HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-81-0467Cl-t'((-)F MIAMI. FLORtOA
May 19, 1981
City Manager
Agchda Item
FROM' Mayor Maurice A. Verre
Attached please find a letter from Mr, William Alexander of the Miami Rowing
The Miami Rowing Club will be holding its Sth AlInUal Miami International
Rolving Regatta on June 27 and are requesting the amount of $5,400 from the
City of Miami to be used for room and board for the competitors in this
Please place this item on the agenda of the May 28 Coinnission meeting.
Iliank you.
I , �( i LA 4 rrd lyri ' .� y,rW der f ►
t i 1 ice.
]r� i�: >iCi imi �•= rr Mri is�i �n+ i�sr i.�i ,a>� � I� idl err �x:�� � ire i�a�: auuclt r i
Kay.i 7, 1981
The Ilonovable t•iatieiue Purtu
1.layoe of rile (;il.y of Miami
iiiami, Ploridit
Hear '.tayor Forte :
The 8th Annual. t•littlnf intevilat ional i:owi.t1g, Itt!�;at to tJi ll be ,.taged
in a new 1500=;,u!ter offtclat course at the Alian,i t•Lii•ine :,tadium on June 2),
1981, The event: Wi 11 involve approximately 300 oat•!cmt:n fI--1m Ari,etlt:ina,
Nuai.cu, NlUrL'o Iticu, itnc] the SouthCast Peginn of the Unite.! titatea,
Oarsmen ill butt youth and ❑tenis categories wi.11 cumpute in lu•20 race„
This event will starve as a full dress rehearsal for the Uni.ted ;tutes
J(1hi.Or National i�awin:; ChatjIpiorl5lli.ps to he stated in t•iiamL Lit At.gost
of 19S21, This Cltal,,pioils 11Lp Will attract approximately 500 ozirsn•en
from all over the United States and Latin America,
TIIt Mi:unt ItaWi.nl; C1uU has organized and has run a Sumner II it:nIaLiol,al
Boving 1t.ogatta (_vt_ry year since 1974. '1•Ite regatta has 1)oett run o�•er a
short, unolftel,.11 course, all(] the nuulber of Cealini invited 'id, bEell 1L'Ilil:Cd
Clue to fuhditi, linlitatielns. in 1981, the Unite(i tihaLes Ko�'ittL; i1.00Lit i0t)
t.ecame officially regionali!ed and has offered its support: to a
nu jor Internat iona 1 /Nat ional caliber evutlt ill file t�lianli ;tr:;t. (Ti,t:s::
events have takon place only in the Norcheast fit the ha;lt;.) •i'IIL k.vent
wi]-1 serve as Lhu ofl:i-cial InceCtlig place cf top U. S. and LaLin :1Lu:ri.tan
crows and will I,t! run annually. Thv LISI:a, in support Of 011.1i ,;cal, Iai
awardud the United :-,fates .Junior National Rowing Chtuapionships to :•Ii,t:ui
to Lc runt i.n A+t,;tic,,- 1952 in conjunction with the Ltit'ernaLiontil t•..!latta
(5uo ALLaCluuutit i) .
Thu ovuut has had a direct bearin); on tourisn► in the! past, at.ei
expaltsiorl of the event wi.l.l multiply Clle results, SpocifI:.,illy, the
went will brim; auproxi.ltuhely 300 OIVWIleu and visitors all tt raLi(I Of
six pur oanimcti fov-tt total of 2100 LOLIrlst.s tlltct.will stay aril av(ra7e:
of fournights (270 rootu:; have huen t•u:;erved all -cad, for lt)�il.).
In addiClott to the out.-of-towtt tourl:;ts, the_ e•voot will prcmc,tu (.i:;
to the: ijasr), it,-LOWIi touris,n to tiI(! Key Biscayne area as f;i:ui l i.; atl.l
.ans Occupy hOLul roomsfor Chc Week -end at guy iliscavllQ. Tim! ccnli'i.nu,t
courisC impart should easily exceed $500,000.
