HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-81-0343The Applicant Shall: The City Shall: Plan for Convenient bus stops of appropiatt site and location to support total pro j act defraud for park'n ride, shuttle and ekprdss trans° t strvic`e= lla= promote etler.gy con ery on and the use of public transit speti= llb, Work Closely with the t gvffitoWft tidally related to,the'Nwntowtt +t3eritifent Center by beveloprftent Authority, the Dade Cbnnty offiee of Tran6p6rm participating in Transportation systdm Manage_ tation 'AdministY'at on and the applicant to Ment, coordinated by the Dade County Office of Transportation Adminisa p promote- energy Con- servation and public transit spec = jally Nation through such tieasues as ride -sharing ific related to' the Dot6wft1; Covernmetlt Center as outlined in programs and gran Pools; variable work hours, flex- Zia` and shall continue e�tforce= tent time, and a 4=day work Meek; tram sit"use coupled efforts to restrict or pro hib'it on -street parking, all ;:of with remote -site parking and public actions to be which are intended to max mite the recommended by the Downtown Miami interim Parking Study in llb, use of the available road - way capacity, further, the city is currently preparing a Downtown Miami I terim Parking Study to address parking short- ages until July, 1984, which study is to be completed in 90 days, which `study recommendations if approved by the City forty ,dill a basis' for ,public actions in 11- and llb. Energy The Applicant and the City recognize provides an, opportunity to explore that the Downtown Government Center the concept with the objectives of a) conservin costs for the projects. To further of co- generation, ever g gy and b) reducing energy, explore this concept: The Applicant Shall; The City Shall: 12a. Prepare a technical and fiscal feasibility analysis for 12b. Consider its option to part. icl .con- struction and operation of a co- pate in the joint development of an 'on -site cogeneration generation facility, which ana- lysis must address the alter- facility and to reviewthe`City's natives of joint Count Cit y' y land use approval and develop - ownership and joint public and ment review criteria for DOSS - ible amendments providing private ownership, as well as other cogeneration, conditions incentives for>development, in locations enumerated in 13a thru 15a, and submit the analysis to the Coun- adjacent the Down-' torah Government Center, o cil and the City 'for review and compatible land uses to`compli- merit the technical and fiscal approval, within two(2) years of the date of issuance of this feasibility of `a cogeneration facility installation Development Order`. In the event that - the County is unable to in the Downtown Government Center.' settle a price schedule agree- ment with Florida Power and bight Company for the sale of surplus generated electricity' the County may obtain a one year - extension of this deadline, if the results of the analysis indi- Cate that such a ;facility4 under Single or j,o nt owne ship,' is Viable within' the; Downtown Govern- ment Center{ the Applicant will 4evelop and operate it in a manner eonsistanV with sound fseal man- agement"uet to agr"event with other ac P, ORTt, end users. DocNITS 9 i The APPI'tftht 8hn.11 ;Tito- City Shall,, lea, RoLivalulto,tho existing pity 18b. Police t�eparttnetedtta'� Review the equitable armn em0fit Lets for cotinecfion to the of costs bettet�n the City and Countyo berrpose�d by the chilled water system of the Mnosed cogeneration facility County for connection and supply of chilled y and if found to be compatible* anti fisdally feasible, water froth the ous Hosed cogeneration facility to to the satisfaction of the City, con the existihI, 'Cit`�' police bep rt� ment 11ef.dcluo.rtor5 in the light nect the building to tho system through;; an agreement of fixed chiller equipment < provid- ins an equitable arra.ngetnent of which would become obsolete, and if found to be fiscally costs between the City and the County. feasible to the satisfaction . of the City, to subsequently} enter into an agreement with the County for connection ands SUbply Of chilled 'stater to the City, Police Department Headquarters. 