HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-81-0278as N. W. 23 STREET A IT:"BY SEWER 1' PROVL•RjEN shall be made Under the provisions of Suction 50 or the Charter of The City of `, iami, as amen_7ed , said Improvement to consist of: L,ayinr an 8-inch or larger vitrified clay and/car polyvinyl chloride and/or iron pipe sanitary sewer at or near the sideline of N. W. 23 Street from N. W. 22 Avenue to N. -% 17 f ven!it3 Layinr G-inch ca:',L' iron and/or polyvinyl chloride pipe laterals, as required to the lots ':inn parceln of land ahiehab"A upoll the above -mentioned street Including the lots and P me l s of land sae yribel in section 2 hereof ; toge;'thor Mtn !!wn s `!9 nvniiolo , athar ippuptenances, j-':1m ;Ptat!"M21 4?n Y11.1 annnoutions t,O nxintlnr sower,relayln,,7 street f,a-✓omp" , 11 j wly , ani I Iph and inittays 210h r , �, ,� CITY COMMISSION C 0CU'04EN'T I N D I& fviEETiNG OF ITEM 140. 30 ' FG,G.It? N r Ll•.. i. i._ ` f kii►:4f t,= ......... .............. .. a C.UIVi! �`1 � r-0t_L0%,"'; , a 38 Richard L. Fosmoen M City ManaL-ev arch 12, 1981 ILEE B-94611 N. W. 2-) STREET SANITARY .) 0 SEWER IMPROVEMENT - Resolution ordering Donald W. Cather g4crpN,,E5 Dir c todirks (For Commission Meeting c of April 9, 1981) q c , Pub a The Department of Public Works recommends the adoption of a resolution ordering N. W. 23 STR;-,--,' SAIN=ARY SEWEER In the N. W2� STREE`i SANITARY EWER IL4PRO%Tv"- NIT DIS",'RICT SR-5464', s I ie 1 Ine sewer), and allocating $5,000 from the Sanitary Sewer Bond Fund for preliminary expense. Plans and specifications are bein4 prepared to replace the old deteriora-,ei sanitar,r sewer in N. 14. 23 Street bet,.-.,,een N. W. 17 Avenu- and Avenuc. ImzD-,-Dve- M e,v are to constri,.ct- I on of new sanitary sewev and manh)l,,.�-:? alonr: with riconnections to existing service cU This Lori{ io t-. ) be 1-ne 11 0I!J—: c*c, 'on with the he INT. ta. 23 come �--Om. the Sa-itary Sowr G.O. Bond Fund, and t,"10 Work will be as.;essed 11-o the abuttin�,.", property owner'-'. a FACT SHEET �__B _NAN[E_: N, W. 23 STREET SANITARY SRWRR IMRROV8MRN' SR-5464-5 JOB SITE: South side of N. W. 23 Street (11. W. Avenue to N. W. 22 Avenue) JOB SCOPE: N. W. 23 Street improvements include the removal of the old existing concrete sanitary sewer and the installation of a new sanitary sewer system, along with reconnections to existing service laterals. Pavement replacement will be accomplished under the id. W. 23 Street Highway Improve- ment H-4466. REASON FOR WORK: The existin_, concrete sanitary sewers in N. J. ?; Street were constructed in the 1920's, and are badly deteriorated due to ,pipe corrosion, and shoald be replaced. The logical time for this replacement to occur 13 in conjunction with the rebuilding, of the street, which is sche'lUled to occur, *n,ier `he N. W. 23 Street :ii -hway Improvement Ii-44�6. Tests will be cond,_lcte:i sari I tar sewer to Cletermine rem,ainin e�� of the pipe. A reduction in property owner assessments will be made accordini;ly, based upon the nine tests. Sanitary Sewer G.O. Bond Funds Estimated total cost - $220,000 A nortion of the cost will be assessed to the abuttin, property owners.