The: event is awply pron;oted by home towti mod is of all cite
teanis. fn additLon, Channul 23 Capes the races and runs rt 1/2 hots pr,r;ran.
thro(ti;lt tilt: Stir llecwork ruachitig titimerous statioils alid thJ(tnalids t.i vLowor.,:
throuc;houh hht! 11,5, and Lavin Aiiierica. The United States Nat Icinal Chai:,Ilion-
ship;, ill 1952 e;tt„uIJ also ,ILCvach national U,,,. r:edia at(e:ntieu+.
1911i) III 1'
1't'dtisportaLioll Of I:ciuipu�unL
Itouul and board, 300 Oat'stuun 1
JL,cf;;cs and oCCicurs
la};I,u+tSus to pt'Cpaeu Louese .
security and :,,nt,ulanc e service
C,OittUllttl i Ca L i0t1•+
Spectator sl:.lutls and ac:tiviLius
P11hl i.t: itY
truss Cont'urulicu
'I U'1'AL
Fundin-o fru:u (:1:> ,uci , private sector
- {\evutltias I l'��Gl i,:1L U l'LCl' 1 pts
KII- U : i'l'i:U FRU?{ THE CITY t)F ;•11.1011
;> 4,000
5 ,',C0
the V16hotjabld Hautica Vdere Page 2 Mdy i, 1g81
Tile g4rEin fi tttagd2trid with a U.S. and Ganddian distribution, dnd kgg,4ttA
nt-7ga2itnd, with U, S, and satin Ameriett distribution will also cttr ey the
An indirect benefit of this event will be the wintering of U, S,
crews in the Miami area, which in the past have goad to DWlhourne,
Jacksonville, rind Tampa, exposure to Miami and the excellent waters of
the Miami Stadium will tmke Miami a center for wintering crews,
t~urthermore, the Championships will expose crews from all rues, the
United States to the Miami event,' This will undoubtedly lead to further
expansion of the International Regatta after 1982, as many of these teams
Schedule Miami in their calendar of events, Staging of the Chatrptonshtps
in Miami is a shortcut method of gaining instant prestige for the
International Regatta.
Attachment II gives the details on how this event is being organized,
the facilities that are needed, promotion, and a timetable of events for
both the International Regatta in 1981, and the Championships in 1982.
The potential for this even4 to gain the stature of a "Canadian lienley"
or a "llead-of-thee-Charles" is limited only the availability of funds. All
other elements, geographical locations, rowing facilities, spectator
support and local organization, are present. Expansion of the event will'
allow Miami to host the only major annual international event where Latin
American crews'can compete against U S. crews.
This required expansion needs supplemental funding.
We have secured sponsors from the private sector to underwrite some
of the expenses; a request for funding from the CAS has been filed;
revenues from gate receipts (based on prior experience) will amount: to
_. approximately $4,000.
We would like to request from the City of Miami the amount of $5,400
to be used for room and board for the 300 oarsmen which will be competing
in the 1981 International Regatta.
Mayor Ferro, your consideration is respectfully requested.
Sincerely, .�
Villiam Alexander
Chairman - Finance Conmtittee
cc: Comm. Joe Carollo
Mr. Howard Cary
Vice Mayor Theodore Gibson
Comm. Armando LaCasa
Comm. J. L. Pluaaaer
Trati3pOrtatiun ul� I:c�uiptssl:ht
Room and boavd, 300 OaYststuh t
,1ud;;es and of['ie.e~rs
Ia.l,��lse d to pt*0par,-1 course
8ccurit'V and amhtdatice Service
commullicat ion"
SpL!ct;)t(lr st_,uulS alld activiLics
Awa rd s
Puhl iC its•
Press Coll url'ncu
pro ;rain
'i'0' AL
Funding froul CAS' utid private sector
j\UVctielas fL-ovi ;,tILu t'ccuil)LB
1''I:OM THE cl'CY Ul. MI MI
4 ,(U()
AT0.11M T t
1r� ° 1
1\' d l_I c 1 nbat of fuJuw t3lr, InlifnSGohsIb :ti dot 'u.illat AGu n ,l i A(F
i , IV, � ,r,N + `j t)RL,.�ItlitU I`/l ItlCiltlt�lr '�tlU IYIJ
i AG A,
71 t lJ t liLIL- II U)' i'.4'i:l.LIU
1.11krl11 17 1981
Miami Rowing, C11111
c/u Mr. J. R. ?IuIIL,l1v.l
1."J00 UrLl dc.,;
Cura1 (;at,lu::, F1.
