HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-81-0075CITY OF MIAMI. INTER-C)FFICE ME` OPANDUM To Richard L. Fosmoen °'` February 4, 1981 City Manager - Downtown Special Tax District For Additional Police Services FROM • �? REPFuc ••. , Jim Reid, Director Planning Department Enclosed please find a package of information pertaining to the Downtown Special Tax District. Included in this package are the following items: 1. Downtown Miami Special Tax District Proposal For Additional Police Services - identifying the need for a Special Taxing District; 2. Recommended Uniform Patrol. Staffin-- For Special Tax District and Proposed Staffing Levels For Special Taxing District; 3. Special Services Taxing District - A Cost Allocation Model; and 4. Memo: Special Taxing District: Individual Property Cost Increments For Alternative Increased Police Service Levels - the three properties are: Revitco Office Building, Howard Johnson Hotel and Restaurant (SE 2nd Avenue) and Burdine's Department Store. The Planning; Department proposes a cost allocation model that • takes into consideration three (3) factors: property land value, property buildin value, property street frontage. Each factor is assi--ned the swile level of importance in the formula - 33`� . The Police Department presented ttie Planning Department with six (6) alternative sta.ffinn levels for the district over and above the recommended staffin;; level. The cost allocation model was applied to the following three alternative staffin( levels: A-1 - 100' Increase in Services: All sworn in officers = $1,1.94,657; B-1 - 50M Increase in Services: All sworn in officers = a 578 , 350 ; C-1 - 25(11 Increase in Services: All sworn in officers = $ 286,498. U Richard L. Fosm oen City Manager Page 2 February 4, 1981 The results were as follows for the three properties examined: 1. Revitco Office Building A-1: $5,452 B-1: 2,640 C-1: 1,308 2. Howard Johnson (SE 2nd Avenue) A-1: $9,986 B-1: 4,834 C-1: 2,395 3. Burdines A-1: $14,759 B-1: 7,145 C-1: 3,540 Enclosures t l ' FOR ADDITIONAL POLICE SERVICES mw (O:fv m ff No PLANNING DEPARTMENT In w Introduction Purpose The purpose of this document is to identify the need for a Special. Taxing District to hell) provide special police services in Downtown Miami. This document is prepared for the j&1t.ropol itan Dade County Planni n;; Director as a basis for a subsequent petition to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners for the establishment of a Special Taxing District as outlined in Section 18-3 of tile Dade County Code. Additionally, this document should provide useful informa- tion in the future investigation by the Dade County Manager as to: (1) the; boundaries of the proposed district (2) the costs of the special_ services (3) annual expenses to be borne by the district (4) conformatico with the Dade County pastel• Plan (5) his rc)cc.r,�;mendat ions concerning the need and desirability of a district, and (G) his recc)r;mendations as to the Levying* of sped ,ll a.ssr.ssments and the ainotllit of such levy. Scop(• and Content This :,Ladd cc)n ;i:;t:, of' ttco secti0)1f`- The first describes the itnp()rtanic: 01' ]l<,tintc)::n'ti 7e :ican,il. f()cus thrott;h an analysis of curr(?nt, c:�)►t(i i t i r)n:, :t►td fui urc� trend:; . The secutld SQCti 011 ex- ainines the special securi.ty tleed�; of Do\l'tltown as evideticed by crime incidence data. This section det;ti is some of the special COStS With 111e provision of these do'wilt-own services. For th(. 1)tt rposes of th i :; :t n:t 1 t': i :; , the of interest proposed for t:hr. ;t:1 di:;tri c:t the Downtown 1)cwelopmcnt: Attth- ori L'y 's taN di:;tri ct rl(-)rt lh of t.h(, Miami Ri vcr, and port.iotis of t;he 13r.icl:r-ll :u•(-1 south OF the li.i.vrr, (.,Ist Of the old ITC ri;*ht-c)I'-�:;►�• f.c) I�i:;c:t}'tt�r 11,(y, and ..cmth to the SE, 1.5t.11 Road, e:•:(:l.ticli.n;; Chr, enlidO^liniw"I deve.lorm(,►l1_ on Smith lkly- slitwu Drive :11. P()int t'icrx. At.t.,cr•1 rionl; 1% i:; :t more exact (lc-:,cril)- t i on of Lltt1)oun(l,u•i r.s . -1- Downtown's Regional Focus Downtown Miami. is unique in southeast Florida and Dade County. It is the business, banking, and office employment center of the southeast Florida region. It is an expanding commercial core with increasing national and international significance. Downtown Miami is experiencing a resurgence in activities that once located elsewhere. Expanding retail, tourist, and resi- dential activities are reversing a twenty-year trend,which is helping to produce once again a diversified downtown envi- ronment; a Downtown with special. needs, unique, special prob- lems and most importantly, virtually unlimited opportunities. Downtown continues its regional focus for certain activities. Recent projections indicate an increasing concentration of doumtown employees in many business sectors. During 1970, as identified by the 1970 Census of Population and Housing, forty percent of Dade's employment has located in the City of ;Miami (1) . The following table shows the importance of the proposed Special Taxing District compared to the entire City of Miami. -2- , TABLE I Selected 1975 Characteristics Special Taxing; District and City