HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-09292ORDINANCE 11', 9292 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 31-11 31-29, AND 31-11 OF CHAPTER 315 ENTITLED: "LICENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS RtGULATI'ONS"g OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (1980)� AS AMENDED, BY CHANGING THE TERM MASSAGE "SALON" TO READ MASSAGE "PARLOR" IN SUB- SECTION (8)(1) OF SECTION 31-1 AND BY ADDING A NEW SUBPARAGRAPH (f) TO SUBSECTION (B)(1) OF SAID SECTION 31-1 TO PROVIDE A FURTHER EXCEPTION TO THE PROHIBITIONS AGAINST OPERATION OF MASSAGE PARt.ORSS- BATH PARLORS OR ANY OTHER SIMILAR TYPE BUSINESS WHEN SPECIFIED PHYSICAL CONTACT IS PROVIDED THE RECIPIENT OF SERVICES, SAID EXCEPTION TO INCLUDE MASSEURS AND MASSEUSES WHO POSSESS CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA; BY PROHIBITING ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE DURING CERTAIN PERIODS IN SECTION 31=29; BY ADDING THE I4ORD "or" AT THE END OF SUBPARA- GRAPHS (1) THROUGH (7) OF SUBSECTION 31-37(a); BY DELETING THE WORD "suspension" FROM THE HEADING OF SUBSECTION (b); BY CHANGING THE PERIOD OF LICENSE REVOCATION FROM 18 TO 12 MONTHS IN SUB- SECTION 31-37(b); BY DELETING SUBPARAGRAPH (2) OF SUBSECTION 31-37(b) WHICH DEALT WITH SUSPENSION OF LICENSES AND SUBSTITUTING A NEW PARAGRAPH (2) DEALING 141TH THE PROCEDURES FOR REVOCATION HEARINGS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND DISPENSING WITH THE REQUIREMENT OF READING SAME ON TWO SEPARATE DAYS BY A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN FOUR -FIFTHS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM'I, FLORIDA: Section 1. Sections 31-1, 31-29 and 31-37 of Chapter 31, enti- tled: "LICENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS", of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida (1980), as amended, are hereby 1/ amended in the following particulars: "Sec. 31-1. Certain occupations prohibited; exceptions to prohibitions. (B) It shall be unlawful for any individual, partnership or corporation, to engage in the business of, the practice of, the performance of, or hold himself out to the public, for a fee, or compensation: (1) As a business, whether it is a public or -_ private facility, operating, as a massage parlor salon, bath parlor, or any similar type business, where any physical contact with the recipient of such services is provided by persons of the opposite sex - by way of rubbing, stroking, kneading,, or -- tapping the recipient; provided, however, =s that this section shall not apply to; . —.—�. .�.'.�—ram.. w.r—.����.�--.���.—....—�—�.. e�T. r...�,. T ��.— -__.. �... w!!n.. }T RT---- . --... - ter_ - 1/ Words and/or figures stricken througlz 6hall be doleted;, U�i.der* T scored words and/or figures constitute the amendment Proposed... The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged: Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material, fa) ahh"lltnwrlts which rotttinely pro- Av stit'li ;mot-t•t`ic o" 1!}' rl hrt`tlsl`c! phY- ."Irt;in, ;i !:I'CIl:•;t`ll I'himproclor, ;i II t•,•t;:,t•c) oslc•olt;lth. n lic•rIl't•tf l,rac•ti- � c•;ll nurse ur ;l rl I;i,tc tlril l,rol'e��ional It "SO; (h) I`Nec•trolvsis Ircntlut'nt h\• ;t !ic'rtlsccl _�. cy,c ralor of elrc(rc,l'';:is rcluil,nletlf: m ir1 Cmihnttil,,; in�t-rkiction ill martial or ln'rCor•nlint: Arts or itl ur�itni�c•tf uth- i�•tit' nt•li�•lties; (d) l luspilals, nurillg hoirll•s, mcdic;d rliltics or Ilwdic•;ll oCtirc•s; ;tilt! (c) f,it rhershf,lls or he'llt1Y (t,ltlurs which nlit•r to the wall,, the pace•, t.',cr neck or shoultic`r, t,tllt _; -ind (f) 'Those persons who presently possess and continuous.y maintal.n an appro— priate certificate or licexlse as a. masseur or masseuse as issued by the State of Florida. Sec. 31-29. Uurat.l.on. No 1. iconse under this; chapter shall be issuc:cl for more than one• (1) year. The finance depart— ment shall not issue aiiv licenses to any person Firm, or cnrporaL•'ion whose Piconse for a specl— f.112d business activity at a particular location has been suspended cluritig Such suspension; not to anv person, firm, or corporation whose license for sl)e(,,Ifi(,d bus'tness activity at: a particular locat ion has he -en revoked unti. the expiration of revocation imposcd under the provisions of this chapter.. 