HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-80-0901RESOLUTION NO. 8 () ` () 1 A RESOD_ TION ACCEPTIN,J THE PLAT ENTITLED DOMI S[+BDIVISION A S 'BDIVISION IN THE ��s w CITY OF i` EXII, FLORTDA; AND ACCEPTIN•7, THE -- DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AND ACCEPT - IN,' THE COVENANT TO RUNIJITH TH , LAND POST- r, PONIN7� Ttii-" Ii L,F DIATi'. CONSTR CTION OF FULL ----% WIDTH TNPROVEiTENTS I NTIL REO 'IRED BY THE -� ---; DEPARTiIENT OF Pi 113LIC WORKS; AND A'. THORIZING .7 Q AND DIRECTIN , THE CITE ,A1ANAGER AND THE CITY U" CLERK TO EXEGITE THE PLAT AND PROVIDIN13 L.] FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE CO'NTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Board and the Department of Public Works have recommended the acceptance of the plat; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COL1\11SSION OF THE CITY OF 111IAMT . FLORIDA: Section I. The Plat entitled, "DOMI SliBDIVISION", is a res•.ibdivi-sion of Lots 1 and 24, Block 2, "LYNDALE ADDITION", according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, at Page 56, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, all lying in the S.E. 1/4 of Section 9, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, which by reference is -made a part hereof as if fully incorporated herein, and the dedications as shown thereon together with all existing and future planting, trees and shrubbery on said property, to the perpetual use of the public, are hereby accepted and confirmed by the City of Miami, Florida. Section 2. The Covenant To Run With The Land executed by DOMI CONSTRUCTION, INC.,postponing the immediate construction of curb and gutter, additional sidewalk and full width pavement on S.W. 30 Avenue, S.W. 16 Terrace and S.W. 17 Avenue until such time as required by the Department of Public Works of the C;TY C014l�J I��IOId ,r;E=f-TING OF "DOCUMENT INDEX '1! Dr c 1 T ITEM f`y0. �— — j �.......................... n! City of Miami is hereby accepted and the proper officials are directed to record said covenant after Plat has been recorded in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Section 3. The City Manager and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Plat. PASSED AN0 ADOPTED this 17 day of December , 1980. MAtIRICE .A, EERBE_-- MAYOR ATTEST: PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: APPROVED AS TO FOZM AND CORRECTNESS: AISTANT CITY ATTO NEi' GEORG � SSF. KNOX, JR.., �ITY ATTORNEY t�Vfly V -2- r CITY CF INTER -OFFICE IMEMORANUU?l Richard L Fosmoen City Manager _ Donald W. Cather Director of Public Works November 25. 1980 'U J.' DONMI SUBDIVISION Resolution ,Accepting Proposed Record Plat located on S.W. 30 Avenue between S.W. 16 Terrace and S.W. 17 Street (For Coimri.s- sion 'Meeting of December 17,1;8 The Department of Public Works recommends the approval of the plat by the City Com- mission of Miami , Florida, and certifies its correctness as to form. The proposed record plat entitled DO'II SUBDIVISION is a replat of Lots 1 and 24, Blo_k 2, Lynd-ile Addition, (7-56) and will consist of two lots zoned 111-2. This plat is be'_n, forwri-rded to your office for City Commission action. Also attached ire the 1=o11ovin� itemized papers necessary to present the Plat to the City Commission of :Miami: (1) Resoli'ti on accc;)t i 11; the Pl it (2) Print of pro-losed l:ecord 1'1•_.It (3) Agrccnent for :: pci-triin1n;g- to subdivision improvements (4) Covenant ii,rncdi_:ite constroction of certain sc,bdivision `t„pr()vc-:unts (5) Opini-on of Ti_tic (6) Mei,,orcand�,m fro;,i the Dcp:irtment of Plannin- -pertaining to landsc,ipin:i req ire ,aunts (7) Memorandam from the Minzii-Dade Water and Sewer Authority pertaining to wiLcr m.i1ns and appurtenances (8) Portion of City .'atlas Sheet No. 40 sho:ving property platted colored in red. DWC:AL: mf "SUPPORTIVE DvC u,v,EN