HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #21 - Discussion Itemh• t. Kr, A.. y, ,t -•. i-�. •.Ala..•:'•=• _ s ... - .. - �_— WE ... �. `rr t. '!�.'. '.'1 �.. .. .. ... Hi. �i �... Rt. '+.�I•'r '.• . ,r•'•.✓.•t .c .�. .r. +.1i `s .�'S ... •. .. -- 1430 So.Dayshore Drive, Miami,Florida 33131 'no DLC 10 December 8,1980 Mr.Richard L. Fosmoen, City Manager, City Hall,Miami, 3500 Pan American Drive, f Miami,Florida 33133 Dear ►`lr. Fosmoen, Ordinances 0,033 and 9164 limit the hours when senior citizens may use the city's golf coutses. I request that my name be put on the agenda dor the December 17,19,80 meeting of the commission in order that I may seek a compromise solution to the restriction against senior citizens playing during the hours of 8 o'clock and 11 o'clock week days. Yours very trul It, > , Maxwell A.Hershberg �1 � 4r ORDINANCE NO. 9 3 3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 39-13.1 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FL ..IDA, BY ADDING PAP.A- GRAPE (f) TO SUBSECTION I THEREOF AND BY A"F"DING SUBSECTIONS 4, 5, 6 AivD 7 OF SAID SECTIO': A,IND BY AMENDING THE LAST UNNUMBERED PARAGI:APH OF SAID SECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ALL01,ING `1I:1.'tI SPIN:;GS RESIDENTS TO PAY CITY OF MIAN1 RESIDENT RATES FOF: ANNUAL ME`;BERSIIIP FOR THE ?MIAMI CO1' ,'TR'i CLUB IN IIIA`:I SPI:INGS AND RESTRICTINC REDUCED GREEN Fi E RATES DURING THE WEEKDAY HOURS OF 8-11 A.N. DURING, THE hINTET-, SEASO:: A'.;I) REVISING T11F FEES AT THE CITY OF MIA ,I GOLF COURSES; CO::TAINI',G A REPEALS PRO- VISION AND A SEVERAEI• ITY Ci.AUSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAN:, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 39-13.1 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, is hereby further amended by add- ing subsection (f) to paragr h 1, and by revising subsec- tions 4, 5, 6, 7 and t.ie last unnumbered paragraph thereof -in 1/ the following particulars: -a. "Sec. 39-13.1. Golf Course €-een fees and other rates and charge. 1. Annual -•repa_; golf course green fe&s exclusive of state or city taxes .ire as follows: (f) Residents of the Cite of Miami Springs may pay the City of Miami resident rate for annual membership for the Miami Country Club in Miami Springs. NOTE: Ordinance No. 8601, adopted December 16, 1976. added subsection "(e)" whizh the then Code pub- lishers transposed to read "(3)" in their Code Supplement 432, dated 5-77. 3. 4. For purposes of encouraging junior players to pla% golf, green fees for players und_r eighteen ye-rs of age shall be one-half of the regular green fees with the exception of Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and wi'It or season wc•�--kc hours betwc-en. 5-11 5. T1: • green fees for th, use of golfin _iCl _ltles described herein shall be availablL' to a'.city er.ployees•- at one-half of the regular green, fees or _nv-half of the annual prepaid green Ices as set forth herein. h,:tired .------------------------------------------------------------ r Words and/or I i -tires st r i c nen tllrou2I-, sna I I be dclrtcC.. Underscored words and/or Iigurrs constitut, thc am ndimc'nt proposed. Remaining provisions arm now in effect an' remain unchangt.7,:. Asterisks lndi:ated omitted and unchaneed material. r , city employees who are beneficiaries under the provi- sions of the city retirement syste a•d plan shall have the use of such facilities on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays at one-half of the regular green fees; however, on weekdays such beneficiaries shall he allowed free usi_ of city' - owned golf ,ourses with th- exception of winter season %aeekdav hours between 5-11 A.:•:. during which time a full zreen fee will be required. b. Green fees for the use of city -owned golf courses shall be available t sL-iior citi ens sixty-two years of age or over, who are esidents of the city t=on-af-3atarCa�s;-Snndars-and-Holidays- at one-half th regul - green fees and one-half of the established annual_ prepaid green fees, with the e:•ce-tion of Saturdays, Sun- days, holida•s, and winter season Wuer:sa!• lours 8-11 A.