5ce. 3 1-;i'7. Revocation ntle�--ak3��i 4�i3l;ra i procedu:•e. ti!) tills llcelvs#•<' t he roily tlt:,rcagvr shalt rc•volcc the licemw of All iu(livicival, parmorshih or vorporati,,u umhn- this chapter where it, i• delf•rininc•c. by the Cif}` lnan;lher, Or his destf;llilt ed agoill., after a hearing, tlrll: r : I The licolisee has rlullrrially rnisireprrsc•lo- (•tl „. fnilvii to illc•lude the int'ormation rc quirt cl by thi; c hunter to he iilcllldecl in tlrr lirrnzt:• al)lhhc;lt.iotl furls; or i The lice),sov, 4ulrsv(IuQ111 to iwin!; ltitillt't: it lirc•o�c•. Nils; hc'eit t'ont'it•Ic•cl of', ur lllcr;i.:l•ti l;ulft}' It,, a viohili-•:; (11• a late' of the St Al, or orclifloilce of the voijj)ty or ordim-tiwe clt' t'It• city which ;.Itfccts t'!w pullliu ht•allh, welfare and ,afety imd wbicll 4 violat ion orrur•red ;,. a hart Of t he I►►;till hilsiliess nctivity licensed atld not 111crel incidcnlthereto►; or The licensee is conducting business from l,renlises tt'Iticl► do not possess a valid and corrent cerl ificate of orculr,►ney issued by the huildinr and zoninh inspoc- tion duliartnlent=; or (I) The Iiretlst'e is corltluctine" husiuess I't•oni l,rernises \\•hick (lo not Iu,ssess a valid and current. certificate of Ilse i s s I I e ( I by I he I)ttiltlin;; ,Intl zoni►tt; insliection de- pa1-tlllull U-1 or (5) The licerlse.e, stthse(t►Ie111 to being issued a license pillrsuarit to this chapter, is en„a„lll ltl ;111�' htISilless proscribed h\' subsection ;il-l(b) hcreill� or (ti) t'onduct is oecurrinV ;It tale licensee's premises Which constit.tites .1 hre(Ich of the peace by threatening the: safety alld \\ elfare of t he pnt runs or t he geneml I,uhlic and which conduct is h ihttrtr,rl �rrn� rec't►rrful - ar (;) T110 Ilr('nSVU h;ts obt IiIle( I any 1wrsnit, (t rtifictrte or license, incilldim, ;1 licelise issue(I l,ursmint I„ this c•ll,tl,ter, 1)V lniskeadin;;, deceiving or mAing false state►uents that \\'ere relied uliorl by tilt: city or anti• cmliloyee oper(ltinr in an official capacity ill issuin„ the ahove- rnentsoned Iiermit(s), certificate(S) or li- iCnse(s)-; or l8) The licelisee, stthsectuolit, to being issue.({ u license, has liml a lierniarlent: injunction in the form of an order tlIid final ju(Igment. entered a„airlst said licensee clljoinim,. re�traiiiin;; or pi-vlent.ing the ficcusce from ex11ihiIiI19, sIIi)Winh, sel- ling, luntimv, or transmitting any motion Iiicturc Cilsu(s), book(s), uulgaxille(s), video lal,r(s) or other material that has peen Found to he obscene, lewd, 4-nyetetie lascivious, filthy or indecent pursstanL to FloridaySLatute 847.01.1, as written or construed, after said ni.lter i.n l (s) has undergone an adversary judi- cial clearing as required by law. (h) /t'eL,()c•atior► hearings city attorney shall notil'y in \arit.ing the city imimi ;er forthwith of any viola- t ion of the enillnerated grounds for rc,voc•ation of a license contained ill subsection (a) hereof. Upol1 said notification, the city 111,11mg- er shall schedule a hearing at least, tell ( IO) duys from, but within twenty (20) days of the date. of such notification. 