HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-81-0468C .. T� 3 TO Howard V. Gary City Manager IP-)tEP-crPr1cE MEMORANbul•i f May 205 1981 PRo%i Jim Reid ^' 1✓ r:.r:,::, .s Acting Assistant City Manager r,Lk City of Miami/CAMACOL Agreement "It is recommended that the attached ^•s agreement be executed between the City of Miami and the Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States for the purpose of coordinating the Second Hemispheric Congress cu of Latin Chambers of Commerce to be held in Miami during September; 1981," The First Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce held in Miami during September of 19801 was also funded by the City of Miami in the amount of $25,000 with the Chamber expending $17,000 of its funds to cover the $42,000 cost of the event, At that first conference, approximately two hundred (200) participants from nineteen (19) countries from Latin America and the Caribbean were present. The Second Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Comnerce's main purpose is to establish a working network among the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Latin America and the Caribbean and Latin Chambers of Commerce of the United States. In addition, it will help in developing an information system to assist private industry in needed areas, as well as examining the advantages of private enterprise's use of Chambers of Commerce as a venue for inter-american trade and --commerce. It is anticipated that over two hundred (200) participants from Latin America and the Caribbean will attend, utilizing many hotel rooms and making use of meeting and banquet halls in a major hotel in the area. The amount of $35,000 is to come from the anticipated fund balance carryover to fiscal year 1981. It is further recommended that before any of this amount is disbursed, the Latin Chamber should seek a minimum contribution of $17,500 from the Metro- politan Dade County Commission. If the County Commission responds to this request, the City would only disburse $17,500 under this contract. If the County Commission rejects the request, the City would provide full funding for the Second Hemispheric Congress. t-7t% _, -A. 410 I SOLUTION N04 A RESOLUTION AUVORMNO Tilt CITY MANA68P TO UECUTE AN ACRE MCNT, IN SUt35TANTIALLY THE VO M ATTACH80 HERETO, I LPTW UN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THS LATIN C11*111811 OF COM►• EPCt OF Tilt UMITED STATES, FOR PRt PARING, COORDI- NATMO AND StiMVISING Tilt SECOND 104I8P1tt;RIC CON=88 OF LATIN AMERICAN. C1tAM88R8 OF COMIM R(t8 TO 88 HELD IN MIAMI IN 8EfiTEN113E11 19811 WITH FUNDS FROg Tilt CITY'S CONTINGENCY FUND, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $55,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT. RESOLVED BY Tilt COMMI8SION 'OF THE CITY OF MIA,lI, FLORIDA,. Section 1, The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute an agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto, between the City of Miami and the Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States, for preparing, coordinating and supervising the Second Hemispheric Congress of Latin American Chambers of Commerce to be held in Miami in September 1981, with funds from the City's Contingency Fund, in an amount not to exceed $35,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1981. ATTEST: RkLP11 G. ONGIL, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBE:RT P. CLERK, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS; ,TRv , CITY ATTU1' 4iY M A Y 0 R 11 TA8tt Off" CONTENTS 1NTROOUCTION I. befinitions II. Understandings III. Ma.timum Compensation/Method of Payment IV. Time of Performance V. Amendments Y VI. Compliance with..Federal, State and Local Laws >II. Equal Opportunity VIII. Report IX. Conflict of Interest X. Opportunities for Small and Minority Businesses XI. Termination XII. Signatories l I ACftEEMENT Thd City of Miami and the batiti Chamber of Commettre of the United States, hereinafter refetred to as CA.MACOLt entered into this MemdrandUhi of Agreemont this day of i481, as a basis of understanding tot' the coordinati6n of the Second hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce & Industry, to be bold in Miami during September 1581. WITNES6ETH, that the City of Miami has entered into an agreement With CAIMACOL to prepare, Coordinate and supervise the Second Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce & Industry to be held in Miami, Florida during September 1981. NOWo THEREFORE, the City of Miami and CAI•IACOL do mutually agree as follows: I. DEFINITIONS CITY ----------------------- City of Miami CONFERENCE ----------------- Second Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce & Industry C7d.LNCOL--------------------- Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States DTCD----------------------- Department of Trade t Commerce Development II. UNDERSTANDINGS A. It is understood that through the execution of this Agreement the City contracts with CA!%1ACOL for professional services to prepare, coordinate and supervise the CO>JFERENCL, while the City maintains overall supervision over the CONFERENCE. B. The purpose of the CONFERENCE shall be: 1. Establishing a working network among the Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Latin Anierica and trho Caribbean and Latin Chambers of Commerce in the United State. 2, bevelop an information systeftl to asnist ptivatt industry in deeded atdas. 3. Examine the advahtages of private to Lerpriae't utt of Chatabers bf Cottimtrdc as a 'venue for lAter-tinotican trade, C, CAriA= further agreos to pro' mulgate the following C1TY's objectives in this CONPERtNC8: 1. Projection of Mfat;+.i as a hemispheric financial center. 2. Miami as a center of V):)rld trade. 