HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-81-0465CUI§AN MUSEUM 09 AMTS ANIJ CULTUAt, INC. l gE6 OUBANO Ot AnTE Y WLtUhk INC, 0.6. 96X 34635i 60RAL 6A8LE5 PLOAIbA 31114 May 27, 1981 14oriorable Maurice A. Ferre ftor, City of Miami 3500 Pan American Five Pdiat,i , I'lorida 33133 Re., Cuban tiuseum, of Arts and Culture Dear Mr, Ferre: NON-PPOPIt bRGAN12ATION CABLE: CUBAM U5EUM PHbNts: (36§) 548-1 k!G = (365) 665-4565 tight years ago the �seo Cubano de Arte y Cultura conimnced its existence. This nonprofit organization was founded to promote and preserve the Cuban artistic heritage rich in its blend of hispanic, Indian and Afro cultures. Since, it has evolved into a dynamic center for the dissemination and exposition of works of art and historic treasures of not only Cuban roots and achievements, but also of other Latin American countries. To date, obstacles have n,iltiplied due to the lack of a building wherein to house the presentations and exhibits heretofore organized by the Museum. On Thursday, May 28, 1981, we will appear before the City Com-nission, to request that the building located at Southwest 12th Avenue and 13th Street, formerly used as a fire station, -be made available to the Museum as a center wherein the art exhibits, lectures and cultural events, in general, can be held and a permanent exhibit can be displayed. It is impossible to enumerate in this brief letter the past activities and future projections of the Museum. They will be outlined at the Calrmission meeting. The community at large and the Cuban community wish to thank you in advance for your gracious favorable consideration of this request. Sincerely yours, IVSEO CUFANO DE ARTS Y CULTURA, INC. By: Tlignon Perez de Medrano, President 131 -465 w. e I CUBAN MUSEUM OP ARTS ANb CULTUPr:, INC, MUSED CUBANO M AR11 Y CULTURA, INC. P.O. BOX 340151, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33114 s5ob���� baMtiooanac�`-n ° n° �a'Zr�o b{o H a'� o o ° Oo O �° 4. N° cz ro o ti n 4 N CUBAN MUSEUM OF ARTS AND CULTURE MUSEO CUBANO DE ARTE Y CULTURA P O. BOX 3 4 0 7 5 7 CORAL GABLES, f L. 3311•1 TEL, (305) 548.127,o b�p bbrbabb' ` �. „ rp O \ Q. M rT1 Oo ° ° o o'�S o.A-o v O CS CS Q 3 `+n.'oo lzQ61a1t"-4 ° yo ocza Lc . �o aQ, O N o O Q LA i Z3 ° c �o 0 (A m rn N l NONPROFIT BULK RATE PERMIT NO.2426 CORAL GABLES FLORIDA 33134 81 _A765 0 P Mo, Uptet & Vald Owth Obd 01 w, HIN hb. MIAMI, PL-OI3ibA JAI N May 271 10$1 . Honorable Ntayor and City Commissioners of the City of Miami Dear Sirs: We have received with pleasure, the news of the request of the Cuban Museum of Art and Culture to obtain a lease at the former fire station located on Southwest 12th Avenue and 13 Street. Such a move is welcome by us, as it will serve to enhance our neighborhood, and we are sure our school will certainly benefit from the museum's proximity to it. In addition, we want to inform you that the parish is makino its parkin facili able to the special events sponsored by ne museum. Respectfully yours, ill Reg. Gi erto ez Pastor $1'465 • 11 MtTMOPOLON Ubt CO..NTY cL0R. It : d)AM 27 May 1981 COUOIL'O Aht.§ AN15 §dIENdr,§ 119 EAST FLAGLER STAEET SUITE 241 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 (305) 5?9-4634 Honorable Mayor and Commissioners � City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive ' tli ami , Florida 33133 bear Mayor Ferro and Commissioners: As Chairman of the Dade County Council of Arts and Sciences, I call to your attention the request of the Cuban Museum of Art and Culture for the use of the existing facility =_ formerly a City of Miami fire station located at S.W. 12th Avenue and S.W. 13th Street, to house the Museum's exhibits and its administrative offices. I understand that the President and Board of Directors of the Museum plan to appear before the Commission to propose that the City lease the above -mentioned facility to -the Museum for three years, at a cost ` of $1 per year, the lease to be renewable at the discretion of the City Commission at the end of the said three-year period, As you know, the Cuban Museum of Art and Culture was founded in January, 1974, and has sponsored and presented activities of an artistic and educational nature throughout Dade County since 1976. Heretofore, the Museum has been a "museum without walls." The availability of the vacant facility presents an excellent opportunity for the City of Miami to showcase a worthy community cultural resource and to increase public awareness of the quality and variety of Cuban arts and crafts. I look forward to your favorable consideration and support of the proposal of the Cuban Museum of Art and Culture. Srely, David A. Wollard Chairman E' ) r 46 is oi%Y cr AiAmi. ; LOhIbl i1VT'1�•c.4.,PPId2e MF-1,•16' fk.6,�InfjtA ta: Mr. Howard Gary NL y 19, 1981 F.