I)t!ar I•lUl:lflur:i ;tll.i tit ►' iCC1-!i J tflu M1 11111 IJu1111i; Cl ufl:
1 aw 1)1L!u:it'tl Lw .innutmcu LII;tL• t110 JUlllur Mull:, Rul:itt;', CU1,14iI tVL l,l
OIL! 11,1L1U11i11 :t:,:iUC i.{t it,ll UI t maL,,air 0arJlllt.•ll/UtILLc11 JL,ILI•:i Roll:lltj'
t1i:.UllaLlUll 1U1;+ Ll ll:l;l.'t� Mi,llllt i-UL11111L C111i, :1:; dic Ilii:;L .1't;alll •it IUII
for LhQ 1982 JUnior
lJ� L1111 l+u ill t'l,Ul.tL-L %liti+ ItlrLflk.�r dL: Li:i Cl'l;.lrtillly' fUllJlil;_ .11"
1'ttlt;ltt:t ru(ju rvtlwilL:.,
J'Il1.c littlJI+'S, 1•Il,llr,l-r
Jl1{11UI...:Il'., 1.�::d,iiLLt•l:
8 - 467
it 1
`rIk I tl`l MI t t
0 C)bjuc'liyc:s; TIlu UbjUL•tiVU Of Oil! 1')'81 ltltoa'ttatitillal ltet.latta
t.:Xparlsioll is tU peuvido a well Orl,atli: c:ll high quality eowttll; l'Utt'll)Ltlt1011
wltivII wiII attract ti)l) c:ruws frutll 1,atill Aitiurica all tilt: U. S, rusuIting
in an ilciclt:cl quality tUllrl'St attratrtil)ll to titt-- Miullll itruz,, Tll%:.-IJ, 5,
NatiUlliil Jlulic)t' Rowing Ch,tlllpioll:3llips ill 1')ts,I will Ulll )OdI ' lllc: I11aXi=
llllllll l::il)t't;;i:i1C�11 U1 till:; Ol)jl'c't1VL:
U hlt•itstll•: Me nalt•u►llcl: '1'hc 1►llll1bUt• (11' c ulllhc tiny txtr a:►lc n (Lipl)ruxi=
lllaluly 3i)O), and visiturs (ahl)roxiniately 1800), will bt: l:lbulattA by
place ul• Urigill by thc: hliallli Tcuwin►: Club .1101 sul)l,lit0:.d as U'l it.I-st1cU
as well as
frulrl 1ioy
l,ltic:itylle i l"I
utl.c l: l►utt:l�,
the cvent :ihUltld
ill tticejS of
i✓11U,t.JO to Ill -
area ii', 1 `Ji, l and $3•10, t)Olt in l'M21
Nit:tliit cuvUri,l,e will IJU c:uull,ilt:cl .tnd report'-ti,
U Nlc:lliud:, lc, ila:tkt: SUCCUci:iflll: ,
Pl•c11111c:tittl► of tit'. lt:lcu
Alc:.tll► of twenty hli,,rni ltuwlul, c;luh ll:t llllJc7rs 0XIJV rit' nc �,i in
rtlnnillill rcrt".tIt,Iu wilt bc: il, c•I►argC of rtlnniIll', rite: trvc:nt •.vltlt.
J. R. iAuul:ilvu (lil•c:cling dit: tc llil.
- 1'.voltl:, will lit. roll every 15 t.:liltitubt bt•06:11111L I♦lt J:t1t) •t• t.t•
uo .ltlltu /.
i} $i - 4 67
u %It:thcld:; to Nl,ll.t: SLICt•t!:le;fuit
1't odlil. litlhl (�ullt[11ut:d)
- l' ur tllu IJ11[lud :il,llu:! C:11,1111iti1,1►:lh111 ill l,'l�i::, lh,: �:�-u It V. Ill i,,;
dlVid!tl illt.0 IM11• tWu-IlUelt'-111111,1 lll,•t'if,d:,, 1t1U1'11illi' „Ild +.v,•illllLj I'll
co[IS ctcLit iVu V,t:ul:ull(l c.l:t)-S,
1't'tt lciIra tion
Oitl'S111t.11 !'00111:! llavt, ,llrt:acly huel'I t't 5e:ed�-L"00 ,,t t I I U UIJi`:el'Slty
of hliittlli ,slid -to al the Ruyal Bi:lraytlu. 'l'hi5 litil►li►ut' V:ill lia.'tel t-., he
dtluhlud 1:i l ►u, Y
- A Ilt,:lt, call inittee +.Veil IlleCt e:tl.'I1 V1:Sltilli-, ttt:llli .,hd % 110�t is
alll')uilitud to t:st~ort each tualn dul'1118 it:! vi:llt.
