HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1981-01-22 Marked Agenda0 OP 91.;,,,94+� rION'. -' Yj INcost O�gATF..0 i7 96 �izw\C�.fL- �r CITY 00-5(o C 0 M M I SS i ON AGENDA u.EETING DATC: January 22, 1981 CITY HALL - D1,"1N R rEc 9:00 A.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Approving Minutes of the Special City Commission Meeting of September 26, 1980, Regular Meeting of October 9, 1980, and Regular and Planning and Zoning items of October 30, 1980. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A. Discussion by Dr. John Dyer on the feasibility of an additional rapid transit station north of the Miami River. B. Report from City Attorney on legislation in areas of problem enforcement activity. C. Report on Police Recruitment. D. Presentation of Administration Building Phase II by Lester Pancoast. E. Discussion of proposed Ordinance lengthening the hours of operation of establishments engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on their premises. F. Discussion of exemptions to hiring freeze, 12:00 NOON BREAK FOR LUNCH FORMAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING 2:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 2:15 P.M. PERSONAL APPEARANCES 1• Personal appearance by Mr. Stuart Sorg to introduce a Coconut Grove Target Area Economic Development Program. 2. Personal appearance by Mr. Richard A. Moore regarding cow:,.stion at sidewalks in the inner city area. 3. Personal appearance by Mr. Herbert L. Hiller, Program Chairman of World University, requesting certain activities concerning tourism and culture. 3a. Personal appearance by Mr. Robert Owens requesting a $15,000 grant and a fee waiver for the purpose of staging cultural programs at the Gusman Cultural Center. 2:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. RESOLUTION Confirming ordering Resolution No. 80-914 and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for the construction of Manor Highway Iarovements - Phase I to Manor Highway Improve- ment District - Phase I. City Manager recommends. 5. FEC Court Case on Port property. APPROVED DISCUSSTON DTSCLISSTOI' MOT. 81-45 `1OVFD : 1'LU*iT'ER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CIBSON V] THDRAI!N, DiSCUSSI-1) & D17FERRED SFr SUPPI.DIFNTAI, ACFNDA DEFERRED WITHDRAI-Y NOT. 81-46 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: PL1W!1rR ABSENT: GIBSON-CAROLLO MOT. 81-47 MOVED: PLUILMH SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CIBSON "D0C111.1, -MT ITEM NO. R- 81-49 MOVED: PL1J'.N2+F.P SECOND: LACASA ABSFNT: CIBSON PEFI'i\RED FOR A FULL ('O'YISSION 9 CITY COf-MISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 22, 1981 6. RESOLUTION Approving with modifications, a Development Order for the Miami Center II DuPont Plaza_pro,1ect, a De- velopment of Regional IIin-W t, to be -locate d in DuPont Plaza in downtown Miami, per Section 380.06 Florida Statutes. This item was deferred from the January 15,' 1981 meeting. City Manager recommends. 4:00 P.M. 7. To hear citizen input and comments regarding the City of Miami's proposed 7th Year Community Program. ORDINANCES 7a. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Amending the City Code (1980). dealing with the re- vocation and suspension of occupational licenses by amending Paragraph 8 of Subsection (a) and Para- graph (2) of Subsection (b) of Section 31-37 to ex- pressly provide for a hearing before the City Manager or his duly designated agent prior to any suspension of any occupational license and to provide that judi- cial enjoining of the selling, lending, or trans- mitting of material found to be obscene, lewd, las- civious, filthy or indecent under Florida Law con- stitutes grounds for revocation or suspension of an occupational license. City Manager recommends. 8. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9199, the City's Capital Improvement Appropriations Ordinance for FY '80- 81, by revising and decreasing the appropria- tions for Fire Station No. 9, for Fire Apparatus Acquisition. Replacements and Modifications- and for the New City Administration Buis di_n_ by appropriating from the 1976 Fire Fighting, Fire Prevention and Rescue Facilities Bond Fund an amount of $475,000 from anticipated bond sales and an amount of $75,000 from interest accrued in FY '81 to increase appropriations for Fire Station No. 7 (formerly Station No. 14), Rescue Service Apparatus and Equipment, New City Administration Building, Breathing Apparatus, Hose Towers, Fire Prevention Vehicles and other Fire Equip- ment, Fire Boat, Computer Aided Dispatch System and Fire Training Facility and Closed Circuit Television System. (Companion to item No, llb). This item was passed on first reading at the January 15, 1981 Commission Meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Lacasa. Unanimous. City Manager recommends. 9. uRDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Sections 2 and 5 of Ordinance No. 9179. the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1981; by increasing the appro- priation for Internal Service Funds, Print Shop, by 114.083; by increasing anticipated revenues in the same amount; to allow for the City-wide administra- tion of printing and binding outside costs by the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance. This item was deferred from the January 15, 1981 meeting. City Manager recommends. 10. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Creating the Office of Internal Audits; setting forth the duties and responsibilities of such office; pro- viding for the staffing thereof; further providing for the amendment of Section 2-333 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida (1980) as amended, which had provided for the performance of the internal audit functions on behalf of the City by transferring the management, supervision and control of such functions to the Office of Internal Audits. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 2 DEFERi:ED PUBLIC HEARIN(' HELD. 2ND PUBLIC HEARING SCHF.DULF.D FOP 2111/81 EMERGENCY ORD. 9231 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PUTT TNER ABSENT: GIBSON ORD. 9232 MOVED: P1,MTER. SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: GIBSON ORD. 9233 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND:LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON DFFERRED MOVED: I'MTER SECOND! CAROLLO ABSENT: GIBSON t. 0 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 22, 1981 11. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9179, adopted October 3, 1980, the annual appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1981, as amended, by increasing the appropriation or the General Fund, City Manager, Office of Internal Audits, in the amount of $290,967, by decreasing the appropriation for the General Fund, Management and Budget, in the same amount; for the purpose of providing funding for a newly -created office under the City Manager's Office to be known as the "Office of Internal Audits". City Manager recommends. 12. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Creating the Miami Audit Advisory Committee for the purpose of advising and assisting the City Commission to improve the effectiveness and use- fulness of the Lity's audit procedures and programs and to discharge the obligation to secure annual audits of the City's financial books and records as required by law; setting forth the composition, duties and general guidelines of said committee. City Manager recommends. 13. ORDINANCE - FIRST W�;;'• :AiTNG;_ Amending Sections 53-86, 53-87, 53-88, 53-89, 53-90, 53-93 and 53-94 of the Code of the City which es- tablished dockage rates at Dinner Key Marina and Annex, Mianarina and the Watson Island Marinate by repealing said sections in their entirety and sub- stituting a new section authorizing the City Mana- ger to annually establish and assess new dockage rates upon consideration of designated criteria; establishing and assessing new dockage rates for the period from March 1, 1981 through September 30, 1981. City Manager recommends. 14. ORDINANCE - FIRST ANUXSSS®NH READING Amending Subsection 8 of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 9139, which re-established the City of Miami's Affirmative Action Advisory Board, by providing for a reduction in the number of members required to constitute a quorum from eight members to six mem- bers. City Manager recommends. 15. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to accept a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts in the amount o, $9,000 for a project entitled "Yoruba/Spanish Heri- tage Program", and further authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary implementing con- tracts and agreements upon receipt of the grant. City Manager recommends. (Companion to Item #16) 16. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8719, The Sum- mary Grant Appropriations Ordinance, by establish- ing a new Trust and Agency Fund entitled: "Yoruba Spanish Heritage Festival"; appropriating funds —for the operation of same in the amount of $15,000 con- sisting of $9,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts and $6,000 from the City of Miami's FY-'80 81 Matching Funds for Grants Account. City Manager recommends. (Companion to Item *15) PAGE NO. 3 DEFERRED MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: GIBSON DEFERRED *iOVED: PL TRLMER SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: GIBSON FIRST READING MOVED: LACASA SECO`ID: PLUMMER ABSENT: GIBSON FIRST READING MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLUAtMU ABSENT: GIBSON MOT. 8152 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: LACASA ABSFNT: GIBSON R- 81-53 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PI.UMMFR ABSENT: GIBSON ORD, 9234 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: CIBSON EWA CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 22, 1981 PAGE NO. 4 17. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8719, the Sum- mary Grant Appropriations Ordinance, by amending the Trust and Agency Fund entitled: "Kwanza Festival (4th Year)" by appropriating an additional revenue o, $15,000 for the operation of same, With said revenue to be provided by the National Endowment for the Art! resulting in an increase from $65,000 to $80,000 for the operation of said fund. City Manager re- commends. RESOLUTIONS 18. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contrac- tual agreement with the Coconut Grove Local Develop- ment Corporation, Inc. for an amount not to exceed 50,000, for the purpose of implementing a Neighbor- hood Economic Development Program, in the Coconut Grove CD Target Area with funds allot-ited therefor from the Sixth Year Community Development Block Grant. This Item was deferred at the December 17, 1980 Meeting. City Manager recommends. 19. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agree- ment with Evenson-Dodge, Inc. to provide housing financial advisory services to assist in developing alternate financing methods for the production of housing for low and moderate income families,in an amount not to exceed $30,000 from 5th Year CD Block Grant Funs+-. City Manager recommends. 20. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to enter into agree- ments with (1) Garces Commercial College, Inc. (2) Charron Williams College, Inc., (3) Miami -Dade Comm- unity College, (4) MTI School, Inc., (5) Datamerica Institute, Inc., (6) Florida Career Institute, Inc., (7) Ser-Jobs for Progress, Inc., (8) Set Corporation (9) Educational Technologies, Inc., (10) Phillips Cultural Center, Inc., (11) Ideal School for Health Careers, Inc., and (12) Seoane General Welding, for providing professional training services in the areas of language, remedial, and vocational skills for the City of Miami's CETA titles II-D & VI par- ticipants with funds allocated from the City of Miami's contracts with the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium. City Manage, recommends. 21. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agree- ment between the City and the Biscayne Bay Yacht Club for certain City owned baybottom property for a period of 15 years. City Manager recommends. 22. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to solicit proposals for the development and operation of heliport facilities on Virginia Key on a parcel of land oca a w- in e Miami Marine Stadium properties and.further approving the site. City Manager recommends. ORD. 9235 MOVED: I.A('ASA SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: GIBSON R- 81-54 MOVED: PLUM11ER SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: GIBSON & LACASA R-81-55 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLUAUIIER ABSENT: GIBSON & LACASA R- 81-56 MOVED: PLU, tMER SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: GIBSON & LACASA DEFERRED MOVED: PLITMMER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON & CAROLLO DEFERRED 1 or AV .i, CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 22, 1981 _ PAGE NO. 5 23. RESOLUTION 1-'ITPDRAWN Authorizing and directing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Mr. Rick Sisser, as Legisla- tive Liaison Representative, to represent t'he City before all Florida State Legislature sessions held during the term of said agreement. 