of ;~Ji.ami (l ) Characteristic Special Taring District Number As Percent of Miami Retail Employment 7,399 270 Of f ice Employment 39,964 51c,o IIotel-Motel Employment 1,789 65ro Total Net Acreage 689.46 40 Estimated Population 13,109 4o (1) Source: City of 'Miami. Planni.n„ Department The concentration of Miani's non -manufacturing, co==ercial activities is seen in Figure 1 which sliolrs the percent of total not area by tr:cf'i c zone devoted to commercial. uses. for Future Grov.t:h Recant anal yti CUI. W021711Z prel7;trc�d for the J`()lvnto;cn Peopla �lover Study Area, vc:ryin area to thQ proposed tax c}istriet, indicate:, a continui_n; ill- oT doltintcnvn ,Miami as a velrional focus;. Beli,.vOon 19GS and 1978) of :1.11, office space built in Mi:uni. com,t:rutted in tho I mviltowli- 13ri c�I:nl I trr�a. Over 4. mi.l.l icon S(111:1ro foot of office space wa!—; complr.i:od in J)cn�:ntc;:rn-i3r:ickel 1 pr i c,1• to 197 S (`? ) . Ii' the trc.ncJ cont.inuc•s, 'Intl Hio 1:0:(!:,t. infor;natioll on s}.)�:ci.fic do-vol olunent prol�c�r,;11 :, i nc1 i c aLghat. -lie Down tm n- I3ri c1:c11 ;treat i:; c�xpcct �cl t.<� cantl�rc about :3.6 million -,quart feat of 'Icicii l:ir,n:ll ;'ice �;pac.o by 198.5 (2). - 3- r-- In addition, by 1985, the Downtown-Brickell area is expected to gain between 200,000-300,000 square feet of retailing and perhaps as many as 2,000 now housing units. About 2,000 new hotel rooms are planned, as well. These increases in commercial activities are expected to increase, employment by nearly 29,000 workers between 1075 and 1985 to a total of about 87,000 employees (4). Planning, for a Strong Downtown Miami Public policy clearly identifies a strong, viable downtown .Miami in the 19S0's and 1.9001s. llinmi's Central Business District (C.B.D. ) is the only recognized diversified, regional activity center in Dade County according to the Comprehensive Development Master Plan (C.D.M.P.) Dade's master plan states that tho concept of a regional activity center etnnha si:-es growth around "centers of activity" rather than directionless; sprawl.. The Dade plan continues, "tT':ttl: lt: faci litins and sr-rvicC: should su; ,port t}io. shn.pin- and st:a ins; of (1e%7( l op7^ent: , reduN elor,nent , and inten- sification of the central blisi.tics:�, dis-• tricts...." (5,n.7) Miami 's Cc;mnrcAhen:ivn Idol;*,hboncond Plan 19: C-19SC identifies three ecti.l c:a for do ntc:.n Miami-: (1) Minml as a regional. o f,f i_uc calif (:]- (2) pro..otc: 1.1i.and its a financial canter, and dcw:ntov:n etnplo-riont. (C, p.IV-2) Miami's plan al:;() of "contraliLy of office lm'-at:ion" that: ;vill. hc_r rc:.int'c�rcccl ;;i_vcn rot;ic�nal rapid transit:. I'IU1 on7�, i.:: L11,2 ,i:roll-th of cicr:-:nt:Own `.li.:uni. ;t Stated plrinning gOal., bitt: :t :itrnn„ purl is eff'ot•t. is currently und(1r- tra�•. Lii nrn i ' 19'7')- 1!"5 Cny) i t -al Pro,«1-1111 detail: i00 '() lc.a11 i t a l i t::h 1-ov �t:Ie21 Ls which shott.l d encoural;e a lte:tich.1 ba anc:e of l�ussinc�:;:s, l;c�vcrnt:.�nt:, anti rosidential act:ivit-ie:; 2 Special. Needs of Downtown Miami. This section describes some of the special, unique needs of Downtown as identified by an analysis of recent crime evidence. data. Crime Characteristics in llowntown The following table contrasts the crimes that occur in Downtown versus crimes in the City at large. This analysis is ba:�ecl on data contain(-d in the Miami Police Department's Impact File for 1978 and .1079. The Impact File contains data on major crimes such as rape, aggravated assaults, murder and breaking and entering. T,,'i BLIE I I Llajor Crimps: Propo:::(1d Special Tax District anyl1 gi.ty of Miami -1979- Type of Cri= Special Tax District 1;t!:.:l) I'(�rcc:lt of City Total Murder-mans1.alt ;h tc,r 16 10.6 Rapre I 11.0 Robbery 986 20.0 Aggravated Assault GUS 12.7 Br.'eaking and Entering 1,151_ 11.2 Larceny 4 , !,:.;: 06. 'i Vahi cle Thuft 34"t. 11.1 Arson 17 Total 7,—'ll�!) -- 9.,,, (1) For the- Rc•prrt.in-,,: Arcas that: most: approxi- m:it::I:c d i :;!.:• i c:t: - 1 l:. , 1 1 ; , -.155, 156, 1GO , l GI , J G5 , 1 cc , l os , 170, ", }'.c , ..'.i 3 . Tlv'ro are ap- proxiMt,:l y :135 111l i c,; Arc,a:, in t ho City of As in '1ahle IT, cant• In:n1r)r crime :ill f:ivci in Mia:::i occurs within th" limits ni thc• prr,}g)sod tan: district. lii:C in t trwn is in mN,1 r)r vrj 1 .q ill I)� �;':Il t' (,;"ll-1',1'.i c'.1:t'l l are all i ncli — cat. cqn-r;;cnt!y P"line survives are noveKsary. a1 1 sh,,nn: t:l:e t:l'c:ncl: ill inaJor crime types for 1979 and MO. —5— r TABLE I I I Trends in Major Crimes Special(Pr District 19f8 - 1979 Type of Crime Numbpr of Crimes Percent Change 1975 1979 _ '1978 .1979 Murder -manslaughter 10 16 + 60 11.1pe 35 34 Robbery 635 986 + 57.8 Aggravated Assaults 450 608 + 35.l o Breaking and Entering SS3 1,181 + 32.90 Larceny 4,059 4,583) + 12. Vehicle Theft 361 344 -- 4.70 Total 6,425 7,752 ++ 20.6`,0 (1) Excludes Arson which was not classified as a major crime in 1978. The twenty percent increase in major crimes in the proposed taxing; district at a time when major crimes increased by eight percent for Miami as a whole, is a cause for great concern. This large increase during; a time of general economic upsurge, especially in Dotivntown-Brickell, is an indication that a different kind of crime problem is emei, ing that necessitates special crime prevention and protection measures. An anal":^i.s of the cri.mo incidences shu,vs that during normal bu:ai n�s:7 , daytir,�(-, hours (7 : 00 a.m. -G :00 p.m.) t�vo kinds of all, major cri.cne5�c_��cur: This diurnal pattern has remained constant since 1978 alAhotl,111h tyre proposed district has ex- perienced a twenty percent ilicrea-:,p in major criR;es. Table IV SLU;imFLI'i: e5 the ilnur:, o.f.