'Fill. city manager shall notify in \vriting, at least live (S) days ill wivance, tilt! licensee of the (.late, tirlie told place of s;lid hearing and the Specific charges. Said notice shall he sent. by registered mail, relorn re(•eil)t reyttcasted, to the busilless W11 violaliou occurred a, a part of the rtulin hUsinUSS activitV licensed enld Dot. 11101111%' inCidellt tltcretu; or (,it The liceitsrry is conducting; business front premises which do nut possess ;t valid Mid ctlrrerll certificute of occupancy issued by the building; and zoning, itlSI)QC- t irrn clelrrrrt.nrent.-; nr (A The licensee is concicle.tiu„ Imsilloss from pronlises which do not possess n valid and current certificate of Ilse issued by the building, and zoning, insl)(1Ctior1 de- part.rnent.-, or (r)) The licensee, suhseytloll t to heing, issued a license pursuant to this chahtor, is eng,ag;in,, in ,ury business proscribed },y subsection 31-I(b) herein or. M) t'oM1110 is Occurring at the licensee's promises which C011stitutUS a bl'eileal tit' III(- peace by lhre"llelling; tale safety and welfare of the patrons or the general public and Which conduct is h thifitrr} mttl- recurrint;-�_ or (7) The licensee has obtained arty hermit, ccrtificate or license, inchidim, a license issued pursuant to this chapter, 1V In isIcad ing,, deceiving, or in.i sing, false statements that, were relied upon by the cite or any enl{ilo�ce operating; in all official capacity in issuing; the above- mentlonod perinit.(s), certificate(s) or li- l'e11Se(,,)r; or OS The licell5ce, subset{dent, to heing, issued a license, has had a permanent injunction in the form oC ;in order and final ,gud);ulerll entered ag,;lirrst slid licensee enjoining,, restraining or preventing; they licensee from exhibiting;, showing;, scl- ling,, lending;, or transmitting; any niotion Pict ore film(s), book(s), magazine(s), video tapes) or other material that has been found to bc_ obscene, lewd, 1-ntie+errs lascivious, filthy or indecent pursuant to Florida Statute 847.011., as written or construed, after said mnteri.al(s) has undergone an adversary judi- cial hearing as required by law. (b) /leVOC(l60ti hearings. (I) The cite attorney shall notify in writing; t.lre city man;�g,er forthwith of any viola- t ion of the entrtite.rated ,,rollrlds for revocal.ion of a license contained in subsection (a) hereof. Upon said notification, the city rnnnag; er shall schedule a hem-irtg; at least. tell (10) clays from, but within twenty (20) days of the date of such notification* 'I')Ie city rtrauag;er shall notify in writing;, at Nast live (5) days in advalice, the licensee of the date, lime and .place of said bearing; and the specific charges. Said notice shall he Sent by registered mail, relurn receipt requested, to the buslnt,�ss -3- ;lddrr..s: listed on the occt►patimmll li- C:HIS1.',, eft' "Aid allay he jwrlecl.ed upolt ;lay emplo.'ee of said huffiness by ,illy city jl(lice ul'l'icer at, the busilless nd- di-ess listed ell file occu►)at.ional license. AI. tined hearing;, the llcetlsee shall her g well the opj)clrturlity k) her represented by an 711ltlitlil`', to nlakc a record of the hearing, by. the Ilse of ;l cmirt. w1mri er, to Call witnesses, to presellt duc,ument.ary evi- (lencr, and to cltherwise jwoj)erly present his Imsitiun or (lefense. The city manager shall enter his l'indings in writing, witllin.- t.wenty (20) clays after said hearing; with ;► copy being, furnished to the licensor. Said fiildill s shall inchide whether the licullse is revoked or reinstated. A reyncation un(ler this section sh;lll extend for a period (if' (4g,44et�H--44-*}- Lwelve (12) mouths, except as provided in section ;it-:M hcreill, at which titan a new ag)jllleatio ll 11111"t he Sul)III ltt-Cll, ►(I peri()cl elf time shall bcg;in to run t'rom the elate the revocation order is entered by the city manager. Any final decision of the cite manager may he appealed within thirty (:i(.)) clays to the circuit court of Ow Eleventh Judicial Circuit. of