HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-81-0001RESOLUTION NO. 81 _ 1 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE REPORT OF THE DPM EVALUATION AND NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE; APPROVTN(, THE, RIECOMMIENDATION i v it OF THE CO�1'61TTTE1: TO AWARD THE DP"I CONTRACT 44- 1 r POR-1- TO THE WESTINGHOUSE' l:i,EC'I'RIC CORPORATION; U, _CUM D.M' AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A REVISED GRANT APPLICATTON TOT IIE URBAN MASS TR,INSPORTA- OL Lard'. TION ADMTNTSTRATTON; AND AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF ALL DPM NEGON 'I'IA'I'IG COIM1IITTEE RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS TO THE URBAN 11ASS TRANSPORTATION AD`IINISTRATION. WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in the accompanying memorandum from the County Manager of Dade County, Florida, a copy of which is incorporated tic -rein by reference; NOW, THERL•'FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The report of the DPM Evaluation and Negotiation Committee is hereby accepted with approval. Section 2. The recommendation of the DPM Evaluation and Negotiation Committee to award the DPM contract to the. Westinghouse Electric Corporation, upon concurrence in the contract by the Urban Mass Transportation Administration and award of sufficient grant funds, is hereby expressly approved. Section 3. Submission of a revised grant application to the Urban Mass 'Transportation Administration in the amount of $92,464,289 is hereby authorized. Section 4. Submission of the DPM Evaluation and Nego- tiation Committee records of negotiation and contract docu- ments to the Urban Mass Transportation Administration for approval and concurrence is hereby authorized. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of January, 1981. 89DOCUMENT INDEX ITEM N0, Y1 �r _ r'IAURICE A. FERRE -� °1 A Y 0 R J � R LPfI O�(,i1, Cl'1'1' C1,1:I:KZ� APPROVED AS TO 1:0101 AND CORRE-C NESS: GEORGI F. KNOK, JI:., CIf Al'0RNEY v, CITY OF h11A`11. '=L.ORIUA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE January 5, 1981 TILE Members of the City Commission sua,E Theodore R. Gibson Vice Mayor ENCLOSURES In the absence of Mayor Ferre and in my capacity as Vice Mayor, at the request of Dade County, I am calling a Special Commission Meeting at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 6, 1981 in the offices of the Downtown Devel- opment Authority, 20th Floor, One Biscayne Tower. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the recommendations of the committee who has been negotiating for the DPM system and to adopt the findings of this committee. cc: George F. Knox, Jr. City Attorney Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk "SU PP0PTIVE QQCU I- LI'-4 I FOLLOW" 'e1J'iiuE1w 10 43 L U A130 8 A MEMORANDUM or 107.07-17 A To Honorable Mayor and Members Board of County Commissioners FROM M. klthierr-el r ,•�',ti C)AtF- Janupzy 6, 1081 suo scfi Doclritown People '-4over System - Approval of DPM Committee Actions and Authorization to File Amended DPM Grant Application It is recorrnended that the Board approve the actions and recommendatkns of the Doantot:n People Mover Evaluation and Negotiation Coirmlttee, accept the report of the DPP Committee, authorize submission of an amended DPI: Grant application, and approve the delivery of all DPP4 contract documents to the Urban Mass Transportation Aau.nistration for their review and approval, BACKGROUND: On September 2L, 1980, Dade County sent out invitations for proposals for the iiamiMetro Do nto;:n People Mover System. his Invitation for Proposal had the formal a_rpreval of the Urban 11-1-ass Transportation Adr;inistration and was based upon the prior approvals of the Board of Counter Co.