i_S FOLLOW" "b8U—go, 0^' r, THE CITY OF MIA'1ll, FLORIDA DEPART'SENT OF I�JBLIC WORKS December 17 , 1980 REPORT OF PROPOSED RECORD PLAT OF _ DONiI SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF, MIA`T, FLORIDA The accompanying Plat entitled DOMI SUBDIVISION was prepared by Charles ta. Carr. It is in correct form for sub- mission to the City Commission and is forwarded with a reco-emendation that it be approved. PERTINENT INFGT,11TI0N RE17,ARDING THE PLAT: (1) The property platted is a replat of Lots 1 and 24, Block 2, L.yndale Addition, (7-56) and will consist of two lots Zoacd R-2 . (2) The location of the streets and the widths conform with the standards of the Department of Public Works of the City of :Tian:., Florida. (3) As certifieJ Lo by Charles W. Carr, Registered Land Surveyor, this Plat complies with the plat filing laws of the State of Florida. (4) By authority off Resolution No. ZB 130-79, adopted June 4, 19731, t1h-2 flat was reconm,ead2J fo- acceptance by .tine City Zo,.-iin� Board of 'Mi.i-ili , Fl o,_ ida . (5) The attached Ccr L-if icate of Title E:;aminati on dated October 30, 1980 si_.ti;ned by Gary V. Smith, Attorney, indicates that the fee simple titled to the property platted is correctly vested in D0'11 CONSTRUCTION, INC., DF,LFIN ,NARQUEZ AND EMILIO Dl'' JESUS FERNANDEZ and the Plat has been correctly executed. `.`SUPPOr'T11r'c - `,CU I i o_i 4, 1 FC L LC VV EA 0 (6) The area platted is encumbered by a mortgage and the mortgage holder (s) have executed the Plat and joined in its dedications. (7) In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 54, Section 54-20, of The Code of The City of Miami, Florida, a Cashier's Check in the amount of $2,600 has been tender- ed by the o a2r, DOMI CONSTRUCTION, INC. This Cashier's Check has been deposited with the Director of Finance and will guarantee the completion of the subdivision improvements according to the provisions of the A' reemcnt between The City of Miami ind th', afore:iientioned I)O,II CONSTRUCTION, INC. The improvements required at the prop,_rty platted are listed as follows: Landscaping, Removal of Existin; Sidewalk, Grading anal Shaping of Street Shoulder and Storm Drainage Structures. (8) It is recommended that the attach-2d covenant be accepted postponing the immediate construction of full width improvements on S.W. 30 Ave., S.W. 17 Ave. and S.W. 16 Terr. until the area is more fully developed. (9) The location of the prop_�,rty is shown colored in red on the accompanying copy of a portion of City of Miami, Flor- ida, Atlas Sheet No. 40. (10) The attached Resolution has been prepared for the accept- ance of the Plat by the City Co-n:nission of Miami, Florida. WKB:mf Its U �; O IRTI VE DOCuiLi�► f�s FOLLOW? --r • 11 O.i .j AGREEMENT FOR COINSTRUCTION OF CE.RTAIN Impl1Ov.EmENTS PURSUANT TO PROVISION!;; OF • CHAPTER 54, SECTION 54--20 THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIA1,1I, FLORIDA �1F-r'i!•sS-ie�*,L.;s:.r.ii..-..r.::,�. tr.x WHEREAS, ` D0MI_CONSTRUCTION, INC. (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner"), concurrently with they delivery of this Agreement, has applied to THE' CITY OF MIA11I, FLORIDA, (hereinafter referrFA to a the "City") , for, the acceptance and conf Ar,aa t_ion by the Co,.- aission of said City, of a certain proposed plat of a suhdivision to be kno:•rn as DOMI a copy of which proposed plat is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A"; and j•THH1HI•;AS, Chapter 511, Section 511-20, WE CODE OIL THE CITY OF MIAi•il, F'I�O::IUA, requires that any proposed 'plat, submitted to said Comimission for accepl ,ancu and confirm .lion shall be accompanied by Ln Ai-r•t:­::,cizt entered in`.o by the U°;;per of the land be:in�; pl �ttcci, wi l 11 th:� D recto.' of tl:e Delr!rt:mc�nt of Public l•;or•1::, on bL�h_rlf' of said City, for the construction of certain irriprovt2m_rnts therein enumeratc.