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�irY o'- +i, •��. - _ .'gin
Members of the City Commission December 5, 1980
Jim Reid, Director
Planning Department /
Request for Workshop with
the City Commission - Dec. 17 on
Overtown Urban Initiatives
On December 2nd, the Board of County Commissioners approved
the filing of a grant application for 6.9 million dollars to
carry out the Overtown Urban Initiatives Project. Recommenda-
tions made to the County Commission on relocation,. Black par-
ticipation in the dovelopment process and a mechanism of over-
sight must be reviewed with the Commission.
Attached is a project description of the Overtown Urban Initia-
tives Project and a letter from the Plannin Department to Dr.
John Dyer, Director of OT:1 st atin�-, the major recommendations
with respect to project.-r'e l ;itc(I i ssues of re l ocat i on , III ack
participation nd the tnech,u�istn for oversi.'ht. The Planning;
DepartmenL wishes to reviow t.hcIse wi th the
Commission in a work�-;hop and receive thei r frc1dhack on same.
If the recommendations ai•(2 to rh<, City 011111nissioil .
partieul;irly the I—ccmtnendatic�n dealin�_r with the Urhan Redcvelop-
nient Reviow Rcurd, appr(-,priate rusolttt-ions would be prepared.
Information will also he provided on an nvertown Development
Authority that has been proposed b\, some individuals within the
Overtnwn conimunity.
6'e C2til.
Overtown Transit Station
Area Redevelopment Project
Metropolitan Dade County and the City of 'Miami have filed an Urban Initiatives
Pre -Application for the O'.'erto•,.-n Transit Station area. The application
requests a $6,9611,455 Urban Initi.-lti.ves Grant to assist in a total realized
project investment of S57,787,100.
This joint develnnment stratesLy is a prim,iry part of the Overtown Redevelop-
ment Plan which has been adopted by the Dade County and City of Miami
Corr -missions. Add it, ion:ill,:, the Ilan has been reviews, and Approved by the
Overtoo;n Co^:l:unity Advisory hoard and t:}le Ad floc Plannin Committee, composed
of com-munity residents, hllSiness persons, :Ind government officials.
A key element of the Overrown Flan is the redeye-.opment of five blocks
adjacent to the Overtop•:n Transit Station. This area, which is just north of
the rapidly e:•:p,111.,,in�; GOveri11;1(_'at CEII?ter, wouldOc the�atC'.Ja`, t0 a reVlt3117.e-1
Overtown, a histlorL(: lllacl-. cI`l:'.: init`: in i'lla'li. L:?n(l and clearance
is necessnr.: t0_ cro;iLe I cl mill at e for privat" inve-;tment .1CC(iL' lla;, to a market
study prepared by Giadstcn,_� Ass, dates in earl. 1979. The Overto::n Plan also
calls for the renoviition of four sites in the t'.ao blocks north of the re—
development a.re,l tilat ha.e hL:,toric si';nificance to `lialmi's Black comrlunity,
adjacent to the OvertC'b:n Tran.;Ll Statioll. It is expecte:l th.1t a "'Ustoric
OvertoC,:n Wall:" will be dcvelopl,L1 ,15 part Of, the :area Ce':lt"il.l.atLOil plans.
It is critlCal ell:it the sta;'ill:• Of IUlld ilC'ILIisitl-):I hC au.-hori::ed in this
fi seal year so that ti1C c'o;:'llcte re'di tam L:::ltion OL the Ir a ,-il l coincide wltll
the open inz of the o%,ectu'-!l1 Station in 1-9.'2If tills ar'1 l.s nat 1C,rove(l,
transit rldtrShi;) will be5C"JCI' l^, of fectud allti tllu Op,C rtllil:t.: for urban
rev it aIi?.atinn .'lac{ land (1evr,I msat I[la': no bC re,-iI1:',ed for vo, 1 rs f011n'.: ins
the Op('.nlrii; Of i".i,, Ovel't:"::n Station. It is possible that wiLhirl a de.ca6c
private marl,.et forces could bes;in rc(ievulop,:ient of the aroa without all
infusion of p11',l is funds. Failure to act nolJ however, may c,luse 'significant
speculation, t':n:s incrc'asin�, houain':' costs, little. opportunity for minority
partieip:Rion in th(- joi:lt process, and a violent uprootin,r, of
the current 11,1:icl; resident.
