HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1980-12-17 Marked AgendaM s C I TY C0M1`1 I SS I Ott AG E N D A MEETI?aG DATC: December 17, 1980 CITY HALL - DrI EP. YEY N 04COAD�0PATE0 O IOj 96 _ 9:00 A.M. Invocation and Pledge of Al-legiance. Approving Minutes of the Regular City Commission Meeting of September 15, 1980. CaLMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A. Annual report of the Miami -Dade Public Library System by Juanita Johnson, Chairperson of Miami -Dade Public Library Advisory Board. (See item No. 27). B. Discussion of Police Advertising Firms. (S91§XXYAM C. report on Public Service Aides/Community Service Aides. D. Discussion of final request for proposals for Cable TV. (See items Nos. 5-e and 10-a). E. Discussion of Shelters ar>a Bus Benches. F. Discussion of nuisance establishments. --. G. Discussion of City savings during FY 80-81. H. Discussion of a proposed ordinance to help curb crime in Miami. I. Discussion of scheduling a dedication ceremony for Ernesto Lecuona Park (formerly Little Havana Mini — Park). J. Discussion on the creation of an Advisory Co=ittee on Traffic Safety. K. Discussion of the Overtown Urban Initiatives Appli- cation. L. Discussion of the proposed Biscayne Bay Management Plan. M. Progress report on 1980 Kwanza Festival. 12:00 NOON BREAK FOR LUNCH F0P,'•11,.T. CITY CCt`IMISSICr� MEETING 2:00 P.M. PRESEDTrATIONS /\JdD PROCLA.MATION'S 1. Certificate of Appreciation to Dr. Michael Biance for his community work and interest in the Overtown Area. 1-a. Presentation of a Plaque to Mr. Eduardo Columbo, Consul General of Argentina. "DOCU.'Y1ENT INDEX ITEM NO. APPROVED DISCUSSION (See R- 80-883) DISCUSSION (See R- 80-884 C. Clerk's Report) MOT. . 80=5 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS DISCUSSIO See Item it5c MDT. 80-889 MOVED: PLLTL*'ER t�, ,T.61:�IB' DISCUSSION (See EMERGENCY ORD.9211 MOT. nn80-LL8LL86 S�ECO'�I):PLACASA UNANIMOUS MOVED: LACASA SECOND: PLU*IMER NOES: CAROLLO CEREMONY TO BE HELD JAATUARY 35 ,1981 DEFERRED DISCUSSION DEFERRED MOT. 80-890 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON ABSENT: CAROLLO SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA CITY CUM-KISSION AGENMA MEETING DATE: December 17, 1980 PAGE I70. 2 2:15 P.M. PERSONAL APPEARANCES 2. Personal appearance by Mr. Robert Owens, of the International Series, requesting a grant of $10,000 from the City to further the cultural arts in Miami. 3. Personal appearance by Mr. t,% Trent German, President of the Florida Maritime Museum, requesting support for the Maritirro? Museum project. 3-a. Personal appearance by Medina Guerrero presenting grievances of a group of citizens against the Inca Bar located at 757 t-J. Flagler Street. 3-b. Personal appearance by (Mrs.) Elizabeth Virrick to discuss the boxing program. 3-c. Personal appearance by Mr. Maxwell A. Hershberg regarding the restriction limi*.ing senior citizens using the City's golf courses from 8 until 11 o'clock week days. 3-d. Personal appearance by Mr. Stephen Heintz, Chair- man, Board of Directors, Morningside Civic Associa- tion, requesting restricted hours of operation at Morningside Park. 3-e. Personal appearance by Jaime Gueits, president of the Cuban Heritage Foundation, requesting a fee waiver for use of the Show,,mbile on December 19 to 23, 1980. 4. Personal appearance by Mr. Livingston Mlle re- garding the Overtown Development Authority. 4-a. Personal appearance by Mr. Stuart Sorg, President of the Coconut Grove Development Authority, pre- senting a pilot program on ccrn munity stability and economic development. 2:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARI13GS 4-b. RESOLUTION Confirming assessment roll for construction of Delaware Sanitary Sewer Improvement in Delaware Sanitary Sewer Improvement District SR-5390C (Centerline Sewer); and removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereto• certified. City Manager recar-�en7s. CaTrIN�ATIO;. OF CCI::1IT1'- E OF Ti:E 1,HOL1 4-c. Discussion of architect's concept for Bayfront Park. 4-d. Discussion of FEC court case on Port Property. NO SHOW NOT. 80-894 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CAROLLO NO SHOW DISCUSSION DISCUSSION DISCUSSION DISCUSSION I DISCUSSION R- 80-895 MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS DISCUSSION END OF 1ST P. HEARING 2ND TO BE HELD ON JANUARY 22, 1981 CITY CO-MMISSION AGEIMA 4 1 MEETING DATE: December 17, 1980 PAGE NO. ORDINANCES 5. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY EMERGENCY - Amending Sections 35-91, 35-92, and 35-93 of the ORD. 9213 Code of the City of Miami establishing rates at a MOVED: PLUMMER certain off-street parking meters and certain off- SECOND: GIBSON street parking lots; establishing rates at Municipal ABSENT: LACASA Par t g Garages: providing for the effective date of January 1, 1981 for said rates; ratifying and con- firming all acts of the Off -Street Parking Board and its director as to rates charged. City Manager recommends. - 5-a. ORDIv'�NCE - EMERGENCY EMERGENCY Amending Sections 2 and 5 of Ordinance No. 9179, ORD. 9219 the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the fiscal MOVED: PLUMMER - year ending September 30, 1981; by appropriating SECOND: GIBSON from the Building and Vehicle Maintenance Dapart- UNANIMOUS ment, Motor Pool Maintenance Division, FY '80 re- tained earnings, an aunt of $46, 250; increasing anticipated revenues in the same amount for the Mo- tor Pool Maintenance Division to provide supplemen- tary funding for the purchase of Motor Pool re- place-ent vehicles. (Companion to i emt Z 17). City Manager recommends. 5-b. ORDItm.NCE - EMERGENCY EMERGENCY Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9179, the An- ORD. 9220 nual Appropriations Ordinance for the fiscal year MOVED: GIBSON ending September 30, 1981, by increasing the appro- SECOND: PLUMMER — priation for the General Fund, Police Departznent in UNANIMOUS the amount of $75,000; by decreasing the appropria- tion for the General Fund, Special Programs and Accounts, Public Safety Fund, in the same amount to fund the replaca--nent of 70 police vehicles and the ' purchase of 33 new police vehicles. (Companion to item No. 17) City Manager recamTiends. 5-c. CPDINIANCE - EMERGENCY ' FMERGENCY Amending Sections 1 and 5 of Ordinance No. 9179, ORD. 9221 the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the fiscal MOVED: GIBSON year ending September 30, 1981, by increasing the SECOND: PLUMMER appropriation for the General Fund, Human Resources UNANIMOUS Department by $9,236; decreasing the General Fund, Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund, by _ $4,081; increasing General Fund Revenues, Miscella- neous Revenues, by $5,155; to provide for building repairs and eauipnent replacement reouired as a re- sult of burglaries in the Hula n Resources Department City h anager recarnerds . 5-d . ORDINANCE - I IERGr: }C z EMERGENCY Amending Section 1 of Ordinance tea. 9179, the An- ORD. 9222 nual Appropriations Ordinance for the fiscal year MOVED: PLUMMER ending Septeir�-) er 30, 1981; by increasing the appro- SECOND: GIBSON priation for the General Fund, Planning 0.part-nent UNANIMOUS in the amount of $22,689; by decreasing the appro- priation for the C,eneral Fund, Special Programs and Accounts, Contin,3ent Fund, in the sane amount; to fund two new positions in the Planning Department. City Manager recommends. CITY =O VISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: Decenber 17, 1980 PAGE N04 5-e. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING -- Providing for the construction, operation, regula- tion and control of Cable Television Systems within the municipal boundaries of the City of Miami. Ibis item was passed as first reading at the Octob—r 30, 1980 City Commission Meetir)3. It was moved by Com- missioner Plumrmr and secor-Oed by CamJnissioner Gib- son. UNANIMOUS. 71iis items was deferred at the November 26, 1980 City Commission Meeting. (Com- panion to item No. 10-a). City Manager recerrumends. 6. ORDI',1ANC.E - SECOND itirf�DIC�G Amending Section 62-62 entitled: "Request for Review" of the Code of the City of Miami by provid- ing for a rescheduling fee for zonim items re- scheduled before the City_ Commission based on the original ni alni al appl ci ation fee, not to exceed $500. This - item was passed on first reading at the November 26, 1980 City Commission Meeting. It was moved by Vice Mayor Lacasa and seconded by Commissioner Plum;ner. UNAN LMOUS. (Companion to item No. 9). City Man- ager recommends. 