•d, the performance of which Ai;reement shill be secured by a good and sufficient,_ L'erformancc Bond or Cauhier l s Ch:.:ck; the Omer hereby covenants and agrees with the said City a: fol.l o:•r:. : 1. Witlij.n one (1) year from the effective date of the acceptance and corlt'irr: on of said plat by the Commission of raiA City, or hrlor to the i. ns ance by the City of Miami of a CertJ.f'j cr,te of Occullnncy for the pr c:1i the 0ancr t•ri ll conc,tru t., or cau:.e: to have cc1n:•.tr•ucted, at: his o;•;n expense and in accordance vri_th star--lal-i sut.(!tf.i.ctrti.ons of sc._id City, all jI:1Pr'U!/( i'ICtlt :, a:> are l.i:,ted and de:.criL,- .l upon the estimate of c c),-,t of said Lmprovi�I:ents, a copy Willi. i'ev:' is attach,.'d heret.0 ."S1 i'oi r 1 1'11 r'1'l Rev 8/7 I '-' :._: 0 c EyvL.i.._lJYY9f ;* 7 o t s as exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. Althou h one year is allowed for the completion of the aforementioned improvement., It is not in the public interest that such construction work should be prolonc-ed to the extent that it c•rould have a disorg nizin,- effect upon the neighborhood. After the work is started, the O:Iner hereby agrees to prosecute said work proc-,ressi.vely so as to comnplete it in a reasonable len-th of time a5 determined by the Department of Public t•lorks. The Ot•;ner hereby an-rees to abide by all of the provisions of the "Guide for Work in the Public Rit;ht of Zday", a copy of which is attached linrcto and by this reference rna.de a part hereof. 2. In accordance with t-he provisions of said Chapter 54, Section 54-20, THE' COi)E Or Ti!L CITY 01 MIATLII, F1,0:;ID:1, the Owner herr_with deposits with the City a Cashier's Check in the amount of $ 2,600.00 which _nmount: is not less than one hundred (1005) percent: of thy. es t _mated cost of the con:3truction of the In tl.. att chcc: F.xhib't ' B"3 plus thirteen ' (13,02) percent for end ir. 'crinf; or contin ent costs and damages, the eon,11tions of the du :oc,it be-Inf, such that if the O;Incr h 11 f'ull�f an-' f"­:i thfully perfor:ri Wic: work in accordance with the tee ; s of this and 'ha--, sub„itted to tYlc City of of 1'u1ilic Z•lork3 a letter from a lacyi:;tered Land Surveyor certi fyln(- that the Permanent: Reference 'Monuments indie.;ted oIl the flat: h_:ve beurr ir:stallud and properly placed, the a;;:ount of said ch•,:c',: Shr.11 b, returned to the O;Iner; other- wi-:,e:, in thc, evc::it of the fallu.,u or neglect of the Owner to perform this ASrcetrls_'Izt, said cheer. shall be applied by said City to the cost of colistructini; or completion the improvements, together with any Cllj;�t.<:er'ill� oI' cO/ZtinLc-nt co.,; S and Tiny dam.:(;c;, direct or 11-vilrect,1 not to exceecl thirteen (13;,) percent therc,of, which nal d Cat;, may nu::t al n onaccount of the failure - Of, tho O:tncr to cz:r2 y out tared e;_(rctctc -11.1 of the provisions of th1 s, /1�2 ec:c!::nt . O:rner fuc•ther covenant:; and agrees to pay the ald City rc:tl1;or1u1)1(: tittot•rtvy. ' fce•s jr, the event of they 0;•:ner':� default , ti • «SUPPOR7j� `s t - 1 J F • ►-- �-. � Vht� s, IN WIT,IESS WHIMEOF , the Owner has caused these presents to he executed ar.d signed in its name by its proper officer, and its corporate seal to be af.fiked hereto the day and year first above set forth,C ,UCT10-,1 IIdC.�.,- BY: 'C A;•15IA' ; PRESIDENT Attestq, v—r U .% J1YARY (SELL) STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS: COUNTY 017 DUDE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this l `I day of ►J (w A.D., 1980, before me personally appeared t•1AYII.10 CAP•IBIASO as President and Secretary of DOMI CO iSTRUCTION, INC., a corporation under the lacqs of the State of Florida, to 1ne )mown to be thewho signed the fore(.going instrussleilt as such officer and �;evertllly ac':nowlcdcby,d the execution thoreoI t(') 1 -• hir; free tact and ;ncl1 offices for the Uses F1;1d th(�rhir) 171-ntior.c'(? Z1nd th-:t he affixr'd thereto t1;"' of; ici;17 of stli_d c")'-,)0rat_i[):1, and that the Silid ].Il`;1:rllt^Atli: ].