS ry of ;Ii.11::i .lid N,lcie County, Plori,ia, an,i agrees that he sip.)11 fully Cu:,lt 1•; ill 111 rrr:;pect. with the torsi.- c)f -; tid III - 1-: 'TENT 7I' AGRI:I::d t::1T 1'llis Ihclh"c�utvnt rclrtst'lit the entire and intectr.tteci Actrt rr,ct ltt t)vt.�.ee n t't,c• CITY and the PRINCIPAL, and supot odes �. -861 0 0 All prior negotiations, representations or Agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument by both the CITY .and the PRINCII'AI,. SECTION XIV - SIJCCI.SSORS ACID ASSIGN: The PRINCIPAL shall make no assignments or trans;fer of this Agreement, or sublet, assign or transfer any hart. of the WORK under this Agreement without the written con:.ent of the CITY. This Agreement _,hall be binding upor, the parties hereto, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, successors and assigns. SECTION XV - TRUTII IN NEGOTIATIO?IS The PRINCIPAL hereby certifies that wage rates and other factual unit costs supporting the compensation are accurate, complete and current at the time of contracting and that the original contract price and any additions thereto shall be adjusted to exclude any significant sum where the CITY determines the contract price was increased due to inaccurate, incomplete or non -current wage rate and other factual unit cost. Such adjustments must be made within one year following the end of the Contract. SECTION XVI - RIGHT TO AUDIT The CITY reserves the right to audit the records of the :PRI.ICIPAL any time during the prosecution of this Agreement and for a period of one year after final payment is made under _klthi �, Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, in no event shall the payment of the LUIMP SUt•1 F,r:r under l < SEC'PION V herein, enable the PRINCIPAL to earn a profit of M more than TWENTY (20") PE'RCENT of the LU111 SUM 1'L•'I:. At: the titnt� of the final ineromont of that: LL';•11` SUM 1'1:1•: is dtio to bo paid by the CITY to the PliINCIP,'%I, pur:;u.lnt to thy tel ui:. of SFCT1011 V herein, the PIINCIPAL shall submit to the CITY a certification of leis total costs incurred and profi.t:; rt alized in providing the basic services as outlined in SEC`I'I0N III herein. It !;uch cortifications in.ii:-.ite profits in oxce_;s of the maximum set forth .shove, the I'R- IPAL shall '.;ir.;tlltarleously -10- temit any overage to the CITY. The CITY reserves th,: right to audit the books an,1 records of tho PRINCIPAL and t.0 ,7djust the amount of any such rvpaymf>nt in Lhe 1 ight of .,,, H iu'li t. In calculating the total costs incurre,l b•. the I'Itl:lc_II'ttL'u own staff, the I'RI;Ir'TPAL shall use a pereentacie o:'crh-arl applied to th(2 DIRECT TECPHIC,IL SALARY EXIIHN E cI S f,.1 in sI c,rIO:, I i hc)reiri. The percentage ovcrilcad -,hal l Le oqual to the actual percentage ov'-_ncr�ad p,:rtaini ng for all of the PRINCI:hL5' work in the last (17) month period preceding the date of this Contract for which data is available. All service:^ provided by sub, --=tractors to the PRINCIPAL shall be included at the actual cost paid by the PRTNCIPM, and the percentage overhead shall not apply. SECTIC:. XVIZ - INSURA:iCE A11D IiID '-1I:Ir1CATIC:: The P I: CIFAL shall provide insurance as recui.red in paragraphs A, B, C, and D hereinbelow prior to commencing work in this Contract. The PRINCIPAL shall indemnify and save the CITY harmless from any and all claims, liability, losses and causes of action arising out of error, omission or negligent act of the PRINCIPAL, j- - -- its agents, servants or employees in the performance of services -'- t under this Agreement. The PRINCIPAL shall pay all claims and losses of any (� nature whatsoever in connection therewith and s1.1ill defend all - r suits in theme name of the CITY when applicaLle, and ,hall hay all costs and judgr.I(ynts which may is:;ue thereon. The PRINCIPAT, shill maintain during the term:, of this AgreemeIt the following insurance: A. Public Lirlbi 1 i t.1 II1:;Urance in amounts not lc:, than $300,001) p, r o curronce for 1�3o(1i ly injury and $5(1,000 per — occ-urrenci• for prop-t-t_y d,un.I,lr., --aid insurance. -;h.Il I includo contr.,ctual liability coverage. The CITY shall b:. n.imod a:; at, ad,iitic,rtai iit:-;urcd. 11 Automt-)))i le 1,i,tity Insurait,-c in amoul;t:, n,,t lc:;s than $1000' !JO l,,.r c, r;c�n arl,1 3UO,OOrJ ter Icci,."I•,t £c)r bodily injury tr:1 ;5(.I,UUJ per occurrence for 1)ronert, -11- 87-8(; I C. Professional Liability Insurance in a minimum amount of $1,000,000 covering all liability arising out of the terms of this Agreement. The CITY will not accept a claims; only policy to satisfy this requirement but mu:,t he provided for any incident which may occur due to professional expurtir,e. D. Wor.kman's Compensation Insurance in the statutory amounts. The insurance coverage required shall. include those classifications as listed in standard liability insurance manuals, which most nearly reflect the operations of the PRINCIPAL. All insurance policies shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Florida; and which are approved according to specifications of the Risk Management Division of the CITY. The CITY shall be named as an additional insured on the public liability policies. The PRINCIPAL shall furnish certificates of insurance to the CITY prior to the commencement of operations, which certificates shall clearly indicate that the PRINCIPAL has obtained insurance in the type, amount and classification as required for strict ` + J compliance with this Section and that no material change or cancellation of the insurance shall be effective without the thirty (30) days written notice to the CITY. Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the PRINCIPAL of his liability and obligations under this Section or under any portion of this Agreement. SECTION XVIII - EIGHT OF DECISIONS All services shall be performed by the PRINCIPAL to the satisfaction of the DIRECTOR who shall decide all questions, difficulties and disputes of whatever nature which may arise under or by reason of this Agreement, the prosecution and fulfillment of the services heroun or, and tho character, quality, amount, and value thereof, and the DIRECTOR,':; decision upon all claims, duestiuns of fact, and disputes shall be final, conclusive and bindiriy, upon the hartius hereto, utrlesS ;;uch determination is clearly arbitrary or unreasonably. In the event that tho PRINCIPAL does not concur in the ju_1c;ment of the DIRECTOR as to any decision made by him, the Pi:I.:C IPAL shall present his written objections to the CITY YANAGER; and 12 the DIRECTUR and the PRI'ICTPAT, r;h•1 II ai)ide by th(, dr`r•i!;ion of the CITY MANAGER. Ad ju:3t--M' 11t: Of co-lhensativn arA contract time because of .rn•; ch.ln Tc:; i rl ht` W ),JRY mi-rtit hecc:n rtecc?[;5.12 ; or be deeded desirahl-_ as tho a( I.F' pr) -lr.es res he reviewr!)i by the DIREC'TMI, Intl the CITY MANAGER an,l submi t"c!d f () the CITY CL),M:•1ISS10t1 for appt oval . SECTION XI: - Nt):1-i)iSCRI:lI11ATInTi A. thr PT2TNC I PAL wi 11 nut rii.:;criminate againr,t any emplo,..•cee or applicant for eRtr)loymr�nt because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The PRINCIPAL will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants arc c,::, i dyed , and the emulo_•ees are treated during employment, without: regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national cr.iriin. Such action shall include, but not be lii;litcd to, the follo...ing: Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment ac;rertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; ar,ct selection for traini nc, incl.udir.r apprenticeship. The PRINCLFhT, acre -es to post in conspicuous places, available to emplosc c`s Intl applicants for erinlo:rment, notices to be provided by the Personiiel officer setting forth the provisions of this Equal Opportunity Clause. B. The PRINCIPAL will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the PRINCIPAL, st+,te that all clual i fied applicants will receive consideration for employment Wi.t'}lnut regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. C. The PRINCIPAL will. send to each labor onion or representative Of aU2'}�(.`YE: with %.•hiCh hr? ha.,; Col1'•Ct i'ie bargainint, agreement or ot}l(-r contract: or undc)rstcn�tinl, ;t nrt:ir.r`, to ))o provided by t-ho ldi`ni7V Pt`1' 1Ci111:t?1 Off C'liY, advii-in,: tho 1.ih0'" union or .-;or1-.or:;' re})rt!:;ellt:lt.l:'t! Of tho t:C)ilt.2':1'tc?tt: t'C);tnit:•t+!tt'; undor tIti ; 1-git,.,1 0 1) 1 vo r t u i i CI,,a:;0, ,11,,I :;haI1 1)or,t ruj-i,,:; of the notice in cc>n:;1,rcuou:: T:l.lct?s DIVA .1t.l0 t:o 01A1),It, .:r:. aI-,,I applicants for employment 1J 4 D. The PRINCIPAL will comply with .ill provisions of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended by Executive Order No. 11375 of October 1.3, 1967, and of the rulus, regulations and relevant: orders of the Secretary of Labor. E. The PRINCIPAL will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended by Executive order No. 11375 of October 13, 1967, and by the rules, regulations and order of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor, for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations and orders. F. In the event of the PRINCIPAL'S noncompliance with the Equal Opportunity Clause of this contract or with any of the said rules, regulations or orders, this contract may be canceled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part and the PRINCIPAL may be declared ineligible for further CITY contracts in accordance with proce(:Iures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended by Executive Order GI) J(_� No. 11375 of October 13, 1967, or by rule, regulation or order j-" - of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. G. The PRINCIPAL will include the provisions of XIX A through XIX G in every subcontract or purchase order unless rn exempted by rules, regulations or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, as amended by Executive Order No. 11375 of October 13, 1967, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcont-rator or vendor. The PRINCIPAL will take such action with respect- to any subcontractor or purchase order as the coritrac,tinq agency may direct as a means of e>nforcinc! such provision:,, inc•ludinq .sanctions for nonc-ompli,incc: Provided, however, that in thu event th` PIINCIPAL becomes involved in, or is tlii-catuned with, lit igat-ion with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the contrActirtcl actcncy, , the PRINCII'A1, may rr.