24. RESOLUTION R- 81-57 Strongly urging the Florida Legislature to allow MOWD• PI.UMS!FR Dade County to maintain the South Florida Building SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: M BSON & CAROLLO Code as the Building Code for Dade County. City Manager recommends. 25. RESOLUTION R- 81-5.8 Accepting the completed work of Sanmar General Con- MOM: PLUP�!FR tractors, Inc. at a total cost of $857,772.59 for SECOND: LACASA Fire Station No. 4 (2nd Bidding - Bid B) and author- ABSENT: GIBSON & izing a final payment of 89,645.77. This Item was CAROLLO deferred from the January 15, 1981 meeting. City Manager recommends. 26. RESOLUTION [•;ITPDRAcdR' Accepting the completed work performed by Brock Electric, Inc. and the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland at a total cost of $180,640.89 for Down- town Flagler Street - Street Lighting - 1976; and authorizing final payment jointly to Brock Electric Inc. and the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Mary- land in the amount of $18,064.09. This Item was deferred from the January 15, 1981 Meeting. 27. RESOLUTIONN DEFERRED Accepting the completed work performed by F & F Construction Co., Inc. and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, the bonding company, at a total cost of $22,819.50 for Central Miami Park - Seating Gallery and Walkway Staining - 1978; author- izing the acceptance_ of_a_credit of 2,535.50 offer- ed by the bonding company for work not satisfactor- ily completed; and authorizing deletion of any final payment to the contractor or the bonding company. City Manager recommends. 28. RESOLUTION R- 81-59 Confirming the reappointment of Donald F. March, Jr. MOVED: PLUMP+ER as second representative of the City of Miami Police SECOND: LACASA men, to the Retirement Board of the Miami City Em- ABSENT: GIBSON & 1p ogees' Retirement System for a term to expire on CAROM December 31, 1982. City Manager recommends. 29. RESOLUTION PI g1—sO PI/La Authorizing the closing of certain streets for the AIISEa"r: GIBSON Coconut Grove Arts Festival to be held on February "ol'. 51-51 13, 14, 15, 1981. Ca/Plumm ffBSON ABSENT: 30. RESOLUTION Appointing one individual to the Zoning Board. This DEFERRED item was deferred at the December 17, 19801and MOM- LACASA January 15, 1981 City Commission Meetings. City SECOND: PLUMMER Manager recommends. ABSENT: GIBSON & CAROLLO or or CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: January 22, 1981 PAGE NO. 6 31. RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to the Boxing and Wrestling Board. City Manager recommends. FORMALIZATION OF COMMISSION ACTION 32. RESOLUTION Rescheduling the regular City Commission Meeting of February 12, 1981 to take place on February 11, 1981 at 9:00 a.m. (M81-40) CONSENT AGENDA 33. Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the Agenda, Items 33 to 35 constitute the Consent Agenda. These Resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review of discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered Resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following Motion: "....that the Consent Agenda, comprised of Items 33 - 35 be adopted." RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Sunset Enterprises, Inc, for the Coconut Grove Business Area - Sidewalk and Street Light Modifications t2nd Biddin _at a total cost of $24,641; authorizing an increase in the contrect in the net amount of $322; and author- izing a final payment of $2,753.90. City Manager recommends. 34. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of the Sabre Corpora- tion at a total cost of $271,943.60 for Orange Bowl Repairs -__Miscellaneous - 1980; and authorizing a final payment of 42,765.80. 35. RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of D.M.P. Corporation at a total cost of $69,199.20 for Biscayne Boulevard Beautification Project, and authorizing a final pay- ment of 6,919.92. City Manager recommends. 