` t,l[, Z1Ct a11[1 c1--iCC o; ---Iid c,--)L"hor.tioll. t11' hanJ and of it -dill at tliami, Dade County, F1Ui"lda, on the dzt.y and year first alcove Writters- Ncitar.y PLIblic, StaLe�6L Florida ily Coiimission Fxhiresc APPROVED AS TO FORM & CORRECTNESS APPROVED CITY ATTORIJ::Y Director, Department Of Public forks This instrument prepared by: _ Depal;: tmellt. of haai _City of _Miami, _[Florida "SUPPQPTiV_ E Dr) G1 F��._ ��' EXHIBIT "B" TO ACCOMPANY THE AGREE.I7NT BETWEEN THE CITY OF I`ilAMI, FLORIDA AND DOMI CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR Ii`IpROVE,IENTS AT DO,fI SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON S. W. 30 AVENUE BETWEEN S. W. 16 TERRACE AND S. 14. 17 STREET LANDSCAPING $ 800.00 REMOVAL OF EXISTING SIDEWALK 150.00 Approximately 150 Square Feet SID'.-'�, AT-K 195.00 Appro::ini-itely 150 Square Feet GRADING AND SHAPING OF STREET SHOULDER 240.00 Approximately 120 Square Yards STOR',1 DRAI:;AGE, STR U CTCIRE 900.00 ESTI: L\TED COST OF I:,IP OVEM Eti'TS 29285.00 (13 ) ENGINEER1L,G AND CONTIN,.,ENT 297.00 TOTAL $ 2,582.00 AMOUNIT OF PERFOR1-1A'NCE BOND OR CASHIER'S CHECK $ 2,600.00 %Inforination co -kerning the landscaping requirecm nts shall be obtained from the City of Miami Planning Department. "SUPPORTIVE `" 's ii FOLLOW? so- 901 t COVENANT TO RL'N WITH THE LAND WHEREAS, DOM CONSTRUCTION, INC. (hereinafter referred to as "the M NER" or "hc", irrespective of actual gender and number, and meaning either singular or plural and including heirs, assigns and successors in interest thereof, %vhere the context so requires or admits) is the present £ee simple owner of a subdivision entitled DMT SUBDIVISIOV as recorded in Plat Boor at Page of the Pubes Rccor ds of Dade County, Florida; anti The Cite of \fian:i, a municipal corporation in the State of Flo: -__.a, in t::c Court,.: of Daccc., (hereinafter. referred to as the "CITY"), p... _,_... to Ch: per 54., Section 1-20 of Tli . CODE OF T: Ci 1 O: `r .�O_�:i�.-., rer, —the the O','; to construct or cc:a50 t0 De c0::s._ ,. teC ::t n0 e>: (--1,s e to tI-,e CTTi, t!-:e fo110wL'- i2:^:7rOVe- 17:ents within LL aro- an c'./or On the streets abuttiI:� said subeivision full width improve�,,iants on S.W. 30 Ave. , S.W. 17 Ave. an:] S.W. 16 Terrace and WHEREAS, the OWNER asks to be relieved of his obligation to construct the aforementioned improvements at this time, and in con- sideration of the forhuarance of the CITY he agrees \vitf: the CITY that tie will at his o•:-r, c :;i,cn::e con.,Aruct thc: aforementioned irnproveznents at such time in the future as he is notified by thu CITY that the aforementioned imhrovemttnts are necessary or desirable; D0-C RD,LLOW" 0 s NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises herein set out, the OWNER hereby CO%tnants and agrees with the CITY to construct or cause to be constructed at the expense of the OWNER, and -,vithout cost to the CITY, the aforementioned improvements within the area and/or on the street right-of-way abutting the aforesaid sub- cdvision, upon thirty (30) days written notice from the Director of the Department of Public Works of the City of Miarni, Florida, addressed to the OWNER, at 1230 N.W. 7th Strut, Mia-iii, Florida 33125 It is expressly agreed that this obligation shall be binding upon the OWNER, his heirs, successors in interest or assigns, and shall be a condition implied in any conve\•ance or other instrument affecting the title to the aforesaid subdivision or any portion thereof. In the event that the 01'; :r:R or any future fee simple owner of any lot in said subdivision shall fail to cause the aforementioned improveirnents