`_. Burin- which time a full green few (or an adsitional one-half zreen fee if ut:dcr annual nreo=i one-half zreen fee 'an) is requires. Procf of residency within the city: shale br required upon payment of the green fees. 7. Gree: _ees for the use of the city -owned Xiami Springs Golf Couse sha_1 bt-- available to senior cit'_zens sixt`•-two years of age or over, who are residents of the City of `liami Springs, at one-half of the rtr-qular green fees or one-half of the established annual renai: 2recn fees, •...ith the exce7�ion 0: Ca' r a'•'S,•,SUnd� s, ent hoi :da v s, m etc C-;nti 9K- ! C-C9 9o1i.!9L'C-?`!Ttt�P1-saxe5o3C-�!`�'e`i- 2e?- anC. 4:lnter eason weenda•_•s bet•.;eer I,-11 A.`' during which time a full .,Teen fee (or a sitic..__ one - half __eer, fee if under annul: prepaid one-half green fee plan) is recuired. Proof of reside-.c,. within the City of M ami Springs shall be re- quired upon payment of the green fees. 8. .. •. :C •. .. 9. Green fees for residents and non residents of the City are as follows: 1/ Summer m -,ths Green fees 18 Holes.....................-��-B-p-$5.00 plus State tax Twilight .................. $3.00 plus State tali Electric Cart rental fees 18 Holes ..................... S9.50.pIus State tax (or anv portion thereof) plus 50c City t a X 9 Holes. $5.50 plus State tax plus 50': City taz 2/ Winter months --------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Commencement and termination of reduced fees to be announces by the Cit.: :,Tanager, effective no earlier than April 15, with termination thereof no later than November 29. 2/ Commencement and termination of reduced fees to be announced _y City Tanager, effective no earlier than November 15, with termination thereof no later than April 29. /'i Green fees 18 Holes ..................+... .00 plus State tax Twilight ..........._).00 plus State tax Electric Cart_ rental fees 18 Holes.. ..................$9.5n plus S•.�e tax (or any portion thereof) plus 5,; City tax 9 Holes SS 50 Plus State tax plus 500 City tax SpeClui Rates (a) Speci 1 package for electric cart rent..l nd green fets during summer months only Monday thrc•ugh Friday - all day _S-147-0A $13.00 plus State tax Sat., Sun., d Holi- days (afternoon) 434-413 $13.00 plus State tax The above rate will carry an exemption from the 50c City tax on go-'- cart. At :Iiar^i Srrin_= Country Club in iami Springs, the breakcc:.r for a special rate will be as follows: SS.00 for City of Viani, S5.00 for pro (concessionaire). Private Cars (b Char for using privately owned carts is 4-2,4-0 S . 00 per 18 Holes, through the yea'-. Hand Carts (c) The rcnta'_ fee for Ci-Ty-owned hand carts is is S1.73 per 18 Holes, throughout the year. Special Rate (d) Except for annual prepaid golf course green fees, the green fees for senior citizens, 62 years and older, who are C_ty residents, are one-half the amount stated above. Green fees for Miami Springs Golf :,ourse for senior citizens, who are Miami Springs residents, are one-half the amount stated above. Aiove stated senior citizen rates are sub ec' to conditions set forth in subsec- tions 6 and i hereof DOTE: The recuirt!ment._for full pavment of the reQUIar poreer. fees on weekdays between 8 - 1 1 _d_urin the designated wir.ter =_ season sha11 ht waiye0 at City"own ed Qolf courses for junior players, retired City arms ant senior citizens who are 777i7ent5 of [hv City provided that there are n- persons who are wai inc to play on the col f course wi:o;e p_a•; wou= oV - --`-- .�111joct to. t o1. rnav ,Lnt C?i rE —1 - r -2rec fees-- In ad.Iitior_s t �reauira:_.encf_o• ,' I pavmenc- of thy' rc.'__:r ruen fc L:s :. weep i between 8-11 A f_ during _tnt� _d4si�s;n :tL"c saasnn s11. 11 bc-waiVed -at _C1 -L IL. "i,11.1 s_ Golf Course for senior citizens w.h are Mia i Sprin s residents, provided that _there are nc ersens who :irewaitin^ to play Qn_-the _ol.t. cour5r whose play ;,oulJ be sut iect to full payment o. regular freer, fey;." -3- 903 3 Section 2. All ordinances or pt••ts of ordinances in conflict herewith, insofar as they ate -in conflict, are hereby repeal..'