6:00 P.M. BREAK FOR DINNER 36. Selection of City Manager DEFFRRED ?+LOVED: LACASA SECOND: PLLZD1rR ABSENT: GIBSON & CAROLLO R- 81-60 MnVED: PLLRM4tER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON & CAROLLO R- 81-61 MOVED: PLUMMEP. SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON R- 81-62 MOVED- P LUMIER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT, GIBSON R- 81-63 *LOVED: PLUbMMER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON R-81-64 MOVED; PLUMMER SECnND: LACASA NOES: CAROLLO ABSENT: GIBSnN (See Pesolution in City Clerk Report) CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: JANUARY 22, 1981 CITY HALL - DINNER KEY FORMAL CITY C014MISSION SESSION PLANNING AND ZONING AGENDA 7:00 P. M. 1. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING - PLANNING DEPARTMIENT APPLICATION Amend Ordinance 6871 by modifying ARTICLE XXI-3, Section 731—and Section 13(1), pertaining to Ground Level Pedestrian Open Space and required Off -Street Paring for esiaentia eve oT pment in the SPD-1 District. This item was deferred from the City Commission meeting of December 17, 1980. 2. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Application by E. Albert Pallot TR., to Change the Zoning of approx. 901 N.W. r venue, rom R- to - ihis item was passe onfirst ReadiFg December 17, 1980. Moved by Commissioner Plummer, Seconded by Commissioner Gibson. (Y)Carollo, Ferre. (Absent): Lacasa. 3. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Application by Jorge M. Garcia to Change the Zoning of approx. 1901 N.W.out iver Drive, from C-4 to -4. This item was passed on First Reading December 17, 1980. Moved by Commissioner Lacasa, Seconded by Commissioner Gibson. (Y) Ferre; (N) Carollo; (Absent) Plummer. 4. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Application by Elmer Parker to Change the Zoning of approx. 4245 N.W. 1lth Street fr`om`R-3 to L-4. This item was passed on First Reading December 17, 1980. Moved by Commissioner Carollo, Seconded by Commissioner Plummer. (Y) Ferre, Gibson; (Absent) Lacasa. 5. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Application by Gunther Steen to Change the Zoning of approx. 1642-60 S. Bays ore ourt, rom R-3 to R-4. This item was passed on First Reading Uecember 17, 1980. Moved by Commissioner Plummer, Seconded by Commissioner Carollo. (Y) Ferre, Gibson, Lacasa. (Page 1 of 3) DEFERRED MOVED: PLUrNER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON ORD. 9237 "COVED: PLUMMER SECOND: QAROLL.O ABSENT: GIBSON DEFERRED MOVED: PLUMI'ER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT- GIBSON ORD, 9238 MOVED; PLMIER SECOND; CAROLLO ABSENT: GIBSON ORD. 9239 MOVED; PLMIER SECOND; LACASA ABSENT; CIBSON CITY COAMISSI01 AGENDA ".EE=7G D.\TE : JANUARY 22, 1981 6. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION Amend Ordinance 6871 pertaining to Community Based Residential Facilities. This item was deferred from the city Commission meeting F December 17, 1980. - PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Recommended Approval 7-0. - NO OBJECTIONS. 7. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by Jose Valladares to Change the Zoning of approx. 4201 S.W. 7th Street, from R-3 to - PLANNING DEPA ENT Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD Recommended enia - . - SEVEN OBJECTIONS by mail. FIVE OBJECTORS present at ZB meeting. - ONE PROPONENT present at ZB meeting. 8. RESOLUTION - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION Approval of the Santa Clara Station Area Plan, concerning the area in immediate proximity to the Santa Clara Transit Station which will be located in the median of N.W. 12th Avenue, between N.W. 20th Street and N.W. 21st Terrace. - PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD ecommen a pproval 4-0. - NO OBJECTIONS. 9. RESOLUTION Application by Hamilton Corporation for a Planned Area Development consisting of 273 apartment units in a proposed tower structure located between N.E. 34 and 35th Streets and theoretical N.E. 5th Avenue and Biscayne Bay. - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends pprova . - ZONING BOARD Recommended Approval - . TWENTY-SIX OBJECTIONS y mail. - FIFTEEN OBJECTORS present at ZB meeting. - SIXTEEN REPLIES IN FAVOR by mail. - EIGHT PROPONENTS present at ZB meeting. 