« City Manager Cuban 'Museum of .art and Culture Agenda/Corrrmission ,Meeting 9428-81 FR6,41 Maurice A. Ferro I VI� i ngFE�E'�CE9: Ntayor �YJ *# f v 1 E_NZLZ91jftCt. Please place on the agenda for the \fay 28 Coimtission meeting the request by the Cuban Museum of Art and Culture for the use of the vacant Fire Station located at the corner of S.W. 12 Avenue and 13 Street. The Cuban ,lhlseum is a Federal and State tax exempt organiz*ation, founded in 1973. Ever since, the City of Miami has been trying to find a place to house the 1\1uSeUm but a suitable location has not been found (their exhibits and related activities have always been held in private and/or public institutions who have lent their facilities). At the present time, they only have a small storage space at the Little Havana Community Center. The vacant Fire Station building on S.W. 14" Avenue, because of its sire and location, seems to be the ideal locale for the Museum: It is a pedestrian -traffic area, several bus routes pass right in front of it, it is easily accessible from I-95, is in a. residential area and yet very close to S.ti. S Strcct and Coral Way, and for special occasions could count on the use of the parking facilities and auditorium space of Sts. Peter and Paul Church and school. The Museum would, of course, cover their own utilities and other expenscs. T11e City would rent the building to them for a nominal annual fee for three Fears and if at the end of that period t11ey can prove they have been --as a non-profit organiration- sel f supporting, then the City trould turn the building over to the \iusciu:i with t11e proviso that if at any given time the Muscuun is wlcuble to fulfill t11e agreement, t11e building will be turned over to the City. Needless to say, the 1*h1sc1u:l (could he an asset to munity at larg; and to tourists as 1ce11 but, most wide rstandin, for stronger community tics. My'..affn cc: lion. Commissioners 'Z'l the cultural enrichment of the com- of all, it tcuuld be a brid-c ,b f' ,O ol--46J 19 MAN MUMM bP AM ANb CULTUAt. INC. M tO CUAANd Dt AhTt Y CUOUAA, INC. 0.6. §OX 3409) t6hAL GAbLE5 FLobibA W14 May 27, 1951 honorable Maurice A. perre Mayor, City of Mutt 3500 pan American brive- Miami, Florida 53133 Pe. Cuban museum of Arts and Culture Dear th:. Terre: N6N•Ppolrit 614GANIkAtION CABLE: CUISAMUSEUM PHONES: 1305) 54SLi @16 - 13651 665-4565 Eight years ago the Leo Cubano de Arte y Cultura cammnced its existence. This non-profit organization was founded to promote and preserve the Cuban artistic heritage rich in its blend of hispanic, Indian and Afro cultures, Since, it has evolved into a dynamic center for the dissemination and exposition of corks of art and historic treasures of not only Cuban roots and achievements, but -also of other Latin American countries. To date, obstacles have multiplied due to the lack of a building wherein to house the presentations and exhibits heretofore organized by the Museum. On Thursday, May 28, 1981, we will appear before the City Conmission to request that the building located at Southwest 12th Avenue and 13th Street, formerly used as a fire station,_be made available to the Museum as a center wherein the art exhibits, lectures and cultural events, in general, can be held and a permanent exhibit can be displayed. It is impossible to enumerate in this brief letter the past activities and future projections of the Museum. They will be outlined at the Commission meeting. The com unity at large and the Cuban community wish to thank you in advance for your gracious favorable consideration of this request. Sincerely yours, MSE0 CLTIANO DE AM Y CULTURA, INC. By: Mignon Perez de Medrano, President S1 -46.5 CUBAN I11USLUM OP AfttS ANb CULtUkt, INC. MUSLO CU8ANO bt Aktt V CULtURA, INC. P.O. BOX 340151, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33114 �tab%�� bad ybb�`n� c)-- n D O z• cz,�C tD N 3 1 � O D 3 Q• 0•`� O`er ��,` oDcnD 000f`G�c.