6-a. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Creating a Code Enforcement Board in the City of' Miami, prop ding for terms of office, organization, enforce --rent procedures, hearings, powers of the board, penalties, methods of appeal. City Manager recannends . 7. ORD ^'10E - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Sections 1 and 5 of Ordinance Ab. 9179, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1981, by increasing the enterprise funds, Melreese Golf Course, by $10,000; By —in rc easing anticipated revenues in the same amount from FY180 retained earnings; for the purpose of providing fencing for helreese Golf Course. City Manager recor ends. 8. 0RDP,:-.:SCE - FIRST AND SECOND RENDING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8719, the Sum- mary Grant Arpropriat ions Ordinance, by establishing two New Trust Agency Funds entitled: "Comprehensive Miami -Dade Traffic Safety Plan" an`i "Motorcycle. Rider Course"; appropriating funds for the operation of said Trust and Agency •Funds in the amounts of $17,638 and $10,290. City Manager recommends. . ORD. 9223 MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: PLUMMER NOES: CAROLLO ORD. 9212 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON ABSENT: LACASA ORD. 9224 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS DEFERRED MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS ORD. 9225 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS i CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 17, 1980 PAGE NOS 8-a. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING - Amending Section 40-200 and Section 40-207 of Divi- sion 2 of Chapter 40 of the Code of the City of Mi- ami by deleting the provision which excluded laborers, watchmen and cust3ia1 workers from mem- �ership in the re_tirerrx�nt system and by �fding a subsection to provide a procedure and certain con- ditions under which any system member who was denied the right at any time between April 1, 1955 and September 1, 1962 to participate in the system or in the Miami General Employees' Plan by reason of such member's employment as a laborer, watchman, or cus- todial worker, can receive membership credit for the time the member was employed in the said capacities between the foregoing dates. City Manager reccrn- mends. RESOLUTIONS 9. RESOLUTION Establishing the policy of the City Commission cov- ering requests to remove items from the Planning and Zoning Agenda for City Commission Meetings. This its s deferred at the November 26, 1980 City Commission Meeting. (Companion to item No. 6).. City Manager recammends. 9-a RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Attorney to engage the profes- sional consultant services of Delta Systems Consul- tants, Inc. to provide technical assistance in _ connection with the Citv's litigation challenainq the current Federal Decennial Census and authorizing an expenditure of up to $10,000 to cover the cost of said services. City Manager recorronends. 10. R5RZzW.7 IOU Authoriz e City Manager to negotiate and cute an agreerme, th an advert , inrg c ant to assist the Deoartmnt _ gym. sources in re- cruitinq candidates f _ L1 Miami Police Depart-mer,t watt �s allocated from Sc-ll Progra, Accounts, Public Safetv Contin City manager reca-.^-ends. 10-a. RESOLUTION Approving a Rt�ueSt For Proposals for Cable Television Service; authorizing the City Manager to advertise-; allocating $9,000 from the Contingency Fund for said prc,—sal. Companion to item No. 5-d). City Manager recar_-ends. 10-b. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to accept a cash dona- tion of $91,281 from Mrs. Rita Johnson M,'ilder on beh=lf_ of. theWilder Foundation for the construction a picnic_ pavilion in Margaret Pace Park at N.E. 18th Street and 11orth Bayshore Drive; ackncn,,leJgir-g receipt of a check from the Milder Foundation datc-i November 26, 1980 for $45,000 with stipulation that the remaining $46,281 will be delivered in the 1981 calendar year when the project is undeeway, and thanking Mrs. LW'ilder for her generous gift. City Manager recommnds. ORD. 9226 MOVED: PLMMER SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS WITHDRA14N R- 80-896 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: LACASA (SEE R- 80-884 C. Clerk's Report) R- 80-888 MOVED: PLMMER SECOND: GIBSON NOES: CAROLLO R- 80-902 MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS � tt' F � CITY COMMISSION AGENDA it MEETING DATE: December 17, 1980 , 11. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to request- the s6111nis- Sion of bids to demolish Bui� ldirxg B of the Little Havana Ccir.munity Center, City Manager recommends. 12. RESOLUTION Designatinq the Little Havana Ca-run_ity Center as a Cateaory B Pro-ject with respect to the master_ plan and design concept thereof, in accordance with suSsection (5) (a) of Section 16-17 of the City Cale, which establishes procedures in contracting for said professional services and also establishes competitive negotiation requirements with regard to furnishing of such services; and appointing Morris Kaufmann, Assistant to the City Manager, as Chairman of the Ca-npetitive Selection Committee in accordance with Subsection (5) (c) of Section 16-17 of the City Code. City Manager recommends. 13. RESOLUTION Approving the most qualified consulting firms to provide professional architectural/engineering ser- vices for the design and construction of Community Buildinas at Curtis and West End Parks and Swinriiinkg Pool Access Renovations at west End and Shenandoah Parks; authorizing the City Manager to undertake negotiations with the most qualified firms; and al- locating $165,569 from the Capital Improvement Fund and from 4th, 5th, and 6th Year Community Develop- ment Grant Funds; ar0 directing the City Manager to present executed contract to the Ccc nission for ratification and approval. City Manager recommends. 13-a . RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Coconut Grove Local Development Corpora- tion, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $50,000, to implement a Neighborhood Econcmic Development Pro - ram, in the Coconut Grove CD Target Area with funds allocated from e Sixth Year Community Development Block (rant. 'This agreement will be effective from November 1, 1980 to June 30, 1981. City Manager recorrmmend s . 14. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City of Miami to execute a contrac- tual agreement with Youth.Industries, Inc., for the operation of African Square Park with funds of $171, 458 in accordance witTthe terms and conditions contained in the agreement. amity Manager reccm- me nd s . 15. RESOLUTION Waivinq competitive bidding for the continuation of systematic maintenance and emergencv services for the existim-nq integrated protection s •ste-m at the City of Miami Police Station arts facilities atx3 aut, oriztruct tEe Pur- chasing Agent to issue a purchase order to continue such service to i,.ac}:enhut Llectronic Systems Corpo- ration in the amount of $13,164 for: one year ark allocating funds from the 1980-81 Fiscal Year Police Department Budget. City Manager recommends. M PAGE NO - 6 R•- 80-903 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R- 80-904 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R- 80-905 MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS a WITHDRAWN I r R- 80-906 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS R- 80-907 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS f CITY C0::.v1SS!0N AGr?!ZDA MEETING DATE: December 17, 1980 Fa.m No 16. RESOLL)TION Waiving the requirement for formal bids for fur- nishing a Visible Rotomatic File System for the De- partment of Police, authorizing the purchase fran Acme Visible Records, Inc. the only known source, for $5,563; allocating funds from the 1980-81 Capital Dguipment Budget of the Department of Po- lice; authorizing the City Manager and the Purchas- ing Agent to issue the purchase order for this equipment. City Manager reccrunends. 17. RESOLLTION Project: Motor Vehicles Location: Buildinq and Vehicle Maintenance Company: Hollywood Chrysler Plymouth Figueredo Chevrolet C-IC Truck & Coach Division Friendly Ford Zbtal: $1,093,545.60 _ Funding: Eepartment of Building and Vehicle _ Maintenance 80-81 Equip. Replacement Fund Department of Police - New Equipment Fund Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the purchase for this service. (Companion to items Nos. 5-a and 5-b). City Manager recommends. 