HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0914RESOLUTION I10. r' '" 1 4 A RESOLUT1ION ORDERING AANOR HIGHWAY IMPROVE.H`,:17 - PHASE T, APD DESIGNATING THE PROPERTY ` _."GAINS' WHICH SPECIAL PORTION OF THE COST THERIOF AS I•iANOR IIIf':HWAY IMPROVEMENT _i , - PHASE I y H-! 1►c j WHEREAS, the overall appearance of the street rights of way in the Manor area has become severely deteriorated; and WHEREAS, most, of the streets in the Manor area have parkways in poor condition due to extensive on -street parking; pavement that is out of grade or off -center; and extensive drainage prgblems; and WH RE! S5 the jrcposei improvements will include new asphaltic. pavament, concrete sidewalk, storm drainage, curbs andAr mtter3, an! l nlocapinr; and is currently i:r_ _nj d in the Cite ofMiami's Capital Improvement Pro, ram; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. A local improvement described as MANOR HIGHWAY 1;1PROVE_•1ENT - PHASE I, H-4465, shall be made under Section, 56 of the Charter of the City of Miami, as amended, lociteA in the area bounded by N. W. 54 Street on th" north, N. A 51 Terrace and N. W. 52 Street on the south, :1. W. 7 Avenue on the east, and N. W. 12 Avenue on the west. Section 2. This improvement shall include clearing and gradinlr, construction of asphaltic concrete pavement, COir-TLr' 71 MAGa _ Ci'r; CC►rtt�tc5(Ottii ' F;:_TIE�G OF ....................., KLi,isS �.....................__ concrete curbs and/or gutters, concrete sidewalk; storm drainag,e facllitie;,, and landscaped areas. Section 3. This itni-)roverlr)tlt :;hall he designated in all and HT rH11Ar IMPROVEi'iEii:' - PHASi: I, an:_3 „lo which special ;'or,, a portion of the cost ti1� 1 �. , 1�� r:�tltl lc'r h,ii1 b'_ le. ii-noted a^ '1ANCR the b;, lot and hlocic ;dumber co21:3titUtin(" 'ill O o: tiropert,: affected by the sa1-i ,erty described as noted by astE ri:,l:t,) . Plat gook Subdiviol.n;i and Pare Bloch: Lot C0MMUNTT`' PART, 9-93 EST LLE PARK, 16-15 GENERAL CAPITAL 70-73 MIAI.1I 110,4E' ADDITION' REVISED 39-76 PINE 400D 6-10 3 RICr; i•1AllOR 43-44 1 2 3 6 7 8 0 1 2 1 2 1 2 SAVAGE 1-1AIiOR 48-9 SYLVAI: SQUARE 16-35 1 2 ALECIA CA'?EY HOI.IESTEAD A-30 - I3.1 ^in 50 ft. south and 1."'05 ft. west of the soc>nc�r of the II.?; 1/4 of Sec. 23-53-41, thence S. 100 t't., 100 ft., N. 100 ft., E. 100 ft . , to P . O. i' . 8-16 3-20 3-16 5-1.5 1, 15-30 1- 30 1-16 3,5,7,9 1-5 1-4 Tract A Tract 1 1-1.2 1-12 1-4 1-8 1-4 1,7-15 1-12 3 portions described below U Begin 150 ft, south and 955 ft, west of the 146E, corner of the N.E. 1/4 of Sec. 23-53-41) thence south 162.6 ft., west 90 ft►, north 162.6 ft., E. �0 ft., to P.O.B. BeE;in 50 ft . south abed 815 ft. west of the III. E. corner oil the N. IF,. 1/ ') of Sec. 23-53-41, thence 500 ft; . , ea t ?0 ft . , south 100 ft . , we:,t 1,-)0 ':'t . , north 100 ft . , east 10 ft., north 5`.)0 ft., ?a;1t Q() ft., UNPLATTED - - Described below Begin 50 ft. south and 295 ft. west of N.E. corner, i1. f.;. 1/4 Sec . � 3-53-�)l, thence south 100 f't., west 160 ft., north 1.00 ft., east 160 ft ., to th,� P.O.I,. PA:)S1:D AND AI)0P 'I-D this 17 day of DECEMBER � 1980. MAURICE FERRE 1.1 A Y 0 R ATTEST: L1 J C,lt.'rX PREPARED AI1D APPROVED BY Robert F. Clrir;: Assistant- City Attorne',J API'RO`:':�D ;'�,� "'� h•' :;:: AND ?CORRECTNESS: Geor <, P. 'Vilox, 1r. \ . City t,ttorney its Ur)n��-r-�� �. • OLLOW 21 E-�MIPAI, M ----- Richard L. Fo.amoen November .24, 'Ianacer MANOR - PHASE T Orderin; Donal.a ';; . Cather (For Commic.si on . eetin Director n" �i1; t]orlts or December it , 1980) • Pit C7 The Derartme7nt, of Public ':!orks recommends _ the adoption of a resolution orderin�� i�1AidOR HIG}:',..'