* occurrence of m;ljor crimes iI1 Down- town-Bricl:c;ll. -6- Tf1BLE, IV Time of Occurrence for Major Crimes in Downtown-Prickell -107J- Type of Crime Time of Occurrence Percent of Total by Type 1.2:00am 7:00 am 7:00 pm 6:59 am 6:50 pm 11.50 pm ?,lurder-lnan 1:111,'_;lll',(-r 12. 6", 62 . 5") 24. 9 Rape 311-1. 1.; 26. Y, 35'.4 hn}ll l' :, '014. 8c. Ag ravated Assaults 21 . r.- � 46. �?'.� 32. l`,o Brealcin- and Entering 22.5'� 5^.,.�? 23,Gro Larceny 7. 4'.0 78 .0 ', 14. 6.0 Vehicle Theft 17.47, 63.4 22.2';0 Arson 47.3'0 11.81,.0 Total 13. g o 65.0 0 20. 3"0 The daytirle peals of cri.mi.nal acts coincides with the greatest activity Dovntor:n: the largest daytime popul:ltion, employees, shop- pers,,;touri.sl:s , etc.; the most traffic, etc. When crime occurrences are e:•:aminod by Police Area., definite land - use jcri.me i r. ol.ation.shi pF, -aro id(nt i fis cl. Given the e-xpected ad- ditional growth in the llcm:nt0.tin-l3ric:?:czl7. area, crime tren(ls before 1985 will indicate a cri.ti.ca'l nc�c,c? for -iddi.tio na.l. polle(I 1-esou1rces over .ins, ahov(• thww pru.-wnt !v avai.l:lble. .1 , T LlJlQ V 011 tllc? 1'0110wi ll;� crimp i.11cic?c tic,c�: by subareas:; within the pj,op .,;(2(l ta:; di :_It ri.c t . Note tho 11i;,11 nw,,il)r,.' of ills] U('ll! f':; ill tllf_' ";.li.:;�!cl ("('ro" , i tl "Oillil 1-: �!:L1'<;" , and in "Ilea:c l ? I'll -•:10 1.11t c c! .1I C:II: 1LCC-01111 L IM- 110,LI.INI rM-ty- �.i.:, pore. 11t: I•ir: 11'c':1. 19 'i 1J'r'9 j .;Itcr., t.h:tt 11()Lo]. t,c, t:lu. .,,.i ? Core", :111t? "i,1'] c:l:c'.1 1" :.1.1'�' ]Ile' 1'e:l'; ] I1;; th" i 1' -Olal-o of' total C1':1::11' 1 I1C i clC'I1 r't!:' , TABLE V }Major Crime Occurrences by Seib -area - Proposed Special Tax District -1979- Type of Crime Sub -Area Percent of 'Total by Type Omni-Sears(1) Bicentennial(2) Park West (3) Hotel Row(4) Bayfront(_5) Park Areal _ Park. :.;artier -Rages 4 .O 19.5 4.6 16.5 1.4 1.8 I;,�h1 _.1•� .} , G G . 3 16.2 14.0 2.3 A.: SailI t5 (3. 3 ;' S ' • 15.1 10.9 0.4 13re;i1:in„ and Entering G.7 5 2 7.4 10. 7 1.6 L.irc. --nv 214.2 :3. 9 2 . 3 14.8 1.5 Ve11ieIo Theft 7.6 3.8 `1.9 T�L�1 lu 'l=� `�.�;� (continued) Type of Crime Office Core(6) Rental Core "'ixr-d Core(8) Retail�0) Coui:thouse(_10) Parlcing .Gov_.t. Ctr 1 .4 1 .4 15.3 1.4 1.4 2.5 Iioi i er 0.9 0.9 19.4 0.9 5.3 .As.s;l is 2.1 2.1 13.3 1.2 3.0 J3t•c;�1: i n; and Entering 4.7 4.7 10.4 2.5 3.1 Larccny 2.8 2.8 19.5 2.2 2.6 3.5 Vehirle Theft 3 5 - .3.5 8A 17. 1 2 0 3.2 0 Total ` . h`% �i . 0'% 0 .0 (continued) . fType of Crime Brickell(11� Al Others(12) -_---- Murder-Rapes 18.3 Robbery 3.6 Assaults 10.3 i;rc:aking and Entering 18.7 LarcenS 7.2 Vc;liicle Theft 16.9 Total 9.4% 29.3 26 A 23.1 26.6 20.3 29.E ?.2.9% k i I' i i P i i i i . i , f F f tlajor Crime Occurrences by Sub-area-1979 Footnotes to Table V Area (1) 1.13 (2) 1G1 ( 3 ) IC)0,165 (4) 170 (5) 171 (6) 174 (7) 173 (S) 169 {0) 173 (10) 163 (11) 249,202 (12) 15C1, 149, 155, 1663, 172 i A )Miami Police Department (NIPD) staff study concludes that no internal. readjustments could be made in the MPD to put more officers on patrol without degrading other community -wide noels. Patrol coverage in Down- town (Miami and in Brickell could not be increased at the expenses of other areas in the City. The MPD recommends the hiring of 16 new officers and the purchase and equipping of 8 cars or three ivhccicr:- to provide additional coverage over and ahove the current police commitment. The 16 additional NIPD officers would provide plainclothes officers concen- trating on pick -pockets, street frauds, purse snatches, robberies, drug sales, muggings, panhandling, and shop- lifting. Additional uniform coverage would concentrate on traffic flow, vagrancy, park patrol truancy, walk- throughs of largo buildings, burglary of autos, im- proved arrival times and would provide a visibility presence. The MPD estimates that the yearly cost of placing one new uniformed officer in Downtown is S-10,000. This cost estimate includes pension costs, automobile, insurance, training and administrative support. A detailed cost brealcdo:cii is included in Attarl=,nt 13, provided by the 'Miami. Police Department. Total. costs projected for a I,(:, , 16 man Downtown force total $6.10, 000 per N?(-nr. -in- ATTACHMENT "A" SPECTA1. TAXT`G DISTRirT At the point of ht•s;inninti; at the ccntcrli.ne of the intersection of N.W. 5th Street and N.U. 3rd Avenue, cut' nor of the diatrLct, thence rrinrtiitg soittIterIy to the cettterIiite of Wt!