14a,,Require all future Downtown 14b. Require all :future Downtown — Government Center buildings — to lie Government Center buildings to connected to the chilled water system under an be connected to the chilled ,, :water equitable cost schedule., sat is- system, under an equitable cost schedule, satisfactory to the factory to the end -users, as", presently contemplated by the _ end-users,as presently contem+- plated by the County. County. 15a. Evaluate, in cooperation 15b. ''Evaluate, with the City, all future in cooDeration with development adjacent to the the County, all 'future devel-- onment adjacent to'the Center, Center, such as the Overfottm area, for such as the bvertown;`area, for compatibility with the cogeneration facility and, compatibility with the coe:ene- ration facility and, if found' if found to be compatibleand fiscally feasible through an to be compatible and =fiscally;, equitable arrangement of costs feasible through an equitable' arrangement of costs <`satisfac- satisfactory to end -users, - provide for connections .to the tort' to end=uses , foster' cogeneration facility. connection to the cogeneration facility. — 16a. Continue to evaluate those 16b. energy conservation recommenda- Evaluate those energy censer- vation recommendations Lions incorporated by reference incor- porated'by reference and at - and attached hereto ' as Attachment and those incorporated in tacked hereto as Attachrent r'V.I the �'ew Gounty Administration' and wherever technically feasible to incorporate Building design, and wherever those measure into Isubsequent City buildings technically feasible, to incor-* porate these measures into sub- and recommend to the; State similar sequent Count), buildings evaluation and imple= mentation in subsequent State buildings, 17. The 1'l.,�nning Director, City of Miami Planning Department is hereby designated to monitor and assure compliance with this Development Order and to receive the annual. report >in Paragraph`1.8, A1r, tQp1��'n C .i ttie,` 1)owntown Government Center Aeviol- pment Coor- dinatnr, County M4nagor's office for a designee be 1y the County tian or) ` is in charge of urdinaticn tht� 'Downi+owil to named daylto=day dovolopment co- .cif �pvernment �entcr4 "SUPPORTIVFI I DU`_ FOUMOW, 3 y{1 TABLE OP CONTENTS �y �uU�,�dt PdRe� R64uest Review of Development Of Regional Impe t # Table of tentents�#i# PART I, APPLICATION INFORMATION is 5tatowt of Intent 2.1 3. and 46 Applicant I n 1`6 rma t#eb 1 5,1 '6, and? Development Information 2 D. Vested rights 9, and 10, Permit "Information 3 PART II, GFNCRAL SECTION 4 thru 19' 1 i , Index of Maps and Figures 4 & 5 12. General Project Description g 13, Al r 14 14, Land 16 15. Water 17 16. Wetlands 18 17. Flood Prone Areas 18 18. Vegetation and Wildlife 18 19. Historical and Archaeological Sites 19 PART II,'OTHER CONSIDERATIONS` 20 thru 32 20. Economy 20 21. Wastewater Management 26 R.. I ly t 22. Drainage 26 23. Watan Supply 24. Solid Waste 26' 2S �new�y 26. Edu��t#on 3� 27r Recreation and open Space 31 28. Health Care 31 29. police 32, 30. F#re 32 31. ' Transpo rtati on 33' 32. `Housing 65 PART !It, SPECIFIC ORt INFORMATION 65' 33. Ai sports,' not appl icable 34, Attractions and Recreation Facilities 65 35. Electrical Transmission Line, hot 'appl i cable 36. Hospitals, not applicable 37. Industrial Plants, not applicable 38. Mining operations, not applicable 39. Office Parks 65 40. Petroleum Storage Facilities, not applicable 41. Port Facilities, not applicable 42.' Schools, not applicable 43.