—.7issioners, the City of t,—Aa,-,ni Co-,"IisSlon, ud the Doorntoitin People hover Policy Ccnriittee in terms of its re.-u=.re:nents for a double loon system. of 1.9 miles in 'lent,th r.ith 10 stations alone anrroved alirrment. On October 10, 1980, Dade Count; con- ducted a nre-rrcu.nsal conference for all interested partiee,. 71,e rroposal conference resulted in a rTunter of otiestions r;hich r:ere raised b,,• proposers, and as a resul,:;, Lade Count, is::u,�d a total of three addenda to the orir~inal Invitation _ z�reresals. '-.:e la,;t addenda Extended the t. mme for submission of -. proposal- fom I�ov�ber 24 , 1 0 to I?o ,•cTnber 26, 1980. On i;cven::,,r 2L , 19�0, the Cc ntly 1,.,raMer appointed a D:,.- town pecrle "over Cc"rnittee connoSed of re--e ,:�,rtativc-. iron,, the City of '-:iand, Flor;da DDT, the Urban I'Kac ": r. pertavior_ Adn?i:ii,traticn, and the Dade County Cffice of Tnr,.nsportaticn irinistraticn. On 26, 1980, proposals ;•:ere received b ► Lade Ccu.t ., . A total c^ Five rrcresa1 c were received, and their initial price offers vere as foilot?;s : (1) Matra -Otis $116546,000 (2) ?Jest inrrhouse 08:399,270 (3) Llrb ,i '11raj �spertation Develop^:ert Corporat�on(Li?rC) 91,687,221El (4) MIX Alter!vitr• 73,380,567 (5) Titan,-?77 Systems 6019000,000 The DPM, Evaluatlion and H.erotiati.on Committee began its meetings on November 25. 1980. In excL s of 25 separate meetincrs were held of that Comrittee between November 25, 1980,and the close o`' negotiations on January 5, 1981. The Committee proceedu tr:.rourh its reouired functions bee•iruiin- with an evaluat_ - of the proposals aU received on November 26, 1980. After considerable discus_ F the proposal of Titan-PRTI Systems, inc. was found to be not re^nonsive to th- s�; Invitation for Pi,onolc and that fit- r. was so advised in ;:ritinr- by the Chaim- t BeginnirZ on December 3, 1980, the DPr' Evaluation and ; errotiation Connnittee held teci-nical discussicn-0 with the rronosers submittin7, the remainin7 four proposals. Ti:o;.F. re-cYuzical discussions continued trrour-h December 12, 1980. On December 11-�, 198T), the County issued two I�1atra-Otis, l"_TC, and ?Jestingbour- letters levities- r, best and final offer from each of those proposers. Best .-• final. offers ;rere received or. December 22, 1980, :is follor;n : (1) 1' 93,99: ,000 (2) umc 85,500,000 (3) Westinpp-jouse 74,598,744 The DP"' Evaluation Paid fle[retiation Committee spent the week of December 22, 1980, thrc�ug,;i Decemb �r � 0, 1980, rendinrr and evaluati g- each of these proposals. Or. Decer;ner• � , 1980, the DM Committee voted to exclude from further consideration tree 1`'or^jai:; of I °�I'c ��1C'1,^� and t!ecaus-? there was no hope in the judgement "SUPPORTIVE t DOCUMENTS FOLLOW" of the Committee members that either of these proposers could possibly reduce prices sufficiently to be considered for award of the PP!,' contract. Thus it was concluded that it was in the best interest cf Dade County to exclude these proposers and attempt to negotiate substantial reductions in price with the llestinrTiouse team based upon the best and final offer number $14,5a8,744• DeF;inning on December ?0; 1980, throuEli J�u-ivary 5, 1981, the Negotiation COM- mittee sr.