.`.' 'IT - i _it?;_._ T_ in •� CID C- Plans all:. sl-ecif 1 cati,;:1: are bei:ir pretpare l to rebuild the follo,winr street:_ in th,2 '1-no: area. .';1. 51 i'errac (..:! . 1� - 11 Avenues) 'tree (;:.':! . 11 - 7 ^,venues) i'].';!. 5? Str(-e`. (..... 11 - 7 Avenue:;) :1.W. 11 Aver51 Ter. - 5•'I >t.) 7.":!. 9 Ave�11I'� (I;.�;!. 5"' - 514 Utre01, ) IT.';!. 52 - 5 4 Street ) `- Improvements will concreto Curbs and/or ,Utter: , 'onC."_'t ` .;i,-1E':11i.::, i Orr:t .lr:t i :p,e ;i21.2 1:iI1C15Caj)ln i:1 tiles Capital lmproveme!it ili,ci,Iram and fur, 1.; :7 11 cola,: frol-I th.' c:l I::i�l;; anc! .'torm Li9er '.i,11;''unds. ':};i:, rtill be -iu a�:.:�.,s�lbl•� i�roject. He.:lut oil at;DOD trt�}l i] ItsU PP077\ 7- t j PERTINENT INFORMATION A, The overall appearance of the street rights -of -way in the ;Manor area has become severely deteriorated. B. Most of the streets in the Manor area have parkways in poor condition clue to extensive on -street parking; pavement that is out of g;rnde or off center; and extensive drainage problems. C. The proposed improvements will includQ new asphaltic pnvement, concrete sidewalk, storm drainage, curbs and/or ;litters and landscapin;. D Manor Highway imt,rove:ient - Phase I is currently included in the City of Miami's Capital Improvement Program. ACTION TO BE TAKEN 1. A local improvement descrihed as MANOR HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I H-4465 shall be made under Section SG of the Charter of the City of Miami, as amended, located in the area bounded by N.W. S4 Street on the north, N.I. 51 Terrace and N.W. 52 Street on the south, N.W. 7 ;Avenue on the east and N.W. 12 Avenue on the west. 2. This improvement shall -include clearing; and grading, construc- tion of asphaltic concrete pavement, concrete curbs anti/or gutters, concrete sidewalk, storm drainage facilities ,and land- scaped areas. 3. This improvement shall be designated in all proceedings and assessments as MANOR fl1(lllWAY IMPROVI:MEN•T - PHASE I H-446S anti the property against which special assessments shall be matte for a portion of the cast thereof, hereunder shall be designated as MANOR HIGHWAY IMPROVI'.`•IENT DISTRICT - PHASE I 11-44K. DCii;rj "SU P P r...a: DO C E-01 i'.> n- ► \1 I .� FOL LO'VT' WE L FACT SHEET JOB NAME - MANOR HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I 11-4465 JOB SITE - N.W. 51 Terrace (N,IV. 12 Ave. - N.IV, 11 Ave.) N.W. 52 Street (N.IV. 11 Ave. - N.W. 7 Ave.) N,IV. S3 Street (N.IV. 11 Ave. - N.I;', 7 Ave.) N.IV, 11 Avenue (N.IV. 51 Ter. - N.IV. 54 St. ) N.IV. 10 ,kvonue (N,Iti. 52 St. - N.IV, S4 St. ) N.IV. 9 ,ki-enue (N.IV. 52 St. - N.IV. 54 St, ) N.IV. 8 Avenue (N.IV. 52 St. - N.IV. 54 St. ) N.IV. 7 Court (N.IV. 52 St. - N,IV, S4 St. ) JOB SCOPE - Improvements will include clearing .and grading, construction of asphaltic concrete pavement, concrete curbs and gutters, concrete sidewalk, storm drainage and landscaping;: REASON FOR IVORK - Deterioration of street rights-of-i•.ay; erosion of parktay areas due to extensive on -street parking and lack of adequate storm drainage; pavement that is out of grade and/or of center. SOURCE 017 FUNDS - Highway and Storm Seger G.O. Bond Funds JOB COST - $1,121,000 authorized in C.I.P. A portion of the cost will be assessed to the abutting property owners. CURRENT ITEM To be ordered at December 17th Commission meet - FOR CONSIDERATION - ing.