10. RESOLUTION Application by A. John Goshgarian for the Vacation and Closure of the alley located between N.E. 16th Street and N.W. 15th Street, as one of the conditions or approval of leF—tative PTat =1089 - "ST. JOHNS TRACT". - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends Approval in accord with the conditions established by the Plat & Street ommittee. - ZONING BOARD Recommended Approval - . - NO OBJECTIONS. 11. RESOLUTION Appeal by the applicant, Pedro R. Pelaez, of the Zoning Board's D—en-`i-67 of Variance for yards, lot coverage and area, of approx. 5927 N.E. Ist AveFue. This item was deferred from the City ommission meeting of December 17, 1980. - PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD DENIED - . - ONE OBJECTION-6y mail. - TWO PROPONENTS present at ZB meeting. (Page 2 of 3) . DEFERRED MOVED: LACASA SECOND: PLLTWER ABSENT: GIBSON D I'" I F D BY MOT. 81-69 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: GIBSON R- 81-65 MOVED: LACASA SECOND: PLL'IirIER ABSENT: GIBSON R- 81-70 (AS AMENDED) *LOVED: PLUXIIER SECONDt LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON R- 81-66 MOVED: PLUVIIER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON P- 81-71 (AS MIEND171)> S17COND - LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON F t EETI.7G DATE CITY CO:�LMISSION AGE.7DA JANUAR 1981 12. RESOLUTION Appeal by an objector, William H. Brown of the Zoning Board's Granting of a Variance for yards and lot coverage at approx. 22nd terrace. The applicant is Wilfredo Paredes. PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD GRANTED WITH THE V01UNTARY DEDICATION OF N5' OF LOT 84-3. - SEVEN OBJECTIONS by mail. - THREE REPLIES IN FAVOR by mail 13. RESOLUTION ("A" PORTION ONLY) Application by Errol Eisinger b Norman M. Nierenberg for a one-year Extension off' two Conditional Uses for a parking garage and drive-in teller at approx. N.E. 2nd Avenue. - PLANNING DEPART14ENT Recommends Approval. - ZONING BOARD Granted Conditional Uses on July 7, 1980. 14. RESOLUTION Application by Peter C. Clemente for a one-year Extension of Variance for area an yar s at 524 N.W. 14th Avenue. `PLANNING DEPARTMENT Recommends Denial. - ZONING BOARD GRANTED VARIANCE -on June 9, 1980. 15. RESOLUTION Accepting the Plat entitled "EDWELIN SUBDIVISION", located at N.W-79 Street between N.W. I and 2 Avenues. - PLAT AND STREET COMMITTEE Recommends. 16. RESOLUTION Accepting the Plat entitled "VENETIAN HARBOUR", located at Venetian Causeway. - PLAT AND STREET COMMITTEE Recommends. (Page 3 of 3) AGE M?O. 3 DEFERRED BY M10T. 81-72 MOVED: PLUMIc`ER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON & CAROLLO R- 81-73 MOVED: PLUM1MIER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON ("B" PORTION DEFERRED TO FEBRUARY 26,1981) DEFERRED MOVED: LACASA SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: GIBSON R- 81-67 MOVED: PLUMM+.ER SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON R- 81-68 MOVED: CAROLLn SECOND: LACASA ABSENT: GIBSON PRESENTATIONS - CONN SSION MEETING Thursday, January 22, 1981 1. The City of Miami is pleased to proclaim the week of January 18, 1981 as U. S. HOSTAGE FREEDOM WEEK, in recognition of the American citizens who suffered their loss of freedom for over a year. This PROCL.41LATIOK will be presented to the Government of the United States of America in Washington, D. C., with the request that its message be extended to the hostages. 2. Presentation of a PROCLA!NIATION to AIRS. MARGARET BEVtTLETT, Recording Secretary of the John Mcdonald Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, designating the month of February 1981 as AAIERICAN HISTORY MONni , in recognition of the _ memory of those who labored to bring independence to our nation. 3. Presentation of a PROCLAMATION to M. JOHN L. KIN'TONT, Executive Director of the John Elliott Community Blood Center, designating the month of February 1981 as VOLUNTEER BLOOD DONOR MONTH. The Blood Center is to be commended for its efforts in making the public aware of need for blood contributions 4. Presentation of a COMM-NDATION to Mr. M-NIEL K. GILL, a retiring member of the Downtown Development Authority. On this occasion, it is a pleasure to honor him for his untiring dedication and to thank him for his valuable contributions toward the growth and development of our city.