-;t F1aglcr Street at the 1ntcr:,ec- t1ort of N.1J. 3 r d Avenut! and Wy05t Flag 1er Street, thenru westerly along; the c(interILite of IJr:;t F1.agler Street to the centerline of the Ptiatit i River, thence southeasterly, f0LLowing the centerline of the i'tiami. River (rncanderint; line) to the ensterLy right -of -way litre of Mctropolita11 Dade County Rapist Transit Corridor, thence running; southerly along; said ea:;tern Rapid Transit Corridor right - OE -way line to its intersection with S.E. 15th Road, thence southeasterly alon;; the. centerline of S.E. 15th Road to a point midway between Brickel.l Avenue and S.E. Bayshore Drive, thence northeasterly to S.E. 14t}t Street, thence easterly on S.E. 14th Street to the westerly bulkhead (Dade. Count;✓ bulkhead) line of Biscayne Bay, thence northerly clan ; Said Dadoi Cotmt}• bul}•.hcad line following tho bulkhe;:d projo(-t:n•d jlurcherl�: across the lriiami River to the Dade Count• bulMicad and tale southerly boundary Of th<� DuPont P1,1-a Center property, thenk.e northeasterly on a line remaining parallel to the southerly boundar;• of the DuPont Plaza Center and the St, Joe Paper Companv pronorty to a point southerly of tli,! ea ;tern bul}.i1e3d line Of t11c St. Joe Paper Comj,anv, tht�nce northerlyalon,, L11e bulk"le 1d line of Fray; runt Par.:. and file Bayfront Parr: lac}lt Doc:::.:, continui:: ; northerly alon,, the bul:.head line to a point ou the centerline of N.E. 17 th Street e::tenct2d, tllece westerly along tile centerline of i\. E. 1/ th Street to the eastern right-of-wav line of the FEC Railroad, thence southerly along the eastern side of the FEC Railroad ric,lit-of-way to the centerline of N.W. 5th Street, thence westerly along the centerline of 5th Street, to the point of begi:lni.tl�," IF .4 EX Ii:1T "•" ` •75 ATTACHEMENT "B" P17ojectcd yearly direct coits to place a now police Officer in Do�vnioi;,n Univorin Patrol (effective October 5 t 1980) Starting salary $16,752 Medical In,,urance. Coverage (4.29%) 824 Pension costs (40.94%) 1 6,858 t!' Workers Compensation (5.08') 851 Uniforms, Equipment and. firearm 1,200 (first issue) Vehicle- mileage (Est. 50e, per mile 3,807 x 36.6 miles per day x 208 days) Vehicle purchase (5 year pro -rated 800 1.6 shift relief factor) Shift differential (Q 40� per hour) 480 (see note 41) Average paid overtime (excluding 1,035 compensatory time) (see note 1112) Radio, M.D.T., portable radio, 600 (7 year pro -rated 4. 1.6) (see note 9 3) Training (South East Flordia 495 Institute Criminal Justice) Range ;u-nmunition 26 Yearly Physical 75 City Self Insurance Fund 728 (P '_rc -rated 1,000 E­pl.) Fire q- Theft - Tort - Collision Liability Supervision (Base Salary 4,614 SerUcant step 13 + Fringe 7) T - -ort and s up,, Mi s ce 1 !Q 310 o us c 0 11 c a t i 0 11 s , records, etc.) 885 $40,000 Noto 1111r.111) r 1- pit jjr�_. per %.;c,(!)- 5 0 $ 4 0 Pit. ('40-hr'S. per wcuk) (50 $.40) :mb c. 1 2 overti r A 0 2.72 Timc�­antl-i­half .0079 $293,173 x 1. or) y 1.0 , 7G 3 360 1,035 AV 0 G 0 Boo 480 1),-iid overtire (Iollars 1979 (Patrol share) M-ty rai.,;o 19 80) (officers in pjt_-01 on zivorarie dIIII-ing 10 79 ) ,%%,c,rage pat,rc)l overtime paid per Officer flote number 3 1 3 Patrol ',-,ould not include I,I.D.T.Is. lot "I a (V 2 t 7-- N.W. 38 ST.P. : Z7� cr -;z N.W. es ST. f-- 7- _7 N.W. 20 ST. 6 N.W-114 ST.- —M p N.W. 7 ST ST. N.W. 5 ST. 15 Aaumpm FLAGLER ST. CLAUE3KfrON ISLANIJ S.W. t3 ST., L V PLANNING DISTRICT 8 CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT JULIA TUTTLE CAUSEWAY VENETIAN CAUSEWAY MAC ARTHUR CAUSEWAY 11110N ISIILNO VOWNTOWt4 IAIAM% 16WUAL -I`P�x446 ID15T(ZICT HN I 0 750 .500 RECO1,LMENDED UNIFORt•1 PATROL STAFFING FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT AND CITY OF MIAMI AS A WHOLE AT BUDGET STRENGTH 814* S.T.D. CITY AS A WHOLE Units Men Units Men "A" SHIFT - 6:30 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M.: 3 3 31 41 PSA 9 9 28 28 "B" SHIFT - 3 P.M. to 1 A.M.: 3 3 30 40 K-9 1 1 6 6 PSA -- -- 18 18 "C" SHIFT - 9 P.M. to 7 A.M.: 3 3 27 37 K-9 1 1 6 6 SPU - approximate time 8:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M.: Footbeats 10 10 (6 days) 10 10 3-1heelers 7 7 (6 days) 18 18 Horses 3 3 (5 days) 6 6 Paddy Wagon 1 2 (7 days) 1 2 21 22 35 3G S.T.D. N CITY AS A WHOLE TOTAL SWORN: 32 Units 33 Men 135 Units 166 Men S.T.D. 23.79. Units 19.9 Men -- -- TOTAL PSA 9 Units 9 Men 46 Units 46 Men % S.T.D. 19.6% Units 19.6 Men -- -- TOTALS 41 Units 42 Men 181 Units 212 Men % S.T.D. 22.7% Units 19.8% Men -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *This presumes all Police - - - - - Officers - - - - - - to be fully - trained and capable of functioning as a One-man Unit (January 1982). 2/2/81 P&I RECOMMENDED AVERAGE PATROL STAFFING FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT (S.T.D.) AND CITY OF MIAMI AS A WHOLE - 7 A.M. TO 7 P.M. S.T.D. CITY AS A 1-91OLE Units Men Units Men "A" SHIFT*: Total 3 3 31 41 SPU - 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. (FLEXIBLE): Footbeats 10 10 10 10 3-Wheelers 7 7 18 18 Horses 3 3 6 6 Paddy Wagon 1 2 1 2 Total 21 22 35 36 PSA - Monday thru Friday 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.: Total - - - - - - 9 - - - 9 - - - - - - - - - 18 (of 46) - - - - - - - - 18 - - - - •S.T.D. CITY AS A WHOLE SWORN TOTAL: 24 Units 25 Men 67 Units 77 Men PSA TOTAL 9 Units 9 Men 18 Units 18 Men TOTAL 33 Units 34 Men 85 Units 95 Men % S.T.D. 38.9% 35.8% *NOTE: "B" Shift Picks up "A" shift staffing. 