- Shopping Centers, not applicable APPENDIX SUPQ D lf- FOLL V`' ii x r PART II, GENERAL SECTION I1, the ollowing INDEX OE' MAPS AND PI AEE it provided as a guile to theirs leoatiar� i th appl katlon A. General focatinn maps 6 A. Aerial photo of site. 7 NOT INCLUDED t'see explanation 'at question 22)4 D. Existing Iand uses on site and within primary iMPaot area, E. NOT INCLUDED (see ertpiahat16h at qu stun 14) P. NOT INCLUDED (see explanation at quest#bn 14) G. NOT ;'INCLUDED tree explanation at question 22) H. Phase one development plan, (1980-1987). 12 H.1 Pinal Phase drivelopment plan, (1587=2001) i3 I. Project site and Impact area boundaries 34 J, Existing highway and transportation network. 35 J.1.0 Existing 24 hour traffic volumes for DGC impact area 36 J.1.1 Existing AM peak hour traffic for DGC impact area 37 J.1.2 Existing PM peak hour, traffic for DGC impact area 38 J.2.0 Locatrion key for Table J-1 and Phase I/Final Phase 42 Distribution of site parking spaces J.3.0 Major access routes and 'traffic distribution 47 To/from DGC site J.4.0 Phase I AM peak hour traffic for primary, impact area 48 J.41 Phase I AM peak hour traffic for immediate impact area 49 J.50 Phase I PM peak hour traffic for primary impact area 50 J.5.1 Phase I 'PM peak hour traffic for immediate impact area 51 cc T I , - D({ �i J� a` v#ri i M y FCC�WYV y 4 4d ,)r6►0 Final phase AM peak hour traffid for priMArY irnpaot area — j 1 Final phase AM peak hour traffic for immediate impact VI J,7.0 Final phAte 'PM peak hour traffic far primary imPatt area54 J.7.1 Final phase PM peak hour`traffid for immediate impact area J48$ 0 phate I and Final phase critical interwtion analysis results 58 J,8.1 Levels of Service at affected intersections J,OO f�etrorail system and Metro gut system PtAbJWL& for 1 g 52a i JO,o Downtown people mover Adrppted alignment 5 J.10 1 Downtown people mover Stage One 1084 64 K. NOT INCLUDED (see question 12) RiUPPOR1 IVE FOLLOW: 5. At Ik a+ol�tr[ km'c'1 * r c � at <'i 1 ii , • $ ftia k •� � : i j i U Alm ' w. �• �[ r rash/}fur �r 1 Wma ML t6 i W cr:7• ��i}�` . w. m•f,i� � f Y, a tlt`� �:,m, ��`�� ��� i 1 11 �'�,� • � , ►rr,W i�,�� �. Ll y 1 +r rp � � �. � ! dui ►nmrhIft 0. yy+ • it k�' yx� 1 liWIlt ♦ �.. JJ ►-,.y�_•, • �.. . Ali •♦'4i1 {j,.:: VA ,i :r •71.. �• ,i-• � Y i . t � h III%�� d .i • �i � K � i ��`��f• b'._ �.✓�'., f .tea .. _ ,�•.y�a;r �; r'� ` f Y •li.a.� i �� r sty•; }; 1. 12g D€NrRAL- NNW DEWIPTION I2.A. In its completed fom the Downtown tmrwmt Center located at the now rapid transit crossroads in bade County (tee NEAR A page 'd), will present to the coupty's citizens and visitors an assemnbl age of the major gover n'tal or nuasi'=governmental agencies which serve them (See MAP H. 1, page 13). Each of the major; governmental agencies will occupy its own di scrote buildings and site and maintain' its separate visual identity whether viewed from the surrounding community or from within the now public space around which they Will be arranged. Citizens, visitors, and public enpl oyees alike wi 11, enjoy the convenience of the mew bade 'County Main Library, Art Museumand Historical Museum to be completed -I'm 1D82 s In addition to this Mayor CulUr;al Dom►plex, the other major eler�►ents proposed in the project include the State of Florida Regional service Center, New Dade County Administr°ation guilding(0) City of Miami Administration' Building(s) and Police and mire De