Florlda. If an appeal :is taken and a stay of said revocation order i_s_enLered by any court of competent jurisdi.ct'Lon, then the abovc_- mentioned period of revocaLi.on shall not - include the period of Lima sai.d revocation order i.s stayed. Eve-i-�l=lrc-rii�--errtrl-:rhrr--�s�tt�tl--:nt�-�nnrcl--the e(iry�cir-r�t++�1�--1}c�l�i+l�h-��-lic�etr:�e-H�1�1et�-t-lri4 3-1 �(�(�+� -cola r r � ia-µ-(•k�t+�t H �l+l� c�-I��+N �-�+t-�L I+iHFiH 1'#-HF-�ii4--ti-44-,;,{-'(44-iij;-I+0441114--+l;,++i+, 4-t�-{+rc���-I1+►�l-errc-l-+t- l+�i-rrHrr+i�=H (-I �I+� r�-•H;;fi++�1--li-l�--a+��� ►�N-�+1;}+*i+ri H �, r-ru,{--Ft�+r�+�+��-.-�t--trrt��:rHt-i•t-r„--N�t�--�t�rl-r:<'t�- � i+«,e-le-rt->ta-)t�,i•l+rr,�,-�l�*wi-l�h-�.(-1�+1�;--I•c-+�-lhr„� - t+i� -i-Yti tiff H Ti }li ti h --tit t1� -lt}rl+h rl i--g-) k`i tii'C(,`�, — I:illu 1.�f..l�uul;.t,�1,..vu1.c:��.L:�{u�.ts.l,-��+.a};:.►ziuu:lr:}< — w_ itrrlr4 rtti ---tnrlweiytl{-rr-k4-,c•-:Li•tx+-trks _ �:.>`�. U 11-,..�uti-.�s:rj�.t(:-)3.. �s�-..�:c►t>.ti.tt�uui.�.»1.f1.c� r✓.- ti:.u•�:}(uiac:istl-la,I::�.�ilJr_a.�.rayuiuul..lu=l:ua:� I,>.uaa�icic�cl,--hu>a•�:a:c:�-t.�ti:►l-uuu-;�g�u:c4i-.��r- -- �:tiµul:ll�:(l�.eua-µup;u'.s.•-u�{uuct.iu.u_slu�ll;alyc�. c:i tw�r�aaua>•#uc,-'1J-u-;•►lays,=s:-tNutlbi�ul+•�l-s;us;= gxaaa�iut�-�u'�•�-�:I-l:ill-c-iul;�-uc�-c�ir�+ct.�cl-:�i->-k�- — I,ul.�.iaa+r�.�. tiiy N l: �►t-111��k>*l as j;-iaa 'L'.I.0-{uxlliu�:_G�r_.tll -ll� cua+i-la�u;- :lka!_Ju:--t.lu�.s;a�aa+;.��►;-.�ul� li+u��-.iu-}aa �;k ��:�1!-.,ra;t�:r.-l�.i s�,..(:iue,i u�g;ss-us-.��-t��-i.��:-a�:i t.1�i•c>- -- trtr F-N+l-r1 rr pY-rrl't-rr• r-}tr*sii�i rrgf-•'.aii •h-rr-c.Krtry� - i x�+� � -� u'+l�ial+uc l- �+a-t.��•.-�# sac�,r,a+:e A- o1A sp atA ietq-iatid a r- atag4�ap14-{9}-abova a4alI-g tood �et��tl�e-dsteGe�te�sds�et�s�et�e�de#=��s=e�te�ed�st�ti��t#�e eet�p�e�,����#t#�t#t�e�iee-e���es��ait�i�g�et:det�deset��ed�ahet�e ia�diaae��ed�-=at-�t�teh-e��e�the�ses�ess#e�Ls�de�.�ig at#tet�etiea�l3=het=tit}aeed��-�€�ehewsaid-�pt��e�at=� it��t3t{e�iei3-e�_�es��a�t#it3�xa�de��=is-t�ede-a=�e��ie�iet�� i�c#a�te�#ss-ay-t�gy==e€-et3-etde��gt�d�tit�e����dgt�et�t� �: �ke�r�b�ie-ei�}�=t�enage�-si�e��-�tAeeed=�as=t�an�a�ed-b}� -�- tt�e=�e�reeae�ea�=pie*aisieua-e€-�h�s=aee�iet�t==�4�e_eit}� {38}<deye�e€=-el�e�er���}�.e:€�tl�e�-ebe�xe�t�et3tie�te��e�det= eed-€�ne��g�tdg�et�e,� (2) All revocations hearings shall be conducted in the following manner: (A) Thecity manager shall give written notice of the time and place of the hearing to the .licensee and to the city attorney s office. (B) The proceedings shall be as informal as is compatible with the essential requirements of the law. (C) The admission of evidence shall be governed by the city manager or his designee with the advice of legal counsel if such be available. Strict rules of evidence, as in courts of law, shall not apply. Evi- dence is to be admitted at the discretion of the city manager or his designee consistent with generally accepted legal principles governing the admission of evidence in administrative proceedings. (D) The licensee may be represented by counsel; the City of Miami may be represented by the city attorney or other counsel. (E) The burden of proof being on the City of Miami, the order of presentation of evidence shall be as follows: (1) The City of Miami shall present its evidence in support of the revocation of the license. (2) The licensee shall then produce such evidence as it may wish to offer, in opposition to the, revocation of the license. (3) The City of Miami may offer rebuttal testimony. (4) The parties shall be entitled to present oral argument at the opening and at the closing of the hearing. (F) Within ten (10) days of the close of the hearing the city manager shall render his decision, is writing, determining whether or not .the occupational license shall be revoked. The