•ent in excesa of 50 hours in direct negotiations with the Westinrehouse team revie%-dnr7 the basis for all pricing, the exact scope of all work to be undertaken, and the detailed contract conditions. On January 2, 1931, the Corc,A—Utee received a revised best and final offer of 469,8115,819. The Neeotiati47 Committee proceeded to advise Westinghouse that Dade County was prepared to accept this as a final offer subject to the satisfactory negotiations of the contract and to recommend award by the Board of Count; C=-issi'oner~,subject to concurrence by the Urban 110ass ',ransportation Administration in the contract and the availability of Federal grant funds to provide the Federal share of the total project. Final neCotiations were held bexi nnin� on January 2 , 1981, and proceeded on January 3, January 4, and January 5, 1981. The result on January 5, 1981, was a set of satisfactory contract terms k1nich are hereby recommended to the Board. Specifically, the Board is requested to: (1) Accept the report of the DP:Vi Evaluation and Negotiation Co--nittee to include all of the gaol•^;r records of nerrotiaticn and detailed loci nentation; (2) Arprove the reco:rrnendation of the Ner tia-tin" " Co:^ :ittee to a;•rard the contract to the Westing'r;ouse� Electric Cor- poration at a contract ceiliTr of Wc;9"I55,819; (3) Authorize the subri.ssion of a revised fr nt application to the ?rbar. "fil s Transportation Adndnistration to include the additional pro?ect cot • required to ccmr..lete this, project; and (4) Authorize the sub-missinn of the cn tire record of ner-otiationn 3Tid NcE7c- ti.ation CcnnittCee rec=. Tndationt to the Ur:,'?.n "-lass 7'-ansr•crtatlont ,id!-inistration for concurrence and approval. A senarate attacined I'lei1'cr nClvm from, the r.7r nsportation C'onrdinator to the County 1321a er is attached t0 Cet ail �! e e::ti"e project costs of t le ITI.T! ;'stem rased upon the ; ostingiiouse Electric C"crporatlori contract of $69,855,819. In su-early, the contract plus the escalation ad ustment, the acquisition cost, the utilit;' relocation coot, the Dade County staff cost, and insurance and consultant cost brie:- the total project, cost to $92,464,289. This represents an increase of $14,464.289 over the previously approved ;_-rant a.nniication of $78 million t.iiich i?.as forwarded to the Turban Mass Transr_ortation Administration after hearinc_ by the 1"oard on ','ctober 21, 1980. 'l'he increase of �14,4641289 would requ:1re the Feccieral ^overnment to increase its costs by 49,642,666 from $54 million: to ',Jj,E42,p66. Dade County under thin proposal v.ould be required i, t n �r Fr''? fro'?I $1� 91f_, 000 to .'117 �31 G�'3. in addit_7n. to Zcrea:.: its :,ii,re b, �:c,��_�, _ , , ,���, the Florida Department of Transportation w uld be reouired to increase their participation, by $2,546,000 from $6,700,000 to ti9,246,000. Funds are availabl: from the Decade ofPr'^�^?'es:' Bond !--sue to increase the Count,, sha,�'e by $?,3=•� We have been acsured that the Florida Department of 71ranspertation is willing increase their share tc. $9,246,000 if Dade County will arpr'ee to Licrease its share in order to fun, the overall nror'am and enable Dade County to secure t:: additional Cn"TA fundin4 of $9,c�4-,�66• § Rl t 71 )I 1y iF' tat 3 �V1Y I w,,.r,....,..R...�.,,«w.. M�.......mw.,, p 4 31, �"��� �bit'TIb� A�JC PPJ` 0. Y 3rVALLIATIOr3 At`iI) Ti%,GOTI.ATIOTS COATI;,: A''ROVIIJ^ THE Rf,"T. DAI IOPI OF THE Cu h'dh D t ° . Drill TO AWARD TtiE COIF PACT TO,"'HE 'v tf,STII�iGi i0E f ' $ j t , :.: ELECTRIC GORPO'ZAlION; AUMO.IMIG 8iTLSTON f Or A R�,rj,= GPJA*r 4n. PLICATm I�� I TO T1 t BAN MASS TRMSPORI TATIOAI A .UNIS'_RATIM AND " t AUTfiOFtiII11 THE SU�'t�USION OR ALL DPi�! iSRCO'I'I�':^_fi1uC Cg,.77. ' T� COhhD, aI�TD TO TfiE UPF1�?SI'7RTATIOi,j ADt�TjTe T.RE'1TZ��1 ,e ICEPEAS, this Board desires to accomplish the ptLrposes outlined in the accompan,Vb-g memorandum from the County Manager, a copy of which is incorporated herein by reference, I3a,,, T-1EFZR)1-v , BE ITS FrSOL%tFD BYE BOARD OF COLZ I. CV'-USIO i8 OF DADE C012JTY,-,-101',IDA that this