2/2/81 P&I am POLICE OFFICERS NEEDED FOR SEVEN DAYS COVERAGE RADIO PATROL AND SPECIAL PATROL UNIT (SPU) DAYS AS INDICATED "A" SHIFT - "II" SHIFT - "C" SHIFT - SPU: Wagon - Footbeats - 3-11heelers - Horses - 41 men per day 46 men per day 43 men per day 2 men x 7 days 10 men x 6 days 18 men x 6 days 6 men x 5 days TOTAL MAN HOURS PER IMEK - 2,870 man hours per week - 3,210 man hours per week - 3,010 man hours per week - 140 man hours per week - 600 man hours per week - 1,080 man hours per week - 300 man hours per week 11,220 - 11,220 man hours . 40 hours = 280 police officers need to staff for one week. - Each police officer uses an average of 276 hours per year "V", "EO", and "I". - A two year study (1978 - 1979) indicates that police officers use 276 hours of "V", "EO", and "I" per year or are available for 1,804 hours of work (2,080 - 276 = 1,804). Therefore: 2,080 hours x available police officers 280 _ 1,80.1 hours available Number of police officers needed to cover V, EO, I. - 323 Uniform Officers needed to covet the City of Miami at reco.;,mended staffing. 2/2/81 PSI POLICE OFFICERS IN PATROL 814 Sworn positions -201* Management and Supervisory Positions 613 Police Officers 613 Police Officers 57% to Patrol 350 Police Officers in Patrol 323 Uniform Police Officers + 27 Task Force + administrative duties 350 Police Officers - - - - * 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chief 2 Assistant Chief 1 Executive Assistant 6 Majors 14 Captains 37 Lieutenants 140 Sergeants 201 Management & Supervisory Positions 2/2/81 P&I PROPOSED STAFFING LEVELS FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRTCT - 1980 COST - STArFING SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT (without additional assessment) - January 1982: Units Men Patrol Cars 9 9 A 9 2 2 Footbeats 10 10 3-Wheelers 7 7 Horses 3 3 Paddy Wagon 1 2 PSA's 9 9 TOTALS 41 42 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plan A-1 (100% increase all sworn) Type Total Staffing Net Gain Unit Men Unit Dien Cost per TOTAL man COST Patrol Car 15 15 6 6 x $38,294 = $229,764 K-9 2 2 - -- --- Footbeat 26 26 16 16 x 34,121 = 545,936 3-Wheeler 14 14 7 7 x 38,631 = 270,417 Horses 5 5 2 2 x 35,976 = 71,952 Paddy Wagon 2 4 1 2 x 38,294 = 76,588 PSA 9 9 -- -- -- _ --- TOTALS 73 75 32 33 $1,194,657 PLAN A-1 (100g increase all sworn) TOTAL COST = $1,194,657 Page 1 of 4 Plan A-2 (TOOL increase sworn + Total Staffing Net Gain Cost per TOTAL Type Unit _ _ Men Unit _t_1e-n man COST Patrol Car 13 15 4 6 x $38,294 = $229,764 K-9 2 2 -- -- -- --- Footbeat 20 20 10 10 x 340121 = 341,210 3-11,heeler 12 12 5 5 x 38,631 = 193, 155 Horses 5 5 2 2 x 35,976 = 71,952 Paddy Wagon 2 4 1 2 x 38,294 = 76,588 PSA'S 17 17 8 8 x 23,456 = 187,648 TOTALS 71 75 30 33 $1,100,317 - - - - - PLAN A-2 - - - - - - - - (100% - - - - - - - increase - - - - - - - - sworn + - - - - - - - PSA) - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL COST = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,100,317 - - - - - - - - Plan B-1 (50g increase staffing all sworn) Patrol Car 12 12 3 3 x 38,294 - 114,882 K-9 2 2 -- -- -- Footbeat 18 18 8 7 x 34,121 - 272,968 3-1-7heeler 11 11 4 4 x 38,631 = 154,524 Horses 4 4 1 1 x 35,976 = 35,976 Paddy Wagon 1 2 -- -- -- PSA'S 9 9 -- -- -- TOTALS - - - 57 58 1G 16 $578,350 - - PLA14 B-1 - - (50 - - - - - - - increase all - - - sworn) - - - - TOTAL - - - - COST = - - - - - - - - $578,350 Page 2 of 4 Plan B-2 (50% increased sworn + PSA) Total Staffing Net Gain Cost per TOTAL Type Unit Men Unit Men man COST Patrol car 12 12 3 3 x 38,294 = $114,882 K-9 2 2 -- -- --- Footbeat 15 15 5 5 x 34,121 = 170,605 3-Wheelers 11 11 4 4 x 38,631 = 154,524 Horses 4 4 1 1 x 35,976 = 35,976 Paddy Wagon 1 2 -- -- --- PSA'S 12 12 3 3 x 23,456 = 70,368 TOTALS 57 58 16 16 $546,355 - - - - - PLA14 B-2 - - ( 50 % - - - - - increased - - - - - - sworn + PSA) - - - - TOTAL - - - - COST = - - - - - - - $546, 355 — Plan C-1 (254 increased all sworn) Patrol Car 9 9 - - --- K-9 2 2 - - --- Footbeat 15 15 5 5 x 34,121 = $170,605 3-Wheeler 10 10 3 3 x 38,631 = 115,893 Horses 3 3 -- -- --- Paddy Wagon 1 2 -- -- --- PSA IS 9 9 -- -- --- TOTALS - - - - - 49 - - 50 - - - - - - - 8 - - - - 8 - - - - - 286,498 PLAID C-1 (25% increased all sworn) - - `I'O`I'AL COST = - - - - - - - - $286,498 Page 3 of 4 Plan C-3 (25g increased sworn + PSA) Total Staffing Net Gain Cost per TOTAL Type Unit mien Unit Tien _ man COST Patrol Car 9 9 -- -- -- K-9 2 2 -- -- --- Footbeat 12 12 2 2 x 34,121 = 68,242 3-Wheeler 10 10 3 3 x 38,631 - 170,605 Horses 3 3 -- -- Paddy Wagon 1 2 -- -- PSA'S 12 12 3 3 x 23,456 = 70,368 TOTALS 49 50 8 8 - - - - - $ 309 , 215 - - - - - - - - - - - - PLAN C-3 - - - - - - - - (25% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - increase sworn + PSA) TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COST = - - - - $309,215 - - - - - - - 2/2/81 P&I Page 4 of 4 C(!ST FhCTOPS : 110M Ci: Oil- i CER Projected yearly direct costs to pli+ce a new Police Officer in Uniform Petrol (eff(,ctive Octubr,r 5, ]S'80)c Starting Salary Recruit $15,912 t;edical Insurance Coverace 856 Pension Casts (40.94%) 6,514 Worker's Compensation (7.42%) 1,181 Uniforms, Equipment and Firearm .