The City has :11rcail: bei',un the revita11zation precetis by authorizing the
use of Coml:lmit; DL!V0lo,:7,('nt funds for the acquisition of a 99,000 square
foot site north of 0112 four to he acquired with U`iTA funds. This site
will accom-mo,laro sever:ll llundr(•d relocation hoitsing units en:iblin�; M)11
current resi(lunts of the reduvelopment area to remain in the OvortnlJn col:lmullity.
The requested budget. has bve:n arlended to reflect the use Of additional local
Comrunity in support of the protect and that %4v are seeking
$6,96?,455 in U'1TA fundkl to he us(•a initially for land accinisition. As the
proceed; from land S:11e?; 0"cur, thev wo,,1:1 he rec_;c l ed Lnto station area
amellities to ifnh{ lnce and econol^Lc devolop:rxnt sut-h as
beautification to peciC'Stl'l:ltl WnVS, cre,iti011 Of p1,I2aS, etC. P1.111 tOr the
eXpOnd i tUre Of the',(• f lin1::; t: i l 1. , Of. course, be Sllb j ('C t to 1..11
1.1 review
and approval.
November 26, 1980
Dr. John Dyer
Transportation Coordinator
Transportation :Administration
Dade County Courthouse
44 West Flagler Street
Miami, Florida
Dear Dr. Dyer:
Re: Status Report On The Overtown Urban Initiatives Projects
_ The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a factual status
- report on the Urban Initiatives Project, particularly related to
the question of whether an environmental impact statement should be
Subseque nt to two days of meetings with the UMTA Environmental Team,
and specifically at the conclusion of the Thursday-, November 6th
Public '.eetinq, representatives of your staff, Dade County HUD, and
the Miami Planning Dnpartment , discussed the next steps to be taken
with t.,il rpvardin_r th"ir concern with tho environmental impacts of
the pro•j-ct . Mr. Edward R. Fl_ei schmnn and Mr. Abbey Marner, his
Associate at t)nTA, indicated that they would restive jI16gt?:1 ent oil'
whether an KS : he ul d he requ i rod based on an environmental report
to be filed by thn County with the grant application,- subsequent to
the Dec:tJ(Lhnr 2nd Public Hearing. At this point i_iMTA is not reduirin!T
that a fu l 1 i 1;: I]1, fi l�-(!.
In cooperai; 1 (fin ',�'i th :,'our staff, a draft environmental al assessment re-
port has been pI'oI):I] od. This report could be filed with the grant
application as earl a.,; December 3rd, Th,_' reptwt emphasizes and
_ respond:, to this r]l:Iin i-:,:;IIr:-, steriming f.rcnn the envirnnmental scopin�;
meOtlnV , 1.0., r0locati"n, Black participation in all phases of the
project and thlr of :I mwch:It] isIn for project review and
monitot•i nq. The succoed i n;, parN"raphs summarize the primary respon-
ses to corn::mnjty concern:3. Those responses were discussed with a.
group of interested comma liLy people on Wednesday, November 19th and
were generally well received by them.
Pla\\!\:� :iEPa,.I�:�`,( /1�1 'tn 1•�.i.ir.tn il: ,e PO Eir•� "J'�iQ `1��^it. Fbrra ))113. :)US; i.'9-6ird6
.� l.11 Kc,;.S illy. at•:livr
November 26, 1980
Dr. John Deer
Page 2
The responses will be made as formal recommendations to be dis-
cussed with the County Coirmissi.on on December 2nd:
1. On the issue of relocation:
A policy %:ill be su�,;ested that phases land dis-
position and resident displacement with the avail-
ability of relocation resources. In other words,
if we do not have the housing available in or around
Overto.:n peo,)lc ,All not. be moved to other locations
unless thy: v choo:�e to 1-nove there.
_ PI'OT,r'.fi^lE'C; hollsill:; resources will provide adequate
relocation in or around Ovortown ,e.g. 253 units are
required, and 31.2 units %t:i_11 be provided.
A detailed relocation plan will be presented to the
Count; Conmis: ] oil ill the Sprint; alon ; :':ith a request
for land acrlui.:;i.tion authority.
2. On the is:�ue of 131aci: part:i cipati un , it is recor,,.monclod that:
The;nal.,s bc? established for the level of
Placi: parti c i l):ll i on ill the vari.olls phases of Black
deve lopm.unt anci op(1,rat ion ;
- 50') egtli ty investn;ent goal*in project development
50'() I31acl; contracting goal
- 50 0 I31 act: con:.truction hirin,t; "goal
- 40`,", Black pormanent hiri.n;; go"].