18. RESOLUPION Project: Custodial Services Location: Buiidim + Vehicle Maintenance Dept. Company: Robert Br-xm Building Maintenance, Inc. 7btal: $51,960.00 Funding: 1980-61 Operating Budget of Building and Maintenance Department Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasina Agent to issue the purchase for this service. City Manager recommends. 18-a. RESOLT-Tr Ia41 Allocating $60,000 from the General Fund, Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund to a new line -item in Special Programs and Accounts entitled: "Little Havana Ca,Lmunity Center -Custodial", to pro- vide janitorial services for the Little Havana Com- munity Center. City t-Lnaaer recomr-eiL3s. 19. RESOLUTIUN Authorizing the issuance of 1,'aste Collection Licenses to Alonso Bros. Trash Ser.,ice Coil). , Angel Fagundo, Industrial Waste Service Inc., L3 Fe Trash & V'aste Service, Rafael & Poberto Trash Service, James Sheffield, and United Sanitation Service, Permitting them to comp--nce doing business upon full canpliance with the Code of the City of Miami. City Manager recorr.,-e nds. 20. RESOLUTION Authorizing increase in the contract in the amount of $5,000 between the City of Miami and Associates Construction Corporation for the construction of the Lemon City Park, said funds to be provided by the First Year Community Development Funds. City Man- ager recommends. R- 80-908 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS R- 80-909 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS R- 80-910 MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN R- 80-911 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS R- 80-912 MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS CITY COXYISSION AGEN7A f MEETING DATE: December 17, 1980 FA.'E NO.8 20-a. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for professional consultant services with Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc., to provide for the improve- ment of the City's administrative management and management information processes, with funds allo- cated from the Contingency Fund in an arount not to exceed $270,000. City Manager reco=r ends. 21. RESOLUTION Ordering Manor Highway Improvement - Phase I and designating the property against which special assessments shall be made for a portion of the cost thereof as Manor Highway Improvement District - Phase I. City Manager recommends. 22. RESOLUTION Project: Buena Vista Community Development Pavina Project _ Phase V - Bid "A" Location: N.i". 5 Avenue (N.t9. 46-54 Streets Company: Russell Inc. Contract: $309,131.50 Total: $353,137.00 Funding: 6th Year C.D. Bloc}; Grant & Highway G.O. Bond Funds Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for this service. 23. RESOLUTICN Project: Buena Vista Comunity Develoorrwt Paving Project - Phase V - Bid "B" Location: N.t:. 5 Ave. from (N.W. 46-54 Steets) Company: P.N.M. Cor:tcration Contract: $175,612.85 Total: $205, 725. 00 Funding: Storm Sewer G. 0. Bonds Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for this service. 24. RESOLUTION Confirming the election of Louis A. de Jesus to seat #1 and Ilia Teems to seat #2 on the Retirement Board of the Miami City General L*nployees' Retire- ment Plan. City Manager reccm�nends. 25. RESOLUTION Confirming the selection of Kenneth Harrison as representative of City of Miami Policement and Robert E. t;eil: cher., Jr. as representative of City of Miami Firemen to tt;e retirement Board of the Miami City Retire:,, -tent System. City Man- ager recoup nds. 26. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to Gustavo A. Duarte arm Jose L7br Duarte, without the admission of liability the sLml of $46,995.70, in full ar-0 cornplete settlement of all bodily_ injury claims and demands against the C of Miiaam(iJ, at-0 upon execution of a release, releasing the CTfrom all claims and demands. City Attorney reccnune—Ends. R- 80-913 MOVED: PLUMMER gECON-D: LACASA h 'ANIMOUS R- 80-914 MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R- 80-915 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS R- 80-916 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS , R- 80-917 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS R- 80-918 MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R- 80-920 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS . ' 0. CITY CO.XZISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: December 17, 1980 27. RESOLUTION -� Designating an individual as the City of Miami's Representative on the Miami -Dade Library Board. (See item No. A). City Manager reccrur_nds. 28, RESOLUTION Appointing seven individuals to the Advisory Council on Trade and Coerce Development. Zhis item was deferred at the October 30, the November 6 and 26, - 1980 City Commission Meetings. City Manager recom- mends. 29. RESOLUTION Appointing three individuals to The Planning Advi- sory Board. City Manager reccxnmends. 30. RESOLUTION Appointing three individuals to The Zoning Board to fill full -term vacancies for a perio ending Decem- ber 31, 1983. City Manager recommends. 31. RESOLUTION Appointing one individual to The Zoning Board to fill an unexpirated term fora period ending Decem- ber 31, 1983. This item was deferred at the I\bvem- ber 26, 1980 City Commission Meeting. City Manager recamne nd s . 32. RESOLUTION Appointing one individual to the Overtown-Community Development Advisory Board, in accordance with the Citizen Participa iotiot n Plan for the Community Devel- opment Block Grant Program. City Manager recom- mends. 33. RESOLUTION Project: One Rotary Riding Mower Location: Pat s Depart.ment Company: De -Bra Turf and Industrial Equipment Co. Total: $7,179.00 Funding: 1980-81 Capital Equipment Budget Authorizing the City F',anaaer and the Purchasing Agent to issue the purci:ase order for this equipment. City Manager recarrr-�=nds. 34. RESOLUTIU: Rescheduling the January 8, 1981 City Commission Meeting to take place on Januury 15, 1981. 34-a. RESOLUTION Calling on tt-,e Citizens of l;iami to support efforts to re -build eartl-�auake damaged areas in Italy. City Manager recom-nerus. FGP: �r�LIZi TIOJ OF COHMISSION ACTIUi 35. RESOLUTION Allocating $1,800 fro¶ Special Programs arkJ Accounts, Quality of Life Program, City Wide Events, to the League Against Cancer for promotional expen- ses incurredtin staging fJieir August, 1980 Telethon, held at the Coconut Grove Exhibition Center. (Motion No. 80-838 passed Ibvember 26, 1960). City Manager reccrriends. rA,Z NO. 9 R- 80-883 MOVED; GIBSON SECOND; PLUMMER ABSENT: LACASA,CAROLLl R- 80-921 MOVED; PLUMLMER SECOND: GIBSON UNAN nIOU S R- 80-922 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS R- 80-923 MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: PLLHMER NOES: CAROLLO DEFERRED MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA NOES: GIBSON, CAROLLO R- 80-924 MOVED: PLUMLIER SECOND: LACASA NOES: CAROLLO' R- 80-925 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS R- 80-926 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS R- 80-927 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS R- 80-928 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: GIBSON.. UNANIMOUS I CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 17, 1980 FORMAL CITY COMMISSION SESSION PLANNING AND ZONING AGENDA 7-nn P_ M_ CITY HALL - DINNER KEY 1. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Application by John N. Goudie TR., to Change the Zoning of Approx. 2956 BirdAvenue from R-2 to R-3A. This item was passed on First Reading October 30, 1980; moved by Commissioner Lacasa, seconded by Commissioner Plummer. (Y) Ferre, Gibson; (Absent) Carollo. 2. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Application by M.F.T. Properties Inc., to Change the Zoning of 600 Bi scayne--BouTevar-d-1 rom - an C - 4- t o C -3.Thi s item was passed -on Fist Reading October 30, 1980; moved by Commissioner Gibson, seconded by Commissioner Lacasa. (Y) Ferre, Plummer; (Absent) Carollo. 3. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Application by Spike Von Zamft to Change the Zoning of 676 N.W. 27th Street rom - to C---47.7his item was passed on First Reading OcTober 30, 1980; moved by Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Lacasa. (Y) Ferre, Gibson; (Absent) Carollo. 4. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION Amend Ordinance 6871 by modifying ARTICLE XY,I-3, Section 7TTFand Section 13(1), pertag to Ground Level Pedestrian Open Space and required Off -Street Parking for Residential — Development in the SPD-1 district-'fFis item was passed on First Reading October�K, 1980; moved by Commissioner Lacasa, seconded by Commissioner Gibson. (Y) Ferre, Plummer; (Absent) Carollo. 5. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING - PLAANNING DEPARTlIENT APPLICATION Amend Ordinance 6871 ARTICLE X - HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE R---F—District to allow Convalescent Homes anTldursing Homes upon Conditional Use approvai-1 Thisitem was pass-3-on First Reading November 6, 1980; moved by Commissioner Lacasa, seconded by Commissioner Gibson. (Y) Carollo, Ferre; (Absent) Plummer. 6. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING - PLANNING DEPARTI'ENT APPLICATION Amend Ordinance 6871 ARTICLE XV - CENTRAL COMMERCIAL C-3 District toallow Automobile Rental--kgencies upon on itional Use approval rather than as a perm ute- use. This item was passed on First Reading November 6, 1980; moved by Commissioner Gibson, seconded by Commissioner Lacasa. (Y) Carollo, Ferre; (Absent) Plummer. ORD. 9214 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ORD. 9215 . MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: LACASA UNAN I MOU S ORD. 9216 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS DEFERRED TO JANUARY 22, 1981 ORD. 9217 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS ORD. 9218 MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: LACASA UNANIMOUS 4) 4) CITY CO�LMISSI0N AGENDA MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 17, 1980 7. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION Amend Ordinance 6871 pertaining to Community Based Residential Facilities. This item was deferred Trom the--Ci-tyTommission mee ing ot October 30, 1980. - PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Recommended_ Approval 7-0. - NO OBJECTIONS. 8. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by E. Albert Pallot TR., to Change the Zoning of approx. 901 N-V_._4 rcT_ Avenue, rom R-'S to - . - PLANNING-DITAR71ENT Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD Recommended -Approval 6-0. - NO OBJECTIONS. 9. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by Elmer Parker to Change the Zoning of approx. 4245 N.W. llth Street from R-3 to —TLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD RecommendsApproval - . - NO OBJECTIONS. 10. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by Jorge M. Garcia to Change the Zoning of approx. 1901 N.W. South 'River rive, from C-4-toR-4. PZANNTT _DITAI TETTRecommends Approval. - ZONING BOARD Recommended Approval - . - THIRTY OBJECT=_l5y mail- - THIRTY-SIX OBJECTORS present at ZB meeting. - TWENTY-SIX PROPONENTS present at ZB meeting. 11. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by Gunther Steen to Change the Zoning of approx. 1642-60 S. Bays orb e hurt, From R-3 toR-4. - PLANNING i Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD Recommended Approval - . - EIGHT OBJECTIONS by mail. - FIVE OBJECTORS present at ZB meeting. - ONE REPLY IN FAVOR by mail. - SIX PROPONENTS present at ZB meeting. 12. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by John J. Price to Change the Zoning of approx. 2495 N.W. 18th Terrace, -from R-1 to - . �LA1� TG�tpAR TENT Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD Recommended -5eni� aT-7-O.- - SEVEN OBJECTIOT�S - FIVE OBJECTORS present at ZB meeting. - ONE REPLY IN FAVOR by mail. - FOUR PROPONENTS present at ZB meeting. 13. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by Lazaro Rodriguez to Change the Zoning of 1023 S.W. 25th Avenue, from R-2 to 'R . ---TCAT`frTiTG�jART1�iENT Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD Recommended-Den�aT _G_-T— - NINE OBJECTIOTIS- y�riail. - ONE REPLY IN FAVOR by mail. - FOUR PROPONENTS present at ZB meeting. PAGE r10 . 