(lu.!st the CITY to enter intc) su.li litigation to protect they it+Lego!-.ts of the CITY. -14- SECTION XX - CON.;TJLTAiiTS The CITY hereby approves thri following firms which the PRINCIPAL proposed to crilade to provido consu.l.t.i.nq :;r2rvices for the PROJECT, as subcontractors to the PRINCIPAL: Parking and Pi nanci.�l : Simpson & Curtin A Division of Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc, 1346 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191.07 (215) 5.15-13000 The PRINCIPAL shall furnish the CITY with a copy of the subcontract agreement. The PRINCIP7�L shall not subcontract for other consulting services without prior written approval of the CI:' SEC:IC:I XXI - CONSTPIUCT101. OF FzG: E:iE T The parties heretc agree that this Agreement shall be construed and enforced according to the laws, statutes and case law of the State of Florida. IN WITNESS r:HEF.i:OF the parties hereto have, through their proper corporate officials, executed this Agreement, the day and year first above set forth. ATTt:ST: rn&/ Secretary ATTEST: City Clork. APPROVEM AS 0 CC:',.'Tl::T l C i t y :•:•inagcr Kimley-Horn and Associ tes Inc. By; ` ^ Tho CITY UP I•tlA:il (a municipal corporation of the State of Fluri.i By:_ Ci ty M'I11.1ycr APPRGVIED A:; TO felt?1 ll ', oe �1. Ci-t_y Attorn(�y . 15 � _ a I I S I M PSON 8 ClJ R T I N Transportation �^ nn♦ c� /gin ine rs CNICAGO NEW vOPn WAS.INGTON ATLANTA D09TON CINCINNATI CLEVELANO DALLAS LOS ANGELES SAN I.ANCISCO CAAACAS DUSSELOOAr LC'100N -.p 5 SAO PAULO November 14, 1980 1346 CHESTNUT STQEET PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19107 545 —8000 AREA CODE 215 Mr. Morris Kaufman Public Works Department 3332 Pan American Drive Miami, rL 33131 Dear Mr. Kaufman: We were pleased to hear of our selection, along with our co -venture partner, Kimley-Horn, to assist you in your downtown parking feasibility analysis. After reviewing the requirements for this particular element of your over- all study program, we believe it would be in the City's best interest to necrotiate with our co -venture partner, Kimley-Horn. P;e have concluded this because of the budget and time requirements associated with this particular study. We would, of course, intend to remain on your list for consideration in future study awards. Very truly yours, MICHAEL G. RRERI President MGFJsam r • I i 24 1 NIT E R - 0 F I C Richard Fosmoen November 14, 1980 City Manager St. SJe�-' Proposed Resolution Approving Agreement for Feasibility -'cc Study in Core Area West Morris I. aufmann PEf'E4EV E5 Assistant to City Manager 1 r It is recommended that the proposed Resolution, attached hereto, be adopted by the City Commission in its meeting on November 26, 1980. The Resolution approves the Agreement between the City and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., fora feasibility study on parking needs in Core Area r.a O West, Downtown Miami, Florida, and authorizes the CO City Manager to execute the same. w - The City Commission by Resolution No. 80-819, dated November 6, 1980, approved the selection by the City Manager of Simpson & Curtin to provide professional architectural/engineering services in connection with preparing a feasibility study in Core Area West, Downtown, Miami, Florida; directed the City:,lanayer to neyotiat, a contract with said firm for City Com,nis5ion approval; and allocated an amount of $30,000 from the Parkin(.; Capital Projects Fund for the contract and any necessary araci.11ary service contracts for the Projoct. A negotiating commi ttee consisting of. 14orris Kaufr~,ann and Peter Andolina, Assistant Director of DUA, negotiated the attached Agreement on November 13 and 14, lit<3O. The A(jreement is deemed fair, reason;al)le, co,1petiti%, n,i in th(-nest interests of the City. During thu ne(,oti,,tion:,, t}re joint venture of Simpson & Curtin and Kimley-Horn determint.ci that it be advantageous to the City if Kimley-Horn assumed the lead role and Simpson & Curtain would assume a sub -contractor's role in the performance of this Agreement Therefore, the Agreement is executed by Kimley-Horn. The attached Resolution provides for the following City Commission action 1. Approves the Agreement 2. Authorizes the City Manager to execute it. MIK:bf Enclosure 80-8f,I