Board; Section 1. Accepts the report of the DI'I`i Evauuation and 'Nerotation Co-amittee . Secticn r- Approves the recommendation of the D' Evaluation and T ego t ation Ca�ittee to at,Iard the MM, contract to the ldestinq-house Electric Corn-oraticn ur_on concurrence in the contract by the urban Viass Transportation Administration and ati:.a'd of sufficient grant funds. Section ?. Authorizes subTi ssion of a revised 'ant application to the Urban Mass l�ansportaticn Administration in the amount of y92,464,289; and Section 4. Authorizes sub!riission of the DF.1 Evaluation and Negotiation Co:rmittee records of ne�ot:iation and contract documents to the urban T`Iass Transportation Administration for approval and concurrence. ` The foregoing resolution was offered by Comisstoner m 3, who moved its adoption. The motdon t::as seconded by Commissioner 4 F x ; and upon being^ put to a vote, the vote was as follows; Barbara M . Carey W. Clara Oesterle , F I'Iilliam c. Oliver Beverly B. Phillipssq s 1io Redford, f ord, Jr,.! t Jame: 1' . s i.rr 5Y '_F z Barr Trl, nC�12'ih Barry .,e2' putty Shack 95i�¢ /v ep y�ei? r Cllm-10 �: �t"SUPPORTIVE 4 yg DOCUMENT.- u3i t "fa u`i �'. • t5 .t y "?t. Sv'�*.,r. L ,.. 'F3e" . ,5 tul r r. 3;ith^' °stfiSY'SS J€ a FOLLOW ��i �3�F� �t�i� V '�y�' '��ti y' a�(. Yt 'a '• -2- Tl-,e 7.,:kvor thereupon declared the Resolution duly cassed and ador)ts--J t 11 i s Aprroved by County Attorney as to fom and legal sufficiency. 1. DfTE MPIT-, BY 177 i'•��ti 07 CMIM' PLT C'FA By: "SUPPORTIVE D 0 C U IMI E III �,' T"S FOLLOW 107.07- 17 A 3 MEMORANDUM M. R. Stierheim County Manager John A. Dyer Transport, ti, Summary r bAtF- ?arn2.::-Y 5; 19$1 DPM Project Costs Considering a Westinghouse contract of 969,859.819, I have estimated the bare minimum costs which Dade County must add to this amount in order to arrive at an adequately funded program level for the DPM. In summary form, the DPM Program would include., 1. Westinghouse Contract in 81981 $69,859.819 2. Escalation Adjustment @ 7% annual 10.200.000 3. Right -of -Way Acquistion 5,078,700 4. Utility Relocation Estimate 2,282,670 5. MDC Staff Costs at Current Levels 3.543,100 6, MDC Insurance and Consultants 11500.000 Totals �$92,464.289 Supporting information for this presentation is provided on each item in the."::,: following paragraphs. 2. E•SCALATION ADJUSTMENTS AT 77, ANNUAL - $30,200,000 Because we specified in Lhe procurement documents and in the negotiations a contract which states costs in .lanuary 1981 dollars, a reserve must he estab- lished which sets aside, additional capital dollars to fund inflation from the N.T.P. date to the midpoint of construction fabrication. An analysis of the schedule provided by Westinghouse by taking the various fabricatic♦n/construction periods identified and :eighing them according to their dollar value: resulted in the conclusion that the midpoint of construction should he taken as 23.7 months. This is slightly more than the program period of 21 months because the design/bid periods are generally longer than the system test periods. Weshould expect to sign a funding agreement with ITMTA which is based only on the 1981 cost plus 72' inflation to the midpoint of construction. 17eITA would adjust fc:- actual inflation rates above the 7 according to an escalation formula. We cannot reduce this reserve by shortening the time to midpoint of construction. The Wes— inghouse schedule is already optimistic, and the interplay of many complicated factors cannot be readily adjusted further. 