2 DEFERRED MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON ABSENT: LACASA FIRST READING MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: LACASA FIRST READING MOVED: LACASA SECOND: GIBSON NOES: CAROLLO ABSENT: PLUMMER FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS MOT. 80-897 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: LACASA NOES: GIBSON MOT. 80-898 TO DENY MOVED: GIBSON SECOND: FERRE NOES: LACASA, PLU! NER_ DEFERRED CITY CotitMISSION AGENDA MEETING e DECEMBER 17. 1980 14. RESOLUTION - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION - Approving, in principle, The Culmer Transit Station Area P1 an, an Anci 11 ary Study o�-dieWi i—CompreFensi ve a ggh- b-or'iood Plan, concerning the area in immediate proximity to the Culmer Transit Station at N.W. 7th Avenue and N.W. llth Street. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Recommended Approval 7-0. - NO OBJECTIONS. 15. RESOLUTION Appeal by an objector, Searock Inc., of the Zoning Board's ranting of a Conditional Use to permit one-story mini - warehouses at at approx. 35--VW. llth Street. The applicant is Salomon Yuken TR. TFisitem was deferred from the City Commission meeting of October 30, 1930. - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends Approval in accord with the plans on file with—t-be exception that the toilet facilities should be eliminated. - ZONING BOARD GRANTED 4-2. - TWO OBJECT IONS__5_ymai1. - ONE OBJECTOR present at ZB meeting. _ 16. RESOLUTION Appeal, by the applicant, Jose Diaz, of the Zoning Board's e�ni-aT of Variance for lot wi3th and area of approx. 822 N.W. nCourt,,- nt eative Plat #1094 - "DIAZ SUBDIVISION". ---PLA ING DEPARTMENT Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD DENIED T---G—. - FOUR OBJECT IO'N'-S-by mail. - FOUR REPLIES IN FAVOR by mail. 17. RESOLUTION Appeal, by the applicant, Pedro R. Pelaez. of the Zoning oar s Denial of Variance for yards, lot coverage and area of approx. 5927 N.L. 1st Avenue. - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD DENIED - . - ONE OBJECTIONS mail. - TWO PROPONENTS present at ZB meeting. 18. RESOLUTION Accepting the Plat entitled "DOMI SUBDIVISION", located at S.W. 30th Avenue and 16th Terrace. PLAT AND STREET COMMITTEE Recommends. PAGE NO R- 80-899 MOVED-Lacasa SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS DEFERRED MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS DEFERRED MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOU$ DEFERRED BY MOT. 80-900 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: GIBSON UNANIMOUS R- 80-901 MOVED; GIBSON SECOND; CAROLLO UNANIMOUS 38g338a F- S U P P L E M E N T A L A G E N D A PRESENTATIONS = CG*1ISSION MEETING Wednesday, December 17, 1980 1: Presentation of a PLAQUE to THE HONORABLE EDUARDO COLOMBO, Consul General PRESENTATION of Argentina, in recognition of his many years of dedicated services to the Miami community. 2. Presentation of a CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION to DR. MICHAEL BIANCE for his PRESENTATION community work and interest in the Overtoun area. 3. Presentation of a CM E.NDATION to City of Miami Police Officer JUA.N CARMENATE PRESENTATION for his efforts toisard a better understanding between the community and the Police Department. 4. Presentation of a PROCI-,%%1aTION declaring January 9 through 11, 1981 GRAPHICS PRESENTATION OF THE *IF-RICAS '81 DAPS, in recognition of the imr)ortance of their e.\-position to the City of Miami's image. Receiving the Proclamation are Mr. Manny Abrams, President of Printing Industry of South Florida; Mr. Jerry Levine, Chairman of the Board of Printing Industry of South Florida; Mr. Don Duncanson, Chairman of the Show Committee; Mr. Larry Dodd, Co -Chairman of the Show Committee. _ 5. Presentation of CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION to a group of students who PRESENTATION participated in the City of Miami Police "Motorcycle, Riders Couise", and to the companies who provided the equipment for the course: Bruce Aukamp Sandra Aukamp Donald Bounds, Jr. Estelle Hoffman Serena Hamm Rasul Rasul Dan Shilling Rubin Valdes Vespa }Ionda of 36 Street ,k',IF Harley Davidson Motor Company 6. Presentation of a CO M-NI)ATION to the firm of BOUI'ERSE, PEREZ & FABREGAS WITHDRAWN' for having received the 1980 Award of Honor in Architecture for the design of the Little Havana Community Center.