Tl.*,►l►:,hortatiun of the ziucc:jSary ecluilAlient (ra+:ing slit 1h,) v:ill lit_
arranguil Witt, the htexit:u and l•'lut•ida creV:a. 1•'ur the ld.ttit:rlal
CIIatl1j)iurlsl1illa in l+)82, tilt: USRA Will t:Uofdinatt• •.:dt:il ll.el,l trc►ns-
purtatlull traileru that will depart fi•oill lll;tjur ruwiiii; ieitters ill tilt:
Nurthua;;t to provide racing shellS fur West co.tit.:,nd u:tirnatit.tl,l
- lnvit..timis Have already been i►i,icie tV i�le::it:o, :1rge:It:li ►, alai
all yuulllu,l:.l 16-giun:►1 Crew:l. Purthur i.nvit,ltitlu:.! will be lu:,d, l,y
Just: Sillilll, ruwill� `Delegate of 111t: •1\1RC:.
- The M"rine Stadiuin ha;r been rcaer`ud.
- SLJCCe:;5 ill the prucitictlull of the event ld a,alirr+l sincv AMC 1:,
highly ill e:anduLtiliv tilt: event.
u ;� >t.t lulu!' 41: it �llti+,_t ties{ rll�ti�ilit ;
A 1500-ill0t: r' t MII'JU starti►I}, ;ll till. RLI:Ay I'(:Iit. iiii ;+l.+l f ini ,hing
lithe C)l,tilt:t (?c'C,tll twill I-L!quiru u::tt!li:;ivt' wt)vl. lt.) Lie Cl(mo t.1+)nl-
OIL, fibibll dill_' ul'oa lut' I)ruI)Cl' tit)OCICltot' t•owfot•t: ThiL; v.,mlttl
apply both fut' thu 1981 tnU.-ellatiolial ltut;atl,, and the 1), S, Natiutial
`Chu finiull Iiint.. ,)rl•,t will l,t, cluarctl by lh(: City of hk,Ctt:i .i ►d
spL:ct.%to1• :,(,this:, ::ill l)t: 1)t•uwiIIL!d itI)A1 t I I U I,I101'0 lilts,
Ali aruit v;ill Ll: il,;li,itutl and 111LIrkt:t{ �willt 1 imys fur .pt_-kl.:,tol's
oil uuats.
The arva ill froul of the h(iallli Rwving Club will be I,rovillt Cl \�ith
u foC)C1 :.tllli {)cvur,4Vt::i 1)0001 u:r well as it ttrtlt. (n thi;, t,i•u.l, liwO
tllusic will I),.. 1)t•+,vitlud Citiring the t:ti'ul►t. The Cite of 1.1ian,i xill
make its :illowl-nobile availat)lo.
L�1)1)J'C):ilJl:,ttl:lyr WOO t.11:,lra anti all :.tllllt't)jjri,lLv il+)illhL:V it t.tl,!)1.i
Will be rei,te'l :Clltl lul;tted aluti6 till. 41101'ChII; to I)r,)vltlu :.
type vilvil-o niil'lit.
Cuminunicatiwts will hu provided incluclin!� 1otid:>t-wal.ur i it.ld
wallcit:-talkit:; Lo idli^� for n.ti-vitliuti of each i•acu, �
h.41•kii)1; will 1)u ,tt the N1,triJle StitdiLlIll.
Security ("ff-tltlty 1)ulicu) ;tilts ;icrvtc:c ti Will 1'... 1'rovitlltl.
