HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1981-05-28 Marked AgendaP.11OPFIRTY cat= r r rY rt.rn k's DR18INAL 00r;uivI `N'1` NFVt.R LOANIED OR SOW KING WNTE: May 28, 1981 CITY HALL - 6itlftlk MY 9:00 AM. Invocation and pledge of Allegiance 0070 FORMAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING ORDINANCES 16 ORDINANCE SECOND READING DEEERkED BY Amending Section 53-151 of the Code of the City, MOT. 81-448 which <pertains -to procedures and use charges at MOVED: Plummer the Municipal 'Auditorium and Coconut Grove SECONDS Gibson Exhibition Center by increasing certain specified UNANIMOUS fees determined by the type of event being held. This item was passed on first reading at the May, 15, 1981 City Commission Meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Vice Mayor Gibson. City Manager recommends. 2. , ORDINANCE FIRST AND SECOND READING ORD. ` 9269 Amending Subsections'' (A)and (B) of Section MOVED: PLUM14ER 53-135 of the Code of the City, as amended, SECOND: GIBSON governingOrange Bowl Parking charges; by changing UNANIMOUS parking rates for certain Orange Bowl parking lots; by changing parking rates for certain Orange Bowl events; by adding said Subsection (B) a'new provision establishing an Orange Bowl parking rate for recreational vehicles for all events for which admission is charged. City Manager recommends. 3. ORDINANCE FIRST AND SECOND READING Amending Subsection (B) 'of Section 53-131 of the Code of the City, as amended, relating to the . f City's tax upon admissions to the Miami Orange Bowl Memorial Stadium by 'providing for certain changes to tax rates for admissions for the use of various 'parts of the stadium (except; for festi- val seating) from 15W mission price Tess any Federal 'mposed tax to 10% of the gr less any Federal, State' o c d tax; providing a change of the CitX tax `on admissions to the Orange Bowl Memorial Stadium, forte use oT the entire stadium and the fie (for festiavalseating) from'.15% of the gross admission, price, less any Federal,' State, or locally imposed tax to 12% of the gross admission price', less any Federal, State or locallyimposed tax; further defining event costs covered by the City tax on admissions; further providing _fora special multiuse minimum guaranty ` teed ,fee. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCE FIRST AND SECOND READING On-, 9270 Establishing Section 30-7 of the Code of the City MOVED; ILUMMEA for the purpose of establishing a ity of Miami SECOND; GIBBON Park Club membershi at on annua fee o per UNANIMOUS participant wit said funds epos to in a esig. KAM-Truff and Agency Account for ex anded recre= gtional services for club mempers, omponlon O flfgC'A'AG�S a �.'DEIIL,E' a 2 Item:8 City Menaper recommends, "DOCUMENT INDEX t+i�t May 281 J981 PA& is ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING okn, 0271 Amending Subsection (D) of Section 53-146 of the. Code MOVtb! I,At;ASA of the. City, as amended, which changes the City tax StCoNb: 'oltSON off a mtis5ioris, to the: Mi.a�►+_i__D_as. ba11. St M for the UNANIMOUS Use Of the entire stadium and field for festival seating) from 10% of the, gross admission price to 12% of the gross admission price; further defining event costs covered by the City tax on admissions. City Manager recommends, G. ORDINANCE L FIRST AND SECOND READING ORb. 5212 Amending Section I of Ordinance No 8719, the Summary MOVED: PtUMItER Grant Appropriatiohs Ordinance, as amended, by estab; stcoND: clBsot<' Iishin a:;_New Trust and Agency, Fund entitled: "Let's UNANIMOUS Play to_ .Grow.,; appropriating funds for the operation of same in the amount of $2,000, City Manager recommends 7, ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING ORD. 9273 Amending Section I of Ordinance No. 8719, the Summary MOVED: PLUu LMER Grant Appropriations Ordinance, by establishing a SECOND: GIBSON new Trust and Agency Fund entitled: "Staff Training UNANIMOUS for 'Adapted Recreation 4th Year ", in the amount of 74,500; appropriating thereto a grant award of $40,500 with a City 'cash match of_$34,000 for the operation, of same. City Manager recommends. 