HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-084816 b RESOLUTION NO. ' g 4 8 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CTTY *MANAGER TO EXECUTE. A CONTRACT SUBSTANTTALLY IN THE ATTACHED FORM BETWEIEN THE CITY OF MTV}EMI AND THE COUNSELTNG AND STRESS CONTP.O1. ('ENTER FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING STRESS CON- TROL TRATNING COURSE'S 1WRING 1980 - 1981 FOR POLTCE OFFICERS IN DAM: AND MONROE r _ COUNTIES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a contract substantially in the attached form Between the City of Miami and the Counseling and Stress Control Center for the purpose of conducting Stress Control Training courses during 1980 - 1981. for police officers in Dade and Monroe Counties. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26 _day of November, 1980. MAURICE A. FERRE 1.1 A Y 0 R ATTEST: Q 11 I,P91 G. ONGIE CITY CLERK "DOCUiliEN'T ININ PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: rr _ �-ht ; ) ( { �_I�t 14C1._ _ ROBERT F. CLERK ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY AP7?D AS TO 'ORM ANP. CORRECTNESS: GEOR F. KNo?i, JR. CITY T I'ORNEi}' CITY COMMISSION NVE- Urm G 0.` RE ;ON!; ,, NJ...........i�.....:�: kUA;,rJS:............................ - r 17Y Or MI'MI. 1_0RID-� , ;�1 T �= (3 • C] F = ! �.; c `.{ c hi Q F? � � N C i.i ..*:{ -__ Richard Fosmoem ,,•err 19 November 1980 LEG 9-3 City `Mann er Proposed Resolution Kenneth I . Harris or.c;p>r.•, Stress Control --Chief'?of Pol ice,, ,,.5� Training Contract s- .,;t_osuR: CID ` �•• 4 `v It is recommended that the proposed Resolution be passed, enabling the City Manager to enter into a contract with the Counseling and Stress Q-) b Control Center for 1981. cla Police Work has been identified as the most psychologically danger- ous job in the world. Police jobs are frequently ph%•sically and emotionally more hazadous than other occupations in both general _ and situation -specific terms. The police officer often works in a perilous and threatening, enviroment where injury or death are real possi.bilites. The police officer is repeatedly called upon to handle traumatic emergencies and crisis of all types. Ln ad- dition, because lie is an authority symbol in the community, the officer automatieal.ly becomes the target of anger and resentment even from people whom he is trying to help. Siftwork in policing has been identified as predisposins; officers to various illnesses and havin;; harmful. of fects on family relationships. The stressful nature of the police officer's job not onl%• increases his chances for stress -related physiological diseases but also produces detri- mental copin:; stategies which affect his private life and his psy- chological and emotional r:e.jlbeing. Numerous studies indi.•ate that police officers exhibit an unusual amount of divorces, aIcohoIisr:l, absenteeism, coronary diseases, ulcers, artliritis, and emoti(.)nal problems. As a profession police officers h.rve the third highest suicide rate in the nation. Studies show that ris man. as ?5 per cent of police officers have serious alcohol problems. The police divorce rate is ;ignificantly above the national average. Other studies have shown that three-tourths of police officers' heart attacks are due to job -related stress. These emotional, physical, and occupational casualties not only affect the officer's personal. life and ability to do his job effec- tively but they also constitute a financial burden to the police organization he works for. This economic drain manifest itself in officer disability compensation, absenteeism, and replacement for disabled officers. As an example, a police officer who retires at age 35 with a disahility will collect $500,000 duain;; a normal life span. Fi;;ures can be added to total the economic losses. The toll of stress in terms of unhappiness, unsatisfactory marital and family relationships. and personal lack of productivity is more difficult to calculate. 80-848 T Richard Fosmoen SUBJECT: Stress Control Page 2 Training Contract 19 November 1980 The Miami Police Department has been a front runner in trying to address the problems of stress. The Department, for the last two years, has been presenting a week long training program in con- junction with The Counseling And Stress Control Center. The pro- gram, Officer Stress Resolution and Management, has already been presented to 329 officers from Dade and Monroe Counties. It has received nationwide television coverage via CBS News, as well as regional and local recognition through the Los Angeles Times, the Miami Herald, and WTVJ TV. It has been well received among law enforcement administrators in the region, who have allowed their officers to attend despite manpower shortages within their respect- ive departments. But most importantly, the program has been enthus- iastically received by those officers who have participated. There has been near unanimous support among participants that the program is not only well presented, but has helped them adjust to the stress which is inherent in police work. This year, the City has been awarded $25,000.00 by the State of Florida from the Law Enforcement Training Trust Fund to conduct The Stress Resolution and Management Programs during 1981. An expeditious formation of a contract will insure the continued pre- sentation of this important program. KIH'v'tLc t { c4 1 8 THIS Ac;REE.11l:11T , m,icie and t_ n t,� red into a!; () £ this _- day of November, 19 , by and between the CITY UF' MIAMI, a rnuni.