HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #23 - Discussion ItemLzt r ;TC 1 ROLLE ,el 'ICRTHWEST 17th STREET Rolle Realty Assoc., Inc. REALTOR RESIDENTIAL ,r;GU-)TRIAL SALES W4041, 33135 December 3, 1980 r TELVHC'rc Klli - Agenda Clerk City Managers Office 2nd Floor, City Hall . 3500 Pan American Drive _ Miami, FL 33133 Attn: Sylvia Loman -- Dear Mrs. Loman: Pursuant to our telephone conversation earlier today, please be advise that we hereby request permission to appear on the City o>_ Miami, Agenda meetins; Decemiber 1.7, 1980. c_ The )ur pose or j j this meeti.n;7 is to � present t0 the City � of Miami and to discuss the proposed Overtop:Tn Development Authority. sincerely; v Aev. Litin;gston Rolle -= Ac tin g/ Commi ttee Chairman LR:laf t- f p P R O P O S E D OVERTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Atter numerous meetings and workshops with the City of Miami Planning Staff and the Urban Mass Transit Scoping Committee, the overall_ consensus was that there is a need to establish a viable mechanism with enforcement powers to ensure that the redevelopment of the OvcrLo) %m Community is carried out as outlined and agreed by the City and Community At Large. We propose the establishment of an Overtox,m Development Authority (ODA) with duties, responsibilities and authority similiar to that of the Downtown Development Authority. The proposed ODA shall monitor all development within the 12 square mile Area bounded on the east by the FEC ROW, NW 5 th Street on the South; rni the I:es t by Interstate I-95, State Road 030 and the Miami River; NW 23rd Street and %'I,T 20th Street on the north., The powers of the ODA shall. he vested in a Board of Directors consisting of not less than nine (9) or more than fifteen(15) members. Membership of the Board shall include but noL limited to the following: - One member from each existing community based organization, - One Architect, Developer or Urban Planner, - One Urban Economist, Mortgage Banker or Financier, - One Real Estate Broker or Appraiser, - One City Representative, - One County Representative and - All other members shall be elected from the Overtown1 Community At Large. These members shall serve for staggered terms and compensation shall be $1.00 per year plus necessary expenses. THE OVERTOWN DEVFT,QI.'Mi?NT Alt't'1101 L'r'Y rnr�rr`�r•r•rr.r: rtt:rt�.t:r::; Rev. Livingston Rolle,P'r Rolle Realty Assoc., Inc Moses Florence, Chairman New Washington Heights Community Development Conference Charles F. Johnson 1 � Joseph Middlebrooks, Architect 1 1-l: 1 5(. it- 2. - Urban Planning Studio /1 �L _ Dr. Sidney Cox, President United Merchants Assoc. OF Overtown, Inc. Father Richard Barry 41W(j St. Agnes Episcopal Church Jackie Bell, Exec. Direct Io _- New Washington heights Community Development Conference Marie Aker Community Activist Margret Brown Overtown Advisory Board James Burke 04,M FS Oj'.1 1� Attorney Rev. Thedford Johnson, �! � -t- St. John 13nptisL Church Charlie Cnsh, Businessman Re-;;ie Burton, JMnlcer R.•il.ph Johnson, Planner Rev. Ru 1()' l)h Pasl: r- i1L. Zion B,11)Vist Rev. }lfnson, Pastor Greater Be:'icl- A.M, E� Chffl-Ca Wi_ 1.1 i..u1i L. Johnson, 01a i r . Overtown Advisory Board i Clinton Brown .F A P R O P O S E D OVERTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AMENDMENT (1) SOURCE OF FUNDS: A. Donations to the Authority for the performance of its duty. B. Proceeds of ad valorem tax not to exceed mill per dollar valuation of real and personal property in the the Overt -own area. C. Monies borrowed and to he repaid from other Cunds received by the AuLhor.ity such as; 1. Federal. I:unds. 2. Contributions and funds derived from other Sources. (2) Borrow money oil short term to pay operating expences if deficit occurs; and issue revenue bonds. (3) Make and enter into contracts. (4) Recommend necessary rezoning and/or variances. (5) Acquire by purchase nr otherwise, own, lease as lessor or lessee, ,illy ,Intl or any other property and grant or acquire Ii_censes, easemeIILS rend op Lions. (6) Improve land, conslrt1cL, reconsLrucL, equip, improve, rnai_ntai_n and operaLc nl-FiCC bui_ldilW for l�c( — -, State, COUTlty 017 n111111.Cipal g0lrCrT1111011L aSIrC11C1CS OL- ally a,rcllcy or person or corpnr<zLi_on. (7) Fix, charge and collect fees, rents and charges for the use of any project. (8) Lease as lessor any project or projects; Accept grants and donations of property, labor or any other thing of value from -illy public or private source. (9) The Authority shall employ an Executive Director and staff and administer the Boards program and policies. And retain the services of an Attorney and CPA firms. (10) BOARD OF DIRECTORS Group 1 Community Based Organizations 3 City of Miami & Dade County Repre. 2 Group 2 Specialty (Elected Members) Architect/Planner 1 Economi s t/F i nanci cr 1 Real Es Late Broker/Appraiser 1 Group 3 Community Members (Elected) Property OMIers/Businessmen 1 to 7 rN That among the powers granted this auLhori_ty shall be the Power to: to Authorize specific studies, plans, programs and methods to generate cntployment and business development in the area. 2. Administer Tax Increment funds for protects in the Overtown area and devise_ other methods of financing developmenL in Lhe defined area, 3. To cooperate with the Ci_Ly and County in developing and 1pprovin, devel.opmenL } palls. 4. To assist in the housins; relocation of residents who are required to leave the = area and return after redevelopment. 5. To review development, plans caitll Lhe intent of i_ncreasin�; mi.nori t:y prtrti.cipation, speci.f i_call y hl rtcl, i nvol Vellient, and community 1)arti_cip;tLi_o>i i.n employment opl)ortuni Li_oc,. 6. Recommend , r'n L i fy ;111c1 :1 pprove L hot;e pro j cc is t,?i t.h miiiimum level „( roloC,'lI iMl of o;i sLhl,i; resi.drnt . 7. To clo other thin. ;; con:; i :;tent: kqi_Llt ;;ranted to ;in Authori_Ly,. The ODA shall reporL and make its recommendations directly to the City and County Commissions and the appropriate State and Federal agencies. Respectfully submitted by the Overtown Development Authority Committee. r _ r ry .- MW; _ 4 AMENDMENTS (continued) OP ICERS Shall include the Chairmen, Vice -Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Director. A. Qualifications 1. Only elected members shall be officers. 2. All officers shall be elected by full Board. B. Term of Office 1. Group 1. Members shal_1. he appointed annually by the nppr.opri_nte community based o anizations .Ind/or Ci.ty of I1i_nmi. and Dade County. 2. Group 2 Specialty Elected Members shall be elected for a term of two years. 3. Group 3 Communi_ty IIemhers shall. he elected for a term of 4 years and must he property owners or husinessmen In the Overtoim area. Elections shall be held every Lwo years. (12) The authority may exercise the power of eminent domain, provided that no real. property belonging to the city, the county, the state or any pol_i1_i.cal suh;li_vi_sion thereof may be acquired without i.ts consent.