(first issue) 1,200 Vehicle miles (estimate 38t per mile x 36.6 miles per day x 208 days) 2,893 Vehicle purchase (five year pro -rated 1.6 shift relief factor) 800 Shift differential H40� per hours) 480 Average paid overtime (excluding compensatory time) 1,035 Radio, M.D.T., Portable Radio (seven years pro -rated . 1.6) 600 Training (Southeast Florida Institute Criminal Justice) 495 Range Ammunition 26 Yearly Physical 75 City Self -Insurance Fund (pro -rated 1,000 employes - Fire, Theft - Tort - Collision Liability) 728 Supervision (base salary - Sergeant - Step 3 + fringe : 7) 4 , 614 Mministrative support anti micellaneous (Communications, Records, etc.) 885 TOTAL COST $38,294 9/23/80 Planning b Inspections l' ,G CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA li INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Lt. Thomas F. Paine Commander Planning and Inspections i -"-- --J' FROM Lt. B.vRiggs S.P.U. The following represents cost factors as requested: (1) Foot beat officer: (per yr.) Starting Salary 15,912 Medical Insurance 856 Pension 6,514 Workman's Comp. 1,181 Uniforms, Equip & Firearm 1,200 Average paid O.T. 1,035 Radio (Portable) 600 Training(S.E. Fla.) 495 Institute Range Ammo 26 Yearly Physical 75 City Self-insurance 728 Fund Supervision 4,614 Administrative & Misc. 885 Total $34,121.00 (2) One Mounted officer same as Above One horse (donated) Vet -Feed & upkeep per year Total $34,121.00 2,855.00 $35,976.00 DATE January 19, 1981 FILE FI14 2-6 SUBJECT Cost Factors REFFRENCLS Special Taxing District ENCL OSURf.S I i Lb'M 4... CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Sngea►c.t D. DeJong Su1?eaty is o•t P.Cann.i►cg a►id Inspecti.ions /( a lj:c�l I rRo�, 066.ice,-L D. L CaCdcve t Aci-ing Supe-tvi,6c' Canine Dc.ta.it el' DATE Ja► uaAy 21, 1981 rILE PTL-2-2 suB,EC1 Cost Fac-toh (yca,7ty) o 6 M t.t.i ►ig a Ca►i i►te ---w------ __._._. 066.i.ce,t on .the St' -Lek r -- i ' RFFEAF:NCES 1 11 ENCLOSURES v �- P.tejected yca4t'.y di ',Lcct co.s.ts .to p.Cace a new Canine 066.icut i►�i_.___ Uji.i6o.tm Pa.t.to.C: Sat'a:cy (avenage 5 yea-c o66.icen) 21, 396 Med.icaC Tnsutancc Cove.tage 856 Pension Costs (5 yeast o66.ice)t) g) 772 wonfze.t'b Compensation (6o.7 o66.icc lt in 5th cfca.t) 1, 497 u►z.i6o.tms (cvs.t o6 ye.a.,Zy .i.s.sue) 262 Vch.ictc mites (c•s-t.irra.te . 38� put mite x 14,000 ►n.it:es pc,,-yeast-incC(tde.s -taking cvL home) 5, 320 Veh.i.c.Ce. Punchasc (5 yeast p.to-Aatcd) 1 , 200 Sh.i6.t Vi'I)o -,enti.ia.0 (at .40� pc.t houns) 480 Ave,tagc Paid 0ve.t-timc (exc.Cuding compensa.to.ty time) 1,035 Radio, 1d.D.T., Pc ab. c Rad�icy (seven yca,ts pLo-Aa-tcd i 1.6) 600 Range Armnunit-ion 26 Yea ,Uy Phys.icat'. 75 City ScL'-7n.sUtancc Fund 728 Supc-tv.is.ion (base- Sa ra'Ly-SV;gc_ant-Step 3+ F �.irige + 14) 2, 307 Adrn�nE.s.t�at.ivc Supt:c,t.t and ;.1.i-.sceCt'ar.e0us L 8 5 Vetii►taSian (aveimage_ co.s.t pc, deg yeat.Cy) 360 hfisccUaneous dog suppt:.ics and ►na.in.ianance o6„C.i.ty issued F.Cas1i£.ight 200 Deg Food 250 CoveLaC£s (4 pa.i•t pe-1 ye(js) 60 T tai►u►:g Suppt:ies (avvcage cost puL dog at 15 dogs) 30 46, 339 4 �r. PUBLIC SERVTCFS AIDE COST FACTOR SALARY FRINGE (INS., FICA, WC) TOTAL $11,569.56 2,468.76 $14,038.32 TUITIO14 - MIAMI-DADE $ 185.00 OUTSIDE MEDICAL: EKG 15.00 X-RAY 25.00 UNIFORM COST PER YEAR 286.00 MDT RADIO (7 YEARS PRO- RATED : 1.6) 600.00 VEHICLE PURCHASE (5 YEARS PRO -RATED : 1.6 SHIFT RELIEF FACTOR) 800.00 VEHICLE MILEAGE (ESTIMATE - 384 PER MILE x 36.6 MILES PER DAY x 208 DAYS) 2,893.00 SUPERVISION (BASE SALARY SERGEANT -STEP 3 + 7 FRINGE : 7) 4,614.00 TOTAL COST TIER YEAR = $23,456 2/2/81 P&I The City of Miami. Special Service Tax District -A Cost Allocation Methodology This paper will propose a taxing; formula to cover the costs of additional police services within the City's proposed Special Service Taxing District. The need for increased police protection in the District was outlined in an earlier Planning Department study - Downtown Miami Special Tax District Proposal for Additional Police Ser- vice (see attached). This need has been transformed into the required increment of police service and cost for this service as set forth in a study prepared by the Police Department staff: Proposed Staffing Levels For Special Taring District (see attached). As the "special services" have already been clearly quan- tified, the problem then becomes how to allocate this total cost among properties in the District's geographic area. Like property taxes, special assessments are levied against property rather than against persons or organizations. Spe- cial assessments are often included on the property tax statement, and collection and foreclosure procedures are similar. On the other hand, there is an important difference between property taxes and special assessments. Property taxes are levied for general public purposes, and there is not require- ment that the taxed property crust receive services or bene- fits in proportion tn tho tali levy. Special assessment, in contrast, are levied to finance Specific projocts - usually capital improvements - and the levy is distributed on the basis of a formula or procedure which relates the charge against -a parcel of property to the services or bene- fits received. " Economic justification for the use of special assessments rests upon three arguments: (1) equity, (2) promotion of economic efficiency, and (3) revenue hroduction.l In its -j.mplest form, the equity .argument is that if the benefits of local improvements or services accrue to tho o.,:ners of specific pieces of property then those owners, ra- ther than the public at large, should be assessed for the costs. 