�o C o OeCp ato CZ q v6 ep4 D`�O D ep D H D 4 a' o N o 1&illAwd � D � � O Uo �' � D � ti �O D ,� C 1 � 1 � � •� o c � ao Z�`a m 7p tDi, C D O O j O H C rm ck 4 0 0 aD O ti ttA o ` D n c ° o cn �• rn a rrm ti NON-PROFIT BULK RATE PERMIT NO.2426 CORAL GABLES FLORIDA 33134 CUBAN MUSEUM OF ARTS AND CULTURE MUSEO CUBANO DE ARTE Y CULTURA P O. BOX 3 4 0 7 5 7 CORAL GABLES, FL. 33114 TLL. (305) 548-137u 465 w, rfur & real 1*0 bt)O 9. W. 26t]4 hid+ M1aMi, i=L61!1bA !§aiA3 May 27, 1981 13 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Miami bear Sirs t We have received with pleasure, the news of the request of the Cuban Museum of Art and culture to obtain a lease at the former fire station located on Southwest 12th Avenue and 13 Street. Such a move is welcome by us, as it will serve to enhance our neighborhood, and we are sure our school will certainly benefit from the museum's proximity to it. In addition, we want to inform you that the parish ismakin� its parkin facili able to the special events sponsored y tie museum. Respectfully yours, Re�e-. Gi erto ea Pastor VS1 - 4 6 5 ��� ._+ Y �i#` � 'wF'ax <3.�s- €", r'r'n rk, }.� r;yt;. z, �::.� �, s��, .+r-•...�.�K< i IVII_tMOPOLITAN OAM COUNTY FL nRIDA Q �DAr�� 27 May 1981 Honorable Mayor and Commissioners City of Miami 8500 pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 bear Mayor Ferre and Commistionerst COUNt-IL OF ANTS ANO t=NCES 119 EAST FLAGLEfl STREET SUITE 241 MIAMI, FLOPIDA 33131 (305) 5 i 9•4634 As Chairman of the Dade County Council of Arts and Sciences, I call to your attention the request of the Cuban Museum of Art and Culture for the use of the existing facility =- formerly a City of Miami fire station -- located at S.W. 12th Avenue and S,W. 13th Street, to house the Museum's exhibits and its administrative offices, I understand that the president and Board of Directors of the Museum plan to appear before the Commission to propose that the City lease the above -mentioned facility to the Museum for three years, at a cost of $1 per year, the lease to be renewable at the discretion of the City Commission at the end of the said three-year period, As you know, the Cuban Museum of Art and Culture was founded in January, 1974, and has sponsored and presented activities of an artistic and educational nature throughout Dade County since 1976, Heretofore, the Museum has been a "museum without walls." The availability of the vacant facility presents an excellent opportunity for the City of Miami to showcase a worthy community cultural resource and to increase public awareness of the quality and variety of Cuban arts and crafts. I look forward to your favorable consideration and support of the proposal of the Cuban Museum of Art and Culture. Srely, David A. Wollard Chairman 81-465 crier or tAiAml. =!Ld bA i iN" �i�•Gri`i�� +.fig'`-���,�1�1t�i:St�f to: fir. Howard 6ar- City Managor aacu.. Nburice A. Ferre Mayor V 5kIrr Miry 1(04 1981 �)Lt A; Cuban Museum of Art and Culture Agenda/Coimission Meeting 5-28-81 rIEFEVE�4eZ3: ENCLZSUFOEt: l Please place on the agenda for the Nhy 28 Cotmftission meeting the request by the Cuban Miseum of Art and Culture rot the use of the vacant Fire Station located at the corner of S.W, 12 Avenue and 13-Streot. Tlic Cuban Niusetm is a Federal and State tax exempt organization, founded in 1973, Ever since, the City of Miami has been trying to find a place to house the MUSeUM but a suitable location has not been found (their e�iibits and related activities have aNays been held in private and/or public institutions ►+ho have lent their facilities). At the present time, they only have a small storage space at the Little Havana Community Center. The vacant Fire Station building on S.W. 12 Avenue, because of its size and location, seems to be the ideal locale for the MuseLM: It is a pedestrian -traffic area, several bus routes pass right in front of it, it is easily accessible rrom I-95, is in a residential area and N`et very close to S.W. 8 Street and Coral Way, and for special occasions could count on the use of the parking Cacilities and auditoriLun space of Sts. Peter and Paul Church and school. 