to be constructed within the t_rea, and/or in the street right-of-v a) abutting the property platted as herein provided v:ithin thirty (30) days after the mailin;o of the written notice from the Director of the Department of Public Works of The City of Miami, Florida, then the City Manager of The City of Miami, Florida, shall act as agEnt of the 0%V NE.R or any fee simple owner of any lot or parcel described in said written notice, \\,-hich agency is hereby specifically created, and said City Manager shall cause the aforementioned improvements to be constructed at the expense of the OWNER and/or said fee simple owner, and the amount of such construction cost shall be declared and established as a lien on the property of.such defaulting; O'►ti'NER and enforced as any lien for materials furnished and work and labor done, as provided under the Statutes of Florida. -2- "SUPPOPTIVE FOLLC-VV" t7 :. 'k. F IN WIT„E3S the 0:►:.:.. has caused these present:' to be e::ecuted and , i-n-,d in its name b;; it:_ pr oi,er off-- ,er and its ccrperate seal to be afii::e:l hereto the day and year first above set forth. Ci;,� -CO:STLC, Ii in the Fresence of: n BY: N1 '10 CAMBZASO, RE IDE'N'T AND S CRC , Witn es s Witness CORPORATE SEAL STATE OF FLOR T DA ) COUNTY OF D:;DE ) REF. # 5 Cn-:•,^I_' t::st on this day of ,���'�=�+C �'-A.D., before me sor:ll; aptie�._ ed .i�lI�1O CA�IBIASO, President and Secretary of DO,II CONSTRUCTION INC. a CONSTRUCTION, under the lass Cin ti: ' .C.t;� r� t i�:. :7 tc }tee th per c .n �'ri ^v .S �=.e'd te _ J _ e.._ t:.=- - _ his t a :1 of __.,er' for u3e.. an pur - z IZu tl-erG`v t..� Cfs a o; s id cc - c n , an th' tiie S4fQ 1nstr'u:'. n-. is uhe act and dLC e�_1 of oc Crati^n. 1'7LT.._`7 -7 S y t a,. no of: -Lc f al seal at Ilia i, Ccu nth✓ of Dade, a^d S .ate c: : l r�c�, t., cay an_: year lass aforesaid. ♦ =1MY /IIBIIC STATE OF i,CULCA AT UKA - Ily Com'mlSSIU;J E!.plus Clzc. 10 1c?L'2 j r. m .ai Notary Public, -State of Florida at Lar—e AF'P;i0VFD AS TO FOR-1 & CORK,:C'I'i•IEa3 APPROVED City Attorney Director, Department of' Public 1•1orks This Instrument Prepared by Olt'✓ Of Miami, Florida Q_..1 1 J 1 �..� L.� U V`tl f - �, .:f. _ _ _•.i-_ 4�: `ter. -'--.- -•.- -. na {4 METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY - PUBLIC WORKS �a ENGINEERING - SUBDIVISION CONTROL. OPINION OF TITLE TO: DADE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. t With the understanding that this opinion of title: is furnished to DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ! in compliance with its Ordinance No. 57-30, and as nn im!ucernent for acceptance of a proposed final I subdivision plat coveriv,', tle real p;o; --rty hFrreinaf,: r c?oscr.b>_d. It is hereby certified that I ('.ve) have examined th,e complete Abstract of 'Title completely covering; t ,; the period frog; 131-GINM NG to October 30 — --A.D. 19 8_0__., at 2:`}5�.-',I., incli ;ive, of the following described real property: (Describe only realty to be subdivided) Lot 24, Block 2, less the EaSt 5 Feet thereof, and Lot 1, Block 2., les:; the East 5 Feet thereof_, LYNDALF: ADDITION according to t` A Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 56, of tree Public. Records of Dada County, Florida. i F ). %; L.+.m;; my (ou:) opinion on said complete abstract covering said period I (we) an (are) of the opinion that on tale last raentio:xd dote the fee siu:ple, title to the above eescribed real property was E ve ,tvd ill: 77 //�� INC.' ' (' .� !""�i tJ �`�I�10", Ias to Lot 1, Le!;s thl,' ECAst 5 FeC!t o UOi'1 Cc�l . � 1 ,_ �.� 111(_ -1: 2 iitlrl th(- N(wLh 45 Feet, the Etist 5 Fect-. of Lot: 24, Ah!)ITIG:l, T'li 7/56 IIAI1 (I"II:G atl(l I:'•i7l,10 D!," JES Ff:1;`,ANI)I•:'!,, as joint: tenant.,; vii.t h the r.ir;ht-. of ::fir V tvoYf;hip, a,,; to Lot. 24, 1C:.`i i tll(.-! Eaf,. . 