1� Fisher, Glenn 17., Financing Local. Governments by Special As se:;tinuent llunicinal Finanoe Officers Association, 197.4. -1- It is not equitable to pay the cost of producing such pri- vate benefits from revenues collected from the general public or from a small group of individuals other than those benefited. Special assessments when properly used may contribute to economic efficiency. Since it would be extremely costly for individual properties in the District to establish their own security systems and maintain them at a level equal to that of the City Police force, economic efficiency would be prompted by establishing a district -wide service. This district -wide service is what is known in economic terms as a "public good". By definition, a public good is one from whose consumption it is not possible to exclude those who do not pay. Therefore, efficiency can only be achieved if equity is enforced. In this case, the City taxing authority would require that all those properties which stand to benefit from the service- a public good, bear their share of the cost. On a somewhat more pragmatic basis, special assessments, are often justified as a revenue source which avoids some of the legal restrictions on local taxation and borrowing, and which, under certain conditions, may be more acceptable to taxpayers than are other sources of revenue. To the extent that spe- cial assessments are utilized for projects desired by a large percentage of those who will be assessed, special assessments may be more acceptable to citizens than are increased tax levies. Economic and le„al theories of special assessments assume that increased services financed by spocial assessments bene- fit both the. public at large, and specific parcels of pro- perty. It is assumed for purposes of t-his study that public benefits are small in comparison to those private benefits received by the individual properties in the District. There- fore, to simplifv the allocation process the full cost of the increasdd services will be assumed by individual property owners in the District. In order to understand the procedures usually followed, it is important to distin-uish between the allocation of costs and the allocation of benefits. In the first place, benefits are expressed in some more or less arbitrary unit, often dollars. The thooreti.cally ideal method of allocating private benefits i.nvolvc-s subtractinu the value of each parcel before the in- creased service is in the picture from the value of the par- cel after it has increased as a result of the increased service. Of fr , The benefit to each parcel divided by the total benefit would be the proportion of costs to be allocated to that parcel. A case can be made for taxing away the entire increased in value that results from the improvement even though this may exceed the total cost. This has not been the practice in the United States, and such a procedure would probably face serious constitutional barriers. Actually little use has been made of the direct appraisal method. Common practice has hen to use a formula involving one or more factors which serve as an index or proxy for benefits. Among the simpler of these are formulas based on front footage or area. An even simpler approach is to assume that all lots benefit equally. Often however, more complicated formulas in- volving a weighted application of two or more factors are used. For purposes of this study, it is assumed that benefits to the District's individual properties will -far exceed the cost of providing the increased service. The equity condi- tion is met on the assumption that individual property bene- fits would be so great that virtually no chance exists for a property to be assessed a service charge in excess of the benefits it would receive. This being the case, the problem then transforms itself to formulating a methodology whereby properties are assessed on their ability to pay. It is ex- pected that the ability to pay for the service, as measured by some proxy for income or vnlue, correlates highly with Vie benefits to be received since the potential dama_e to a property from crime would correlate hi:;hly with its income or value of goods and property. One method would be to distribute the cost of the increased service amonti properties on the basis of their relative pro- perty Value. Properties with hi ghr.r land values NN-Ould pad• a larger share 1s would prop(?rties Nvi.th greater imnrovements. Total property va.luc is the sum of its land value and build- in- value. Ullld value for a property is calculated using comparable proport,; sailos in the irlmrdiato urroundin, areaat the time of the valualLion. The Special. Taff