Cw":.t Gu.,i-ll .)c'c:t:t'ity wit tilt: water Will I)v livisvitivd,
5 8 -467
t) 8!)et'Litt cti' Pit vil_iIitr:, a►1(1 At.IiviIit!a (cmIIit►(IutI)
A .jutlltiss' 1)t,t,tl► elrl(l I eo!je; ,►l)(l 'l'V fUl:ititie:i will lid 1)ru`:itllnl :lt titt:
filli:,ll Lille,
17Ui'tal,i� tt)lll:t:, will l)t, l)1'ovitlutl ftlr tilt: uttr;,lllull ,t►ld .► lrul►, v:ill be
rim CU!ntil►ttl)Ul Ay I)l:twuu►l Illu fitlish lil►U :tlld flit: Mt Ll•illt: ";Iiitilkill 1,
Sl►ucific ullurt: 'iit(: ,trl:,ty will I)u cuvuruti \.ti'itll :;c,tltl fur luullllltu)
of rucill); Sllull:l,
o Prut►lotioli
T11C tllll(\'itllj' i1i :il),:t'ltlt'ally ),-t::ll't'd IUl' till.' Irltt•1'lwIiullUl Ro ;att:, 111
l981 .
:�clv:lilcucl l,rurnoi iun;
lavltati(l►1:, lu tilts cl-uvi's,
- Pul�lir.11it,n in O,►r�lllan ltt:t);:triuu,
Flulilic,ttiull of Spallitill/ Engli:;l, al'ti,:ll: ill
PtlI)Iic::.tioll�ill Official USRA caluiid,tr of evuntzi.
Visit Itic•::icu, Arbulltina, Puurtu Rico, .tild uiht r Latill
o Civau-in Prc)lllutinll
0,1t:;iciu-A.li_lllti - T1,rou);Ll ilia ruv:ill� urt;.►nt:..►tic)rl,, v,•u lirul'i:it:
Wvel.I, (i1 partll:ll),ttllll' t:t',J\'::i :,l„i tilcil' lh:l'!ul'1t,...t♦t'
LLy N4uII .►ZI lll•,)►liO tiullill tlu:�cril)liulli (.1.11d rJl'c: l,u:,tl:l-:•) of Ati:tltlt t,l
t 1lLUlli'.t U Yt ,ltuC:,, t.11:ll► el 23 :llltl tilt: S11'1 lletWu1'It : 111
i {
, , 1,
o C,l�sy�,=„itiw.,l�.t��ot_{►r,ti,ut,{.(cotilihuuLlj
l;ruquuf►t s15ut i-achu acid TV advUrtisil►g prtit,idUd !n=
leihd by buts{ Spanish aml l iglish radio statluns,
Press releases through City of Miumi and Datle Cuunty Ot ga{tiratiuh s
to result in pPL:ss arliclus acid TV interviews with visiti{tb Coaches
' and scf ee lh6 of cteW practices,
In -kind atis (4 or 5, 1/8th (it a page each) ruts by L1 llurald, The
hlian-ii herald, and 1]iario t)L:bintlihb utle week priur to the rare,
Posters (500) distributed throughout the Laity, Apprupriate aignage.
at Miami Stadium,
Press party -and meeting with coaches two nights prior to the race,
o During and After Race
Press booth with programs and experienced IvIRC host in charge.
ProdLietion of race reSLtlts atld photos ii-ninediately available i,licl
distributed to sports editors at major newspapers of countries and
cities sending visiting teams. Special articles prepared fol- Rugatta
and Oarsman magazilues.
Channel 23 to compile a 1/2-hour program as in the past with running
footage of the race and coaches and oarsmen interviews for distri-
bution thruubliout the SIN network. All other channels are itivited and
they have: uetLIally cove"fed the race: in the past.