5 t'cc t= mid Hier Nc_)rth 4'i Fcc-t of. Bloc}: 2, T,YIIMEE AI)DI 'ION, PB 7/56. I z`SUP rPn�'T',VE 111,06-11 - k,AGF 1 i p — Sub:eet to the following encumbrances, bens, and other exception-- = GEN'EPAL EXCEPTIONS is '' 1. All taxes for the year in which this opinion is rendered, unless noted below th5t quch taxe5 h*Ve been paid. , 2. Rights of jv:rsons other than the above owners who are in possession. 3. Facts :hat i•:ould be disclosed upon acer::ate survey. 4. Any unrecorded labor, mechanics' or naterialr ens' liens. 5. Zoning and otter restrictions imposed by f•ove-mrtental authority. � y SPECIr,L EXCEPTIONS 6. That cortain Mortgage in favor of Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Assoc .a Lion, dated April 28, 1975, and filed for record May 2, 1975 in Official Rocor_ds Boo}; 8978, Page 825 of the Public Records of D.ide County, Florida, as to Lot 24, less the East 5 Feet thereof-, and less the North. 45 feet Lholroof, in Block 2, LYNDALE ADDTTION, FL 7/56, Dade County. . . .• 6 jai s: f "SUPPOR-MVE . FOLLUVU" Therefore it is my (our) opinion -hat the Eollowin:; parties ioin in the platting of 0e above described :eat prorert}' in order to grant DADS COUNT'i • FLORIDA. and the public, a Food and proper title to the dedicated areas shown on the final Plat of the aforedcscri�;-_-d property, the subdivision thereof to t:e xnuicn as SPECIAL. EXCEPTION ! NAME INTEREST NUMBER r Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Association Mortgact ee 6 • • , e , • i c r e • r`i I, the under siVned, further certify that I oni an attocne)-at-tanr duly admitted to practice in the Stnte of Florida, and an a rnernber in rood :aatiding of the Florida Bar. Rc :pc•ct(r:lly subriitted this at' day of _ ik�v�'*rl�E't�i 41 F� l / - C V . Al)D! i Florida 33125 T`SUpPJ1 %TIVE v t Donald W. Cather, Director August 1, 1979 Department of Public Works Landscape Requirement - DOMI 1 Tentative Plat 1#671-A Jim Reid, Director Planning Department The Planning Department recommends the following landscape treatment 1. Eight (8) shade trees to be planted in the parkway. Any combination of the following listed trees will be acceptable. a. Golden Shower (Cassin Fistula) b. Gumbo Limbo (1iusera Simarnba) c. Pon�am (Pongamin 11:nnatn) d. Rosewood (Dnlheruia Sissoo) BLACK OLIVES AND ;IAIIO( A%i S 1%'I:L1. NOT BE ACCEPTED. These trees to conform to the followin?,, standards. Grade - Flori d.n :;I or better Height - S to 10 feet overall 2. The e-xistln.g sod in the parkv:ay will remain. Estimated total cost of landscaping - $800.00. JR:LYH:dr cc: Public 'dorks (2) Plat File (3) Central Pile (1) t �2• •M, "SUPPORTIVE DOG; �,��� i�s FOLLOW" Donald W. Cather, Director October 19, 1979 City of Min:mi 'Public Works Dept. Ray Stif" _ ..:._ - Tentative Plat iTo. 671-A Utility Liaison En, ineer D014I Subdivision 1•iiarni-Dade -ter Se,•rer Authority The above listed tentative plat has existing water mains to serve the property. Unless there is an unusual use rewiring more than an 8-inch size, additional water mainz are not required. DO OLLUVV'��, 1 ,' i�a"' �. 6 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 12 c Ic IA 13u I H I I I �z - k I 9 10 11 12 1,--. 7 W. 5 S 7 r7 1 j17 15 3 17 1 19 s I '_` . 110 R 7 G 5 4 i ': y,�, II j 1- 1,3 T, ]Z4 10 _ 3 13 7 5 3 N 197.!25 176 20 1Fd 1-10 Ili 1 M, 17 1:3 19 110 2 16 r — to 01'.5 't 0 50 40 4 41 ,33 7 G 5 1312 11 I10 ' .4 r. 7 G 5 3 2 12 it 17 111)113120121 12, 5 c 1 7f 71 t� 3 7 tl 2 4 2] j 7,-2 2 4 -� 75- 3 18 c 6 17 1 19 .LC 21 1 22 's 01 S A'.YT 0 T T SLJO.—1 - T,)7 R;�iI,I 1��-.1171 �5 1 -.4 2G 27 71 7t 17G�I.mo,' 1�`ti+ 10 0 3 "r 6 5 4 2 J-1 L 5 16 17 18 19 0 21 2, z ��1�7 IG 50 71 ic, 17 13 19 20 ZI 7 2 2 4 9 [5 L2 7 0 50 6' 1y O 21 2 2 21 24 A I I y 43 7 i, 4 it 3 2 1 0 19 Gs SO 50 63 C) � 1,4 1 1 -1 18 :9 '-0 21 22 23 24 12 11 10 9 F1 7 6 5 q 3 2 to 62 12 n IO T_S b 14 r13 50 15 7G 71 22 23 Z4 O 14 13 ',IWl�ll�llli� �� .