- cipal corporation of the StaLr- of Florida, her.r.inafter refc,rrcd to as the "CITY", and the 11COIJi7S1;1A.NG AND STRESS CONTROL CENTER" a partnership, here inaf Ler referred to as the "CL14'1'E V' : 1J 1 T N I.: S S L T it WIIEAUL1S, the CITY has been awarded moni.e:; from the Mate of Florida Law Enforcement Training Trust fund to conduct Stress Control 'Training courses for police officur.s in Dade and Monroc Counties; and WIIEREIAS, the City Commission, by Ordinance No. passed and adopted on day of November, 19 , has accepted these monies and authorized and directed the City Manager to implement this training proyram; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the training program, the CENTER has agreed to rends-r and provide the professional service de- 10 scribed in this A(jr.eement: NOh', TIiLI:I:FUF., in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, and in further considera- - ? tion of the sum of f ivc' thouS-and-------------------------- - dollars (S z ), c 0 0. 0 0 .) to be paid by the CITY to the CENTER, the parties agree as follot i I 1. The CE17TI:R agrees that during the period beginning �,• 1 19 and ending , 19 , the CENTER shall provide and be fully responsible for the professional service and work product slRecifically outlined in the training program. In this connection, the CENTER shall: (A) Develop a forty hour training program that will help police officers to recoynizr! and cone with job stress and that will address their individual needs in the areas of ps�'choloyy, physiology, and nutrition. (II) Prepare a complete lesson plan i.dentifyiny program objec- tives, teaching m�!thods, instructional aids, lecturers, and other necessary to in_,ure a oryani""Od program. it shl-ill bo the re_;ponsibility of the CL•'NTER to compensate any and all other per:;on,_; whom they wish to utilize toward achieving the program's objectives. (C) Prepare an instructor 's nlrt11.nC irvi the SPOc].flc infolynation that will be pre.'ented durinn the 1_rnininn pr.o rram. W) Develop a test- for measuring the degrees of attainment of pr.00r.:rl objectives and for evaluating the overall program achicvmmnrit, and each students progress so that a final grade for each student can be- determined. ( ) Conduct twelve training session:, of forty hours each in duration and make program modifications, after each zesSlOn, where necessary to maintain a high level. of program quality. (F) Provide initial counselling and referral services for program participants during each of the forty hour training sessions when the need dictates. (G) Develop an individualized program for each of the program participants t}rat :ill help them to successfully deal with their own particular stress in a runner that will be beneficial to their jogs and personal health. (11) Prepare an e-valuatien report upr)n the conclusion of, the Training program that will accurat-I.- reflect the decree to which objectives %`:ere met and the overall. achievement. 2. The ce,n},cn,;ation to })e paid to the C1:;1'I'ER shall be the aggregate sum of t%•:enty fi.vr thousand ----------------------------- ($ 2 5, 000.00) . Said sulll shall be payable ant at the times hereinafter provided. dollars ($ 00) shall be due and payable on 19 , and thereafter the same amount 00) shall be due on 19 19 , and , 19 .. Each such payment shall be made to the Counseling and Stress Control Center, and shall be delivered through the Training Unit (Room 327) at the Miami Police Departriient, 400 2nd Ave., Miami, Florida. The CENTER shall. then be responsible for. compensating other instructional I)Orr;onnel whn are ut-Ali.:r.d to achieve the yonl s of the prc 11 am. '1'11--�se other. in:itructional Personnel Shall be Maid the CI.'t:'Il:P, at the followinq rate per hour: Psycholugists (2) @ $40.00 per hour Nutritionist (1) @ 30.00 per hour Physician M.D. (1) @ 50.00 per hour -2- 4 i'hysicaI Fitness In5LrucI.or t3 ;25.00 13i.o-Feedback Technician ra 1.5.00 Rc�sc�nrch Ass:;i�;t..tnt: The Cl.i:•I'ER undo rst.rncls Lila these rumis are for the remune•raL-ion of instrucLional. perssonnc,l. only, iln(l Lill -It. .any urlp,li(j mr)n.ies which remain at the conclusion of t:hc 1�170(ar,lr't nhilll be reirnl,ursed to the C.i. t}j . 3. The professional. servic e.s and work product t,a he renciereci and performed by the CH'NTER sha] I he rendered and to the rea::onclble sati Gfaction of t}t,': C1l.i.ef of Police of Lhe CITY anci to the I'ol i.cc St.rtndnrd tint! 