decision must be based on a preponder- ance of the evidence and otherwise consistent with gen- e ally accepted principles of administrative law, (G) Upon rendition of his determination in any revocation hearing the city manager shall file his findings with the city clerk and shall cause a true and 'correct copes of his order to be sent by registered mail, return receipt' requested, to the business address listed on the occu- pational license or to any such other address as the licensee shall desi Hate in writing, g. -'5- (H) fatice of any, suspension pursuati-t to 8ect.iob .3.1-30 shall be given by the city manager or his designee registered mail, return receipt requested, at, the address as the licensee shall designate in writing e_�_ .a f. ness Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. The requirement of reading this ordinance on two separate days is hereby dispensed with by a vote of not less than four -fifths of the members of the Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of. July. , 1981. AT T: (:� Fez �Z� Q R LPH . ONGIE CINY CLERK PREPARED AND AP OVED BY: FRANK R. HARDER ASSISTANT CITY. ATTORNEY APPIj,9VF,D AS TO F�M AND GEORrj F. KNOX, JR. - CITYtt,A TORNEY RRECTNESS: -6- MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y O R MIAMI REVIEW AND DAILY RECORD Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sarah Williams, who on oath says that she Is the Diroctor, Legal Advertising of the Mlanti Review and Daily Record, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at MiAMI In Dade County, Florida; that that the attached Copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the platter of CITY OF MIAMI Re: Ordinance 9292 In the........... I.X..x.X................... Court, was published In sold newspaper in the Issues of July 14, 1981 Afflant further says that the said Miami Review and Deily Record Is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade Count , Florida, each day lexcept Saturday, Sunday and Legal HollAys) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next pr ding the first publication of the attached copyy of adver 11sem nl: and atffant further says that she has no that paid nor p mised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rob trz co/nmisslon or retundjaL.the purpose of securing this "UAI�4MWillAE 9:worn to and subs ib6d fore me this 1,4-th day of ' J ' D. 19, 8.1. •telro_'V i erb re Ngla Pu61ic, State 01 Flor da at Large ll , +i;llY 60 MIAMI OAOP 06UNTYI PLOt 111A i All interested bersohS will take n6t(cd that on the gth day of July, 1u+)1, the City CoMmissloh of Miami, Florida, adopted the following ' iitlhd ordinances; ORDINANCE NO.9281 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10 OF ORDINANCE NO, 9199. ADOPTED NOVEMBER 6, 1980, THE CAPITAL IMPROVE- MENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR END- 1 ING SEPTEMBER 30; 1981, AS AMENDED, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION IN THE ENTERPRISE FUNDS; ORANGE BOWL STADIUM TWO PERCENT (2,%) RESORT TAX 13Y AN i AMOUNT OF $175,000 TO INSTALL SECURITY FENCING AND GATES IN THE ORANGE BOWL PARKING LOTS AND AROUND THE PERIMETER'OF,THE ORANGE BOWL PRIOR TO THE 1981 FOOTBALL SEASON; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION . AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.9288 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION i OF ORDINANCE NO, 871g ADOPTED OCTOBER 26, 1977, THE SUMMARY GRANT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE,_ AS AMENDED; BY ESTABLISHING A NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTITLED: "1981 YOUTH CONSERVATION CORPS PROORAM," AND AP- PROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SAME iN THE AMOUNT OF $29,665; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.9289 