3. $1GAt-OP=WAY ACQUISITION COSTS - $5,0184700 A real estate estimate in January, 1980, established a total cost tot tight -of -way at $44616,901. These estimates were escalated at 7% for a period of 18 months to arrive at a total of $5,078.700. Tiiesp estimates were made on a parcel by parcel basis utilizing maps prepared by the DPM staff, and include appraisal, relocation and settlement costs. These costs are summarized below in unescalated numbers. Area A - Fifth Street between N.E. 1st Avenue and N.W. 1st Avenue; $494,250 is required in this area primarily for the emplacement of stations, but also because some of the older buildings were con- structed over sidewalks into public right-of-way necessary for the guideway. Area B - The "alleyway" east of N.E. 2nd Avenue; 83,858,201 is estimated to acquire approximately 70,000 square feet of property in about 15 parcels. Relocation costs included in this amount are also substantial because of the need to take apartment hotels. Area C - Dupont Plaza; no costs were estimated for this area because it is publicly owned. Area D - Maintenance Facility and Property Adjacent to I-95 Off Ramps; $264,450 had been included for acquisition of land for the maintenance facility which was not included in the rapid transit program, for ac- quisition of land from the former Coodwill property, and from two parcels between Miami Avenue and S.E. lst Avenue (Federated Department Stores and one other). 4. UTTLITY RELOCATION COST ESTIMATE - 52,282,670 These costs were taken directly from the estimate provided by Gannett Fleming and have not been modified. 5. MC STAFF COSTS AT CURRENT LEVELS - $3,543,100 An estimate has been prepared which provides for minimum expansion of the DPM staff. This estimate includes provisions for other OTA staff (e.g. TSD and F&A), at the same levels which were provided in Preliminary Engineering. An allowance has been made for five additional DPM professionals. Over a three year period each addition to the Countv staff.to account for this 'basis for our estimating, will amount to$200,000 including salary, overhead and direct expenses. 6. MDC INSURANCE AND CONSULTANTS - $1 , 500, 000 Recognizing that more turnkey responsibility has been given to Westinghouse for production of a working system, OTA will still require some consulting services over the life of the contract and for assistance in managing the verification and acceptance test program at the end of the contract. For purposes of this analysis, I have: arbitrarily cut my previous estimate approx- imately in half to $350,000. In addition, we estimate the wrap-up insurance cc_ - to be approximately $1,150,000. 3 7. In order to fund this total DFM progtam it will be necessary to increase our current grant application to L'`1TA from its present level of S78.000,000 to a total of $92.464.289 as follows: TNITIAL GRANT APPLICATim 1. Federal Share 0.54,000.non 2. :Von -Federal Share `24.000.000 State DOT 6,700,000 Dade County 14,910,000 Cite of I•tiami Z, 340, 000 REVISED GRANT APPLI CA' 1014 $63.642,666 23- j2j , fi2-3_ 9,246,000 17,235,623 2,340,000 Funds are available from The Decide of Progress bond issue to increase the County share by $2,325,623 form $14,910,000 to S17,235,623. We have been assured that the State D01' is willing to increase their share to $9,246,000 if Dade County also will increase its share in order to fund the overall program and enable us to secure the additional U?iTA funding; on a 2/3 - 1/3 basis. TME CLOG U [,vII FOLLOW U MEMORANDUM 107.07- 17 A To Honorable Mayor and I.lembers DATE 7a mart' 5, 1981 Board of Cownty Cc - Ynissinners SUBJECT F?erort of DFF F,valuation and NeF-otiation Cc=, ittee FROM jol'21 A. Dyer Chairperson Cn November 24, 19`30, the Coiuity !