1-7 The MUSS un Would, of course, cover their oval. utilities and other exI)enses. The City %gould rent the building to them for a nominal annual fee for three years and if at the end of that period they call prove they have been --as a non-profit organization,, self supporting, then tale City % oul.d turn the building over to the niscurn 1eith the proviso that if at any given time tlic MISCU11 is Lnic2l)lc to ftrl!'i11 the agreement, the building ivill be turned over to the City. NeedleSs to sa}•, the `•tLrseUM Mould be an asset to munity at large and to tourists as ixll but, mo`t wide rstandin,, for stronger connunity ties. NRF. amn cc: Mon. Cormnissioners the cultural enriclunont of the cont- of all, it mould be a bridge -of r 81 -465 t 9 ro, Mr, Howard Crary h. City Manager Cuban i•[itscuni of Art and Culture, / Agenda/Commission Meeting a�o•�: Maurice A, Petro Mayor Please place on the agenda For the t1iy lS Conu:iission meeting the request by the Cuban ii\htseum of Art and Culture Cor the use of the Vacant Fire Station located at the coiner of S.W. 12 Avenue and 13) Street. The Cubali \htSeuun is a Federal. and State tax exempt organization, founded in 1.973. Ever since, the City of Miami has been trying to find a place to house the Musetun but a suitable location has not been round (their exhibits and related activities have always been held in private and/or public institutions who have lent their facilities). At the present time, they only have a small storage space at the Little Havana Community Center, The vacant Fire Station building on S.W. 12 Avenuie, because of its size and location, seems to be the ideal locale for the Muscuun: It is a pedestrian -traffic area, several bus routes pass right in front of it, it is easily accessible from 1-95, is in a residential area and yet very close to S.W. S Street turd Coral Way, and for special occasions could count on the use of the parking facilities and auditorium space of Sts. peter and Paul Church and school. The Museum Mould, of course, cover their Oren utilities and other expenses. The City would rent the building to them for a nominal annual fee for three years and if at the end of that period they can prove they have been --as a non-profit organization-= self supporting, then the City would turn the building over to the Museu ni with the proviso that if at any given tiric the Musetun i.s iutahlc to fulfill the agreement, the building will be turned over to the City. Needless to say, the "lllselUm would be an asset munity at larg; and to tourists as well but, understanding for stronger community ties. l`11F. anal cc: floe. Comunissioners CZ)v to the cultural cnri clvncnt of the co n- most of all, it Would be a bridge=of* ;PW -I- , 8.1 -465 (11*1 Ula o 'Mtht ttt, Ylarlhft MAU1411tt A. FtkMt M06A May 5, 1078 Mrs; Humberto riedrano, President Cuban Museum of Arts and Culture,. Inc. p.0, Box 340787 Coral Cables, Florida 33134 Dear Mrs. Medrano: s My apologies for the delay in answering your letter of April 1$th,.- However, I was out of the country most of the month of April, and it is taking a little time to catch up on my correspondence. As you know, the Bayfront Park Library Building will not be availa= ble to the City, until the new Metro Library is inaugurated. Before that time, I'm sure the use of the library building will be tho- roughly discussed before the City of Miami Commission. At the mo- ment, I personally cannot think of a better use for the library building than to make it available to the Cuban Museum of Arts and Culture. Mowever, prior to putting this on the Commission agenda for discus- sion, we need answers from your organization as to the following: A) Would your organization utilize the entire building or a portion thereof; and, if so, which portion. B) We need your organization's estimate for the operation and maintenance of the building or that portion to be utilized by the Museum. Once I have this information, I will request the City Manager to study your proposal and come up with specific recommendations. At that time, we will schedule it for a public hearing and Commission action. I,.of course, would be happy to see you and your associates at a mutually -convenient time. However; I'm afraid May is another travel month for me and I will be in Miami for a few days only during this month. When it is convenient to you, please contact my Assistant, Airs. Petit, at 579-6010. I know she will be happy to arrange'an appropriate time for both of us which I hope will be in the very early part of June, based on my present schedule. With warm personal regards to you and your associates, n eaely, , M.AF:pas Maurice A. Ferre 81 -465 r