T)istri.ct would have roughly 5 (iii'ferent: land va.11i(?s issociatod with different: parts of thr� lli�,t.rict. These land "'allies, calculated oil a por squaro foot: bnsis, w(nild be Vised in determinitl', total latild values for all proportios in that part of tjlc District. l3nildin!, value i , calculat( (1 (m al per S({unre foot rrplacenu-Tit cost at time Of val.liation basis aec:ountin„ for the followin- factors: duality of construction, typO of constructioll and extent of extra bui lciin;; fentur(,�a. Tkis "nd,justed" per square - 3- foot figure i lowing: age economic and adjusted and plied to the the building This building to arrive at s then depreciated with regard to the fol- of the building and extent of functional, extraordinary physical depreciation. The deflated per square foot figure is then ap- figure for number of total square feet on to arrive at the property's building value. value can then be added to the land value the property's total value. A final factor which will be included in the allocation formula is the length of property frontage on streets. this factor is included to account for the added benefits which would accrue to properties with wider frontages on streets, especially corner properties. These properties are considered to more susceptible to crime, and therefore, more likely to benefit from increased police service. This factor is mathematically calculated for a particular property by dividing; that property's front foot- a;e length by the total length of front footage in the District. This figure is then weighted by a factor of .33 and added to the land and building property value figure which is weighted by..di. The resulting figure then rep- resents that property's share of the Districts total annual cost for the increased service. -4- W CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA 1 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Jim Reid, Director Planning Department FROM Mike Levinson, Chi �N Economic Planning Planning Department ()ATE February 4, 1981 FILE SUHJLi;T Special Taxing District - Individ- ual. Property Cost Increments ror Alternative Increased Police Service Levels RE'FFREN(J.S ENGLOSUr, ES The purpose of this memo is to provide estimates of assessed annual costs to three (3) individual properties in the Down- town Area for three alternative levels of increased police protection for the proposed City of Miami Special. Taxing District. Three (3) individual properties will be assessed using the Planning Department's cost allocation formula as set forth in the enclosed paper - "The City of Mi uni Special Service Tax District - A Cost Allocation Methodology." The three individual properties to be considered are: 1. Itevitco Office Building 178,.179 adj. sq,ft, 44 Wost Flagler Street 2. Howard .Johnson hotel and 260 units Restaurant 200 SL 2nd Avenue 3. Burdine's Department Store 467,158 adj . sq . f t. 22 East Flagrler Street The cost allocation formula considers three factors: 1. Propertt' Land Value 2. Property Building Valu(� 3. Property Street: Frontage, A full explanation of theso factors is included in the aforo.- mentioneci plannin;; study. I1:1C.11 of tho three factors -is assigned an equal weight, of once -third of the overall cost assessment. Down t own Area Total Land and Bu i ld i.ng Value - $879 , 5G2 , 000 Doxntown Area Total Street Frontage - 1.10,600 feet f Jim Reid, Director Planning Department Page 2 February 4, 1981 The cost for increased police service is derived from a Police Department Study entitled "Proposed Staffing Levels For Special Taxing District - 1980 Cost", issued January 1981, which set forth three alternatives: Plan A-1 (100% increase staffing all sworn) Plan B-1 (50`e increase staffing all. sworn) Blan C-1 (2510 increase staffing all sworn) The three properties will be assessed for each of the police staffing alternatives. Police Staffing; Cost: Special Alternative Taxing District A-1 $1,194,657 B-1 578,350 C-1 286,498 I. Property 1 - Revitco: Land Valise $ 829,250 .67 (S 5,801.,025) _ .00419 Buildi.nn Value 4,971,775 879,562,000 TOTAL VALUE' $5 , 801 , 025 . 3� ( 62 =+. 000145 .;1,10 , 600 Street Frontage 62 feet Overall Property Cost: Factor = .00.156-1 Total Service Alternative Cost A-1 (.004564) x $1,194,657 = $ 5,152 11-1 (. 00.15G-1) x 578,350 = 26,10 C-1 ( . 00.15G.1) x 28G., 498 = 1305 NVION --- Jim Reid, Director Planning Department Page 3 February 4, 1981 II. Property 2 - Howard Johnson: Land Value $2,421,320 Building 7,497,330 Value Total Value $9,918,650 .67 (S 9,918,650) = .007554 879,562,000 .33 ( 343 )=+.000805 ( 140,600 Street Frontage 343 feet Overall. Property Cost Factor Total Service Alternative Cost A-1 (.008359)x $1,194,657 = $9986 B-1 (.008359)x 578,350 = 4834 C-1 (.008359)x 286,4 9S = 2395 III. Prnrwrty 3 - Burdines : Land Value $7,355,170 .67 ($12,877,2SO)+ 13ui.Idin'; ' 5,189,1.10 (879,562,000) V,i Iue .� Total $12 , 877 , 280 .33 ( 1085 ) 1,10 , 600 street Ff'onta'�e 1.085 feet Ovora l l Pl*opert y Cost Factor Total Service ,11 t i Cost A-1 (, 012,35.1 ) x $1 ,104 , 657 = $1. 4 , 759 13-1 ( , 01235-1) x 575*, 350 = 7 ,1.15 C-1 (. 01235,1) x 286,198 = 3,540 = .008359 009 SOS +.0025.16 . 01235.1