HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #50 - Discussion ItemJANUS Attb=fts '':PRELIMINARY WORT OUTLINE , �GTU AN ARPA�,V OP CITY 8r MIAMI;ANDAbt COUNT (Submitted Pe6ru;ry 181 1081) (evigedah I * EXR�t1�'IVR.��UhiMA�Y At Su �f';id.aR 1. Eeoflom c $ demo6wA h' x community Assessment 8►u�nmat�y, Of, bevelopi�eht Barriers And` Ooportut�ities C. Summary Of', Recommendati one 1.trategies 2. Recommendations for action a, Jot. development b► Business development �I. INTRODUCTION A. Bkground of Assignment ac 1. Civil 'disturbances of May .17, 1980 2. Janus Associates' contract with City of Miami.and Dade County to develop economic strategies for target areas) B. Statement Of Assignmfrnts: 1. Economic.and demographic survey and community asses`smont 2: Economic Adjustment Plan per EDA guidelines 3. Identi'fy possibl'e�."immediate-action" projects .and conduct pre -feasibility studies, one %each, for the City and the County. 4. Review and 'comment on City and County plans III. CONSULTANT'S GENERAL P,HILOSOPHYAND APPROACH pose strategies ,an t and business deve larly in the; °riot a 0 s ofaction in the Blac ►'hilosopiia1 Viewpoini and'Arah 1, av6r= b16 eoohomio status anti prospeots of FliaM;and 9Outh: a l on da ,egi pn i n;tagral ly l inked to eobnbMi d and sooi 66- ditip s bf �lao a. embP1§crated �Y`owth'trends of area' ifl all eiployrnent+ �clasifications:,supported by report findings. b. ihdir�gs , ndioate` lack9: are not sig�iif ca�it. part d a its ' ,n this growth:".,.x o� pal, iure to inolufe Tacks ihithis g bwt�i is bnstra!nt On area's 6Vera1l- ecbpomi ' gro�yth potential,A 2► �laok community 1aeks the tools of development and.00nfideroe that eoonwic; progress sari occur. a� No effective capital instruments in and for the Mack '. community`• b� 'dew strong experienced and well supported economic and business'developmet:owganizations, models' c. hiinmal entrepreneurial development and few success d.'.Lim ted asscess to "maintream jobs Rots Blacks to move from postion.of "maintehance" characterized by dependence��on grants and:transfer'.,payments, o,one of :an Its development, barriers must be eliminated oppo rtunities expanded throught E a.' Improved access to :information concerning economic trends, business and employment opportunities,'entrepreneurial and: management skills, market assessment and. financial packaging b. Remo�'al"of barriers to business and opportunities, e.g�, regulations, credentialing, transportation. identification of business and job creation opportunities .!. c. resulting from unmet needs within the Blackcommunity; d.'' Cre ation and /or expansion of 1inl,ages to markets and resources :outside of Black community, 1: Better targeted and reinforced job training and follow-up..' an 2. Increased contact with and support frcmestablished busnEss community,° inclucing joint ventures with non-bl acks 3." Development: of linkages,to',Carribean and African.markets` 4..'Strengthenedbusiness and, economic development organizations. e.� New capital .i'nstruments f, Strengt ened 'business and developmE�N.worganizations :; g, Impro%,ed coor'dinaition and monitoring of development efforts e Gt '1"ICC3I ".P CPA.1 i6h c1hdSdf ite . 6a 6"611ection andd19ehihatioh b. Identifi"eatiol of nofl=l��al transferable pr6gramt e� Ekplere Potential offed tyiveness targeted Transit fare sUbidy. d. �nVestigate possiiii l i tiEs for gf eatef� else of oMumi t and neighborhood resources and people for,i plern ntatioh of manpow@r prograffis. 