� III'�11116V'IpIIPofNoI'�,klllllilllti�lu'I�IIIIII,�� � "` 101 �*k st, Fti E\ rl, 7Z o7 Q 13 TAI 1,7 ft7 'el 7,tt •• �` -•=.�n ,' /cTGY � (. �f';i-'�i". , ;� f r _ ;7:.(. i _ -•-� / ?- :" �. � _ -' i � ^- C�--� %•' .'7:•- J >�,..�-•�/',1:� � � i � �y / `.� /� � o'er, does //7(rJ"Pa'7< -,, 7{J11714 1; � � � / �:%..` Z ��� f a: � . <..'/IT �' :7 ... �%: �.' .h_�_},�i_ :.. � �'4'.S � '7 j,j •�i� �"�'�%�/r� : 7> .' C'•!' %. /' :J[>' /,+S 1 j^ 1` 2to` �'�.�•'X_� ?•`—_ �G': �` t^r' .:Y ',X i'-J �C�?-7t7 ,:1r. F:''�. PCs %�:.:� /.~5 � -i Ji_ Rim_ 1 _ _2 �/ L L -�,, • . .� ��^ •`n ,C � � /,,� � A �' i T! IL�'/�.:',.> , r"E:�) G L �, �/. s�i : ✓ '.7 r: t/ � � ? � t/�.S �/'�-� O!� 2A t •. T4' t 1 y/_/ ,_ t� _ .�'T'�y"efOrt� �7e /i%�5�'IL�r:�Gn�l//C/ Nwl - r` r 'F'l; `..� ri e�/ `' C. t�c.-i`-', '-�•` t : 'n __L�_'�1- .. .r� F. i- '✓./ 6.7--- . : /�= r� L`rf i o_�--•- = E� N A O ! c OT �_ . ! _ !.� ✓ i _ c t �(. I'��'�7i,- r' _77 / �� i?77. C.�s�/7/`i�� 7 �'��• /,'i ? '�f��[ .' r`w, iG. spa :I" /lr '! •->.�: Y� ��1? �. ;�._. �/ `7.'i'' �. 7-�,G�.:y ,-7/. _ �/ 1. ��-7// I/�/ y7/". •. ..� :.L� �%_.'....H �;rr��'.Ovj Qi � `' f� � � �:v�_,''.� "�' "" j"�-�- IL IL - � may, - � .r �-•....: �� ; _ _ 1 -- � - ' - �• � .. �, L_ •- L �C%i � � /L i� - ,•i' . � �. ••.` "`% '.. •-ram . � .-• T "�' JH � .�, , T l _. 4 � - r/V�.� / - _ _ _ j '`� �` ; � ,$U/C�e/ Y'/ �/ c',r' �?: �`�G' J�% Ali - �/";:� : �'/c rl;: Il'�'!," . .�t�f- .C't?r. . � � f �� -� •'� . Q �,.. -. ►, �'-...._ -+- ._^! i . •i� f:. ZZZ - r • 1 tx :i ''' - l n ; r T 1 C - - v ' . - _ 1- , r Jr'C '11'!0� .► ,7. : �!' 1 G the p,'Llt"Jjf G Sd ,� •� ;�, �= --,' of the public frr t;r^,,er cvrposes,reservirgtu the ded/cators,!A.e/r sac cessors c:- reversions (hereof, rwhenPver disconnnued by /aw. • 0 II BDIVISION //0/- ��Vowz Z-- 'aanrl'ov'" ors 1AA/P -2,VV 7 0,vc . IAMI - 7$ 5s -41 go JV 710 11 At- t IN IA A123,el 4 7-7J a *t s jix :` Pt. a 7' P3ooK 49,q&,r- ------ - __=- 5 )CIVDW ALL Mf-/1/ ese' TNEv� Pff5e&r6 : `B Thal- VDM/ COAL TeMCT/Drt/, /a/C, a F/or/dQ Corcaorafian, ?�e;�,�'ir� /�//ar?ue� crr� de. Fcrno%7a/c z have �aysccl c% The /al- errr`ef�'e gym/%io D� fo be Inaerlt,?C/ ed /✓ 'e IDoM/ SOZ3,D/Y/5/O,Cl, -The 541,-,e a reSubdYiSian o'e7hte cl-lbe?v �. properfy- DFSCR/PT/0�1= �o74.s 1 and 2¢ /ess fire/ -eon f%e EQs7�4 5 e,'/�oc,k' Z, L y cJDALEADDITIoitl ; accordrfy -,,In the yla f the., -eon' as re�o� nPa' /� /a'� P�ooK 7, of Paye 5G o The Aub/. c iQer_ ovds o� .Dord� 6,00,71 F/�riQ'a I>A�� CoUwTf� PLAT_ �EST,e/c7%a?/S�Alt/a /ndividuQ/wcf%s wi/ � ,� , Zu/Ih #7,,:5.5obdiv/.51o17 except ,Cot' /rri�afion� air Coiidii'ior�iir or 5wi177/a9 /oeofs_ / The use o1.seplic fan/Y,S Wi// trot be ,oerrrJiT n' �vi7�rirr fLriS Sv iYsiar�� U � Gf ov ' �� femporory use irr vc'ca,�dQ.-rce ru,^7�r .5fa� or eoar��y `�ul�ic�s. ,rQ// /7CLtl e%G71riC a�7d ff�a� COMIM P/Gaf70/7 11he5 Wi/hin �f7i5 SUfx/ivis/any o/her 74n firr>sinissiorr /i�e5, 5it�!/� /n�i u�E�9ror»4! OkYA/ -,eS PLAT lEL.S7;�/c7-IOVS = ,4 yfrip o/' /onc/ as sbowr7 yhe a:�f c.�Po' j,/al- is het-eby ese�ved dos- 7fre insfa//afiorr ana'rnaiiifenv���e o�Joubf c Ufi/.1ieS. /4/ W/ 7 /ASS Alr7 <,PFOF we have 5e7 ovr 17a,7t S arrc/SP_a/S aril fh. e SQic/ ( .DD/W/ �0AI:. T;264 /7 v, 1.Vc. has eausac! These prescn�s �o be siq�ed Tor �rrrc/Ar-t ( Y. ,6eball b ifs Presic%rr o;%��fs eo`/oo�a�c sect/ �`o be r�crrT/o Q��xeal Ae ZG�ih�C21'!l DB/�/r1 /1/Ia/-gue -�� 5-i171/o �e �Te vs Ferivr��/e z �1Ulcrx c r' biQscs - 9res v.-.,_ TO ALL S/_��L'.�7✓h'E`S. . /6'1t"UOWL rare �'�rrxJ, dedrrv�ii�rss Sfo off/"/orrd�z 1 NE ���5� C�,PT/r S�' 3e tore r7e Otis dQ� r5dr�o.i . gnome ire / /�?Q,�esrna /�,a,✓ Win• Caurr,,fY o�,7�'ac% Comb%ps.::,, fires/,ierr�' o�'�D/14/ CD,'I/.ST,P//CT/O/1 � LI!' .:�, �:ct-i�/a Gor�Zv-ar-/�;. rrasa�'1/�/otr�✓n,�-dn % � - - �eifir� l-�f7grgvez or/Gi�a7i/io ne Jesus �er.