artment'Headguarters racilities, a 7 acre central urban_ open space, and arcilary structures to house Central Support racilities5 garage parking', and a i imited amount of commnercial space, PHASING Or DEVELOPMENT AND rXIS`tINO AND PROPOSED LAND USES are presented in the following TADL€S 12.1 and 12.9 respectively. .x, Llifrr - } TOL-t 12 ►1 i PHASING T BU I LDI G DEVE OMCNT ` X1fiING� 6ran Area in Square Feet Conatruotiorr Open 86vennnent` Botignati0n O No Use Arroillar� Ube Beg, end 8egt State of Florida Aeg, Service Cent � h1 160,000 18,750 1076 1978 1978 N ty iof Mi ami Poi ice Head- quarters 129,760 190,250 1974 1976 1976 City of Miami Adm. Bldg- Phase _1 70,bO0 none 1978 1930 1980 EXISTING: Sub -totals as above 349,750 200,000 1974 1980 i975 — Phase 1! 1980 1987 Gross Area in Square Feet Construe tion 0per Government` Designation Office Use Ancillary Use Beg. End Beg. Metro bade County Cultural Center 43,000 295,000 1980 1982 1983 Metro-Dade'County Support Pao./ Garage 20,000 265,00 1981 1983 1983' Metro -Dade: County Adm. Bldg, Phase 1 5600000 178000 1981 1983 1984 City of Miami Adm. Bldg, Phase 2 240,000 20,000 1982 1984 1985 City, of Miami bGC Garage 2 none 320,000 1982 1584 1984 State of Florida Reg. Service Center Ph. 2 156,250 280,000 1984 1986 1987 City of Miami DGC Garage 3 none 424,000 1984 1986 1986 Phase 1: Sub -totals as above 100199250 1,782,000 1980 1986 1983 Cumulative totals as above 10369 000 1,991,000 197.4 1986 1976 Final Phase: 1987-2001 Gross Area in Square Feet Construction Oper. Government Designation Office Use Ancillary Use Beg. End Beg. State of Florida Complete Reg. Service Center 300,000 none 1997 1999 2000 Metro -Dade County Admin. Bldg. Phase 2 400,000 none 1988 1990 Tj 1991.(7 { To be determined Government 800,000 310,000 1999 2001 2001�- or Quasi -Gout. offices. Final Phase: Sub -totals Cumulative totals as above as above 1500,000 2:869,000 310,000 2 301,000 1987 1979 2001 2001 1989 ,.,_ 1976 ,E — 10 Y Y i fiABL. 1 ,2, l<1Sfi1N8 WtANMAN'1 LAND USES X1SfiiN0: 1979 1980 01'fice Use Ancillary Use Aeserve totals Government At a Si to Acres Site Acres Site Aeres Si to State of rlorida 0038 001,52 00.57 001►44 02.76 001.20 03.91 010,24 Metro=Dade 0ounty We none none none 1,56 `051,2 i.56 051.2 City of Miami' 00,81 002,i2 04.23 0i1.08 09,68 025.34 14,72 038.54 X1Sfi1N0; Sub -totals 01,39 003,64 04 80 oi2.67 32.00 083179 38.i9 '100,00 PHASE 'It 1980 1987 Office Use Ancillary Use Reserve Totals Government Acme 1; Site Acres Site Acres Site Acres % Site State of Florida' 00.60 001,57 00.66 001.73 01650 003,93 02,76 007,23 Metro -Dade 'County 00,67 001675 07.35 019.35 11.50 03012 19,56 051622 City of Miami 01,60 004.20 0563 014.75 02.45 006640 09.68 025,35 PHASE I: Sub -totals 02.87 007.52 13.68 035.83 15.45 040.45 32.00° 083.80 PRIOR PHASE 01,39 003,64 04.80 012.57 NA •NA 6.19 01620 Cumulative Totals 04,26 011.15 18,48 048.39 19.89 052.06 38.19 100,00 FINAL PHASE: 1987 - 2001` Office Use Ancillary. Use Reserve Totals Government Acres % Site Acres % Site Acres Site Acres % Site State of Florida 01.00 002.62 00.50 '001.31 none none 01.50` 003.93 - Metro -Dade County (1)` 04.62 06.88 none none 11.50 -City of Miami none none 02.45 006.40 none' none 02.45 00640 FINAL' PHASE: Sub -totals 05.62 014.72 09.83 025.74 none none 15.45' 040.46, PRIOR PHASES: 04.26 ,'011.15 18.48 048.39 NA NA 22.74' 05954 . Cumulative Totals 09.88 025.87 2831 074.13 none`' none 38.19 10000 Note(1): Includes other government or Quasi -Government office use to be determined in future. UPON COMPLETION Uj State of Florida 02.18 0173 ' °' `none none 03.91' 010.24 Metro' -Dade County 05029 14.27 -w # (none' none 19.56; . 