1'itl►t lal,li
!'!;il ^,Id,'t;4t1
IiN'I ERNA' IONAL Itl'(_;:`\'I"t'1%
Invit,ltiull to, 5uu111i.wA Rcgiu►i `1`ualll:,
(Prusulitutl ill 1,1.1•:ioll by Jt l\e 1\tUnlallV'l, ai
1 ulli'llary
hluulilig With Cif, of lN'li,ttlli':i Did ltuat•I►
and At IIUW.1Pd - 1'ru[),AVLL u,l Of C tit, r:,e
C011fi1',tl sl)Ot1bOVblli1) ul 1t►ly':tI 1'1'l SLill (I
1'.askorit Ali- Linun, Illt_,
`i'ult:(lltt,ilt: illvitatit,tl to Argentilta
! uhi'uar}
Uutai►ed layuul alltl illbl)Uctiutt of i u:;illl; course
--f'� Rlarch •1
Itivitaliun to Mexico (Presu,ltu(l ill l,ursun I)y+
J. 1t, P.lulll:.Ivo :tt X-tuxicv C;;ly)
P.laX-C 11 13
I11Vita tiurl5 It) PCru and 1)tit! rto Itic u
March 13
I'ulJlic:lliun ill "C�arstllau" of calulidur of
11lajOr C%Iellt;t itll:Iudillg ,NJi:tllli Itltt•1'.l.11iull. .It
M;Arch 13
1'u1,licalii)u ill "l:ul;:lil,t" ul calulldar tit'
major inturll:ltlull.11 Cv�:nlli lt1uIC:.1111t; l\li:t:i11
llllt:r11:111t)ltal ltuL;..LI:t.
iNiarch 5
Culltirlll Coca-Cola in•:ulvullit:ut.
March 18
Confirm rusurvatiull:; t,l' rut.t11:i ft:r •lUl) OuuOIr..-
March 30
Pill) Ilea tiUll of P;li.11lli ltuwirll; `;uasu,► illclu li►,a
1,llurllatlullal ltut'attla 111 J11a�J1' ll)caI !►U\Vbl,al�ul':i.
Clua1'illg of Sllut'ulillt: tul' sOuclatCl' Sl.ttltl5 'And
CUllt'JI' �lal,C:i.
Pul�iic:ltiult ill ''ltul,:,tta" invitilll; .111
t ziwric"ll tvai;la.
Collill•1114-ttiull of fund. ,Iv.tilobl'.
M.4y ItlVil.tliull to Nt+l•tl,u:t:,t ltuG;i+-)ll '1'�.tu15
1)- u
'1',fl�t:t,lhlt� (cl)lltititlt:cl)
June: 25
Julie 2(J
Julie: 26
JLill e 27 (a. iti, )
• (1). ill. )
Jutic '27
.Tully 28--9- 0
J hill; ill
July 17
colifil•ill Lill ttlltl•ic-i aide i`ihitol•S - l'trvla(:
tc) c'uil(ul'!li \vide biltlt,-t•t,
l il`:yl iiict:linl; Of full rt:l,:lt,Li i:cJi.11tliltl�ls
cofl;;isLih(.; .)( to11U\`:ell}y sitli•
l\` ' ' E'gtitlJlllellt
- 111�'1tatlUny, I'�tltl'lt:;;i aflil u\,iltt�
colll•se, illllf;tc i, al1C1
51,CcLaLur activitio.,i, buctirily, liltrclical .rite
Guillillittvu work ai►d freytit:lit ttic:l tiitl;3
Local and It Lurtt ttioilal Pt►blicitt
Final Collimittee riluetint,;;. C;I1'--Cl, list of all
Twain arrivals, PI.1:;;, cu.•I:Wil. press
i'l'l'atll I)i'"COCUb - Media l:avl:i.i.,c: A11101.iC,tit
C,AIICer SocieLy I��:�;att,l I'.►t t�
C'uacl►es ri�l:l:tinl; f —
Ali:,illi IlltCl'Italinllal IZl:6att.t, 'i t, ell. - 12 il%,iuil '•
Regatta Ililrly at NLtrilie 5t.lciiutit 1._':.3l} (:. ;►►. - 5
AUgLISt 1982
January 1981
Presojit bid for chaiiiijimishilis to USIIA
January 1981
jkj-)pIiCaLiOh fOr fLIIIdS to Cotincil of Arts
and Sele & nces
P L! b r ua ry 1981
Obtain partial sponsuvship room Royal
Trust Dank, I--a6turn Airlines, and
Coca Cola
March 1981
19 82 Championships awarded to Miah-ii
March 1981
Preliminary publicity In "Regatta" and
"Oursniatill Magaziiies
June 27, 1981
Test of COLIrSk! Ckt) Nfiallli International Regatta
December 1981
Final (late established by USRA
January 1982
Notice to all U. S. Teams
January 1932
Invitations to all internatioilal W-all-18
Jativary-July 19 8 Z'
Process identical to Miaiiii International
He ga tta
August 19821
Regatta - Friday, Saturday, Sunday
13d11 - Sunday
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