8. ORDINANCE - FRRST AND SECOND READING ORD. 9274 _Establishing a New Trust and 'Agency Fund entitled: MOVED: PLUM11ER "Leisure Services -Special Activities"for the _Depart- SECOND: GIBSON ment of Leisure Services; providing for revenues UNANIMOUS therein to be collected ;from participant fees in an amount of $30000; making appropriations therefor by the same amount for the purpose of providing specialized programs and club membership in the City parks and; recreation facilities. (Companion to Item . 4) City Manager recommends. 9. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING ORD. 9275 Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 87,19, the MOVED: PLUMMER Summary Grant' Appropriations Ordinance, as amended, SECOND: GlssoN by establishing a'New Trust and Agency Fund entitled UNANIMOUS "Entrant Assistance Program -Little Havana,' and appropriating funds for the operation of same in the amount of $315 054. City Manager tecommends. 10. ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING WITHDRAWN Amending Section 31-39, entitled "Exemption allowed widows andpersonsphysically incapacitated, etc., exemptions'", of the Code of the City, as amended, by revising the amount of qualifying capital for t said exemption from a maximum of $500 to a maximum of $1000, City Manager recommends. 11 ORDINANCE - FIRST AND SECOND READING ORD. 9276 Amending Sections 1, 2, and 5 of Ordinance No. 9179, MOVED; PLU MER the `Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the FY end- SFCoa'A: GIBSON ''ing September 30, 19.91, as amended; by increasing UNANIMOUS the following appropriations in the amounts indicated: General Fund, Department of Communuty Development, $599537; Internal 5arvice Funds, Custodial Maintenance, $?0,000; and by increasing .revenues in the some amounts, respectively. from General fund, Miscellaneous Revenues, and Internal Service Funds, Custodial Maintenance; to Dover the operating costs of the Little .Havana Communit rkenier foie OO=D1 and itiip post f prov Ing -+pus- tQ �a Paintenonce for the Little Havana Community 40ter for FY 80.81, City Manager recommends, �tl"1'Z �V��c1����71Vg �lVUR e Nnnto I5A'TE May 286 1981 t46, 12, ORDINANCE a PIRST AND SECOND RFADiNO Otib, 0277 Amending Seetion 1 of Ordinance No, 9109, the C tyea m6vtD., pt mtk Cspital Improvemeht Appropriations Ordinante for FY fttote: t.,ACASA 80-01 as amended; by transferring 32466 00 from the tNANfHOUt New City Administration Building Employee Parking (Item IX-CM2) to So1i.d_.,Rsste o r_a .i ns.Fac#lit mloye _�e'rkii, (Item IX.C.ii3). City 'Managtr reco�iiends 10 :OO A.M. DI SC_t1SS LDN M Discussion of CbMtnissioner-Joe Carollo'S background , DISCUSSION` check. MOT+ 81-14611 6 MOVED t LACASA 14. Discussion of Zoning Board members. �--== _-� SRComn: PLMItR ASSENT,: UkOt to RESOLUTIONS , M8TOv. 81=469 MED : PUTMt IER 15. RESOLUTION SECoh-D; LACASA NOES: CAROLLO _ Establishingcompensation for the City Manager. �is�iD$1pp���tt 16. RESOLUTION SECOND tfftlF NOES: CAROLLO & Appointing certain individuals as members of the4 FERRE R-�81-474 Allapattah Community _Deyelopment Advisory Board, M0V RD . PLUMMER in accordance with the Citizen Participation Plan SECOND: GIBBON GIBSON- for the Community Development Block Grant Program. -ABSENT: LACASA City Manager recommends. 17. RESOLUTION MOT. 81-475 GIBSON Appointing individuals to serve on the MiamiAuditMOVED: SECOND: PL1-TM!14ER Advisory Committee for specified terms. City" ABSENT: LACASA Manager recommends. 