- 60; Black retail space o;,:ner:ship gloal,
The:;U f,(Mls Will b0 illclUdCd in land disposition docu-•
me- ntatioil
Land priorities would be ranked as
Ovc.�rtr-xn [1edevelop;;lcnt Plan , i.e. ,
property o::nc r�, cca;llmnit•;-based or ani:�atiotls,
Ulacl: de:yelopc�r:i and Black develol;ers in joint
November 26, I• o
Dr. John Dyer
Page 3
All respondents to the land disposition bids
will be required to file a Black equity par-
ticipation plan.
Property owners whose land was purchased for
redevelopment will have the option of partici-
pating as general equity partners at a dollar
level equal to the purchase price of their land.
For example, if an existing property owner's
land is acquired for one-half million dollars
and the de va iripar re,rondi n ; to the public pros-
pectus for that de (_ lopment site needed onemillion
dollars in equity to carry out the pro.jact, the
previous, overtcwn property ow nQr would have the
guarantped option of particinatin7 as an equity
partner to the level of one-half million dollars.
Technical assistance will be provided to property
owners so that they can be aware of their ri.4hts
and respnngbi li t ies In tho Ci(`t'eloP;; ant "deals''
that are structured in responso to the public bids.
3. Regardin;, the Knuo of a mechanism for project monitoring
and review:, it in su; 7—nrod that: an Urban Redevelopment .
Revie%; 110ard b' to I,Ionitor thl' (1(!v'1oyml('_nt
proces_, around bath the Overt.nwn and Culver Transit Station
areas. Tho jurisdiction of this Board would be g engraph-
ical3y limited to tlin boundaries of tho interim transit
7.oninn dintri ('t:_ for t:h(,!-0 two st.ntions. This Reviow Board
would be similar to the Urh:u7 Dovolc>11mont Review Board now
opernt.i n n in th" City that Inahes rounnmondarions on urban
design and develop"r bonuqua in tho Brichcll nrea. Tho Board
would nravi dc! r( �_� :rl:.��udat i ��u:, to both tho City ani county
Commission:; 01—Min;, till tho doci_;iuns to Le made, e.g. ,
land acqu i.s i r i "n rown2zw,ndat l nn:; would bo made to the County
Commission, vAph !w:ui 7nni roc_"Pnondatlons would he Blade to
the City Commissi(m. no utmrd could be ustablished by a
joint city/Count.y runoluLion. Tho life of the Ioard would
coincide with the duvulo ment and early op('rational phases
of the projoct, Kr,, , 7 to 10 y"ars. It would have seven
members, inc,ludinq Wine landscape architect: or architect,
and tint, financial parson from a bank or savings and loan,
as well as three or more community representatives including
November 26, 1980
Dr. John Dyer
Page 4
representatives of community -based organization(s)
and one representative appointed by the City Com-
mission and the County Commission, and the Com-
munity Development :Advisory Board. All community
repreFentat i ves would reside, have a place of
business, or be prcloorty owners in Ove?rto n. .
The Board :l:enlld: a) review, evaluate, and make rec-
ommendati_un� for approval, disapproval or modifica-
tion of policies, plans, programs, ;rant applications
and projocts of fe'ctin� the area; b) monitor and in-
f luQnce thn do of op:: ont phase; of the project in-
cludinn laid acc.uisitt"n, relocation, land many e'ment,
preparation of land di.spos tti.on guidelines, land dis-
position re npQnses and urban dosi 4n ; c) manit:or and
report on all phaseq of minority participation in-
cludin ; doVelopor equity: participation, construction
contractin: , construcKon hirinz, Tiermanunt hiring,
business o',:n rship, and busino ss mnn:I4pn nt. It is
expectud that th._ir via: s would rarry ;;"eat weight:
and that t.h— nnrmal turn-arnund t inn for their response
would by 15 days see a:; not to dolay tho dov"lopment
proc'e Ks, This is could bw e':.te::doa to 30 My.Mys where the
emnploMy or the in ue required additiunal time.
The City believes that tho roc(:...; andat i ons e_xpro,.sod above are
respnnsivo to t.hn major concerns of the cer;;muni ty and will enable
both the, Ci Q and LIP- Minty to carry nut this pruie ct whi-ch is of
major 11':;)or nnuo t" thy' Overt t)::n community. It in III`.' hope and ex-
pectation that th" County Commission will authorize filing of the
grunt on TunKduy and that: a funding reservation can be achieved
before the, and of
/�/ L
ZqiiReid, AICP
Planning Dopartment
1a:19'. ^AG
Atter numerous meetings and workshops with the
City of Miami Planning Staff and the Urban Mass Transit
Scoping Committee, the overall consensus was that there
is a need to establish a viable mechanism with enforcement
powers to ensure that the redevelopment of the Overtown
Community is carried out as outlined and agreed by the
City and Community At Large.