^.anarer appointed a Doi..ntovrn People !!over Committee composed of representatives from the City of Pr'aami, Florida DOT, the Urban ',nss Tr.Tusportation Administration, and the Dade County Office of Transportation Administration. Attached 3_s a memorandum showin,7 the list of the members and a schedule of their meetinr,,s. On November 26, 1980, proposals were received by Dade County. A total of five proposals were received, acid their initial price offers were as follows: (1) llatra-Ctis $116,546,000 (2) ?-Iestindiouse 985399,270 (3) Urban Transportation IYti*elopment Corporation NTUDC) 91,687,221 (4) 71D. Alternate 730805567 (5) Titan-P_t'T c stems 69,000,000 The DPz i D;aluation and Nerotiat.ion Co;T'rnittee berasn its meetin -s on I bvember 25, 1980, In excess of 25 senarate reet4 airs were held ofthat Co-mittee between November "25, 1980, and t'he Close of nerrotiations on January 5, 1981. he Committee -1-cceeded throu7h its renuired functions berinnii-Lr rrith an evaluation of the proposal: as rece!_­,ec: on :cvenber 2C, 2980. After conC iderable discussion the : pra_.c �:.� c1_, __„�x�-... �.c:n_ , In,,-. was .oat,,.. to ti. e now resne.i:�iv to the Invitation fo_ F i .::nor alp at c ,.hat , is , . was so a' visc-c3 1. z the Ct;a iiTzan . - F✓e,cr.innir.r on -Lir.-.'C?,^it,e" j, 10, , tn:=' DT:�'`. Evaluaiicn and L,ipr+.C`..1at10':: (;C"i!Ti17T.P.C' 1'le1Q -IeCh•:"1iCc.i t::'e t='r000sers sutmitt-it; r the re, rafninr" four proposals. ose technical discussions con"•inued th?-ouF h, December 12, 1930. r -er ' c 19q. `h ry-' --t v, sued to !Matra-Ctis r. and Westirf-house !�7 Dece? iL. _�, i , the l:va:. iS.:u..,. , i_'iU.,, letters in,ri`..in^: a b zt- and final offer front each of those proposers. Best and final offers were received on December 22, 1980, as follotoas: (1) `1 tra-Otis $93,993,000 (2) L71DC 85,500,000 (3) !'!estinrhouse 74,598,744 The DP!? Evalua`ion and Negotiation Committee spent the week of December 22, 19c' through December 29, 1980, readin!^ and evaluating each of these proposals. On December 29, 1980, the DPPi Co:ndt-tee voted to exclude from further consideratic� the proposals of !.'atra-OtiC ax,d -71DC because there eras no hope in thF ,iud�eme:.- of the Committee members that either of these nroposers could po.sibl;r reducc- prices sufficiently to be considered for a.,ard of the DP!" conrract . It ...,as concluded that it tras in the **rest interest of Dade CCluity t:o exclude these proposers and att. �,mni; to nerotiate substantial reduction: in ;price with the 11estinF.j�ouse team nased upon the best and final offer numbor y474,59P,744. Hondf%bie %kV& tLhd PIEtberd Board 611" Count,V Co itsiof;ef"a Jativai v 5, . . On becember 30, °O, through J u 5 .1981! the Ne�btiatidh Coi�3ttee Otf�t o� in excess of 50 hours in direct negotiations Vrith the Westing-hoUte te6m reVieming the basis for all pricin;7� the ekact scope of all work to be und6t- taken and the detailed contract conditions. On January 2. 1981, the Coin- t-nittee received a revised best and final offer of M938555819. The 14e-otlatif' n, i Cottee proceeded to advise Westinr-house that Dade Count*,: eras prepared to accept this as a final offer sutiect to the satisfactory nerrotiations of the c;;n'wac` and to recc mmemd al','ralyd by the hoard of County CoTmissioners , subject to concurrence by the T)r:�an Mass 'I"ransportation rdministrution in the contract and the availability of Federal Fxant fluids to provide the Federal share of the total proicct. i'i.nal ne otiations were held berinnine: cn January 2, 1981, and proceeded on J nuary J, january 4, and January 5, 19`31. 