051.22 Ci ty, Q i 02.41 12.31 11.,0 � ) _Jnone none 14.72 038.54 1 DOWNTOWN MARNMENT CENTER (one) I3HA �,DNE DEVELOPMENT PLAN LEGEND (Spy DESIGNATION DESGRiPTIDN A COUNTY 'CENTRAL SUPPORT FACILITY AND GARAGE III CITY DOC GARAGE NO, 2 Omlb RESERVED FOR FUTURE GOVERNMENT USE I3-A EXISTING CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, PHASE ONE Bm2b CITY ADMINISTRATION"BUILDING, PHASE TWO C EXISTING CITY POLICE HEADQUARTERS C-1 EXISTING POLICE GARAGE C`2 CITY DGC GARAGE NO,3 C`S RESERVED FOR FUTURE GOVERNMENT USE D EXISTING STATE REGIONAL SERVICE CENTER, PHASE ONE D-i STATE REGIONAL SERVICE CENTER, PHASE `fW0 b-2 RESERVED FOR FUTURE GOVERNMENT USE E NEW COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING E'I` COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, PHASE TWO E-2 RESERVED FOR FUTURE GOVERNMENT USE F COUNTY CULTURAL CENTER G EXISTING COUNTY COURTHOUSE P-1 RESERVED FOR OPEN 'SPACE DEVELOPMENT P`2 RESERVED FOR OPEN SPACE DEVELOPMENT P-3 RESERVED FOR OPEN DEVELOPMENT _ P-4 RESERVED FOR OPEN SPACE DEVELOPMENT . SUPPORTIVE P-5 RESERVED FOR OPEN SPACE DEVELOPMENT DOC r;'"'" T NEW METRORAIL TRANSIT STATION FOLLOW 1Ia ' 18,b. protection, relacation, and ttlectibn of trees and vegetation daring don veloprnent and tuhseguent mainunanct will be in full Compliance with the Metro- de County Code, lg. €mviroment and Natural`Resourcos, Historical and Archaeological Sites 19.A► No historical or arthat6l6gitat sites are known to ex4tt within the boundaries of the*prop6ted bownt6wn Government Center project. 19,8, A letter from the Florida Division -of Archives, History and Records Man& _ agemeht, indicating wcurrOnce with the above is appended to this application (See Appendix b). i9.G As noted under. 19,A above, no archaeological sites 'Of National Register gual- ty are recorded for the project area, Due .' to the pravi outl y developed character of the area, the probability of encountering any significant sites is considered to remote at to preclude justification for an archaeological' field survey prior to devel opmerlt, However, If any archaeological remains should be ditcovored during the development, the State of Florida, bepartment Of Sta''te, Division of Archives, Office of History and Records Management, will be immediately notified. Prier to continuation of construction activity, that agency will be afforded the oppbetunity to eXamiht the site, assess its historical and archaeological significance, and make appropriate, arrangements — for recovery and handling the remains`.' t SUP Off; IVE 19,DOCUMENTS FOLLOW.. PART II, 0td� 00N5tDii�A�IONS i nom Empl'byrront and tcon0mio °0horacUristits 2O.Ai SABLE 20.1 CUSTRUCTION COMM Item MAI@ 1 final Pha 'dotal • t 5p@nt lent spent cost in R-gion 0ost inegion Cost in Rcigion 1i Land 10,500 Abe, 80% 20,300 — 2.;Labor HoM 90 870500 90% 104,200 90% .`Magrials 55;000 50% 99,000 50% 124,000 60% 4. Interest 301700 , 10% 27,800 10% 585500 10% Si Preliminary 7,000 70% 5,800 70% 125800 70% Planning 6► Other-3,000 100% 2,700 100% 5,700 10010 TOTALS NOTE (1) Al costs expressed in thousands of 1980 dollars TABLE 20.2 CONSTRUCT10N EMPLOYMENT under $5000 - $8000 - $10000 - $15000 - $25000 - PHASE $5,000 $7999 $9999 $14999 $24999 $49999 $50000 * Total ONE 200 265 395 980 2,315 485 10 40650 FINAL 180 240 360 880 2,100 435 5 4,200 TOTAL 380 505 755 1,860 4,415 -920 15 80850 -TS FO LLOUV" >20 2c 8. TABLE 20t3r ANNUAL OPERAT10 't09Tt ('6) PHASt i P1NAL PHASE TOTAL 6,tt Its 0ost t sent Cost O#n a #on $1380)Inegibn 4ont ($000) 1n Region r Wet And salaries (1) 93,000 90% 164,000 90% w5 000 90% 2. �'r i flge A#nefi is (2) 18 600 80% �24600 80% 615400 80% 3. Overhead (3) 96 800 100% 1680900 100b 264�700 100% 4. Suppl 1 et A Equipment 180600 80% 32,800 80% 61,400 80% 5, Debt Service (4) 16 