We propose the establishment of an Overtown
Development Authority (ODA) with duties, responsibilities
and authority similiar to that of the Downtown Development
The proposed ODA shall monitor all development
within the 12 square mile area bounded on the east by
the FEC ROW, N14 5th Street on the South; on the west
by Interstate I-95, State Road 836 and the Miami River;
NW 23rd Street and NIs' 20th Street on the north.
The pokers of the ODA shall be vested in a
Board of Directors consisting of not less than nine (9)
or more than fifteen(15) members. Membership of the
Board shall include but not limited to the following:
- One member from each existing community
based organization,
- One Architect, Developer or Urban Planner,
- One Urban Economist, Mortgage Banker or Financier,
- One Real Estate Broker or Appraiser,
- One City Representative,
- One County Representative and
- All other members shall be elected from
the Over toc n Community At Large.
These members shall serve for staggered terms
and compensation shall be $1.00 per year plus necessary
Rev. Livingston Rolle,Pr
Rolle Realty Assoc., Inc
Moses Florence,Chairman
New Washington Heights
Community Development Conference
Charles F. Johnson,
I •
Joseph Middlebrooks, Architect
Urban Planning Studio ( In
Dr. Sidney Cox, President
United Merchants Assoc.
Of Over town, Inc.
Father rl—
Richard Barry
St. Agnes Episcopal dhurch
Jackie Bell, Exec. Directb
New Washington Heights
Community Development Conference
AW _ Marie Ae�k er g• �G - �*� Z4412,-.
Community Activist
Margret Brown
Overtown Advisory Board
James Burke
Rev. Thedford Johnson,
St. John Baptist Church
Charlie Cash, Businessman
Reggie Burton, Banker
Ralph Johnson, Planner
Rev. Ru3otph
Pastor Mt. Zion Baptist
Rev. HLknson, Pastor
Greater Be,hei A.M.E. C111ure
William L. Johnson, C'.iair.
Overtown Advisory Board
Clinton Brown
A. Donations to the Authority for the performance of
its duty.
B. Proceeds of ad valorem tax not to exceed '- mill per
dollar valuation of real and personal property in the
the Overtown area.
C. Monies borrowed and to be repaid from other funds
received by the Authority such as;
1. Federal funds.
2. Contributions and funds derived from other
(2) Borrow money on short term to pay operating expences if
deficit occurs; and issue revenue honas.
(3) Mahe and enter into contracts.
(4) Recommend necessary rezonin,; and/or variances.
(5) Acquire by purchase or other%•aise, ox:1n, lease as lessor
or lessee, any ,and or any other property and grant or
acquire licenses, easements and options.
(6) Improve land, construct, reconstruct, eeuip, improve,
maintain and operate office building for Federal, State,
County or municipal government agencies or any agency or
person or corporation.
(7) Fix, charce and collect fees, rents and charges for the
use of any project.
(8) Lease as lessor any project or projects; Accept grants
and donations of property, labor or any other thing of
value from any public or private source.
(9) The Authority shall employ an Executive Director and
staff and administer the Boards program and policies.
And retain the services of an Attorney and CPA firms.
Group 1 Community Based Organizations 3
City of :Miami & Dade County Repre. 2
Group 2 Specialty (Elected Members)
Architect/Planner 1
Economist/Financier 1
_ Real Estate Broker/Appraiser I
Group 3 Community Members (Elected)
Property Owners/Businessmen 1 to 7
'4 .. .t. kr,� iy�n `. ,�`:�.�' s•#''.��h rLB"°>l�.�t^ .!RIlf!!.lJll�l.�le!!� .....
That among the powers granted this authority shall
he the power to:
1. Authorize specific studies, plans, programs
and methods to generate employment and
business development in the area.
2. Administer Tax Increment funds for projects
in the Overtoctin area and devise other methods
of financing development in the defined area.
3. To cooperate with the City and County in
developing and approving development plans.
4. To assist in the housing relocation of
residents who are required to leave the
area and return after redevelopment.
5. To review development plans with the
intent of increasing minority participation,
specifically black involvement, and community
participation in employment opportunities.
6. Recommend, ratify and approve those projects
with minimum level of relocation of existing
7. To do other things consistent with powers
granted to an Authority.
The ODA shall report and make its recommendations
directly to the City and County Commissions and the appropriate
State and Federal agencies.
Respectfully submitted by the Overtown Development
Authority Committee.