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 8835, ADOPTED JULY,27,1978,'WHICH ESTABLISHED A TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTITLED: "POLICE SECOND DOLLAR TRAINING"; BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR SAID FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $38,556, FROM REVENUE RECEIVED FROM DADE COUNTY FOR FISCAL YEAR 1979.80 PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 943.25(5) FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING AND EDUCA- TION; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVER- ABiLITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE N0:9290 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9179 ADOPTED OCTOBER 3, 1980, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIA- TIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEM- BER 30, 1981, AS AMENDED; BY INCREASING THE APPRO- PRIATION FOR THE GENERAL FUND, POLICE DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $197,670 BY DECREASING THE APPRO- PRIATION FOR THE GENERAL FUND; SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, PUBLIC SAFETY FUND, IN THE SAME AMOUNT; FOR THE PURPOSE OF OVERHIRING 50 POLICE OFFICERS,.. ORDINANCE NO 9291 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT; EX-. CEEDING $12,000,000 PARKING REVENUE BONDS (ADDITION ALLY SECURED BY NON AD VALOREM REVENUES) OF THE CITY OF MiAMI, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS FOR PAYING THE.COST. OF 'ACQUIRING -AND': CONSTRUCTING AN OFF-STREET PARKING FACILITY; PRO- VIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH BONDS AND THEW IN-, TEREST THEREON FROM THE.NET.REVENUES OF THE OFFS . STREET PARKING FACILITY SO FINANCED AND. CERTAIN DES- IGNATED NON AD VALOREM REVENUE SOURCES OF THE CiTY; DESCRIBING THE TERMS, SECURITY A,ND OTHER PROVISIONS_ OF SUCH BONDS; SETTING FORTH. 'THE RIGHTS',ANDREME-'„ DIES OF THE HOLDERS OF SUCH'BONDS; PROVIDING SEV-" ERABILITY; DECLARING THE ORDINANCE AN: EMERGENCY. MEASURE; -AND DISPENSING WITH THE READING;OF:THE ORDINANCE ON TWO SEPARATE DAYS. ORDINANCE NO, 9292. . AN ORDINANCE'AMENDING SECTIONS 31 1, 31-29; AND 31,37:, OF. CHAPTER 31, ENTITLED; "LICENSES, AND MISCELLANE- , OUS BUSINESS, REGULATIONS", OF THE`CODE'OF THE CITY,;,, OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (1.900). AS AMENDED,13Y CHANGING .THE.',. TERM MASSAGE•"SALON:' TO.READ MASSAGE',,PARL0131' IN ;; SUBSECTION (B) (1) OF SECTION 31.1 AND BY ADDING'A,.N€W :;,; SUBPARAGRAPH (1) TO SUBSECTION (13)(1):OF SAiR SECTION.'<,. 31 1 TO PROVIDE A'.F(JRTHER EKQEPTIONJOI.THE PHOHiBI TIONS AGAiNST.OPE,RATION OF.MASSAGEtP LQRS SATIi ti';: PARLORS QR ANY, OTHER SIMILARTYPE'.DWSINPSS WHEN�I: SPECIFIED PHYSICAL: CONTACT ila PRQVID€P THE RECIPIENT-: OF SERVICES, SAID EXCEPTION TO INOWDE 1tMASS90's THE WORD"WI ATTH (7ZOF SUBSECTION ponslQn".FROM THE I, INO THE .PERIQP QF M,QNTH.6AN §V111 SUBPARAGRAPH_ R) U`' ct't"y Or MlAml. � l� 1�S4C3 ti To Honotable Memebet's of the -^rE June 17 s 1981 Jee Comtmissiori Proposed Ordinance V rF:a�, e V, Xnokc Jr, �s*,�City Commission Agenda Attorney of 6/25/81 The attached proposed ordinance adds a further exception to the prohibitions for "opposite sex massage" parlors by exluding persons who are licensed by the State of 'Florida. The ordinance also insures that once a license is revoked _ the licensee may not,apply for a new license until the expiration of the current revocation period. The provision for suspension of a license based upon the issuance of a temporary restraining order has been deleted, due to recent court decisions that indicate the need for a final and complete adjudication of obscenity before revoca— tion of a license. For the above reasons, we recommend adoption of the herein ordinance. GFK/FRH/rr - cc: Howard V. Gary City Manager Kenneth I. Harms Chief of Police e q?92 T