500 10% 150000` 10% 31,'600 lob TOTAL 242 500 87% 413,600 87% 6569000 87%, Notes. (1) Based upon average salary of $16,300 (2) ' projected at 20% of payroll cost (3) Lstimated at 103% of payroll cost (4) Estimated at 20% of payroll Cott (S) Based upon 30 year bonds @ 9, interest (6) ,' Expressed ' in thousands of 1980 dollars 20.C. It i s estimated that approximately all of the permanent government employees expected in the Government Center will reside within the Region. The following, table is therefore reduced to reflect the anticipated number of employees in each of the stipulated salary ranges.' TABLE 204 PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT under, $5000 - $8000 - $10000 - $15000 - $25000 - over I. Public Adm. $5000 #7999 $9999 $14999 $24999 $49999 $50000 Total EXISTING NA 130 230 385 430 270 5 1450 PHASE 1 NA 500 900 1500 1700 1075 25 5700 FINAL PHASE' NA 885 1595 2660 3010 1905 45 10100' Sub total s, Future NA 1385 2495 4160 4710 2980 70 15870 TOTALS NA 1515 2725 4545 5140 3250 75 17320 21 xTiP� yU ff.�T F� AW j f 1 Y � - �d #j elt At described earlier the Down town.goVerrtment tenter it proposed to provide a eentrai location for the consolidation of a Majority of the goverm"nt administrative funttiM and services available to restdants within 146tropolitan bade County- the liMited''CWmMial Adti4itiet pr0pned are intended to pravide convenient serviced primarily for the �ti nyees and vifl"W s within the protect and are not expected to draw, upon any larger market areas, 20J, for the reatbht stated in 20,1 no 'market study, pear `se has been d6nduttod for t the project, 20,K* The projected estimates of Tenant Costs as presented in UgLL 20.9 on the fo1= lowing page include a wider, than normal range of tgUare foot rental rates for Publ it Office Spate due to the variety of construction `financing .pl ans and operating cost accounting proeedures which are anticipated,, For example the State buildings are expected to be financed by legislative appropriation, the City office buildings by Federal 'grant and/or municipal' bonds, and the 'County office buildings by State Guaranteed Entitlement Revenue Bonds., The range of debt servite cost ''wilI `therefore vary from nothing, in the Case of grant or I legislative appropriation funding, to as much as $10 per square foot per year when the funding source it revenue bonds, The premise .i it that, in one way, or another-, all Public Agoncies in the DowntoWn'Government Center will charge themselves at least the'equivalent of such cost as they, would incur by rental of similar office space if available in private by operated buildings.; Publicacili,ty construction plans have'not been developed sufficiently to provide detailed estimates of Capital Costs,' The applicant has meanwhile -al.— located $3,000,000 to cover such costs as maybe incurred by street improvements and relocation Or modification of private and public utilities resulting from development of the project. Itshould perhaps also be noted that; Metropolitan Dade County has allocated approximately. $7,000,000 as part of the cost of the New County Administration Building for portions of the Metrorail and Downtown >� People Mover transit facilities which are planned as integral parts of this building, p. I V NITS } �.,..x F"L k� 11 ■ m OIL,' RU80C FACILITY OR 5ERV1Ot ORERATIN6 0051`5 The following table presents result from ia'O phase of the the tgtiMAW pUbi a service PPbJbtt d0elopfnent, All 'operating fasts to such borne by the 1e ai ar state 9everr�eht 49My rOWns,bie Bests will be therefore. TABLE 20.11 Rublid Facility br Servi ee Annual Operating Cost cost Rbwne Cost Borne 'PHASE by Leeai 660t. by 5t to rbv't, — ONE Water Wastewater $40,000 461000g$00 $336800 Sub -totals $96,000 ,72,600 $13,400 FINAL, Water Wastewater $24,b00 $30,300 19,700 $ 4 700 ► $6,000 Sub -totals $54,900 $44,000 $10,900 TOtAL Water Wastewater $64,600 $76,300 $53,500 $68,100; $11,100 $13,200 totals $140,900 $116,600 $24,300 0191 SUPPORTIV E DOCUMENT 25 FOLLO " 21. WastewAtdr Manapmtflt 1.A TABLE 21 1'. C'UMULATNE AftUbt OAIL-Y WASTEWATER FLOWS(1) CHASE PU LIC ADMYN1STRATWN Buil rli hg Flows El ow Ernpinyees Visitors area 0) Avg.