.. Section 3. If any section, p-rt of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or wore -f this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance s`-all not b` affected. PASSED ON FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY this 26th day of November , .19 : . PASSED A::D ADO: TED ON S 'COND AND FINAL READI: ; BY TITLE: ONLY this Sth dad: of December 1979. Ma -. rice A.''Ferre N A Y 0 R ATTEST: c".AI.P . G. O\GIE, CITY CLRri PREPARE2 AND APPROVED BY. ROBERT F. CLAR:. — - ASSISTA::T CIT1' ATTO ::EY APPROVED AS TO F A:*D CORRECTNESS: GEOF.GE r::'0: JR. CITY T; E 'i -4- �, 0 3 3 1 Kt i'.AIfICC• ___..� ORDINANCE NO. 9164. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 30-53 "Green fees", SECTION 30-54 "Cart fees", AND SECTION 30-55 "Special rates" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY INCREASING FEES IN SECTIONS 30-53 AND 30-54 AND ADDING A PARAGRAPH AT THE END OF SUBSECTION (d) OF SECTION 30-55 PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS UPON THE EXERCISE OF GOLFING PRIVILEGES BY PERSONS NOT PAYING FULL GREEN FEES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DISPENSING WITH THE REQUIREMENT OF READ- ING SAME ON TWO SEPARATE DAYS BY A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN FOUR -FIFTHS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 30-53 "Green fees", of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, is hereby amended in the following 1/ particulars: "Sec. 30-53. Green fees. (A) Regular Green Fees. Green fees for residents and nonresi:;ents of the city are as follows: (2) Winter months: 18 holes..........................�6:A8 $6.50 Twilight...........................$3v9A $3.50 Section 2. Section 30-54 "Cart fees", of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, is hereby amended in the following 1/ particulars: "Sec. 30-54. Cart fees. _ (a) Electric Golf Carts: (2) Rental and use of city -owned carts: (a) Summer months, for 18 holes ... $9.50 (or any portion thereof in excess of 9 holes) (b) Winter months for 18 holes....$9s30 $11.50 (or any portion thereof in excess of 9 holes. (c) Summer months: 9 holes .......................$5.50 (d) Winter months: 9 holes$6.50 1/ Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures constitute the amendment proposed. Remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged ;.. _ . (3) Use of privately owned carts. The charge for using privately owned carts is four dollars ($4.00), plus fifty -cent ($0.50) city tax, per eighteen (18) holes, throughout the year. Section 3. Section 30-55 "Special rates", of the Code Of the City of Miami, Florida, is hereby amended in the follow- 1/ particulars: "Sec. 30-55. Special rates. (d) City employees. The green fees for the use of golfing facilities^***free use of city -owned golf courses. NOTE: The requirement for full payment of tha regular green fees on weekdays between 8-11 A.:'. durin- t_he desi�nated v inter 3,?asen shall bcr city-owned_golf courses for junior p1j,, - C r!l, r,2.: city enpION, ee-hUnef:Claries and senior citizens who are residentE, of the city, provided that there are no persons who are wait in:; to nlav on t,le golf course whose pla•. would be subject to the full payment of regular green fees. It: addition, thu requirement for full na%,mcnI of t1-o re -_ular green fee - on eekda s 1)etw(2cn 5-11 A dur r. the desi,,nated winter season shall be ti.,aived at city - owned ?aia-mi SCrin_zs—G,o1f Course fer se::ior citizens who are %i: imli Sprints roside.n:5, provided that there are no persons who are taitin_ to a.1 on the -olf course whose play would be subject to full pavment of ree,ular Green fees." Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, insofar as they are inconsistent orin conflict witl, the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Section 5. if any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall not be zffectecl. Section 6. The requirement of readinc this ordinance• on two separate days is hereby dispensed with by a vote of no-. less than four -fifths of the members of the Commi;lion. l/ Underscored words and/or figures constitute the amendnr.t proposed. Remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchangedi material. -2- 9164 V W PASSED AND ADOPTED thin _ 15_th day of September 1080. Maurice A. Ferre M A Y 0 R ATTEST: ALPi�` G. ONGIE TY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLERK ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS T AND CORRECTNESS: GEbR F. KNOX, J CITY, TTORNEY r a F 91c4 - (RFA'AkkS' 1 _—