849usiMtn 1► lffi lediate a.; establish non-contiguous` Free made-ohe/Enterpri'se"OneJ Industrial park b. Ettablith MES8IC or venture copital'fuhd o. Uwban Market on pantry Pride site d. nteepreneursl I p Ih'sti tute e. Youth Enterpri,te,(Home' Repair/Neighborhood SecUrity"Corp / Community Data ReseAtc-h Corp.) �` Mid- and LongiTerm a. Trade missions to Carribean and African countries', b. Develop and implEment plan for maximizing equity participation 6y property owners 'in OYertotvn development . c. Establish or acquire Black -owned Bank/Savings & Loan/Credit Union/onding.Agency, d. Increase 81ack'membership in mainstream bsuiness organizations and 'associatio:ns "e.g., Greater Miami Chamber"of Commerce, Trade Associations, etc. e. '"Establish revolving fund to finance feasibility and planning costs of new high -growth potential enterpriseS*- possibly from CD funds) to be repaid "frr"m:pe manent J* nancing"and profits' f. Attract outside resources foi• Black economic development e.g.i, City.Ventures`, LISC, Foundations, etc.' C. Public Sector Actions Consider, preferential 'award Bla'cks.in, target, areas.' Consider contracting with B1 parking facil`ities', trash co service functions. firms to operate; pub Lions and perform of I e u r , r �$, tY`dl�gthen buy 1 nets ddve� Offii!ht 'anti aup�o4 t o g ni Kati one and fotton doord'natlbn.Ambn they: develop i(proved lihkages end ihfori��tioh flow betl��den Black AaM looal j Pdgional nati'ahal and �htdrhat�ohal bulhda cotlittun�t�e�i Fbstetx ,ci�dation and deVelopitent',of iieta fihahotng Vehile to meet capital anti ctiedit nedds of Black bu.inesg 76 devel opment t ' Assist acu�sition and/or• growth of gcveral�gtitficant scale,'py`oftitable Blank bu$inesses as succeSSiodelsg ix. RE�Ot1�1ENdATIGtJS_ �OR«ACTIOy. A, ,rnpl ovment I�medi ate . more indepth evaluati,o Affirmative' a beveloptrategios for on Action ;Plan ;for ma;cimi'iing :'Black employment in.coristuctioh, operiation aril maintenance of Rapid, Tr«osit Systom e examine ' gos by 'job category 2. �xahii ne efi ecti veness of Equal , Oppt�rtunity prrgr'am 3.' examine effectiveness of Recriutment anti Tr�;ining Programs; 4 Examine effectiveness of enforcement strategy Initiate greater utilization of community and grassroots organizations, leaders; youth and residents.to disseminate information regarding program: b Locate public job placement services in target area schools,"community centers. churches and housing projects. c Identify and encourage replict,tion o loc:al manpower that have successfully innovated new approaches Programs •thtit are generally transferable, d Develop job, opportunity maarix to identify external job opportunities with greatest placement potential for targetarea popu ation. e Utilize schools and community centers to eachemployability skills. Selected groups of grassroots leaders and _members of pi-ivane business community to visit'other;citids to, observe positive neighborhood -based economic development activities.' Janus ~rill provide list of possible sites. a - �XPLOi2E TRANSPORTAT IOiI FARE SUBS I llI'ES 3 PCs %r� 'TV kit cot1PJT ? cm BRIEF CITY ISION MEAT WITH 'COMM ITY _J _ i,-1EE1' WITH BUSINESS COMMUNITY tl/fit►/��; o " CI;Et1TE t or, C�' o. MIA�jI�Dnok CHn'Apnn hR ChMN1EF2C o L�',TI='l C�{��.ip'R nF Cn" ^EpCE -' MEET WITH OTHER ORGAN I7ATIONS' o °FVITA I� TI^id BOARn o PF'IVATE IWJSTR,IAL CQUNCIL o OmP si EVALUATE FEEnI3ACK SUBMIT FINAL REPORT MID MAY . 5 : i i i ,. .. " ��J tv r�^+ _, �a:�; i,,,..�_W....er��_�� �...,_,;. �f^., REPLICATE..SUCCESSFUL VOC ED RETENTION MODELS EXPLORE TRANSPORTATIM FAHt: suba11J1tz) SS/NEXT STEMS = I3IIE coUNT COMMISSION = $(? I TY GOCMI I SS 104 11/21A M�� WITH OOMUNITY 1!/�??/%� . - MEAT WITH Bii8MSS COMMUNITY It/7tt/ t1 o M I A�� I Lb!�DE CNAh��FR " nr C�h"A�ERGE o O.T I N C�-l•BIT MEET WITH OTHER ORGAN I7-ATI o REVITALI7ATI^td BOARb o PRIVATE INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL o OEDP VALUATE FEEDBACK - FINAL REPnRT MID b MAYSUBMIT