(4) Phak (in fti (MGD) (M00) Avg/day * Avg/day sq. ONE 5160 8360 MAL 9096 8050 1,640,000 .16 .40 TOTALS 14,220 16,400 2,813,000 .26 .70 NOTE8 (1) Based upon factors accepted by the Mi anti -Dade Water and Sewer Authbei ty (WASA), Motto -bade Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM), and the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) (2) Allowing for normal absenteeism (3) Exclusive of parki ng garages (4) E1 ows are based upon 10 ga11 ons per 100 sq. > ft. of building (5) Peak fl ow i s.23 times average flow 21.B. The only anticipated source of hazardous or toxic wastes within the project will be associated with the operation of a bio-cheinistry laboratory to be provided for DERM in the Central Support Facility structure. Appropriate facilities will be provided to assure segregated retention of such wastes and — their removal and disposal as directed by that agency. 21,C, On -site treatment and disposal is NOT contemplated. 21.D. Septic tanks' will', NOT be used. 21.E. A:lotter from the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority is reproduced on the following page giving the required information. 22. Drainage 22.A. TABLE 22.1: DRAINAGE AREAS PHASE Impervious Surfaces Surface Retention Open `.Space Total area (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) ONE 26.79 none 10.40 38.19 FINAL 25.19 none 12,00 38.19 25 WCUMEN � v 22,9. As noted earlier under item 15 ftnvi'rorwtal and Natural Resourees=water) there is insufficient data available from which to devel'dp a I:amprehensive drainage l an and drainage 01 eul ati nns for the entire prr6joet site. A116 as p noted earlier under 'item 1.5 the N.lawing information is restated, 1) Drainage of park and landscaped planting areas will be by direct ground water recharge (natural perdolation)► Por r6oft6ps and other impervious areas, not subject to contaminating pollutants, either' soakage pits or drainage wens are prapoged, to be determined by anticipated storm water,volufftt for each building or 'open space developpment site within the project. All storm water drainage structures will comply with eoqui r6fthts establ i shed by the permitting agencies Wks and/or DER) - including spocial` retention, separation and/or neutralization structures for run-off of parking areas, 2) There are no existing or proposed internal canals or other water 'bodies on the project Site, 3) Location and description of proposed storm drainage 'structures will be, de- 'sufficiently termined as each building site plan is developed to `warrant re- view and approval by the appropriate ,regul a _agencies, 4) The design,storm intensity is approximately,,5 to 6 inches per hour for fif- teen minute recurring intervals normally associated with the 5 year storm: This Criteria is established by ,DBBM, 5) A'runoff routing scheme including calculations will be:included with each construction permit application for review and approval by the appropriate ■ permitting agencies. 22.C. Upon completion of Development Phase one of the project, and thereafter, it is expected that the volume,of, storm -water runoff from the site will significantly reduced from that currentlyexperienced as 'a result of the proposed open space landscaped areas. Similarly the quality ofrunoff will be - improved by the provision:of facilities to inhibitor intercept pollutants ■ such as settlement tanks, and retention, separation, Storage, and neutralization facilities where required.'' 