18. RESOLUTION R- 81-476 Appointing Certain individuals as members of the MOVED:PLUPilrIER -City of MiamiFestivalAdvisory Committee, each to SECOND:GIBSON serve a one, year term. City Manager recommends. ABSENT: LACASA 19. RESOLUTION R- 81-477 Authorizing the City Manager to execute an a reement MOVED: PUW11ER toe inthe National Mn ca sEco�D; GlssoN Defense Fund of the National Institute of Municipal ABSENT: LACASA Law Officers NIMLO ,-with _funds therefor in the amount of 7500 hereby' allocated from the'Contin- gency Fund,'subj*ect to availability of monies.:' City Manager recommends. 20. RESOLUTION R-•_81-449 Authorizing the City Manager to execute the agree- MOVED: 'LUMMER ment with the State of Florida, Department of SECOND: LACASA Education, Division of Blind Services, for the UNANIMOUS operation of the concession facility at Paul S. Walker Mini Park, for 6n'6 dollar. for a pQr od of three y0ars, City Manager recommends. 21. RESOLUTION R- 81.450 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease MOVED; PLVMIER agreement with Belafonte Tacotcy Center:^- nc.:for SECOND; LACASA .e....—.�. e�rs•e.-- a e a s a i4 ne • -;s+i eva� as is the operation Of the Belafonte Tacolcy Center -for VNAF� a period of five years with a five year option to renew. City Manager recommends. ;t'i��!tfiM f8lf�1 A-ftA M&TINO 15ATt.. May 28 1 Dal ttA ,r M .0 4 22. RESOLUTION R 6i�4 1 Authbriting e+elitor� ofe,tbaive_a.neeer,t with M6VR5;tRBbN Metropolitan Dade preparation of the SECOND. PLR Countybfor1ijoint documentation requted States Urban UNANIMOUS Maas Trahsportation Administration in compliance with their funding commitment for the bverttown_urban tn►it_i_atives_.Pro3ct (pre -construction phase), City Manager recommends. 23. RESOLUTION R- si<4S2 Authorizing the City Manager to execute_ documents (AS AMENDED) effecting the transfer of certain ;City;owned prbper-� MOVED.Glt N ties__to _Dade County, to build.the _Metro_rail._Sys m SECOND: LACASA in exchange for a parcel of County;owned land.to be UNANIMOUS transferred to the _City for development.of ;the Over-' town_ShoppingCenter. City Manager recommends. 24. RESOLUTION R- 81-478 Authorizing the City Manager to execute `an agreement MOVED: PLUMMER amending the existing agreement between Metropolitan; SECOND: GIBSON Dade County and the City for economic planning ABSENT: LACASA activities to be rendered by the Department of Plan- CARbLLO ning and `'Trade and Commerce Development; by amending; the Personnel Table, by extending the time of per- formance to March 31, 1981; by increasing the agree- ment amount by $17,815 to'$112,095 plus a 25% local match; in order to accept an award of funds from a Economic DevelopmentAdministration 302 Planning Grant 'through Metropolitan Dade County for the pur- pose of establishing an economic development plan- ning and implementing capacity; further directing the City Clerk to immediately` forward a copy of this resolution to the County Clerk. City Manager recommends. 25. RESOLUTION MOT. 81-468 Ate izing the City Manager to execute an a ree MOVED: LACASA between 'ty and the Latin Chamber of rce SECOND: PLUMMER of the United for prepari rdinating UNANIMOUS and supervising the:Seco P eric Con ress of Latin American Cham Comm be held in Miami in ° Sept - 981;with funds fro ity's Cont und,:in an amount not to exceed anager recommends. 26. RESOLUTION R- 81-453 Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate with MOVED: PLUMMER Dynamic Cablevi'sion of Florida, Inc. with respect SECOND; GIBSON to the consideration to be; paid by said firm in UNANIMOUS exchange for its use of Miami city streets, ways, ' and; public places in said firm's construction of a s dedicated trunk line needed for the delivery of cable television signals to the City of West Miami; said proposed use`being'substantially''in accordance with the terms of the agreement. City Manager recommends. 