3. Investment opportunities and facilities in Miami, 4. Miatni as a transportation hub of U.S./Latin American business and transportation. D. Additional services to be provided include the provision of reports as outlined in Section Vill. E. Audit and Records: 1. To -maintain financial records and reports relating to funds ;paid to any parties for work on the tratters which are subject to this Agreement and submit reports to the CITY, through the DTCC, as requested. 2. To maintain books, records, documents and other e.ridance according to generally accepted accounting principles, procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all costs of anv nature exDznded in the per- formance of this Agreement. 3. The aforesaid records, books, documents aria other ev ider. shall be subject at all ti.mus to inspection, review, or audit by CITY personnel. III. MAXIMUM CO3MPE:NSATI0N/METEI0D OF PAYMENT For the rights and benefits realized through this Agreement the CITY will pay CA14ACOL an amount not to exceed $35,000, This amount is to )ie paid to C;,MACOL upon receipt of an in voiee from the same at a time after the Complete execution by both parties of this contract. 1iS t1io ev(int the 1:otai atfioLlht is ><iz5t cY.pandttl f6r purpa,-,,as eotinoeUon with the Com1 rhL-Nero t1ie MY will bd re- Uttftdd all unused portions, If the C1111 tai4Ls such aetibyii to terminate the Agreement, pursuant to 5ectiona 1V acid/bt Xil, CAE•iACOL shall be paid an amount for the east` 6111y of those setvices Which have been rendered to the data of ter. urination, IV. TIMS Or PCtZF'OW%tANCE The CONrERENCE is to be held in September. 1581, In the event that the CONFERENCE is cancelled or postponed, the CITY has the option to renegotiate or terminate this Agreement. V. A:iENDMENTS The CITY may, at its discretion, amend this Agreement at any time to conform with any contingencies which may require such amendment. Amendments, if required, shall be incorporated in writing to this Agreement upon review, approval and execution of the parties hereto. VI . COM'PLIAI CE 1IT11 F'EDET.2AL, S'rATE AND LOCAL LAW'S Both parties shall comply with all applicable lairs, ordinances, and codes of the federal, state and local go%rernrrents. V11. EQUA1, OPPORTUNITY CA:-VCOL agrees that there will be no discrimination against any employee or person served on account of race, color, sex, reliuious creed, ancestry, or national orin,_in in its pe for- mance of. this Acircement; and it is expressly, understood that upon the receipt of evidence of such: discrimination, the CITY shall have the right to terminate the Agroon-10-tlt. Vlll . CANAC'OL %1;4,11 prcpare atul Pubrait to t.ho CITY the followittg t-WI CCU to submit tb Lh_ c t'�Y, �. ro 1 Ytpcit`ts 6n 6 MdntMy basis, ftbili 01e ddte of this Agreement tht status and progtess of tht C0/V 1-',VMCE 2, MIACOL agt'eog to submit to the CITY, through tht b`I'tb j - a Final repo }t Within 10 d�7ys of Lhe oonC-iusioh tit the s Agreement dtLailihq those el: prnditutes which will be de- fteyed by those funds to be 'received udder this Agttement j and expected benefits to be received by the CITY as a ]result of the Agreement, YX, CONPLICT bV INTMESTS No official or employee of the CITY may be admitted directly or indirectly to any share or part of this Agreement, or to any benefit to arise from the same, not own, or acquire zany personal interest in any property, contract or proposed con-- tract which would conflict with or relate to the performance, their duties or responsibilities under this Agreement. If any such person presently or in the .future acquires] owns or controls any such share, benefit, or personal interest, he shalt immediately disclose such share, benefit, or personal interest to the CITY. Upon such disclosure, such person shall not con- tinue his participation unless it is determined by the CITY that his participation is not contrary to public interest. CAi•1ACOL will comply with all federal, state, and local conflict of interest laws and requirements. X. OPPORTUNITIES rOR SMALL FIND MINORITY BUSINESSES CN ACOL in the procurement of supplies, equipment, construction or services to implement this project shall make a positive effort to utilize small business and minority -owned business suurc:es of suppliers and services, and provide these sources the t►iaximum feasible opportunity to compete for contracts to be porformad pcu-su;4,1t to this Memorandum of Agreelslallt_ Io the Maximum o+:toot feasible, th�%so shall businc;3ses and minority_ owned Business source;.; t0lall be located in, or Owned by re- T 51dCnts of the (:onuaunity Development TarVet Area (:,) clesi.��1,It ed I Ijy Lbe cin in ale colmmf ity Mvelopment Crfmt l► p# �3 1 oppr. ovecd by the Via. �, Pepzirtme;i.t: of 11c m5ing and Urban DPvPJpp-- p 'lni:: hl � T�;)t�11►3A�'.iCl� Tho CITY, by 911 Vitl(i teasottablu Wtitbn hbLice sPecifyfhq the effCCtiVe ddteo may tetiriiitaLt this Agteemeht in Whole br in part for cause whi.ch shall inClude WAY ono of the fbllo-Actq: failure, for ally reasoM, of CAt•tACOL to fulf1:11 in a timelf and proper manner its obligation under this Agrteri-ent irtcludin5 Comp.ti ance with the approved work program and attached cond- i'Lioh and such directives as may bccome generally applicable at any time; 2) submission by UVIACOL to the CITY of reports that are incorrect or incomplete in any material respect; and 1) lLnef ec- tive or improper use of funds provided under this Agreement. XII.• SIGNATORIES Ito N11TyESS WHEREOF, the City of Miami and the Latin Chamber of Cortm^terce of the U.S.A., have entered into this Agreement as of the date first above written. ATTEST: F LP ! G. OVGIE, CITY CLERK ATTEST: SECREPARY PREPAREM AND APPROVED BY: 5GT.itlj J. COI'LLAtT' JR. , AS IS'.rAWr CITY ATTGRN13Y CITY OF MI11t•lI, a ;municipal corporatio:7 of the State of Florida By: HOtdyRD V. GARY, CITY 1-LIANAGSIZ LATIN CIIP14BER OF COi•IMERCF. OF U.S.A. By: _ LL11S SABINES, PRESIDENT -- (Seal) APPROVED AS TO F01%'M AND CORREC'i'XL'SS: GL•;OhGE r. Kvo.x, 5R. , C1.'i'Y 1'i"ihci�E.Y 11