'ire ?'e-ult. on January 5, 1981, eras a set of sati factory contract terns which herebv recommended to the 'Hoard of Count, Coumssioners as the basis for an award of the DPI-4 Contract to the Westinghouse Electric Corporation in the amount of `69,855,R19• W M MORANDUM %" Lva,luat inn and Nei�otlat icon Ceiht^ittee i P 11. R. S c bAtt: Noven•l-cr _14, lciiin Si nitct AppointmMit o' N-1 '.tY]10t lob and !:vp6tiat16ti tef�`littokl In acrordance with the ?1rx procurement specifications in(! the tedvral Prorurr,- merit Regulations a well a:: the Dade Cc,unt%• Provisions fo!- c:cantrect neQotiytionn. tl,c: followirlti persons are appointed to the PI'*i Evnludtinn and Negotiation COM- tnittoe: (1) Simon 7.weigilaft, Darie County (2) Jnhn Pichesc)n, Djdo Count` (3) hill Bio-., ircn., Vade County (4) Don Catl,er, Cite of Miami (5) Armando Vidal, l'•lorida Popartnent of Trahgi r,rt;ntlori (6 Ko;' Kenzie, 1ievelopincnt Authority (7) Murrnv, 1':1TA (8) lohn A. Pver, Ch.:iruerson (9) 11;l.,n CinSbnrg, Assistant County AttortIe;, In addition, the fnl to inc: pur,;ons are apl,ointed a.; technicRi advisors t0 tlit Tv,'i' Evaluation. an(! `:Qpotintlion Committeo for purposes of renderit:q IaItt.t assistance: (]) Sylvia "orris King, Equal npportitnity (2) Andret! Vazr;uo Audit (�) Son rashdollnir, Flcr ida Department of Tran!-liortnt"rion, Ci'.-,LVh,t a ld :structures (4) Harr- '.inde] 1 , I a1c, County, Svstems (5) ?in "orenc, 7arIC• Uountti, En.,irontrental, Fl.annini, and Structitrc:a Ilar,e County, Structures and Svstcns The SecrPtariat to the Cor•Jnittee will he Ms. 1anct Goodman. In order that the e^aluat iO ,.t and negotiation process can he acconpl is.hec'. withit: the time period, it is aF-;olutely necessary}• thit the Co!nmittev plat, to mf-olk on a daily ha.is. All meetings :ill he at the call of the Chairperson. The first ;.eetinh is set for 9:nn a.m, un 'November 25, 1980 in tht- llth !'loot l:or.fert.nr. Room at Flap.ler 44 P,uildinp. Please kecp ine ndvised of any prot,lenlS you mat' encounter that: :•01JUire -T.; as-t-t- ance, Alsc, please ensure that you are in a position to neet the scher',lle of presentin£ a contract for approval to the T:oard of County Con►r:issioner dluri-,: the first week of January, 1981 and to present all of the informatior.•required I),,- the Urban Mass Transportatirni Adr,inistration for their concurrence it the same time. s PI.ELD111:ARY SCHT'DULE OF N EFTIN(S, DTIM. SU}'Pl,l.l'VSELEC'iI)`; PATE TP, E 1, N ATIOK AT T FNIiF i:S SO PIT EC'C i i i 1 :00 P.M. I Courthouse Al 1 1 ; 1(/(';I 3:00 P.M. I 901 Ft. , /44 h. P 1ngIc t Al t Prc i, icrs �!3/310 00 A.M. i .17th rl., 44 W. Flagler 1 Proposcr 41 12/3/,)0 1:00 R.M � 17th F1., 44 W. Fl.,);ler ' I Propusc'r :!2 12/4/8o 8:00 A.M. 17th Fl., 44 W. Flader I Prcposer #3 .:,,,/80 j 1:00 P.1•t. ! 17th F1., 44 W. rIngler ( Proposer 04 - '/9/50 ! 8:00 A.M. I 17th F1.., 44 W. Fla,,ler I Proposer 01 10";0 I 8:00 A.M. 17th F1., 44 W. Flag 1cr 1 Proposer ;`2 I � !11r50 i 8:00 A.M. � 17th Fl., 44 W. Flagler � Proposer #3 2112/SO ' 3:00 A.M. i 17th F1., 44 W. ViigIt-T Proposer a County Wi I1 Issue Best S viral Co: 0i ti.on Proposal Opening Prc,pr,::;;1 Lvnluation Pro(,(,,;,. 1, Scho,.;uie 'icchnical Discussion Technical Discussion I Technical I: 1 scussion Technical. Discussion Technical Discus;:;ion FO1 I ow -IT p Te: imica1 1)iscu:;sion ow- t p Tr: i:i; �;cJ. 1�iscur ;ior. ! Fo11nw-U1, , ivr:ii .ic;.l liisc.:ssiun Lj 2/80 i:00 P.M. I 17th Fl., 44 W. Fi.n£le: All P-roposer! ! Subnit Lc: t & Final 0:': . — t :00 A.M. � 17th F1., 44 W. rlr,gier i Supplies I i Start Fin-i] N,t;otiati,r, r �i3(i!SU _ I 8:00 A.1:. 17th Fl., 44 11.1. Ftap,lc: Supplier Pinrtl ''c ,oLi.,tlons /2'/81 8:00 A.M. I 17th Fi., 44 W. Nagler Supplier Finn! N;Igotiations /3/81 i i 8:00 A.M. 17th Fl., 44 W. Flagler Supplier Final Negotiations /5/1i1 8:00 A.M. 17th Fl., 44 W. Flr.gler Supplier Ccmpl.ete Final Fegotiat