27, , ' RESOLUTION WITHDRAWN Rescinding' Resolution No, 32424, concerning payment to the City by chuck, and establishing certain new guidelines with regard to the Cinta s methodof collecting funds. City Manager recommends, 28, RESOLUTION Authorising the City to invest $250*0000 on a IR 81-454 MQVFDD; &4CASA quarterly basis for a period of one year with all SCOND Pi�tER minoritanks located within the City boundaries, VNANTKOUS Oi Manager recommends:, t W3N0 15Al2: May 29, 1081 k& No. 5 29, I tOLUT15N Bi=4 S Accepting the bid of pan American Bank in the amount MOVEb! PLMNtk of approximately $79,424 as a charge fort a kH10-9 Ecu a: CIe96N a rvices.for the City for 3 years beginning June it UNANIMOUS ; w th such service charge to be paid by the City maintaining an uninvested amount of monies on deposit With said bank, with said required uninvested' balances fluctuating during the 3-year period bated upon actual volume of services performed and the interest rate of newly -issue treasury bills; author- izing the City manager to xecut ..._a_con rac with said bank. City Manager recommends.. 30. RESOLUTION ` R- 81-456 Item., Custodial_: Services MOVED: LACASA Location: Little Havana Community.Center SECOND: PLUMMtR Vendor: Zeta Building Services, Inc. UNANIMOUS Total, $40,000 (estimated) Funding: 80-81 Operating Budget Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this service. City Manager recommends. 31. RESOLUTION R- 81-457 Item: One 3 Reel Greens Mower MOVEDt PLUNMER Location: Building and Vehicle Maintenance SECOND: LACASA` Vendor: Hector Turf and Garden, Inc. UNANIMOUS Total: - $6990 Funding: 80-81 Operating Budget Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this equipment. City Manager recommends. 32. RESOLUTION R-'81-458 Item: 30,570 lineal feet fire 'hose -'MOVED;.PLUMMER Location: Fire Department SECOND: LACASA Vendor: Biscayne Fire 'Equipment Company UNANIMOUS Total: $54 9137.40 Funding: 8041 Operating Budget ($20,000) FP&L=Franchise Fees (34 137.40) Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and the Purchasing' Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this equipment. City Manager recommends. 33. RESOLUTION R- 81-459 Project: Fire Alarm Office - Air Conditioning MOVED: PLUMMER Improvements SECOND:'LACASA Location: 275`NW 2 Street (5th Floor) UNANIMOUS' Company: Solo Air Conditioning b Heating Company,, Inc, Eng. Estimate; $19000 Low` Bid; $13900 Funding; SPecial Programs & Accounts Administration Building"! Property Maintenance Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager -and the Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order; for this 'service. 34, RESOLUTION R- 81-460 Ordering City Aide 1981 = Sanitary Sewer Exten. MOVED; LACASA signs, Improvement and dusignoting the Property STGOND; PUMER against which special assessments shall be made for UNANTM0135 a portion of the cost thereof as CitX Wide - 1981`e Sanitary Sewer Extensions Im rovement Distr i_ S"R=54Tb=C center; , ne sewer . C Y Man4gur recommend$= CITY CbM §910.4 WND M T1�i� r � ► # may 28f 1001 rv= N6. 