22.D. The responsibility for operation and maintenance of storm drainage facilities within the project will remain with whichever of the government entities has provided them. 23. Water Supply, 23.A. TABLE 23.1:' POTABLE/NON-POTABLE WATER.DEMAND (1) PHASE Potable Water, (2) Non -Potable Water (3) Total Water Flow (MGD) Flow (MGD) Flow (MGD) ONE .20 .03 .23 FINAL ,23 .O1 .24 'TOTAL :43 .04 ,41 " UPPORTIVE 21 Mt_tfloPoL.ON bAN C UNTY, kbhibA NOLIO WbRK§ WARi`ONf bhlti<t LL PIVA bUILbINO POUNtH fLbbA Mtt€ omt%) fJIIl1Mf, PLtyg117A aM8i Novermb:x 173 1,980 tor, 8tcPhet] C. Little, DOVelopmeht Coorldlivr for NMt;)�;�1 CoVeMneht Center 73 'test t' la8ler' Street, Room 1403 tfu.ami, Vlorida 33131 IN-nr Nit-, Little r 1're; r:tltl�r, I) .cl� County ryes have or hits under constrttction solid tta. t:r_ clit. po.Ir11 t^�?ci:J3Li�,a de,� �+xt^cl to accoMmorlate_the County'a needs :into the tnici�1�30's'I.'he proposed Downto:m C-onter devclopment would be situated within the service, area of the Central 7Yansfer Station, located at 1150 N.W. 20th Street and the nets Resource !"ecoVc-ry Facility, located on 14.1-1. 97th lyre and 66thStreet. Both fac.litie�s till hat=e capacity sufficient to accotrpt�adate the projected totvza�e per duty of V.-aste generated by the proposed new development dUriTcotlstrt.ct otl and full. operation. Cf w: can be of fu.-ther assistance, please feel free to contact me at 579-39 7. Your3 very truly, ` bomas N. Henderson Chief Solid V"Uste Disposal Division Tmj01XiPhtio; Ads UPPORTLV FOL OW, 0- TABLE 25.2r PRNME0 ON-5tft thtkOY SUPPLY PHASE 06nnected Sl ectrical Rower Durand Load Ave. baily Peak Hour Annual Energy Use (Kw), (Kwh) (Kwh); (kWh`) CUE Air Conditioning Lighting A Power 25700 §,000 331750 105,220 2,350 §,i4, 0000 i,"82o 301740,000 Combined total 111700 13§,90 i0,10 42,190,000 FINAL Air -Conditioning Lighting power 21300 81400 28,6i0 1041120 1,9§0 8,260,000 7,240 Cofrbi ned total 10,700 1325730 30,0801000 9,230 38,340, 000 TOTAL Al r-Condi tinning Lighting power 5,o00 17,400 62,360 209,340 4,340 i8,000,000 155060 63;530,000 Combined total 22,400 2�i, 00 1§,40C 80,530,000 It should be noted that the cogeneration concept also envisions the use of Primary electrical power from the off -site source, through a transfer switch, to provide a second source of total standby power to back up the emergency powers facilities to be. provided at each building It should be further noted that the proposed cogeneration facility may no be installed , depending upon several presently undetornmined factors;' ie,sources of additional funding for related capital cost, acceptability ,by DER of air/noise emission levels, etc. In the event that the cogeneration facility is not provided then the following table will reel ace TABLES 25.1 and.:25.2. TABLE 25.3t ENERGY/rUEL SOURCES PHASE Energy Use Connected Load, Electrical power Demand Ave. Daily peak Hour Annual NO (Kwh) (Kwh) (Kwh) ONE Air -Conditioning Lighting &'power 5,500 12,500 68,720 148,970 4,730 190690,000 Combined total 18,000 217,240 100860 45,070,'J00 15,590 62,640,000 FINAL Air -Conditioning Lighting & Power 4,000 10,200 51,000 121160 3,500 14,540,000 8,420 Combined total 14,200 172,160 34,960000 11,920 49,500:000 ' TOTAL Air -Conditioning Lighting & Power, 9,500 22,700 11% 270 27U,130 8,230 34,230 000 19 280 80,030,000 Combined Totals 32,200 389,400 27,510 114,260,000 25.C. A copy of a letter from following page. the Florida Power & Light Company is provided on the t. 023 30 "UPPQRTIVt DOCUMENT t _. .,�,,