'I'rjl].ni ncl Cort;mission of Uw :='t..at-e of Florida and tll- duty of the CITY to pay the cor)l c no the CENTER hr.0vid"(1 in par.agraph 2 of this agreement shill he subject to such satisfactory performance. The Cl i'rril-'R tent the sourco of thy. Funds is the above identified '1'raini n'r Trust Fund by the CITY. The Ct::t,1 E'12 therefore a_lrOes that the du'_y of tho CITY to pay all or ally Dart of the compensation 1 to t:hi.ch the Cl'il'I'E1� will or may be entitled pursuant to this Agreement, sh..all be continrient on the receipt by thc. CIT'i of trust f:lnd:s In call cul).ount or ca;;'iount s at least eclilal to t)lc'. ttrllount or amount; of torts-,nration due hereunder. 4 . The Cl:ii'I'i"R slaal l be deenie i to be an independent. countractor. . I:o agent or. Qmployce of the CE'l:'I'1711 who may render, directly or indirectly, -mv service pursuant to or in con;lcct_ion �.,i th the perfor;r�ance of the CI, 1'1'I'F: obligntic,rls pursuant to thi.. Agreement, shall in an}, event or c.i rcunl::tance be c1 ,etned to be an agent or employee of the CITY, and no such person shall be entitled to ,any ri ,ht oz } c r.erfi t. tc� �tihich CI'I'S' employees, whet.h��r classified or unc i t:;sif.ie(l, are or may be entitled by reason of their cr7l loyt, nt by the clT . 5 'I'►trl_Ci t shal l have the right, uparl tQlt (10) dlay:; written notice to t:hc' CENTER, to tel-Ilrinate this hc7roemont if the G:1:'I'f:It shall Dail to perform its obligations herc'uncic'r to the r.easnn•ible s,lt.is f,rction of the Chief of. Police of the ClTy, or if it shall fail to perform an obliyztion c-r fail to render any performance expressly or iml�1 iedly required t y this Agreement. In the event that the City Manager terminates this Agreement, as -3- above provided, al.1 docuinenta, data, st.u.li.es, reports or other material prepared by the CENTER in connection with this Agreement, shall at the option of the CITY becnrnr_ the propf?rtr of the CIT'1; an the CENTER shall, in such event, be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for the services it shall theretofore have rendered. 6. This agreement may be terminated by miutual agreement of the parties upon such terms as may be agreed upon, provided that if this Agreement is terminated prior to the completion of the CI.NTER'services as contemplated by this Ayreemcrit, the aggregate compensation to which it may be entitled shall not e::ceed an amount - which boars the sam(' ratio to the total C0111r)('11satlon provided hy th. Agreement to be paid, as the services actually performed by the CENTER Dear to the ag,.;regate of: the services conterll)lated to he 1 rendered by the CENTER by this Agreement. 7. The covenants that it presently has no, interest and shall not accl-iire an}- interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with performance of the services required to b� performed under this A,jreument. The CI:I;TL'R further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person haw. any such conflicting interest shall be employed by it. 8. No report, information, data, etc., given or prepared or assembled by the CENTER under this Agreement, including both raw or source data, as well. as evaluations thereof, shall be made avail,: to any individual or org•:ni_zation by the CENTI'R without prior writtc approval of. the City Manager. 9. t:o material produced in whole or in part under this Agreenlc shall be subject to copyright in the United States, or in any other country. The C1'I'Y shall have Unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, d]:;tr11-)Ut.e anil otherwi-se use, iIl whole or In part, i]Ilj' reports, data or other materials propired under this Al of the said rria erial shall become the property of the CITY and the CI'NTE'R shall h Ive no claim of any nature whatsoever upon the work product, and other work material so surrendered to the CITY; provide that the CL1JTL'IZ may publish, disclose, distribute or otherwise use, !!�• in whole or in part, any reports, data or other materials prepared tt< -4- Uhdcr upr)n v.,ritt en I rif the City Manager and suc it approval shall not bu unroa onlly ly Withhold. 10. The c.};NTIAZ (dia.11 be c,hl iq'lte'l to '-t:�sist, in :oEar as practicable and nrces s"Iry in order to acc(-,m}dish t.h�� htlt:llo,;e of the above mentioned traininq prot7rarn, :_lll. CTT' l �r r)nnel atld all other Etorsons part icil),itill,) in the project., Tn carryina out itS Cultic' arld r,�-p7nrLblIit..ICS, the-I.i.I'1:1: will render the 1101i.ce 'I'rlirli111 P(2rscnrle1 :,uc11 assi:>Ul11 c ,1; may he desires blo and 11t�CC' �5:1r�' in L1SStlrirla thQ aCC'UMPll :i}lilCJlt Of the 1)ul bases �l n(I go<11 �_ c, f the t rrt i n } i1 j hl oy ram . ll.. 7'11i:; !1<II'r'11t shall. not be altered or. cinlc'n(ieci except by t:'I"l t. ('.Il 1 J1St'.1'LIii;C'Ilt executod by 1)Ot11 p'lrti cs . IN WI1N1..Sti Iti'fll?f:EIIP, Lhe hartie:; hereto h;lve ca;lsed this instrument and e:1. (1 1icatc`r; hc,r(`of to he executed in their names by the hc�t'!;c)ns there Ln lcPal IV dual. i f i ad. C11'Y OF MIAM-1 By: ATTEST: RALPH G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK CITY MANAGER COUNSELING AND STRESS CONTROL CENTER By By Witnesses: APPROVED AS TO NORM AND CORK}?CTNrSS: GI:OIt(�ti I• :� KNO\, .1R. , C I'l'1'�A'1"fURN1;l' wa- 8,0,