6 35, RESOLUTION Authorizing the allocation f A00 froM the MhVtb: LACASA Ste PttftMER Pt{oorams ICi_ty. -Wi de. E-gn_ts for the Yo.Uthe..Leadefthi.p UNANIm6bg Witkv..Camb to defray the tort of trophies, T-shirts, and Sun visors for the youngsters participating in the project. City Manager recommends. FORMALIZATIONS 36, RESOLUTION Ri 81-462 Allocatilia $Z%000.from _Speci-al _Proorams__and MOVEb: CAROttO Accounts -- ContinQent -FUnd, ;to the Local O.f.fice..of SECottU: LACASA the Nati_onal.Economic..Develo ment_Association UNANIMOUS N.E:D.A to permit the agency to continue Operating. (Formalizing Motion 81-439) 37. RESOLUTION R,- 81463 Authorizing the City Manager to execute an amend- 14.0VED: PUTMMER merit extending. the -existing agreement between the SECOND: GIBSON (may and New_Washington Heights Community Develop- UNANIMOLs ment_Corporat�on. Inc.' (NWHCDC, Inc.) for an additional < month beyond May 171, 1981 with funds allocated from the 6th Year Community Development Block Grant. (Formalizing Motion 81-440) ; 38. RESOLUTION R- 81-464 Formalizing Motion No. M-81-389, May 15, 1981, MOVED: PLUMMER entitled "A Motion of the City Commission granting SECOND: LACASA the request of the Florida State Players' 'Theatre UNANIMOUS for waiver of the fee for use of the Coconut` Grove Exhibition Center (for one year only) in connection with the conduct of their 11th Annual' Romage Sale. i1:00 NOON BREAK FOR LUNCH 2:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 39. Presentation of Commendation to the Outstanding SEE Officers for the Month' of April, 1981, Sgt. Richard SUPPLEMENTAL Napoli and Officer Edward Hanek.` AGENDA 3:30 P.M. PERSONAL APPEARANCES 40. Personal appearance by John,Smith, Executive MOT. 81-472 Director of Bowlipg Tournament of the Americas MOVED: PLUMMER Association, regarding funding for the Lee Evans SEDONG: CAJiOLL-P Bowling Tournament of the Americas to be held ASSENT: LACASA a August 3-8, 1981, GIBSON 41. Personal appearance by William Alexander of the MOT. 81-467 Miami Rowing Club regarding funding for the MOVED;-LACASA 8th Annual Miami International Rowing Regatta on SECOND; FLurtMER June 27, 1981. ASSENT; CAROLLO 42. Personal appearance by representative of the Cuban MOT. 81-465 Museum of Arts and Culture, Inc., requesting the MOVED; FERRE use of City facilities to house the Cuban Museum, SECOND; LACASA NOES-, PLUMMER & 43, Personal appearance of Mr, ' Samuel Pierce o,f' the GIBSON - Al l opatbah Community Association to make a` pre• � PERKED To sentaton with reference to the Civic Tower 6-25-81 Project. MMMO bA'E: May 28, 1081 PACE t3 8 MVERRBti N8.1 bittutsibn +bf f e5olution tf intent Wttrning ittUMO and sale tf $8,880,OOO theVenuP bands (6,nneP Kty Marina PrOLINtt). NS-2 fteViot IY item 0 3 a) E- 81-473 MOM) ! PtUMM.ER RBSOLUT1dN ltro�ect: Solid t3asteacijit�► SECONb:CAROLLO Site Itedeeltipmeat ABSENT:ACASA GBSON Location: Demolition and removal ,of a 1- story G.B.S building and .the construction of a parking lot on the Solid Waste Department Site. Located at NW 20 St. and NW 12 Ave. Company: D.M.P. Corporation Eng. ; Estimate: $390,000 tow Bid: $338,780.61 Fund Funding : Capital Improvement Section M Item C (11) 3 Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager Orde and the Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase for this service. f I T Y C 0 M M I S S 1 0 N A E N D A REEFING DAT2 t MAY 28, 1981 C f TY HAU D MElk I FORMAL CITY COMMISSION SESSION PLANNING AND 20NING AGENDA 7.00 P, M. 1. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING ORD, 9279 Application by Dade County Port Authority for a Change of MOVtt): GIBSON Toning of the Port of Miami from, R-1 to -I, This item was SECOND: CAROLLO passed on First Reading April 23,- 1981. 1T6ved by Commissioner ROES :: PLUMMER Plummer, seconded by Commission'`Lacasa. ABSENT: LACASA (Y) Ferre, Gibson; (Absent) Carollo.' 2, ORDINANCE - SECOND READING ORD. 9278 Application, by City National Bank of Miami TR., to Change the. MOVED: GIBSON Zoning of Approx..4240-90 N.W. 11thStreet and approx. - SECOND: PLUDL*IER VJF7�3rd'Avenue from R-3 to C-2. This item was passed on ABSENT: LACASA First Reading April 23, 1981. Moved by Commissioner Lacasa, seconded by Commissioner Gibson; (Y) Ferre, Plummer; (Absent) Carollo. 3. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FIRST READING Amend Ordinance 6871 ARTICLE XYIII OFF-STREET PARKING AND MOVED: PLUM!,1ER 'L6A�TNG to provide reduced standard and compact parking space SECOND: GIBSON i3Tmensions. -ABSENT: LACASA - IF NO LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE COMI-115SION WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THIS DATE, THIS -ITEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN DENIED. - Planning Advisory Board Recommended Denial 5-1. On, objector present at P � meetinq. ;. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING- PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FIRST READING Amend Ordinance 6871 ARTICLE IV GENERAL PROVISIONS to allow MOVED: PLUM!-1ER -acceptance of platted lots or divided o s w is were of record SEcor`D:'GIBsoN as of September 25, ABSENT: LACASA - IF NO LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS TAKEN BY `THE COMI-1ISSION WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THIS DATE, THIS 'ITEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN DENIED. - Planning Advisory Board Recommended Approval 6-0. 5, ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION WITHDRAWN Amend Ordinance 6871 ARTICLE XXI-3 SPD-1 CENTRAL ISLAND' DISTRICT pefaining to Ground Level Pedestrian Open Space and require Off -Street per -king for esi-en is eve opmen - - IF NO LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE COMMISSION WITHIN 90 DA i IS ITEM SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN DENIED. Planning Advisory Board Recommended Approval on the Pedestrian Open Space 647, and . _.. Recommended Approval of the Off -Street Parking 4-2, = One objection by. mail. L 111TY COMM188TC514 AlEftA rt,5A'I� MAY, 6. ORDINANCE FIRST READING PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION Vtk8t ktAb= Attend Ordinance 6871, the Orr-rohotive ton to fiIOVBD: 1�umin _ng .Otdihanet, provide that ,Drive-in Fellers as a Un 1pha _ se reVilte stc= GltSoN _l. oV 1v by a �._Y._,.bittit»55 bl"�s ASSENT,. LACASA b 'Apo . IP'`NO LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE COM14ISSION WITHIN GAB bN 90 DAY . ._. -nIS ITEM SHALL DE bEEtdED TO HAVE BEEN DENIED, Plarming Advisory Board Recommended beniai S to o. 6 ORDINANCE - FIRST READING = PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FIRST READING (a) Amend Ordinance 6871,-ARTICLE IV Section 39, General Provisions MOVED: ciBSON o establish the Heritage Conservation Interim o ing istrict, SECOND: CAROttO concerning historic structures in a ity o iami. is item has been deferred from the Commission meetings of February 26 NOES: PLUN4MER ABSENT: LACASA and March,l7� 1981; it was continued from the meeting of April 23 1981, Planning Advisory Board Recommended Approval 5-2. = No` objections. and ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FIRST READING (b) Application of the proposed Heritage Conservation Interim Zoning MOVED: GIBSON Districts to properties currently listed on the National Register SECOND: CAROLLO ' of Historic Places. This: item has been deferre from the NOES' PLUMMER ommission meetings of February 26 and March 17, 1981; it was ABSENT: LACASA continued from the meeting; of April 230 1981. - Planning Advisory Board Recommended Approval 7-0. - PLY140UTH CONGREGATIONAL tTMCH objected to this item. - DENIED BY a. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Application by Luis Rodriguez-Iznaga to Change the Zoning of MOT. 81-486 MOVED: GIBSON approx. 260 N.Y. t venue rom -1 to - SECOND: CAROLLO - IF NO LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE COii14ISSION,WITHIN ABSE;:T: LACASA 90 DAY5 UF THIS DATE, THIS`_ITEM SHALL BE DEE14ED TO HAVE BEEN DENIED. - Planning Department Recommends Denial. - Zoning Board Recommendeb DFM 4.to- . - Two objections y mai . - Nine ;replies in favor, by mail. - _ - Two proponents present at the ZB meeting. 