��.nc%z, fo me eve//o.ir�oE�e r�iiersarr� dascrr6e� in andwno executed theforeyan fI15'fruln21+� and rvho oc,(',so,v/edema tha% hey executed ttie Marna Free/y and ✓a�tu.�Itt</jt thn�ticy T/,erefo fi1G o!i'ico/fir,/o{_,�.r�cor�vrofiGrl on�'Yiraf iflbthe r�'rK-.pc1�'o�l� ;;.�,�:� 05 suc/i oFi'irers oiSoidGor�o/•ot/on, o�xed daed of Sard c os/oarof%a�7. - ";�*'F°r, 'k ¢n Wilnes5 rrryh�ndcrrr�'oi^/'icais�a/�sris �, or _ �•o. My '7 - / +' ;" /; c l �a 101�11 fidfll� � I 0' 1 MW MY Maw DOMI 5UBDIvISION .0.1 07-'5 1 �Vl "Ivv,4zz-- P 75 we -Sec --d.— - OAJ 30 Pi! r1l) Mau 4773 In PAL R T BOOK ARG4` - /(I!/01l1/ AiL M�IU 8/ TN�v� PlPESe�c/T5: ThU r IJOM/ Cv vSTrPI/G T/Oti/, /�¢/C, a F/orra!o Co r/✓ora fi 0? _)9e 11irr Ala,� eve z_ arr min/%io De .TeSvs Fcf-nG!�q'c z , hove moused to be rrruc% fire attached /✓/crf �trftlFleca� 'DDla'1/ .BUBO/Y/5/Du; the _5ar?7e be: o resabd vision a� fhP Hof/au�ir�1c aB�Cr/6ec1� � �7rape/-;ly J�SC P/PT/O�l = 1_o7.S 1 a,7d 2¢ Ie55 (here o fh� EQsf 5 ,Peel`, /ocf�' 2� L k� I ALA ADDIT/OAl I'llaccorair7y tn� the /r/ r`hereo� a5 f-Bcora'Pa' /i� /� < 7, at Poye 5� the n(Idl! e 2er_o,,, 5 of -Oaa6 Courrff pAp.COIJ/iJ% f� PLAT �ESTRIC7_10V.5 Ao /i�divic/ua/wells wi/, � perinil�a� ;�air w119fit/u6ji/T ceacv,000/S. The uSe o�.Se! ll'C tan/ls cvi// 17074 be ,oef-rai d u.,'i11iirr fhiS 5U1 -1017r urn/eS-o li ro e �'oN temporary use ir7 acco;-da17Ce W117 _41a commUn/cafioa 1ii�es wl-lhin ,phis 5��fxJ'v/5/any offer won frrr/SrniSsion /ir�es, shn/lf 1757 4aIlea lJ�d�< grovad PLT rP��T,'/c7/o2/5 : ,4 �,�i i,o o ar land qs sho�v�r 64r dr�she�/irrPs c the aac.Pa'r✓/U� is h, ereL�y re s e�t�ea��of- -he /n5fa//nfiotr ana'rno��f�i���>r 4�roub/�c 'I/ W/7;th5 .S �i/n � 2EoF we hove. Set 00"- f7anCls on�.Sea15 aric/ the ,Do/I/1/ �-O, AIS7T2OCT/u�/, Z�/c has eousac/ these eese17fs fo be sigrrea" r-ar c�r�d a-' s ifs laeh. alb 2 ifs l�res1 cler7 a� ifs ccf-fora sea/ fo &e reurrfo this 1wal-yue z Eirir/o Je Jews Fer.7or�c%z /Wox, o C , 6iaSo Wi mess r,...t-... 7O 4L4( 5fo� o��/or-:d�z SS ; / N�,P�.Br :��,�'T/L',s'-• 3e pore r.7e t�is�a y �r.�rrn:. � ��c-�T�e� ' /s:?;^x-1,�o IL»`��ir.7 a1'1D. CaUrl �y o,�', %�ae% C�,�n bia�:� , ._ •-��> !�: e,7 f ar L ��/Z, i .'.�1L:5, TD. e rr �?�r�UP_? orrci! �•'rl!/i0 7>e ,JE 5%✓y �- r:r� ndez. �o r77e_ Lve�/�c_i�^ �D.ae th,- L�rsUrr� � describedin andwtio cxccufed theFor[� hq rr�men7� a�a Wno oc(r.ow/edged tnc.� f rey execured the a/n�ree/y ones �o/si►i%rr/c • a5 5uc% pu'iCfrs o�,5ord co•porofian, f�,nf+hc_y a xed ;tiiP�eto frte ;'e.,,.7.s coroera�ion o�.>'�+aT`:''is tfre tree ar7f"oirc7i dceo aif Bard G' ornor-of%an . YVr tne55 175 hvn Ica" a tic,_ ;tea, h?i5 NIy Gommis_s/art ant sir __=-�L.._-- t z% (.1! aE- i ��%•:- .'' •-� . .'' :�'" l�`� '--.c - , ,- , .. ?". �'�c _ _ Cam__._ � n� �- v L�( �cn-r,,-. rf ��{.�"( IL-=J/:,%-l1. ,:.. �i ,7L�:. -'r-+ `Cn;/•�- fi;,��,>-�' ,'+1,0 it'/..> 7. ��'%`.;� "'i .:_� :����n/-��•'LiC �..�_._.__ [' /t k ` L n r-• 71,17,17 + ` � � /'- -r-�' <".. //✓% - - � •' � L._'.f /ten p ♦L } '` -y � fir ✓� ; � � •. !' � .r/�.�-, `.i.� /�•„ ,��r i _) .f _ .�-. �i- h/-.'�-•j „Or+:�'•' �'!'-r,w _ `", `'..` �, "" _} ' --. ,- .�. - •,� - '" dlcote�. °the perpetuo% us The I eA-,- ��� �,.� . _�..e; zs f . - . <.., ._^; ore hereby de 0 10 -�-c� - r the reversion or r� " : r" +•7 -i � , of the public for proper purposes, reserving tO the dedlcotors, 1he/r successors or osslg :s, reversions thereof, whenever discant/nued by low - ..y .. u flilr'�' Pn ,. �'"Il "44� I,,. III 'SIP . .I I III II I III I II II I a�� In I I� ��u I I I I Est 321'� L u yW 4 � r, I � 7a. zB I ` f-e9u�i-emus � C�f- � �irec�c` .��e��m�yr �i6/ice kYor, � `' Pu6tic ,tiecor�`s ol'T�ra�e ?oufr� V I IVi f` 7z.o 7 J � } S �} h �Parir�s fXISP���r art I } It J.SSUri7ed lrrCrdarr. .� � � , M I v ` ,Mau urre . n 3 �CrilloiTCrt.� .?e�erertce' I � MorlU�►7ertf I � ,_ s i, r �,a c F � -� � } or-sT oT 7^ .Surx��r� ✓s. �/o�' I