9. RESOLUTION DENIED BY Application by Sweet Home Inc., for permission to operate a MOT.,81-482 non-profit Congregate Living Facility at 2100 N.W. 28th MOVED: GIBSON Street and s venue. is item was �ntinued at SECOND: CAROLLO the City Commission meeting of April 23, 19B1. NOES: PLI"IER - Planning Department LRecommends Denial, ABSENT: LACASA; - Planning Advisory Boar.d Recommen a enial 7 to 0. - Three objections by mail, - Two replies in favor by mail. - Three proponents present at the PAB meeting. 10. RESOLUTION Application by Leonard RalbY et al for the Vacation and Closure R- 81-483 MOVED: GIBSON of the all ey west o rga n� a _ reet and nort . o ran venue, -- o T va Tentative at f sECot�n:1.vM�IER ABSENT: LACASA as one of the cpndition app of ",POD5AI D SUB", Plonning Department Recommends ,Approval in accord with the Conditions e5tabli5h�p y_. .e. atD_ Street Committee. _ Zoning Board Recommended Denial S to 2_ _ Saxten gUjec ors pr+psn a meeting, = one reply yin favor by mail , _ dive proponents present at 75.1neeting. t Y CITY dommissfotl WMA M DATE MAY 2� 1081 N . 11, RESOLUTION Applioatipn by Assail bagher for the Vacation and Cloture of A- 81-484 N6 , 4th vAvohut non o th Street; in cnn�unc ion w� h �loiiED:iBSbt� SECoNB ELtitElt en a 7 ve a�� . ABSENT: LACASA Planning hpartmeht`keebmmthds Approval, 2ohing Board Reoom en _: .pproyva o One bbjettion y may , Two objectors present at the 28 meeting= Five replies in favor by mail, Five proponents present at 28 meeting= Ry 81-487 12, RESOLUTION mOVED: Ptum , Application by ,Jackson Memorial Hospital for permission to permit SECOND: GIBSON a refuse ihcinerd or as an accessory use for Jackson Memorial MOSENTt LACASA Hospita , ocate a approx. 1899 N.W. 12th'Avenue. MOT, 8i�-488' rOVED: PLUMMER Planning Department - Planning' Advisory Board SECOND! GIBSON ABSENT:, LACASA 13. RESOLUTION Application by Zahid H. Chaudhry for a one year Extension on R- 81-485 (AS AMENDED) a Conditional se or a ica ental Offices at-3111-S:tT 27th MOVED! CAROLLO SECOND: VtMIER Avenue.: =-planning Department Recommends Approval. ASSENT: LACASA Zoning Board GRANTED , 1980.' 14. RESOLUTION Application by First Interdenominational Haitian Church Inc., R- 81-481 - MovEDi CAROLLO for a_one year Extension on a Variance on Parring requirements SECOND: GIBSON ABSENT: LACASA at approx. 5832-97772n3 Avenue. - Planning epartment Recommends;Approval. - Zoning Board GRANTE i DECUMEVI MO. i MM 11,1 I VNS comisSion Meeting MAY 28, 1981 „w.. Oottuiteridatioti SOT. �t1C11�_ 2I1_�3.4pOL1. = ��st Chltsta�ic�ing Offieer of the Month together with Officer Rdward Hanek. of April,;1981 Mu�endation OEvIOER.DDI��ARb;NAI�tgIC = \lost outstanding officer of the Month 981, together with Sgt. Richard Napoli. _ P�tESENTATtON of April, Retirement City of Miami Police Department = ri4.T01t MLMM A. V'MON,`D, ,lR►.3 LT. RAY,10N H, LT. OTIS Plaques CAPT. HERBhRT L. ALT�IAN .. _BILLINGTON DAVIS LT. J.OHN I�E1'1ti00D JR, SGT. ELLISWALDEN� OFFICER ALVINCENT PRESENTATION' H. SMITH P, S. rIILDRED M, SMITH HONORARY LT.' ARCHIE MCi�A1' and HONORARY SGT. JESSIE HILL. VIhT NAM VETERANS 10E1J1;/I��LCO�1E N0''E VIET U �1 �`ETERAVS DAY =Pre- Proclamation PRESENTATION - sented to Dr. Bill IVietz, Director, Viet Nam Veterans Center of Mliami . Commendation DR. IVILLIAM R. MIUART = For, his efforts on behalf of bilingual PRESENTATION education at Shenandoah'Elementary School. Commendation MRS. JULITA NIMOZ = Celebrating her 70 years in shots business. PRESENTATION Commendation \tR " NJIGUEL DE' GRk\T" II =Celebrating his 40 years in show Mrs. TIUAOZ) PRESENTATION business- (Mr, de Grandy is the son of